Words of congratulation and gratitude at the wedding to parents, from the bride, from the groom, in prose, poetry. Gratitude to parents at the wedding - heartfelt words in prose on traditional occasions Thank you for your beautiful daughter

Thank you for bringing up such a daughter -
Beautiful, smart and dear to me.
I want to give you a low bow,
Thank you sincerely on Mother's Day.

I wish you vitality, optimism,
Success and professionalism in work.
In the family you care, relatives of understanding,
Harmony, happiness, comfort, attention!

Happy Mother's Day, I congratulate you!
With all my heart, I wish you health.
You have raised an adorable daughter.
I am always ready to help you in everything.

On Mother's Day I want to say
That mother-in-law is a second mother to me.
Being your son-in-law is just a fairy tale,
I live in peace, kindness and affection.

I am grateful to you for the simplicity,
For a life that gives beauty.
For ease and warmth in communication.
Accept, mother-in-law, admiration!

I wish you all the best.
And I call you mom.
You deserve this word.
You are the best in this world!

I congratulate the beautiful woman who gave life and raised worthy children, who accepted me as her own son. I wish you always a good mood and joyful smiles that prolong youth, emphasize beauty and protect health. Let your house always have the smell of hospitality, delicious treats and kind comfort. Happy Mother's Day!

I respect you, mother-in-law,
I highly appreciate
I adore your daughter
And with all my heart I love!

I sincerely congratulate you
Happy Mother's Day now!
And from my heart I wish you
Be happy every hour!

Thank you, dear mother-in-law,
For a wonderful daughter!
You, like mommy, are the second,
Always ready to help me!

I wish you a lot of health,
And, of course, many years
Love and happiness of the unearthly!
There is no more beautiful mother-in-law in the world!

Thank you, second mother,
For the daughter who became my wife.
She gave me a family
And the joy of life and love.

On Mother's Day I want to congratulate
And wish you many years
Thank you for your grandchildren
There is a wonderful mother!

Happy Mother's Day, my dear mother-in-law
I wish you success in business in all,
Always be healthy and joyful
Let the trouble pass you by
So that the children warm you with their warmth,
So that you never know sorrow
I want to say thank you very much,
For being a very good mother!

Happy mother's day today
I hasten to congratulate you,
I want to say thank you
To you for my wife!

You have already become for me,
Mom is the second,
Stay healthy,
So that there is peace in the soul!

Forget about all the worries
Smile more often
Good luck and prosperity,
And a lot of happiness!

Let Mother's Day flood
The house is cozy and warm,
Will cover with prosperity,
Light, tenderness, kindness!

Thank you for your daughter -
Always be happy
May life shower with joy
And the dream will come true!

Sweet mother-in-law, dear,
I became my second mother,
And happy mother's day to you
I congratulate loving!

And I wish you not to get sick
And do not grow old in soul
May dreams come true
You can't find a better mother-in-law!

My dear mother-in-law -
Mom is just golden
I raised my daughter wonderfully
She took me as a son.

And cooks excellently
Getting younger from year to year,
And what a funny one -
I wish this to everyone.

Be happy, dear,
Live a century without discouragement
Have fun and sing songs
Always be a young soul!

Here is a collection of beautiful words of gratitude for a mother-in-law for her son. The texts are written in prose (in your own words). Suitable for special occasions and celebrations (birthday, anniversary, wedding anniversary). They can also be used to sign a postcard, a gift or include it in a letter. The daughter-in-law can also use them on ordinary days, when it is necessary to relieve tension in communication, smooth out the conflict and simply restore an acceptable atmosphere in the family.

All names are used only for convenience of presentation, do not forget to change them to the ones you need. Recommendations for the use of texts are at the end of the page.

Dear Maria Ivanovna! I know for sure that you are the most talented, smartest and most educated person with a huge soul and a pure heart ... Because only such a woman could have such a wonderful son. Please accept my sincere gratitude for the outstanding result of your many years of hard work. I promise that I will treat this result (in the person of my husband) as he deserves - with care, respect and love.

Dear Nina Sergeevna! Please accept my sincere thanks to you for your son:

  • because he turned out to be a real head of the family - reliable and responsible;
  • because he is not only a wonderful husband, but also an excellent friend to me and children;
  • because you raised a real patriot of your family, who is always guided by the interests and well-being of his loved ones. With such a person we always have a peaceful sky overhead;
  • because he is not lazy, he can do a lot and does a lot ... In our house, everything always works properly, there is always everything you need and there is a lot of this necessary;
  • Because he is not angry, not envious, not capricious, has no bad habits and is simply an ideal family man.

For all this, I have deep and pure gratitude to you, Nina Sergeevna. Because it was you who managed to create such a family, which invested all this in my husband. In the image and likeness of your family, now we are building a family with your son. And this is a wonderful family that I have always dreamed of. Thanks you!

Dear Lydia Dmitrievna! Now I have a child and I perfectly understand how much painstaking, everyday, persistent and patient work is required to raise him as a worthy person who knows how to live and who is calm and not ashamed of. And how much love you need to give him - I also understand. Probably, it will not be easy for me then to share it with another woman and put up with the fact that he listens not to me, but to her. I am grateful to you for everything you have done so that now I have such a husband. Every day he makes me admire and says that he owes everything to you. Therefore, I admire you in the same way.

Dear Tamara Gennadievna! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for:

  • what so much love, patience and wisdom put into their son. Thanks to such generosity, I now have a loving, patient and intelligent spouse;
  • for having taught him to value family, respect loved ones and take care of them. Therefore, our children (your grandchildren) will have a wonderful father;
  • for not having found so much effort, time and money to educate their son. He will become a reliable support for the family and will be able to give her everything she needs - it is not scary to live with such a person;
  • for the fact that now you continue to be support for your child and he can always turn to you for advice and help if suddenly something goes wrong and difficult days come. Thanks to this, our world is cozy and stable.

But most importantly, Tamara Pavlovna, I am sincerely grateful to you for sharing your warmth with me as well, despite the fact that I took a substantial share of your son's love without your permission.

Thank you, dear, dear, Rozalia Mikhailovna, for making your son such a person who can be greatly loved and who is not ashamed to love. Because he is worthy. And yet, it is not scary to have children from him, and this is amazing. I will always be grateful to you that it is thanks to you that such a person exists in the world.

You know, Anna Vladimirovna, thanks to your son, I will never be able to call myself - a lost woman, a loser and an idiot. Because he is worthy of all respect, the purest love and sincere admiration. It doesn't hurt me for my choice. Moreover, I am happy that I met him and even if some bad days come, I cannot call myself unhappy, next to such a person. Thank you for my female happiness, for my successful female share.

Thank you, beloved mother-in-law, for opening a new Universe for me and not being greedy to show all the secrets that you know. I learned from you such valuable things as:

  • i can cook many delicious dishes according to the recipes that my husband likes to eat. I have never cooked like this before. This helps me to constantly receive praise from my husband;
  • i know what topics should not be argued in a family where the head is your son. This knowledge saved me a lot of nerve cells, saved me from a lot of conflicts and my husband never stays late at work because he knows that a warm and calm atmosphere awaits him at home;
  • i know how to quickly end any quarrel, misunderstanding or dispute within the family. It helps maintain trust between us;
  • i learned how to effectively distribute the family budget and now I know what it makes sense to save on, and what it is not necessary to save on under any circumstances. My husband appreciated this ability of mine, there is more trust between us in the financial affairs of the family;
  • now I know for sure in what colors the apartment needs to be decorated, because it will become a family nest for our children and should not annoy any of the family members;
  • i know exactly what qualities, habits and statements my husband hates in women ... It's great, because the one who is forewarned is armed.

In general, my dear second mother, the list is endless. I want to tell you that now I am armed to the teeth: I know and can do everything I need in order to have a long, happy and calm family life, without being distracted by silly misunderstandings due to trifles. And for this I am very grateful to you. Everyone dreams of such an assistant and friend next to him, but few are lucky enough to get him. I was lucky!

Thank you, dear Valentina Ruslanovna, for becoming a real guiding star for me, a guide and an example to follow. You have turned out to be a wonderful son - an impeccable husband for me and an ideal father for our child. You are my mother model. I will learn from you and raise the same wonderful people that you have. Thank you for all the goodness that you have brought into my life.

Precious Amalia Rudolfovna! I have told you many times that you are the most beautiful person that I have met in my life. Your son knows how to be an impeccable husband and this is definitely your merit, because it was you who raised and raised him. But today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this:

  • for the patience and wisdom with which you regularly listen to complaints from me and from your son, but you do not protect me or him ... but give wise and fair advice and assessments. Thanks to this, I always feel that I have ground under my feet and I know that there is a fair, intelligent person nearby who will not disturb the peace in the family, but will return it there;
  • for the fact that you never independently interfere in the relationship between your son and your daughter-in-law (that is, me) until you are asked or until you are forcibly dragged there. This is an invaluable quality and I thank you for your steadfastness and common sense. It’s probably not easy to stay aloof like that when something doesn’t suit your daughter-in-law;
  • for the fact that you give me enough of your warmth and treat me like your own daughter. It is a great joy for me to have a loved one by my side, who does everything to strengthen my family, does not bring discord into it, does not sow doubts in the head of his son;
  • because you are not like most mothers-in-law, who are always dissatisfied with their daughter-in-law, grumble at her and do not want to share their son's affection with her. Thanks to this magical property of your personality, the world in our family has become chronic.
  • Special thanks for your help in raising our children. Thanks to this support, we are less tired and the atmosphere in the family always remains friendly.

I can thank you endlessly Amalia Rudolfovna, but to be brief, I am grateful to you for being a real creator of family happiness, protecting and respecting the family hearth ... both your own and your son's. This is an invaluable gift and hard work for a mother-in-law. After all, it is easier to be a destroyer than a creator, and it is the path of destruction that many choose, because it is easier to follow it.

Dear Elena Anatolyevna! I know that it is not easy for you to come to terms with the choice of your son and I am not the daughter-in-law of your dreams. Nevertheless, your attitude does not prevent me from admiring you. Thank you for the fact that, despite your difficult attitude towards me, you always demonstrate your faith in our family and optimism. Thank you for your son and for the fact that love for him makes you so strong, positive and kind. I love him no less than you and I understand you perfectly, he really deserves this attitude. Thank you for it!

Dear Galina Alekseevna. You have become a dear, beloved and close person to me. I constantly feel gratitude and warmth for you for the fact that:

  • the most important and important gift that changed my whole life was made by you. And this gift is your son;
  • for the fact that you continue to protect, protect and love your son. When there are two loving and devoted women next to him, life is much more comfortable and happier;
  • because your experience and knowledge help me to better understand my spouse and help him better. This makes our family stronger;
  • because you know how to be a real friend to me;
  • because you know how to be invisible when necessary. I admire your tact. I try to learn this from you.

But most importantly, Galina Alekseevna, whether you wanted to or not, you became a second mother to me and this makes me happy. Having two mothers is like having two guardian angels nearby. With them - the sea is knee-deep, life is on the shoulder and energy never leaves. Thank you for that.

Dear Mila Tarasovna! Having a head on your shoulders is great. Especially when she is also capable of thinking. But in family life, as it turned out, one head is not enough. Together with you, I have grown myself a couple more. And for that I am extremely grateful to you. Because, even when you do not advise anything and do not participate in any way in my relationship with your son, your presence alone helps me to better understand what is happening, what is the best way for me to act and how to save that wonderful gift of fate that I got - my family ...

Our beloved Lyudmila Vitalievna! I never thought that I could call someone a mother, except for the one who gave birth to me. But you have become a real mother for me. Dear, warm and beloved. With you and your son, I now have a wonderful family, which I am proud of and which gives me everything I needed all my life - the warmth of the hearth and love. I am forever grateful to you for this. Be happy, healthy and may your life be smooth and prosperous.

  • If the text you like seems too long for you to remember, you can easily shorten it without losing its meaning and even reuse it repeatedly for different occasions, without the impression that you are constantly saying the same thing. The next paragraph of the recommendations will tell you how to do this.
  • The above texts are written in a special way. You can use them to compose your own thank you speech. To do this, take the first and last sentence of the text you like and between them insert one (or whichever is convenient for you) item from any bulleted list that you find on the page (there are plenty of them there, and enough for one person for a long time).
  • If you decide to use the text as a full-fledged letter, then it is quite possible to take it entirely without abbreviating it.
  • If you decide to use words in oral speech, then the optimal solution would be not to combine 2 or more texts into one. Otherwise, the speech will turn out too voluminous and become unnatural.
  • The texts have an author. Do not use them for publication (in whole or any of its fragments) on other resources (both printed and electronic), since the author has - copyright.

It's not true that the senses get weaker
When old age comes.
Love as the highest art
The example of my parents is.
Thank you for your concern
And helped me stay on track
And, when necessary, they taught in childhood
And protected from bad temptations.

I remember a serene childhood
And the eyes of heavenly purity
My mother's hands are tender
Daddy's voice and features.
You've done so much for me in your life
So that I could become a man.
Our senses are time tested
And I want to say “thank you” for everything.

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:

A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!

I'm always afraid of not being in time

For love and for what I am
and for being a little beautiful.
I'm always afraid to be late
I'm afraid all the time not to get there
And forget or not recognize
A warm, quiet echo of childhood.
I'm constantly afraid not to catch up
My only train that is important to me
So that when you come to tell you,
That I live, as taught, conscientiously.
To take another look
On the mountain ash and the slenderness of the birch,
So that, as in childhood, breathe in with all your chest
The spirit of the January evil frost.
Will see his own eyes again
That we are not tired of life yet
And with a smile to say softly:
"Have you arrived, or not?"
I'm always afraid of not being in time
To tell you at dawn - THANKS!
For love and for what YOU are,
And for being born happy !!!

Mom and Dad!
Thanks for all!
For a happy childhood -
I remember him!
Years go by - your daughter has matured
But the fact that I listened to you - I did not regret.
I went to daddy from early childhood:
Character and appearance,
Like two boots!
She also took a little from mommy:
Calm a little, took a smile.
Thank you, family, I love you very much!
And even though I rarely tell you this ...

Our dear, good ones!
How can I thank you for everything?
In our time, unthinkably difficult,
It is very difficult to raise children.
We were sometimes so unbearable
We would like everything at once.
You gave all your strength to the end
To my daughters and sons.
Dear you are our parents!
Who else will love us?
You live a long, long time in the world,
Wisely, happily and well!

You gave life and were there
When I wandered along the paths.
I am your tenderness and care,
Loved ones, did not forget.
I will say thank you on a beautiful day
For everything that was given to me in life.
Your Prayer and Participation
Gave light in the pitch darkness.

My family, mom, dad,
Thank you today.
You were always my support
I respect and love you.
Let your eyes sparkle happily
Be healthy, cheerful.
Thank you for your understanding
You are dearest to me in the world.

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you're around I know what will happen
Calm in life for me and you.
Your warmth in the cold will warm you,
Strong hands will always support
Dear heart, when you get sick,
He can cure you without difficulty.
May God give you a long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My dear ones, thank you for everything!
We compose an ode to you in these verses.

People who are in charge of the world
We kiss you many times!
Your little children
They love you very, very much!
From you, worthy and beautiful,
We are ready to take an example:
Son - like dad, will be strong
A daughter is a mistress, like a mother.
We will work ourselves
And achieve success
And at the same time, dad and mom
Never forget!

Nikolaeva Polina

Among the storms and among the calm,
Amid nights and dawns
If two loved -
The third is in the world!

If it's scary at times
If thunderstorms rumble -
Two go up
And they are busy over the third.

If suddenly fall out
Their paths and partings -
The third sighs bitterly
And he draws his hands to two ...

Changing year after year
Days go by ...
Reaching the boundary -
Two go into eternity ...

Still others will become two ...
And again on the planet
If two fall in love -
The third will appear in the world ...

Parents are not just a word
This is love, ready for anything
This is a lifelong calling
These are the ones we hold dear.
Parents are the ones who raised us
Who sometimes endured our whims,
Who was ready to both understand and forgive,
Who did not give sadness without reason.
Parents taught us everything
They were true to their duty.
They helped more than once or twice,
Always choosing the right words.
Parents are those who have always been there,
Who shared joy and sorrow with us,
Who was our support, support always,
Who will never leave us anywhere.
Parents are those whose work is invaluable
Their contribution to our lives is important, although invisible,
We will keep our parents in our hearts
And sincerely thank you every day!

Dad and mom, how to pay back
For everything that you have done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much love did you give?
You nurtured, you cherished
From evil, trouble and resentment.
You always did the best you could
How can I thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now
I remember my dear features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of the years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your family,
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
To you, dear ones, to bring.
Dad and mom, I love you so much
May God always keep you.

If you believe the anecdotes -
Better not to get married!
Or get married
A complete orphan!
But it's better to learn
Mother-in-law to understand
Love her jealous
Take to my daughter.
Thank you mother-in-law
For my beloved wife,
Smart, comely,
So like you!
Long years of your life,
Happiness and luck
Everything to succeed -
And not otherwise!

There is nothing more pleasant, believe me,
Than my mother-in-law to congratulate on the anniversary!
And wish that the son-in-law was caring,
He cared for and cherished his family.
Good health, success at work,
More joy - well, what else to say?
You are the mother of the wife and the grandmother of the children,
Let me kiss your hand!

I'm writing poetry here for a sweet mother-in-law,
I often breathe deeply from excitement,
I want to find kind words for me
To congratulate you, wish you happiness!

I wish beloved mother-in-law
Life is easier to accept
There is not enough heart for everything -
So much to worry!
I also wish you health
Strong souls are strings
Lightness and fun
Good fortune!

I'm writing an ode to my mother-in-law today
I sing a passionate hymn about her:
No mothers for wives are livelier and easier,
Miley, younger and smarter!
And on her birthday with the test,
A great number of guests
I promise to be with my daughter together
(Though life is faster without mistresses!).
Alas, alas, I am not a nightingale,
Like a kenar - my voice is wretched ...
But, from the alcoholic nightingale,
I wish a mother-in-law, God knows:
To want - beloved son-in-law -
A hundred times I’m mother-in-law to take!

I hasten to congratulate my mother-in-law!
In general, let the mother-in-law not grumble,
It's easier for me then
Congratulations to compose:
Mom, be healthy,
Young and black-browed
And so that they are not harsh to the son-in-law,
And be happy for a hundred years!

Dear Mom
My wife's!
You have many advantages -
And everyone can see them!
You are young, beautiful,
You have plenty of strength
For a difficult life
In this complex world!
There is enough determination
Go your own way
Kindness and affection -
All around!
Accept assurances
In my respect to you,
I am very happy to be a member
Your family!

Gardens suddenly blossomed around
And the nightingales suddenly began to sing through the groves ...
There is a gorgeous reason for this -
My mother-in-law is celebrating her anniversary.
Let each overturn a hundred grams -
For the bright holiday of my mother-in-law!
Well, happy anniversary, dear mom!

My mother-in-law is wrong for you -
It's a diamond!
About her could be long
My story!
But today we are all
At the festive table
Therefore, I will be brief:
Raising a glass of wine
"For the health of the mother-in-law"! -
I will pronounce
I'm such a mother-in-law
I value it very much!
Dear guests -
A toast to my mother-in-law!

On the mother-in-law's birthday, the son-in-law is ready for the holiday:
He bought a present for her and a bouquet of flowers.
“Mom dear, you are my best friend!
The mother-in-law's birthday does not come suddenly.
I've been preparing for it all last year,
I thought about how to please the new year in my life.
I chose for a long time, sparing no effort.
He did not spare the piggy bank - he took it, and he broke it!
Therefore, I hope that I have pleased you.
Happy birthday, mother-in-law! True, your son-in-law is dear ?! "

My beloved mother -
An extraordinary woman:
Stylish, smart, ironic,
Adequate in everything,
Extremely tactful!
I am my mother-in-law - delighted
I am conquered by all its qualities!
Happy to be married to her daughter,
She looks so much like her!
Two such women in the same family -
This means doubly happiness!
For this happiness - raise a glass!
For my wife and mother-in-law - I'll give everything!

The day is colored with an anniversary!
Praising, mommy, you
We hum and hum and bleat
Adoring loving! :
I do not call you mother-in-law
Which, of course, is not a trifle -
Before I met I was skinny
And now they say: “Fat man! "
Thank you for the warmth, kindness,
For home peace, peace.
I am your own son, for
Who am I without you ?!

Who thinks it's difficult -
To praise your own mother-in-law?
Mother-in-law is just the wife's mother
We really need mother-in-law!
Who will help and fix
The wife's inexperience?
Who serves pancakes
And will he sew up his pants?
Who will tell you quietly
How wrong you are this time
How to make peace with my wife,
Why not get drunk out of grief?
Who will feed if at home -
No wife, no dinner?
I don't know about other mother-in-law
And mine is a pearl!
Glory to you, mother-in-law
My dear!
I'm another mother-in-law
I do not wish for myself!

No matter how much you travel the world
You cannot find such a mother-in-law,
That she bought me an apartment with my wife
I wished the right path
So your health is endless,
To see grandchildren with father-in-law more often,
And also always come to the rescue,
And lend us until payday.

Happy birthday to mother-in-law
Congratulations from my heart!
Life is easy and successful
I sincerely wish!
And also - health reserve
For many years!
So that the road of life
Would be wide
So as not to be disturbed
Various ailments
To visit more often
Old friends!
For my husband to love
So that there is always prosperity!
For the mother-in-law a glass - to the bottom!

Here are collected the most touching, kind, beautiful words of gratitude for the daughter from the mother. The texts are written in prose (not in verse) and are intended both for public speech (at a wedding, anniversary, birthday and other holidays) and for private conversation. They can also be used to sign a postcard, a gift, include it in a letter, or put an end to a quarrel.

Daughter! When you were little, you gave me a feeling of tenderness and tenderness ... Now you have grown and give me a sense of pride! Thank you for the most wonderful experience in my life.

Daughter! I always asked you to do so that I would not be ashamed of you! Today I want to thank you for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. Moreover, I am proud of you, thank you for that too.

Beloved daughter! You often thank me for a lot ... I want you to know that I am also grateful to you for a lot:

  • for the fact that you are a real patriot of your family and have always done everything to strengthen it, and not destroy the bright world in which you were born and raised;
  • for pleasing me as best she could and trying to add a little sun to my life during bad weather;
  • for the fact that I can turn to you for advice or help and count on your support in difficult times;
  • for bringing your fresh, youthful energy into my middle-aged and measured life;
  • for being a fidget and constantly pushing me and dad to new "feats";
  • for your kind, sensitive, responsive heart - it gives me optimism and new hopes;
  • because you are a caring daughter and I am not afraid to grow old next to you;
  • because you are active, quick-witted and purposeful - I feel comfortable with this and I hope that if you are left without our help with dad, you will not be lost in life;

But most of all, daughter, I am grateful to you for the love that you have always brought into my life.

Dear daughter! They say a person has 2 families: the one that gave birth to him and the one that he himself gave birth to. You have always been the sun in our family and brought only love and happiness to it. Now you have grown up and now you can start your own family. I am sure that you will make your new family a bright and happy place ... you know how to do it. I am grateful to you for the warmth that you have always given me, for your love, friendship and kindness. Be happy!

My girl! I often tell you that I love you, but that's not all. I have not yet said that in my heart there is always a feeling of deep gratitude to you for:

  • your kindness and condescension - they relieved me of the feeling of guilt when, in moments of fatigue, I was angry with you and was not pedagogical;
  • for your wisdom, which helps us create a warm, cozy little world of our family;
  • for always sharing with me her amazing discoveries and joys - it brought beauty, brightness and liveliness to my world;
  • for the fact that she regularly bravely took on household chores and gave me minutes of rest from everyday worries - this inspired me, helped me not to limp;
  • for trying to cheer me up when I'm sad;
  • for the fact that from year to year I had the happiness of enjoying the sincerity, trust, honesty and selflessness of my child - you, daughter.

But my special "thank you" to you, daughter, for the fact that you continue to do all this now.

I want to thank you for putting in a lot of effort and honestly trying to grow up a wonderful daughter… And you did it! Thanks to you, I have always felt like a happy mother and enjoyed my motherhood. These are unforgettable sensations, they serve me as reliable support in life and help me in difficult days. I will always be grateful to you for this and I promise that I will be as strong support for you as I have strength.

As I watch and listen to TV and neighbors, I understand that my daughter is a gift version of a child. Thank you, dear, for always trying not to upset me and in every possible way to facilitate my mother's share, to reduce my anxieties, to help with household chores and, at an opportunity, to please me. It is thanks to you that my motherhood did not become a feat and I am very happy about that. Thank you for that!

My dear! I am very grateful to you, because you have done a lot for me and continue to do, although you probably do not even suspect about it. I want to tell you:

  • Thank you for the sleepless nights given to me as a child, for anxiety during illness and excitement during school years ... I grew up with you, became wiser, more patient and even more resilient;
  • Thank you for the first victories and the joy that you generously shared with me when you did something ... All this made me happy, filled me with pride and satisfaction;
  • Thank you for the sorrows that sometimes happened and which you trustingly carried me, waiting for support ... In trying to help you, I became more resourceful, resourceful, bolder, more persistent and stronger in spirit;
  • Thank you for your humility and obedience, when I had to punish you because I was running out of patience ... Thanks to these moments, I knew that I was doing something wrong and tried to become better;
  • Thank you for the desire to please me and deserve my love, for the fear of upsetting me and the unwillingness to disturb me over trifles ... It touched me, touched my soul and made my world kinder, softer and brighter;
  • Thank you for your unconditional trust in me ... I was afraid of losing it, destroying it, it made me justify it (trust). Thanks to this fear of not justifying trust, I developed and mastered many new personal heights.

But most importantly, I am grateful to you for the fact that you were and remain my closest, dear and loving person. I promise that I will try to be not only a good mother for you, but also - your best friend, reliable support, support and guide in life.

Daughter! You and I had all sorts of things ... Both good and not so. I am grateful to you for both, because I know that you - tried ... I tried to be better, smarter, to meet my expectations, not to disappoint me ... Sometimes we both lacked patience, sometimes we lacked wisdom, kindness, or a bit of understanding. I am not angry with you, I am not offended, I remember only good things and I love them. You are beautiful, sane, not indifferent, positive, independent ... But what is there ... you are wonderful. You will succeed. And everything will be fine. Thank you for being there.

My dear girl! Thank you for always decorating my life ... When you were little, you gave me joy with your first steps, new discoveries, thousands of naive questions and wonderful homemade postcards. When you were growing up, you decorated our family with your warmth, care and efforts to learn all the best. Now that you have grown up, I myself often turn to you for advice and support - you have decorated my world with pride that I have such a daughter, a wonderful reliable friend and a wonderful continuation of me.

But most importantly, daughter, thank you for decorating my life with your pure heart and disinterested love.

Daughter! You can't even imagine how grateful I am to you for being empathetic, caring and very sensitive to my problems. It helps our family to be friendly, avoid conflicts and not stress the relationship. Your wisdom has saved me a lot of nerve cells. Thank you, dear, for:

  • the fact that you don't leave the house in winter without a hat, although you can't stand it. I know that you are doing this to keep me calm and because I asked you to;
  • for not hanging out at night, although sometimes you really want to play with your girlfriends until late - because of this, I have much less gray hair than I could have;
  • for the fact that you do not spend time in questionable companies and are responsible for the choice of people around you - this reduces my eternal anxiety for you and I feel better knowing that if anything happens to you, it is not because I overlooked you too messed up with just anyone;
  • for the fact that if you leave home, you always tell me where and you will call 20 more times with a report ... Thanks to your courtesy, I can calmly go about my business, and not endlessly dial your phone number;
  • for trusting me and leaving all the phone numbers and names of your friends to whom I can turn in search of you - thanks to this I know all your wonderful friends, they are not strangers to me and I am calm for you;
  • for obeying doctors when you are sick. I know for sure that you will regularly drink all the prescribed medications exactly when you need to take them. Your punctuality and attentiveness to health give me hope that you will not die by a stupid accident, from some nonsense infection if suddenly I am not there;
  • for following the traffic rules and not risking your life in vain ... When I remember your reasonable behavior on the road, I manage to enslave my panic attacks, which sometimes make me feel like a car has run over you;
  • for the fact that you have learned to cook yourself and most often prefer to eat your own food. I have a hope that you will not get poisoned in public catering, consuming any garbage;
  • because you choose smart and decent men (partners) and I am not afraid for your future offspring. I am not ashamed of either you or myself, looking at your relationship with the opposite sex.

Dear, I can still list for a long time for what I am grateful to you ... The main thing, know: I notice everything, I remember everything and appreciate it. You are an exemplary daughter, I have nothing to reproach you with, thank you. I only wish you that in the future such a way of life will not be a burden, bring you only joy and come easily. I really would not want you to be unhappy that you do so much for my peace of mind.

Dear daughter! When I look at you, I can't help but admire. You grew up to be a wonderful person, independent, responsible, kind, sympathetic and intelligent. I am grateful to you for all the time spent together and now that you have your own family, I am waiting for you to make me a grandmother. I am sure you will have the same wonderful children as yourself. And I can't wait to see them. I promise I will try to become an exemplary grandmother and help you raise new wonderful people.

Dear daughter! You know, motherhood for me has become - the most important part of life, I attached great importance to it and devoted most of my time. It was important for me that it was successful and that I had nothing to blame myself for. Looking at you, I understand that it has become prosperous: you evoke in me a feeling of satisfaction and pride, and I have no sense of guilt. I want to thank you for the fact that this is your considerable merit. After all, without your efforts and participation, I would not have got such a wonderful result, which you are. Thank you for your help in developing me as a quality mother.

  • If the selected text seems too long for you, you can easily shorten it without losing its meaning. To do this, select the first sentence of the text you like and, also, select the last sentence from any sample you like. Insert one item from the list between them (select this item in those texts that contain a bulleted list). This way you will have your own short thank you speech. The samples are compiled in a special way so that you can create the desired text by combining sentences without prejudice to the meaning.
  • If the selected text seems too short, you can easily combine it with other texts. They complement each other completely. However, make sure that the selected texts are not about the same thing, otherwise it will seem as if you are repeating the same idea many times. This is possible, since some samples contain individual sentences that may be similar in meaning to sentences from other texts.
  • If you decide to draw up words of gratitude in writing, then take a long text, it can become a full-fledged letter that does not require other additions.
  • Remember, these texts have an author and he is categorically opposed to any of them in whole or in fragments being published on any other resources (both printed and electronic). Don't forget about copyright. Use texts only for personal, non-commercial purposes.