Rarity and Celestia. Rarity from My Little Pony. Rarity from Equestria Girls

All little girls love to watch the pony adventure in the serial cartoon "My Little Pony". One of the central characters of the cartoon is a light gray unicorn. Rarity's name literally sounds like rarity in translation, and in the literal sense it can be considered a rarity. Her mane is a unique purple-blue color. Like all outstanding ponies, she also has her own merit badge and these are three diamond-shaped diamonds.
She lives in Ponyville, her hobby is a fashion designer, and by profession she is a seamstress in her own boutique, the Carousel boutique. She makes Ponyville decorations for all holidays. And her outfits are unique, incomparable and attractive.
Rarity from Mai Little Pony, has a little sister, Sweetie Belle, and looks after a white Persian cat, Opalescent.
Rarity has many positive characteristics that any girl can emulate. She is elegant and generous, luxurious and fashionable, clean and beautiful. How a designer never lags behind fashion and with the help of simple objects can easily build Nice dress, so chic decoration. He always treats his appearance with trepidation, which always deserves the attention of cartoon characters, but being the center of attention, he never forgets about his friends and is very kind to his girlfriends.
Thanks to her elevated manners, her speech always sounds elegant and cultured and she always watches her words and actions.
She is intolerant of dirt and untidiness and always tries to prevent this vice from happening to herself and her friends.
Although Rarity takes very good care of her appearance, she can by no means be called a cleanser, because despite her outfits and always impeccable appearance, she literally throws herself into the whirlpool of events when her friends or other characters need help. She is ready to make self-sacrifice to create harmony and beauty, and in one episode she even cut off part of her tail to cheer up the Sea Serpent, but don’t be alarmed, the tail then grew back to its previous size.
Many unicorns are endowed with magical abilities, and Rarity is not deprived of them and very skillfully uses telekinesis both during adventures with friends and in the process of making her outfits.
But if you need to fight in battle, then Rarity boldly uses martial arts.
Her talents include the ability to charm stallions, who, under her spell, are always ready to help her and her friends.
Rarity, having external and internal beauty, tries to make the whole world beautiful.

Rarity's soft gray, almost white body color is successfully set off by the dark curls of her mane and tail. Long violet-blue strands are always well-groomed, sparkling clean and arousing admiration. Her insignia is three blue diamonds in the shape of diamonds- reflects the deep palette of advantages and disadvantages of the unicorn pony Rarity. The first thing that catches your eye is elegance, sophistication, fashionable chic and beauty. But in an exaggerated form, these advantages turn into snobbery, narcissism, and pride. Cleanliness and the desire for perfection in everything sometimes reach the point of absurdity, causing a lot of unnecessary worries for both Rarity herself and her friends. But this little unicorn still has a kind heart, and in the group of Guardians of the Elements of Harmony she personifies Generosity, because she is ready to share all her achievements and work with friends.

Little Pony Rarity

Raritty lives in younger sister Little Belle. This pony is a successful and popular fashion designer; even celebrities from Equestria know her. Perfect taste allows her to create luxurious outfits for any event - for a fashion show or school performance, for everyday wear, a ball and even royal wedding! Without human hands in the form of a pony, Rarity copes with sewing supplies in her salon-workshop using magical methods: after all, Equestria unicorns control objects through levitation, and Rarity has this quality developed to the highest speed and accuracy.

Rarity's beauty gives her a small "bonus" - if she needs it, she can charm stallions and force them to carry out small errands. Rarity has a constant and devoted admirer - the little dragon Spike, assistant. The beautiful unicorn also has affection for Spike, though more as a younger friend than a gentleman.

Rarity received her insignia - diamond diamonds - when her ability to find gems. She immediately put her first find into action - she decorated school costumes and aroused the admiration of the audience. The dragonoid Discord took advantage of this ability of Rarity, forcing the hypnotized pony to consider the boulder a diamond, increasing her greed and thereby setting her against all her friends who “encroached” on her treasure. In another case, Rarity charmed the Diamond Dogs and they were already looking for treasure for her.

Rarity from Equestria Girls

When Sparkle went to the human world, at Canterlot school she met a girl, Rarity, whose character and appearance were very similar to the unicorn of the same name. It was Rarity who sewed the costumes for all six members of the rock band. Even twice - the first, her own design, at first did not appeal to the rest of the Equestria girls, and they asked to sew costumes according to their sketches. Later they realized that the original version was ideal, showing best sides each of them - and at the performance they wore Rarity's masterpieces.

The coloring of a pony named Rarity is a true mirror of her soul. The soft gray, almost white fur and violet-blue mane seem to highlight the light and dark qualities of the heroine of the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle.” Her insignia is three diamond-shaped blue diamonds. And, like a real gem, Rarity is not only beautiful and sophisticated, but also somewhat narcissistic and cold. The spiritual beauty in this pony struggles with pride, but in Equestria this magical horse is responsible for Generosity, because, despite all the troubles, it is ready to share with friends everything that it works so hard on.

Pony fashion designer

Rarity lives in Ponyville, and not alone, but with little sister Little Belle. The Protector of Bounty in Equestria is considered the best fashion designer. This work brought Rarity fame, because, having perfect taste and a sense of style, she is able to create something for any occasion, even the most special occasion. But how does a magic horse cope with scissors and needles if it has no hands? Unicorns of Equestria (she is one of them) can levitate objects, and Rarity is an unsurpassed master at this.

Another not so bright side of Rarity is her ability to manipulate members of the opposite sex. The beauty of the pony captivates all the stallions in the area, and they are ready to carry out her small orders. Also, Rarity's assistant dragon Spike is in love. The magic horse also sympathizes with her friend's companion, but treats him rather as a faithful comrade.

Rarity acquired her little pony insignia as a result of one amusing story, when she showed the ability to find various precious stones. Having decorated school costumes with her first find, the cartoon heroine delighted the audience, but in other cases, Rarity's nose for treasure played a cruel joke on her, threatening to destroy not only friendship, but also...

Equestria Girl

Having gone to the human world, Rarity's friend Twilight Sparkle met a girl incredibly similar to a fashionista she knew. In human form, she sewed costumes for, and then took part in the concert, playing the synthesizer.

Rarity is one of the main characters in the series My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. With her mane styled and ladylike manners, Rarity is a talented unicorn who represents the element of harmony - generosity. Her pet cat is Opalescence, who helps her work in her own store. fashionable clothes.


Love for everything beautiful is in Rarity's blood. She has an excellent sense of style and loves to decorate the city for the holidays, fix friends' hairstyles, create beautiful outfits. In addition, she never forgets about herself: her mane and tail are always styled, she does not like to get dirty in the mud or get wet in the rain, she regularly visits the spa with Fluttershy. Sometimes she gets too carried away with her appearance and, for example, begins to match a tiara to a scarf for a hike in the mountains.

Rarity loves to be the center of attention, and becomes jealous of her friends if they outshine her. But not for long, Rarity is a generous pony and she is able to share with her friends, even other people’s attention.

In general, it can be noted that Rarity’s character and behavior were copied from Scarlett O’Harra, and some of her lines in the cartoon were altered lines from the heroine Margaret Mitchell.

Rarity has some of the mannerisms (graceful) of Hollywood actresses, such as Grace Kelly, for example. In the original English version, she speaks with a transatlantic accent, and her speech is more artistic and full of complex phrases than other ponies. Rarity is a true lady, she is calm, always behaves with dignity and is able to stand up for herself, as was demonstrated when she successfully manipulated the Diamond Dogs.

Generosity is one of Rarity's most important characteristics, she sacrificed her tail to help the sea dragon, she decided to sew dresses for her friends and sewed them, and even remade them more than once, completely forgetting about her outfit.

Rarity loves to work. Her store is the Carousel Fashion Boutique, the most important place in Ponyville for her. Rarity is very attentive to her clients and always tries to make the perfect outfits.


Like any unicorn, Rarity is capable of controlling magic. She uses magic to create clothes, find jewelry, create beautiful objects- for example, bird nests. Rarity has excellent knowledge of telekinesis and is able to move objects over long distances, and she is also able to return a tree branch to its place.

Rarity can also defend herself, demonstrating amazing melee abilities. She is especially good at kicks.

Another of her weapons is charm. Rarity is able to persuade male ponies to help her in one go.

But the main lover of helping Rarity is Spike, who is ready to do almost anything for her.


Rarity is a white unicorn with a beautifully styled mane and tail. purple. Her eyes are a blue-lilac shade, and you can always see blue eye shadow on her eyelids. Her special mark is three blue diamonds.