Tablecloth in the interior: we choose a beautiful and practical option. Tablecloths and napkins on the table: rules for selection, design and serving What is the name of a strip of fabric on the table



noun, g., uptr. cf. often

Morphology: (no) what? scattertiwhat? scatterti, (see) what? tableclothwhat? scattercloth, about what? about scatter; pl. what? scatterti, (no) what? tableclothwhat? tablecloths, (see) what? scattertiwhat? tablecloths, about what? about tablecloths

1. Tablecloth - this is a product made of special fabric, which is used to cover the table.

Linen, silk, lace, embroidered tablecloth. | Fringed tablecloth with colored border. | Festive white tablecloth. | Cover the table with a tablecloth. | The dining tablecloth should go down from the table in all directions by 20-25 cm.

2. If something seems smooth, smooth like a tablecloththen this means that the surface of something does not have a decrease or increase in level.

The road is smooth as a tablecloth. | Snowy plain tablecloth.

3. In Russian fairy tales self-assembled tablecloth, self-assembled tablecloth is a magic tablecloth on which food appears by itself.

4. Then piss off! tell someone whose presence is undesirable.

scatter adj.

Table cloth.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev... D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


See what a "tablecloth" is in other dictionaries:

    TABLE, tablecloths, many others and, tablecloths, wives. A piece of specially crafted fabric that covers the table. "Here is a simple tablecloth on the table." Ryleev. Patterned tablecloth. White tablecloth. Self-assembled tablecloth (see self-assembly). || transfer Smooth, smooth ... ... Ushakov's explanatory dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (roll?) wives., arkhan. tablecloth, hard. tablecloth, sib. tablecloth, tablecloth man., east. stelenic; boards, fly, which is used to cover the table, meal; usually made of damask, branded fabric: they sat down at the white-oak tables, at the branded tablecloths, for food ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    On the table there is a tablecloth (tablecloth), a special textile or knitted product that covers the table. The tablecloth performs several functions: it protects an expensive (from valuable ... Wikipedia

    tablecloth - TABLE, napkin, colloquial tablecloth, colloquial decrease. countertop ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms for Russian speech

    CLOTH, and, pl. and, her, wives. The product is made of dense fabric, to the eye cover the table. Dining room with. Linen s. Velvet s. A tablecloth is dear to whom (colloquial) an expression of indifference to whose n. leaving, leaving, as well as the desire to get out, wherever ... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    tablecloth - tablecloth, genus. tablecloths; pl. tablecloths, genus. tablecloths, dates. tablecloths (not recommended for tablecloths, tablecloths), creative. tablecloths and outdated tablecloths ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    tablecloth - there are two assumptions about the origin of this word, both quite entertaining. 1. Before you sit down at the table, wipe it. The surface of the table is made of planks. We take the word "board", add the verb "to rub", we get "to cloth", ... ... An entertaining etymological dictionary

    tablecloth - and; pl. genus. her; g. see also. tablecloth a) A product made of fabric of special production, which is used to cover the table. Linen, silk, plush, knitted ska / rub. Embroidered ska / rub. Festive white ska / rub ... Dictionary of many expressions

    TABLECLOTH - ♠ To lay a clean, whole tablecloth on the table, prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth with holes and stains, the fulfillment of desires is now impossible. Imagine that there are plates with your loved ones on a new snow-white tablecloth ... ... Large family dream book

For proper table setting, it is important to choose a good tablecloth. The modern assortment is pleasing to the eye, but at the same time confusing - which tablecloth to choose? What shape, size, material? Let's deal with all the intricacies of choice together.

What is a tablecloth for?

A tablecloth is a textile product that is used to cover a table. What is it for? Everything is very simple. Primarily for beauty. After all, a kitchen table decorated with a tablecloth is always pleasing to the eye. In addition, the tablecloth adds coziness to the room, and the interior itself makes it more homely and comfortable.

The second reason a tablecloth is needed is protection. For example, a wooden table with a massive lacquered top needs mandatory protection of its surface. Therefore, a tablecloth is quite a simple, but at the same time inexpensive way to provide protection for your favorite table.

Are there any scratches or chips on your desk? Then you definitely need to hide them from prying eyes. You can disguise all the imperfections of the table with a beautiful tablecloth.

In addition, tablecloths are essential for convenience. Yes, yes, for example, so that the plate does not slide on the table. The tablecloth is able to provide the most comfortable stay at the table. Also, the tablecloth acts as noise insulation. The tablecloth reduces the loudness of the knocking of cutlery on the countertop or the fidgeting of plates.

Choosing the shape of the tablecloth

So, what shape to choose a tablecloth? Everything is extremely simple here - the shape of the tablecloth depends on the shape of the table top. If you have a square table, then a tablecloth of a similar shape will suit you, and the same is true with a rectangular table.

But the round table gives more freedom of choice. You can purchase both round and square tablecloths. Combinations of two tablecloths look especially beautiful on round tables. You can place a round one at the bottom, and a smaller square at the top. It would be just fine if the two tablecloths have contrasting colors.

For an oval table, you can choose an oval and rectangular tablecloth. By the way, a tablecloth-cover can be an excellent option for any table. It is made to order. Well, if you yourself like to sew, then you may well try to sew it yourself. To do this, you need to cut out the base from the fabric to the size of the tabletop, and sew a skirt to it. For a rectangular and square table, a straight skirt with pinched corners is suitable. But on oval and round tabletops, hanging edges with folds look incredibly beautiful.

Determine the size of the tablecloth

It is equally important to choose the right size for the tablecloth. According to the rules of good form, the edge of the tablecloth should be within 15-20 cm. In no case should it be below the level of the chairs' seats. For example, in front of you is a square table 1.5 m by 1.5 m.For such a table, a 2 by 2 m tablecloth is quite suitable.

If you have a sliding table in your kitchen, then take care of buying two tablecloths. Choose a smaller tablecloth for a compact table, and a larger one for receiving guests at a large table.

Everyday and festive tablecloth - what's the difference?

The type of tablecloth depends not only on the shape of the table, but also on the occasion to which the feast will be timed. For any occasion, it is best to give preference to a plain tablecloth made from natural fabrics. The most ideal option is a white tablecloth made of damask fabric - on such a cloth, the pattern appears due to the special weaving of satin threads.

For everyday use, practical tablecloths are ideal. They should not be easily soiled, have an original print. It will be best if they are made from fabrics in which synthetic fibers are added.

Choosing a fabric for a tablecloth

Tablecloths are made from a wide variety of materials. Therefore, it is difficult for an ordinary buyer who is not particularly versed in fabrics to make the right choice. Let's take a look at the most popular types of fabric together.

One of the most popular materials is linen. It has been used to make tablecloths since ancient times. Outwardly, it looks expensive, but at the same time it has a very capricious character - it shrinks a lot after washing, wrinkles very easily, but it is very badly ironed. Linen tablecloth is the best textile option for a festive table.

Natural jacquard fabric is also very popular. She is able to give the table a luxurious look. But do not forget that she needs decent care.

Cotton is considered a real classic. It is easy to iron, but at the same time it shrinks considerably when washed. Therefore, it is hardly suitable for daily use, but for special occasions it is ideal.

There are also blended fabrics. They contain two types of fibers: natural and synthetic. They are incredibly practical: they are easy to wash, do not shrink and iron well. In addition, their appearance always remains at its best.

Incredibly practical tablecloths made of polyester. They are easy to clean, do not wrinkle, do not need ironing. And any stains can be easily removed from the surface with little effort.

For everyday use, PVC tablecloths are quite suitable. They can be both woven and non-woven. Sure, they are not as soft as fabric tablecloths, but incredibly practical. After all, they don't need washing. You only need to wipe such a tablecloth with a damp sponge as needed.

Recently, Teflon coating on tablecloths is gaining popularity. With this kind of tablecloth, you may be afraid to put a hot pan on the table. In addition, it will not absorb and transmit moisture.

How to choose the right color for your tablecloth

As a rule, the tablecloth should fulfill not only a practical function, but also a decorative one. That is why it is important to choose the right color for her. It should be combined not only with the overall color scheme of your kitchen, but also with the dishes that will be placed on it. It is best to choose some plain tablecloths with patterns, and vice versa - bright colored tablecloths for plain dishes.

Do not forget about a wonderful way - a play of contrasts. You can use two tablecloths of different sizes, which will be opposite in the color wheel. Also you can make your tablecloth bright accents in your kitchen.

If you are afraid to choose the right color for the tablecloth, choose one color that will be the main one in curtains, tablecloths, chair covers, napkins, potholders. Combinations of solid and multi-colored fabrics will look great.

Interior style and tablecloth selection

When choosing a tablecloth, it is important to consider not only the size of the table, type of fabric, color, but also the style of your kitchen interior. For classic baroque or empire style, a damask tablecloth in pastel colors is ideal. An important element is the rich pattern embroidered with gold, silver or satin thread. Such a tablecloth will look good, the edges of which will be decorated with fringes.

For an English-style kitchen, a thick fabric tablecloth in dark colors is suitable. A barely noticeable floral smoothness is acceptable, which is a kind of symbol of aristocratic nobility.

For the Mediterranean style, a plain tablecloth made of cotton or natural linen is quite suitable. It is best to choose textiles in warm pastel shades - pistachio, creamy, sandy, light olive will do.

For a romantic style (for example, like Provence), you should choose vintage textiles or styling for it. Natural shades, small floral print, cage, lace, openwork tablecloths will look very good.

For a rustic style, you should give preference to natural fabrics and the simplest possible finishing. For country style, a tablecloth with a print in a large cage is best, and for Slavic cuisine, a beige or snow-white cotton tablecloth is suitable.

But for strict modern styles (high-tech, minimalism, techno), not quite ordinary textiles are suitable. Not even so - not textiles at all. These styles are characterized by the use of oval or rectangular plastic coasters. They are incredibly practical and compact.

Today we will talk about how to choose a tablecloth for the kitchen table. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this, but in fact it turns out that many make mistakes, rushing to buy. This is especially true for orders via the Internet, when there is no way to "touch" the goods.

What mistakes to avoid before buying

The first thing we will discuss in this article is the potential mistakes. But then we'll talk about what to focus on when choosing this decor element.

1. Be sure to keep in mind that the color of the tablecloth should be in harmony with something. If you buy a single tablecloth and its colors are not duplicated anywhere else, then it will not look good. If you are already buying it, then be sure to take any matching chair pillows, towels or some other textile gizmos.

2. Take the tablecloth exclusively in shape. If you have a round table, then you need a round tablecloth. If square - square. Because a rectangle spread out on a square plane will not look the way it should. And even more so, on an oval surface. Hanging sharp corners are not so interesting, rather just sloppy.

3. Do not buy a fabric tablecloth without impregnation for daily use, relying on the neatness of households and special coasters for plates. If you count on it, then 99 out of 100% of you will face bitter disappointment and the prospect of a daily wash. And what does the table look like while the tablecloth "splashes" in the washing machine? That's right, naked. Therefore, either take for these purposes any water-repellent tablecloth, for example, made of PVC, Teflon, or buy 2-3 fabrics at once (and to them duplicating elements). Agree, this is all fuss, therefore, it is better to immediately take a tablecloth specially designed for every day of use.

4. When choosing a tablecloth for the holidays - pay attention to the composition of the material. Synthetics will not work here, because, on holidays, the table is often decorated with candles and one slightest spark that hits the table can cause a fire. Don't be tempted by the fact that synthetics are easy to wash - safety is paramount. If a small spark gets on the linen fabric, then it will also fade, while leaving no trace on the tablecloth. And there can be no question of an unexpected fire.

That, in general, is all you need to remember. Now let's talk about what parameters to focus on at the time of choice.

1. Decide for what purpose you need a tablecloth

As we already wrote above, if you need an everyday tablecloth for the table, then it is better not to invent it and take it only with Teflon impregnation. These tablecloths have a lot of colors, so there shouldn't be any problems. If, however, you cannot find exactly the tone that you need, then you can do it easier: buy a white and neutral Teflon tablecloth, and put a couple of runners of the desired color on top of it (these are such long, narrow panels that are placed across the table).

In this case, your design will come out beautiful and you can sit down to dinner calmly, not worrying that someone will stain the tablecloth with sauce or something else.

If you are looking for a festive tablecloth, then in addition to fire safety, remember about the material. Linen is an expensive option, but it is not always justified from a practical point of view, since it is rather difficult to smooth it out after washing. And if we are talking about a huge tablecloth on a banquet table ... Oh, ironing in this case will give you many "unforgettable" minutes (we were modest in minutes, of course).

It is better to take an ordinary, thick cotton fabric. It is easy to iron and dries faster.

There are also silk tablecloths for the holiday. It's beautiful, expensive, unusual, but it's not very pleasant to touch such a tablecloth with your bare hands. Yes, and the plates will unstably hold on such a surface and there is a high probability of "battle". And this, not only the losses, but also the guests, what an embarrassment ...

So, if you are interested in our opinion, then, definitely, only cotton. Fortunately, the choice of colors is now just huge. And, if you really don’t find what you need, you can always buy a piece of fabric and sew the tablecloth yourself (or give it to a seamstress).

2. Take the dimensions off the table and start off from them

How to size the tablecloth to make it look perfect? You need to choose such that the edges of its overhang are in no way less than 20 centimeters. That is, if you have a square meter by meter, then the tablecloth should be exactly 1.20 by 1.20. This is the most optimal length, but it can vary by plus or minus a couple of centimeters. Not more! Otherwise it will be either too long or too short.

But, this is the best size for everyday use. If you are choosing a festive tablecloth, then it is already possible, and indeed necessary, to take a longer overhang.

Floor-length tablecloths look great, also very good with an overhang of 40-45 centimeters. Moreover, textiles for the holiday can be with flounces, lace. And the longer the free part, the more elegant the table will look.

In general, how much your tablecloth should hang depends on the table, or rather, on its height. Basically, it is standard, but there are also exceptional cases: for example, your family is gigantic and you did not buy a table, but ordered it according to individual sizes. And in this case, a 20 centimeter overhang will look a bit scanty, here it is better to add those centimeters that you added to the standard furniture height.

Also, deserves special attention the moment of choosing the fabric for the tablecloth. Here you must measure not only the overhang, but also the centimeters for the hem and shrinkage.

Regular cotton fabric will shrink about ten centimeters on the first wash, but linen and all fifteen. So add like this: overhang 20 cm + hem 2-3 cm + shrinkage 10-15 cm, depending on the properties of the fabric.

3. Consider the overall style of your kitchen

Basically, now on sale tablecloths that fit perfectly into interiors like "Provence". That is, these are all kinds of cells, stripes, polka dots, ruffles ... It is very beautiful and cozy, no doubt. But, if your furniture is in the style of minimalism or high-tech, then what kind of stripes with ruffles can we talk about?

Such a tablecloth will look extremely inappropriate and instead of adding chic, it will simply be annoying.

What else I would like to say: our business was to advise and warn, but you still know better which tablecloth is best for your kitchen.

4. Pay attention to the drying speed of the material

Of course, synthetics have no equal in this parameter. And, in principle, for daily use, a synthetic tablecloth is quite an acceptable option.

It is a pleasure to wash such a tablecloth. And stains do not eat into it so and it dries up in a matter of hours.

But for festive tablecloths, this parameter is absolutely unimportant. Let it dry for at least three days, holidays do not happen every day.

The most important attribute for a beautiful table setting is the tablecloth. She turns a feast into a holiday, gives a feeling of warmth and comfort in the house.

In order for the tablecloth to please the eye for a long time, you need to take care of its choice. Preference should be given not only to a beautiful ornament, but also to pay attention to its quality.

The durable fabric will not tear during washing, and will retain its aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Accentuate the kitchen interior with a beautiful tablecloth

Today, it is very easy to buy a beautiful tablecloth for the kitchen, the market is literally overflowing with similar fabrics.

It will be very difficult to decide on her choice.

If the kitchen is made in a classic style and light colors, then you can't do without such decoration on the table.

Often a massive wooden table made of natural wood is decorated with a light-colored linen tablecloth.

Today, most housewives prefer practical materials, since their constant washing has become a real challenge.

Each piece of food that fell forced him to remove the tablecloth over and over again. From constant washings, the table decoration quickly wore out, and over time, the hostesses simply refused to use them.

Which tablecloth to choose?

An experienced hostess should not have one tablecloth, but several. One will go for everyday use, the second, in case of festive gatherings. Each of the selected tablecloths will be sewn from different fabrics.

Everyday tablecloth protects the table from scratches and scuffs. For such purposes, you need to look at durable fabric.

These include fabrics with the addition of Teflon threads.

It will be difficult to scratch your favorite table through it. Housewives often use ordinary oilcloths. They do not get wet, they are easy to clean, but they are afraid of hot objects.

The front tablecloth, as a rule, is chosen in white with the same ornament. She should decorate the table. The presence of bows or beads on it will be original. Of course, such beauty is not practical, but it always gives a feeling of celebration.

A huge number of options for tablecloths made of cotton, linen, synthetics.

A linen tablecloth is a holiday in the house! Unfortunately, they do not last very long, due to the fact that they consist entirely of natural material. Linen wrinkles easily, but ironing such a fabric will take a long time.

After washing, there is a chance that it will shrink. Linen tablecloths are expensive, and not every housewife decides to purchase it.

Cotton tablecloths are more practical, they are easy to wash, iron and serve for more than one year. Previously, they consisted of pure cotton, which eventually turned out to be impractical.

Such fabrics absorbed absolutely all tea or other liquid spilled on the table, which caused problems during washing. Over time, manufacturers began to add polyester to cotton fabrics. This greatly increased the life of the fabric and they were not afraid of any stains.

Tablecloth based on synthetic materials. Such tablecloths are inexpensive, easy to clean, stains are practically invisible on colored fabrics. In addition, there is simply a huge selection of such tablecloths of various colors and textures on the market.

We sew a tablecloth with our own hands.

Sewing a tablecloth with your own hands is very simple, so you have the opportunity to come up with its design yourself, stick decorations that will make the creation special.

The first thing to decide on is the shape of the tablecloth. And it depends on the table itself, the rest is free imagination. Its edges can be wrapped or supplemented with a second fabric, sew bows, braid, lace.

The neutral shades of the kitchen can be diluted with a tablecloth of several bright colors. For a kitchen made of wood, a natural color is suitable, for example, rich green.

Choosing a tablecloth today is a fairly simple idea, but the main thing when choosing this attribute for housewives is not the quality of the fabric, but its appearance.

Photo of tablecloths for the table in the kitchen

Without a doubt, a beautiful neat tablecloth for the kitchen is a pleasant component of any gatherings, helping the hostess to teach her culinary skills to both households and guests. It is important to choose the right tablecloth for the dining table.

Size matters

There are generally accepted rules and conditions for table setting with a tablecloth, which states that the fabric should not only cover the surface, but also hang slightly from all sides. It happens that it completely hides the supporting details. When choosing a cover, it is necessary to take into account the size of the table and the reason for the celebration.

  • if normal daily use is expected, the fabric hangs by a maximum of 20 centimeters;
  • a more significant feast - 30 centimeters;
  • an official reception, a banquet, a wedding involves the presence of a large tablecloth hanging by 40 centimeters;
  • at the solemn buffet table legs are completely covered.

The photo of the tablecloth on the table shows the most popular version of a rectangular cloth, the sides of which can be different or of the same length. They cover both square and oval countertops.

  • Rectangular surface. To begin with, it is recommended to measure the length and width of the table, adding a possible allowance from the edges to the resulting figures. Then we multiply the result by two.
  • A tablecloth on a round table involves measuring the diameter of the surface, then double the length of the edge is added, which will hang from the edges.
  • Oval or round tablecloths are also gaining popularity among consumers. Lying perfectly flat on the table top, the product forms beautiful soft folds. The size of the blade is determined in the same way as in the first option with a double length allowance.
  • If you intend to cover a square countertop, you should still additionally measure the diagonal. It will be correct if the diagonal is less than the selected product, then the corners of the table will not be visible from under the textiles.

Oval table top: coverage rules

Most often, the round table is expanded to increase the free area, therefore it is recommended to choose an oval covering or a rectangular universal product. The calculation is carried out by the following method:

  • the diameters of the countertop are measured (large and small);
  • to each figure is added double the free edge, which, of course, corresponds to the event;
  • the desired dimensions are obtained for the oval cover element.

Generally accepted norms

When choosing the most suitable option, several nuances must be taken into account:

  • textile markets and shops usually offer medium standard tablecloths. So, it is better to take a larger one, so as not to be mistaken in the choice;
  • non-standard pieces of furniture (tables and chairs) should be covered with a canvas, the edge of which hangs below the level of the legs and seats;
  • beautiful sets with fluffy "skirts" are sold for buffets and banquets;
  • for a sliding version of furniture, it is better to buy two tablecloths at once;
  • the size of the finished product directly depends on the degree of possible shrinkage during washing, so you should slightly increase the length values.

Choice of fabric

The service life of a kitchen tablecloth directly depends on the quality and practicality of the material for its manufacture. For this reason, first of all, it is worth paying attention to this factor.

Most often, canvases for the kitchen are divided into two types:

  • Daily (for every day) are made from more budgetary and practical raw materials, usually equipped with moisture resistant Teflon or acrylic compounds. They serve as decoration, complementing the interior and style of the kitchen space. It is better if the fabric does not wrinkle and is easy to maintain.
  • More elegant holiday elements are decorated with additional accessories, using them exclusively at special events. There are products with a theme: Christmas, Easter, birthday, children's party or wedding celebration.

Everyday fabric offers functionality and increased usability. Here are the most popular options:

Since ancient times, oilcloth has been a topical covering, not being a textile. From oilcloth you can buy both transparent and thick tablecloths. Visually, it is not entirely aesthetic, but it perfectly protects the surface from everyday stains, damage and dirt. Moreover, it is a cheaper budget option that saves the family budget.

Practical and relatively cheap polyester, unlike oilcloth, has a more interesting and varied design. The exterior is decorated with patterns and ornaments. The material is easily washed, cleared of dirt, does not wrinkle and is quite suitable for serving every day, fitting into any style.

The soft folds of the falling cotton make the table an extremely cozy piece. A cotton material is released into the kitchen, impregnated with a special water-repellent compound that protects it from stains and damage. The fabric is easy and convenient to wash in warm water, to put hot dishes on it. Please note that frequent washing leads to rapid thread thinning and deterioration of raw materials.

Nowadays, silicone tablecloths are gaining popularity, being an excellent replacement for traditional textiles. The coating protects the countertop well from mechanical damage and dirt, keeping the furniture in perfect shape. But, usually, it is used not for decoration, but for practical purposes.

Photo tablecloths on the table