Postcard to cheer up against cancer. Wishes for recovery and recovery in verses and SMS (postcards). Wish a friend to get well

Darling, I want to see you happy and healthy again. I hope that my affectionate words will provide an additional basis for active recovery. Let everything be fine in your life, and the tenderness of your girlfriend and good weather allow you to actively fight the disease. You can't get sick now, because now, at the beginning of spring, you so want to walk together. My dear, drink fresh tea with honey, sleep more and get pleasant emotions, because we must go to the park together, enjoy a walk and beautiful nature. I know that you will definitely overcome your ailment, because your energy and good health usually make me admire. You are a symbol of strength and masculinity. I am sure that you will surprise me again with the capabilities of your body, and even energy will be enough for both of us. Walking night and day is just around the corner, the sun.

How sad it is to know that a loved one is sick. It doesn't have to be that way. I believe that you will surely overcome your illness and surprise me with your energy again. My sun, I want to come to you, take care, be near. How wonderful it would be to be alone now. However, considering that I'm not with you, I want to send you SMS, warm your soul and give pleasant thoughts, dreams, emotions. I know that such a positive will certainly contribute to an active fight against the disease. Very soon you will get out of bed, you will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and smile, start active actions and play sports. Dear, I love you and send positive signals. Can you feel them? Do they help you? Please write how you feel after my SMS, at least a little bit better. I am so worried about my soul mate.

How good it is when we are together, my love. It's always so easy and pleasant with you. You are the best man for me. I admire your energy and strength, your desire to achieve success. It’s hard to believe that you’re sick and not feeling well. You can't even leave the house, lie and sleep, drink hot tea. The disease would have receded as soon as possible, because it is absolutely pointless for her to fight you, my dear. It’s so sad and lonely without you that it’s beyond words. Get well soon, please. I hope that I will feel good and comfortable again, worries will remain in the past. I pray that my wishes will come true. I love you and send you recovery. Are you better now? Are you feeling a little better, hope to see me soon? If only it was so, and health no longer let down. Be healthy and take care of yourself, my treasure.

It's always so good and pleasant to spend time with you. How nice it is to hear your loud laughter and know that you are happy. You always try to take care of me and improve my mood. But today you feel bad. This makes my soul cry. You know, it's unbearable to know how a loved one is so bad. I believe that you will get better very soon. My dear, you must be active again. You know, amazing accomplishments, worthy feats await you. But before that, you need to observe bed rest and be actively treated. I will definitely rush to you today, because I know how important and need care you are now. The treatment would have passed and completed successfully. My dear, you are the main thing - then take care of yourself. You should not be sick, because your mission is to be active and energetic, purposeful. Get well, tiger cub.

The most important thing in life is true, sincere love. I was able to verify this after meeting you. It's so good that we did get to know each other. You were sent to me by fate. We spend all the time together. Unfortunately, today I was left alone, because you fell ill and you sleep a lot, you are being treated. I am sad knowing how bad you are. My dear, please get well soon. I want to be with you again and spend a lot of time together, enjoying our emotions and feelings. Let the disease go into the past, it does not prevent us from being together. I wish you health and good mood that you will never be able to leave. I hope that my attention will warm you and give you additional strength for active recovery. Sun, I want to know that you really feel my support, so I will definitely come to you, take care, warm you with tenderness.

Health is the most important treasure and a truly worthy gift from fate. In fact, it cannot be bought for any money. Health is the foundation of an active and happy life, but it actually takes a lot of effort to achieve your goals. Please take care of yourself. And, of course, get well now honey. You must hold on even as nasty ailments try to defeat you. Take medicine, stay in bed, drink medicinal teas. Honey, I will try to charge you with positive emotions. I will definitely come to you and make sure that you feel better. You know, I cannot be far away knowing that you are suffering from weakness and poor health. I hope that the Lord will protect you from any diseases. I wish you good health, send you positive vibes and am going to come.

You are the perfect man for me. I find in you kinship and reliability, hope and desire to live. Your strength always inspires me to new deeds. I really love you and I want to enjoy the coming spring. Unfortunately, you fought for a long time, but a nasty cold overcame you. You are depressed and take pills, drink milk and honey. There is no need to despair, because everything will definitely work out. I'm already going to you to put you on your feet. You know, I'll cook some seagulls that will definitely help you get better. Together we organize a tea party that can give pleasant emotions. You don't even have to leave the house, because I'm already on my way to your place. We will meet very soon, despite the existing obstacles. I want to see you happy and healthy, I will do everything in my power. I can imagine what the meeting will be like in half an hour.

Now the weather is cloudy and rainy, the sun has disappeared behind the clouds. Perhaps you are frozen over, love. Maybe your ailment is caused by such bad weather. You suffer from cough and fever, body aches. No need to get sick, please. Try to get well faster. I feel so lonely and bad without you, without our conversations and conversations. I am sure that very soon we will already enjoy our walks and get many pleasant emotions, amazing memories. Of course, I will come to you after work today, because a personal nurse is so needed now. I will not only help you with treatment, but I will also warm you with my spiritual warmth, tenderness and affection. My love, we must use every opportunity to be together. Honey, we can be together even in such difficult moments. This should be appreciated. I love you.

Honey, you are a wonderful person. You decorate my life and make me feel truly happy. My sun, please get well soon. Why do you get sick so often? You know how I worry about you. I want to see you only happy and active. You know, you have to be careful, because my mood largely depends on it. I feel lonely and bad without you, it’s sad to know that you have to stay in bed and sleep a lot. Your energy always energizes me and makes me feel like a truly happy girl. May the Lord protect you from all sorts of ailments that are trying to attack in such a way. I believe that the Lord and I, being his hands, will help to cope with the disease. You will definitely feel healthy and happy. Until then, we'll enjoy the comforts of home being together tonight.

My dear, you try to give me happiness and warmth, take care of me and protect me from any problems. I am so lucky that fate gave it to you. But today you feel so bad. You are so sick. Even SMS is difficult to answer, and a voice with a hoarseness, hoarseness is heard in the receiver. Honey, you don't need to worry that you have to go through such trials. Very soon I will be near, I will make delicious tea with black currant or lemon, taking into account your current wishes. We will listen to light music and watch a cute movie, forgetting about any problems and not being overwhelmed. The most important thing is to stay in bed, to be together. Everything will be fine, because the power of love and sincere concern will definitely contribute to healing. Let your health return to you, which will go along with energy. Remember that I really adore you.

I was so upset today and there were tears in my eyes. It's hard for me to know that you are sick now. It would be better if I got sick, because your concern, affection, is so pleasant to me. My dear, you always surprise me with your strength and courageous character, therefore you will definitely cope with the disease. I will try to help you, to ease the suffering that has fallen out. I will do everything in my power: I will give care and attention, I will make delicious and healthy tea. You shouldn't be upset that this disease still attacked you. You will definitely defeat her, and again you will conquer your soul mate with energy, health, and decent form. We cannot suffer and worry for a long time, because our couple is associated with everyone with active pastime and fun. I love you, so I will definitely take care of you today, sun. Wait for me in the late afternoon.

Today the weather seems to be cloudy, and I walk sad, because you are not nearby, my dear. Do not worry, you will definitely recover, just follow the doctor's instructions. After all, a cold is not such a serious illness, but it must be cured without fail. I will visit you every day, I will take care of you like a small child, because I love you more than life. Get well soon, my sweetheart.

We had such a good time yesterday. And today you have a fever and a cough, probably froze, a little, yesterday, that's your problem. But don't be upset, my love. I, like a real doctor, will treat you myself. Best of all, a folk remedy helps against colds. How capricious you are when you are sick, but I am patient and will persistently look after you. I so want to see you cheerful, happy and healthy. Let this cold be a little trouble for you. May the angel always protect you from failure.

You didn’t come to work today, and I realized that you’re in some kind of trouble. Indeed, you are ill. After all, how many times have I told you, like a small child, to dress warmer, but you still did not listen, and here is the result. But never mind, do not be upset, you will soon recover and we will be together again, my love. I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, if only you get better sooner. I am so sad without you, without your ringing laughter and without your kind words. My gentle, kind and most beautiful girl, get well soon

For a whole week now, you are sick, love. You have a cold, you can't leave the house, the doctor prescribed bed rest. I'm so worried about you. If you knew, dear, how sad I am about you. Even the sun, for several days now, has hidden behind a cloud, he is also sad without you. I am ready to take care of you, to fulfill all your whims and desires, if only you recovered as soon as possible. I have you the most beautiful, the nicest and the most tender. I love you, get well soon, please.

My beloved, my light in the window, my most gentle, kind and affectionate. You are my soul mate, without which I cannot imagine life. I feel so good with you. But today I am very concerned that you are sick. You have such a weak throat, here again this sore throat. Get well soon, my kitten. I will buy all the prescription drugs, and I will make sure that you take the pills. I know that you don't like drugs the most. But for the sake of recovery, you must drink them. Honey, get well soon, I'm sad without you. I love you, and I will ask the Lord for your recovery.

Such wonderful weather outside. It's already spring, the sun is shining brightly, everything is blooming around. And you, my beloved, are ill again. And where did the temperature come from. You are so weak. But I promise now to take care of your health always. I will look after you like a capricious child. I will do everything for you to recover as soon as possible. I am so sad without you, darling, I miss you very much. Get well soon, my beloved and unique. May you be sure to be lucky and give you bright hope.

How good we had the time yesterday, and why did I just buy this ice cream. Now I feel guilty before you. I completely forgot that you have such a weak throat. Again angina. But I will correct my guilt. I will buy you all the vitamins there is in the world, I will make the sweetest mixture, because I know that you do not like medicine. And you, my love, will definitely get well. My sweetheart, get well soon. When you are sick, I also do not walk myself. May the disease disappear like melt water, may your health be strong as steel. Be healthy, my love.

Today I am very sad, everything around seems gray and uninteresting because you are sick, my beloved and most beautiful girl in the world. I'm so worried, I miss you so much. I'll get any medicine so you get well soon, my only one. I myself will take care of you, I myself will make you tea with linden and raspberries, and you will definitely get well soon. I'm so looking forward to it, my love. I miss your smile and your jokes so much. May the angel bring you health on its wings. I love you, my beloved, and I look forward to your recovery.

My beautiful, gentle, kind and beloved girl. You, like a scarlet flower, are beautiful and sweet. But today you do not want to joke or even talk. She looks very pale, probably again a cold. But as much as possible, as soon as it gets a little colder, immediately, the disease clings to you. You probably have a weakened immune system. I will buy you all the vitamins you have, so that you get well soon, my joy. Get well, my sun, I'm so sad without you. I love you, and I will protect you so that you never get sick again.

You are like a tender sun, my beloved. Always kind, gentle, affectionate. But today my sun, something is sad, there is no mood at all. Yes, and watery eyes, cough and fever. Come on, hurry up to be treated, my love. I know that you do not like to drink medicine, but I have to, my kitten, I will personally watch this. I will look after you like a small child, I will fulfill your every desire, just get well soon. I so want to make you cheerful, joyful and healthy.

My beloved, beautiful girl, you are like a greenhouse plant. It will only get a little colder, and you already have a sore throat. Get well soon, my honey. Let this nasty disease leave you forever. It hurts me so much to watch you suffer. In order to amuse you at least a little, I will fulfill your every desire. After all, laughter is a guarantee of health. Well smile and forget about this disease. Together we will cure her forever, and for this, drink more tea with raspberries and viburnum. These healing berries will help you recover faster. Get well, my joy, I'm so bored without you. Now I will take care of you like a little one. So that you always dress warmly and never get sick again.

Colds seem simple at first glance. And how many negative symptoms it pulls with it. This is fever, cough, and sore throat. All this together must be treated immediately. I am so worried about you, my love. I will do everything to make you recover faster. I will take care of you like a small, capricious child. I know that more than anything in the world you do not like to drink medicine, but I will certainly persuade you to do it. Sweetheart, beloved and the most beautiful in the world, get well soon and never have pain again. May the Lord keep you out of trouble. I love you, my only one.

How we looked forward to this weekend, and so wanted to spend it together. But as they say, nothing can be planned in advance. Literally on Friday night you got a fever. Nothing, we will have to postpone all plans until your recovery. But please get well soon. Let me take care of you. I will try to heal you very quickly. I will control everything that the doctor has attributed to you. I love you so much, my darling, and I want you to get well soon. I will fulfill all your desires, if only you recovered sooner, my dear. May the Lord protect you.

Today I am so sad because my beloved fell ill. I understand how bad you are now, my dear. After all, when the head hurts and the temperature is not wanted. Lie down, rest, take a pill and get well quickly. I'm very sad without you. I miss you so much, honey. I will no longer bother you with my calls. Calm down and rest, and tomorrow we will meet with you again, my beloved. I am looking forward to meeting you and your recovery, my fairy princess.

For several days now, you have not seen me because you are ill. You have that nasty sore throat again. And again, you need to take a mixture, pills, and the most unpleasant procedure is to gargle. But all this must be endured, my beloved, in order to recover sooner. I want it so much, my honey. You are sick and it hurts me too. I am so worried about you that I am ready to take your illness upon myself, if only you feel good, my dear. Let the guardian angel protect you and help you recover faster. I wait and miss you, my unique one.

For a whole week, I am not in any mood because my beloved girl is sick. I know how sad it is to look through the window onto the street, because the doctor has forbidden me to go outside. But do not be so despondent, you will definitely recover, be optimistic, and the disease will quickly disappear from you. My soul is so anxious and deserted, get well soon, my most beautiful girl in the world. Get well, my joy, because I am so sad without you. May the Lord protect you, and may my love warm you and give hope for a quick recovery. I love you very much, my sun.

Darling, every moment is wonderful with you. I am so grateful to fate for such a royal gift to me. You are the most precious thing in my life. I'm ready for anything for you. And today, when you fell ill, I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes, if only you recovered as soon as possible. I will do my best for this. I'll buy the best medicines, get all the overseas vitamins, if only it helps you, my dear. Let the guardian angel help you, he will soon recover. I will always be next to you, my sun.

For a whole week we were preparing to go to rest outside the city, to the country house. But at the last minute, the plans dissipated like fog. You caught a cold again, and bed rest for a few days is guaranteed. But don't be sad, my dear, because all this can be easily corrected when you recover. And for this you need to follow all the doctor's recommendations, and most importantly, take medications on time that you don't like so much. Getting well soon, my beloved, I miss you very much. I, as a kind wizard, will fulfill any wish of my princess, if only she recovered as soon as possible.

The third day you are on sick leave, you do not go to work. I'm so bored without you. The fact that we are talking on the phone is very little for me. I so want to look into your tender eyes. Get well soon, my dear, and when you get well, I will tell you the most important words. I’m even ready to write a poem or compose a song, if only you recovered sooner. I miss your affectionate smile, your warmth and affection so much. Remember, I am always with you, and I am ready at any moment to fulfill your wish, get well soon, my princess.

My beloved girl, my angel. You, always so cheerful and cheerful, today, for some reason, are not in the mood. So it is, again this nasty cold. You urgently need to get well, because next week is your birthday. After all, on your holiday you should be the most beautiful. I will see to it that you drink these bitter pills in good faith. Get well soon, my sun, and please me again. I adore you, my dear, and I look forward to your recovery.

My beauty fell ill and stopped delighting me with her laughter, her jokes and jokes. My dear, I am already beginning to wean myself from all this, so it's time for you to get better sooner. You should get well as soon as possible, because I have many plans for the coming week. We have been sitting at home for several days now because you are sick, so we will have enough strength to realize all this. And also, as soon as you get better, we will go to your favorite restaurant. I know you want it for a long time, so it will be a great motivator for your recovery. Let's get better soon, and I'll help you regain your strength. You are great for me, so you will quickly get in shape. I don't even doubt you.

For several days now my baby has been sick, and I am worried with her. My beloved, at such moments I understand how small and defenseless you are. Although on ordinary days you seem completely different. I want to take care of you even more, to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible. I really do not want you to get sick, because I myself feel very bad at this time. I'd rather be ill than my beauty. Darling, I promise you that as soon as you recover, we will go shopping with you. So you just have no choice, I know how much you love shopping. Let’s get well sooner, otherwise all your sizes will be bought up, and I don’t want you to get upset again. I will do everything so that you never get sick again in your life.

Darling, when will you soon get better? I can no longer wake up without your kisses, without hugs, without your ringing laughter. Our apartment seems to be empty because you are sick. My love, let's get well soon, because you and I still have many plans for the next few days. Do you remember about cinema, shopping and preparation for the holiday? Well, how did you get sick? You've been looking forward to all this. So I just order you to get better as soon as possible, and I undertake, for my part, to do everything to make this day come as soon as possible. And now you have to take a few more medicines, which I previously filled with my love. These drugs are even more effective.

For several days my little sun has not shone bright light on me in the morning. Darling, I am so worried when you are sick, because I do not want you to feel any sadness and sadness. But you are so strong that you are not afraid of anything. I wish you to get well as soon as possible so that we can already begin to prepare for the upcoming vacation with you. Palm trees, sea and beach await us very soon, so let's get well. You are clever, you take all your medications on time, you keep yourself warm. I'm going to tell you some funny fairy tale so that you get better as soon as possible, okay? You can't even imagine how sad and upset I am that you got sick at such an inopportune moment. But we will still catch up.

You are my nicest, most tender and most desirable. I love you, I breathe you and I live with you. I am ready for you to do anything to make you happy. How I love your ringing funny laugh, your perky jokes. But today you are sad, your eyes are watery, your head hurts, you have no time for jokes. You have a cold again. You are like a greenhouse plant, the slightest breeze, and your throat already hurts. The doctor has prescribed medications for you that you absolutely must drink. I will make you the most healing herbal tea. You will definitely get better, my love.

I wish a speedy recovery! Please accept my sincere wishes for a speedy recovery. Get well soon! This support will be expressed in beautiful wishes for a speedy recovery. Of course, good mood and warm words with wishes of a speedy recovery.

The main thing is to smile more and believe in a wonderful recovery! And in connection with your illness, I really want to wish you more health and a speedy recovery. How to wish recovery to a dear person and cheer him up? Our site offers you the most optimistic wishes for recovery in verses that will definitely cheer up the sick person and remind him of your reverent attitude. Send SMSTags: health and recovery to your beloved

I wish you to win the fight for your health as soon as possible. Although it is not very good to be ill, it is an opportunity to feel how everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well! Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you to recover as soon as possible and return to the active implementation of your plans.

Get well soon and become vigorous and strong again! Drink more tea with raspberries, eat honey, wrap yourself in a blanket and surround yourself with positive, and you will see that it will not be easy for you to feel better, and recovery will come instantly!

Wishes for a speedy recovery in prose

A good mood is a sure way to recovery. And throw more pepper into it! And hugged me soon! Get cured of the disease as soon as possible! And how pleasant it is at such moments, attention - mom brings lime tea with lemon and honey to bed, friends call all day - "How are you?", Send sms with wishes to get better soon.

We guarantee that after reading our wishes, a smile will appear on the patient's face, and positive emotions are especially valuable in this case. Of course, the disease itself and its hardships do not need to be praised, but giving your warmth, wishing a speedy recovery and getting rid of unpleasant sensations is very useful.

Wishes of a speedy recovery to Mikhail Alyoshin

Just imagine how nice it will be for your loved one to receive such a spiritual poem in which you wish him or her a speedy recovery. Believe that your loved ones don't need anything else, because such words and phrases can not only support, but also help in a speedy recovery.

Poems and wishes

Friend, I miss you, I wish you a speedy recovery! So that you and I walk in the moonlight, And enjoy life on earth! Send your illness to hell, And get well as soon as possible! Send SMS Tags: health and recovery to your beloved guy Kind doctor Aibolit Sits in a paid clinic. Come to him for treatment, Will give an ukolchik in the buttock. Well, don't hurt, Hold your tail more cheerful, And let's get well soon. Even if you are sick, it doesn't matter! The main thing is not to get discouraged and the disease will pass by itself.

You are sick, and this, of course, is not the most pleasant fact in your life, but I am convinced that it will not be long and will soon pass. Well, for the future - try not to get sick anymore! Please accept our heartfelt wishes for the fastest victory over the disease! When you feel bad, not a single star lights up in the sky. All of them, just like the Sun, yearn with me! Get well as soon as possible.

Get well soon, And do not listen to the doctors, You never know what they say, After all, getting sick is not an option! Unfed children look with predatory eyes at a cat, and she at them. In general, the whole world is threatening to leave its orbit and drown the wishes of recovery in their own words of global warming! I wish you to recover as soon as possible, to please your loved ones and friends with smiles again, to be a cheerful and successful person again, and, of course, no longer fall into the clutches of ailments!

Confessions to a guy on the phone

Be patient, diligently follow the advice of doctors, and the disease will quickly pass. May your immunity not allow any diseases into the body, and a healthy lifestyle will always help you to be in good shape. I wish to forget about medicines and doctors, but always remember about proper nutrition and sports! Sleep, lie down and wake up In the best of all worlds. Get well soon, Smile and be healthy!

Stop hurting, let's get well, a huge number of adventures and new emotions await us. This will at least cheer him up. Wake up and sing: goodbye cold! Sour, bored, sad and frown. Eat a few spoons a day. Sadness settled in my heart. I'll get some medicine and raspberry jam.

Darling, be always healthy

And all is already exhausted! And with a painful look. And meet every day! Read books and don't get bored! I am fighting in the crib. Please get well soon! Have pity on your beloved! You are sick, but I am sad and depressed.

Though a little sick! How bad it is to be ill - temperature, a thermometer under the arm, pills and potions. This question was asked by everyone who cares about their loved ones. And I would collect honey from all flowers. And I celebrate the days before the meeting. Is the illness of a loved one not a reason for poetry?

It is after that, and send this poem with the wishes of a speedy recovery to your loved one. And if you are separated by distance, then unusual wishes for a speedy recovery will be an excellent way out of the situation. Let your wishes be the most beautiful and memorable.

I wish you health
So that, in the wind, storm, heat and hail
Would you not raise an eyebrow
Any weather would be glad!

Wish you get well

Well why didn't you follow
For health and a cold?
I want to wish now
So that the disease goes away at once!

Sms wish for recovery

It's a pity that you are sick ...
Get well soon! You can do it!

Wish you get well

Get well soon
Be cheerful and cheerful!
Down with illness when you
Best friends are waiting!

Sms wish for health!

I will be happy if my love can heal you! I'll be there soon! I've got lemon and raspberry jam!

Sms wishes for recovery!

When you get sick, I get sick too. When you laugh, I laugh too! May there be more fun moments in our life! Be healthy!

Mom's wish for recovery

A blockage at work! The chief runs along the walls and yells at everyone like crazy! Home mayhem husband in the kitchen is a disaster! Unfed children look with predatory eyes at a cat, and she at them. And in general, the whole world is threatening to leave its orbit and drown from global warming! Because my mother is sick and lies with a temperature. Get well soon MOMMA. Save us all!))

Sms wishes for recovery

I wish you the very best health
Get well soon...

Wish you get well

Get well, please, stop hurting
I look at you with pity, and I want to cry.
I will take care of you, dear,
Here are the seagulls, pill, be healthy, dear.

Wishing you a speedy recovery

Even if you are sick, it doesn't matter! The main thing is not to get discouraged and the disease will pass by itself. After all, the main cure for all diseases is a smile and a good mood! So don't be sad and get well soon, we'll wait!

Wish to get well soon

In diseases, probably only raspberry jam with hot tea is good, and a forced weekend. I wish you to recover as soon as possible, to please your loved ones and friends with smiles again, to be a cheerful and successful person again, and, of course, no longer fall into the clutches of ailments! So how did you happen to get sick? It is imperative to get better, and not wallow in bed when there is such an amazing, wonderful world around and there are many unfinished and planned tasks awaiting.

Health wish

I wish you, friend, the very best health at any time of the year and in any weather. May you always be cheerful, and no colds prevent you from working successfully and having fun. Suppose you only have to go to the pharmacy for vitamins or your favorite herbal tea for your grandmother.

Funny health wish

Can you imagine what it would be like if you weren't healthy? You couldn't eat fatty and well-done food, you couldn't afford to sit with friends and drink beer and chips. Couldn't smoke a cigarette. You wouldn't be able to do all this, so I want to wish you, be healthy! To enjoy life!

Wish for health, happiness and love

A person really needs little in life. First of all, he needs happiness, and happiness does not come from money or fame. Happiness is given by two simple components, this is health and love, if it is, then the rest can be achieved by yourself. Therefore, I wish, simply: health, happiness and love!

Health wish

The most important thing for a person in life is his health. After all, it is not without reason that from time immemorial the phrase "A healthy mind is in a healthy body!" And this is really so, because if you are healthy, it means that you are in a great mood and any business is going well. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you the very strongest health!

Poem wish for health

I tell you with love
May health be strong!
You will always shine
To surprise everyone with the beauty!

Poem wish of health to a girl

Honey, let the blush play on the cheeks,
And your smile sparkles!
You are very, very healthy to be healthy
With a pure heart, I wish now!

Health wish

If you are healthy, you will be strong, and if you are strong, you will be self-confident. If you are confident in yourself, you can be successful in love and in business!
I wish you never forget about your health, take care of it and take care of yourself! You will be healthy - you will be happy!

Recovery wishes

Better to be healthy than sick. Hardly with this statement, someone can argue. That is why, I want to wish you, with all my heart, get well soon! Come back to us in line, and go to new heights and grandiose achievements!

Recovery wishes for your beloved

My love, you are the most precious thing in my life. Therefore, I am terribly saddened by the fact that you are sick! And I really want to wish you, from the bottom of my heart, a speedy recovery. So that you can give me smiles and joy of life again!

Wish you health in verse

When you're sick, everything makes you sad
And the nose is stuffy, the head hurts.
I want to wish you, you do not be sad.
You'll get well, the doctor says.

Get well soon, may ailments and diseases leave you far and forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover, return to the mainstream of life events and again with pleasure to create, dream and love!

Get well soon, let the disease become only a short-term test, which you will quickly cope with. I wish you to gain courage, follow the recommendations of doctors, tune in to the fastest healing. Think good, then all ailments will go away!

My sun, get better, no need for such a kind and good man to get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover as soon as possible and will again be in excellent shape, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer the peaks.

My dear little man, let the disease leave you, get well soon. Stop getting sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and embody your ideas. Sunny, get well and no more pain.

The soul does not find a place, my bunny is sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, honey, let's get well and boldly into battle, forward - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!
8 Illness is always untimely, They will not invite her to visit ... I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Let the forces return quickly Into your weakened body, And quickly appear beautiful, So that nothing hurts in the future!

The most important thing for a person in life is his health. After all, it is not without reason that from time immemorial the phrase "A healthy mind is in a healthy body!" And this is really so, because if you are healthy, then you are in a great mood and any business is going well. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you the very strongest health!

I wish you to win the fight for your health as soon as possible. Measure degrees only in a glass, glow only with love, feel dizzy only with happiness. Get back to the ranks soon, keep up with everyone and never leave our friendly ranks again.

I wish you recovery! And instead of a spray, I wish to sprinkle my throat with joyful exclamations; instead of medicinal syrup - take a sip of the most delicious, tender happiness; instead of pills - take dosed success (so as not to turn your head completely); and instead of linden tea - drink the intoxicating drink of love, which gives strength to recover and be happy!

Although it is not very good to be ill, it is an opportunity to feel how everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well!

May today on a sunny saucer bring you health, so that all viruses evaporate from this radiant gift, so that the disease goes away without leaving any memories of yourself, and so that you again burst into a healthy life overflowing with events.

For the fastest recovery, positive emotions are needed, so follow the prescribed procedures with a smile and do not lose heart! Let all the pills prescribed by the doctor be sweet, the compresses are gentle, and the temperature does not jump up and down and returns to normal. We wish your immunity to get stronger and win an unconditional victory!

Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you to recover as soon as possible and return to the active implementation of your plans. Be patient, diligently follow the advice of doctors, and the disease will quickly pass. The main thing is to smile more and believe in a wonderful recovery!

Get well soon and become vigorous and strong again! May your immunity not allow any diseases into the body, and a healthy lifestyle will help you always be in good shape. I wish to forget about medicines and doctors, but always remember about proper nutrition and sports!

Wishes to the patient a speedy recovery in prose

Get well soon! I wish you to mobilize your will and give your indisposition such a rebuff that it will forever forget its way to you. Let the best incentive for this be the anticipation of your triumphant return to the seething joy, the usual rhythm of life.

Everything in the world can be successfully corrected, but you must first recover and take care of strengthening the immune system. The medic and I, your friend, will definitely try to provide maximum assistance, to protect against possible deterioration of health. Trust in your quick recovery, because good mood and optimism can play an important role. Smile as often as possible and know that you will definitely take a step towards your excellent future. Fate can show favor if fortitude is shown. The ailment can go away, take the existing pain with it. I want to wish you health and energy, dawn after a dark period. Remember that every person needs health, because it is it that gives the chances of successful progress. I wish you activity and health, because I want to see you as a truly happy person!

Get ready quickly! Pack pills and potions in your suitcase, put doctors' prescriptions and prescriptions in your pocket, be sure to take a couple of ampoules of positive attitude with you, and, of course, don't forget about a bottle with a sense of humor. Everything, now you are fully armed! Forward to recovery!

Let the evil disease immediately recede in front of your incredible optimism, strong will, strong character, vigorous attitude and desire to clearly follow all medical recommendations! It is very sad to be ill, and I do not want to see your sadness, so get well soon!

Let this wonderful day be another step towards your recovery! Remember that it is positive emotions that will help you heal, which is why it is so important to smile and not lower your nose. I know for sure that in the coming days the illness will go away and you will again receive a surge of strength and energy, so I wish you to get better as soon as possible!

As you know, you need to protect yourself from unpleasant diseases, because they just strive to break into life, spoil it. I want to wish you active recovery, pleasant and useful thoughts, and a strong spirit. I believe that the disease will definitely remain in the past. Please do your best to maintain your optimism and the ability to fully enjoy the world around you. Of course, for this you need to recover quickly, and then - to take care of yourself and your energy, to strengthen the immune system. In addition, walks and an active lifestyle contribute to maintaining good health. Try to move more in order to prevent the occurrence of repeated diseases, because life is given for happiness, activity, and not in order to lie in bed and suffer from sores. I wish you a quick recovery!

No one is safe from being exhausted under a blanket and with an armpit thermometer. At this hour, I would like to wish you a speedy recovery and good mood! Let the potions and pills, watching the best films and TV series have their magical effect, and you will again be on your feet in excellent health and wonderful mood!

I wish your body to stop all inflammatory processes in itself, to normalize the temperature to 36.6 and raise the recovery flag as high as possible!

Sweetheart, get well, such a good and kind man should not be sick. I am very worried about you and sincerely hope that you will recover faster and will again be in excellent shape, fully armed and in full combat readiness to reach new heights.

Even if you are sick, it doesn't matter! The main thing is not to get discouraged and the disease will pass by itself. After all, the main cure for all diseases is a smile and a good mood! So don't be sad and get well soon, we'll wait!

Health is God's most valuable gift to man. Only a healthy person has the opportunity to actively create and enjoy life. The disease can undermine the morale of any person. I wish you a speedy recovery and return to your favorite job. May vitality never leave you, and health overflows the vessel of your life. We all need you and look forward to your recovery.

Wishes for a speedy recovery in your own words

Let the sickness leave the window as soon as possible, let it be a cheerful and bright day, get well soon, because such an excellent man should not be sick. He should make this world better, create, dream, strive for goals and enjoy life. Get well.

Dear little man, why did you not monitor your health and managed to catch a cold? I am so sad that you are sick, you have to endure serious hardships now, when you are in bed, you want activity, but you cannot find the strength for this. I wish you the active recovery that you dream of so much. Call a medic, and then follow his instructions. Let the medical care be sure to give you an additional foundation that will contribute to successful progress in the chosen direction to normalize your health. Accept my wishes with the acquisition of energy, because they come from the soul and, most likely, should find realization in reality. Dear person, you must be active, therefore, make every effort for your recovery. Use every opportunity for a successful recovery, and I will help you with this.

As they say, the main thing is health, and the rest will follow. And in connection with your illness, I really want to wish you more health and a speedy recovery. So that you are full of strength, and your immunity has risen to unprecedented heights and no infection will take you anymore!

I wish you to win the fight for your health as soon as possible. Although it is not very good to be ill, it is an opportunity to feel how everyone needs you! The sun is sad without you and every morning, looking into your room, wishes you a speedy recovery. I miss you too, because my favorite sun is you! Get well! Health is the most important thing in life. I wish you to recover as soon as possible and return to the active implementation of your plans.

The disease is a serious challenge that must be successfully dealt with. Despite the fact that pain and weakness attacks, you need to make every effort for an active recovery. Let life in the very near future begin to give positive emotions again and allow you to reveal bright colors. I want you to enjoy the sun's rays and fresh wind, sunrises and sunsets. Joy will come only after the illness is in the past. Of course, today I will come to you after a working day, I will try to provide worthy support and help in everyday life, so that you have the opportunity to relax and unwind. Believe that our joint efforts will definitely give you additional energy, increase your chances of returning to good health. Friend, I am confident that in the very near future we will embark on a journey that will prove successful. Accept my wishes for recovery!

“Our dear little man! They say that if you strive with all your heart for something, then it undoubtedly comes true. You will definitely be cured! Now medicine is progressing very much. We are your family, together with the doctors, we will try to do everything possible to restore your health. "

I wish every cell of your body to work for recovery and general improvement, and this will not be superfluous with the sweet sunny orange juice that I left you on your nightstand!

I wish you brave powerful immune cells tonight, so that the pill will send fever, diseases and ailments away!

I want to wish you a speedy recovery. Let the bitter medicine stop being needed as soon as possible. I hope that your health will definitely become strong and your immunity perfect. Ailments can recede for a long time, but you need to first take care of eliminating the existing ailment. Dear little man, you can take care of yourself, take a step towards your healthy future. I beg you to get well as soon as possible. Health is the most important value that ensures a happy future. We will definitely try to do our best to restore your health and, of course, keep it for a long time. I will try to make sure that everything works out for you as quickly as possible. After that, take care of yourself, because the next illness must be prevented. Have you agreed on such a miraculous interaction?

Swallow the medicine patiently - this will help you overcome the influence of evil viruses faster! Do not be foul eating lemons - they will perfectly boost your immunity!