Nice toast for the new year. Cool New Year's toasts. Merry toasts for the New Year's corporate party

Nelly Karchevskaya (Isaeva)

A toast spoken with a soul, filled with sincerity and good wishes, or pointedly, with humor, deserves a thunderous applause. Agree, the ability to speak short speeches (toast) is not given to everyone. But you can learn this, especially since there is still plenty of time for preparation and rehearsals. Toasts for New Year 2018 are special toasts. On the eve of a magical holiday, we all become a little kinder, more attentive to each other. We so want to express the whole gamut of our feelings on New Year's Eve, and what, no matter how toasts for the New Year 2018, will help to do it beautifully and soulfully.

Toasts for the New Year 2018 can be pronounced in poetry or prose, the main thing is that they come from the very heart and be felt by those to whom they were addressed. There is a joke: the main thing is that one would like to drink for the toast, and not get drunk. Our toasts for the New Year 2018 are aimed at making each of us feel comfortable and easy on this New Year's Eve, a kind of magician who piously believes that everything he said will come true. You just need to speak, looking directly into the eyes of the one or those in whose honor your toast sounds, and in no case read it from a piece of paper, otherwise that magic connection, a thin thread connecting the past and the future, will be interrupted, and the moment will go away forever.

So that while raising a glass with champagne playing with cheerful lights, you do not come up with warm words and good wishes on the go, wanting to say a lot at once in a fit of feelings, thereby turning a short toast into a long, emotional speech, we have already invented and wrote toasts for you for the New Year 2018. Choose those that suit you and reflect what you would like to say or wish to family and friends, friends or colleagues. Perhaps, after reading our toasts, creativity will awaken in you, and you will come up with your toasts for the New Year 2018. In the meantime, you can use ours.

First toast: "To the old year!"
Let it go without hassle
Let him carry away with him
A bunch of worries!
May he leave us luck
And health to her in addition,
Joy, happiness and luck,
Let him go in the mood!

Pour the glasses full
To make it more joyful
From what comes to us
The very, very New Year!
So as not to upset him,
We’ll go out to meet him.
But first we drink to the bottom
Each glass of wine.

Let's shoot sparkling champagne in the air:
Nice, sincerely, hooligan!
2017 to obscene
Was unpredictable, but great.
Then the Cockerel pecked us where it should,
He rewarded victories for suffering,
That lifted us a little light, until dawn,
It was difficult to talk to him.
But still, it is a sin to take offense at him:
He and I learned to fight perfectly
For a place in the sun, salary increase,
For happiness, luck and mood.
And that's great, so bye
Let's drink to the Cockerel!

Who's tapping his tail?
What kind of happiness creeps into the house?
This is a yellow, sweet Dog,
Up his nose turns up!
Chases the Rooster
Away from sin
To no longer freak out
The pack and fights did not start.
Need a drink? No problem!
For you, our lovely Dog!

What should we drink for?
For loyalty and friendship -
For everything that we absolutely need!
The dog takes over
And this toast will be to her heart for sure!
For this she will give us success,
Surprises, discoveries, life without hindrances,
No quarrels, no troubles and no sadness.
So let's drink to what sounded in the beginning!

For the health of loved ones
We're filling our glasses now.
We can't do without them,
With them, life has become even more beautiful.
Year of the Dog, New Year 2018,
Let them smile more often!

Enchanting and beautiful the Cockerel leaves into the distance,
The playful dog rushes to visit,
We'll be fine with him!
He will not let you get bored
Our house will guard
All the sorrows and worries
Will bark to drive away!
On the eve of bright future events,
Perhaps we should have a little drink!

Kindness, love and affection
They will rule for a whole year
Because the Year of the Dog
Will come to us very soon.
On a snowy road
He rushes tirelessly to us,
We do not languish in anticipation
Pour one hundred grams!

How often do we hear: "Tired as a dog"
Or that the "dog cold" came,
Delight is popularly called "puppy",
And someone, "like an angry dog," happens sometimes.
2018 introduces its amendments
To the Yellow Dog with respect
Requests to relate.
And puts everyone, without exception, in appearance:
The dog will not forgive us slander!
So let's drink to the purity and kindness,
For devotion, love and beauty,
For the kindness and warmth that our souls heal,
For the New Year, for the holiday and for the meeting!

New Year 2018
May God give us happiness to smile
From the ups of high, wonderful moments
From all sorts of wonderful coincidences at times!
And may our life be just like in a fairy tale,
And we will fix it together with champagne!

Good friend Dog
Comes to visit us,
Joy and good luck
Leads behind itself.
Devotion and loyalty
Happiness and comfort
Joy and health
Let them live with us!
Let the Dog bark
Drives away trouble.
We drink to all the good
Next year!

It is known that the dog can bite
Only from life, from a dog's life!
Our Dog is not dangerous at all,
We will make her life just wonderful!
Let him hurry to our house as soon as possible with good,
And we will close the glasses for health!

We drink champagne for
To prevent prices from biting,
To happiness and goodness
The house was guarded all year round.
Let the Dog mascot
It helps with this,
And as a faithful, kind friend
Saves from adversity!

Of course, toasts for the New Year 2018, pronounced in verse, sound more solemn, but there is a moment when the soul requires not poetry, but prose. That prose, which seems to sound like poetry for everyone, but seems to apply to everyone individually. For example, something like this.

Friends, let's wish each other a Happy New Year 2018 - the Year of the Yellow Dog! May it be filled with kindness and warmth, constancy and happiness, health and well-being. So let's drink to the fact that from this moment all wishes begin to come true, and luck and luck follow us on our heels, like a faithful dog, all year long!

Magical moments, good beginnings, family happiness, love, health and joy - all this and much more the Dog has in store for us as a gift. But in order to win her favor and trust, we ourselves will have to make efforts. Let's fill our glasses so that all our efforts are crowned with success, and the Mistress of the Year will always be with us well and comfortably!

The Old Year is leaving ... Let him take with him last year's problems and all unresolved matters. Let the farewell "Ku-ka-re-ku!" the past will come to an end, and the present and the future will be announced with loud, barking barks! Let's drink to the noisy and kind start of the New 2018!

Let's believe that the Year of the Dog will help us understand ourselves and make out real, devoted friends. Let us drink so that in the coming year only sincere, kind fellow travelers will be with us. For loyalty, friendship, loyalty and selflessness!
Let's raise our glasses filled with light wine so that with the onset of the New Year, what we dream of comes into the life of each of us! May the Year of the Dog please us with new successes, new achievements, new interesting meetings. Let only close and dear people and our time-tested friends remain old in the New Year! For dreams, good luck and for you, dear people!

And one more thing: we would all like to wish from the bottom of our hearts that toasts for the New Year 2018 would make your holiday unforgettable and please your loved ones and guests.

Happy New Year!

Larisa Shuftaykina

To amaze the relatives, colleagues and friends gathered at the festive table with your eloquence and wit is worth a lot. You will instantly earn the status of the soul of the company. But for this purpose, the worn-out texts of congratulations and "bearded" anecdotes are not entirely suitable. Better use the unique and freshest funny and hilarious New Year's toast you find in this article.

In this article:

Cool toasts for the New Year for friends

“Once Santa Claus made his own helper, a snowman, and he still had a small snowball. “What else can you blind, my friend? - asked Santa Claus. The snowman thought: there are hands, there are legs, there is a head, even a carrot nose is there. Then he said: "Blind me happiness!" But Santa Claus, who had seen a lot in his lifetime, knew that everyone has their own happiness and said: "There is snow on you, blind your own happiness." So let in the coming year we have the opportunity to mold our happiness the way each of us imagines it. "

“As a child, I realized that Santa Claus and Snegurochka are amazing characters who do not get sick, do not age, do not suffer from depression. And they also, despite all the defaults, inflation and economic crises, always have money for a bag of gifts. Therefore, instead of a tricky New Year's toast, I will say briefly and banally - so that we live like this! For health, youthful soul and financial stability. "

“In Brazil, where there are many, many wild monkeys, there is a glorious tradition of seeing off the old year. On the eve of the holiday, the inhabitants of this country throw out of their windows all the things that they do not need or are tired of over the past year. Of course, we are not wasteful Brazilians, but economic Russians. Therefore, I propose to throw out old grievances, bad thoughts, envy, ingratitude, pride from my soul. And let's raise our glasses so that 2018 New Year is lived not worse, but better than the previous one! "

“When we were children, our parents called us dreamers and maximalists. We've grown up a long time ago to be stern and boring adults. But today I propose to plunge into that glorious time for a moment. And as the most avid maximalist and dreamer in our company, I propose to raise a toast so that in the New Year all bottles are endless, glasses are bottomless, men are generous, women are supportive, bosses are friendly, cars are reliable, feelings are sincere, and happiness is hopeless. "

They say that friends are known in trouble. This is because trouble comes into the house without warning and not every person is ready for a bad turn of events. Then friends come to the rescue. But I will tell you a secret, it is not difficult to come to the aid of people in trouble, it is difficult to stay with friends in joy. The human factor leads us to the fact that we know how to empathize with trouble, because this does not concern us. But staying a friend and looking at someone else's happiness is difficult, especially when your own life is arranged a little worse. I wish you to find friends who will stay with you no matter the situation. Even at the happiest moment of your life, let human envy pass you by, and only people with pure hearts will remain by your side! May they be faithful in sorrow and in joy, like the symbol of 2018!

“Every December, like in childhood, we dream of more snow falling. The weather does not always meet us halfway - lately, more and more often we have to pick up not a shovel, but a rake. But today I want to wish you that in the coming year each of you put aside the old rakes as unnecessary, which you periodically step on (and some of us even dance on them non-stop), and take in your hands a big, big shovel, with which if not snow will row, but money. For welfare! "

Funny New Years toasts with family

“Dear family, I wish you a Happy New Year of the Dog. I hope that this devoted animal will reward us with love for our neighbors, the ability to defend our interests and fighting enthusiasm. I wish you dog loyalty, puppy tenderness, love and a sweet bone under every tree! "

“Dear household members, I wish you a Happy New Year! And let everyone, on this magical night, receive what he lacks most: the generosity of Santa Claus, the cheerful disposition of Santa Claus, the slenderness of the Snow Maiden, the diligence and diligence of the elves, the softness and fluffiness of the Snowman. And the best gift will be the wisdom of reindeer, who in any situation find food, shelter and quite decent living conditions! "

“Somehow his disciples came to the sage and asked, looking at the horseshoe hanging over the entrance:“ Teacher, do you really believe that some piece of iron can bring good luck? ” To which the sage replied: "I personally do not believe in it, but it brings good luck, regardless of whether I believe in it or not." I suggest a drink to your luck. If in the New Year we suddenly lose faith in her, let her still believe that she must come to our house! "

“I read here the recommendations of a famous astrologer. He writes that for those who meet the Year of the Dog in the family circle, the whole New Year will be accompanied by success, luck and happiness. I'm not an astrologer, but I also have something to say. Those who have the opportunity to meet the year not only of the Dog, but also of the Rabbit, Bull, Dragon, etc. surrounded by loved ones and relatives - are already the most successful, lucky and happy. For our family! "

“The New Year plays on contrasts. When it is frosty, snowfall and impenetrable darkness outside, the houses are warm and cheerful, the lights of decorated Christmas trees sparkle, the festive table is set. I want to raise a glass so that in the coming year, no matter what storms rage outside the window, we will always be comfortable and light. For good weather in the house! "

“Patience and work once made a man out of a monkey. Much later, the saying began to circulate among the people that patience and work would grind everything. But today, on the eve of the New Year, I want to paraphrase these historical facts and proverbs and say so. Patience and hard work is what we love our moms and dads for, because even when we grow up, they sometimes have to endure no less from us than when we were still little monkeys. Being a parent is a real job. For you, dear mom and dad! "

Dear friends! We gathered with you at an almost round table, almost on an even New Year's date, almost at midnight, with an almost even number of people! So let everything in our life be not "almost anything", but very much even whole! Let this word never sound in our life and life does not give us half-hearted positive impressions, but only full and large ones!

Merry toasts for the New Year's corporate party

“Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the coming Year of the Dog. The Rooster leaves us, whose bragging and boasting brought on problems and unforeseen expenses. The Dog has other priorities: a bushy tail flaunts at the place for adventures, strong teeth to protect against adversity, and a sweet bone is buried under each tree. Let's drink to have it all. And may the Earth Dog fulfill your wishes! "

“So, colleagues, the New Year is coming. I wish you sparkling happiness, like a glass of champagne; premiums - how many months in a year; plans like Napoleon's; successes and achievements, like stars in the sky; lifestyle, like Santa Claus - always cheerful, has money for gifts, in a beautiful fur coat, on personal transport and with a wonderful companion. "

“We all taught at school how, in times immemorial and unsullied by civilization, labor turned a monkey into a man. And today, when the year of this animal is leaving, let's raise our glasses to stay human, and even after the end of the New Year holidays, none of us turned back into a monkey. For a sense of proportion! "

“It's so fortunate that we work together and have already become one big family. We are united by one goal - the success of our company, in the achievement of each of us, each invests his important contribution. But despite the fact that we are all small cogs of one large, well-coordinated mechanism, each of us remains an individual with our own interests, aspirations and cockroaches in our heads. I would like to raise a glass so that in the New Year nothing is impossible for us together and each separately. May our dreams and desires come true, and those that have already come true - again desired! "

Once upon a time there were three men, one had a faithful spouse, and he was pleased with this situation. The second did not have a wife, but he had a mistress and was also pleased with his fate. But the third had both a wife and a mistress, but sadness did not leave his face. Every day he listened to scandal after scandal from his wife, then from his mistress and there was no rest for him! I wish you in the Year of the Dog to determine for yourself which path you have chosen in this life and find your peace! And that on this path only joy awaited you!

Let's drink to the New Year,
He is already on, on,
He brings love, goodness,
Miracles and magic!
We will drink with you for
For everyone to be lucky
To believe in miracles
Always be happy

Happy New Year with a new happiness,
I wish everyone wealth
I wish you all kindness
Make your dreams come true!
I'll drink to magic
And all will be well,
And everything will be positive
We will all live happily!

Let's drink to magic
For miracles, for joy and happiness,
For the good rule of the world,
For us to always live in wealth!
For the New Year, which is like a blank sheet,
For all dreams to come true sooner,
For the old and fragile bridges
Always only stayed in the past!

Let's drink for the New Year
For a clean sheet that fate gave us,
May this year be magical
Will bring good luck in full.
Let it give everyone prosperity
Make all dreams come true
There is always order in business,
For happiness, we will drink friends!

I drink for a wonderful New Year.
May it bring us joy
Let it give magic
We have been waiting for him for a long time!
I drink for happiness, for wealth,
For health and goodness,
To keep everything in order
We had enough strength for everything!

On a visit, the New Year is about to come.
He's probably on the threshold.
And the champagne is already playing in the glass,
Nearby, a beautiful Christmas tree is burning.
So let's raise our glasses
For the past year, for the past cases.
Together we will drink to the future
So that everyone's dream come true!

I raise a glass for the New Year,
May he bring good luck to the house,
Let him give joy, kindness.
I want to wish everyone happiness!
May he give everyone magic
May everything always be fine
May miracles be everywhere.
I'll drink to this tonight!

For New Years I will raise my glass
And I will drink to
To make friends with you,
Life was very good!
To make all dreams come true
There was enough in the world to be good
With luck, to always be on the "you"
So that there was more magic!
To keep your health strong
Like frost in February
So that a million under the tree
Santa Claus brought you!

New Year is knocking on the house
What awaits us in it?
Light, love, warmth, dream,
Happiness, peace and beauty.
Both luck and success
Both family and children's laughter.
We raise a glass
In the new year, because it has come.
And we wish everyone now
Always be happy
So that our courage does not fade away.

The chimes are striking, it's time for us to drink
Forget about all the problems
I congratulate everyone from the bottom of my heart
Let all dreams come to life
I wish you a New Year,
Believe in miracle and destiny
Stay away from troubles
And live in abundance and warmth!

Beautiful New Year toasts for New Year 2019

On New Years outside the window
The snow is falling quietly
Let at your table
There will be joy and laughter
May an enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And it will enter without hindrance
Happiness in your bright home.

I raise my glass
For happiness to shine!
For the heat of passions
I burned all the misfortunes like paper!
Love will come to us, peace with it.
Everything will become cleaner, more beautiful.
To our New Year's feast with you
The nations will become kinder.
Saying no unnecessary war,
We will heal, friends, without anger.
All smiles will see the light
Only kindness will come to visit us!
I wish you good luck!
It should be in every home!
On a hat of gold, silver,
I wish you all, there is no word "except"!
May the New Year give everyone
Everything that we have always dreamed of
And let the old year carry away
Enmity, disease and sorrow!

Let the New Year be in a hurry
Whirl with fun
Let the glasses fill
We will drink for us!
Let the miracle wait
Gives birth to dreams again
We will make wishes
Amid the winter frost!

Happy New Year,
And today I wish you
That this year
The tears were not in use
So that acquaintances appreciate
And the family loved
More often awards were presented,
So that the disease does not attack
This is the point. And we will live
We'll get the rest
By acquaintance or by pull,
Thanks for the salary.
Do not be sad, the nose is higher!
Well, let's drink to make it come true!

To everyone on New Year's Eve
I want a fairy tale
And fun, noise-din,
Bright dance!
Let's get together this very hour
Fill the glasses
So that none of us
It didn't seem enough!

We will raise this toast
For an ocean of luck
To become in the year of the Rooster
Many times richer!
So that in the house of each of us
Peace and happiness reigned
And all our desires
Come true overnight!

Let the vocals sing about love
And God saves from adversity.
Please, friends, my glasses
Devastate for the New Year!
For the network to be with a catch
And the table was full of food.
For everyone to be healthy
Rooting only for football.
For new paragraphs
We opened in the book of life
And scattered so that, like hares,
Sadness is all in the middle of winter!
So that everyone becomes warmer from the word,
To make the people more fun
And so that these glasses again
We could have picked it up in a year!

Twelve beats and my glass is raised.
And at this moment, mysteriously ringing,
My love - all my deeds fuse.
My first toast is for your flying voice,
For the magic of your calling eyes
For all that I spent moments with you
For the joy of meeting that awaits us,
For a thirst that does not know quenching!

The blue planet is flying
Remembering your year is not easy.
In your cozy room
Salad smell, crackle of candles,
Like a moment of fate - blows of hours,
The heart will contract in silence
Then the table, wine, guitar
And the noise of solemn speeches.
Friends! We love you all very much,
We wish you happiness and good!
We won't forget a glass of wine
Empty it to the bottom for you!

Now, summing up the results,
Let's sigh sadly about the past:
Probably the gods helped
We have to deal with the enemy all year!
Today, meeting the New Year,
Let's have fun!
We wish each other happiness
Someone does not like to fall in love.
Who is happy with money more than life -
Let him become rich this year!
Now it's not a sin for us to drink
For all of us and for success!

A year goes away, goes into a century -
Fast time eternal run.
Don't look back, don't wait -
Only the host of the years gone.
Only seconds of missing moan
Yes, New Year's glasses are ringing.
Only yesterday the time was born
Just yesterday, happiness was swirling.
Just yesterday! It was, yes away.
Dawn again, midnight again ...
Again the Kremlin chimes fight,
Again the times of the outgoing system ...
The minute has come, the hour has come -
we raise our glass
For a new day, for a New Year,
For a time, an inaudible move.

Beautiful New Year's toasts 2019

Dear guests, look
How nice, it's cozy here with us,
Wait a little longer
And the clock will strike twelve times.
I congratulate you under the clink of glasses,
Under the smiles, under the radiance of the eyes,
So that happiness does not end today,
So that there is still a reserve.
Joy, love, health, happiness
Let the New Year go in full.
And let's forget all our bad weather -
For him, for the New Year to the bottom!

We wish you to the chimes,
Holding a glass of champagne in my hand
A cherished desire to make
To wish all your loved ones a lot of happiness
Meet the coming year with a smile
To live it without hardships and hardships,
Seek moments of happiness and kindness
Let life be full of joy….
And in anticipation of a minute of magic
We want to congratulate you on the coming!

Let the snow fall on your shoulders
Glasses are clinking, stars are shining
And every person believes
That it is not too late to test yourself.
Let's celebrate, friends!
It simply cannot be otherwise,
Good luck to you
With all my heart I wish.
I wish you all shades of happiness
I wish the warmth of friends
Health, immeasurable joy
And bright festive lights!

A festive one is coming
Bright New Year!
Everyone is a lot of joy
Looking forward to it.
Toast this sincerely
I wish
So that loved ones are healthy
There were also friends ...
To meet
To everyone on the way
True joy
The beauty of love!

Fluffy snow covered the city
Into their white snowdrifts ...
To those who are dear to me in this life
I wish you happiness and love!
And with this New Year's toast
I raise my glass
To be freer in desires
Each of us has become today!

May thoughts be pure
Like New Year's snow.
Eyes are always radiant
And a carefree laugh!
And a lot - a lot of joy
Will give in advance
So funny, festive
Happy New Year!
For this toast with me
Raise your glasses
And in a joyful mood
Count your days to happiness!

I came to visit you
With New Year's toast:
“I drink to the snow and cold,
For skating rinks and blocks of ice.
Let the skates slide faster
And the lights will light up
On fluffy Christmas trees ...
Wait not long!

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,
Frost is bursting and summer is far away
And I congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year bring you warmth.
The warmth of luck, the joy of the first meeting,
The warmth of love, family warmth.
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses are New Year's glass.

Who wants to get fucked here?
Well, something is all frozen!
We must all grunt
In the literal sense, however!
Grunt? Now it's time
All of us to drink culturally.
Pig - only until the morning,
And just to be censored!

Let's fill the glasses
For good luck to come
So that the stars sparkle for us
And smiles bloomed
And in earthly cares
In the year of the Earthy Pig
Didn't part with the flight
Do not part with the dream!

Magic is already on the doorstep
Come on, open the doors
Miracles will come soon
Fill your glasses!
Let's drink to love and friendship
We will drink to the world, love,
We will drink with you to happiness
We will drink to the New Year!

I'll tell you a secret
I am my cherished toast.
Silent all about it
I waited for the chimes to fight ...
I want everyone to be healthy
Loved remained
And nothing wrong
We have never met in our life!

A certain joker took out a fur coat and a beard of Santa Claus on New Year's Eve. He dressed up and, glad that he could amuse his wife, rang at the door of his apartment. His wife opened it and, before he had time to utter a word, she threw herself on his neck, began to kiss him warmly and carried him into the bedroom. And there, like a mad woman, she devoted herself to passionate love with "Santa Claus". Taking advantage of a little respite, the husband threw off his false beard and mustache. And then he heard his wife's voice, startling him:
- Well, it’s you! And I didn't recognize you at all!
So let's raise a toast to real men who know how to arrange a holiday for their wife!

Let's drink to from, so that every next New Year our festive table is more and more bursting with food, the phone is more and more torn from the congratulatory calls of friends and more and more children and grandchildren would give us gifts!

There was a man: two years ago Ngo was met in a hostel ... A year ago he was met in a one-room apartment, but in his own apartment ... Now he is met at a country villa ... But they are not expected in a hostel.
So let's drink to HIM - to the one we meet in the hostel, in the apartment, and in the villa, hoping that he will be successful! For the New Year!

Let's raise our glasses to make the farewell of the old year different from the farewell to the train at the station: the outgoing train takes away friends and loved ones, and the outgoing year will bring them to us!
Let's drink to keep it this way forever!

Let's have a drink for the only day of the year when you can sit on a Christmas tree ... and not visit the forest!
For the New Year!

New Year is not a luxury, but a means of transportation in time!
So let's drink to his perpetual motion machine!

Traditionally, we celebrate the New Year with champagne.
May our life in the New Year be like this champagne - light, exciting, fragrant and overflowing!

Health, joy and happiness
I wish you in the New Year,
So that there is no alarm or misfortune
They did not guard at the gate.
So that the sun shines tenderly
Everything that the heart is waiting for came true
And just to make it feel good
All your life, like this year!

With an open heart and love
We wish you happiness and health!
May the New Year with new happiness
The owner will enter your house
And together with the scent of spruce
Will bring success and joy!

The old year is leaving ...
I want to say
Many good words
Wish you happiness.
To make life easy for you
Next year
For you to forget
Woe and misfortune!

Let's drink so that in the coming year there will be shooting around us ... but only with champagne, right on target and at close range!

Let's drink to Santa Claus and Snegurochka: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't get old, and there is always money for gifts!
For us to be like that too!

At this table, all women are beautiful, like Snow Maidens. But I would like to wish that, unlike them, the hearts of our women were warmed by love for us, men, in the New Year.
For the beautiful and loving Snow Maidens!

May we have so many good and joyful events next year, so many good and wonderful deeds, how many lights are burning in our New Year's garland!

Life is like a New Year's garland - as soon as one light bulb burns out, all the others go out. If one thing goes wrong with a person, everything falls out of hand.
So let's drink to the garland of bright events in our life to shimmer with all colors and never burn out!
In order not to burn out next year!

Let the glasses clink
Let the wine sparkle
Let the night starfall
He will look into your window.
On this wonderful night
You can't do without a smile.
Pain and sorrow - away!
Happy new year friends!

In the village, a friend tells another:
- Vasily came to me yesterday. At first he sat down and was silent. Then he fell on me and raped me ... And why he came, he did not say.
So that you don’t have a question why I came here, I’ll say it bluntly:
I came to wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Let all bad things sink into eternity
With the last breath of December!
And everything is beautiful, alive
Will come to you in the morning of January!

The clock is knocking.
The old year is leaving.
Its last pages rustle ...
What was good - let it not go away,
And what is bad will not happen again!

On New Years outside the window
The snow is falling quietly
Let at your table
There will be joy and laughter
May an enviable success
Waiting for you in any business
And it will enter without hindrance
Happiness in your bright home.

May you have many new friends in the new year, a new high-paying job, a new car, a new country villa, in which you could sit, as in old times, with our old friendly circle and spend the old year!

Twice on the same ... New Years do not come!
You cannot celebrate the same New Year twice ...
So let's drink to the timeliness, inevitability and uniqueness of this recurring holiday! For the New Year!

Every time on New Year's Eve, my child stands at a frozen window and asks Santa Claus:
"Give me a toy! .."
I smile, put him to bed, but then I go up to the window myself and ask my good old friend - Santa Claus:
"Give my child happiness!"
So let's drink to the fulfillment of desires.

As you know, a person learns all his life. He studies every year, and every year, probably, it becomes a little smarter ... Which means, for sure, the years also learn something - from a person and from each other.
So let's drink to the fact that each next year learns from the previous only good things!

May the New Year fall on you
Will give you success
And let it sound in your house
Cheerful, ringing laughter.
May a faithful friend be near
And on a holiday, and in bad weather.
And let it snowball into your house,
Happiness always comes!

Happy New Year!
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!
To live this year for you
Without sadness and worries.
So that you work successfully,
And have fun on the holiday
And good luck in your business,
And smiles on our lips.
So that love blooms like a rose
And did not wither from the frost,
And the house is full of kids
Be happy in everything!

On New Year's Eve, friends,
I wish you happiness.
Live fun and cute
Have a million friends
Love work, nature, dear ones,
And everything will be okay!

May the new year not add wrinkles
And he will smooth and erase the old ones,
Strengthen health, relieve failures
And it will bring a lot of joy and happiness!

Happy New Year! May luck
This year will give you
Will solve complex problems
And it will bring success.
So that the soul does not know worries
And at midnight so that the hour
There was moisture from the glass
You are drunk for us.

Happy New Year!
Let the fun
Will celebrate housewarming in souls,
And good luck at this hour
Will not slip past you!

Let all the flowers fall at your feet
Let the stars turn into emeralds
Let grief and sorrow go away
May your dreams come true in the New Year!

Let the new year learn from the old only good things! I congratulate you and wish you the main thing - the fulfillment of your desires! Because when a person has what he dreamed of, he is cheerful, cheerful, healthy!
Happy New Year!

Winter is coming, playing with blizzards,
Frost is bursting and summer is far away
And we congratulate you on the New Year,
May the New Year bring you warmth!
The warmth of luck, the joy of the first meeting,
The warmth of love, family warmth,
And let it ring on New Year's Eve
Glasses New Year's glass!

May the next year come true what you thought of the year before last! .. Congratulations! May the new year bring all your wishes come true!

Each person has an unquenchable candle of his soul. But this candle is often covered with an impenetrable cap.
So let's drink so that in the new year the light of our soul would freely reach our friends.

Let's drink so that in the new year there is always someone to share any mood with.

They ask one electrician if his profession is interesting?
- My profession, of course, is interesting, but dangerous. Connect, for example, the wrong wires, and you will be fucked!
So let's drink so that in the new year life does not enter into an intimate relationship with us!

What does the glass consist of? From the support and the drink bowl.
What is a person made of? From the body - the material support and the soul - the spiritual cup.
Let us drink so that in the new year our glasses would be filled with wonderful wine more often, and our soul bowls - with wonderful feelings!

We wish you Santa Claus
I brought you a bag of health!
He gave everyone fun
Brought a glass of champagne
He took a disease, longing into a bag,
And he hid it somewhere in the forest!

Friends! New Year is coming soon.
Forget the old sorrows
And sorrow days, and days of adversity
And everything killed joy.
But don't forget the clear days
Golden hours, for a dear heart,
And old sincere friends
Which you all loved so much.
Live new in the New Year!

I wish you on New Year's Eve
Fun voiced as ice
Smiles as light as amber,
Health as frost in January.
May this year be a happy star
Will enter your family comfort,
With the old year in haste
Let adversity all go away.

Let's raise a toast for the New Year
Let the toast be extremely simple
For happiness, friendship, laughter,
In all matters, great success,
For sensitivity, tenderness, kindness
Warmth of family life!

One man is asked:
- Why do you wear shoes two sizes smaller?
He answers:
- On purpose. My wife is not pretty. She's also evil. Cooking bad! The son is a poor student! Mother-in-law is a witch! ... The only joy in my life is when I take off my shoes in the evening ...
Let's drink to the fact that in the new year we have other joys!

Once there were three strangers walking. On the way, night caught them. They saw the house and knocked. The owner opened for them and asked:
"Who you are?"
- Health, Love and Wealth. Let us in to spend the night.
- It's a pity, but we only have one free seat. I'll go and consult with my family, which of you to let in.
The sick mother said, "Let's let Health in."
The daughter offered to let Love in, and the wife - Wealth.
While they were arguing, the strangers disappeared.
So let's drink so that in the new year there will always be a place for Health, Love and Wealth in our house!