When is the next holiday. Russian holidays. Toasts for all occasions

Imagine - every day in Russia there is another holiday, event, date, and, as a rule, more than one. Personal experience tells us that it is incredibly difficult to remember all the holidays of the year, but common sense whispers - it is not necessary. And indeed, why memorize church holidays, state, professional, and to them it is also worth adding personal dates, such as birthdays of relatives and a couple of dozen friends, wedding anniversaries, and others. Therefore, the calendar for every day created by the SuperTosty website will solve the problem of remembering dates and events for you, remind you of Orthodox holidays, weekends in Russia, celebrated professional dates and other equally significant holidays. With events of a personal nature, what can you do, you will have to cope on your own, fortunately they are also enough to write down in a notebook, or better a mobile phone, where you can turn on a reminder - the twenty-first century is in the yard after all!
All the holidays of winter, spring, summer and autumn are reflected in our calendar. For each holiday, we have selected congratulations, toasts, greeting cards and SMS. Now not a single holiday of the year will pass you by, you will be aware of the events of Russia, its dates, you will be able to congratulate colleagues and friends on time on their working and professional holidays. After all, all year round, every day hundreds of events are celebrated, dates dedicated to teachers, doctors, and other professions, church holidays, days of cities, military glory and other equally interesting holidays.

Holidays, dates and events of the year

January holiday calendar

January- (lat. Januarius), according to legend, received his name from the Roman king Numa Pompilius in honor of the Roman god Janus, personifying the beginning of the two-faced god, who looks with one face into the past, the other into the future. The first day of January was also dedicated to Janus. January was introduced as one of the months in Ancient Rome around 700 BC. e., in 46 BC. e. Julius Caesar established the beginning of the year on January 1.
The Slavic name Prosinets - apparently from the increase in the day, the addition of the heavenly blue.
January is the beginning, winter is middle, spring is grandfather.
January holidays:

February holiday calendar

February- (lat. Februarius), named after the ancient Greek god of the underworld Februus or Febru.
There is another version - in ancient times, February was the last of the year. In ancient Rome, for example, in February they tried to cleanse themselves of all the bad things that had accumulated over the year. Hence, its name - after the name of the rite of cult cleansing from sins, repentance in Dr. Rome - februarius (Latin - cleansing), in those days February was the last month of the year.
In addition to the official name, there are a number of popular names: "snow", "kruten", "winter", "bokogrey", "krivodorog", "kazybrod", "kazidoroga".
Slavic names - cross (cf. Ukr. Sichen - January) (according to the text of the Vologda Gospel), snow (according to the text of the Polotsk Gospel). Other Slavic names of the month: fierce, velcha, candlestick, druinik (that is, the second, candlestick). Bokogrey - the cattle comes out to warm in the sun. They also called it "low water" (the boundary between winter and spring). In the annals, it was called wedding, from winter weddings performed from the day of the Epiphany to Maslenitsa.

Holidays calendar for March

March- (lat.Martius). In the calendar of the ancient Romans, the year began with the month on which the vernal equinox fell. It was called primidilis - after its ordinal number.
After the reform of this calendar, the first month of the year and spring became Martus (Latin Mars), in honor of the ancient Roman god Mars, the father of Romulus. Mars was the god of war, but at the same time, and in its more ancient meaning, he was the god of the farmers, rural workers.
The modern name for March came to us from Byzantium. And before that in Ancient Russia he was called "tarn" - evil for birches, like this month they burned birch on coals.
In the Russian folk calendar, March is called the protalnik. Melt water - "snowball", according to popular belief, is curative. She washed the floors in the house, watered flowers, washed linen taken from sick people in it. And the walls of the house were renewed, houseplants were gaining strength, and thinness and ailments left a sick person. There are other names for this month associated with natural phenomena: winter winter, droplet, dry (from the winds drying up moisture), birch or birch, transient - spring began from this month, the harbinger of summer. Although March itself is not spring, but an anticipation.
March Holidays:

April holiday calendar

April- (lat. Aprilis), named after the goddess Venus, or rather her Greek counterpart Aphrodite. Other options: from lat. apricus - "warmed by the sun, located in the sun" or aperio - "to open", i.e. month, when shoots appear, buds open.
The Slavic name is birch, another - pollen coincides with the Ukrainian. quiten.
A common Russian name - play ravines, speaks of streams from melting snow.
Other names: snowman, birch ash, pollen, light snow.
April Holidays:

Floating dates

  • 1st Sunday in April - (Date for 2018 is April 1)
  • The week before Easter - (April 1 is the date for 2018)
  • Thursday before Easter - (April 5 is the date for 2018)
  • 2 Sunday April - (Date for 2018 is April 8)
  • The first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover - (The date of celebration for 2018 is April 8)
  • 1 Sunday after Easter - (April 15 is the date for 2018)
  • Day 9 from Easter - (April 17 is the date for 2018)
  • Saturday that falls in the time interval from mid-April to mid-May, and closest to the day when the moon is visible in the first quarter phase - (Date for 2018 is April 21)
  • Wednesday of the last full week of April - (Date for 2018 is April 25)
  • Last Sunday in April - (April 29 is the date for 2018)
  • May holiday calendar

    May- (lat. Majus), named after the Roman goddess Maya, the mother of Mercury, who personified the blossoming nature and fertility. There is also a version that the name is based not on the Roman name, but on the Greek Maya - the goddess of the mountains, which at this time are covered with greenery. The Anglo-Saxons called May "trimilk" - from May, cows began to milk three times a day. Danes - "bloomandom".
    Slavic and Ukrainian name - grass. The Slavs also called it flyby. Other names: herbalist, herbal, light-bloom, rosaceae, rosaceae, pollen, light-day, bird's whistle, nightingale month, queten, rosaceae, rosnyak, velik herb, shevoy or Schwiban, May. There was one more name - yarets (in honor of the Slavic sun god Yarila).
    May is popularly considered unhappy. This is a bad month for weddings. "Marrying in May is a century to suffer." "I would be glad to get married, but May does not order."
    Most often, the cold falls on the blooming period of the bird cherry (from May 4). They say: "When the bird cherry blossoms, the cold always lives." Colds in May are called "cherry".
    May holidays:

    June holiday calendar

    June - (Latin Junius), named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of fertility, mistress of rain and guardian of marriage. According to another version, the name of the month goes back to the word "junior", which means "young", "younger".
    June is the month of the radiant sun, the longest days and white nights, the brightest month of the year is milky. And June is also a songful and blessed month, grain grower and hoarding, grain-growing, he saves the harvest for the whole year, enriches our house. June is the blush of the year, and the first grass, and the anthill. The time of tall grasses and hayfields, bright colors was also called multi-colored, rose, strawberry.
    If the nights are warm in June - to an abundance of fruits.
    What June is, so is the hay.
    Strong dew - to fertility, and frequent fogs promise a harvest of mushrooms.
    June Holidays:

    July holiday calendar

    July- (Latin Julius, named after Julius Caesar. Before that - Quintilis). Slavic names - lipets (Ukrainian name - linden), from the time of flowering of linden; hay-grass ("hay" and "ripen") and hay stands reflected the maturation of hay and its laying in haystacks; The Russian name "cherven" comes from the old Russian word "scarlet", i.e. red, beautiful. July is called the beauty of summer, its hope, the middle of color. They call it the green feast of the year, the month of fragrant berries, honey herbs, generous sweet tooth, exuberant, lush and multicolored.
    July is popularly called senostav, roaster, hay-grass, sickle, pribirikha and sufferer. Because of the frequent torrential rains and thunderstorms, July was called a thunderstorm and a thunderstorm. It is not for nothing that the people say that July thunders lightning, cripples oaks. July is also a kosach and kosach, a haymaker and a haymaker, a green harvest and a darling of sudden and transient rains. July is the central month of summer, the zenith of warmth, radiant beauty. People were talking about July: since July has looked into the yard, it's time to cram sickles; the harvest is a precious time, no one has peace here. With the most intense heat, zazinki began, the first, late night sheaf was knitted.
    If July is hot, then December will be frosty. In July, clouds spread across the sky in stripes - it will rain. The greenish color of the puddle is a sign of the onset of severe drought. In the morning the fog spreads over the grass - the weather will be fine. If the grass is dry in the morning, expect rain by night.

    Holiday calendar for August

    August - (lat.Augustus). Named after the Roman emperor Augustus. Eighth month of the year. The name is not Russian; it came to our fathers from Byzantium. The indigenous, Slavic names of this month were different.
    Other names: serpen (from the word "sickle", harvest time), dawn (from the lightning lightning), gustar (everything is abundant, they eat thickly), zhench, zhneiska, prashnik, velikserpen, osemin (octopus), mistress, great men, kimovets, kolovots, zornichnik.
    Depending on customs, many different rituals are held on Zarev (among which all three Savior - apple, honey, nut).
    Proverbs and sayings about August: August doesn't let you walk. In August, the sickles warm, the water cools. Look for oats and flax in August, they were previously unreliable. A peasant has three worries in August: to mow, to plow, and to sow. August crashes, but afterwards he consoles. August is hard labor, but after that there will be mint. August is cabbage, and March is sturgeon. Babam in August is a holiday, harvest, and from September and Indian summer. August gathering or supply.
    August holidays:

    September holiday calendar

    September (lat. September) - the first month of autumn. Sheet cutter. Pensive. Howler. Fieldfare. Veresen. Zorevnik. Gloomy. Sentemarius. Ruen. Ryuin. The end of the summer.
    The name of the month reflects the autumn season: Howler - rains, bad weather; Gloomy - extinction of sunlight, gloomy sky; Ruen is the yellow color of autumn; Ryuin is the roar of deer.
    It is customary to finish field work in September, and it was no coincidence that it was once the first month of the year: the old year ended and the new harvest began. In September, in the second half, the color of leaves of maple, linden, oak, birch changes. From the end of the first decade, linden leaves, elm, warty birch have been dropped; the crowns of hawthorn, maple, bird cherry, aspen, ash, red elder, and oak are thinning. Linden and poplar begin leaf fall from below; elm, hazel ash - on top.
    September signs: Thunder in September heralds a warm autumn. Until the leaf from the cherries has fallen, no matter how much snow falls, the thaw will drive it away. If the cranes fly high, slowly and “talk”, it will be a good autumn. The cobweb spreads over the plants - to the warmth.
    September Holidays:

    October holiday calendar

    October - (lat.October). The old Russian name for the month is October, October. Dirt. Leaf fall. Podzimnik. Pozimnik. Wedding. Pazdernik. Zazimye. Measure it. Measured. Praise the month. The month names for October are mostly borrowed from the Middle Greek language. October is the late autumn period. The sunshine rate is 80 hours. The weather is very changeable. The day decreases by 2 hours 10 minutes.
    The eighth month of the old Roman year, which began in March before Caesar's reform. Received the name from lat. octo is eight. Due to the transition to winter time, it is the longest month of the year (745 hours).
    October will cover the earth, where with a leaf, where with a snowball. In October, neither on wheels nor on sleds. October took everyone, but the peasant has no move. In October there are seven weather in the yard: sowing, blowing, twisting, stirring up, roaring, pouring from above, sweeping from below. Late leaf fall - for a difficult year.
    October Holidays:

    Holidays calendar for November

    November - English. November - from lat. novem "nine", such as it was among the Romans;
    The ancient Russian name for breast, from "heap" - frozen ground in heaps, not covered with snow, in Old Russian, for example. Nestor the chronicler has a winter road. Ukrainian name for leaf fall. Other names for November: Leaves. Leafy. Leafy. Breast. Ice. Freezing up. Half-winter. Zapevka winter. Winter gate. Wedding. The last month of autumn.
    The most foggy month of the year. November is the gateway to winter. November - September is a grandson, October is a son, a native father in winter. November is the twilight of the year. In November, winter fights autumn. In November, a man says goodbye to the cart, climbs into the sleigh. November nights are dark before snow. In November, the snow will puff up - bread will arrive. Everything in November en masse - on the table, on the ground, and on the water. It also gives generously, autumn-style November. But the road is potholes, the road between the villages is a freak. Do not pass, do not pass.
    November Holidays:

    Holidays calendar for December

    December (lat. December) - the twelfth month of the Gregorian calendar. The tenth month of the old Roman year, which began in March before Caesar's reform. Received the name from lat. decem - ten. After the shift in the beginning of the year, January became the twelfth, last month of the year.
    The ancient Russian name is winter road, jelly, cold, cold. Ukrainian name for breasts. December is popularly called the gate of winter. It is time to protect the peasant's good from severe frosts, from scarcity, to look so that the nourishing spirit does not dry out in the grain bottom, does not dry out, the grain does not freeze. In December they said: "warmth flows from the eyes", i.e. the frost breaks through to tears.
    Folk omens: If December is dry, spring and summer will be dry. If this month is cold, snowy, with frost and winds, there will be a harvest.
    December Holidays:

    Any company knows that paying taxes on time is just as important as calculating wages. Tax calendars will remind you when and what tax to pay.

    Production calendar Is an important assistant in the work of an accountant! The information provided in the production calendar will help you avoid errors in the calculation of wages, facilitate the calculation of working hours, sick leave or vacation.
    On one page, designed in the form of a calendar with comments, we tried to collect all the basic information that is in demand in your work every day!

    This production calendar has been prepared on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2019 No. 875.

    First quarter

    Mon 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 2 9 16 23/30
    W 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24/31
    Wed 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 4 11 18 25
    Th 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26
    Fri 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27
    Sat 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28
    Sun 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 1 8 15 22 29
    january february march I quarter.
    Amount of days
    Calendar 31 29 31 91
    Workers 17 19 21 57
    Weekends, holidays 14 10 10 34
    Working hours (in hours)
    40 hours. a week 136 152 168 456
    39 hours. a week 132,6 148,2 163,8 444,6
    36 hours. a week 122,4 136,8 151,2 410,4
    24 hours. a week 81,6 91,2 100,8 273,6

    Second quarter

    Mon 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
    W 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
    Wed 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
    Th 2 9 16 23 30* 7 14 21 28 4 11* 18 25
    Fri 3 10 17 24 1 8* 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
    Sat 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
    Sun 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28
    april may june II quarter. 1st p / g
    Amount of days
    Calendar 30 31 30 91 182
    Workers 22 17 21 60 117
    Weekends, holidays 8 14 9 31 65
    Working hours (in hours)
    40 hours. a week 175 135 167 477 933
    39 hours. a week 170,6 131,6 162,8 465 909,6
    36 hours. a week 157,4 121,4 150,2 429 839,4
    24 hours. a week 104,6 80,6 99,8 285 558,6

    Third quarter

    Mon 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24/31 7 14 21 28
    W 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29
    Wed 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30
    Th 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24
    Fri 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25
    Sat 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26
    Sun 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27
    july august september III quarter.
    Amount of days
    Calendar 31 31 30 92
    Workers 23 21 22 66
    Weekends, holidays 8 10 8 26
    Working hours (in hours)
    40 hours. a week 184 168 176 528
    39 hours. a week 179,4 163,8 171,6 514,8
    36 hours. a week 165,6 151,2 158,4 475,2
    24 hours. a week 110,4 100,8 105,6 316,8

    Fourth quarter

    Mon 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23/30 7 14 21 28
    W 6 13 20 27 3* 10 17 24 1 8 15 22 29
    Wed 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 30
    Th 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31*
    Fri 2 9 16 23 30 6 13 20 27 4 11 18 25
    Sat 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 5 12 19 26
    Sun 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 6 13 20 27
    october november december IV quarter. 2nd p / g 2020 g.
    Amount of days
    Calendar 31 30 31 92 184 366
    Workers 22 20 23 65 131 248
    Weekends, holidays 9 10 8 27 53 118
    Working hours (in hours)
    40 hours. a week 176 159 183 518 1046 1979
    39 hours. a week 171,6 155 178,4 505 1019,8 1929,4
    36 hours. a week 158,4 143 164,6 466 941,2 1780,6
    24 hours. a week 105,6 95 109,4 310 626,8 1185,4

    * Pre-holiday days in which the working time is reduced by one hour.

    taking into account the law of December 24, 2004 "On Amendments to Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".

    from 1 to 5 January (non-working days) - New Year holidays
    January 7 (non-working day) - Christmas
    January 12 - Day of the employee of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation
    January 13 - Day of the Russian Press
    January 21 - Day of Engineering Troops
    January 25 - Day of Russian Students
    January 27 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (1944)
    February 2 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943)
    February 8 - Day of Russian Science
    February 23 (non-working day) - Defenders of the Fatherland Day. Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser's troops in Germany (1918).
    March 8 (non-working day) - International Women's Day
    Third Sunday in March - Day of workers of trade, consumer services of the population and housing and communal services
    March 27 - Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
    April 2 - Day of the Unity of Peoples
    First Sunday in April - Geologist's Day
    April 12 - Cosmonautics Day
    Second Sunday in April - Day of the country's air defense troops
    April 18 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the victory of the Russian soldiers of Prince Alexander Nevsky over the German knights on Lake Peipsi (Battle of the Ice, 1242)
    April 26 - Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters
    April 30 - Firefighting Day
    May 1 (non-working day) - Spring and Labor Day
    May 7 - Radio Day, a holiday of workers of all branches of communication
    May 9 (non-working day) - Day of military glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 (1945)
    Last Sunday in May - Chemist's Day
    May 24 - Day of Slavic Literature and Culture
    May 27 - All-Russian Day of Libraries
    May 28 - Day of the border guard
    June 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia
    June 12 (non-working day) - Day of adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation
    Second Sunday in June - Day of light industry workers
    Third Sunday in June - Day of the medical worker
    Last Saturday of June - Day of the inventor and innovator
    June 22 - Day of Memory and Grief (Day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945)
    June 27 - Youth Day
    First Sunday in July - Day of workers of the sea and river fleet
    July 10 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709)
    Second Sunday in July - Fisherman's Day Russian Post Day
    Third Sunday in July - Metallurgist Day
    Last Sunday in July - Day of the Navy
    First Sunday in August - Railroad Day
    August 6 - Day of the Railway Troops of the Russian Federation
    August 9 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the first in Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut (1714)
    August 12 - Air Force Day (festive events dedicated to the Air Force Day are held on the Day of the Russian Air Force)
    Second Saturday of August - Athlete's Day
    Second Sunday in August - Builder's Day
    Third Sunday in August - Russian Air Fleet Day
    August 22 - Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation
    August 23 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the defeat of the German - fascist troops by the Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943)
    Last Sunday in August - Miner's Day
    August 27 - Movie Day
    1 September is the day of knowledge
    September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism
    First Sunday in September - Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers
    September 8 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812)
    September 11 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)
    Second Sunday in September - Tankers Day
    September 21 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of victory of Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)
    Third Sunday in September - Day of forest workers
    Last Sunday in September - Machine builder day
    October 1 - Day of the Elderly
    October 4 - Day of the Military Space Forces
    October 5 - Teacher's Day
    October 25 - Day of the customs officer of the Russian Federation
    Second Sunday in October - Day of the worker of agriculture and processing industry
    Last Sunday in October - Day of workers of road transport and road facilities
    October 30 - Day of Remembrance of Victims of Political Repression
    November 4 (non-working day) - Day of National Unity
    November 7 - Day of the October Revolution of 1917.
    November 10 - Police Day
    Third Sunday in November - Day of Missile Forces and Artillery
    Last Sunday in November - Mothers Day
    December 1 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)
    December 5 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of the beginning of the Soviet counter-offensive against the German - fascist troops in the battle near Moscow (1941)
    December 12 - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
    December 17 - Day of the Strategic Missile Forces
    December 20 - Day of the employee of the security agencies of the Russian Federation
    Third Sunday in December - An energy worker's day
    December 24 - Day of Military Glory of Russia. The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress of Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)
    December 27 - Day of the rescuer

    These holidays fall into two categories:

    Fixed (non-moving) holidays: they always fall on a strictly defined day of the month, regardless of the day of the week, which changes annually. These include the nine twelve church holidays:

    Twelve motionless holidays

    Nativity of the Blessed Virgin September 21st
    † Exaltation of the Holy Cross (40 days from the Transfiguration) September 27
    Introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Theotokos 4 december
    †Nativity Jan. 7
    January 19
    † Presentation of the Lord (40 days A.D.) February, 15
    Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (9 months BC) 7 april
    †Transfiguration August 19
    Assumption of the Blessed Virgin August 28

    Moving (rolling) holidays... The movable part of the church calendar moves with the changing date of the celebration from year to year. All "mobile" holidays are counted from Easter and move in the space of the "secular" calendar with it.

    Twelve rolling holidays:

    Twelve feast days have one day of the forefeast, with the exception of the Nativity of Christ, which has 5 days of the forefeast and the Epiphany, which has 4 days of the forefeast.

    The number of days after the feast is not the same - from 1 to 8 days, depending on the greater or lesser proximity of some holidays to others or to the days of fasting.
    Some of the Lord's feasts, in addition, are preceded and concluded by special Saturdays and weeks (Sundays).

    The services of the twelve holidays of the fixed circle are in the period. Services of the twelve holidays of the rolling circle are located in Lenten and Tsvetnoy.

    In Russia, until 1925, the twelve holidays were both church and civil.

    Great non-twelve holidays:

    The feasts of the Nativity and the Beheading of John the Baptist, the Circumcision of the Lord, the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Primary Apostles Peter and Paul, have no forefeast, afterfeast or giving.

    • Bishop Alexander Mileant
    • Yu. Ruban
    • Holidays of the Christmas cycle Yu. Ruban
    • Twelve holidays prot. Alexander Men
    • Troparia of the twelve feasts

    Christian holidays

    Christian holidays - certain days of the church calendar, marked by services of an individual liturgical nature. This is fixed in the names of the holidays and "times of penitence", the dates and the order of their celebration, as well as in the content of the texts sung during the service. Their purpose and meaning is the remembrance, glorification and theological interpretation of the key stages of the history of Salvation, which is embodied mainly in the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ (Savior), and the Virgin Mary - a real participant in this divine-human process. Hence - an exceptional place in the calendar of holidays dedicated to Him.

    The holidays are distributed within two overlapping annual cycles - (Menaion) and (Triode, or Passover-Pentecostal). Celebrations and commemorative events of the first cycle are strictly fixed only by the dates of the month (for the dates of the Julian calendar in relation to the modern civil one, an amendment is required: n - 13 days, - for the XX-XXI centuries). The holidays of the second are fixed only on the days of the week, being rigidly correlated with Easter, which is the starting point for the entire moving annual cycle. The date of the latter shifts within 35 days ("Easter limits"): from April 4 (March 22, O.S.) - to May 8 (April 25, O.S.).

    The most important holidays of the modern Orthodox calendar are called "twelve", or "twelve" (from Slav. Two ten - "twelve") (see). as a "holiday feast" is outside this classification.

    The second step in the festive hierarchical ladder is occupied by the holidays, which are called "great" in liturgical usage. These include: Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos (1/14 October), Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great (1/14 January), Nativity of John the Baptist (24 June / 7 July), commemoration of the supreme appointees. Peter and Paul (June 29 / July 12), the Beheading of John the Baptist (August 29 / September 11), as well as, according to some old calendars, the repose (death) of ap. John the Theologian (September 26 / October 9), commemoration of St. Nicholas, Archbishop Mir of Lycia (December 6/19) and the transfer of his relics from Mir to the Italian city of Bari (May 9/22).

    All other numerous holidays are dedicated to disembodied forces (common holiday - Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, November 8/21), Old Testament and Christian saints, remembrance of significant events in Sacred Biblical and Christian history, the appearance of miraculous icons, the discovery of relics.
    The constant canonization of new saints means the continuous replenishment of the Christian calendar.

    The Church Charter (Typikon) provides for the gradation of all holidays into five categories according to the degree of solemnity of the performance of their divine services, which is recorded with special signs (the sixth category has no sign). The feast day of any temple (whose name he bears) is equated for him in the liturgical aspect with the twelve feasts. The same degree of solemnity can be inherent in "locally revered" holidays, even those having a modest liturgical status at the general church level.

    The common holidays for all Christians are, first of all, Easter and the Nativity of Christ (the latter, as a special calendar celebration, does not have the Armenian and other Monophysite churches). The most important annual holidays are basically the same for Orthodox Christians and Catholics (because they are based on the same events of sacred history), but differ in dates, often names and semantic nuances, as well as in the nature of the celebration.
    Many saints of the one Church are equally revered: the eastern ones in the West, the western ones in the East (Basil the Great - Ambrose of Mediolansky, etc.). But the saints of one Church, who lived after the division of the Churches (1054), can be venerated in another Church mainly at the local level, with the permission of the church authorities. The official Catholic calendar, for example, includes the names of Sts. Kirill Turovsky (May 11), Anthony of Pechersky (July 24), Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga and Vladimir (July 27 and 28), Boris and Gleb (August 5), Sergius of Radonezh (October 8); the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is also honored (September 7).
    Protestants, rejecting the veneration of the Mother of God, saints, relics and icons, do not have their respective holidays in their calendars.

    He studies holidays in the context of the general process of forming the church calendar (literally "holiday studies") - an auxiliary historical discipline, one of the sections of academic liturgy.

    Liturgical texts are contained in the Service, in 12 volumes (for fixed holidays), Lenten and Color (for mobile), the Festive Minea, as well as in numerous editions of services for individual holidays, often containing historical information, commentaries, notation and other appendices.

    “How to celebrate a holiday? We celebrate an event (to delve into the greatness of the event, its purpose, its fruit for believers) or a person, such as: the Lord, the Mother of God, Angels and Saints (to delve into the attitude of that person towards God and humanity, into its beneficial influence on the Church of God , generally). It is necessary to delve into the history of the event or person, to approach the event or person, otherwise the holiday will be imperfect, not pleasing. Holidays should have an impact on our life, should revive, warm up our faith (hearts) in future blessings and nourish pious, good morals. "

    Holiday calendar: weekends, non-working days in 2018, 2019 (production calendar)

    Production calendar of holidays for 2017, 2018, how we rest next year for the New Year holidays and not only ...
    Every year we rest according to the approved calendar of holidays. This calendar of holidays is approved annually by the President of the Russian Federation. Due to slight shifts in the days of the week, the holidays themselves are shifted each time.
    It is worth noting that every year, despite the fact that sometimes holidays fall on weekends, we rest approximately the same number of days a year. The thing is that there is an unspoken rule that if a holiday falls on a weekend, then adjacent working days become days off, in the same amount as holidays fell on a regular weekend.

    January 1 - 8 - New Year's holidays; #
    January 7 - Nativity of Christ; #
    February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
    March 8 - International Women's Day;
    May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
    May 9 - Victory Day;
    June 12 - Day of Russia (a short working day for Monday June 11 has been moved to June 9, June 11 is a day off);
    November 4 - National Unity Day. (since a public holiday falls on Sunday, the day off is postponed to Monday 5 November)

    Holiday calendar for every day

    A calendar of holidays for every day, the most beloved and widespread in Russia. Public holidays are marked with # in the list of the calendar below.


    January 1-5 - New Year (New Year's holidays) #
    January 7 - Orthodox Christmas #
    January 13-14 - Old New Year
    January 25 - Tatiana's Day - student holiday


    February 14 - Valentine's Day. St. Valentine's Day
    February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day #
    2nd Sunday in February - Aeroflot Day


    March 1 - World Civil Defense Day
    March 8 - International Women's Day #
    2nd Sunday of March - Day of workers of geodesy and cartography
    March 17 - St. Patrick's Day (Irish holiday)
    3rd Sunday in March - Day of Housing and Public Utilities Workers
    March 27 - International Theater Day


    April 1 - April Fool's Day
    1st Sunday in April - Geologist's Day
    April 12 - Cosmonautics Day
    2nd Sunday in April - Day of the Air Defense Forces
    3rd Sunday in April - Science Day


    May 1 - Spring and Labor Day (International Workers' Day) *
    May 7 - Radio Day
    May 9 - Victory Day #
    May 12 - International Nurse Day
    May 17 - International Telecommunications Day
    May 18 - International Museum Day
    May 28 - Day of the Border Guard
    Last Sunday in May - Chemist's Day


    June 1 - International Children's Day
    June 8 - Social Worker's Day
    June 12 - Day of Russia (Day of the adoption of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation) #
    1st Sunday of June - Meliorator Day
    2nd Sunday of June - Day of Light Industry Workers
    3rd Sunday in June - Day of the Medical Worker
    Last Sunday in June - Youth Day
    Last Saturday in June - Day of the Inventor and Innovator


    1st Sunday of July - Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet
    2nd Sunday in July - Fisherman's Day, Russian Post Day
    3rd Sunday in July - Metallurgist Day
    4th Sunday in July - Trade Worker Day
    Last Sunday in July - Navy Day (Neptune Day)


    August 2 - Day of the Airborne Forces (Paratrooper Day)
    1st Sunday in August - Railroad Day
    2nd Saturday of August - Athlete's Day
    2nd Sunday in August - Builder's Day
    August 15 - Day of the Archaeologist
    3rd Sunday in August - Air Fleet Day (Aviation Day)
    Last Sunday in August - Miner's Day


    1 September is the day of knowledge
    1st Sunday in September - Oil and Gas Workers Day
    2nd Sunday in September - Tankman Day
    3rd Sunday in September - Day of Forest Workers
    September 27 - Tourist Day
    Last Sunday in September - Mechanical Engineer's Day


    October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
    October 2 - International Day of Music
    1st Sunday in October - Teacher's Day
    2nd Sunday in October - Agricultural Workers Day
    3rd Sunday in October - Food Industry Workers Day, Road Workers Day
    October 14 - International Day of Standardization. Cover
    October 24 - International UN Day
    Last Sunday in October - Day of Road Transport Workers
    October 31 - Halloween (All Saints' Eve)


    November 4 - Day of National Unity of Russia #
    November 9 - World Quality Day
    November 10 - Police Day
    November 16 - Day of the Marine Corps
    November 17 - International Students Day
    November 19 - Day of Missile Forces and Artillery
    November 21 - Day of Tax Authorities, Day of the Accountant
    November 26 - World Information Day
    Last Sunday in November - Mother's Day


    December 1 - World AIDS Day
    December 12 - Constitution Day
    December 20 - Day of the State Security Bodies
    December 22 - Energy Day
    December 25 - Catholic Christmas
    December 31 New Year #

    The # sign on the calendar above indicates public holidays that are official holidays in Russia.

    Of course, there are actually many more holiday dates than listed here. Each of the professions has its own holiday, which can be found in the section "Professional Holidays", there are also "Religious Holidays", "Social Holidays". As a result, if you look at it, then every day - today also has more than one holiday. Good or bad a big question, because in one case the constant extravaganza in the form of continuous holidays dulls the feeling of the holiday, on the other hand there is always something to celebrate.
    And yet, despite the abundance of holidays, even today, we would recommend that you choose the dates that are significant for you, recommended that you observe the measure, so to speak, that will allow you to live fully and not bored!

    Despite all the vanity of vanity and our detachment from nature at times, that is, not every day we can cling to its bosom, yet we are its integral part and depend on it entirely! This means that we should not forget about the important and vital, that is, about those dates when in our country and in the world it is customary to at least partially remember what we should think about every day, hourly and minutely. This is about the protection and protection of our environment and nature in all its manifestations. And since our site is congratulatory, which means it deals with significant dates, of course we could not ignore the Ecological calendar of the year, which will be given here!

    Toasts for all occasions

    Everything in our life changes every day, and it is impossible to resist this, and it is not necessary! Moreover, many of those events that we meet day after day are pleasant and desirable. This is us about holidays and special dates. Here is the time to prepare for such an event thoroughly and accordingly, that is, to think about it and say a worthy speech. So, so that you don't have to invent something too much, we suggest you use toasts from our site.
    This is where you will find toasts for every day, for any occasion. at the same time, toasts will delight with their significance, charisma and meaning not only you, but also all the guests present at the important event. That is why be sure to look at each of the sections of the site, so as not to be left out of the lot at important moments of celebration.

    Choose an idea picture for what you can drink !!! Cool Perky Fun It seems so wow Wow Cool! They will come up with the same!

    Holidays in January

    There are quite a few holidays in January. These are also the post-New Year holidays associated directly with the new year, for example, the old new year and the holidays that have historically hit the month of January. Moreover, in January there are many religious, political and simply historical holidays. All, or rather the most significant of these dates and holidays are given in our section "Holidays and Dates in January". If you are interested in what kind of days they are and how they are significant, then be sure to visit this section.

    Holidays in February

    The February holidays still keep everyone and everything in good shape. After all, they are not so insignificant and invisible. Each of you will name the most popular holidays in February. The first significant holiday is Valentine's Day, or as it is also called Valentine's Day.
    But the second important date of February is Defender of the Fatherland Day. It also has a second name, just February 23rd. In fact, there are much more holidays in February. And you can get acquainted with all these holidays in our category.

    Holidays in March

    You will immediately say offhand the most important holiday of March! This is, of course, International Women's Day. Indeed, with spring, not only nature comes to life, streams run, the sun warms up, but our feelings begin to melt like wax candles. And first of all, this is connected with the beautiful and beautiful ... And that is why the first thing in our minds is remembered in March the holiday of all girls, women, grandmothers!
    In fact, in March and many other holidays, professional and religious ...

    Holidays in April

    In April, the sun no longer tickles the nose, but really warms. You can walk more and longer. This means that the most valuable holidays are those that can be spent on the street and all together. As a rule, the most important Orthodox holiday falls in April, namely Easter. For this holiday, they organize a procession of the cross, a service and, of course, do not forget to decorate Easter eggs and bake delicious cakes!
    Actually in this month, despite this great holiday, everything goes on as usual. That is, there are many professional dates in April, which also do not go unnoticed.

    Holidays in May

    Here it is, a truly warm spring month - May, the harbinger of hot summer, sultry days, warm nights. When each of us will taste the warmth, will spend a lot of time on the street and traveling, and just enjoy life without cold weather ...
    That is why the May holidays seem to us especially joyful, warm, and bright. However, even if we discard the onset of the warm season, it cannot be said that the holidays in May are not important. Let's recall the most popular ones. Already on May 1 we are met by a holiday - the day of peace, labor, spring. May 9 - Victory Day. These are important holidays for the country and for everyone at once. And in May, there are many professional holidays: the day of the border guard, librarian, freelancer ... You can find all these holidays in our category.

    Holidays in June

    The first month of summer makes us happy with the day of our country, the Day of Russia. This is a significant public holiday, which is also a day off. Therefore, everyone knows about him! Someone on this day really stands up for the successes of our country and praises our difficult and thorny special path in the world among other powers. And someone just spends this summer day for the benefit of themselves and their family. In any case, the holiday turns out for everyone for the good and for joy!
    And besides, the warm season for our country is already a holiday that is with us every day until autumn!

    Holidays in July

    So the hottest month of the year is already taking the bridle of the year in order to drive flying summer days, to give us unforgettable moments of the sun, warm rain and summer holidays. And apparently, since summer itself is not a bad holiday, there are not so many holidays in the summer months. Rather, they are not as significant as autumn dates and other seasons.
    Here you can highlight the day of the kiss, the day of the baptism of Russia, the day of trade ...
    Of course, there are many other dates in the month, but it is these holidays that seem to us the most significant on a general scale for our country and for our society. Therefore, be content with what you have and just enjoy every moment! Moreover, in the summer many have a vacation, which is also a great holiday!

    Holidays in August

    This is the last month of summer, which means it's time to take stock. The very results of the work that we did this summer. It is not for nothing that religious holidays associated with the harvesting begin in August. This is Khlebny saved, Honey saved, Apple saved.
    The August holidays are holidays for those who have done a good job, those who will reap something, but will not easily remember the passing summer.
    Also, how can you not remember the day of the Airborne Forces in August, many are looking forward to this holiday in order to hear and learn something new from what can be done unreasonable in the guise of a person, hiding behind slogans that only the like can do something special ... And sometimes it really happens that way!
    Of course, in August, the holiday of the Day of the Railwayman is immediately remembered. Our country is large and there are many people of this profession in it!

    Holidays in September

    September has just begun and bam, it's already a holiday. This day everyone waits in its own way. Someone with special zeal wants to plunge into study in order to communicate with peers and comprehend the wisdom of the sciences, while someone is waiting for him with a certain hopelessness that there is nowhere to go.
    But in any case, remembering the September holidays, it immediately comes to mind on September 1 - Knowledge Day. This day is always beautiful, meaningful, and also significant.
    In addition, this month, only at the end of the month, there is also a holiday for all those who prepare children for school, namely preschool teachers.
    From religious holidays one can recall the dates of many saints, be it the day of the Apostle Bartholomew, the prophet and the god-seer Moses, but there is nothing supernatural and great in this month!
    So religious people can spend their strength and bright feelings on intensified school homework with their children, especially after the summer it is relevant.

    Holidays in October

    Well, the season is coming, and already warm seasons are behind and the season is coming - the charm of the eyes. October will delight us with such holidays as the Day of the Elderly. We don't know how much the holiday was chosen in accordance with the season, that is, it seems like elderly people and autumn, everything is intertwined, everything converges. We just have to say that this holiday is famous and obviously respected. After all, this date is well known!
    Also in October, the day of the criminal investigation, the day of the customs officer and other professional holidays.
    As for religious holidays, by analogy with September, there is a certain calm here, that is, there is nothing special. There are some saints' days, but it doesn't really matter.

    Holidays in November

    The cold season is coming, which means we all want to snuggle closer to each other, plunge into the atmosphere of warm family warmth, friendly relations and get-togethers. Holidays are already being held more and more at home, and their significance is no longer so important, because it is unlikely that it will be possible to go to a full-fledged picnic.
    Actually in November the most important public holiday is the Day of National Unity. Which only confirms our words that everyone wants unity, but not everyone succeeds.
    On this day, everyone also rests and most of it is spent at their own discretion, still having time to walk, while there is still no serious cold weather. In the month, of course, there is a professional holiday of a bank employee, RHBZ troops, KVN day ...

    Holidays in December

    Well, what a holiday we are waiting for this month, no need to tell anyone. Moreover, we are not waiting for him for a month, some are waiting for him all year. just as the New Year has passed, so many are ready to celebrate it again. But miracles do not happen, which may be for the better, because then the significance of the New Year's holiday would have disappeared. So, the most important holiday in December is New Year.
    Also in December, the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Day of the Lawyer, Day of the Power Engineer. There are plenty of power engineers in our country, so the holiday is very popular.
    Of the religious holidays, one can celebrate the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, or easier Nikolos, Klaus, and even easier our Santa Claus! So everything points to the celebration of the main date of the year, and everything else is on the way!