Parting words to the conscript in the army. Parting words to the recruit. What they say on the wires to the army. Cool toasts for seeing off to the army. Army conscript congratulations. Wishes to send off to the army in your own words

Seeing off to the army in the spring and autumn calls of 2020 is an important and touching event not only for the hero of the occasion himself, but also for his friends and relatives. How you want to choose the most necessary, warmest words for a loved one with whom you have to part for a whole year!

It's no secret that wishes for seeing off to the army in your own words are remembered more than standard congratulations. On this page of our site you will find parting words for sending off to the army, which can be read at the festive table or written on a postcard.

Son! You grew up so fast that we didn't have time to look back. And now the time has come when you are called up for military service. We want to wish you that it will be beneficial for you, wish you to become a real man - courageous, strong, able to protect yourself and those people you love, and most importantly, that you return safe and sound, and may God keeps you!

Dear son! I confess that I am reluctant to let you go on this difficult journey. This is the first time we've been apart for so long. But the world is so arranged that mothers must accompany their sons to the army. I am sure that you will endure with dignity all the hardships of military life, and this will only help you turn from a boy into a man! Be healthy and may the Lord protect you!

Dear friend! Congratulating you on this day, I want to wish you a lot of patience, perseverance and strength. Let the service be easy, reliable colleagues and pleasant leisure. Gain experience, build your character, never give up, be brave and determined. Good teachers and interesting events!

Brother! Today we have a joyful and a little sad event. Happy because you have been honored to serve in the armed forces. And sad - because we will not see each other for a whole year. But this time will fly by instantly, because everything in this life is fleeting. I want to wish you good luck with all my heart! Be brave, strong, carry out orders from your elders. I wish you good health, patience, endurance. And we will wait for you with impatience. I wish you happiness and easy service!

I think the army is a test for every man. And today we see off a wonderful person who is about to go through one of the most important tests in his life. May he always be brave, persistent and proud for the fact that he was given the honorary title to serve in the ranks of the army and show his courage, courage and honor!

Wishes to send off to the army in your own words

On the wires to the army, you want to express your heartfelt wish on your own behalf, but you are not distinguished by special literary talents? No problem.

Choose the words suitable for parting words for sending off to the army, which we have brought especially for this occasion - and congratulate your dear person on this important event.

Today we see off a brave and courageous guy to serve the Motherland. Let the army teach you to be firm and decisive, let the service be not a burden, but a joy. I wish you well-being and luck, health and patience. Let this time fly by quickly, and our protector will be with us again.

Being a soldier is a great honor for every guy. And today, seeing you off to the army, we want to wish you successful service. This year will fly by very quickly, and you will return to your friends and family as a real man - strong, strong, courageous. I wish you good health. Let the girl you love be sure to wait for you. Let your guardian angel protect you. Let luck and luck always accompany you!

They say the truth is that the army makes real men out of guys. After all, there are no parents to whom in difficult times you can cry. The army is a serious test, it is an adult life. You must solve all problems yourself, in an adult way. Today, seeing you off to the ranks of the armed forces, I would like to wish you a good mood, patience and endurance. Serve so that your parents are proud of you, so that you are not ashamed to face your comrades in civilian life. And be happy!

Parting words on wires to the army

Wishes or parting words at the celebration about seeing off to the army can be heard from parents, friends, and your girlfriend. It doesn't matter if they are expressed in their own words or borrowed from somewhere. The main thing is that these words are warm and sincere.

So you're a soldier! You will be strong, brave; the same desperately assertive when he wanted to get away from the army. You will clean your clothes and boots yourself, not ask your mother. You will cope with problems yourself without calling your older brother for help. And we will follow your progress and wait for demobilization!

What is an army in a man's life? The army is a place where character is hardened and a man is made of yesterday's boy. That is why I want to wish you - do not be sad when you leave to serve! This time will fly by quickly, and I hope it will benefit you!

It's time to prove that you are a real man: the summons is in your hands, which means it's time for you to serve. A year to walk in kirzachs, learn to shoot, change your life completely and completely. Service in the army is the lot of every self-respecting man, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. I wish you to spend this year not in vain and become a real defender of our Motherland!

Today we have a great occasion to remember what men are for. And they are meant to be our protectors. They rightly say that there is such a profession - to defend the Motherland. So let's drink to our defender, let the soldier's boots not seem heavy to him, and the uniform will always fit!

You go to the army, and all your relatives, friends and relatives came to see you off. Military service is a test of endurance, patience, willpower. And we so want to believe that you will pass this test with excellent marks. Serve so that your parents will be proud of you. Follow the instructions of your superiors, be kind to your colleagues. Do not be arrogant, be devoted to your beliefs. We wish you only good luck in the service of the Fatherland. Be happy and remain a real man!

We hope that the warm words we have selected here for sending off to the army will help you express your feelings towards your son, brother, friend or beloved boyfriend on this important day.

And if you are separated from a loved one by distances, then for the celebration of his sending off to the army, you can send him sincere congratulations and parting words in the form of SMS or e-mail.

Service in the ranks of the Armed Forces is an important stage in the life of any young man. According to the established tradition, before sending the conscript, they arrange a ceremonial farewell to the army, otherwise the dump. Relatives and friends gather at a laid table to admonish the young man to a worthy passage of the service.

Since the feast cannot be called festive in any way, the important point is to create a good mood and a warm friendly atmosphere. It is necessary to set the tone for the future soldier and leave him with pleasant memories of the moldboard.

Organization of a feast

So that the feast does not consist of toasts and conversations alone, it is necessary to draw up a script in advance. You can entrust the organization of the gala evening to the friends of the conscript. At the same time, it is desirable that an adult man with military service experience take over the leadership.

A good omen is the holding of a dump "on the ground". Since the conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces takes place in spring and autumn, it is better to prepare a feast in the fresh air, for example, in the country. An alternative would be to organize a barbecue picnic.

It is not accepted to hire a toastmaster from the side to an event dedicated to seeing off to the army. The steward at the feast is usually one of the relatives. His task is to properly organize the guests who are sending the young man to the service, so that chaos does not arise at the table.

To create a fun atmosphere, serious toasts and speeches should be interspersed with humorous verses. You can prepare and distribute to the guests cards or postcards with cool congratulations on the young man's transition to the new status of a soldier, or it can be posters that guests of the celebration will read in chorus.

An obligatory attribute of the program is the performance of military songs. The musical accompaniment can be a guitar or button accordion. If there are none, you can sing in karaoke or acapella (no music).

Don't forget about fun contests. It can be a comic sports competition between a rookie and his friends. For older guests (parents and their friends), you can organize table games on the knowledge of army terminology.

As a decoration, they often order balloons with military symbols or wishes for a successful service.

Who says parting words to the future soldier

It is customary to invite relatives and people close to the family to the dump. During the feast, each of them must be given the floor for a parting speech. The most senior man who served in the Armed Forces should open the official celebration.

Parents should be singled out separately. Father and mother are given the floor not only for giving parting words to their son, but also for parental blessing for military service. Special attention should be paid to the older generation. Parting words from grandparents have their own characteristics.

Close relatives (aunts, uncles) can be instructed to prepare a comic parting word for the nephew, which will contain the catch phrases of famous military leaders, army sayings and proverbs.

If the recruit has a girlfriend, you need to give her the floor separately. The speech must be prepared in advance. It is desirable that the wish is in verse. This will make it easier for the girl to express her feelings. Poems must necessarily contain a promise to wait for the guy from the army.

Parting words to the recruit

Parting words before being sent to serve in the Armed Forces should inspire a young man to believe that his choice is deliberate and correct. Thanks to the parting words of his parents, the young man should feel more confident.

From parents, a recruit can hear approximately the following words:

  • Dear son! It seems that not long ago we accompanied you to school, and now, you have already grown up, and we are escorting you to serve in the army. We believe that you will be able to withstand all the tests of military service with honor. You will obey your commanders and you will not give a reason to doubt your decency. You will become a good companion to your colleagues and a worthy defender of the Fatherland. Light service to you, our dear. We look forward to meeting you. God bless you.
  • Son! You have become quite an adult, and the time has come to show truly masculine qualities. Service in the army makes a man out of a young man. We know that it will not be easy for you, but we believe that you will be able to fulfill your military duty with honor and dignity. You will be a good soldier and a reliable friend. Serve, dear, we will wait for you.

From mother to son, words of support and love should get:

  • Son! It's hard for me to part with you for a whole year. But military service is an integral part of the life of a real man. And I'm sure I raised a real man. I love you very much, my dear, and I believe in you. Serve worthily, do not forget your mother, and may God keep you.
  • My dear son! I am very worried about your new life. You will have to spend a whole year away from your family and solve all problems on your own. I am worried about what commanders and comrades will be next to you. But at the same time, I am proud that you, like a real man, are leaving to defend the Motherland. Be honest, bear the title of soldier with dignity and remember that at home you are loved and always expected.

New recruit wishes from friends

First of all, you should know that you do not need to wish for conscripts. First, get back home as soon as possible. The army is not a prison, and there is no amnesty there. If a soldier is returned home earlier than the due date, this means a commission - transfer to the reserve for health reasons on the basis of a military medical commission.

Secondly, it would be wrong to wish the recruit “good commanders”. A commander cannot be a priori kind. It may or may not be fair. Friends can memorize wishes in advance or simply tell in their own words how they will miss a reliable friend and a world guy.

Examples of wishes in prose from the conscript's friends:

  • Buddy! Today I am a little sad that you are leaving us for a whole year. But I am proud that my friend is a real man who did not look for reasons and excuses, did not “mow”, but honestly goes to fulfill his military duty. May you have the same loyal and reliable friends in the army as in civilian life. Serve with dignity, and in a year we will meet you even more solemnly than we see off today.
  • Friend! When leaving to serve, remember that in civilian life you have friends who will always support you. You are a wonderful guy and I really value our friendship. I want to wish you good luck. Let you be lucky with the commanders and colleagues, then the year of service will fly by unnoticed.
  • Brother! Military service is a test worthy of a real man. In a year you will gain experience, become stronger, bolder and more serious. I wish you to earn the authority of your colleagues and commanders, so that parents can be proud of their son. And we will all be waiting for you and in exactly a year we will gather at the festive table to congratulate you on your demobilization.

The godmother usually focuses on health. She wishes her godson not to get sick, to protect herself from injuries. He promises to support his parents while the young man serves in the army.

Quatrains from guests

Short wishes in verse that you can use to write on postcards:

The border is strictly guards,
Behave yourself with dignity.
Serve your Motherland honestly
So that we sleep well.

We want to wish you patience
Always be a man in everything.
We will be waiting for you very much
Write, miss, love.

Serve with dignity, our fighter!
Perform commands skillfully.
Be strong, be healthy, well done,
Walk boldly through life.

Be a faithful companion, serve honestly,
You cherish the friendship of a soldier.
We wish to find real friends
So that your service is more fun.

Don't let yourself be offended
And help your colleagues
Follow the orders strictly
Don't forget to write home.

Protect the borders of the Fatherland -
An honorable duty.
Serve bravely, valiantly.
And it will be a credit year.

I wish you easy service
Help your co-workers.
I wish you a strong friendship
Never be discouraged.

We wish the demobilization to come as soon as possible,
Try not to miss home much.
And we promise in a year, believe us,
We will meet you in the same composition.

It would be a good idea to independently compose ditties-wishes on the army theme and fulfill them on a dump.


As a wish for seeing off to the army, you can use the soldier's commandments. You can instruct a senior comrade who has successfully served in the ranks of the Armed Forces to read them.

  • Stay close to the kitchen, away from the bosses;
  • Do not give advice to your superiors, otherwise you yourself will carry them out;
  • Clean your daughter's boots, otherwise you will clean the toilet white;
  • Finished work - do not rush to report, otherwise you will receive a new one;
  • Digging a trench, take more, throw on. While it flies, take a break;
  • If you don’t want to call your hands, it’s not a calloused commander;
  • Do not rush to carry out the order, the command may follow: "Set aside";
  • You may not shine with your mind, but you must shine with your boot;
  • Serve as a soldier and be diligent. And remember: demobilization is inevitable.

Whatever the scenario of the ceremonial departure of a young man to serve in the Armed Forces, it is important that the evening is remembered. The young man should take with him good and cheerful memories of the last evening in civilian life. He must be sure that his family, girlfriend and best friends love him, appreciate and look forward to his return.

It's time to become a soldier.
There is confusion in the family, my mother sheds tears,
But since the guy was lucky to be born,
Then on the shoulder and a campaign in the army!

There will be no time for sorrow
And the army term will fly by quickly.
We know you are a smart, strong guy!
Serve with dignity, dear son!

Today is a responsible day:
We accompany you to the service.
Be honest, brave, fighter.
Appreciate attitude, friendship.

Be true to yourself and your friends
And do your service properly.
Do not indulge your enemies
Stand up for those who are younger.

We are seeing you off now
Where they grow up, they grow up.
Let difficulties lie ahead
But never be shy!

Your years of service will pass.
You will return as a brave man.
Take care of yourself and your family,
Let there be reasons for happiness!

Congratulating on the wires to the army, I want to wish you a lot of patience, perseverance and strength. Let the service be easy, reliable colleagues and pleasant leisure. Gain experience, build your character, never give up, be brave and determined. Good teachers and interesting events!

You are an adult, strong, young,
Gallant, brave daredevil.
Take to the army with you
The warmth of your dear hearts.

We will be waiting for you very much
Write, miss, always love.
We want to wish you patience
Always be a man in everything!

For a while we need to say goodbye -
You must become a soldier.
A lucky man to be born
So we will be proud of you!

Serve the Fatherland, protect
And never be discouraged!
And the family is always waiting at home
And your faithful friends!

We are seeing you off to the army today!
We wish you success there, of course,
Let the service be light and simple,
Good luck will be with you.

Health will be strong, vigorous,
And let family and friends wait at home.
Always be free from negativity.
And let your part flourish.

Serious business - to serve the Fatherland!
Today we came to see you off.
Keep your nose to the wind, you won't be lost there.
The year will quickly rush - you will come home.
We wish you to serve with dignity,
Friends and parents should not be let down!

Congratulations on your new journey
Let it be easy service in the army,
May you have a lot of luck
Let the hand be of help.

Always be courageous, strong
Stand firmly for your principles,
Let everything be stable in life,
May your friends always be near.

Today we accompany you to the service,
You are courageous, brave, young,
And we will wait for you very amicably,
Just a little bit and see you.

Just a little bit, you'll see, soon,
We will hug you tightly again,
With you we will be thoughts, soul,
You are only dear, take care of yourself!

To serve in the army
The trumpet is calling you
Let the service be a soldier
Yours goes easily.

Boots let heel
They don't rub you
Into the cook's porridge
Let the oils be added.

I wish that a soldier
You have become great
Motherland, Motherland
I paid my filial debt.

May everything in the world succeed
Be worthy of all the awards!
Although the service is not easy,
But you can do everything, soldier!

Perform commands skillfully
Be healthy, be strong, finally!
Step forward easily and boldly
Serve with courage, our fighter!

Wishes for them always remain in memory for many years, because this is the last day before an important stage in the transformation of a boy into a man. Therefore, it is important that wishes come from the bottom of your heart.

Seeing off to the army, wishes can be in prose, poetry, comic or in the form of a toast. Choose the one that best suits both the willing and the one who goes to the army.

Wishes on wires to the army

The most universal type is wishes in prose. Seeing off to the army, wishes in prose can be funny and personalized.

"You could have cut it, but you didn’t. So, you are persistent and determined. And not a boy, but a man. You are leaving the house for a long time, and I want everything to get better when you come back. All changes will be only positive. will have the strength and health to wait for you home. Our friendship will become even stronger after separation! Come back healthy! Good luck! "

"You are leaving to serve, and we hope that time will fly by very quickly! I wish that all your army days were not a burden, but only joy. I know that this trip will help you become stronger and more courageous. We will miss and wait ! Come home!"

Wishes in verse

"It is an honor to serve today,

Defend our home.

We will drink together today

For an army day, dear. "

"Let him serve and not push,

Runs easily and sleeps sweetly

Let everything go smoothly

I wish you a quick return! "

"Today we will have fun

Dance, drink and sing until the morning!

We came to say goodbye to you,

It is sad, but it's time to go.

You are brave and strong

We know.

And the service will go for you!

And every day of your army

Passes as an important lesson.

Here we will wait and pray

So that you serve with a bang!

Serve and man our ....... (here you can insert the name into the rhyme)

Your home will always be here! "

Wish in prose:

"My dear son! How reluctant I am to let you go on this difficult journey. This is the first time we will be apart for so long. But the world is so arranged that mothers should accompany their sons to the army. I am sure that you will be with dignity. you will endure all the hardships of military life, and this will only help you turn from a boy into a man! Be healthy! Come back better than you were! May the Lord protect you! "

Seeing off to the army, a wish in verse from mom:

"We drink for you, our dear son,

May you come home strong and brave!

So that the Guardian Angel shore and saved,

And your faithful friend would always help.

Let the service pass easily and calmly

Success in everything and fewer obstacles!

Let sickness and adversity all pass by

And strength and courage will get rewards!

Let's raise our glasses and drink them in one gulp

Son, for you! "

Seeing off to the army, wishes from my sister

"I will miss you, brother, as long as you serve there,

May your every day be easy and time flies like an arrow.

Come back soon, my brother, come back stronger than you were.

I will be waiting for you, you know!

Come back to live and love! "

"Let there be fewer worries,

And the orderly doesn't scream too much.

Let you get used to getting up early

And cook oatmeal with barley.

Don't let your legs hurt from running

The foreman does not drive in the cold,

And so that you pass the cross skillfully,

And the horizontal bar hugged like an athlete.

Let it be easy and free

Every day your army

Come back, brother, quickly.

We'll wait for you home! "

"We grew up together all our lives, and today we are parting for such a long time for the first time. I want you to be served easily, and time would fly by quickly. Service will only temper you, and you will become stronger and wiser. I want you to know here at home I will think of you every day and miss you. I will wait for your return, my brother soldier! "

"My brother, you are not a boy,

My brother, you are a soldier.

It will be difficult, but I know -

You are always happy to protect.

You are brave

You are strong

My very best brother!

You did not mow from the armada,

Because fighting!

Come back home to us soon,

It's not like this without you.

Let health not fail

And the archangel protects

Let the foreman not harass

And let him work! "

Of course, you can use toasts for sending off to the army, wishes and poems posted in this article. But the best wish would be one composed independently and with all my heart. And let it not be a rhymed message, but even ordinary prose will be a good parting word to the army, if it is written personally. Best of all, if you make a wish for the conscript and wish that time flies by quickly, health remains strong, and yesterday's boy returned home matured and matured. Let the service in the army be easy and quick for your loved one.

One of the most important events in the life of young men is seeing them off to the army. This event is accompanied by a festive celebration with close relatives and friends. On such a day, it is customary to give memorable gifts to a future serviceman. The celebration itself often takes place according to special traditions that have been adhered to for many decades.

There is a certain scenario according to which the send-off to the army is made. It is imperative that a table be set for a recruit, and relatives and friends should be invited to the holiday. The gathered guests can sincerely rejoice for the young man, give good advice and wishes regarding the upcoming military service.

Close relatives and friends should support the recruit with a kind word, this is very important for a future soldier.

Seeing off is an important day for a new recruit, so many young people prefer to spend it with their closest friends and relatives. It is desirable for parents and beloved girl to restrain their emotions at the holiday. Extra tears at such a celebration are useless, as they can upset the young man before leaving for the service. You should not be sad before such an important event for a young guy. At the moment of being sent to the army, he should feel support from his family and see joy on their faces. So he will receive a positive charge of emotions. He will not have a reason to worry about loved ones, with whom he had not previously had to be separated for so long.


Relatives of the recruit can order a prayer in the church, for his well-being

Recently, less and less attention is paid to the importance of an event that only once occurs in the life of a conscript. Now we are talking about wires. This was influenced by the shortening of the service life in the army. As a result of these changes, fewer and fewer young people are choosing to pay goodbye to family and friends in accordance with long-standing traditions. But still, a certain scenario is often used, according to which they send off to the army. This rule still holds true in many families.

It is strongly recommended that a young man, before being sent to the army, go to church services to confess and receive communion. In this case, you must take a pectoral cross with you. Parents of a conscript can order a service in the temple before sending their son into the army. In such situations, a magpie is made for his health.

There is one current tradition that is often performed on the wires to the army. She is associated with a bottle. To carry out the ritual, all guests who have gathered at an important event need to sign for containers with champagne or wine. At the same time, it is necessary to say the words of wishes to the conscript. The bottle is left in storage until the young man returns from the army. After returning home, a man can drink it with family members to celebrate this event.

Until now, many people use a very ancient tradition, which requires the conscript to hang a ribbon at home. Until the young man returns from the army, no one should take it off. As soon as the military service ends, upon arrival home, he personally removes this ribbon. This ceremony allows the guy to leave a small reminder about himself to his family. The ribbon is a symbol of his imminent return from service. At the sight of this, the close ones will constantly remember the guy who went into the army.


Those leaving for the army must take a place of honor at the head of the festive table

Most people have long ceased to believe in omens. Therefore, many of them were simply forgotten. But there are still such beliefs that after a while are still popular with people. Even skeptics, escorting a loved one to the army, do not risk violating established omens, customs and certain traditions.

It is believed that during the festive feast, the conscript should definitely sit at the head of the table. Relatives and friends sit near him. The first to say the parting speech is necessary for the most adult man in the family. It's good if he served in the military. It is important to pay special attention to the conscript's mother at the table. She must give her blessing for the service and baptize her son three times.

Many adhere to other signs:

  • Before leaving for the army, it is advisable for a recruit to put on a cross and wear it until he returns home.
  • Parents can make a talisman for their son by cutting off a piece of his hair and placing it on the icon with a cross.
  • Reading prayers for the conscript also has an important role.
  • At the recruiting office, after waiting for the bus with conscripts to leave, coins are thrown after the young man. It is necessary to pick up the one that touched the transport, and keep it with you until the man returns.
  • Leaving the house to the military registration and enlistment office, the recruit should cross the threshold of the house, turning his back to him.
  • It is important not to try on military uniform during the send-off.

Subject to all these rules, you can not worry about a young man who goes to the army.

What not to do

It is not worth the conscript to go into the army directly from the festive table, in strong alcoholic intoxication

Before being sent to a military unit of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, you should be well prepared. You need to collect all the things you need for the trip. It is undesirable to take an expensive mobile phone, laptop or tablet with you into the army.

If you have debts, you should pay them back before the wires are sent off and, if possible, do not borrow money from anyone before leaving for the army. You should finish and solve all your important affairs at once, and not postpone them until the end of the service.

When leaving to serve, you must not quarrel or quarrel with family and friends. The conscript's mood before this event should be good, and his thoughts should not be burdened by everyday problems.

If there are grievances against friends, it is advisable to deal with them even before leaving for a military unit, so that later you do not harass yourself with negative thoughts. The young man should immediately tune in to positive emotions. And thoughts about quarrels and conflicts with dear people can prevent this.

It is highly undesirable for a recruit to collect the necessary things at the last moment. You cannot work until the last day before the start of the service. It's best to take yourself a few weekends to get a good rest. Such a mini vacation in front of the army will not be superfluous.

On the day of the departure, you should not walk until the morning. It is recommended to go to bed early to get a good night's sleep before going to the recruiting office.

Gifts and wishes

Guests who come to see off must bring gifts to the draftee, and also prepare a parting text and words of wishes. It should be borne in mind that in the army, not everything that relatives give him will be useful. Therefore, many presents will remain waiting for him at home. Therefore, if there is a desire to give a young man a really worthwhile and necessary gift in the service, then you should find out in advance what he will need.

For a loved one

Any gift presented to your beloved will be very pleasant and dear to the recruit.

There are several options for a good gift from a beloved to a guy who goes to the army. A small calendar or a notebook with your photo can become an interesting present. At the time of its donation, the girl should say: "I wish you good service" or other words of congratulations. Parting words on the road and sincere wishes from his beloved will be pleasant for the young man.

Gift stationery, such as a notebook, pen and pencils, can be purchased for the conscript. They can also act as a presentation. A photo album and postage envelopes will come in handy. If a girl wants to make a special gift for her lover, then she should make her own memorable embroidery on a gift scarf for a guy.


Personal hygiene products will certainly be needed by a conscript on duty, since the army regulations require that the soldier is always clean and shaven. Therefore, friends should consider shaving gel, aftershave cream, and also machines as a presentation. Comic verses or funny congratulations can complement the gift.

If the conscript smokes, then an interesting lighter will be a good gift for him.

From acquaintances and friends of parents

All acquaintances and friends of the parents who were called to send off the young man to the army are recommended to give the young man money. He may need them on the road or already in the army to buy the necessary things.

One should not abandon the organization of sending the future soldier to the army. For him, this event should become a real holiday, after which he will start a new life.