In anticipation of the new. In anticipation of the holiday ... in anticipation of New Year's Eve. Beautiful statuses about the New Year

New Year is a special holiday! Forsomeone he is the first ... but forsomeone the last one ... And we always look forward to it! Perhaps, this is the only holiday with the feeling that a miracle is at hand. You seem to be no longer a child, but you are waiting, waiting for this miracle, as if there is nothing more to wait.
New Year and New Life are ahead.Someone will get married, create a family, give birth to a child.Someone build a house, buy a car or go on a long-awaited vacation. ANDsomeone will do what he has dreamed of for many years. Each new year is a year of change.
Bad - good .. Doesn't matter !! This is everyone's story. Individual. Everything that was before is left in the last century. A lot of surprises, events and surprises await us in the new century. On the eve of turmoil, holiday chaos and anticipation of the holiday, it is necessary to believe only in the good. I would like to believe that dreams come true, that New Year's Eve will be magical, and the flickering lights on the tree will give an enchanting mood. The mood of a real fairy tale. There are people who never make wishes for the New Year. Drop doubts and silly prejudices. The most important thing in life is to be close to the person you love. And with this, friends, you should hurry up. After all, time is such a thing ... Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Can we tomorrow what we can now? Will it not be too late ... We must not put off love ... We must love each other, cherish and value every day spent together.
Someone associates New Year with champagne, tangerines and Olivier, whilesomeone with snow, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. But absolutely everyone, without exception, loves and looks forward to this holiday !! They love gifts, elegant Christmas trees and many New Year's attributes.
The topic of gifts is especially exciting these days. Since childhood, we have been waiting for Santa Claus and, as adults, we are looking for shiny boxes with ribbons under the Christmas tree. There are many different opinions on this matter. And sometimes, on the eve of the holiday, a gift becomes your headache. It would be nice, as in childhood, to write a letter to Santa Claus with a list of everything you want, hang it on the refrigerator ... and let all the Santa Claus of the world read and choose for themselves. Then it would be easier for everyone. Well, ... Santa Claus first of all !! And if not, then you have to show imagination. And it doesn't matter at all what it will be. Most importantly, from the heart and with love.
More recently, one person explained to me that a New Year's gift should not be material. It turns out that there are still people who would like to receive as a gift,something, what is done with your own hands, for example, a drawing, a knitted scarf or a dance, song. It all depends on the personality, and not on the financial situation. After all, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis gift is that it should be made with love, with thoughts about who it is intended for, and not bought in a store. I do not know. I have never been given such gifts. Perhaps this is correct, but very rarely they really do this. You need to give love, attention, care every day ... just like that, for no reason. These are feelings. And you can't buy them. Maybe this is the very miracle that everyone is waiting for. Maybe it is THIS that is thought to be accompanied by the chimes, maybe it’s just feelings that absolutely all people on earth at any age, any status, any part of the world lack ...
Now I know for sure what I would give to all people on earth ... if I could! That would be a real miracle ... It will definitely come, you just have to wait for it. Like snow for the New Year !! We are always waiting for him ...
Every winter day, you go home from work, looking around at the bright windows, at the people hurrying by, passing cars. It's getting cold and you put your hands in your pockets. It's snowing !!! You love snow, you love to catch snowflakes in your palm, bring them to the light and admire them, you love the play of snow when it reflects the light of the sun with thousands of sparkles. Snow is alive too. He is joyful, and his cold is not at all because his soul is cold, no, he just flew to you from there, from above, while still being water, he himselfquite quite I froze while I was flying, because it is so pleasant for him on your palms, his soul is filled with your warmth, and he melts and melts ...

Any holiday that you arrange at home is a joyful event, if not for the hustle and bustle, spending and the whole day at the stove, right? No, it's not true!

What is the point of inviting guests and arranging a feast if as a result you will only get tired and remember the saying about a wedding horse, whose head is in flowers and its bottom is in soap? Elegant people come to you, drink and eat with pleasure, joke and tell jokes, and all that is left for you is to rush between the kitchen and living room, shout at the children, and it’s good if you had time to comb your hair before the party began. How can you avoid all this?
One possible option is to team up with a friend. You are preparing a holiday together, share the dishes that need to be prepared, and, accordingly, all expenses. And if you do everything yourself, do not forget that this is your holiday. Prepare the dishes you like without trying to please all guests without exception. Play your favorite music and create a cultural program that you enjoy. And do not make superhuman efforts to amaze the guests with the number of dishes or table setting. Think about which holidays are the most pleasant for you to remember? Of course, not those where you ate to the full, but those where you had fun, where the hostess did not quarrel with her husband, did not spank the children and did not behave as if she was doing a favor to everyone present. Keep it simple: Serve your guests a salad, a simple appetizer, a main course and dessert, prepare drinks, have a background music, and a couple of fun activities. This is all you need for a great holiday.

The mother-in-law will complain about her health right at the table, not skimping on physiological details. Mom will stuff you with pies and fried chicken and will be offended to death if you refuse the third portion of dessert. Your cousins \u200b\u200bwill torture you with advice on how to raise children, and your grandmother will tell you for the hundredth time how she met grandfather. One has only to think about all this, and you will want to hide at home and not go anywhere until the end of the holidays. How to get through all this?
Take your family celebration for granted. Don't expect your mom to change, that the kids won't be bullies, and that the whole evening will be like a Hollywood idyll. This will not happen, give up vain expectations. And instead of coming to the holiday, wanting to get positive emotions for yourself, try to do something pleasant for those around you. Do not try to prove anything to them: grandmothers cannot be explained why you allow your child to run around the apartment and eat fries with your hands. Do not demand all-consuming love and approval of your actions, do not judge relatives. They are what they are and will not be different. Smile to yourself at their oddities and be above it. Observe the situation with detachment and do not take it personally. A smile and a few kind words (and you can say these words if you don't wind yourself up in advance) work wonders. Even with your impossible relatives.

Make a list of those to whom you really want (or need) to make a gift. All the rest (is it worth it to congratulate your mother-in-law's cousin on the New Year?) Boldly cross out. The mother-in-law's cousin, of course, is worth congratulating - call him on the phone and wish him all the best. But what if you are invited to visit, where there will be many not very close acquaintances? Instead of stocking up on stupid Christmas decorations and calendars, bake a New Year's cake for the celebration - very large and very tasty, one for all.
First, being smart and getting dressed to smithereens are completely different things. You need to strive for the first rather than the second. It is quite possible to get by with what is already in your wardrobe. If you have a little black dress this is a safe bet. If you pick up accessories for him - bracelets, beads, then you can always look like in a new thing. If you prefer trousers, wear a silk top with them.

Yes, it may be so if you set yourself the daunting task of creating the most amazing packaging. But everything can be completely different. The main thing that you need to pay attention to is the tools and materials at hand. A very useful thing is scotch tape on a massive office holder. Instead of cutting off the duct tape with scissors, this will allow you to tear off a piece of duct tape with one hand while holding the edges of the wrapping paper with the other. In addition, you will need sharp scissors to help cut paper and cardboard evenly, and a good stapler to help you staple wrapping paper and decorations. Don't try to do too complex compositions, choose only two colors for packaging. For example, green wrapping paper and wide red ribbons that tie the bundles look great. And the easiest option is to buy identical plain bags made of thick paper, remove the handles from them (which are usually made from scourges) and replace them with bright festive ribbons. If you have time and desire, the bags themselves can be decorated with applications.

First, talk to your child about what he wants the most. If children are over 10 years old, you can directly tell them that they will not be able to get a computer, a TV set-top box, and a snowboard, which means that you need to choose the main thing, and the rest will appear as soon as possible. It's easier with babies. The most exciting moment for little ones is unwrapping the gifts. You can buy one basic gift (like a doll) and wrap it in a large box. And wrap the doll's shoes, spare dress and other nice additions separately in small convolutions - the more there are, the more fun.
If you usually don't let your child eat chocolates, buy two or three chocolates and wrap each one too. And there is another gift that will not cost you anything, but will amuse the children. Surely the child has his own responsibilities - he makes the bed himself, washes his plate or cleans his room. Give your child a large brightly colored piece of paper on which it will be written something like the following: "The gift certificate allows Katya not to make her bed and take out the trash for one day."

As a rule, we women are more nervous on holidays. It seems to us that we need to embrace the immensity, and we rush about, clutching one thing or another, exhausting ourselves and everyone around us. Reconsider your plans and focus on the pleasant, all unpleasant or too tedious we decisively cross out! There is no point in scrubbing the apartment all day on December 31st. The floor will get dirty anyway, but disappointment and resentment towards yourself and loved ones will remain. If your worries seem to be snowballing, pour yourself a glass of wine and open a good book, turn on your favorite music. Sit like this for a couple of hours. Let the children fight at this time, and let the husband cook festive sausages with New Year's pasta in his kitchen. You're busy. You have a holiday.
You can, but it's best to do it in advance. If you cannot or do not want to go to visit someone, refuse immediately, referring to the fact that on this day you have already been invited. On the day of the celebration, you can call the owners and congratulate them, and later give a gift. In this case, you will definitely not be offended. If you have to refuse at the last moment, apologize and explain the reason. The problems of elderly parents and childhood illnesses are the reasons that everyone understands.
Family comedies on TV, in magazines - tips on how to celebrate the New Year together. It seems that everyone around you is in love and happy and only you are alone. How to be? Get rid of the unpleasant sides of the fact that you don't have a partner right now, and focus on the pleasant sides of freedom. You can wander all night from holiday to holiday, meet an attractive stranger and behave lightly - and all this without remorse and scenes of jealousy in the morning.

... In anticipation of something kind and light, bright and magical, what we received in childhood, and now we give it to our children - a mysterious expectation of New Year's Eve.

Already with might and main, the approach of the holiday is felt, New Year's toys sparkle with gold and silver, the lights of Christmas garlands are cheerfully winking at us with a mysterious light, and the aromas of tangerines and Christmas tree needles, seasoned with a light morning frost, hover in the air ...

In the new year, each of us expects something unusual, wonderful, magical. And every person strives to celebrate the New Year in an original way, so that unforgettable moments of a fabulous night remain in the memory.

Start preparing for the organization of the main winter holiday right now, because the most wonderful thing about a holiday is waiting for it. Well, in families with children, preparation for the New Year takes place in a special way. Children expect a miracle, a fairy tale, gifts from Santa Claus and a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy from New Year's Eve.

What does New Year mean for a kid? First of all, the magic that envelops this snow-white holiday and, of course, the exciting preparation for the New Year, from creating New Year's crafts with your own hands, ending with decorating a green beauty, which was ordered in advance through the website of the company that delivers live Christmas trees directly home.

Away from boring New Year's holidays for children! Let's make the holiday the way we like it. We will use the holiday waiting calendar, arrange a winter corner in an unusual way, write a letter to Santa Claus, etc.

Many families have been preparing for the New Year almost since November. After all, the anticipation of the holiday is sometimes much more pleasant than the celebration itself.

Together with the children, it is quite possible to make a calendar of waiting for Christmas. In it, you need to make the number of windows, which are equal to the days remaining before the holiday. Children, opening such windows every day, see fairy-tale characters, and they give them gifts, even small ones. This is done simply: sweets, mini-books, stickers, animal figures, Christmas decorations, decorations, beads are put in the window in advance. Agree, a very original solution associated with the expectation of the New Year.

The second stage of our fabulous action will be the design of a fabulous corner. Having selected a place, we will install Christmas decorations there, plant the animals, beautifully arrange decorated cones, all kinds of ribbons, beads, shells, and make a small fairy-tale house out of cardboard. The result is an excellent winter composition for the New Year and Christmas!

We will sit our main Christmas heroine Belochka on the window. Let the children make a basket for her, and then rush to the red-tailed one every morning. Indeed, overnight, the basket is magically filled with fabulous surprises!

You can write together with the children, as is customary on New Year's Eve, a letter to Santa Claus. Tell about all the good things that you did for the year for others, what the guys learned and what they would like to receive for the holiday as a gift. The answer must come necessarily! You will be incredibly happy to receive it, written in beautiful handwriting on colorful paper and in a fabulous envelope. Santa Claus can praise children and say that all their good deeds will definitely be included in the Book of Good Deeds. In a tactful manner, the child is indicated what needs to be corrected in himself and what to learn. Even more than parents' advice will be obeyed!

But the most important thing in the pre-holiday period is to create a suitable atmosphere for the air to be filled with love and the feeling of the upcoming Miracle!

May love and joy reign in your family in the New Year, may the children be healthy and happy, and may your most cherished desires come true!

Happy New Year, friends, Happy New Year!

Winter. Snow is falling quietly outside the window ... The weather created for hot tea, a cozy blanket and beautiful fairy tales ...

I love these sensations, when the house is clean, quiet, a fire is burning in the stove, the cat is sitting on the windowsill, the snow is quietly falling, and in the evening there will be a bath ...

May this winter be fabulously beautiful for everyone, may it smell like chocolate, sound like a violin, bask with a warm blanket, a cup of tea, good films, books, pleasant meetings.

Winter is the time to drink cocoa☕, put on cozy clothes, decorate the tree together and warm each other❤

Wait no longer, there will be a Christmas tree soon!

If every day we share at least a small particle of warmth with those we meet on our way, winter will become much warmer. For all.

May everyone's most cherished wish come true this winter !!!)))

Warm YOU winter ..... in every way ...

At the edge of the forest, Zima lived in a hut ...

What time to wake you up?

Summer, please!

And even in the darkest and coldest time of the year, let each of us have enough light and warmth ... for ourselves and for our loved ones.

I told you - we won't make snowmen.

And you talk less and ride more!

Winter is the time of Miracles ...

Take care of your inner cat!

He is very much needed in the cold!

The more desires you have, the more they will come true.

Probability theory

The main thing ... be willing!

I love that sense of anticipation. When you already imagine a Christmas tree sparkling with many lights, gifts and even the smell of tangerines and magic ...

Winter is coming, the most beautiful and fabulous time of the year. Like if you are also looking forward to it ❤

Happiness is a winter night in a cozy house 🏡, snowfall outside the window ❄, the smell of fir, warm tea ☕ and favorite music 🎵🎶

Do not complain about the coldness of the world around you if you yourself have not put a single drop of heat into it ...

Idea for next year: throughout the year, write down all the wonderful moments that will make you smile. On New Year's Eve, open and re-read pleasant memories)

Well, how is it, miracles are on the way?

Hurry it would be semi-darkness, and so that the garland would be so - slowly, and then FAST-FAST-FAST, and then slowly again ...

New Year's mood is when I am glad to see even those who made the wrong door!

Winter is magic, it is a fairy tale in which we are the main characters. You never know what will happen, but I am sure that adventure will only bring joy ...

In such weather, you want to have a warm and cozy house outside the city, sit with a book by a warm fireplace and enjoy the atmosphere, watching the snow quietly fall outside the window.

The most dangerous winter disease is lack of embrace!

Strengthen your immunity - hug!

Tove Jansson. Magic winter

Winter is a fabulous time of the year.

Snow, Christmas trees, lights all over the city and patterns on glass.

Like sparrows ... let's sit down, puff ourselves ... and think that it's already warm!

Winter is the time of year when people need to keep each other warm. With your words, feelings, care. And then no cold is terrible.

Winter is the time of fluffy snowflakes, hot tea and good books ... Be happy this winter.

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, clean, gentle ... May your life be the same!

Christmas is not the time of the year. Christmas is a feeling. Edna Ferber

Winter is a very emotional time of the year, because the stronger the frosts, the warmer we become to each other.

Albert Camus

Skis, skates, sledges, snowballs, ruddy cheeks and warm mittens ... Winter was not created to be sad, but to taste a few more types of happiness.

Winter was created in white for this purpose, to start your life from a white sheet.

- How can you love the cold?

- Need to! Cold teaches to appreciate warmth ...

Waiting for winter

- It's getting colder. Winter is coming soon!
- Winter is not so important!
- What is important?
- It is important with whom.

Valiullin Rinat, "Where the kisses lie"

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to man is the anticipation of a miracle.

Waiting for a miracle)

Will you be a tangerine?

And if I clean

You know, now I really want, at least for an hour, such a little pocket fairy, like from an old Disney cartoon about a sleeping beauty. So that she said "bibidi-babodibum" and everything, everything worked out, smoothed out. Has returned. Let not all, but the main thing.

Let's believe in miracles!

And it will be December. Blizzards will whine at the doorstep. And the windows will light up. And the light will be - warm copper. Probably, the winter was invented by God for this purpose - so that people more often wanted to warm each other.

December is Friday :)

Dress up the Christmas tree, forget all the grievances, more often hug those who are dear to you and, most importantly, remember that December is a little magic.

Always remain a little children, believe in the New Year's miracle ...

Let everything be in your house;

Love, Peace, Comfort, Wealth,

May it always be warm

To want to come back.

- Doctor, I always want a blanket and hot tea.

- You have December.

Winter gives you the opportunity to dream of magic and wonder. The main thing is not to miss the chance and make this winter fabulous.

In the last month of winter, a miracle is bound to happen. You will understand this by inhaling the gentle aroma of the morning air, or when you will see off the sunset. Look around. Surprise the world.

Cats are actually Santa Claus in the magical world. And they do not meet by chance: white ones - for good news, red ones - for money, black ones - fortunately, gray ones - for health, and striped cubs - for love. Best of all, of course, tricolor cats: they immediately bring a lot of good, as in advertising "three in one". And they even pull a gift on their tail for us. Nadia Yasminska "Zephyr signs"

I wish everyone this winter to get into this winter fairy tale and get a piece of happiness !!!

The most fabulous, the most wonderful of all experiences available to man is the anticipation of a miracle.

May on these magical and fabulous days in everyone's life there will be someone who will make this winter warmer with his love!

Each of us really wants Happiness. Simple, quiet, light ... So, to snuggle up to your own shoulder, forgetting everything bad! Tell avidly everything that hurts, or silently look into the infinity of your beloved eyes ...

Each of us really wants Tenderness ... Naive, like the first spring flowers, affectionate, like the sun's rays ... So that everything and without a trace! When a loved one gives this tenderness, you want to answer him in kind. Not! A thousand times stronger!

Each of us really wants Vera - sometimes, she is so lacking! So that, when it is almost broken or broken, someone quietly whispered: "You can do it, you will succeed!" To fall asleep with confidence that Tomorrow will certainly come! ..

Each of us wants Love! And even to those who say they can never find it again. Love is equally needed by the poor, and the rich, and the clever, and not so ... Yes, everyone, without exception, needs Love - that wonderful and tender feeling that makes us happy!

May all our dreams come true on these magical days, which will bring us love, faith, tenderness and happiness!

Happy Holidays to all! With cozy people, kind jokes, pleasant surprises, endless tangerines, understanding of loved ones, with little wonders of this big world!

One of the most "delicious" childhood memories is when you wake up from the anticipation of something very good and happy all day ... Happy not for some reason or because of something, but simply happy! In the noisy bustle of the New Year, we wish you more of such warm "pieces" of childhood!


A week before the New Year, the little Angel puts on a snow-white apron and begins to prepare a festive cake.

Instead of flour, he takes the most beautiful snowflakes, instead of yeast - a cheerful childish laugh. With such yeast, the cake dough rises very quickly, and the little Angel sends the cake to the magic oven, warmed by the warmth of kindness and love. He impregnates the finished cakes with the aromas of the Christmas tree and tangerine, sprinkles with moonlight powder, decorates with frosty crunch and pieces of the northern lights.

On this day, a special aroma appears in the city - the aroma of the New Year ...


❄ Good January day to all! ❄

We wish you a good mood, productive, useful pastime, meetings with interesting people.

Give each other warmth and smiles!


And February is a month of hope

That soon we will take off our clothes.

And that next summer will be better than the previous one

And even warmer than the old one.

What is the fun about?

Finally, Spring has come!

What are you? February is on the street ..

So it's on the street .. And in the shower .. Spring!

Even in the harsh February, you can be someone's warm summer ... give each other warmth)

Lyrics and melody by Vladimir Kochetkov
Performed by: Svetlana Eliseeva-Harry and Vladimir Kochetkov,
Illustration source:

The clouds are floating in the sky
and along them through snow and blizzards
the sleigh is rolling from afar ...
- We wanted so much -
so it has been for centuries!

Listen - ringing softly
deer are flying here across the sky!
They are people, you and me,
magical moment
we will be gifted!

Santa Claus is bringing gifts.
- And the guys dream about them!
- The people want peace, happiness.
- Bright and holy
New Year is coming!


Make your wish
on New Year's Eve to the chimes.
- Believe firmly: you will be lucky!
- Stars-diamonds
light will pour happiness!


Sweet New Year's Eve
in anticipation of the holiday of mleya!
- Hearing the sound of the sleigh, dance!
- Good ideas
always use!



Thank you, Lev!

I looked at you at Stanza (and then in ICh) and looked at the poem. And I decided to suggest something to you - perhaps it will be useful to you.

Firstly, there are not mountains in the photo, but rocks (more precisely, outliers, but you yourself know this). Secondly, the first line of the poem should not contain the nominative "sphinxes", but the genitive "sphinxes".

I looked at the Yandex map where this place is, and with sadness I read this on Wikipedia:
In the fall of 2010, the land on which the stone tents are located passed into private ownership and now belongs to a resident of the village of Allak, Dmitry Krapivin. Nevertheless, access to the rocks is still free.

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