An interesting script for Shrovetide for schoolchildren. Carnival holiday script in school. Wide carnival. The event is dedicated to the celebration of Maslenitsa, farewell to the Russian winter

Maslenitsa holiday
Funny music sounds, buffoons run out.
4th buffoon:
- All! All! All! On the holidays! We meet Shrovetide, we see off the winter, we call the spring!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry! Hurry up! Hurry up to take the best places!
2nd buffoon:
- If you don't take it yourself, your neighbor will get it!
3rd buffoon:
- Come on without hesitation! You don't need a ticket - show a good mood!
4th buffoon:
- Come, knead the bones! Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!
1st buffoon:
- Hurry up soon! Hurry up soon! There is no more fun our holiday.
- Hello, dear guests, long-awaited!

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa! Wide carnival!
The guest has nipped, said goodbye to the winter,
Drops from the roof, rooks flew in,
Sparrows are chirping, they are clicking spring!
The fun is over - get down to business!

- Our dear Maslenitsa Avdotyushka Izotovna! Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy! The braid is long, triarshine! Black eyebrows, pointed!

Set up a scarecrow "Maslenitsa"
2nd buffoon:
- Eh, I would have eaten a blink of a inch!

3rd buffoon:
- Look, there's a bag in the corner!
4th buffoon:
- And tell the buffoon, what's in the bag - beans, peas?
1st buffoon:
- I brought in honor of the holiday
Miscellaneous treats:
Gingerbread, candy, bagels
For our audience's good looks.
2nd buffoon:
- There is no better joy for me than sweets.
(bag waddles)
3rd buffoon:
- What a miracle-gallop and gallop!
Look, the sack has started!
Hey grab it, grab it
Hurry up the bag!
(Buffoons catch a sack)
4th buffoon:
- Come on, cut open the bag and treat all honest people, you stroke, and we will get a pretzel.
1st buffoon:
- And maybe it will get a blink.
(they untie the bag, and there Baba Yaga, dressed in Maslenitsa
eating the last gingerbread)

- Great, guys! And children too, hello! Bow to you, good people! Greetings from Leshy! Ugh you! From the summer! I met him in the swamp! Ugh you! In flight! When, therefore, I was in a hurry to see you! It's time for me to celebrate my duties!
- Wait, something is wrong here! Gay, Pancake! Do you have a passport?
Baba Yaga:
- I have it? I have a passport, I have it. In, look!
(The buffoons read)
2nd buffoon:
- "Appointed by the long-awaited Maslenitsa for 2011"
and there is a seal, look!
3rd buffoon:
- And the signature tricky at the bottom!
4th buffoon:
- Come on, come on, what's the signature?

Buffoons(together) :
- “Koshey is immortal! (disappointed) A-a-a.
We cannot accept you Shrovetide!
Baba Yaga:
- How so? I spent the whole winter preparing, malnourished, did not sleep enough ... I have prepared such a menu for you - you will lick your fingers!
The first is sap-sante in cold water. For the second, frog's feet pie. On the third, it means sweet, Yes, to tell the truth, so disgusting: Not that jelly, not like a cake, Only they sent me to hell for him!
- We cannot accept you Shrovetide. And you can stay on our holiday.
1st rump.
And among you there are craftswomen who know how to bake pancakes?
2nd skimmer.
Craftswomen - anywhere!
Here's a stove and a frying pan!
Get down to business
Feel free to treat all pancakes.

Game "Bake pancakes". The game is played by 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people.
To play, prepare 2 plywood stoves, 2 pans or 2 tennis rackets, paper pancakes, real pancakes, 2 pots or bowls, and 2 plates.
The task of the participants is to quickly "bake" pancakes. To do this, they need to put a “frying pan” with a paper “pancake” in the “oven”, then turn it over and put it on a plate on a chair, the distance to which is 4-5 meters.

3rd buffoon.
Well, what a holiday without a Russian fair.
4th buffoon.
Fair sale everywhere!
Here is everything you need - and even unnecessary.
Folk music sounds. Peddlers with trays come out.
1st peddler.
Get trinkets
Homemade toys,
For a smile and a joke
For any joke.
Come and fly -
Whatever you want, choose!
2nd peddler.
Who will guess the puzzle -
He takes all my goods.
Contest of riddles is held... For the correct answer, peddlers give a prize.
He will dress everyone
Never yourself. (Needle and thread).
In one place two hundred meters. (Clew).
Four fours,
Two spreads
One twirl
And two - like yachons. (Cat).
Enough for the whole world
And crawls through all the cracks. (Shine).
A lonely fiery eye wanders
Wherever it happens, it warms with a look. (The sun).

No one sees him, but everyone hears him,
Without wings, it flies, without a tongue, but speaks. (Echo).

An annual bush drops a leaf every day.
A year will pass - the whole leaf will disappear. (The calendar).

It's raining, I'm right there
Many are waiting for me here:
Frogs and guys
Pigeons and pigs.
I look like a mirror
And a little bit to the lake.
Well, you didn't want
To visit me? (Puddle).

Red maiden,
Releases the grass
Spreads dew.
Rides side
With a plow, a harrow,
With spring water. (Spring).
Traded, traded, even tired.
The peddlers leave to the music.

3rd buffoon.
Now, friends, let's start
The competition is a run together.
Couples cleverly tie legs
And let's start on the road!
The first to come to the line
He will take that gift.

Contest "Running in pairs"
4th buffoon.
Oh, it was, it was a long time ago. And to this day it remains. Good fellows gathered on the square to measure themselves with their strength and start fistfights, or even watch cockfights.
1st buffoon.
We invite the strongest to compete.

Game "Cockfighting". A circle is drawn on the court, in which 2 participants stand, with your left hand you need to hold your left leg, and with your right shoulder, without using your hands, push the opponent out of the circle.
2nd Buffoon.
It's old fun
Glory awaits the winner!
Who will win in the sack race
That buffoon will reward.
The game "Bag Run" begins.
1st Buffoon.
Our holiday is moving forward, and the people are not waning!
2nd Buffoon.
Another gift awaits those who play with us.
3rd Buffoon.
We call men, guys, guys to the rope.
4th Buffoon.
10 on the left, 10 on the right, only the muscles are cracking!

Tug of war game.

1st rump.
Oh yes Shrovetide is fun! I made everyone laugh and amused!
2nd skimmer.
In the old days, a high post was erected on the square. And at the top they hung all kinds of prizes: a rooster in a cage, boots and other expensive goods. Many daredevils tried to climb it. Those who got to the top received a rich prize. And how many onlookers gathered - apparently invisibly!
3rd skimmer.
Which of you is the most daring and agile? Come out - show your skill!
Game "Rope"
IN playing atthere is one person. There is a long rope on the platform, and a prize at the end of the rope. You need to walk the tightrope blindfolded, never stumbling. Whoever reaches the end gets the prize.

4th rump.
Maslena week
I flew to Novosibirsk.
She sat down on a stump,
I ate the old lady
Another bit -
I jogged home.
1st rump.
And on Shrove Week
They invite each other to visit,
Everyone is treated, treated.
2nd skimmer.
Here's the challenge: eat food
And without much difficulty
You only need a little
Feed your nesting doll.
Contest "Feed Matryoshka".

The competition is attended by 2 people or 2 teams of 4 people. For the competition, it is necessary to make 2 matryoshka dolls from hard cardboard or plywood, about 1 meter high, with a bag glued into the hole of the "mouth". On the chairs, which are about 4-5 meters from the nesting dolls, there are bags of peas and wooden spoons.
Participants need to scoop up peas with a spoon and feed the nesting doll. Whoever copes with this task faster, without spilling the peas, gets the prize.
3rd buffoon.
In the old days they used to say: "Shrovetide -
ooze, money take away. "
4th buffoon.
Try you continue the sayings.

There are sayings and proverbs about Shrovetide

1st buffoon.
Our holiday walks freely
Everyone is happy with Shrovetide.
2nd buffoon.
Let it playfully and freely
Russian songs sound.
3rd buffoon.
Russia is rich in talents,
Russia is strong with talents.
4th buffoon.
If the guys sing
So she will live!
Singing Russian folk songs 1st combo .
Have you been to the fair?
Have you heard ditties there? Have you not heard?
What a trouble ... Guys, come out here.
A ditty competition is held.

Children (singing).

Here comes the Oiler,
The party is cheerful.
Soon, soon will play
Cheerful talyanochka.

Girls, the Oiler is coming.
Who will take us for a ride?
At Alyoshka's yard
Sivka disappears.

I rode on the Oiler
I broke three sledges,
The crow tortured the horse,
But he drove the girls.

Sewing a dress from cabbage
I trimmed it with a cucumber.
I got angry - I ate the dress!
What have I done?

You, Alyosha, you, Alyosha,
Your accordion is good!
Put on your boots
Come for the pies!

I will harness the black
In a painted sleigh
Who wants to dance
Come out yourself.

Put, mom, samovar,
A cheese maker is coming to me
Young cheese maker,
His name is Volodenka.

I have four shawls
The fifth is downy.
I'm not the only one fighting
We are all bad here.

Walk, hut, walk, oven,
There is nowhere for a young lady to lie down
I will dance to the "Lady"
I will beat off the fractions.

Oh, we're pretty drunk
Give a new shift.
Oh, thanks to the accordion player
For a fun game.

2nd rump.
Then we have a large supply.
Who are they for?
For you.
Well, where do we start:
Or sing songs, or dance?

3rd Buffoon.
And now the competition is dancing.
4th Buffoon.
Come here, people, the one who dances is forward.
1st Buffoon.
A cheerful dance warmed us many times.
Dance melodies "Lady", "Lezginka", "Yablochko" sound. Those who wish to dance, the best get prizes.

2nd buffoon.
According to an old Russian custom, the winter was seen off - the Winter-Pancake Week was burned. Let's get up in a friendly round dance and say goodbye to winter with honor.
All stand in a round dance around the stuffed Maslenitsa and sing.

3rd buffoon

Shrovetide, goodbye!
Come again for that year
4th buffoon.
Ride down the hill
Overeat pancakes.
1st buffoon.
We will wait for you
To meet in the yard.
2nd buffoon
We will glorify with songs
Interesting poetry.

Burn, burn clearly
So as not to go out
To all the blizzards
They flew away at once.
For the birds to sing
The skies were turning blue.
Well, and all the adversity
Cold, bad weather,
Winter frosts
Failures, tears -
Let them burn.
Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out!

A scarecrow of Maslenitsa is burned.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The script for celebrating Maslenitsa in elementary school was compiled for the celebration in secondary schools, intended for children of primary school age and consists of several parts: performances and outdoor games in the room, walks and outdoor fun.

Purpose of the holiday: to acquaint junior schoolchildren with the history of Maslenitsa celebration, to familiarize children with the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof our ancestors.

Holiday objectives:

  • Educational: to teach to understand and comprehend the traditions of the Russian people, to generalize their knowledge about the celebration of Maslenitsa in Russia, about seasonal changes in nature, the habits of animals in winter and spring; to enrich the vocabulary of junior schoolchildren, train the ability to guess riddles, expand knowledge about folk etiquette.
  • Developing: development of memory, attention, thinking, dexterity, a sense of tact and rhythm.
  • Educational: fostering patriotism based on respect for the way of life, the customs of our ancestors, fostering a sense of community with one's origins.
  • Social: direct children's interaction, communication, teach children to negotiate without coming into conflict with each other.

Holiday progress

I. Performance and outdoor games in the assembly hall

Characters: buffoons, accordion bear, Spring, Baba Yaga.

Props: stuffed carnival, ropes, tambourine, spoons, balls, hoops, fabric snowballs.

(Music sounds, buffoons appear.)


Buffoon, buffoon,
Go out the door with a pipe.
And to the people from the heart
Sing a ditty and dance.
Neither forest nor grass spreads
The Maslenitsa holiday begins!

Guys, do you know what this holiday is? Shrovetide is a cheerful farewell to winter, a joyful meeting of a loved one, spring warmth, renewal of nature. Our ancestors believed that we need to help drive away the evil Winter, and call out the beautiful Spring, lure, “butter up” with treats - pancakes. Hence the name of the holiday "Maslenitsa". And so that Winter is quickly gone, and Spring appears, we will also have fun, sing, play from the heart, and treat ourselves to sweet pancakes. Guys, what animal sleeps all winter, and wakes up in spring? That's right, bear. So on the Maslenitsa holiday, they took a bear around the fair, entertained the people and small children. And our bear also came to amuse you, we play the accordion. Maslenitsa festival lasts a week and every day of the week has its own name.

Buffoon: The first day - "Meeting". The main thing on this day is to greet Maslena with the whole world, prepare for the holiday, bake pancakes and invite guests. Let's call Shrovetide ( children repeat in chorus):

Dear guest Maslenitsa,
Avdotjushka, Izotyevna,
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,
The braid is long, three-arshin,
Scarlet ribbon, two-half,
White shawl, new-fashioned,
Blue fur coat, red patches,
Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,
Come Shrovetide, visit
To the wide yard!

(They bring in a scarecrow of Maslenitsa, carry it around the hall).

Skomorokh: And who knows, guys, why it was customary to treat themselves to pancakes on Shrovetide? Of course, the pancake is as round as the sun. It is also nourishing, you can eat before Lent.

Game "Tambourine"

Look, we have a tambourine like a pancake, pass it around, "treat" your neighbor. Whoever has a tambourine after the end of the music will dance and sing for us. And we'll get to know you too.

Buffoon: The second day - "Flirting". The pancake battle begins among women. The pancakes should be ready by morning. And now we'll see what kind of mistress girls we have. Who can tell what products are needed for the test?

Game "Egg Relay"

The girls are divided into two teams. You need to run with a ping-pong ball in a spoon to the other end of the hall and back, without dropping the ball, pass it to the next player. The team that comes to the finish line first will win.

Buffoon: The third day - "Lakomka". This afternoon the son-in-law goes to the mother-in-law for pancakes. For his sake, for the sake of this day, all the relatives were going to the mother-in-law. And young people sang songs about it. Guys, who is a son-in-law? Yes, this is the daughter's husband. Boys are all future sons-in-law. Let's test them for strength and dexterity.

Game "Roosters"

Two boys are selected, they stand in a circle of rope, hold their left leg with their left hand, stand on their right, keep their right hand on their belt. You need to try to push your opponent out of the circle with your stomach. The winner is the one who does not fall and ends up in the circle.


On delicious Wednesday, invite your guests to dinner!
I would eat pancakes! Look, there's a bag in the corner!
What a miracle? Dap and Dap! So the sack started moving!
Hey, grab it, catch it, oh, quickly, run away!

(Baba Yaga gets out of the bag, eating the gingerbread).

Baba Yaga:

Great guys, Ihori and Vanyatki,
Natashka and Dashka, Verunka and Masha,
Olenki, Polenki, Genochki, Kolya.
Bow to you, good people,
Cheerful, sickly.
Greetings to you from Leshy,
Ugh, from Summer.
I met him in the swamp,
Ugh, you are in flight, when I was in a hurry to see you,
I made everyone laugh, but my name is Vesnyanka ...

Buffoon: Something is wrong here. Do you have a passport, Vesnyanka?

Baba Yaga: Of course, look!

Together: "Appointed this Spring this year." And there is a seal. And the signature is "Kashchei the Immortal."

Buffoons: Oh, go away, you are not Vesnyanka, you are Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: How so? I have been preparing all winter, I have not eaten enough, I have prepared a fly agaric treat for you, I also want to celebrate Maslenitsa.

Buffoons: Guys, let's leave her for the holiday? Just let the riddles first guess.

Baba Yaga: Well, it's me at once! Come on, make a guess.


Auntie is cool, white and gray,
The cold is in the bag, the cold shakes the ground,
He sweeps the snowdrifts, covers them with a carpet. (Winter)

Baba Yaga: This is me - Baba Yaga.

Buffoons: No, it’s wrong. Children, did you guess?

Baba Yaga: Cheating grandmother, give the second.


Zarya-zarynitsa, red maiden.
He releases the grass, spreads the dew.
Rides by the side - with a plow, with a harrow,
Yes with key water. (Spring).

Baba Yaga: Yes, that's me too, beautiful.

Buffoons: No, I was wrong again. Guys, who is this?

Baba Yaga: Ask the last one.

Buffoons: What's the sweetest thing in the world? (sleep)

Baba Yaga: Pancake!

Buffoons: Go away, Spring is fake, not real!

Baba Yaga:

All! No more questions!
I'm leaving ... Hey, carriage!

(Skomorokhs give Baba Yaga a broom).

Baba Yaga:

I will patch the holes in the dress,
And you're tipsy
I guys fly away
Into the dense forest on a broomstick.

(Sits down and flies away).

Buffoon:The fourth day - "Take a walk".This day was the most revelry of fun. In the morning, people ride horses and mummers around the village, sit in the sleigh themselves, plant a Maslenitsa effigy. And where the bull on the sled will be piled up. And we will ride horses.

Game "Horses"

Children are divided into two teams, two stronger boys are chosen, they are given a rope in their hands, they must run around the hall, go back, pick up the second player in the team, make a circle with him, return for the third, etc., until all the players take up rope and find themselves harnessed to the sled. The winner is the team that comes to their place first and does not lose a single player on the way.

Buffoons: The fifth day - "Mother-in-law's evening".On this day, the young family met the mother-in-law, and treated them to pancakes. A beautiful wheel was rolled along the street, decorated with ribbons, the symbol of the sun - whoever rolls the wheel further will have to wait for a full, fruitful year. And we will also ride the wheel.

The game "Roll the hoop"

Buffoons: Sixth day - "Sister-in-law get-togethers". On this day, the young wife receives her husband's sister. And on this day they play the game "Taking the Snow Town".

The game "Taking a snow town"

Children are divided into 2 teams on the left and right. Each team is given cloth snowballs that must be thrown into foreign territory. The team with the fewest snowballs on its side wins.

Buffoons: Seventh day - "Forgiveness Sunday". Forgiveness day they called him, and also farewell, farewell. On this day, everyone, young and old, asked each other for forgiveness. And in the evening they said goodbye to Maslenitsa, took it out of the outskirts, set it on fire. Guys, we all did a good job today, had fun, played, laughed, saw off the fierce winter, and they drove the evil Baba Yaga away, who did not want Spring on our land. The dark forces are gone. And now greet Spring, greet with bread and salt.

(Spring appears, sings the Russian folk song "Spring is red, on what it came", leads a round dance with the children, takes them to classes for tea with pancakes).

II. Pancake treats in class

III. Street festivities

The Shrovetide doll is taken out to the schoolyard, they lead round dances around it, sing songs, play outdoor games ("Boyars, and we have come to you", "Cats and mice", etc.)

At the end of the holiday we sing the song "Goodbye, Maslenitsa" from the opera "Snow Maiden" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. (Learned with children in advance, the first two lines of the round dance goes slowly, then on the chorus faster and faster)

The cheerful Maslenitsa holiday is celebrated not only with the family, but also in educational institutions. We present to your attention the scenario of the Pancake Week for primary school students


1st presenter

2nd presenter

1st buffoon

2nd buffoon


Music sounds, Skomorokhs run into the hall. They are dressed in bright costumes: colorful shirts, bright trousers, on their heads - multicoloredcaps.

1st Buffoon.

Good afternoon, dear guests,

Waited, invited and welcome.

2nd Skomorokh

Hello young ladies!

Hello winches!

Well done guys, cheerful daredevils!

1st Buffoon.

The venerable and the young.

2nd Buffoon.

Full and thin.

1st Buffoon.

We welcome guests as good news!

2nd Buffoon.

Welcome! We welcome everyone, warmly welcome!

1st Buffoon.

We are buffoons! It's better to have fun with us, but without us the holiday is worthless.

2nd Buffoon.

Hey gentlemen, come here!

We invite all guests

Come to us for the holiday soon!

1st Buffoon.

You are welcome to visit us for festive celebrations.

2nd Buffoon.

We have a presentation today -

To everyone's surprise.

1st Buffoon.

Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up to take the best places!

2nd Buffoon.

Come all without hesitation:

No tickets needed -

Show a good mood!

1st Buffoon.

Come knead your bones!

Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!

2nd Buffoon.

Are you comfortable, dear guests? Does everyone see? Does everyone hear? Was there enough space for everyone?

1st Buffoon.

Today we meet Shrovetide, see off the winter, conjure the spring!

1st host.

Our today's holiday is dedicated to the farewell to winter and is called Maslenitsa.

2nd leader.

Maslena-honest, cheerful, broad - that was the name of the week before Lent in Russia.

1st host.

The celebration of Maslenitsa was accompanied by ceremonies in the name of the harvest, festivities, games, and various amusements. And today we invite you to travel back to those distant times and take part in this cheerful holiday.

2nd leader.

So, we start Shrovetide.

1st host.

1st day - Monday - Maslenitsa meeting.

Folk music sounds. Girls in sundresses appear on the stage. They sit down at the table, finish the stuffed carnival and sing a song:

1st girl.

Hello, Shrovetide annual,

Our dear guest!

Come on black horses

On painted sleds,

So that the servants are young

They brought us expensive gifts

And pancakes and rolls

To our window their swords!

2nd girl.

He called and called the honest seven to the wide Maslenitsa to visit him in the yard:

My soul, Maslenitsa,

Quail bones

Your paper body

Your sugar lips

Sweet your speech!

Come to visit me

To the wide yard

Ride on the mountains

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your heart.

3rd girl.

Already you, my Shrovetide,

Red beauty, light brown braid,

Sister of thirty brothers,

Forty grandmothers granddaughter

Three-mother's daughter, ketochka, yasochka,

You are my quail!

Come to my house

Make fun of your soul

Have fun with your mind

Enjoy the speech.

4th girl.

The honest Maslenitsa left,

Broad noblewoman,

On seventy-seven trump sledges,

In a wide boat

In the great city to feast,

Make fun of your soul

Have fun with your mind

Enjoy the speech.

How to meet Maslenitsa

An honest seven drove out

On a sled

In some little footwear,

Without paws.

1st girl.

Honest Maslenitsa came,

To the seven in the yard

Ride on the mountains

Roll in pancakes

Have fun with your heart.

3rd girl.

She has seven beats with her brow

On a sled

In some little footwear,

Without paws.

How and here is the honest Maslenitsa

I rode on the mountains

Rollin 'in pancakes

She amused herself with her heart.

7th girl.

She has seven beats with her forehead,


Calls to the boardroom,

For an oak table

To green wine.

As she is, honest Maslenitsa,

I made fun of my soul

I had fun with my mind

I enjoyed the speech.

They finish the doll, take it, go around the hall with it.

1st host.

We glorify Shrovetide

And why don't we promise her:

Sour cream rivers

The mountains are pancake.

They all sing together.


Oh, Shrovetide crank!

We will sharpen you well

Nice! Cheese, butter, roll

And a baked egg!

Wide enters the yard!

And we girls will agitate her,

And we, the red ones, will agitate her!

Oh, yes, Maslenitsa, stay a week,

Wide, visit another!

Shrovetide: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Wide: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Oh yes, Maslenitsa, fasting is even far away,

Wide, the post is even farther away.

Maslenitsa has arrived!

The scarecrow is placed in the center of the hall, the girls around it praise it in turn.

1st girl.

Our dear guest Maslenitsa,

2nd girl.

Avdotya Izotyevna!

3rd girl.

Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy!

4th girl.

The braid is long, triarshine,

5th girl.

Scarlet ribbon, two-half!

6th girl.

Little white shawl, newfangled,

7th girl.

Black eyebrows, pointed.

1st girl.

Blue fur coat, red patches,

2nd girl.

Bast shoes are frequent, big-headed,

3rd girl.

White footcloths, unbleached!


Wow, beauty!

1st host.

Our Maslenitsa is silent, does not answer!

Only shakes his straw sleeves!

2nd leader.

Not otherwise, honest people ask you to answer her questions.

A quiz is held:

1. What does Maslenitsa meet? (Spring).

2. And what is seeing off? (Winter).

3. What is the symbol of Shrovetide? (Pancakes) ..

4. What proverbs about Shrovetide do you know? (Not everything to the cat is Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent. Damn - not a wedge, the belly will not split. Not life, but Maslenitsa; etc.).

1st host.

Tuesday - "flirting".

1st girl.

Shrovetide is a pancake.

Shrovetide is a fat eater.

2nd girl.

Shrovetide is obirukha,

Shrovetide is a deception.

3rd girl.

I deceived - spent

Brought to the post.

4th girl.

Brought to the post,

She took all the hedgehogs.

5th girl.

Gave a radish tail for Lent.

6th girl.

We ate it - the belly got sick.

1st Buffoon.

We continue the program

For guests, for friends, for everyone!

2nd Buffoon.

Let's start a panorama of amazing fun

1st Buffoon.

We will play on Tuesday

Red to meet the sun!

The games begin.

2nd Buffoon.

We have one idea for the most dexterous skilled.

1st Buffoon.

Everything is here now for this fun.

2nd Buffoon.

Try to run the baton in the bag.

The game "Bag Run" begins.

1st Buffoon.

Our holiday is moving forward, and the people are not waning!

2nd Buffoon.

Another gift awaits those who play with us.

1st Buffoon.

We call men, guys, guys to the rope.

2nd Buffoon.

10 on the left, 10 on the right, only the muscles are cracking!

Tug of war game.

1st Buffoon.

I see the guys gathered here are strong, dexterous, skillful. It is difficult to compete with them, it is difficult to defeat them. Tired, worn out, hungry.

2nd Buffoon.

Let's announce soon! Together: Wednesday - "Gourmet", "Sweet Tooth".

1st Buffoon.

We haven't eaten pancakes for a long time, we wanted pancakes.

2nd Buffoon.

But what a Shrovetide without hot pancakes, without ruddy pancakes!

Girls enter.



You uncle, you auntie,

Serve a pancake,


The last piece, the wet piece

For Shrove Tuesday!

The song "Pancakes" sounds, the hosts treat the guests with pancakes.


Thursday - "Wide Maslenitsa".

1st Buffoon.

Walk-Thursday will come, a joke, a song will bring.

2nd Buffoon.

I already walked around the world, there is no better Russian song!

1st Buffoon.

Life is easier where the song is sung!

2nd Buffoon.

Sing along a Russian song, a ringing, heartfelt song!

They sing Russian folk songs, hold a competition of ditties.

1st host.

Stop singing and playing! It's time to announce Friday!

2nd leader.

Friday - "Mother-in-law's evening"!

1st Buffoon.

The 5th day is already coming, but the people are not decreasing!

2nd Buffoon.

Go to the mother-in-law for pancakes

And we carry friends with us!

Cheerful Shrovetide,

We boast of you!

2nd Buffoon.

We ride to the mother-in-law, overeat pancakes.

1st girl.

On Friday, the mother-in-law was waiting for her son-in-law.

2nd girl.

Mother-in-law baked pies for her son-in-law.

3rd girl.

Son-in-law - pies on the table.

4th girl.

The mother-in-law thought - seven people couldn't eat a pie.

5th girl.

And the son-in-law sat down - and ate it right away!

1st Buffoon.

And now the competition is dancing.

2nd Buffoon.

Come here, people, the one who dances is forward.

1st Buffoon.

A cheerful dance warmed us many times.

Dance melodies "Lady", "Lezginka", "Yablochko" sound. Those who wish to dance, the best -- getprizes.

1st presenter.

And on Saturday not trinkets -

"Sister-in-law gatherings"!

2nd leader.

Red maidens, get up, welcome dear guests.

1st Buffoon.

Look, people, (points)

Spring is coming to us!

Spring appears in a bright dress.

2nd Buffoon.

Spring is red - a great, good, honorable guest,

1st Buffoon.

She's wearing a new dress, new, new

2nd Buffoon.

There is no price for that dress,

Hello spring red helmet.

1st Buffoon.

Hello Spring-dear, Spring-red.


Hello and you, good people!

I came to you with joy, with great mercy.

With granular rye,

With golden wheat,

With curly oats,

With mustached oats,

With black currant,

With azure flowers

Yes, with a grass-ant!

Winter appears to the ringing of bells and the sound of a blizzard.


Why are you here having fun.

Have you made a noise, have you cut open?


You worked hard, Winter-Winter, to your heart's content,

Hosted, it's time and honor to know.


Oh, there you are!

Yes, I am Winter - white, white,

She sowed-sowed in the field with snow.


And I am Spring - red, red,

Sunny, clear, clear.


I will wash you with snow, wash you,

I’ll drive out, drive out!


I'll cover myself with snow, cover myself with greenery.

I will be even more beautiful in our open spaces!


Well, Spring is red, you are an expert in arguing and talking.

But without a fight, I will not give up my seat.

I propose to arrange a competition, and all the guys will take part in it!

Do you guys want spring to come? Then guess the riddles.

1. A lonely fiery eye wanders,

Wherever it happens, it warms with a look. (The sun).

2. No one sees him, but everyone hears him,

Without wings, it flies, without a tongue, but speaks. (Echo).

3. An annual bush drops a leaf every day.

A year will pass - the whole leaf will disappear. (The calendar).

4. It's raining, I'm right there,

Many are waiting for me here:

Frogs and guys

Pigeons and pigs.

I look like a mirror

And a little bit to the lake.

Well, you didn't want

To visit me? (Puddle).

5. Zarya-charger,

Red maiden,

Releases the grass

Spreads dew.

Rides side

With a plow, a harrow,

With spring water. (Spring).


Yes, you are strong, Spring, I retreat!


1st host.

So the last day of Maslenitsa has come - Sunday - "Forgiveness", "Seeing off Maslenitsa".

2nd leader.

With the words "Forgive for Christ's sake," everyone asks each other for forgiveness, exchanging gifts, then kissing.

1st host.

On Sunday we say goodbye to Maslenitsa, on Sunday we wash our face with tears.

1st girl.

We rode down the mountain from dawn to dawn, and today on Sunday ours ended

2nd girl.

Goodbye, goodbye, Maslenitsa.

You are goodbye, goodbye, wide

You are not Wednesday or Friday.

You are on Sunday

Fun all week.

3rd girl.

You came with good, with intoxicating beer, wine.

With pancakes, pies, pancakes.

4th girl.

And we skated our Pancake week, lost our dear.

They thought she would be seven years old,

And she stayed for seven days.

5th girl.

Ay, Shrovetide, come back!

Take a ride in the new year!

Goodbye, goodbye, Maslenitsa!

Children take a Maslenitsa effigy, walk around the hall and carry it away.

1st Buffoon.

A treat is ready for you,

To everyone's surprise!

2nd Buffoon.

Help yourself, dear guests!

Here are a couple of pancakes

Eat - in the heat, in the heat!

All blush is beautiful!


Thank you for the holiday!

School holiday script

"Goodbye, winter-winter! Shrovetide"

Children prepare for the holiday in advance: they learn poems and songs, prepare costumes, souvenirs. They festively decorate the hall, decorate the playground on the street, make an effigy of Maslenitsa.


To a Russian folk song, the guys enter the hall and sit down on chairs. 3 buffoons appear on the stage.

1st Buffoon.

We rather ask here:
Come, honest people!
Light the fireworks
Shrovetide awaits all of us!

2nd Buffoon.

People! Ordered up to you
To bring such a decree,
Prepared by myself
Our mother winter!

3rd Skomorokh .

Every year of this date,
As the pointer says,
People of the city, village
Go out on a holiday.


Hurry to see, hurry to look
Hurry to have time for the holiday!

Erema comes out with a balalaika in his hands and calls Thomas: Hey Thomas!

Thomas ( lying on the stove, stretching ) What, Erema?


Dispel melancholy and drowsiness
Wake up from your sleep
Spring is hurrying to us!
Get off the stove quickly!


I have been in tears long ago. Do not shout!
Get the balalaika
Play the dance for us.

Boys begin to play the balalaika and spoons, and the girls perform ditties. Suddenly, a howling storm is heard. Foma and Erema are trembling, the girls run away. Winter appears with its retinue.


What is this noise and din?
Who raised the rumors here?
They dared to wake me up!
Slightly warmed up in the sun
Drive Winter away at once!
They grew bolder, made noise,
But you will not see Spring!
Hey Blizzard, Blizzard and Blizzard,
My snow-white
Sing a song, friends
Let the dancers freeze!

Blizzard, Blizzard, Blizzard are performing a dance. But the guys are not afraid of them. They make noise, stomp, try to drive them away .


Well, I'm tired of fighting
It's time to know to say goodbye!
You meet the Spring-red,
But don't forget me.
I'm next year
I will come to visit you again!

Winter is leaving with its retinue.

Erema. Look there, Thomas! (points to the distance )


Three horses of golden mane
Light-footed and zealous,
As if woven from light
The troika is harnessed to the carriage.
What are their names? Guess!


That is March, April and May.
And in that carriage - Spring,
She smiles!


I hear her steps, I feel her warmth more vertically.
I wanted something on the stove again.

(She lies down on the stove again and falls asleep).


Drops from the roof -
The Rooks Have Arrived.
The sparrows are chirping
They click in the spring.

From across the sea in a row
Hurry back birds(birds fly) .
You shine the rays brighter and warm the land.
Let the flowers appear.

A dance of flowers, butterflies and birds is performed.


Hello my friends!
I came to visit you again.
Well, admire how light is around.
Winter icicles are melting outside the window.
March goes stubbornly, pushing the ice.
And as a gift to mom, he carries a song.


Hello, Spring is red!
And where is the clear Sun?


Let's guys play together
Call the sun clear to visit.

All the guys get up, say the nursery rhyme and repeat the movements.

Sunny, appear, red, rite,
Hurry, don't be shy, warm us guys!

The Sun Girl enters.


The red sun is ours!
You are not more beautiful in the world!
So it became brighter
So it got warmer.
Stay with us on the holiday,
Be guests.

A Russian melody sounds. The Mistress appears.

The hostess. Thomas, get up, you sleep well! Go call Shrovetide!

Thomas ( stretches, gets up )

My soul, Maslenitsa!
Your quail bones!
Sugar your lips!
Come, come to our wide yard.

The hostess. Well, called Shrovetide?

Thomas. I called, mother.

Girls run in and shout: Maslenitsa is entering the yard! Wide enters the yard!

Playful Russian music sounds, the buffoon enters the hall with a stuffed Maslenitsa in his hands. The girls stand beside and praise Shrovetide.

1st girl. Our dear guest, Maslenitsa!
2nd girl. Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy!
3rd girl. The braid is long, triarshine!
4th girl. Scarlet ribbon, two-half!
5th girl. Little white shawl, newfangled!

Skomorokh puts Shrovetide against the central wall.

The hostess.

Give out, people
The dance takes me!
I will go and dance
I'll look at people.

The comic dance "Hostess" is performed.

1st Buffoon.

Oh you, Shrovetide annual,
Our dear guest!
Feed us pancakes
Treat yourself to pies!

2nd Buffoon.

Ting-tinka, give a blink
A little pancake, buttery piece!
Auntie, don't be stingy -
Share a buttery slice!

The hostess. Guys, why were pancakes baked on Shrovetide?(Damn is a symbol of the Sun, the shape of a circle means all year round.)

1st Buffoon. Let's sing a funny song.

Children sing the Russian folk song "Pancakes".

2nd Buffoon. After such a song, I would eat pancakes. There is a bag somewhere here.

The buffoon takes out a bag.

The hostess.

And tell me, Skomorokh,
What's in the bag: beans, peas?


I brought in honor of the holiday
Miscellaneous treats:
Gingerbread, candy, bagels
For the beautifull of our public.

The bag starts to move.

The hostess.

What a miracle! Dap and Dap!
Look, the sack has started!


Hey grab it, grab it
Hurry up the bag!

The buffoon and the hostess catch the bag and untie it. Baba Yaga gets out of the bag and eats a pancake.

Baba Yaga.

Great guys.
Good people bow to you,
Cheerful and kind.
Greetings from the devil!
Ugh you, from summer!
I met him in the swamp.
Ugh, you're in flight.
When I was in a hurry to visit you.
And my name is Spring-Red!

The real Spring is coming to her.

Spring. Wait, something's wrong. Do you have a passport?

Baba Yaga. Is it mine? Patchport? There is! In, look!

Buffoon ( is reading ). "Appointed by the long-awaited Spring 2007!"

Spring. And the signature is Koschey the Immortal. All clear!

Baba Yaga. How is that? I spent the whole winter preparing, malnourished, did not sleep enough! Well, at least play with me.

Spring. Well, let's play.

A sports team competition is held:

    "Who will ride the broom faster."

    "Collect a snowman."

Spring. Well, now you understand what kind of Spring the guys need.

Baba Yaga.

That's it, no questions!
Gonna fly Now! Hey, carriage! (she is given a broom )
I will patch the holes in the dress,
And more fun from you
I'm leaving, guys.
Into the dense forest on a broomstick.

The hostess. Eh, Baba Yaga ruined all the "gourmet" for us. She didn't leave us any pancakes or pies!

Spring. Do not be upset, my dears. Shrovetide brought whole armfuls of pancakes, and brewed rivers of tea from fragrant herbs.

The hostess. Well, guys, it's time to see off the winter - to burn Shrovetide!


Get ready, kids, it's time for everyone to go out!
We continue the program
For guests, friends, for everyone
Let's start the competition
Amazing fun!

To a perky Russian folk melody, the guys leave the hall, then everyone gathers in the square, where they are met again by buffoons. The guys disperse to the stations:

1. Round dance
2. Chastushkino
3. Tug of war
4. Riddles of the peddler
5. pillow fight
6. Townships
7. Who is faster on the broom

The rally signal sounds and everyone gathers in the center of the square.


We have such a custom:
We must burn Shrovetide,
To warm her fire
With all my soul I felt
She hurried to our holiday.


Today is a holiday date,
Light the fire guys
Let's burn winter!
We were with you all day
We all like the holiday
We say goodbye to friends
With the Butter Dish!

All in chorus say:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out!
Goodbye Oiler!
Goodbye winter!

Set fire to the Scarecrow of Maslenitsa.


Yes! We almost forgot ...
In Russia, the law was
To see off the winter generously
Treat all pancakes!
Congratulations on Shrovetide:
We are finishing our holiday!

All children and guests are treated to pancakes and hot tea.

GBOU Secondary School No. 1186 named after Musa Jalil

Scenario of an extracurricular activity

in the 5th grade

"Wide Maslenitsa"

Class teacher: Minnebaeva R.F.

Moscow 2012

"Wide Maslenitsa"


    to introduce children to traditionally Russian holidays;

    to form in children an idea of \u200b\u200britual holidays;

    to educate children with a value attitude towards folk traditions;

    create a feeling of psychological comfort.

Holiday progress:


Come, honest people,
Interesting things are waiting for you!
Come on, hurry up
Relax, have fun.
We invite everyone to the holiday,
We are starting to see off the Russian winter!

(A cheerful Russian folk melody sounds.)

1 presenter:

Hello dear guests! We are glad that you came to our holiday! Today we will see off Zimushka-winter, and meet Spring-Red!

2 leading:

Maslenitsa - it is a very ancient holiday. She came to us from distant times. It appeared long before the adoption of Christianity. Shrovetide days precede Lent, which ends with Easter.

1 presenter:

In Russia, they loved this holiday, and therefore they celebrated it widely, for a whole week.

2 leading:

Pancakes and festivities are the main attributes of Shrovetide.
It is popularly believed that a person who spent the Maslenitsa week badly and bored, will be unlucky throughout the year.


So let's all play, sing and have fun together!

Girls sing a song

Like oil week

We wanted pancakes.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

Our older sister

The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

She puts on the tray

And she carries it to the table herself.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

Guests, be healthy,

Our pancakes are ready.

Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

You are my pancakes!

1 presenter:

The people called Maslenitsa: honest Maslenitsa, wide Maslenitsa, cheerful Maslenitsa.

All the days of Shrove Week have their own names.

2 leading:

Monday - meeting. On this day, social games were arranged, swings, booths, tables with sweets, pancakes were baked. A scarecrow of Maslenitsa was seated on one sled. On other sleds, a pillar with a spinning wheel - the symbol of the sun - was erected. Sleighs drove through the streets, beckoning everyone to the holiday.


What kind of beauty is this? -

Straw chest, sides,

Not an old woman, not a young woman,

Guys carry on their hands.

What kind of doll is this? -

Everyone is happy for her, everyone is waiting

Removing, mischievous,

He bakes delicious pancakes.

Who is this girl? -

With her we will be day after day

Have fun all week

And then we'll burn it.

1 presenter:

Tuesday - flirting. Street festivities began. Girls and fellows rode in sledges, covered their faces with funny masks.


On Tuesday we will play, meet the red sun!

Game "Petushki".

Draw a circle on the site. There are two players in a circle. Each player stands on one leg, bends at the knee, support the heel with one hand. The task is to push the enemy out of the circle. (Push with the shoulders)

2 leading:

Wednesday is a gourmet. From Wednesday, mother-in-law invited their sons-in-law and relatives to pancakes.


Go to the mother-in-law for pancakes
And we carry friends with us!
Cheerful Shrovetide,
We boast of you!

1 presenter:

Broad Thursday - revelry. A real revelry ensues: they carry a scarecrow on a wheel, ride horses, sing songs. Competitions in strength and dexterity, horse races were arranged.


Take a walk - Thursday will bring ditties to everyone.
I already walked around the world, but there is no better ditty!

Girls sing "Cheerful ditties".

We start singing ditties
Please don't laugh:
There are a lot of people here,
We can get confused!

Wide Shrovetide,
We boast of you
We ride on the slides
We overeat pancakes!

Play more fun, accordion,

Shrovetide, do not be sad!





2 leading:




2 leading:


1 presenter:


2 leading:


1 presenter:































2 leading:





1 presenter:
































1 presenter:


2 leading:


1 presenter:


2 leading:


1 presenter:


2 leading:





1 presenter:


2 leading:








