Lawyer day in Russia. Congratulations on the lawyer's day to the chief in prose Congratulations on the lawyer's day in prose short

Among the normative documents and decrees, you soar like a hawk in the sky, looking for ways to solve problems and answers to thousands of questions ... That's why you are a lawyer to help laws come to life! Happy lawyer! Help our country live according to the constitution and other normative acts!

How to live without knowing your rights and obligations? The legal profession is the oldest on earth. Today is Lawyer's Day, on which, by unwritten rules, I congratulate you and wish you to serve your chosen business faithfully and happily for many years, gaining more skill and fame!

Knowing the laws - nowhere and never disappear! But where does the common man keep up with the legal framework? Lawyers in the world are needed by everyone - both the ordinary person offended by the authorities, and the directors of concerns. Happy Lawyer Day! Your profession is true and necessary for our society as air, water and the sun!

Happy Lawyer Day! Our whole life, even the most everyday affairs, rests on the right, without it, such anarchy would reign that it is scary to think! So you, to some extent, are not only a wise adviser, but also a strong, noble defender of our legal society!

You are the best example of a lawyer! You take it quite inexpensively, but you work at full strength, because for you it is important not the fee, but the triumph of the law! On a professional holiday, on Lawyer's Day, I congratulate you and wish you always find answers to working questions, and, not too bogged down in business, smile more often!

A lawyer is a responsible profession, because in your hands is a law that should be directed in the right direction. Today, on Lawyer's Day, you are sent a mental “thank you”, all your clients, and I want to congratulate you and wish to always remain on the side of the law, finding in it the strongest ally in order to change our life for the better!

How nice to have a lawyer you know! There is someone to ask for advice, there is someone who will come to help at least during the day, even at night! However, it is better to sleep at night, because you are a mental worker, a lawyer ... But digress a little from the constitution and accept my congratulations on the Lawyer's Day!

Our laws are written so cunningly that without a law degree you won’t understand them ... To any citizen or organization, you will come to the rescue and help with the help of law and your golden mind to triumph justice! Happy lawyer!

Do you remember thousands of paragraphs and paragraphs and comment on the most complicated of them easily and clearly, as if you were singing a song! Happy Lawyer Day! May there be success in every business, may the pay for honest legal work increase, and your glory multiply!

Happy Lawyer Day! In our difficult time, a lawyer is a hospitable profession. But in each case, you dream not only about profit, but also about everything being resolved in fairness! After all, a lawyer is not just your profession, but a vocation of the soul! Happiness and success, long years and hundreds of grateful customers!

Lawyers are very responsible and serious people. However, they also like to have fun, especially on their professional holiday. Original congratulations on Lawyer's Day in prose will help you cheer up your colleagues or simply congratulate friends of lawyers on their professional holiday. Depending on the relationship you are in with the person, you can use formal, comic, or neutral greetings. In addition, you can send a short congratulation via SMS.

Formal congratulations on lawyer's day

A lawyer is not a profession, but a person’s vocation. This is a person who can solve any problem in fairness. And on this day we celebrate a professional holiday. Allow me to congratulate you and wish you success, good luck and prosperity. Thank you for your professionalism and concern for people!

Lawyer's Day is a professional holiday for all servants of the Law, regardless of the sphere in which they work. The profession of a lawyer is honorable and responsible, because on your shoulders lies the obligation to defend the interests of citizens. We wish you longevity, good luck and patience. Congratulations to you employees of the Law!

Today we celebrate the professional day of all the lawyers of our country. Each person at least once in his life needed the services of these knowledgeable and intelligent people. Therefore, accept the words of gratitude from us all. May your work always bring pleasure to you and benefit to others, and all your cherished dreams come true.

Comic congratulations on lawyer's day

What are lawyers for? Get an inheritance from a grandmother in America, fend off a fine or reduce taxes? In a word, we need lawyers like air. Therefore, accept our congratulations on your professional holiday. Never be discouraged and let all your affairs be winning.

Lawyers are not at all like people of other professions. They are smart, attractive and ambitious. But on this day, even a lawyer can turn into an ordinary person after a good feast. Happy holiday to you!

Lawyer congratulations to colleagues in prose

I congratulate you on the professional holiday of all the servants of the Law. Let the work bring only joy and satisfaction, and each day of life will be happy and full of joyful moments. We wish each lawyer the respect of colleagues, understanding bosses and only positive results of work. I wish you health and the accomplishment of even the most ambitious plans!

SMS lawyer day greetings

If you don’t know how to make long speeches, but want to wish acquaintances and friends all the best for Lawyer's Day, congratulations in prose via SMS will help you.

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let your knowledge and skills help you solve even the most complicated cases, and good luck will always accompany you in this honorable mission.

Happy Lawyer Day! You are a wonderful specialist and know a lot about even the most difficult things. I wish you composure, perseverance and good luck. Happy holiday!

A lawyer is one of the most necessary professions. Therefore, on this day I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success in all matters.

Lawyers celebrate Lawyer's Day :) On our site you will find a variety of short congratulatory texts in prose that will help you to originally congratulate all your acquaintances and friends working in this complex but very interesting profession. You can use them both ready-made and as a basis for composing your own unique congratulations. Be original on lawyer's day!

It's great that lawyers have a professional holiday! On this day, I want to congratulate all the people of this complex profession! And wish you more calm, pleasant days, less worries and strong nerves! Let the good news come every minute! Let the faces of grateful customers smile! Let disappointments not break the will to win and there will always be a happy ending! I wish you happiness, peace, goodness and good health!

On this wonderful holiday - lawyer's day, let me express my most sincere wishes! May your life path be bright and bright! May adversity and sorrow never touch you! Let there always be those people who are able to help and support in any business! Of course, let there be a sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness and love! Let a successful career not turn your head, and perseverance and good faith will help to rise higher and higher!

Congratulations on your professional holiday, to the most competent lawyer I know! Be strong and courageous, do not doubt the decisions made and never forget about justice! I wish you a long and fruitful life, filled with bright moments and resounding victories! Let the unbridled pursuit of victories together with constant luck help achieve your goals!

On the day of the lawyer, I want to congratulate all the serious workers of this necessary profession! Your work is important and sometimes not thankful, therefore, first of all, I wish you courage and patience! Let there be more bright days, successful deeds and the right decisions! Of course, I wish you great happiness in your personal life, faithful comrades and honest colleagues!

I’m always ready to help others,
  You will protect you from illegal debts.
  Help divorce, punish the employer,
  We are always grateful to the lawyer!

Today we are celebrating Lawyer's Day throughout Russia. This is a wonderful holiday, praising all those people who have chosen this difficult profession for themselves. Dear friends, we congratulate you on this holiday and wish you success in your work and career growth. May all the laws of the world be subject only to you.

Lawyer's Day, of course, we should congratulate them,
  Only I do not know big words.
  What to say, what to wish them - I do not know,
  Trite: let love live in their house?

The answer is so simple that it’s very funny
  Today I just went online,
  We’ll stop at the Pozdravunchik website,
  He knows how to say hello to lawyers.

He’ll say the words for everyone, pick up all the wishes,
  I don’t know how you think
  And to me he fulfills all desires,
  Well, and friends, he fulfills all dreams.

I know it's not easy to be a lawyer
  Know the laws, oh, hard!
  Congratulations to you, today is your day
  Let it go to work not laziness.

Today I want to shake hands with all Russian lawyers. On this day they celebrate their professional holiday. I want to wish them a sincere attitude to their customers, the ability to help and support a person who is in a difficult situation. You are doing good on this earth, so let it return to you!

Well what to wish to the lawyer?
  Let the road be no bumps!
  Good luck I still want to wish
  And on vacation with your family more often to fly!

I know your competence
  And the law of loyalty and loyalty.
  You are my friend, lawyer, success strides everywhere after you,
  Let there be no hindrance in business!

Lawyer's Day, and I want to congratulate my friends,
  May their work be difficult
  I’m silent about the gravity of the profession,
  Because how very important she is.

Someone must help the people,
  Disassemble court cases.
  Someone must honestly tell us
  Where we were mistaken in something, cheers!

Because I hasten to congratulate them,
  Wish patience, good.
  Today I am cheerful, cheerful and not a bit sad
  Because to lawyers I shout “Hurray” to everyone!

I want to tell all lawyers today
  I congratulate you on your holiday.
  And today you will wish a lot,
  But I want our words to come true.

I want every word today
  Delayed in the subcortex of fate.
  To any wish again and again,
  Gave you both joy and sweeter dreams.

To always be at your doorstep
  Only good was collected.
  To have a lot of joys in fate,
  To give loved ones warmth.

Our beloved, respected lawyers! The head and mind of our entire beautiful country of Russia! Today, respectable citizens, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. Let your workdays be filled with joy, and the nights be calm and quiet. May you never be disturbed by any problems.

To be right in everything, we need the right and its correct interpretation, and we trust this to you, lawyers. Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday and best wishes! Let your mind never get tired, and your heart - does not know sorrows! A lawyer is our faithful guide in the world of laws. We wish you career achievements!
Burrowing into the books with your head, you are looking for the correct interpretation of the next amendment ... Distract yourself for a while to accept congratulations on Lawyer's Day! I wish you, a lawyer, a talented and sincere person, long years and strong happiness, the most understanding and friendly environment and the fulfillment of all your cherished desires! Eloquent and educated, smart and honest - this is a portrait of an ideal lawyer, and today we have the honor to congratulate him on his professional holiday! Let order and correctness reign in your work, and in your personal life there is always a share of fun, excitement and a sea of \u200b\u200bwell-being! Lawyers, as you know, today are a dime a dozen. But there are not so many sensible ones! Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate a lawyer on the Day of a person who knows the law as well as if he himself had attached a pen to his writing! Conduct your legal practice in such a way as to arouse the light envy of colleagues and admired gratitude of clients! No matter what they write in by-laws and other papers, you will not step back and explain everything correctly, apply your knowledge in such a way as to solve an urgent issue and, together with the client, come out the winner from any history! Happy Lawyer Day! Let courage be with you, a little fox tricks and a lot of sunny happiness! Our whole life is entwined with the intricacies of law. How not to get lost in it with your head, how to defend what is prescribed by law, and not get into trouble with it? The lawyer will tell us about this without embellishment and without hiding, and today we congratulate you on your professional holiday, we thank you for the work done and wish you all the best! A serious look and every word is weighty ... On the forehead there was a crease from long thoughts ... Congratulations on the holiday, priest of Themis! Let truth and law always be on the side of your undertakings, and let each day bring a new particle of happiness and a bright, unforgettable edge to your long life! Happy Lawyer Day! I sincerely wish good luck to the profane specialist! Let dry clerical language always be extremely clear to you, and on the expanses of the law you will always find what is needed for the successful resolution of the ongoing troubles! When the hour of rest comes, let the best people be nearby and find an interesting and interesting business! Modern law is just a maze. But we don’t need a guide ball in it, because we have a legal science and one who completely understands everything to the last point in it! Happy lawyer! Be honest, first of all, in front of yourself and always smile! What is possible, what is forbidden, how to gain profit and not stumble ... A lawyer will tell about all this, but today we are rushing to him not to burden with work, but to heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you all the best! Keep your nose on the course of fresh wind, be confident in your abilities and, never losing heart, conquer all the peaks that have attracted you! Congratulations to the master of the official legal word on Lawyer's Day! Walk with pride in the favorites of fate, know the pride of a well-deserved victory, and a pleasant crunch of banknotes in your pocket, let love warm your heart, and see your whole life path in a true, clear light! The support of the country is its laws, and you, the lawyer, are our best consultant and guide! Congratulations on the Day of the lawyer, that is - a lawyer! Be respected, allow embarrassment and protect customers, and let Fortune lead you by the arm, and Madam Luck regularly showers with pleasant surprises!