Congratulations to fifth graders on September 1 in prose. Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge. Happy Knowledge Day for teachers

Here are the texts of congratulations on September 1 (Knowledge Day) for teachers. They can be pronounced by both the parents of the students and the students themselves, as well as by the school principal and colleagues. All texts are written in prose (not verse).

The texts are relevant both for public speaking (for example, at the school "line"), and for personal, personal congratulations of the teacher. All names are used solely for the convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Recommendations for use are waiting for you at the end of the page.

Dear teachers! Congratulations to everyone on the start of the new school year! After sunny summer days, you have gained new strength and are ready for new successes, victories and discoveries. I wish you endless patience, energy, inspiration in your work and the implementation of all your plans. May this year bring you new achievements, a lot of joy and achievements.

Dear teachers! We are glad to meet with you the new academic year. Congratulations on its coming. We wish that the students will only please you, the work will be fruitful, your efforts will always be rewarded, and your plans will be realized.

Dear teachers! On this day, I want to wish you that the whole year you have the same positive as today's holiday ... Let it also give you infinitely many joyful impressions, charge you with activity and bring new aspirations. Happy holiday, Happy Knowledge Day!

Dear teachers! You have an amazing, brightest profession - you sow knowledge and it never happens that these seeds do not germinate. We love you, appreciate, respect and wish that in the coming academic year you will receive only joy, recognition and satisfaction from your work. We sincerely congratulate you on the most life-affirming holiday of all!

We are proud that we study at the best school in the city, with the best teachers and are grateful to fate that we have such an opportunity. At the beginning of the last school year for us, we promise that we will pass the final exams perfectly and our teachers will be proud of us, because the best teachers have the best students. We congratulate you, dear teachers, on the beginning of the new academic year and wish that your students always make you proud.

Dear friends! I congratulate you all on this truly national holiday! Today every family celebrates this day, because 16 million schoolchildren today sit down at their desks. And about 2 million of them are first graders. We, teachers, have much to be proud of ... today we accept 119 girls and boys - first grade students. Our school family is growing! And I wish all of us that our family remains as friendly and strong as it has been over the past years. So that friendship, fun, curiosity, a spirit of competition, mutual assistance and support reign here as before. Happy holiday to you, dear teachers, students. Peaceful sky over our heads to all of us!

Dear teachers! It is you, along with your parents, who create, build the foundation on which all life values \u200b\u200bof a person will be held throughout his future life ... it is you who conquer new heights every year and prepare new students for exams, as ships prepare for their first voyage. Day after day, you discover new abilities and talents in your students, win competitions and school olympiads, experience failures, teach them new skills, prepare them for an independent life, and grow with them. I congratulate you on the new academic year, which will bring you (I am sure of this) new victories and successes. I wish you to admire the brilliant results of your labor and may there be as many of these results as possible. May each of your students be successful, prosperous and grateful.

Teachers! May your road be sunny, the sky clear, the path easy, and your health strong in the new academic year! May the whole year be happy and productive. Happy holiday, our dear!

Dear friends! This holiday is a good start to the school year. Let the light of knowledge that you give your students, like a beacon in the night, lead them to the right shore safe and sound. And personally to you, invaluable teachers, I wish that the fruits of your efforts are not wasted, that they support you in moments of despondency and energize you for many years. I wish you health, longevity, warmth and eternal spring in your soul.

Dear teachers! Let the lessons become eternal holidays for you, let the students delight you with intelligence and ingenuity, completed homework and victories at the Olympiads. Let the work be a joy, and the results of your work never cease to amaze you. I wish you all that each of you has graduates who glorify their city, their school and their teacher. So that each of your students in the future will remember you with gratitude and warmth. So that you never run out of reasons to be proud of yourself! Happy Holidays!

Dear teachers! You are not just a source of knowledge for us, but are relatives, practically family members. For many years, you have been giving your care to children, participating in their upbringing and becoming as a person. We admire your hard work, patience, strong nervous system. We congratulate you on our common holiday and wish that everything good, light, warm and beautiful that you give us every day will return to you multiplied.

Dear teachers! Transferring knowledge and receiving it is difficult, painstaking work. School is a planet where there is no place for laziness, absolutely everyone works here. And this is wonderful. We congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, and we wish that your joint work with your students is always productive, pleases all participants in the process and leave in you a feeling of satisfaction, warmth and gratitude to each other.

Dear teachers! Please accept our congratulations on the new academic year! He (year) promises new beginnings, new fruits of your activity will see the light of day, students will surprise you and surprise you again. I wish you an easy and joyful experience of these hot times, may the new voyage be calm and interesting, may the storms and storms pass you by, and that the seeds of knowledge that you sow every day bring a rich harvest for both your students and yourself.

Our beloved teachers! We congratulate you on the day of knowledge and wish you good health, always excellent mood, a charge of cheerfulness, which will be enough for the whole year and responsible, intelligent, conscientious students ... Well, we promise that we will contribute to all of the above so that you have something to be proud of, what to be happy about and what to be surprised at.

Dear teachers! We not only love you, but we will also remember you for life. You are not outsiders to us. And we will enjoy the fruits of your labor all our lives ... Thank you for the fact that we have something to use. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish that everyday meetings with students were joyful and long-awaited, so that work will give you new strength, and not take it away. May the future that you create together with your students be wonderful.

Dear teachers! Over the summer you have saved up a lot of knowledge, tasks and assignments for your students. We believe that all these valuable things will not be wasted and will certainly be in demand by the younger generation, and appreciated at their true worth. I congratulate you on this joyous holiday - the beginning of the school year. I am sure that the year has prepared many pleasant surprises for you. I wish you all of them and not get tired of enjoying them. Happy holiday, our priceless ones!

Dear, valued, dear our teachers! Carrying knowledge into the minds and souls of people is not only a profession, but also a wonderful mission. Thank you for choosing this activity and giving it all your time and energy. We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and wish that the fire of interest in your work never goes out in your eyes. May happiness and good luck become a faithful companion, and work brings you only joy, students cause pride, and let life itself bow to you in gratitude and respect.

Congratulations on the national holiday of knowledge! Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge, passing on valuable experience, helping to become independent, donating your time, care and participation. We wish you that the reward for all the best that you give to children will definitely find you. Let your students surprise you with a sharp and clear mind, apply the knowledge gained from you for the benefit of themselves and everyone around.

Dear teachers and friends! Thank you for your dedication to your chosen cause, for bringing goodness, light of knowledge and support to the younger generation into this world. I congratulate you on the start of the school year and wish you:

  • be fully realized in the chosen field;
  • get everything from the profession that you expected from it once and expect now;
  • see all the opportunities for personal growth and development that the profession provides;
  • so that the year will bring not only knowledge to your students, but also give you a lot of new knowledge, skills and discoveries;
  • so that the restless school life endlessly infuses you with new strength.

But most importantly, dear teachers, I wish you never to lose your curiosity, never stop there and always have the strength to move forward, setting an example for your students and all of us.

Dear teachers! With the beginning of you, a new academic year! I wish that this year will become an adornment of your teaching career ... so that all your teaching activities will be adorned with the loud achievements of your pupils, and that their gratitude will illuminate your path. Let your deeds without any words themselves publicly speak about your merits.

Dear Maria Ivanovna! On behalf of the whole class, we congratulate you on the holiday! Thank you for teaching us Russian. No one could have done better with this responsible occupation. We are happy to go to class knowing that we will meet with you. We wish you that the number of gifts of fate will be equal to the number of days you have lived and that we will never be able to upset you.

Dear Svetlana Pavlovna! The math you teach is the best math in the world. We are glad to see you again, after the holidays, we missed your lessons very much and dreamed of making you happy with our knowledge of your favorite subject. Congratulations on the start of the school year ... Finally, we will all be spending time together again. We wish you that this year even the most hard-to-understand students of yours will suddenly discover mathematical abilities in themselves and finally pay tribute to your efforts and efforts spent on them.

Dear Roxana Anatolyevna! Probably, we will not become great artists, but your fine art lessons decorate our life and the lives of our loved ones. Thank you for this and for the fact that even without the hope of teaching great artists, you still continue to teach us. We wish you to receive as much positive from the world as your lessons give us all.

Dear Elvira Lukinichna! From the whole class and heartily congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge. Thank you for helping us learn a lot about ourselves and the world around us. Geography is the most interesting subject at school thanks to you. We wish you that all your efforts bring you only success and joy.

Dear teachers! We are starting the school year again and are glad to welcome you here, at the door of our second home, which has become the school for all of us. You have been close people to us for a long time. For some, even - second parents, whom we respect infinitely and always remember. Thank you for being with us year after year. We miss you when we go on long vacations and are glad to every new meeting. We wish you even more new pedagogical ideas and a new successful creative search this year. Happy Holidays!

Dear our teachers! We congratulate you on the holiday! We know that we meet every such holiday full of new hopes for the coming academic year, new creative plans. We wish you that hopes come true, your plans come true, and the results obtained exceed all expectations.

Dear teachers! A new academic year is coming and you and your students will overcome several more steps on the ladder of knowledge. Some of you accept your first graders, and some begin to prepare their future graduates for the main exam ... We congratulate you on a new page in your professional history and wish all your students to occupy by their names the most worthy pages of the history of our school, our city, our country ...

Dear teachers! On this day, we all wish our students an easy, interesting and exciting journey to the land of knowledge ... I would also like to wish you that this road would be exactly the same for you. Happy Holidays!

Our wonderful teachers! All of you from year to year become a legend in the lives of your students! All of you are remembered years later, passing school stories to your children and even grandchildren. I congratulate you on the most significant school holiday and wish you to achieve such professional skill that your students, many years later, will not just remember you, but thank fate for giving them such a teacher.

Dear teachers! I would like to wish you the same as your students: perseverance, dedication, patience, many well-deserved awards and satisfaction from victories. Only, I wish all this to your students in their studies, and to you in the teaching field. Happy holiday, our precious!

Dear teachers! I congratulate you on a new, happy school year and wish that each of your students not only find their place in life, not only successfully use the knowledge received from you, but also multiply your pride and glorify the education of our country.

  • If you need to add greetings to a public speech and - take them on a separate page.
  • the texts published above can be used as an independent congratulation or included in the solemn speech at the school "line" dedicated to the Day of Knowledge.
  • Texts are universal. They can be used by both students and the director, parents and teachers themselves (for congratulations to colleagues).
  • If the text seems too short for you, you can combine 1-3 texts into one. But make sure that the texts differ from each other, otherwise your speech will look as if you are repeating yourself and cannot express your idea.
  • Also, with these words you can sign a card for a bouquet of flowers, a postcard or include it in a letter of thanks to the teacher (in the final part of the letter).

September 1 - Knowledge Day is a special holiday not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers and parents. It is hard to forget the always bright, full of emotionality and exciting atmosphere! Solemn music sounds loudly, warm congratulations and wishes are heard from everywhere - this is all about one of the most important school holidays.

On this day - September 1 - congratulations and warm words are heard. Everyone wishes the students success in the educational process and that the new school year brings only pleasant impressions! And also special attention is paid to those for whom the first bell really rang for the first time, and for whom - the last time.

We have collected only the best congratulations on the Day of Knowledge in Prose and Poetry - from teachers, parents and schoolchildren. Save to yourself and be sure to share them!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge - a real nationwide holiday of wisdom, kindness and humanity. This day is always especially solemn and exciting, because it is from it that an unknown, interesting and at the same time difficult path to knowledge, to new achievements, to an independent life begins. We wish all schoolchildren on this path to conquer new heights of knowledge, meet good and reliable friends and achieve their cherished goal. We are convinced that your abilities and perseverance will become the key to outstanding success in adult life, and this will be facilitated by high standards of Ukrainian education, equal opportunities for every child to receive it. The most sincere words of gratitude are to the teachers who generously share their knowledge with you, cherish the true patriots of our state. Their wisdom and generosity remains with their pupils for life. May this first September be sunny, bring good mood to every school, every family! Happy holiday, dear friends!

We sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, the Day of Knowledge - a nationwide holiday of wisdom, kindness, inspiration and new discoveries. The first of September unites all of us, because every one on that day crossed the threshold of his native school, opened the first book, wrote the first word. The years of study are the best in our life. It is at this time that we find true friends, discover abilities in ourselves, and set guidelines for life. Happy holiday everyone!

I sincerely congratulate all of you on the traditional September holiday of the first bell - Knowledge Day, which opens the world of knowledge and ascent to the eternal life-giving sources of civilization. The Day of Knowledge has become a truly national holiday of youth and hopes. This is a holiday especially for those who for the first time in their lives cross the threshold of the school. Those who came here with their children or grandchildren. Those who daily give them their knowledge and warmth of hearts, train and educate with love.

So this day has come. September 1 - Day of Knowledge and the start of the new academic year. I would like to wish this day not to be the cause of sadness, but to be remembered for long-awaited merry meetings, perky and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and awakening the thirst for knowledge. So that you have enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High marks, easy tests, interesting lessons and loyal friends with whom everything that has already been said will be easily realized!

September begins with a holiday of knowledge, education, science. First day of school, first lesson, first teachers. As if everything is for the first time - both the word and the music and the bells of the soul. On this holiday, every mother or father, grandfather or grandmother will wake up as before in order to certainly take her child to school - if not by the hand, then walking next to him. And at this magical time, let me wholeheartedly congratulate everyone on the traditional holiday of the first bell - Knowledge Day, which opens the world of knowledge and ascent to the eternal life-giving sources of civilization, a holiday of youth and hope, and above all those who cross the threshold of school for the first time in their lives. At this moment - after years and distances, turning over the pages of my school days and years - I so want to tell you that learning is a hidden treasure, it is the world of knowledge about people and their environment. Learn to know, act, live. I am sure that the seeds of science will give good shoots and will grow in your souls with a harvest of wisdom and inspiration. Grow healthy, excel academically, and always be active in your community.

Again, the morning of the first September day is filled with the melodic sounds of the school bell. Again, the streets of cities and villages bloom from children's chirping, youthful smiles and a magical blizzard of autumn asters. Nostalgic views of adults, soulfulness, sadness and joy intertwined together. This is our land, our state is celebrating the Day of Knowledge - a real nationwide holiday of wisdom, kindness and humanity. All the paths of this day lead to school. A new academic year begins, which always means the opening of a new, radiant and often difficult road - the road to knowledge, to new achievements. It will become special and, undoubtedly, defining in life for lovely first-graders who, holding their parents' hands, will step on an unknown path for the first time. It will be no less important for eleventh graders who will have to choose a professional path. What will be their choice depends only on them. And we will always be there to help and advise. Happy Holidays!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 from teachers

September 1st is a special holiday because September 1st is Knowledge Day. If we forget about stereotypes and clichés, then this is a holiday of changes, a holiday of positive development, a holiday of learning the new and the unknown, while maintaining a connection with the past. On this day, I would like to congratulate all people who are directly related to education with especially warm words. I wish you, dear friends, health, happiness and joy, as well as inexhaustible energy while gaining new knowledge. May the support and understanding of your relatives and friends always be with you. Happy holiday to you!

Dear students! At all times, an educated person was respected. Learning is a hidden treasure, a world of knowledge about people and their environment. One must learn in order to know, act, live. I am sure that the seeds of science will grow in your young souls with a harvest of wisdom and inspiration. May your every day, every step be bright, joyful and fruitful. Grow healthy, achieve high academic results!

Most sincere congratulations to you dear parents, grandparents of students and students. The dream of your families is coming true - children will subsequently glorify the genealogy with their work, giving their strength, knowledge, skills gained by practical experience for the development of the state, strengthening its economic power. Once again, we congratulate everyone, dear friends, with the new academic year! Happy holiday - Knowledge Day!

Congratulations to everyone on a wonderful exciting holiday - the Day of Knowledge! This is the day from which the road to the future begins for each of us. This is the day that allows adults to return to their golden years, and pupils and students - to their second home - to schools and universities. It is on the Day of Knowledge that we remember with special warmth our teachers and teachers, their invaluable work of mind and heart. Thank you, our dear teachers - we always remain your students! To everyone who on this Day to know will come to educational institutions to receive knowledge, I wish to achieve my goal in life, find mutual understanding with teachers and parents, meet good and reliable friends. And especially, to our dear first graders - never stop on the path of knowledge, it is interesting and truly endless! Good luck to you!

Our dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and the beginning of the next academic year. We wish you happiness, health, well-being and as many joyful moments as possible. We promise to try harder this school year and disappoint you as little as possible so that at the end of the school year you will see the fruits of your hard work. Thank you for your patience and support!

Happy 1st September!

Dear teachers! On behalf of the whole class, we congratulate you on September 1st! We were looking forward to the start of the new school year, because we are confident that this year your lessons will be even more interesting and exciting than last. We are very lucky that we have you, because you can make the most boring topics interesting and explain the most difficult ones in a clear way. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations on September 1 in verse

Forget-me-not a bunch of malias
Zorіє on your breasts,
The path is not easy, that clear,
For you there are good people.
All the best from the school take away from life,
І teacher's wisdom, і shanu see friends,
How easy it will be for your share,
Hi, love you and play with you.

First class for you
Vidchinyak doors,
Please tat i mom,
Be wise and vchenni,
Tell the reader,
Good friends in May,
For twelve years old,
A dviyok - do not bend.

Pіdіyshlo Pershe Veresnya, walk to school
Come on, yak to finish it without going nikoli.
First of all, to spare, my synok,
Schob vchusya diligently, as only bi zmog.
School tobi has become a different homeland,
First time you grow up, my little baby, happy!

Sonechko threw himself early,
Already walk in heavenly blakity.
Earlier the little girl threw herself,
Nyischaslivіsha niny at the svіtі.
Everything in the mice - і zoshit, і book,
Everything is selected, like a nikoli.
That little darling,
Aje yde won up to school.
Happiness, joy, I bless the world
І good luck in life and richness.
High sorrow and remember.
3 The first heather, little dear, saint!

Poetic congratulations on September 1

Privitat 1 Veresnya
Happy birthday to you.
The school has already checked out
To all your readers.
Hi, everything will be yak for the first time:
Smile, blisk of happy eyes.
And in advance - I will know
I twiy cheerful friendly class.
I bore difficult nobles
It’s easy to get up,
Be sure to learn from bazhannyam
І nobility subject to "n" yat "!

This year is special, a special day,
Look at the light and the fun!
Check you see a miraculous streak,
Aje shkilne life - knowledge of new potik.
Infected the same way on the cob,
Adjust yourself with the help of yogo and pass,
Grant your classmates warmth.
In the afternoon know you!

The day of knowledge is a day of singularities, yaskraviy.
Aje ahead - the chief rіk.
You can, let yourself be hot,
Glory to the check for ale the lishe!
Bazhaєmo manhood, patience,
Vidkritiv wondrous and changes.
І nay beautiful mі
On a lot of rock_v zalishat slid!

There is never too much knowledge! Today I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge! I wish you successful classes and excellent grades! Let the educational process bring not only great benefits, but also the joy of understanding wisdom, communicating with teachers and friends! I wish that learning never ends in your life, because teaching is light and ignorance is darkness! So let the light of wisdom and knowledge shine brightly in your life!

Congratulations on the first of September in prose

Congratulations on September 1st! On this holiday, we want to wish you interesting lessons in the new academic year, so that the students love, respect and honor you, as well as that you are always satisfied with the results of your work! Let everything be as you have always dreamed!

Congratulations on the day of knowledge in prose

Today, September 1, early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for the Day of Knowledge - they are sprinkling golden, red leaves on the heads of students rushing to school! I congratulate you on the start of another academic year and wish you good luck and good mood!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

White bows, bright colors, funny school calls marked this day on the calendar! September 1 is a long-awaited, beloved and exciting day! It is special for first graders who cross the school threshold for the first time. Please accept our warmest and kindest congratulations on September 1! And may there always be a place for knowledge and wisdom in your life!

Official congratulations on September 1 in prose

School time is a great opportunity to express yourself in studies, to feel the taste of the first love, first victories, achievements, and, of course, failures. After all, this is how life experience appears. Therefore, dear students, do not let the world fail to recognize you, and prove that you deserve a better life. Be responsible for everything you do. Do not lose your life optimism, under any circumstances. Bright thoughts for doing worthy deeds to you. The Day of Knowledge!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 in prose

First day of September. For someone today the first bell rings, for someone - the next or the last, and for many the calls have already rang out. But we certainly remember this quiet but persistent sound. It encourages children to learn, and allows adults to remember the meaning of this holiday - the Day of Knowledge. We wish everyone an interesting and informative study and work, success and various discoveries!

Congratulations on September 1 to students in prose

I congratulate you on the day of knowledge, on September 1! I wish you that knowledge in your head multiplies, that the desire to learn new things never recedes, and that the most joyful moments await you! Good luck, success in all your endeavors!

Congratulations on September 1 from parents in prose

Today everyone is in a hurry to school - teachers, schoolchildren and their parents, because today is September 1, the day of knowledge that will certainly generously flock to your bright heads, like leaves from trees painted in autumn! I congratulate you on the start of the new academic year and wish you to study well, live a fun life and smile more often!

Wish from September 1 in prose

Today, all schoolchildren, as well as their parents, have a holiday - September 1! Textbooks and clean diaries awaiting grades are neatly packed into portfolios ... As I send you to school, to the palace of knowledge, I wish you great success in your studies, good mood and unforgettable changes!

Beautiful words of congratulations on September 1 in prose

By September 1, the school is decorated as a palace, its loyal subjects - students, are solemnly greeted by kind rulers - teachers. I congratulate you and wish you to rush to the noisy celebration, break into the classroom before anyone else and study surprisingly diligently and well all year!

Official congratulations on the day of knowledge in prose

Congratulating on the Day of Knowledge, I would like to say that it is impossible to do without a certain intellectual baggage anywhere and never. Just as a doctor without the appropriate skills cannot help with illness, so a pilot cannot fly into the blue sky. So let each one be given to assimilate and know as much as he wishes.

Today the door of educational institutions, again kindly opened the doors to everyone! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge! The teachers have generously prepared a new program, and are determined to take your education seriously! Both students and teachers after the summer vacation have gained strength and are ready to immediately start mastering the new material! The desire to develop has not faded away and it pleases! The Day of Knowledge opens up new opportunities and gives inspiration! We wish everyone a festive mood, fresh thoughts, interesting hobbies, friendly conversations and a shared desire to learn! May the instructions of your parents help you make a decision in difficult times, and may the teacher's advice be useful for life! Learn, grow spiritually, develop your ideas, improve! Strive, strive, do not retreat! The Day of Knowledge! From September 1!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day there is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer, we relax, have fun, recharge and miss the experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of the soul and start an exciting learning process! Congratulations to all who wish to study on the holiday, and we wish you not to lose precious inspiration! Let the study days not turn into an everyday routine, but become fun and informative lessons! Let the calls, changes, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers delight you! Golden, school years! Then you will remember with pleasure these days! Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas! Your destiny is in your hands! Good luck!

Today, September 1, and on the first day of the charming season, it's time to return to your favorite school! Familiar faces, favorite classrooms and dear teachers are waiting for you there! The path of learning continues, which leads you to a successful life! The school beckons with the first bell, and the classes are filled with students. The process has started! Every day you become more mature, more experienced, wiser. And all this is done for you by the teachers! They put their knowledge, their life, their strength into you! We wish you to respect the invaluable work of teachers, listen to comments, understand each other and respond with mutual feelings! May these lessons be of great benefit to you in the future! May the advice of your mentors come in handy and keep good memories of your school years! We wish everyone courageous decisions in difficult tasks! Learn and enjoy the moment!

Greetings to all students, teachers and parents! We are glad to see you again at the school site on Knowledge Day! Today is a holiday that invariably happens at this time, which opens the study season! Everyone rested and missed the fresh breath of knowledge! Welcome to the temple of science! We wish you to experience a genuine interest in the new program and find a hobby for your soul! Let the study time not burden you, let it bring you joy and benefit! We wish you to acquire a lot of new knowledge, skills and experience in the new academic year! We wish you to make the most of this school season, not miss anything and bring your capabilities to perfection! Do not be afraid to make mistakes, because whoever does not make mistakes does not learn! And who does not study, he will not achieve anything in this life! Dare, try, try, strive! Success in your studies, comrades!

Today is celebrated with a significant holiday! And the most interesting thing is that this holiday will drag on for half a year! Day of Knowledge! It is time for students and teachers to learn, communicate, change and news! The joy of meeting after the holidays gives the celebration a friendly atmosphere! Someone has matured, someone has matured, someone has changed their principles. Everything is assembled and the most interesting process in life begins - the academic year! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday and hope that the charming autumn season will not diminish your inspiration to study! We wish you to implement your plans, update your goals and achieve excellent results in your endeavors! Use every opportunity to fill yourself spiritually, develop and do not doubt your strength! Let the school give you what is missing and leave a mark on your memory! Happy holiday!

Every year on September 1, all schools and educational institutions come to life after the summer holiday! Student life begins to seethe with renewed vigor, and this force is gaining momentum! The school season is open! Welcome to the fascinating world of science and knowledge! Meeting with classmates, teachers, new impressions, joy, admiration - all this gives energy and strength for learning! A lot of new and interesting awaits ahead, the unknown beckons, and untapped roads open up a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities for us! It's never boring at school, it's a kind of world with its own rules! The exciting life of youth and mentors is boiling inside it, and both parties are interested in their own and common success! Both individual and collective victories are welcome! The school teaches not only the school curriculum, it prepares children for an independent life!

The first bell of this season rang for the lesson, and the school opened its doors to hundreds of students! In a couple of minutes, the educational process will boil and life will find its usual rhythm! Happy Knowledge Day, guys! Congratulations on the start of an exciting journey into the world of science! Fill your spirit vessels to the brim and don't spill the contents in vain! Appreciate the investment and efforts of teachers and meet the expectations of your parents! You have a unique opportunity to make your life successful! Thanks to the teaching diligence, each of you will find something important and interesting for yourself! School years are the foundation of your future, so invest in it all that you have learned and make the foundation of your life strong! Appreciate the experience gained and believe, you will thank your teachers more than once! Their efforts are never wasted!

The Day of Knowledge urges us to take the path of success! And start today! The first day of autumn inspires us to feats and great deeds! The beginning of new knowledge, the beginning of an exciting path to the unknown, the beginning of beginnings! History will tell us an interesting journey into the past, geography will be lucky in the countries of the world, biology will tell us about the animal world! Sports activities, literary discourses, talks about great creators! Hundreds of opportunities to plunge into the past and experience the magic of yesteryear! How many beautiful things lie ahead! The desire to learn knows no boundaries, and we absorb knowledge with great pleasure! Let the school years never end! Let the source of knowledge never run out! We wish you all great desire and inspiration for study and development! Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and wish you success!

Today we are at the start of our path to knowledge! First of September! We wish all students to expect maximum results from the new academic year and, of course, try hard for this! We wish you to successfully study and memorize what you have learned! Take something important for yourself from each lesson, put your knowledge aside, it will definitely come in handy! Everything you learn at school will be useful for you in life! We wish you great patience, mutual understanding, friendly class, reliable girlfriends and friends! Let the academic year leave a pleasant impression, a wonderful memory and at the end of the training bring an excellent result of your efforts! We wish your soul to strive for knowledge throughout your life! Do not stop there, because a person at any age always has something to strive for!

Learn, learn and learn again! Knowledge is never too much! Congratulations on the first day of the start of the school year! Happy Knowledge Day, dear teachers and students! A whole academic year awaits you ahead and you have a great opportunity to get a new dose of new impressions! In order for the year to bring excellent results, we wish you attention, patience, perseverance and interest! Direct your dedication towards knowledge and do not miss the opportunity to learn something new! We wish you informative events in the school world and interesting hobbies! Actively demonstrate your capabilities, share your knowledge, make your school life diverse! Do not hide your talents, reveal your potential and strive to conquer the peaks! Happy Holidays to everyone who wants to study! Go for it!

Summer holidays last for three whole months! However, for schoolchildren, this time flies by like one day. It would seem that only yesterday the guys splashed in the sea, fished on the lake, rested in the camp with friends, and today a new school year has already begun. Standing on the ruler, first-graders, graduates and all boys and girls listen to sincere congratulations on September 1, 2017. In verses and in their own words, classmates and teachers wish them excellent grades and good mood, and the school director in his official speech in prose gives them wise instructions. At the same time, students exchange funny SMS with classmates about the upcoming sessions and life in the hostel, give friends funny gifts and celebrate the first school day with their parents and friends.

Official congratulations on September 1, 2017 - Wishes in prose from the headmaster

On September 1, the school will begin with an official speech by the director. In his speech, he will congratulate the students on the beginning of the 2017-2018 academic year and wish the children to strive for deep knowledge, make every effort for excellent studies, not give up when they encounter difficulties on the way. In prose, he will greet the parents of schoolchildren and his colleagues, who pass on their knowledge and experience to their children.

Examples of official wishes from the headmaster - Congratulations in prose for September 1, 2017

Summer vacation, the funniest time of the year, was over just before it began. At least, this is what guys who are still living with pleasant memories of a wonderful time can think. They will come to the line on September 1, 2017 in a slightly relaxed state - after rest, not everyone will be able to tune in to the educational process. The official speech of the school director, his wishes in prose will help children to realize: the time has come for serious work and learning new subjects.

It is with great pleasure that I congratulate all those present on the Day of Knowledge, on September 1! Behind the long summer holidays, during which we all had time to properly rest. And now, with renewed vigor, we are ready to start our studies and work. Today I would like to wish schoolchildren to learn new subjects easily and with enthusiasm, to acquire new knowledge. I wish teachers to treat work with soul and inspiration, because only you are able to ignite the craving for learning in students, only you can develop in them the ability to think, analyze, feel, empathize, which is so important in the modern world. I hope that the upcoming school year will be interesting, eventful, full of new victories and achievements - and I invite all of us together to make it that way!

Dear colleagues, dear students, I want to congratulate you on the new academic year!

September 1 is a special holiday, the day when the first school bell rings after a long summer break. During the summer, the students had a rest and matured, they managed to miss their teachers and classmates. Teachers went on vacation, accumulated many interesting ideas for exciting lessons. We all have to plunge again into the whirlpool of school life, full of vivid events and impressions.

Today I wish all those present that the coming year will bring everything that is planned. May plans come true and dreams come true. Believe in yourself, work hard on the tasks set, do not lose heart when faced with difficulties - and everything will work out for you!

Knowledge Day is a wonderful and joyful holiday. I sincerely congratulate and wish that this academic year will present many opportunities to show their talents, I wish you solid knowledge and great success, good comrades and endless enthusiasm, vigorous activity and strong health.

Original congratulations to students - Wishes for September 1 in your own words

On September 1, the parent committee, teachers and high school students will prepare funny scenes about cool incidents from school life, flash mobs, dancing and even rap for all students. They will sing them funny songs, reworked in a new way, show them original musical numbers, and perform with humorous miniatures. Congratulating the schoolchildren in their own words, their senior comrades will wish the children to start the school year in high spirits and finish it with excellent marks.

Examples of original wishes for September 1 - Congratulations to students in your own words

Knowledge makes us wiser, wiser, more patient and more attentive, helps us get a prestigious, high-paying job and succeed in life. Congratulating students on September 1 in their own words, parents, teachers and classmates wish them to always strive to achieve their goals and be the first in everything.

I congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge and sincerely wish you a strong mind and reliable health, great enthusiasm and good mood, inexhaustible strength of creative inspiration, an unbreakable desire for knowledge, good friends, luck and great success.

Let this holiday, called the Day of Knowledge, give dedication, enthusiasm and inspiration. I wish you to confidently go towards your goals and make new discoveries, I wish you high erudition and endless optimism, great and bright happiness, intellectual abilities and creative talents.

Congratulations on the beginning of the school year! I would like to wish this year to be extremely easy, but rich in new knowledge! Appreciate time, because it is so fleeting: today is the first of September, and tomorrow is already a different summer ... Let's have a day of knowledge!

Congratulations on September 1, 2017 to teachers - Poems for Knowledge Day

A teacher is a complex profession that requires extraordinary patience, tolerance, wisdom, prudence and kindness. Only a strong-minded person who knows how to find the right approach to children can become a good teacher. School life is filled not only with holidays and fun, but also unpleasant events. The teacher must teach the children to experience them with dignity, to get out of difficult situations as winners. On September 1, 2017, on the Day of Knowledge, grateful students will congratulate teachers with poems, wishing them love, kindness and strongest health.

Examples of verses for the day of knowledge for teachers - Congratulations on September 1, 2017 from teachers

On September 1, 2017, there will be poems and congratulations addressed to the teachers of the native school. In turn, the teachers will also prepare a surprise for the children. They will show them sketches prepared a week or two before the end of summer holidays.

May this new year be academic

Brings you good days

The lessons will be interesting

Let the students not play pranks

Let the salary not offend you,

Your bosses will honor you.

May there be more happiness than before

The academic year will bring you!

You lead again to the light of knowledge

Big and small guys.

You give your soul to work,

For which everyone thanks you!

We wish you an easy start

And joyful school days,

So that everything is successfully fulfilled,

Life became brighter and brighter.

Chrysanthemum tenderness

Violet love

And pink joy to you,

So that they bloom all year round!

For children to obey

And they always appreciated

The way you are with your soul

They were taught well.

And among flowers, confessions

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge!

Cool congratulations to the first grader on September 1

The first-graders who came to the line on September 1 attract the attention of all those present. And how not to notice smart, tanned girls and boys, hugging huge bouquets and waiting for the moment the flowers are presented to their first teacher! Some first-graders are still so small that from behind the sea of \u200b\u200bchrysanthemums, gladioli, asters and peonies, only their tops and bows are visible. Nevertheless, they happily listen to congratulations and cool wishes from high school students and teachers.

Examples of cool congratulations on September 1 - Poems for a first grader

Humorous lines of funny poems, addressed to first graders who came on September 1, will give the children an excellent, truly festive mood. Examples of such funny quatrains posted on our page will help them immediately fall in love with school and tune in to meet classmates.

The school will receive you for the first time.

Opens its doors wider -

And the school week will begin

And after her the second, quarter, year ...

Your school period will flow

Will step, run, rush,

Just have time to study at "five"!

The first time you go to first grade.

Knowledge is still a ma-a-lazy stock,

But over the years you will overtake us.

The first time in first class

I want to wish you went to first grade,

I want to wish that I find the way,

Found her in life, open the gate,

You will grow up forever.

Well what to wish?

Study of course, study of course,

Of course diligently!

Good grades, good friends.

There are many good things in life, believe me!

Who is having a holiday today?

Whose satchel is here? Waiting for whom?

It has superimposed - everything:

Cars, player, Spiderman ...,

Well, I'll have to myself in return

Put books, pencil case and notebook,

Today, son, you will teach

School subjects, and these friends

The houses will remain, you can't be with them!

Look out the window - they are in a hurry to school

Hundreds of guys like you!

Congratulations on September 1, 2017 to graduates - Wishes to high school students in prose

9 or 11 years spent within the walls of the school end unexpectedly quickly. Coming to Knowledge Day on September 1, 2017, graduates will think about one thing: they will soon begin a new life. It will be a completely different story, unlike the one they have been creating for so many years. Young men and women will have new goals, priorities, desires and aspirations. Knowing this, parents and teachers will congratulate high school students on the holiday in prose and wish them to use the knowledge gained during their studies "for their intended purpose" - to get the desired, favorite profession and achieve high results in it.

Examples of wishes for graduates in prose - Congratulations to high school students on September 1, 2017

On September 1, 2017, the teaching staff of the school and the parents of high school students who came to the holiday will congratulate them on the Day of Knowledge. Senior comrades and subject teachers will wish them to pass the final exams for "4" and "5" and gain the required number of points on the Unified State Exam and the OGE.

Dear friends! It is with great pleasure that I wish to congratulate all of us on September 1. After a hot summer vacation, we, rested and recovered, are starting a new school year. I wish all students to gain new knowledge easily and with enthusiasm. I wish the teachers a lot of patience, energy and inspiration. Let this academic year be full of bright events, victories and achievements!

Our dear eleventh graders! This year will be the most difficult for you, because it is the last one. Ahead are final exams, graduation from school and the beginning of a new life. That is why today the last first bell sounds for you. But we don't want to say goodbye to you guys right now. Just let me congratulate you and wish everything to be all right.

May this new school year bring you only good bright feelings and give you only positive emotions. Just remember that you should not relax either, since you have many different serious trials ahead of you. From September 1!

Happy New School Years to parents - Poems for September 1

On September 1, parents will wish the children that the new academic year 2017-2018 will bring them success and inspiration, open a "second wind" for intensive lessons in the classroom and active extracurricular work. Students will also deliver a speech in response, congratulating their dads and mothers in verses on the Day of Knowledge and the first day of the most beautiful time of the year - autumn.

Congratulations in verse for September 1 - Wishes for the new school year to parents

On September 1, the guys will certainly congratulate their parents on the first day of the new 2017-2018 academic year. Schoolchildren wish them patience and wisdom, joy from the success of their own children, good emotions and good luck accompanying them in all good endeavors.

Dear parents, we congratulate you on the day of knowledge. We would like to wish you a lot of patience and understanding. Let the children delight you every day with their new successes and achievements. Let the path of knowledge of our children be easy and simple, let it be interesting and exciting new discoveries. Good luck and great success in the new school year.