Olga Buzova died? last news. Breaking news. Buzova's marriage was destroyed by a hunter of star men. What happened to Dmitry Tarasov September

Otar Kushanashvili did not stay away from the hype about the breakup of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. In his characteristic florid manner, the journalist admitted that he treats the football player very well as an athlete.


"Before I burst out with a verdict, in order to protect myself from accusations of bias, a few words about Tarasov. He is one of the most gifted football players in Russia - and at the same time one of the unluckiest; he is now going through a difficult period of rehabilitation: he has another injury. On the field he - and this is not a far-fetched paraphrase - the king of beasts, he fights to the death for every centimeter, he won’t become Messi, but no one can, but he’s a hard worker, and what’s most important for the girls is that he’s very, very, very rich,” he began. Kushanashvili's speech.

Otar admitted that he is an “Old Testament man,” therefore, if there is a breakup, he is not at all happy about it. "But if a breakup happens, there can only be two reasons. First. The couple has no children - why the hell do you need such a life if there are no children?! Second. She just fucked him up... sorry, tortured him. Oh, I almost forgot the third. I invited them to an interview on the radio, they told me that they rudely refused me, but I’m an emotional guy, I cursed them,” Sobesednik quotes Kushanashvili, who voiced the sensational reason for the couple’s breakup.

A professional in relations between men and women, matchmaker Roza Syabitova also noticed that the reason for Olga and Dmitry’s problems may be hidden in the absence of children. “The family is based on a common reality: jointly acquired property, children. If they had children, I think no separation would have happened. But what now? Nothing holds them together!” – Syabitova stated straightforwardly.

Rosa gave advice to Olga Buzova, who was going through a crisis. "Any woman, especially in childbearing age, needs to think about children. A career is a good thing, but not the most important thing. I understand Buzova. She is from a poor family, she needs to provide for herself. But life is a complicated thing, we also had children and a career did. Buzova needs to set her priorities correctly, and then everything will work out,” the matchmaker is sure.

Her performance this time went off without a hitch, but it was still clear how difficult it was for her to cope with her excitement. “My heart is about to jump out! How do artists live while constantly appearing on stage? The entire nervous system can be used up! I’ve only performed twice, and it’s time for me to retire,” on the one hand she joked, on the other hand, Buzova sincerely shared her impressions.

Recently, there have been frequent reports of Olga Buzova’s deteriorating health. The star suffered from the effects of overwork, but continued to tour while on bed rest. It's hard to blame Buzova - who would refuse a concert at the Olympic? However, the TV presenter soon fell ill again, this time with a fever.

The people were terribly excited by the news that Olga Buzova fainted at a concert in St. Petersburg. The spectacle was truly eerie - towards the end of the song, Olga suddenly leaned on the dancer and practically collapsed into his arms - it’s good that the young man turned out to be smart and carried Buzov backstage. There they called an ambulance, which brought her to her senses.

They put off their honeymoon because they were too busy, and in December they went on vacation to the Maldives, where they once again exchanged vows and arranged a ceremonial photoset, this time on the ocean.

On December 30, 2016, Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov officially divorced. Almost immediately it became known about Tarasov’s affair with Rostov model and winner of the Miss Russia 2014 title Anastasia Kostenko, and in March 2017 he moved his new passion to the house where he planned to live with Buzova. After the divorce, Olga Buzova gave several frank interviews in shows on federal television channels, in which she talked about how difficult it was for her to endure the betrayal of a loved one.

Olga Buzova health status. All information summary.

Judging by the video that the star later posted, her performance at the Krasnodar club went off with a bang. Olga worked all evening. The young woman behaved very professionally, giving her all on stage, so that the uninitiated would never have guessed that a not entirely healthy person was performing in front of them. "Thank you. I have no words, the whole club sings with me, at least for this it’s worth living. Love you! Take care of yourself and don’t get sick,” Olga Buzova commented on the video.

Olga Buzova worried her fans. The girl from her page in social network reported that she had to work with fever. !

Olga Buzova rumors and facts. Everything that is known.

The divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov is now being actively discussed in the press. Recently, the reason for the separation was voiced by psychic Marilyn Kerro, and while Dmitry Tarasov is vacationing in the Maldives, a famous star lawyer from Russia commented on the couple’s divorce and what Olga Buzova would claim in the sad situation.

In November 2016, the seemingly ideal union of Tarasov and Buzova, who wrote the book “The Price of Happiness” and talked about how to maintain a relationship in marriage, seems to have cracked. The first rumors appeared on the Internet that the TV presenter and the football player had a rift. Olga stopped posting on social networks joint photos with her husband, and then it became known that, in turn, Olga and Dmitry ended up in the hospital, where they did not visit each other, moreover, both took off their wedding rings.

— I have heard you say more than once in various interviews that men shredded. What do you put into it? And how do you see a normal man?

Olga Buzova is seriously ill: last news the health status of the TV star. On her social network page, the TV presenter herself shared a photo of herself being on a drip. To avoid the spread of false information in the media and reassure her fans, Olga immediately wrote a post explaining her condition and the doctor’s diagnosis. The girl explained that she had acute bronchitis, the cause of which was neglect of her health, stress and a difficult work schedule. Below, the TV star asked all her fans not to repeat her mistakes - to take care of their health and dress warmer.

However, the TV personality still does not go unnoticed: Dom-2 participant Roman Gritsenko does not lose hope of winning Olga, confessing his love to her and making her happy gorgeous gifts. So, on November 21, 2017, at the place of execution, he presented Buzova with a luxurious bouquet, to which the presenter replied: “You know, your last bouquet is still at my house. What does it mean? What did you give it with love?” The TV show participant, blushing, said that he gives each gift from the bottom of his heart.

In February 2016, the host of the reality show “Dom-2”, who manages to visit everywhere, presented another surprise to fans - she became a guest of the NTV channel program “Culinary Duel”, and her opponent was the notorious singer Prokhor Chaliapin. And in March, Olga Buzova surprised everyone again by surprising her mother, for whose birthday she gave her a trip to Europe. By the way, on the special day, Olga and her sister Anna decided to take their mother to Rome. Olga, as befits a diligent Instagram star, gave a full account of her European vacation. Thus, having changed as many as 10 outfits in less than three days (including feminine suits and dresses with floral prints), by the way, from her brand, the TV personality was awarded special attention local residents who complimented her.

Olga Buzova: what happened to Buzova?. Everything that is known at the moment.

It became known what happened to Olga Buzova and what condition she is in now. Currently, the TV presenter and singer is under medical supervision. She is on a drip after her injury.

As it turned out, shortly before the performance, Buzova received an injury to the cervical vertebrae. During an unsuccessful stunt, falling from a three-meter height, she pinched her neck. This happened during the filming of the video. And although doctors strongly recommended sticking to bed rest and canceling performances, Buzova refused. After all, she would have let the audience down, and she herself put a lot of effort into preparing for it. Many creative colleagues supported Olga and wished her to get better as soon as possible.

After the singer almost fainted during a concert and was carried away by one of the dancers, fans wondered what happened to Olga Buzova. After all, even before the concert started, she complained on Instagram that she had uncomfortable shoes and your palms sweat from excitement. It is quite possible that nervous overstrain combined with a neck injury played a cruel joke on the singer, preventing her from finishing her performance.

The former husband of TV presenter, designer, and, since 2017, singer Olga Buzova, midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow, which is leading in the Russian Championship, Dmitry Tarasov recently gave his first interview, in which he spoke about the breakup with his ex-wife.

Buzova responded to this on December 6 in the new Channel One talk show “Baby Riot,” of which she is one of the hosts.

“I had a situation when I also felt that out of the blue I began to irritate my ex-husband, Olga said in a dialogue with her co-host.

“And when everyone around said: “He has another one,” I answered: “No!” He cannot have another woman. Yes, I have shortcomings, but we love each other so much that we will be together all our lives and die on the same day.”

And then after a while I found out that he had another woman for a year. And it was at the time when everything began that I began to irritate him.”

She also said that one day Tarasov, having come home, simply told her to pack her things, after which they no longer lived together and divorced on December 30, 2016.

After this, there was a sensational story when security did not allow Buzova to attend Tarasov’s birthday party, after which in the evening of the same day the TV presenter’s friend posted a video on her Instagram in which she asks the clearly drunk Olga: “Well, is it in the trash?” And she gives an affirmative answer.

At the same time, in a joint interview with Kostenko, Tarasov emphasized that their relationship began after the midfielder’s breakup with his wife.

“In fact, our relationship with Olya ended last fall. And Nastya and I met for the first time among mutual friends in a restaurant in December. She came there with her friends. They didn’t talk much; they locked eyes a couple of times. I found out from friends who this girl is,” Tarasov said.

“I am a very reserved person. I can endure for a long time, weigh, think about it, but if I explode, it’s irrevocable,” the footballer continued.

— The love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted. I don't want to blame or insult anyone. This story is over. In any case, both are to blame, it can’t be just one.”

It is interesting that Tarasov also met Buzova in a restaurant, and then, in the spring of 2011, he was still married. The footballer divorced his first wife, a former gymnast (now Dmitrieva), three months after the start of his relationship with the TV presenter.

Moreover, from his first marriage he had a daughter, Angelina-Anna, who was only two years old at the time of the divorce.

Now Dmitry is paying ex-wife child support and regularly sees his daughter, who is now seven years old.

As for Buzova, she has recently been even more bright life, than usual. She is not satisfied with her recently launched and so far quite successful career as a singer.

Now she hosts in the company of several co-hosts of the Channel One show “Babi Revolt.” She recently spoke about this project in another channel program, “Evening Urgant”:

“I’m shocked, to be honest, because I’ve never received such a volume of information in my life. I'll become really smart, I'll just be perfect. And in general I don’t know what kind of man should be next to me. Now I even know the name of the President of the DPRK.”

At the same time, as soon as she entered the studio, Olga greeted Urgant extravagantly and boldly:

“Good evening, Vanya! Did you think that at the end of your career you would be lucky enough to work with me?

Interestingly, work on Channel One, according to media reports, has inflated the prices for Buzova’s performances at corporate events. If earlier it was reported that she was ready to work as a presenter for 1.5 million rubles, now the price has almost doubled.

If you invite Buzova to the event as a singer, then a 45-minute set will cost the same 1.5 million rubles.

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It's really hard to believe. They seemed to be one of the strongest couples in domestic show business. At all social events they are always together, in all joint photographs there are sincere happy smiles on their faces. Their hashtag #myamoy became the slogan for a long and unbreakable relationship. Therefore, the news of the divorce, which the press has been circulating all day, sounded like a bolt from the blue.

Over the 4 years of marriage, Buzova gave many interviews about her personal life. And in every conversation she described in vivid colors how happy she was with Dmitry. According to her, only at the beginning of the relationship there were conflicts.

“The battle of the titans began when we moved together,” Olga said. - Dima is a man with character, although he looks like a sweetheart, I am a very stubborn girl. The grinding in was difficult and painful. I think if we didn’t love each other so much, we would run away very quickly. At that time I often told Dima: “That’s it!” Do not call me more". Now I don’t make loud statements. I never, in a fit of anger, tear a ring off my finger and throw it away screaming. I value this relationship very much and will say: “That’s it, I’m leaving!” only if I really decide to do it. And not to teach someone a lesson or annoy them. We have successfully passed the crisis of three years. When we got married, we promised each other that a stamp in the passport would not be a reason to relax.” But it seems that someone in this couple still gave in.

The reason for rumors about the discord in the relationship between Olga and Dmitry was the heart-warming post of the TV presenter. On her Instagram page, Olga published a poem about breaking up with the following lines:

Angels get tired one day...

From someone's lies, betrayal and pain.

From the promises you make

Which you don’t have the will to hold back...

From small humiliating insults,

From bitter tears that are hidden behind a smile,

From long waits in silence,

Which torments with terrible torture...

In just a few hours, the TV presenter’s revelation collected over 150,000 likes and more than 7,500 comments, the main leitmotif of which is quite clear: “What happened? Why?" Olga left fans’ questions unanswered. In response to our request to comment on what was happening, Buzova’s representative said that she was refraining from doing so for now. Dmitry Tarasov also did not want to talk to representatives of the press. True, on his Instagram, the football player published another photo from the hospital (this time he had problems with his nose). “Thank you mom and everyone who supported me,” reads the caption under the photo.

Not a word about Olya. She, in turn, came to the presentation of one of the fashion awards without her husband. But apparently she didn’t go to the hospital. Although a month ago in one of her interviews she said that in Hard time always next to my husband.

“What happened in August (during a friendly match with the Turkish national team, football player Dmitry Tarasov tore the cruciate ligaments of his knee. - Ed.) broke our fighting spirit,” Olga said then. - I flew to the Italian hospital with Dima, was with him during the operation. For four days, until he could not walk, she kept watch at his bedside and spent the night right in the room on the sofa. She carried food and fruits. I postponed everything and canceled meetings to support my husband. I know that the injury was a real blow for Dima. But over the five years of our relationship, I realized: there are times when it’s better not to get under his skin, not to touch the problem, not to encourage him. It’s more important to him that I just be with him, without further ado. The worst is over. But there is a recovery course ahead, and this is a long and painstaking process. This is not his first injury. But I was always by his side at such moments, I was with him in clinics in Germany, Italy, Finland. At this time, I myself try not to become limp, to be as collected as possible and to think positively.”

Having added up all the above facts, journalists assumed that the matter was approaching divorce. And they even began to sort through possible reasons quarrels. One of the main versions was Tarasov’s infidelities, which were allegedly anonymously reported to his wife. Like, Dmitry often goes to clubs and has fun with the girls there. Most likely, this is nothing more than the machinations of spiteful critics. Moreover, Olga has repeatedly boasted that her husband has become a household person over the years of marriage:

“I’m never offended if my husband wants to spend time without me. Go to the bathhouse with friends or be alone. I don’t bother him and don’t pester him with calls asking: “Where are you?” I respect his personal space. Just like he is mine. Although, to be honest, such meetings outside the home are extremely rare. This is not a case where a husband is looking for a reason to get away from his wife and hang out.”

It is unclear how, in the event of a divorce, Buzova and Tarasov will divide the property, since all life together they had a common budget.

“There is no concept of “yours and mine.” It doesn't matter who the car is registered to. She is ours. Like the house and everything else. Unless the gifts that Dima gives me are only mine. I think when financial disagreements begin, love dies,” the TV presenter assured in an interview. In addition, a huge house is currently under construction, into which the couple planned to move soon.

Although there is still hope that the guys just quarreled and will soon reunite.