Interesting New Year traditions of different countries and peoples of the world. Traditions of celebrating the new year in different countries The strangest country traditions of celebrating the new year

In the first part of this article, we mentioned the traditions inherent in the Russian New Year celebrations and talked about the fact that repeating the rituals for many years can be tiresome. But there are holiday customs in other countries, and they are completely different from ours. To paraphrase popular wisdom, we can say: what is a tradition for an Australian, then a show for a Russian. And today we invite you to learn about how the New Year is celebrated in an unusual way around the world, and, perhaps, choose where to meet the most magical night of the year.

We kiss and put things in order

We will start our tour of the countries and their holiday traditions with Argentina... Here they prepare for the holiday in a very unusual way - they throw out all unnecessary paper products from the windows: old bills, newspapers, letters. Typically, in the middle of the day, the streets are already covered with a thick layer of paper. The main thing is not to throw away anything you need in the festive frenzy. By the way, there is a similar custom in Italy, but there it is customary to throw out all the old things so that the new year will bring you a replacement.

Residents Bulgaria consider New Year to be a family holiday and, like most Russians, celebrate it at home. But with the first strike of the chimes, all the similarities end, because with the onset of midnight the Bulgarians begin “ kiss pause". At this time, the lights go out in the houses, and instead of long toasts, it is enough to kiss a loved one - this will be a wish for happiness. When three minutes have elapsed, the light is turned on and a Christmas cake is cut, in which several surprises are baked, bringing good luck, love and wealth to the person in whose piece they end up.

Patriarchal Great Britain also in many ways similar to Russia. But it is customary to make wishes here by writing on paper and throwing a letter into the fireplace - the smoke will convey to Santa all the innermost dreams. And the most ancient tradition of the British, which came to them from the Vikings, of course, is the Christmas log. It is believed that if it burns down, then the family living in this house will be happy in the coming year.

We break the dishes and feed the goats

IN Norway the role of Santa Claus is played by a goat. This strange fact has a historical explanation: according to legend, King Olaf the Second was a merciful man and, seeing a wounded goat while hunting, ordered it to be cured in the palace and set free. The goat turned out to be a difficult animal and in gratitude brought rare medicinal plants to its savior every night. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, children put a treat for the magic goat in their boot, and those who behaved well all year receive a gift from it, and the mischievous and fidgets find potatoes in their shoes.

IN Sweden it is customary to wish happiness in a very peculiar way - you need to break the dishes at the door of the one you want to congratulate. However, the whole holiday among the Swedes is very noisy. On the eve of the celebration, shops are starting to sell special whistles and rattles that must be used at midnight. By the way, one of the obligatory New Year gifts from Swedes is handmade candles. In the cold winter, when the day is only a few hours long, these candles symbolize friendship and care.

Scots on the last day of the outgoing year, a barrel of burning tar is rolled along the central street of the city - so they clear the way for everything new. And when the clock strikes twelve, the owner of the house opens the doors to release the old year and let in the new one. Traditionally, a New Year's gift should include bread, wine and coal, symbolizing the food, fun and warmth that the guest wishes for the home. By the way, the expected well-being largely depends on who will be the first guest to cross the threshold of the house after midnight.

Santa Claus in ... swimming trunks

For an exotic holiday, you should go to Australia... On the Sydney beach you can meet, perhaps, the most unusual Santa - because of the heat he comes in a hat, with a beard and ... in swimming trunks! And instead of deer, he has a surfboard. The Australians spend midnight on the beaches and squares, where they observe fireworks, after which they quickly return home and go to bed, because the New Year must be met with full strength.

A wonderful place on New Year's Eve will be brazilian beach... The traditions of this country retained the features of the ancient cult of the ocean goddess Iemanzhe: beautiful girls dressed in long dresses enter the water and throw flower petals into the surf. And those who dream of fulfilling their cherished desire should launch a boat with a burning candle into the water. After midnight, a grand disco begins on all the beaches of the country, which lasts until the morning.

Instead of a Christmas tree - bamboo and daffodils

Mysterious China greets the holiday with daffodils and lanterns. Moreover, the latter have a specific practical purpose - along with firecrackers and fireworks, they are designed to scare away evil spirits and illuminate the path of the New Year. By the way, the holiday itself in China is celebrated later than in other countries - on the new moon, which falls at the end of January.

IN Japan the main holiday of the year is celebrated on a grand scale. It is preceded by " golden week”, During which almost all organizations are closed, and friends and relatives meet in restaurants and give each other the symbols of the coming year. In matters of preparation for the New Year, the Japanese are a rather superstitious nation: straw wreaths are hung in every house to protect against evil spirits, and a straw rope is pulled in front of the door, bamboo branches are used in house decoration (so that children grow quickly), pine trees (for longevity) and plums (for strength and health). At midnight, every Japanese should laugh, because laughter brings happiness that will accompany him throughout the year. And on the first night of the new year, you must definitely visit the temple to hear how the bell beats 108 times, chasing away everything bad.

Of course, these are not all the amazing traditions inherent in the cultures of different countries ..

For some countries, celebrating the onset of the new year is not only drunkenness and feasts, but also an excellent occasion to scare naughty children and tickle the nerves of adults. Breaking dishes, parades of mummers, getting rid of old furniture, as well as fights until they lose consciousness - all this happens in the New Year and here - in Russia, you might think, and you will be right. But! In other countries, all this happens because it was so customary, and not because someone went overboard with alcoholic beverages.

Bulgaria: march of cookers

The procession of the mummers is a pagan rite that has survived to this day, popular in Bulgaria. Men dress up in frightening masks, hang bells on their belts, put on goat furs turned outward on top, and arrange a carnival procession with dances. The goal of the cookers is to drive out evil spirits, and usually such games are held on New Year's and Shrovetide.

Denmark: leap into the new year and smashing the dishes

On the last day of December, Danes love to have fun and fool around. And they also have an interesting New Year's tradition: with the chimes you have to find where you are, the highest point available - a chair, sofa, table - to climb onto it and literally "jump" into the New Year with the last blow. In addition, New Year is a time to strengthen friendship, so all year long they collect old porcelain plates and mugs to break them on the porch of relatives or close friends on New Year's holiday. They say it brings good luck, and the more shards on your porch, the better.

Italy: throw away everything old

In Italy, on December 31, it is customary to throw away old things. That is, while in Russia we are cutting Olivier under the "Irony of Fate", the Italians are scrapping clothes, dishes and even household appliances! They believe that if you get rid of something old on New Year's Eve, then something new will certainly appear in the coming year. So that there was something to throw away in a year ... The same is done in Argentina. True, instead of unnecessary things, calendars, bills and other documents fly into the trash can. A dangerous tradition. What if the payment didn't go through ?! How can you then prove housing and communal services that the apartment was paid for in June ?!

Micronesia: choose a new name

In Micronesia - a state in the northwestern part of Oceania - on January 1, every new year, they change their name! Yes Yes! Given name. Well, you know, to mislead evil spirits. Imagine: you are walking on January 2 barefoot and in a light dress, and towards you is a childhood friend. Her name is unknown. However, she is also at a loss. You come closer and quietly whisper in each other's ear how you should now be addressed.

And be sure to create some kind of noise at the same time: clap your hands, hit a tree with a stick. So that the evil spirits would not hear anything!

Cote d'Ivoire: run with an egg in your mouth

In the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire, they believe in eggs! An egg for the inhabitants of this country in West Africa is a symbol of life. If you philosophize, then the shell shows how fragile our life is. It is not clear why they arrange races with such fragile eggs on New Year ! Get on all fours, put an egg in your mouth and run. We must come to the finish line first, without damaging this very symbol of life!

Peru: fight

In Cote d'Ivoire, they run around with an egg, and in Peru, in the village of Santo Tomas, they fight. The Takanakui Festival is an official event, neither prison nor fines threaten the fighters.

Also in Peru on New Year's Eve you can meet girls with willow twigs. So they are looking for suitors - whoever is offered to grab the twig, he got it. True, girls rarely find a mate, because the grooms' hands are busy that night! They carry a suitcase and believe that in the New Year they will definitely go on a big trip. Yes! This is also a tradition.

Chile: Celebrate in the Cemetery

The inhabitants of this country celebrate the New Year ... at the cemetery! In the circle of relatives. Both the living and the dead. And the atmosphere is festive: lights, music ... Romance! This tradition appeared over a hundred years ago. Of course, there is a legend: some children decided to spend the New Year with their late father and came to his grave on the evening of December 31st. Since then, the gates of Chilean cemeteries have been opening on New Year's Eve. So that everyone who wants to can celebrate the year with those they love, but who, unfortunately, are no longer alive.

Australia: Ride the Seven Waves

Have you ever fantasized what the New Year would be like without snow and cold? For example, such as in Australia. Residents of the Green Continent, where it is summer season at this time of year, celebrate the New Year by the ocean. They pitch a tent on the beach, make a fire and wait with a surfboard in their arms. Those who believe in miracles (well, or can still stand on their feet) are trying at this time to jump over seven waves in a row - for good luck.

Holland: Swim in the North Sea

The most cheerful and persistent people are the Dutch! Because on January 1, they swim and not anywhere, but in the North Sea! And nothing that the water temperature is 5 degrees above zero, and nothing that a hangover ... On the contrary, a good way to recover from a stormy night. So, for the New Year in Dutch you will need: a Schengen visa, a plane ticket, a swimsuit and a New Year's little red hat with a pompom.

How to make your holiday in the New Year unforgettable? Of course, go somewhere abroad, to snowy Austria or the wonderful Czech Republic, and if you want a fundamental change, you can move from winter to summer and celebrate the New Year in GOA or Bali. In general, as in any other month of rest - the choice is huge. The choice entirely depends on the choice of the type of vacation - beach or active. We tried to collect the TOP - 10 vacation options in December, which are most popular! So let's go.

1. New Year in Prague, Czech Republic.This option for spending a vacation in December is the leader among all. If you want to find yourself in a real New Year's fairy tale, then the question of where to go to rest in the New Year has been resolved - feel free to go to Prague!

Celebrating the New Year in Prague is a great idea! Walking along the old European streets, admiring the view of Prague Castle, you can feel the atmosphere of the past centuries. The New Year can become unrestrained, cheerful if you go there with a group of friends, romantic if you celebrate the new year in Prague together. In any case, the holiday will be unforgettable for you!

The first place for a beach holiday in December is Thailand due to its white beaches, immersed in tropical greenery. This is an excellent option for a holiday in December at the sea, suitable for those who want to relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle, which will be perfectly facilitated by traditional Thai massage sessions. A real paradise!

Ideal for celebrating the New Year with your family! Finnish streets freeze during Christmas time, as for residents such days are the best opportunity to be with the family at home , attend a church service, participate in family activities, such as making handmade Christmas tree decorations together. And how wonderful it can be to relax in nature, in the fresh air, enjoying the picturesque landscapes ! New Year's Eve in Finland, the birthplace of Santa Claus, is an exciting adventure for you and your family!

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget in warm regions? The best option suitable for such parameters is Egypt. Despite the fact that local residents do not celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1, nevertheless, a lot of entertainment programs are being prepared for vacationers, palm trees are dressed up in Christmas trees, Santa Claus is walking around the streets and beaches here and there. It all looks very funny and at first glance, absurd and surprising. New Year in Egypt promises to be hot and fun!

5. New Year in Paris, France.Holidays in Paris in the new year are truly great! Bright colorful illumination is burning around, houses are dressed in colorful garlands. Snow in Paris is very rare, so the city will be decorated with artificial snow for the new year. The symbol of Paris - the Eiffel Tower looks magical these days! It is better to come to Paris a month before the new year to enjoy the series of Christmas holidays. The first date of the New Year holidays is December 6 - St. Nicholas Day.

6. New Year in GOA.Where to go to rest in December? GOA is a luxury destination for lovers of ocean waves, ideal beaches, relaxing massages and exotic cuisine. New Year at GOA is just the height of the season, when the autumn rains have already ended, and the summer dryness will begin only in April. GOA has a very comfortable temperature. Something specifically New Year's, except for green trees decorated with lanterns and a festive dinner, as well as "conditionally New Year" discos in the open air, should not be expected from GOA, but even a standard tourist recreation program carried out in the middle of winter is an interesting pastime and cool memories.

New Year in GOA

What do you know about the peculiarities of the New Year in Italy, besides the tradition of getting rid of old things? Its celebration begins one week before Christmas in Italy and continues until mid-January. These are the days of festivities, fireworks and sales, when you can buy branded items at ridiculous prices, taste Christmas dishes and buy a lottery ticket for a symbolic price to win a gift from Santa. In the cool December air, the aroma of cappuccino, hot chocolate and New Year's magic mixes, everyone rushes in search of gifts and every now and then gives each other smiles. Shopkeepers and restaurant owners compete to see which showcase will be more elegant. Ordinary residents keep up with them, decorating their windows and balconies with garlands, fir wreaths and red ribbons.

A real tropical adventure! The azure sea and golden beaches, lush green jungle, a unique festive atmosphere - a great replacement for a little boring salad Olivier in a traditional company. For those who choose a fashionable vacation for themselves, it is better to go to Jimbaran or Nusa Dua. Lovers of nightlife will have a great time in Kuta. For those who prefer unity with nature, the tourist area of \u200b\u200bUbud is suitable. It should be noted that, despite the difference in tastes, every traveler will be able to relax and have fun.

9. New Year cruise in Scandinavia - this is an acquaintance with the most beautiful cities, such as Helsinki and Stockholm, the snowy plains of Lapland, picturesque Norwegian fjords will appear before you in all its glory. Most often, a cruise includes a visit to 3 countries - Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Plunge into a real winter fairy tale!

New Year's Eve cruise in Scandinavia

For children, New Year's holiday in Veliky Ustyug is a journey into the kingdom of fairy tales and adventures. However, for adults, entertainment tours to Ustyug for the new year will be a wonderful rest from everyday vanities and problems. Veliky Ustyug is the best budget option when you want to change the environment and feel a real fairy tale!

Choose the best destination for yourself! Happy New Year!

In different countries, not only such a celebration as a wedding or the birth of a child is celebrated in different ways, they also celebrate the New Year in completely different ways. And given that the New Year is one of the most popular holidays in the world, there are traditions of celebrating the New Year in almost every country.

1. Japan - go to bed before dawn!
On New Year's Eve in Japan, bells ring at night, and exactly 108 times. The striking of the bell denotes one of six human vices: frivolity, stupidity, greed, anger, envy, and indecision. The Japanese believe that every human vice has 18 shades, so there are 108 strikes. Instead of a New Year tree, the Japanese have kadomatsu, which means “pine at the entrance”. This product is made of bamboo, pine, and rice straws are woven into it. Kadomatsu is decorated with fern and mandarin branches.

But the most interesting thing is that the Japanese do not celebrate the New Year in our understanding. On New Year's Eve, they calmly go to bed, but wake up early in the morning and all go together to meet the dawn of the New Year. Of course, some of us also meet the New Year's dawn, but in a completely different state!

2. Italy - red cowards!

It is often said that in Italy before the New Year it is customary to throw out of the house (most often directly from the window) everything old and unnecessary: \u200b\u200bclothes, furniture, or even plumbing. But now this tradition in Italy is practically dying out. But what is incredibly popular in Italy before Christmas and New Year is red! The fact is that Italians love not only Santa Claus - but also the local, Italian Santa Claus - Bobbo Natale. Ah, Bobbo Natale, like a real Italian, is a terrible fashionista and loves red. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, the entire population of Italy - women, men and children, wear something red, even if it's just panties or socks. Therefore, when celebrating the New Year somewhere on the streets of Rome or Milan, you should not be surprised if you see a policeman in red socks, on the contrary, this meeting portends good luck. Another New Year's tradition in Italy is eating raisins that have dried right on the bunches. To Italians, dried grapes resemble coins, and it is believed that whoever eats more of them in the coming year will make more money.

3. Argentina - all on paper!

But in Argentina, the Italian tradition of throwing everything away does not have to take root, though ... mainly among office workers. On New Year's Eve, the centers of Argentine cities are covered with an even layer of unnecessary paper, sometimes even heaps of papers. According to local tradition, unnecessary magazines, newspapers and other papers should be thrown out of windows, but most of all Argentines like to throw away last year's bills.

4. Spain - grapes and naked booty!

In Spain there is a tradition - at midnight to quickly eat 12 grapes, and each grape is eaten with each new chime. Each of the grapes should bring good luck in every month of the coming year. Residents of the country gather in the squares of Barcelona and Madrid to have time to eat grapes. The tradition of eating grapes has been going on for over a hundred years, for the first time it was the reaction of the population to an overharvest of grapes.
Talking about New Year and Christmas in Spain, of course, one cannot but tell about the funniest Christmas tradition. About the Christmas priest in Catallonia.
“Booty, booty, hazelnuts and cottage cheese. If you don’t have g @ avna well, I will hit you with a stick. Popa ”, children sing in Catalan Barcelona at Christmas. And at this time they beat the wooden butt prepared in advance with sticks. Yes, such a curious, strange and funny Christmas tradition.

5. Scotland - we celebrate the New Year in silence!
Before the New Year, members of the whole family sit near a lighted fireplace, and with the first chimes, the head of the family must open the front door, and silently. Such a ritual is designed to spend the old year and let the New Year into your home. The Scots believe that whether good or bad will enter the house depends on who in the new year is the first to cross their threshold.

6. Estonia - New Year in the Bath!

One of the hottest is the New Year in Estonia, as it is customary to spend this holiday in a sauna. In order to enter the New Year clean and healthy, you must even listen to the chimes in this institution. But, in fact, now this tradition is more for tourists than for the Estonians themselves.

7. Panama - Burning Problems!

There is a very unusual New Year's tradition in Panama. It is customary to burn effigies of politicians, athletes and other famous people here. However, the inhabitants of Panama do not wish anyone evil, for example, they can burn an effigy of the Olympic champion of the national running team or the President of Panama. All these stuffed animals are called with one word - muneco, and symbolize all the troubles of the outgoing year. And since if there is no scarecrow, then there are no problems in the coming year. Moreover, every family should burn the scarecrow. Apparently, another Panamanian tradition is connected with this. At midnight, the bells of all the fire towers begin to ring on the streets of Panamanian cities. In addition, car horns are honking, everyone is shouting. Such noise is intended to threaten trouble in the coming year.

8. Peru - a girl with a twig and a guy with a suitcase!
For Peruvian guys, New Year's Eve is a pretty dangerous time. It's all about the unusual New Year's tradition of this country. At night, girls in Peru pick up willow twigs and go for a walk around the neighborhoods of their city. And her fiancé should be the young man who will invite her to take up the twig. Therefore, sometimes you can meet strange couples on the streets - a girl with a twig and a guy with a suitcase. Because according to another Peruvian tradition, those who walk around their entire neighborhood with a suitcase on New Year's Eve will go on their desired journey in the coming year.

nine . Denmark - jump into the New Year!

There is a tradition in Denmark to stand on a chair and jump from it when celebrating the New Year. It is believed that by this action, residents jump into January of the coming year, driving away evil spirits. It will also bring good luck. At the same time, the Danes follow another New Year's tradition - they throw broken dishes at the doors of friends and neighbors. Moreover, this does not annoy anyone, but on the contrary, it is very pleasing. After all, the family, on the threshold of which there will be the most broken plates, cups and glasses, will be the most successful in the coming year. It also means that the family has the most friends.

ten . Greece is a stone in the bosom for friends!
On New Year's Eve, residents of Greece, like residents of many other countries, visit each other with gifts. However, there is some peculiarity - in addition to gifts, they bring a stone to the owners, and the more, the better. It will seem strange to us, but in Greece it is believed that the heavier the stone, the heavier the purse of the gifts will be in the coming year. According to another Greek tradition, the eldest family member must break a pomegranate fruit in the yard of his house. If pomegranate seeds are scattered around the yard, then a happy life awaits his family in the coming year.

11. Micronesia - changing the name!
And the inhabitants of the islands of Micronesia change their name every time on a holiday - in order to confuse the evil spirits and live the whole next year easily and comfortably. Everyone is free to choose a name for himself, so sometimes most of the population bears the same name all year round.

12. Bulgaria - turn off the lights!
In Bulgaria, the lights go out for a few minutes at midnight. When all the guests remain in the dark, you can kiss even an unfamiliar guest - the holiday will keep the secret of the New Year's kiss.

And for us in Russia, New Year is a real family holiday, which we simply must celebrate in a fun and beautiful way. Family and friends will provide you with fun this New Year, but fun such as firecrackers, sky balls, fireworks, fireworks, rockets, Roman candles and much more can be purchased without even leaving your home in the online store

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. And if for us the main New Year's traditions are a Christmas tree, the smell of tangerines, Olivier salad, champagne and making wishes with the chimes, then the inhabitants of other countries perform certain actions before the New Year and during its coming, promising various benefits. So what are they doing in different countries to attract health, luck, happiness, love and material values? We bring to your attention a rating of the most unusual New Year traditions in the world.

1. New Year traditions of Italy

It is well known that on New Years in Italy it is customary to throw out everything unnecessary from the house - be it clothes, furniture or even plumbing. However, this is just a beautiful legend to attract tourists. And the New Year's traditions in the country are completely different. Since the inhabitants of this beautiful country adore not only Santa - Bobbo Natale himself, but also the styles of his attire, that on New Year's Eve the entire population of Italy, both women, men and children, wear something red, even if it is underwear. Therefore, when celebrating the New Year somewhere on the streets of Milan, Florence or Rome, you should not be surprised if you see a policeman in red socks, on the contrary, this meeting portends good luck. Another Italian tradition is eating raisins that have dried right on the bunches. Since grapes resemble coins, it is believed that whoever eats more of them will make more money in the coming year.

2. New Year traditions of Argentina

The dream of every office worker, however, as well as a lover of collecting waste paper, is to celebrate the New Year in Argentina. Already in the middle of the day, the centers of Argentine cities are covered with an even layer of unnecessary paper, sometimes even with whole piles of paper. According to local tradition, unnecessary magazines, newspapers and other papers should be thrown out of windows. Plus, it's a great way to relieve stress. The very same New Year residents of Argentina celebrate like most of us - in the bosom of the family, close friends are often present at the festive table. And they also open champagne at 12 o'clock in the morning. Young people after the New Year, usually continue the fun in a variety of clubs. But Argentines exchange gifts only on Christmas, they have no tradition of giving gifts on New Year's Eve.

3. New Year traditions of Estonia

One of the most "hot" is the New Year in Estonia, since it is customary to spend this holiday in a sauna. In order to enter the New Year clean and healthy, you must even listen to the chimes in this institution. However, not all of course adhere to this tradition, because then there would be no crowds of cheerful inhabitants on the streets of the country and they would not go to visit each other on New Year's Eve. However, it is customary to repeat such an event also on the summer solstice. Estonians believe that happiness will be brought to them by a chimney sweep in a high top hat holding a tool of his labor. For this very reason, children are often presented with toy chimney sweeps smeared with soot.

4. New Year traditions of Scotland

When you are on the streets of Scotland on New Year's Eve, you need to be very careful, as this is the only night of the year when burning tar barrels are rolled along the decorated New Year's streets, symbolizing the passing year. And in the Scottish village of Stonehaven, it is customary to walk along the street, waving huge fireballs overhead, symbolizing the sun, which clears the coming year. But there is another interesting New Year's tradition in Scotland. Before the New Year, members of the whole family sit near a lighted fireplace, and with the first chimes, the head of the family must open the front door, and silently. Such a ritual is designed to spend the old year and let the New Year into your home. The Scots believe that whether good or bad will enter the house depends on who in the new year is the first to cross their threshold.

5. New Year traditions in Spain

On New Year's Eve at midnight, there is a tradition in Spain - to quickly eat 12 grapes, and each grape is absorbed with each new chime. Moreover, each of the grapes should bring good luck in every month of the coming year. Residents of the country gather in the squares of Barcelona and Madrid to have time to eat grapes and drink cava. The tradition of eating grapes has been going on for over a hundred years, for the first time it was the reaction of the population to an overharvest of grapes.

6. New Year traditions of Panama

There is a very unusual New Year's tradition in Panama. It is customary to burn effigies of politicians, athletes and other famous people here. However, the inhabitants of Panama do not wish anyone evil, for example, they can burn an effigy of the Olympic champion of the national running team or Fidel Castro himself. All these scarecrows are called with one word - muñeco, and symbolize all the troubles of the outgoing year. And since if there is no scarecrow, then there are no problems in the coming year. Moreover, every family should burn the scarecrow. Apparently, another Panamanian tradition is connected with this. At midnight, the bells of all the fire towers begin to ring on the streets of Panamanian cities. In addition, car horns are honking, everyone is shouting. Such noise is intended to threaten the coming year.

7. New Year traditions in Denmark

There is a tradition in Denmark to stand on a chair and jump from it when celebrating the New Year. It is believed that by this action, residents jump into January of the coming year, driving away evil spirits. It will also bring good luck. At the same time, the Danes follow another New Year's tradition - they throw broken dishes at the doors of friends and neighbors. Moreover, this does not annoy anyone, but on the contrary, it is very pleasing. After all, the family, on the threshold of which there will be the most broken plates, cups and glasses, will be the most successful in the coming year. It also means that the family has the most friends.

8. New Year traditions of Peru

For Peruvian young people, New Year's Eve is a dangerous time. It's all about the unusual New Year's tradition of this country. At night, girls in Peru pick up willow twigs and go for a walk around the neighborhoods of their city. And her fiancé should be the young man to whom she will be invited to take up the twig. Therefore, sometimes on the streets you can meet strange couples - a girl with a twig and a guy with a suitcase. Because according to another Peruvian tradition, those who walk around their entire neighborhood with a suitcase on New Year's Eve will go on their desired journey in the coming year.

9. New Year traditions of Greece

The inhabitants of Greece spend New Year's Eve in almost the same way as we do - they visit each other with gifts. However, there is some peculiarity - in addition to gifts, they bring a stone to the owners, and the more, the better. It will seem strange to us, but in Greece it is believed that the heavier the stone, the heavier the purse of the gifts will be in the coming year. According to another Greek tradition, the eldest family member must break a pomegranate fruit in the yard of his house. If pomegranate seeds are scattered around the yard, then a happy life awaits his family in the coming year.

10. New Year traditions of Japan

When celebrating the New Year in Japan, keep in mind that bells ring at night, and 108 times. The striking of the bell denotes one of six human vices: frivolity, stupidity, greed, anger, envy, and indecision. But why is there 108 strikes and not 6? And the thing is that the Japanese believe that every human vice has 18 shades, so there are 108 strikes. According to another Japanese New Year tradition, it is customary to give friends and relatives postcards with images of an animal - a symbol of the coming year. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun also relate specifically to the decoration of their homes - for this they use kadomatsu, which means "pine at the entrance" in translation. This product is made of bamboo, pine, and rice straws are woven into it. Kadomatsu is decorated with fern and mandarin branches. Well, children traditionally receive New Year's gifts.