Summer solstice: traditions, signs and origin of the holiday. Summer solstice - Vedism - history - article directory - unconditional love June 21 summer solstice rituals

This is the day when all natural energies are activated, and are able to support and renew human energy. There is simply no better time for natural, natural balancing with the forces of this world! The period from 20 to 23 June is the strongest in terms of energy. This is the time of magic and magic. This is the time for the transformation of reality. This is the time when everyone can influence their life as much as they are ready: internally, personally, spiritually, mentally.

During this period, try to avoid bad thoughts, negative wishes, and if you feel that your mood is spoiling, just wash yourself. If this is not enough, wash your feet to remove low and heavy energy from the body level. And remember that from June 20 to June 23 - you with your thoughts especially strongly influence your own destiny! IT'S POWER TIME! This is the time of special energetic, natural vibrations, the natural flow of interaction of all Natural Forces. Therefore, think and desire only good and joyful energies. As the saying goes, what you sow comes you reap. You will only have to reap the next 6 months ...

The night from 20 to 21 (just before the Day of the Summer Solstice) is the most powerful period. At this time, awakening occurs, the activation of the process of interaction of natural forces, and it is at this time that it is good to jump over the fire - 3 or 9 times, and if there is preparation, then walk on coals. For this is one of the best moments for clearing the energy, "burning out" mental debris.

Having purified by fire, it is good to purify with water, having also performed ablution 3 or 9 times. Quantity is associated with the Trinity and its part - the law of Cyclicity, and by performing ablution in this way - you synchronize with the laws of the Universe and prepare yourself for a new Path, a new level of spiritual development, a new life. This is especially good for those who need to start a “new life from scratch”, a new business, before getting a new job.

At least in the evening of June 20th it is good to be in nature, to stand by large and mature trees and it is very desirable to weave a wreath. The wreath can even be woven from birch twigs. And then let go into the water with gratitude for all the good things in your life. The energy of Gratitude is healing, and the more sincerely you thank, the better for your energy and your soul. If there is no way to weave a wreath, you can simply release the flowers into the water. This simple ritual is a sign of respect for the forces of Nature, and therefore for the Forces of the Universe.

It is good to drink herbal tea, light candles at home. Collect herbs - collected on this day, they have great power. It is good to walk (or even better - to run) barefoot on the grass. It is good to do this in the morning and evening throughout the period from June 20th to 23rd. June 21 and 22 - it is good to get up early, at dawn, and taking the dawn rays, think about what you want to happen in your life in the near future. And ask for support from the energy of the Sun, in your own words, from the heart, sincerely. NOT AS A SLAVE OR SLAVE, but as a Daughter or Son, a descendant of the Higher Forces, a worthy representative of the human race!

In the period from June 21 to 23 - it is good to remember with a kind word the people who have passed away, and especially those who were dear to you. If you need, you can ask for support from the deceased representatives of your Family. The summer solstice is perhaps the only period when you can turn to the Force of the Family for help and support without special rituals.

If health is important to you - then when eating food, concentrate on the fact that it nourishes your body and heals it. Drink water, insisting it in crystal containers (even if it is a vase - crystal is important), wash yourself with water that has stood in the crystal overnight.

If love is important to you, give the opposite sex something small but beautiful. Women need to weave a wreath and release it into the water with a request to the Higher Forces - to give you mutual love and personal happiness.

If well-being and prosperity is important to you - throughout the entire period, from June 21 to 23 - treat sweets to those you can. Children, beggars, acquaintances and friends.

It is vitally important for men during this period to pamper their women! You can have fruit if a woman is on a diet or follows the principles of proper nutrition - and you follow the trend of the period, and the woman will not scold you that you spoil her figure.

And right from this moment - think about how you want to see and feel your life. Remember that during this period, your thoughts are especially powerful in your life.

So, June 21 is the day of the summer solstice and this is one of the most beautiful days of the year. One of the most powerful vibrations of an energetically filled day. This is the right time and blessed one for solving all our life tasks. 7 days before and 7 days after June 21, these are the most intense and fruitful days to work on yourself. During these days, you can drastically change your life for the better. Each conscious person will become a bearer and transmitter of New Energies, which, through the Planetary Logos, through the Great Central Sun, will enter the Earth.

Why do we need it? The fact is that in our DNA there are matrices and inner Light, like the original Blueprint of the Source, which have been there since our very first experience in incarnation. Now they are not unpacked, that is, in a dormant state. These matrices and Light are awaiting your readiness and the right time to decode them. And this time has come!

You, each of you, will become the bearer of the New Quantum Energies Alpha and Omega, which through you will fill the Earth and all space. Energies are constantly increasing, and this trend will not only continue in the future, but the vibrations will constantly increase. Some of you stopped in confusion, but the energies continue to grow, and now a little time passes, even by earthly reckoning, and you begin to feel that everything that you have been doing is not your Path, and the comrades-in-arms with whom you have been walking for so long are no longer your fellow travelers ... My dear ones, this is just a difference in the set of Light, you stopped, as it seemed to you to rest, to comprehend, and the whole Universe together with the Earth moved forward, sometimes overcoming unbearable loads, and you stopped resonating at the same frequency. This is neither bad nor good, it is your choice that is respected by the Forces of Light.

Guys, we have passed the point of no return and now we have one road - Forward and Up! It's time to let go of all fears and doubts and boldly move Forward. You must understand that sooner or later, you will have to make a Choice. Sometimes this choice is given to us very hard, but without it you will not be able to move forward.

On June 21, you will have a unique opportunity to let go with peace and forgiveness, everything that no longer serves the growth of your Soul's evolution and accept new Rays of Harmony, Peace and Love of the Creator, Creator, Mother of the World and Source! 2017 is the year of Unity and Zero, the year of the One Creator, His Breathe in and Out, the year of the Beginning of all Beginnings, the year of the total enlightenment of earthlings and the expansion of consciousness. Year of the Great Shift.

Interesting? The Year of Unity and Zero gives all earthlings an opportunity to reunite with the Light of the Creator within themselves and know that something completely New will begin soon. Qualitative changes are already taking place at the energy level and, as a result, of all life in particular. This is preparation. And then, in the next 6 months, there are several very important events that have planetary, stellar and cosmic scales, respectively.

What do you do? All that is required of you is your free will and your desire to change something for the better in your life. Find out who you are? Where are you going? Why are you going there? What are your goals and objectives? As you can see, the final result and what will you do next? Be sure to gather in groups and alone, having previously summoned all the Higher Forces that you know and your spiritual command, and meditate! Receive and ground this Blessed Energy. Realize what tremendous benefits you will bring to yourself and the Earth.

On this day, you can collect together all the scattered parts of your energy chi, lao, golden prana and your consciousness, subconsciousness, mind, soul and body, that is, return Yourself to Yourself. You can get acquainted with your aspects from other dimensions, with your Masters and Guides who accompany your I am presence here on Earth and in other multidimensionality. You can expect a large number of gifts and surprises that your Higher Self will prepare for you. Therefore, it will be required from you - action!

Take action! Take action! Take action! You will reach previously unattainable peaks!
Good luck to you! I wish you happiness and prosperity in everything!

Today is the 172nd day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar - there are 193 days left until the end of the year. Birthdays - Vasily, Ephraim, Konstantin, Fedor. The day of the flax solstice is the longest day of the year, International Skateboarding Day, National Day is celebrated in Greenland, writes the site "Today".

Old beliefs say that only on the day of the summer solstice do people have a chance to change their lives. They say that the summer solstice has extraordinary magical power, because it was not for nothing that the pagans revered the solstice so much. They believed that on the night before the solstice, all four elements unite - fire, water, earth and air.

It is believed that on this day you need to make your deepest desires, to guess on love and changes in life. Everything should be fulfilled by the end of the year.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction of the Sun takes the smallest value. The solstice is also called the solstice. In 2018 in Ukraine it will happen on June 21 at 13.07 Kiev time. The longest day is 17 hours and 33 minutes.

The Slavs knew how to use the "day when the Sun God entered full force" to control their destiny, to subdue the forces of nature and fulfill desires.

The summer solstice is considered by many cultures to be a successful time for the conclusion of any alliances and agreements, including marriage. As our ancestors believed, on this day the Sun shed a lot of positive energy, which provided protection and prosperity to all people.

To attract money and success to your family, place coins under the door. And very soon you will notice how money will begin to appear in you by itself and in sufficient quantity.

Midsummer 2018: Do's and Don'ts

- On Midsummer Day, it is better to avoid negative emotions, not quarrel and shout, not indulge in despondency.
- The day of the summer solstice was considered a good day for a wedding. However, nowadays, weddings are not celebrated on this day, because June 21 falls on fasting.

- Dress "in a sunny" thing - any yellow wardrobe detail, gold jewelry, bright accessory will do.
- Summer solstice is a great time to get creative for satisfaction. This way you can get inspiration for a long time. The main thing is not the result, but the enjoyment of the process.
- Let yourself plunge into your feelings and accept them.
- Midsummer day is great for letting go of negativity and letting go of negative attitudes.
- It is believed that on this day the doors between the worlds are open, and trees and plants can speak. Therefore, it will be great to go to nature.


Equinoxes and Solstices determine the change of seasons (not calendar, but astronomical). Equinox - from the Latin word "equinox" meaning "equal nights".
March 21 and September 23 are the days of the Equinox, because on these two dates, day and night are of equal length throughout the world.
March 20/21 is the vernal equinox,
September 22/23 is the autumnal equinox.

Due to the leap shift, the equinoxes in different years may differ by 1-2 days.
Solstice - from the Latin word "solstitium", meaning that "the sun has stopped."
On June 20 and December 21, the sun shines directly on the Northern and Southern tropics, respectively, pausing for a moment before resuming its movement back to the Equator.
June 20-22 - summer solstice ,
December 21/22 - winter solstice.

Due to the leap shift, the solstices in different years may differ by 1-2 days.
In the Northern Hemisphere, spring lasts from March 21 to June 21, summer from June 21 to September 23, autumn from September 23 to December 21, and winter from December 21 to March 21. Seasonality in the Southern Hemisphere is the exact opposite of the Northern Hemisphere.

Astronomical description of the phenomenon

Distinguish between summer and winter solstice. At the same time, the longest or shortest daylight hours are observed on the planet's surface. In the northern hemisphere of the Earth, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, and then (south of the Arctic Circle) there is the shortest day (and the longest night), and the summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21 or 22 UTC, and then (south of the Arctic Circle ) the longest day (and the shortest night) is observed. In the southern hemisphere, these dates are the summer and winter solstices, respectively.
In mid-latitudes, during the astronomical winter and spring, the Sun rises higher and higher above the horizon every day at noon (more precisely, at true noon), and on the day of the summer solstice "stops" and reverses its motion. Then it sinks lower and lower every day at noon, and finally, at the moment of the winter solstice, it “stops” again, reverses its motion and begins to rise.
Due to the leap shift, the solstice dates in different years may differ by 1-2 days. Traditionally, the moment of the winter solstice is taken as the beginning of the astronomical winter, and the moment of the summer solstice as the beginning of the astronomical summer, which is a consequence of the choice for the beginning of the astronomical spring - the vernal equinox. The astronomical longitude of the sun at these moments is 90 ° and 270 °, respectively.
For several days before and after the moment of the solstice, the Sun almost does not change declination, its noon heights in the sky are almost unchanged (the altitude during the year changes according to a schedule close to a sinusoid); hence the very name of the solstice comes from. From observations of the heights of the Sun during both solstices, the inclination of the ecliptic plane to the plane of the celestial equator can be determined.

Point designation

The points of the winter and summer solstices are indicated by the symbols of the zodiac corresponding to the constellations in which they were at the time of Hipparchus (as a result of the anticipation of the equinoxes, these points shifted and are now, respectively, in the constellations of Sagittarius and Taurus, and the point of the summer solstice has moved to the constellation of Taurus from relatively recently - in the fall of 1988): the winter solstice - the sign of Capricorn (♑), the summer solstice - the sign of Cancer (♋).


Solstice (solstice) is the old Russian name for the solstice. Corresponded to the moment of the "turn" of the Sun to profit or decrease of the day.
In Russia and in many European countries, the winter solstice was celebrated as a holiday of the birth of the sun.

1. Sun (Kolovorot).
2. All that universe, which lives according to the law of the given time (Solstice turned to the East) and space (Solstice, that is, Nature).
3. Cult Sign of the Slovenian Family (song "Wolf Solstice").
4. Medical symbol, it encodes the movement of biological time, the process of growth and aging. The circle of metabolism of the circulatory system, the respiratory cycle and the activity of the lymphatic system, etc.
5. The holiday of the ancients is glorious, dividing the year into a period of life and a period of death.

Solstice - that is, Nature,
he is the highest meaning of our life.
Solstice is the seed of the Rod,
by rotation generates Life in the world.
Where he came from - no one remembers
he is as eternal as we are immortal.
Solstice not only rules the Sun,
he also rules the time of the moon ...
He is the middle of the world and its knowledge,
he spread the light rays of the stars.
When the Wolves go out at night, they remember:
The Ancestor learned the truth in the night.
Solstice Yarg Triznaya is manageable,
in everything great you will see a lever,
Otherwise, the world will melt like ice in the heat,
everything will melt, our hearth will go out ...
People's milestones have the meaning of the Solstice,
every stone has its seal.
Nature is our Mother, but you are Nature itself,
The Wolf is able to control the Solstice.
You don't really need to be a Wolf
A wolf is a man before he is a man,
But you watch the Wolf carefully,
This proud Beast honors Nature from century to century.
He rules the wild forest firmly,
The harsh winter breeds sick animals.
The wolf kills the seed of Chernobog,
The wolf is the witch doctor of the Forest, and everything is also with people.
That is true, everything looks the same
We are too proud of our minds.
One way for us is learning from Nature,
And the people-Wolves will return the Human race to the Gods.


The amulet SUNROOM has always been the main symbol that brings goodness and light. It is the solar embodiment of the natural cycle. Let us, earthlings, be surrounded by hundreds of galaxies with their own laws, but it is in ours that we live thanks to the eternal movement from our luminary, stronger than the Slavic, since it is based on common sense and facts, knowledge.
The ancient Slavs had the Solstice everywhere - on clothes and utensils, on walls and weapons ... The sun is the most holy deity. All others pale before his greatness. There is no world religion or ideology that would be wiser than the one given to the descendants of the great Slavs who honor the basis of their existence - the Sun. Without it, everything becomes empty and in vain. Vedic rituals contribute to the health of a person, returning him to the natural rhythms of life. Everything important in our life is connected with the natural course of events.
The universe lies in the great Slavic amulet Solstice. To buy the amulet Solstice and make it a constant companion of your life is to connect yourself with the energy of the Universe, to get a constantly replenished source of vitality and fertility.
If you are sterile physically or intellectually - try to live productively ... All your aspirations and undertakings will perish as soon as they are born. But you are human! And if it is given to you to come to this earth illuminated by the Colo-Sun, then you are given the opportunity to find the source of life, luck, happiness. How to find, how to connect to it? There is no need to invent Colo, it was invented and presented to us by a higher mind that oversees everything that happens. Ancient rituals and ancient symbols have a direct connection with the Cosmos. All lines are graphically verified and constant throughout the entire intelligent history of mankind. Solstice or Kolovrat is the first of these signs. Our ancestors embroidered him on banners and went under his protection into mortal combat with foreigners for their family and their land! In light of the latest ideological and military attacks on the lands of the Slavs by foreigners, this has become especially relevant! We all need the strength of our Family in order to look at the root and not be mistaken in assessing life. Slavic amulets are antennas that connect the living with the experience of departed ancestors. You can see better from there. And advice, manifested in the form of intuition, episodic clairvoyance, can become our great helpers. The Kolovrat amulet united in his heart everything that a person needs for happiness. He is great and wise. It is equally useful for both men and women. Objectivity, usefulness, healthy pride and joy in life are stored in its essence. A righteous person lives in harmony with the world around him. Harmony, but not confrontation, is the basis of the Universe. Confrontation is ruinous. Harmony bestows Peace.

Guardian Solstice - your path will be happy!


KOLO - wheel, gate - gate, turn, turn.
The talisman Kolovrat reflects a symbol revered not only by the ancient Slavs, but also by other peoples. He is a symbol of Eternity, a symbol of Eternal life. The cosmology of India attributes several development cycles to Kolovrat:
And then everything is repeated again. Living beings are reborn and move to the Upper or Lower World. Whom to go where - depends on the karmic experience. Matter moves and reincarnates at all hierarchical levels - from the smallest neuron to human destiny. In Ancient Russia, Kolovrat was painted on the walls of a house so that prosperity and happiness reigned there. It was painted on the palms of the hands to attract good. The last tsar of Russia even ordered the production of banknotes, on which Kolovrat was depicted along with the two-headed Eagle.
Anyone who constantly wears KOLOVRAT feels an increase in self-confidence. Under this sign, it is good to implement any ideas. This sign also attracts good luck and cash flows to its owner.
Unfortunately, Hitler's associates knew this too. They tried to make the sacred power of the oldest symbol serve their low purposes. The majestic significance of the Swastika was tarnished by the criminals - the fascists. What came out of this is reflected in history.
Now is the time to revive the true meaning of this sign and give it its due. The symbol of Eternal Life is a very powerful talisman. It should be constantly worn by soldiers and businessmen.
In addition, you should pay attention to the metal from which your personal sign will be made. As mentioned above, Kolovrat is a Swastika, i.e. solar (solar) sign. Gold is considered by many nations to be the metal of the elite. Scientists have discovered special spectral lines on the sun, indicating a high gold content. Solar symbol and gold are one and the best choice. There is no need to experiment with the material from which the deeper meaning will be made.

Kolovrat - we turn the wheel of fate for our own good.

Kolovrat Rusich

Amulet Kolovrat Rusich has always been recognized as the protector of a person from adversity and problems that arise on the path of life.

The power of the solar fire, enclosed in the eight-ray Kolovrat-Swastika, refers us to several deities of the pagan pantheon - Svarog himself, as well as Dazhdbog and Yaril.
The ancient Russian symbol of the highest justice and wisdom should be in every Slav. Those who have abandoned the religion of their own land and who have taken alien gods for the main stewards of their Destiny risk being left with nothing. Everyone knows the expression "at home and the land helps." And the Sun, generous and fair, has always been revered by the Slavs.
Colo Vrat means Cola's return to its place. The Rusichi were the smartest people, long before Christianity they had their own written language and Kolyada Dar - Calendar. They knew how to calculate the course of the heavenly bodies, and they knew that the day of the god Svarog consists of 180 circles of Life, where each circle is 144 years. Just think about these magnificent numbers! Our ancestors understood what a galactic day and evening was and were able to calculate the change of eras and grandiose events long before other peoples could embrace it.
Rusich is not just a word. This is the greatest and proud concept. Everyone can buy the Kolovrat Rusich Amulet, but not everyone is given to understand the essence of the pagan worldview.
We can say that the eight-pointed Kolovrat marks a slow, but sure and inevitable, like the movement of the Sun in the sky, the revival of the great Slavic culture. Thousands of years of trials and attempts to remove from the memory of the people everything connected with the cult of the Sun and the worship of nature have failed. More and more people call themselves Rusichs and return to their origins.
The Kolovrat Rusich amulet will help to realize the greatness of the events. The Vedas are returning to people, and the ancient Slavic symbols are returning their strength. It was Kolovrat Rusich, embroidered on clothes and banners, embossed on shields and put on as a body amulet, who plunged the enemy regiments into horror.
Everyone can wear the Kolovrat Rusich amulet, but preferably a man whose life is connected with conquests. These are business, career growth and military service. This person will soon feel the influx of solar energy necessary for a decisive leap forward and victory.

Protected Kolovrat Rusich - an eightfold increase in personal strength!

Summer solstice

Summer solstice - mid-Summer holiday , the shortest night of the year, triumph of the Great Light .

On the night of 20-21 (21-22) June, dreams and reality mix with each other. This is one of the most important and widespread solar holidays.
The night before the Summer Solstice is "there is a time for great Magic and great Power." On this day, medicinal herbs are collected. Plants - a combination of mistletoe with oak, St. John's wort, rose, fern. Celtic Oak Festival.

June 20-23 are the shortest nights of the year. These nights are full of energy and magic.
June 21 - is considered an important turning point on the Wheel of the Year. Reality and dreams are mixed, the boundaries between the worlds become thinner. This day symbolizes the highest point, maximum peak, rise, takeoff, ecstasy, both in nature and in human life.
The holiday embodies fertility, abundance, glory, triumph, generosity, fullness of life, happiness. Cheerfulness, vitality, fun reign in this shortest of earthly nights. From a mystical point of view, this holiday combines all four elements at once - fire, water, earth, air. Therefore, the Spirits of these elements rejoice and have fun with people. In ancient times, people celebrated this night in order to gain their strength and energy through rituals and ceremonies of worshiping the Elements. For example, it was believed that the earth provides a solid foundation in life, self-confidence, fertility. However, the main essence of this holiday is for people to learn to enjoy life, love it, enjoy it. It helps to open up the heart and feel happiness.
On this holiday, it is customary to go to nature, closer to the water. Until dawn, bonfires are blazing, laughter is heard, funny songs are ringing. Ritual bathing, flower wreaths, dancing around the fire - all these are elements without which we cannot imagine a holiday.

In addition, Midsummer is a good time for initiating youth, for the first stage of initiation - initiation into the magic circle. This night is good for love, but not for special fertility rituals, but simply to make love for your pleasure. Running naked at dawn on the grass wet with dew and splashing your sexual energy over the fields and forests is a good remedy for infertility and a guarantee of strong, healthy offspring in the future.

On this holiday, a sacrificial effigy is created and burned. It could be Wicker Man, as the Celts do, i.e. a wicker man, inside which victims are laid. Such a scarecrow is burned with the first rays of the sun. It can be a straw (or from last year's hay) stuffed animal on a cross. This is installed in the center of the fire, which is lit at the beginning of the night. In any case, this is a sacrifice to the Gods of Fertility, so that the harvest is abundant and neither prolonged rains nor hail will spoil it.

Practice number 1

Standard Wiccan Lita Ritual
Lita is a Mid-Summer Festival that falls on the summer solstice - now it is June 21st. The Slavs have an analogue - Kupala. Here are some simple rituals are advised to do on this day: "Before the ceremony, make a small bag and fill it with dry herbs: lavender, verbena or others. Mentally make a list of your misfortunes, problems, grievances, regrets and illnesses. Write it on paper and tie it with a red ribbon. Place it on the altar to be used during the ritual. The cauldron must also be on or near the altar. Even if you use candles to indicate elemental directions, the red candle in the candlestick must still be present on the altar. If the ritual is performed outdoors, then light it a small fire into which a bag of herbs is thrown.
And here is the proposed main religious part of the program: collect the altar, light candles and incense, make a Circle.
Recite the Song of Blessing.
Call on the Goddess and God.
Stand in front of the altar, raise your wand, and recite something like:
I mark the summer afternoon with a mystical ritual.
Oh Great Goddess and God!
All nature agitates under your energies
And the Earth is washed with warmth and life.
It's time to forget the worries and sorrows that are gone
It's time to cleanse.
O blazing Sun!
Burn all unnecessary
All the suffering
All the sorrows.
With your mighty strength
Cleanse me!
Cleanse me!
Cleanse me!

Place the wand on the altar. Take your list and burn it on a red candle (or at the stake). When it lights up, throw it into the cauldron (or other vessel) and say:
I drive you out by the powers of the Goddess and God!
I drive you out by the forces of the Sun, Moon and Stars!
I drive you out by force
Earth, Air, Fire and Water!
Stop for a few minutes, contemplate your misery turning into nothing. Then say:
Oh, Beautiful Goddess! Oh, Beautiful God!
On this night of summer magic
I pray that you fill my life
surprise and joy.
Help me tune in to energies,
flowing in the night singing air!
Thank you.
Feel the natural forces flowing through you, washing you with spiritual energy. Do some magic if necessary. Check the Treat. Remove the circle.

The Midsummer Festival is a classic time for magic of all kinds. Healing, love and protective magic are especially suited to this day. Herbs can be dried over a ritual fire if you are performing the ritual outside. Jump over the fire to purify and renew energies. Fresh fruit is the standard food for this holiday.

Practice number 2

The Fairy Queen and the Green Man
In Ireland, the summer solstice was associated with the goddess of the fairies Aine of Nokain. In Wales and Britain, it was the time of Serridwen and her magical cauldron. But in many other countries this time was considered the time of fairies, elves and other supernatural beings.
Modern pagans believe that during this period of balance between Light and Dark, the Little People climb to the surface. Belief says that if you have a good relationship with fairies, then once you get into their circle, you can see them. This is the best time to befriend them and other such creatures.
June and the summer solstice were considered the time of the Green Man and the Fairy Queen, especially among the peoples of Northern Europe. This month is especially associated with the Moon and is the best time to develop your psychic abilities.
In the Mediterranean this month the god Pan and the Forest Goddess ruled. With the sounds of his pipe, Pan lured nymphs and girls into the green forest for amorous pleasures. The Green Man and the horned god Cernunnos may well be the Celtic followers of ancient Pan.


June 21/22 (31 baths - 1 armchair). Kupala and Kostroma. Solstice-Kres (summer solstice).
lasts from June 14 to July 7, the day of the Bathing Lady.
All days they commemorate the star brother and sister: Kostroma and Kupala (Songs IV, 3). They also commemorate the victory of Perun over Skiper, the bathing of Zhiva, Marena and Lelya (Tales II, 3). About bathing Zarya-Zarenitsa (Songs IV, 2). The constellation Gemini, the stars Castor and Pollux passes.
Glorification of the maturity of Vsebog Perun-Letenya , June 21-22.
Stozhen (summer solstice), like.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional Love

The summer solstice in 2018 is June 21. At exactly 10 hours 07 minutes Moscow time, the Sun will enter the zenith and freeze in this position for several days. During this period, it is especially favorable to engage in magical rituals for success, attracting money and wealth, because the "golden disk" in heaven will help fulfill the cherished desires of people. Today we will tell you in detail about the history of the holiday, signs and conspiracies that have come down from our ancestors to our times.

The history of the celebration of the Midsummer Day

In the days of paganism in Russia, the summer solstice holiday was considered one of the main ones. Our ancestors treated the Sun with venerable trepidation, so they tried to pay tribute to its strength, power and undeniable power. They sacrificed precious items, hand-made souvenirs, and the finest of all livestock dung.

Our ancestors believed that if on the Day of the summer solstice, which fell on June 21 in 2018, we engage in magical rituals and rituals, then we can change our fate for the better. It was believed that the more esoteric manipulations and fortune-telling a person conducts, the calmer and more prosperous his personal life will develop throughout the year. That is why the villagers gathered together, laid long tables in the field, sang songs, danced by the fire and jumped over bonfires. The final conclusion of the holiday was a general fortune-telling using wreaths of flowers, which were subsequently launched along the river.

The astronomical meaning of the summer solstice

The day of the summer solstice was named for a reason. The thing is that astronomers noticed that in the period from June 19 to June 22, the Sun literally stands still, practically not deviating from its position. On June 21, it is located at the maximum distance from the celestial equator, so on this day the scientific term "solstice" was used.

On this day, the level of solar activity increases, so scientists often warn about upcoming magnetic storms and an increase in atmospheric pressure, which negatively affect the health of many people. To protect yourself from sunstroke or ill health, on June 21, 2018, it is not recommended to rest under the open sky until 17:00. After this time, the activity of the Sun will subside a little, and you can comfortably enjoy the fresh air and nature without headaches.

Traditions and folk signs of the summer solstice holiday

The summer solstice in 2018 will come on June 21, during the period of Peter's Lent, if we take into account the calendar of Orthodox holidays. Many people adhere to Christian traditions, so they try to completely abandon the consumption of meat and dairy products during this period. From time immemorial, a tradition has been established to set the table on Midsummer Day from everything that has grown this year under the sun. These products include:

  • Flower honey, symbolizing the power of the Sun;
  • Early herbs - parsley, all types of lettuce, dill, chives and basil;
  • Vegetables - young potatoes, carrots, earthen pear;
  • Berries and fruits, including wild blueberries and strawberries.

It is believed that such food is saturated with solar energy, which on Midsummer Day will help a person get rid of diseases.

Swimming in rivers, lakes and bodies of water was considered one of the most important traditions on the Midsummer Day. If we delve deeper into pagan beliefs, then it is on the shortest summer night that mermaids and mermaids sleep in their backwaters, without preventing people from paying tribute to the power of the solar disk. It is believed that a person who bathes in the river during the day or at night on the solstice holiday will gain strength and extend his life for several years.

Since the sun is closely associated with fire, it was customary to light bonfires on the Midsummer Day. This was not done by chance. Our ancestors believed that at this time the fire acquires magical power that can cleanse people's homes from evil spirits, bad energy and damage. Until now, the tradition has been preserved to light a wax candle in your home, walk with it several circles around the apartment in the direction of movement of the hour hands, and then leave it in a candlestick in the main room so that the candle burns out to the ground.

A conspiracy to fulfill a wish on Midsummer Day

A very powerful ritual has reached our time, which is customary to carry out on the shortest night of the year. To do this, you should go out into the forest or field, pick the most beautiful flowers that will come across on the way, and then sit down in a secluded place and start weaving a wreath. At this moment, you need to make your deepest desire and read the conspiracy: “ Oh, you are noisy rivers, violent winds, endless fields. Look at me, the servant of God (your name), tired. Deliver my request to the Heavenly Luminary, ask for me, but do not be angry. The sun will circle the whole earth, but my desire will fulfill. So take it for seven mountains, on an eagle or on a falcon, so that the Sun can hear. When the sunset comes, calm down, don't wake the sleeping man, don't disturb me. She said a word - she did it. Let it be so. Amen". After that, the wreath had to be taken to the river and released. It was believed that in 40 days the cherished desire should be fulfilled.

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Rishi praises the Sun God as the source of divine knowledge, as the creator of the inner worlds ... Rig Veda

The summer solstice in 2017 falls on a Wednesday: the astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere comes on June 21 at 7.24 am Moscow time

The solstice is the day when the Sun is at its greatest angular distance from the celestial equator, that is, when the height of the star above the horizon at noon is maximum (during the summer solstice). This results in the longest day and the shortest night (summer solstice). During several adjacent solstice days, the Sun's noon heights in the sky are almost unchanged; hence the name solstice... After the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day wanes and the night gradually begins to increase.

During the summer solstice, the Sun is considered the strongest, its energies are manifested to the maximum. Therefore, on this day, it is favorable to begin the practice of correcting the Sun (upaya), if it is unfavorably located in your horoscope.

Mantras as a means of harmonizing the influence of the Sun

Before you start reciting a mantra, you need to form an intention. Make a request to the Higher beginning. You can light a candle - the symbol of the Sun. It is advisable to start reading these mantras at sunrise, at noon or at sunset - June 21, and then continue the practice of reading on Sundays until the winter solstice. You can repeat the mantra dedicated to the Sun (Surya) on June 21 at dawn, noon or sunset, in order to fill with life energy.

  • The mantra recommended during this period is “ OM SURYAYA NAMAH

  • Effective bija mantra Sun - " RAM"(Pronounced with a long" a ").

  • You can also use the mantra “ OM", For this sound is considered the sound of the Sun.

  • Another powerful mantra is “ HRIM"(Pronounced with a long" and "). She radiates the golden radiance of her heart.

Beneficial actions harmonizing the energies of the Sun

Upaya (this Sanskrit word means "method, means") - the section of Jyotish responsible for using agama Kriyamana Karma to mitigate unfavorable combinations of astrological factors.

  • You can listen and read together with the announcer, the Gayatri Mantra dedicated to the Sun. This will repair the damage to the subtle spiritual energy of this planet.
  • You can also apply aromatherapy or simply carry around a jar of Sun essential oil to be done on June 21st. Psychologists have found that the sense of smell is the feeling that has the fastest access to our subconscious, and, therefore, improves mood the fastest. So, the oils of the Sun are camphor, cinnamon, eucalyptus and saffron.
  • Yoga complex "Surya namaskar", daily practice. start on June 21 at dawn.
  • In order to be filled with the energy of the Sun, it is recommended to meet the dawn on June 21 - this gives strength and health for the whole year and protects against troubles.
  • To improve your health, you need to take a steam bath with a broom collected on this very day - this is one of the recommendations of the Russian tradition on the day of the Solstice.
  • It is believed that herbs on this day are filled with healing power, so a special collection can be collected.
  • A pebble amulet made of carnelian or amber is very simple - you need to put a pebble in the sun's rays and leave it until sunset. This amulet will glow with solar energy and confidence throughout the year.

The symbol of the Sun is a circle. In Russia, the symbol of a circle on this day (June 21) is a wreath in the shape of a circle. As you weave a wreath, think about your health, finances and relationships. When the wreath is ready, the intention is formulated, you need to light a yellow or orange candle, put the wreath on your head and once again turn to the Higher beginning by voicing your intention.

After brewing tea or coffee, place the cup on the window for 1 minute so that the drink absorbs the positive solar energy. When leaving the house, wear something orange or yellow - these are the colors of the Sun. If possible, buy something made of gold, solar metal. Purchased on this day, it will become a reliable talisman.