Scenario for the New Year's party "Cinderella's New Year's adventure" preparatory group. New Year's scenario "at Cinderella's ball" preparatory groups for school material on the topic Suitable scenarios for the holiday


state budgetary educational institution

Samara region secondary school "Educational Center" named after Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Dmitrievich Vanichkin, Alekseevka village, Alekseevsky municipal district, Samara region

structural unit implementing the main general educational program of preschool education - kindergarten "Solnyshko"


School preparatory groups

Compiled by:

Musical director:

Vechkanova Inessa Leonidovna

Preparatory group teachers:

Zalisheva Galina Sergeevna

Tishakova Valentina Anatolevna

Ponomareva Nadezhda Ivanovna

Evteeva Vera Vladimirovna

Alekseevka, 2015

The hall is twilight, the tree is not lit, and the howling of a blizzard sounds. Snowflakes fly into the hall and scatter in different corners. Dancing the Snowflake Dance
(VIKA, Dasha) 1 -2 snowflake: Aw!
(Nika, Lisa) 3-4 snowflakes:Aw! (Julia M, Veronica O) 5-6 snowflake: Hey?
1 snowflake Dasha: Are you here?
3 snowflake Nika: We are here.
They fly towards each other. They look around.
5 snowflake: Oh, where have we ended up?
6.snowflake: We are in a large spacious hall.
2 snowflakes: So this is a kindergarten?
But there are no guys here...
3 snowflakes: Everything is ready, what are we waiting for?
We'll call them here
4. We will say that Santa Claus
I brought a Christmas tree to kindergarten.
All snowflakes: Play the music louder
Christmas tree, welcome your guests! (they run out the door to all the children)

All the children enter dancing to the song ""

Presenter. Someone once came up with a good idea,

That friends will gather on New Year's Day.

Someone brought a Christmas tree from the forest, Everyone says it was Santa Claus.

Ah, New Year, a wonderful year!

He will bring happiness and joy to everyone.

Hello everyone, we welcome you,

The fun holiday will begin now!

POEMS (ROLL CALL children shout out)

Dima P 1 : Attention attention! Beloved parents. Attention attention! We hasten to inform you.

Zhenya M: About the fact that in our hall we are starting a holiday, To surprise the beautiful Christmas tree today!

Dasha T 3 : Look, the holiday has brought us together in this hall, Our holiday, which everyone was really looking forward to.

Valera 4 : Here are the dads! Here are the moms! Here is the Christmas tree and the children! There are no happier people in the world today!

Luda P 5: And our hall is so unrecognizable! Well, who was able to remove it so beautifully?

6 : We will joke, have fun and sing, And we will watch a magical fairy tale!

7 : And we’ll invite Santa Claus here, and we’re really looking forward to our granddaughter Snegurochka.

8 : And this new year there will be no butting heads. After all, the monkey and I will forget all our troubles!

9: In the New Year we will collect all the briefcases, the school will open its doors to us welcomingly.

10 : And we will get older, and we will become more mature...

All: Sixteenth year, come to us soon!

Ved: Well, shall we begin?

All: Of course, it's time!

Ved: And we will shout to the New Year... All: HURRAY!

11: New Year! New Year! There is no one more wonderful than you. And we greet him with a friendly, sonorous song!

Song about New Year

Julia M 1. How beautiful it is in our hall,

We called our friends

Our people are having fun.

All. We are celebrating the New Year.

Dima Z. Congratulations to everyone in the world,

We sincerely wish everyone,

So that your hands clap,

For your feet to stomp,

To make children smile, have fun and laugh

Luda P Wonderful holiday! New Year's Day!
The Christmas tree came to visit us today...
Children and adults, mothers and fathers,
Let's gently shake her green paws.

There will be fun at our Christmas tree:
Let's make her a necklace from garlands,
Let's hang candy, balloons and crackers...
After all, Christmas trees, like children, love toys!

4. Sweet, kind, like a princess,
Suddenly a guest from the forest smiles at us,
And sway with its branches,
And he will dance with us in a round dance!

5. A Christmas tree in summer is just a Christmas tree:
If you touch a branch, it hurts your fingers,
The trunk is entwined with cobwebs,
The fly agaric is standing below.

That's when winter comes,
The tree seems to come to life:
It will fluff up in the cold,
Will straighten up under the winds,

Not prickly at all
Like a fragrant flower.
It doesn't smell like dew or honey,
The tree smells like New Year

6. Hold your hands tighter,

Stand in a wide circle,

We will sing and dance,

Let's celebrate the New Year.

Children sing a song about the Christmas tree


Our Christmas tree accepts congratulations.

We're starting the show(children sit down)

New Year is unusual, it is magical, without a doubt.

And always brings with it fabulous adventures.

Miracles await you guys this evening.

Hear, the voices of good fairy tales come to life here.

And again closer to New Year's Eve

And that means we are wizards today.

We are all creating miracles today.

Open your eyes wider,

The New Year's fairy tale begins.

Two Heralds come out with an order and a trumpet

9. Dima P 1 First herald.

Good afternoon Allow me to hand over

Invitation to the ball!

A wonderful New Year's ball,

The king himself ordered it!

10. Semyon Herald 2

We are announcing the ball today,

A fun New Year's ball.

People of fairyland

They must be at the ball.

Gentlemen and their ladies

We are waiting for you to come to us for the holiday today.


It's almost midnight. Silence.

Cinderella sits alone

This midnight is New Year... What is he bringing to Cinderella?

Cinderella's exit.

Nastya L 11. Cinderella (girl)
So the candle burns out.
New Year is coming
I really wanted to go to the ball,
It's a pity no one called me.
And my outfit is not good,
How can you go to a ball wearing something like this?

Cinderella sings the song "Fairy tales walk around the world."

The Fairy appears to the music of P. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

Cinderella . Dear aunt, how good it is that you came.

Fairy. Hello, Cinderella. I heard you want to go to the ball. Don't be sad, don't be upset,
Get ready for the royal ball soon.
I am a good, kind Fairy
I can create miracles.
For your hard work and kindness
I will help you get to this ball.
Dear goddaughter,

You cook, you grind,

You iron and you sew.

You deserve your score -

Santa Claus called you.

Here is his letter - read it

Yes, give me the answer.

Cinderella (reading).

Santa Claus is calling me

Celebrate the New Year together

I really want to go to the ball,

I'm mentally flying there.

Yes, my outfit is not good,

How can you go there wearing that?

Fairy . It's not a problem at all

I'll help you then.

(Claps his hands.)

Dwarves, animals, gather together,

Don't make noise, don't make faces.

Yes, quickly, quickly, forward!

Cinderella is going to the ball!

Children run out (two mice, two gnomes, two hares.)

The first mouse (or any animal)

Valera Sh We will weave fabric from snow and weave gold into it.

Fairy .

Yes, hurry up, hurry up.

Don't dig around, don't be lazy.

12. Yura K And we’ll quickly take the fabric -

We'll sew Cinderella's dress,

So that she is the most elegant of all

We were at the ball.

13. Lenya And we'll bring her shoes,

To sparkle and shine -

We didn’t get tired of dancing.

Children run around Cinderella, “take measurements”, then run behind the Christmas tree.


While we are waiting for the masters,

Let's dance and sing.

Children perform any pair dance. The craftsmen come out from behind the tree and bring out the dress and shoes.

14. Valera

We ran, we were in a hurry,

We made a dress for you.

15. Lenya

So the shoes are ready,

Put them on quickly

Well, don't forget us.


Get dressed, darling

Otherwise you'll be late for the ball. But remember! How to strike 12 times -
Everything will disappear in that same hour.
Cinderella takes the dress and shoes and bows to the masters.


Farewell, thank you, I'm going to the ball.

Santa Claus himself invited me to visit.

He runs behind the tree and changes clothes.


Wonderful, wonderful! The ball is open!

The whole child is sparkling. the garden is on fire.

Attention! At our ball there is a charming guest - Cinderella.

Welcome to the ball!

We are very, very glad to see you.

Guests, is everything in place? Dance with you together

Let's start dancing. I invite everyone to get up!


I am glad to see you too

And I’ll start dancing right away.

Children perform "Polonaise", music by Yu. Slonov.


There are cheerful musicians at our ball.

They will demonstrate their talents.



There won't be enough music today,

And again the song began to sound in the hall.

Vocal group performing a song

Noise and screaming outside the door.

Presenter What a cry, what a roar, isn’t this a herd of cows?

This is not a cow, this is Nesmeyana the roar!

(looks at the door).

(Nesmeyana and the Tsar enter)

Tsar: Well, well, Nesmeyana, don’t cry, don’t cry. We’re at the ball, where everyone is dancing and having fun, don’t spoil everyone’s holiday.

Well, do you want some ice cream? (calms her down, runs near her)

Nesmeyana: I don’t want - y - y

King: Well, some cake?

N: I don’t want to!

C : Well, tell me, what do you want?

N : I don’t want to talk, I don’t want to eat,

I'll whine all day and won't listen to anyone.

C: Well, wait, don't cry, I have a crown from yours

Reva rolled over onto her side. Why are you still screaming?

N: I will cry. Why do I keep shouting, why do you care?

I don’t want anything, I’m tired of everything. A - a - a - a

The king sings : Oh you, my poor little daughter

Well, look how thin the figure has become

I'll take care of you

N : I do not want anything.

Tsar : Your state is hysterical

Eat a dietary egg, daughter.

Or maybe see a doctor

N: I do not want anything.

C: My poor daughter, soon foreign singers will be here. Choose what you want - I'll pay for it

N: I do not want anything.

The king shouts: Security.

(The music sounds “Security, security rises” and 4 guards come out and the guards DANCE)

King: (reads the scroll)Listen to the honest decree, the king issued such an order. I am the mighty Tsar of all Russia, I declare my will and command you all.

To cheer my daughter up and make her forget her sadness.

Whoever brings her joy will not leave without a reward.

Who makes the princess laugh better?

He will instantly receive half the kingdom! Fulfill (the guards leave to the same music)

Tsar : Who will make the princess laugh?

Presenter : Someone seems to be running!

Presenter: Well, guys, let's try to cheer up Nesmeyana?

Shall we go outside with us to frolic, sledding, playing in the snow? Look how fun it is.(children near Nesmeyana sing and dance in a circle)


N: I don’t want to, stop it, I’m already frozen.


Presenter: It would be better if you didn’t cry, but looked and listened, maybe you wanted to learn yourself, and not shed tears. Hey guys, come out and show your talents

Vika plays the harp

N continues to roar.

Presenter: A good fellow wants to sing for you.

Danila sings solo

N: I don’t want to

March music sounds. Soldier enters

15. Soldier: Who needs to be cheered up here?

We are always happy to help, it was you who was crying here.

She's bored of sitting idle

Give her a broom so that she doesn’t feel bored.

And you will see that she will immediately become more cheerful.

(Gives Nesmeyana a broom. She sweeps and sweeps the jug from under the tree) Nesmeyana: Ugh, disgusting broom, I’m tired of it, I’m Princess Nesmeyan and I won’t stop roaring.

The king rubs the jug and says:

“What kind of object, some kind of jug, unusual, ancient”

The main light turns off. Music sounds (Gin appears) Sneezing is heard, Hottabych appears

Leading: Oh, who are you, venerable old man?

Hottabych: O dear children, O venerable star, you have let me out of sharpening forever. I sat in this vessel for 200 years, poor thing, and the evil dwarf ordered me to be sealed in the vessel. I am your slave until my death, I will be glad to serve you, any of you as a brother will fulfill all my wishes.

Did you recognize me?

Presenter; Well, of course.

The song “Ha-ha-ha!” Hottabych" (G. Gladkov, words by Yu. Entin).

Hottabych : The jug is dark and cramped, and not at all interesting.

And it’s so beautiful here, everything sparkles, it’s just amazing

And who are you, the light of my eyes?

Nesmeyana; I am a princess who never laughs, I will not stop crying...

Hottabych: I know Princess Budur, I also know Scheherazade.

Nesmeyana, I don’t know you, but you are also beautiful!

Leading: Dear Hottabych, you are the most famous fakir! I really want you to cheer up Nesmeyan on this holiday.

Hottabych. (Tricks)

I want to surprise you
I'll turn the cat into a bird.

See, I have a box in my hands? I open it and show it (Hottabych moves the lid of the box from the side where it is really empty and shows it to the children).

Now a pussy appeared in my hands. (Shows a toy kitten).

You look carefully, because you are sitting close.

(Hottabych pulls out a hair from his beard, tears it and pronounces a mysterious spell: fuck, tibidoh, tibidoh, tibidoh

The song “The wizard Suleiman has everything honestly without deception” plays, the old man casts a spell

(Places the kitten toy in the free part of the box and closes the lid, after which he makes distracting passes - spins around, moves the box from one hand to the other, trying to turn it over to the other side, in which the bird is already placed).

We respect all pussies, but now, believe me,
She will fly away from us like a letter in an envelope.
Yes, I am a great wizard
And I’ll tell you without lying,
That in an instant this pussy
I turn into a sparrow.
Our pussy is spinning
Pussy turned into a bird!

After which he opens the box from the right side and shows that there is a bird inside).

. 1. Colored water.

The water turns from ordinary to multi-colored!

The secret of the trick:

To perform the trick, you need to take 3 jars with screw-on lids. The inside of the lids is covered with watercolor paint (red, green, blue). Water is poured into the jars in advance. The magician shows everyone that the water is ordinary, then says the magic words:

You, water-water,

My friend, you are cold,

Stand, water-water,

Not light, but green.

You, water-water,

You are my beautiful friend,

Stand, water-water,

Not simple, but red.

You, water-water,

Light as frost

Stand, water-water,

Not a simple one, but a blue one!

The magician shakes the water in the jar, the water turns the desired color.

6. Turning candy wrappers into candy.

The secret of the trick is simple. For this trick you will need a box of xerox paper, which should be equally bright and colorful on all sides. The box has a little secret: the bottom of the box is carefully cut out. The cut out bottom is carefully and firmly glued inside the box, as if dividing it in half from the inside. A second lid for the box is being made. So: the box is closed with two lids on opposite sides (a bright mark is glued to one of the lids. Under this lid the box is filled with candy wrappers). There are sweets under the opposite lid. The magician picks up a bright, colorful box, performs various manipulations with it, places it on the table with the lid facing up, on which there is a bright mark, opens and shows the children a box filled to the top with candy wrappers. Then he closes the lid, puts a small translucent cape over it, performs various manipulations with it, places it on the table with the opposite side (the bright mark on the lid should be at the bottom), opens the lid and shows the children the candies.

Nesmeyana laughed.

Tsar: Well, my friends respected me, my daughter smiled. Everything blossomed like the sun,she blushed. Well, continue our ball, have fun and don’t get bored. And Nesmeyana and I will go to the royal chambers and rest a little. They leave.

Hottabych: Who is this? (walks, looks at the Christmas tree).

Wow, wow, how many years have I been living in the world, but I have never seen such beauty!

I am telling you this, the wisest and most powerful Genie.

We don’t even have such a beautiful tree in the East.

And what juicy fruits it bears,(takes off the ball and examines it)

Tell me, are they tasty? I really want to try it!(bites)

Presenter: Dear Hottabych, these fruits are not edible,

They decorate the Christmas tree on the New Year's holiday.

Hottabych: What kind of New Year's holiday? I haven't heard of him at all!

Presenter Guys, let's tell our guest what the New Year is.

Children read poems or sing a song about the New Year

And what miracle did I see, I want to ask you about it.

On your street all around

Covered with white carpet

Your carpet is so wonderful

But for me he is unknown.

Presenter: Guys, it turns out that Hottabych has never seen snow. Let's tell him about the snow and sing a song.


16. Vika T. White snow, fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the ground is quiet

Falls, lies down.

And in the morning snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

Everything dressed him.

17. The cloud turned into snow

And she attacked everyone!

Especially for the guys!

What a snowdrift!

It turned out - look -

Absolutely snowy Vitya!

Snowy me!

And snowy Roma!

How do they recognize us at home?


Hottabych : Oh, the wisest of the wise. Now I know what kind of carpet this is on your street - it’s snow. I'm so glad!

I really like it here

I'm happy at this moment

Ask for whatever you want

The old man will do everything...

And if suddenly you feel sad

And something is bothering you

The old man has a beard

She will always help!

Leading: Dear Hottabych, maybe, with the help of your magic beard, you can help us invite Santa Claus to the ball?

Hottabych: Oh, kindest of the kindest! I am your faithful servant Hassan Abdurrahman ibn Hottab, ready to do everything for these dear boys, but I have never met him and don’t know what he looks like! Describe it to me.

Leading: Now the kids will explain to you what Santa Claus looks like. Listen!

(Poems about Santa Claus)

18. Zhenya M Santa Claus is a cheerful grandfather,
He's dressed to the nines.
He is a very brave artist,
He paints with white paint
White, white, white light:
The ski trail turns blue,
The ice on the river turns black,
The blue evening is coming

19. Without Santa Claus

Snowflakes don't fly

Without Santa Claus

The patterns don't shine...

Without Santa Claus and the trees don't light up,

And without Frost there is no fun for the guys

Hottabych. So-soOh, how well do you know him? I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison.

Is Santa Claus a cheerful old man? (Yes.)

Do you like jokes and gags? (Yes.)

Knows songs and riddles? (Yes.)

Will he eat all your chocolates? (No.)

Will he light the children's Christmas tree? (Yes.)

Wearing shorts and a T-shirt? (No.)

Doesn't his soul age? (No.)

Will it warm us up outside? (No.)

Is Santa Claus the brother of Frost? (Yes.)

Is our birch good? (No.)

Is Santa Claus bringing gifts? (Yes.)

Does he drive a foreign car? (No.)

Wears a cane and a hat? (No.)

Sometimes he looks like his dad? (Yes.)

I understand ! (Hottabych casts a spell. The music “Troika with bells” plays).

Santa Claus appears.

Hey, I'm coming! Hello! Hello! Hello everyone, both small children and your parents! Happy New Year! - Why doesn’t the Christmas tree light up? Come on, Christmas tree, come on,

Play with lights!

Let's say together: One, two, three! Our Christmas tree is on fire!

I came to your ball, let's have fun

Sing songs and dance, run and frolic.

Round dance around the Christmas tree to the song “Santa Claus”. (Hottabych hides)

Hottabych looks out from behind the tree.

Father Frost: Who is this? Your guest? What is he famous for?

Leading : Grandfather Frost, this is Hottabych, he is a wizard.

Father Frost: Oh, so you are a wizard. I'm a wizard too. Let's show our magic, which of us is stronger.

If I wave my hand now, the snow will fall thick!

To the sound of a blizzard, there is a surprise moment: sparkles are falling from a star on the ceiling.

O mighty one! Now watch my trick. Here is a magic chest, I’ll put the boys and girls, and you can find them later.

A chest without a back wall, covered with a beautiful blanket. The children take turns entering it, the blanket is closed, and at this time an adult takes the child out of the chest through the back wall. The cover opens - there is no child. Another child comes in. Santa Claus asks to return the children. Children come out from behind the Christmas tree.

Father Frost: But before your eyes, I will instantly make all children poets. (Santa Claus reads poetry. Children finish the word.)

It's snowing outside,

Holiday is coming... (New Year)

The needles glow softly,

The coniferous spirit comes from... (Christmas tree)

And the toys swing:

Flags, stars, firecrackers.

Whitebeard and Rednose

Under the branches of Santa... (Frost)

And decorating the top,

It shines there, as always,

Very bright, big

Five-winged... (Star)

Father Frost. Well done, real poets. Are the readers good? Tell us your poems?


Who is in a smart warm fur coat,
With a long white beard,
Comes to visit on New Year's Day,
Both ruddy and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
It makes the holiday more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!

21. If the frost ends,
The snow will melt white,
Santa Claus
Will the poor person do it?
Water will run off it
Streams to the floor,
From his beard then
Will it start to drip too?
Dear Grandfather Frost,
Darling, darling!
Hide, Grandfather Frost,
In our refrigerator!

22 Look, what a grandfather -
Dressed in a white fur coat,
Frost in long hair
And icicles on the mustache!

D. Moroz Make way, honest people,

Santa Claus is coming to dance. Well, Hottabych, try to out-dance me

Eh, I’ll stamp my foot and stamp the other.

I love to dance -

After all, this is the character.

Santa Claus and Hottabych are dancing.

Father Frost. Oh, the music is fun! I danced so hard, it even took my breath away. Hot!(He sees a tree stump.)

I'd rather sit on a tree stump

I'll rest for an hour.

Santa Claus is about to sit down, the stump squeaks and runs away.

Father Frost. What's happened? Is the tree stump squeaking? As soon as I get up, the stump is silent.


What a disgrace

I'm almost howling in pain.

Sit down, sit down,

Don't crush me.

I am outraged to the limit -

That's what it is.

Father Frost .

Who are you, show yourself

Go out and don't be angry.


I'm not angry on New Year's Day

I'll spin around in a quick dance.

Dances and leaves

Father Frost.

We have never seen anything like this, for the stumps to dance.

But always on New Year's Eve everything goes the other way around.

I love someone who is cheerful, I am Santa Claus.

If someone is hanging their nose, let them raise their nose.

I invite all the people to a round dance, to a round dance.

Do you know a song about me? Will you sing?


Well, you are funny people!It's our turn to play. (GAMES TO CHOICE)

1. round dance game

(children in a circle Santa Claus inside a circle)

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into bunnies!

(Santa Claus knocks with his staff, children perform the appropriate movements after each verse)

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into foxes!

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I will turn children into horses!

I walk, I wander through the forest,

I have a magic staff.

I'll knock three times loudly

I'll turn everyone into little bears

2. There is one game for you called “Snow Mess”.

Eh, snow, ice, chaos, hello Zimushka - winter.

Attention - stand up in pairs and freeze your palms!

(knees, hair, shoulders, backs, hugs)

Wow! Well frozen! This is how strong my frost is, as soon as it freezes, it freezes! Now I’ll knock with my staff, I want to unfreeze everyone!


3. Santa Claus: Would you like me to give you a ride on my magical sleigh?. Playing with Santa Claus - he hoops children.

Hottabych: Well, I give up, you win. You are stronger than me. Ay, dear! You played well, but I forgot about the gifts for the children! Now I’ll show you real magic. I’ll conjure up a whole chest of gifts for the kids.

Music of transformation1. The chest is empty. (2 times)

Father Frost: Well, they made me laugh! You have a magic chest, and I have a magic staff. Just hit it, and the guys will have real New Year's gifts!

Oh, I love to be generous and give gifts!

Bring Hottabych here quickly my New Year's bag.

Hottabych gives a small bag.

Presenter : Is this your gift? But he's so small!

How are we going to divide it among all the guys?

Father Frost

Oh, that's really not enough. Now a miracle will happen, put the bag in the magic chest

Lights flash, music of transformation 2.

Santa Claus: It worked! Gives out gifts



The clock is already striking 12 -

Our holiday ended here,

I managed to have some fun

And the dress will soon turn into rags.

Presenter . Don’t be afraid, Cinderella, nothing bad will happen, because today is not an ordinary night, but New Year’s. If the clock strikes 12 times, it means that the main wizard is coming to everyone - New Year!

New Year's song. The departure of Santa Claus

Father Frost: Here comes the New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish.

Much joy today

We wish you well, kids!

May you grow big

So that you don't have any worries!

Well, I’ll come to visit you

Again exactly one year later!

Let's go Hottabych and you with me. They are leaving (music “Snowflake”).

Presenter: The New Year has come to us

We danced in a circle

They sang and danced

And a little tired

It's time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree

And return to your group.

Children: Goodbye, Christmas tree.

Returning children to the group

Summary of the New Year's holiday in the senior group based on the fairy tale "Cinderella" by C. Perrault.

This scenario will be of interest to music directors, teachers of preschool educational institutions, as well as primary school teachers, teachers of extended day groups and teachers of additional education who actively use theatrical activities in their work.
Creating conditions for the manifestation of artistic abilities of students in preparation for the holiday and during it.
- Learn songs, dance movements, words by roles with children;
- Develop memory, vocal skills, stage movement skills and creative potential of children;
- Develop a culture of behavior on stage in the image of a fairy-tale character.


Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Wizards (4)
1 daughter
2 daughter
Young ladies (4)
Hussars (4)
Heralds (2)

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle in front of the Christmas tree.
We've been waiting for this holiday for a long time
Our beloved New Year!
We prepared, we dreamed,
That a miracle will come to us again!
Better than a forest Christmas tree
There is no gift for us
Why are there lights on it?
Don't they sparkle brightly?
Our Christmas tree is not very simple,
She needs to say magic phrases.
The tree will hear us and immediately wake up
And a fabulous light will shine on us!
You, friends, don't lag behind!
Repeat after me -
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don’t be bored,
Sparkle with lights!
Christmas tree, Christmas tree, don’t be bored,
Sparkle with lights!
The lights on the tree light up.

Hello, Christmas tree, you are amazing
And elegant and beautiful!
All covered in garlands and balloons,
In gilding and in lights!
You came to us, fragrant Christmas tree,
Green, slightly silver.
She came all sparkling with snowflakes,
Transparent, thin pieces of ice.
You, Christmas tree, shine on us,
Shine all the lights!
And we will sing, dance,
Celebrate the New Year soon!

Song (At the discretion of the music director)

New Year is a magical holiday!
Miracles happen.
A fairy tale will come to us, guys
Close all your eyes.
The lights turn off, leaving only the garlands on the Christmas trees to burn.
Hush, hush, the lights have gone out
The magic hour has arrived.
In a fairy tale, anything can happen.
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking on our door,
Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in!”

The Heralds come out and play the trumpet.
Herald 1
Residents of the kingdom
Listen, listen
And don't talk later
What haven't you heard!!!
Herald 2
Our most honorable king
Invites everyone to the ball!!!
So that on New Year no one
I didn't get bored in the kingdom!!!
Herald 1
Banned this evening
Longing, despondency, blues!!!
Let's go to the palace with greetings
Fun, happiness and goodness!!!
Herald 2
Everyone heard, of course,
This festive decree
What's for the ball, for New Year's,
The king invites you!!!
They play the trumpet again and leave.
Cinderella comes in to the music, holding a rag, a frying pan or a saucepan in her hands. She's wearing an old dress. She sits down on the bench and rubs the frying pan.

Oh, how sad I am today,
The tears just keep rolling down.
Today is the New Year's holiday,
I want to have fun.
But Cinderella has worries,
There is no end to the work.

Stepmother and daughters enter.
Cinderella, run and get up,
Correct our outfits,
Why are you seated and sitting?
You are in no hurry to help us.
Cinderella gets up and begins to straighten the outfits of her sisters and Stepmother.

1 daughter
Soon, soon the ball will begin -
It's time for us to go!
We'll have fun there
Until the morning!
2 daughter
We are beautiful and wonderful
Let us shine!
The prince, of course, will notice us
And he will invite you to dance!

Girls, hurry up, the carriage...
Addresses Cinderella, giving her a to-do list.
You'll change this!
1 daughter
Things are written down here
So that by morning you can do everything
Remake, rewash,
Sort it out, twist it,
2 daughter
Count, recalculate,
And don't even think about sleeping.
The holiday is at the gates,
And no one sleeps on New Year's Day!

The stepmother and daughters leave, Cinderella is left alone with the to-do list, looks at the list, sighs and sits down on the bench again. Then he picks up the pan again and continues cleaning it.

I really want to go to the ball,
And there’s a lot to do.
Just take a peek
How people celebrate...

The sounds of magic are heard. The Fairy appears.
Hello, dear child!
Why are you sad?
I want to go to the ball.
The king invited everyone there!
How can I go to the ball?
The dress I'm wearing is torn.
Cinderella, darling,
I will help you -
I'll call my assistants
They will come running to us.
calls for helpers.
Young wizards
We need you now!
Run here quickly
There is a job for you!

Assistant wizards arrive.

Wizard 1
At our school of magic
Although we are just learning,
We've learned a lot -
We will succeed!
Wizard 2
Our beloved teacher,
The most beautiful fairy
We're ready for the task
Do it quickly!
Quickly take a look at Cinderella -
She was getting ready for the ball.
Show us the magic
So that the outfit becomes beautiful.

Cinderella goes behind the screen to change clothes.

Wizard 3
Of sparkling snowflakes
We'll get the magic fabric,
Plus frosty patterns
They will only make it better!
Wizard 4
Delicate, snow-white satin
We'll add it a little.
Stars from the sky on a dress
We'll send it straight.
Wizard 1
That's it, the outfit is ready -
All that's left for us is
Wave a magic wand
And our Cinderella will become
The most beautiful of all beautiful ladies!!!

The wizards wave their magic wands together. Then Cinderella appears in a beautiful outfit.

Wizard 2
How wonderful it turned out
We never dreamed of this!
Wizard 3
We received the dress
And they forgot about the shoes.
Wizard 4 presents shoes for Cinderella on a cushion.
Wizard 4
I'll give you shoes and you'll dance,
You will be a beauty and sparkle at the ball.
Just remember my order:
It will only strike 12 times,
The magic will suddenly disappear -
Everything will change around.

Everyone goes behind the tree to the music, the lights turn on full.
Cinderella is still on the way
And the lights are burning in the palace,
Dances, songs, round dances,
Everyone congratulates each other
Happy New Year this evening!

The Fairy and Cinderella appear.

Cinderella, come quickly!
Have fun among the guests!
And now everyone is in a round dance!
Have a good New Year!

After the round dance, the children sit on chairs. The King comes out to the music.

What a wonderful ball today,
The hall is full of lovely guests!
Today I won't let you get bored
And sing the song loudly!

Song (at the discretion of the music director)
After the song, the king sits on the throne. The young ladies and hussars come out.

I sat for a long time,
I didn’t see all the guests.
I'll look at the guests
I am similar between them.

He walks around the guests, greets them, and pays compliments to the young ladies:

You are beautiful!
Simply amazing!
How beautiful!
How beautiful!

Addresses the hussars:

And what about the hussars?
Isn't it time to dance?

Dance "Hussars and Young Ladies"

Oh, who is this?
What is your name, dear?
Cinderella, Your Majesty!
Son, son, come here
Look how beautiful it is!
Take her hand
And invite me to dance.
Guests, don't lag behind,
Everyone invite each other.

Pair dance (at the discretion of the music director)
After the dance everyone sits down. The Prince and Cinderella remain and walk near the Christmas tree. The lights on the tree go out.
Can I ask you
How do you like it in our palace?
How do you like the New Year's ball?
I've been waiting for him for so long.
He's even more wonderful with you.
More interesting and charming!

The ball here seems to have been a success
Just got stuck somewhere
Honorable guest - Santa Claus.
Or did the snowstorm carry him over?

So that he can reach us
We need a musical sound.
Come on, guests, help me out
Play the music louder!

Playing children's musical instruments (bells, bells, triangles)

From behind the doors: I hear you! I hear you!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter.
Father Frost
That's it, we've arrived! They found you through your music.
Hello children! Hello, guests!
Happy New Year
Both hosts and guests!
We wish everyone happiness and good luck
And have nice clear days!

Snow Maiden
And your Christmas tree is just a miracle!
Real beauty!
But only without lights.
We need magic words.
Grandfather, say the words
And turn on the lights quickly!

Father Frost
Light up with bright lights, green beauty!
Light up our faces with bright flashlights!
We really like your golden toys.

The lights didn't come on.

Help me say the last words:
Elegant, radiant, shine, shine, burn!

The lights come on.

Father Frost
And now everyone is in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance (at the discretion of the music director)

Snow Maiden
So I got caught in a round dance,
Stay here.
You can't leave, Frost,
Don't break out!

Game "We won't let you out."

Father Frost
Then I'll freeze you!
Game "I'll Freeze!"

Father Frost.
Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit.
I'll look at all the guests.

Santa Claus, sit down
Get some rest.
We are poems about the New Year
We know a lot!

Reading poetry.
The clock sounds. Cinderella runs out to the Christmas tree in fear.

The clock strikes 12 times
I forgot the fairies.

Cinderella runs behind the Christmas tree. The prince runs out to the Christmas tree.

Cinderella! Where? Where?
Don't rush anywhere!
Cinderella, beauty,
The holiday continues!

The prince runs away after Cinderella and returns with the slipper.

Cinderella suddenly ran away
I even lost my shoe.
What should I do Santa Claus?
Help me solve the problem?

Father Frost
Dear Prince, do not be discouraged!
I will help you, you know
What's on New Year's Eve?
A miracle will happen again!
We will slightly correct the fairy tale -
And Cinderella will come soon!

The sound of magic sounds. Cinderella returns, the Prince rejoices and puts on her shoe.

It's great to have you back! I am so glad to see you!

Santa Claus hugs the Prince and Cinderella
Father Frost
Our fairy tale has a happy ending!
(addresses guests)
And whoever listened - well done!
All the guests, the children, everyone, everything, everything
Hurry up and stand in a circle
And a song that everyone knows
Sing louder!

Round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Snow Maiden
Grandfather Frost, on our bright holiday
All the guys have been waiting for gifts from you!
Father Frost
Wow, I almost forgot!
I left them somewhere here... Was it covered in snow? (looks around)
Let's do this - close all our eyes and blow with all our might, the snow will fly away and gifts will be found!
Children close their eyes and blow, at which time one of the adults quietly removes the white blanket from the gifts. Then Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts.
Father Frost
Everyone is happy and satisfied -
It's time for us to end the holiday!
Snow Maiden
May the New Year bring joy!
Father Frost (addressing the children)
And don’t get sick, kids!
They say to everyone “See you again!!!” and leave.
The holiday ends.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Balashikha urban district

“Kindergarten of a combined type No. 43 “Amber Island”


New Year's party script

preparatory group

Prepared the script

preparatory speech therapist teacher

speech therapy group "Korablik"

Korlyakova G.V.,



« CINDERELLA's New Year's Adventure"

preparatory group

Under calm, New Year's music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

Ved.-fairy -Everything in the hall is elegant and new, glowing and sparkling,

Look, guys, there’s a beauty here again – the Christmas tree is standing!

Happy New Year,

May fun come to you

I wish you happiness and joy

For both the guys and the guests!

Children: 1. Hello, Christmas tree!

How beautiful, you lit your lights,

How many happy children are you?

I invited you to visit me on holiday!

2. Voices are heard near the Christmas tree today:

Together: Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

(Children perform the song “In a Spacious Bright Hall” by A. Stern)

(Then the children sit on the chairs)

Children: 3. Winter darling, two white wings,

How much fluffy snow did you bring?

Covered the paths with a blanket of snow,

And a gentle bell rings like an icicle.

4. Outside the window the snow is swirling, sweeping,

There the blizzard sings songs,

Magic comes to us with you,

Along with the Christmas tree and good winter.

A miracle fairy tale will open the door for us,

Only you believe in this fairy tale!

“Dance of Snowflakes” Music by Kartushina

Ved.- -fairy If we say the magic words,

Then miracles will begin immediately!

Children together: Fairy tale, fairy tale answer,

Come to us quickly!

Music sounds and the Fairy appears.

Fairy- My dear little friends!

I am glad to serve you all and show you an old fairy tale that was born many centuries ago. And since then everything lives and lives, and everyone tells it in their own way.

Cinderella's music plays, a set table and chairs are set out.


Fairy- As soon as the sun lit up the sky, Cinderella woke up and swept the floors.

Cinderella comes out, sweeps, and sings. The Stepmother comes out from behind the tree.

Stepmother- Why are you singing? Don't you have enough work?

The Daughters run up.

Stepmother- The little daughters stood up and opened their clear eyes. Oh, you are my beloved beauties.

1st daughter- Hey, Cinderella, come on, comb my hair!

2nd daughter- Hey Zamorashka! Bring me a mirror!

Stepmother- Cinderella, don’t yawn, set the table for dinner!

Cinderella- Is it really possible to do everything?

Stepmother and daughters- You can if you want!

They sit at the table and drink tea. Cinderella serves them.

Fairy- This is how Cinderella worked from morning to evening, and her sisters only rested and had fun. But one day everything changed...

Fanfares sound and 2 heralds come out.

Heralds- Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! (together)

1. Everyone who lives in the city,

The king is inviting you to his ball!

2. Come, both old and young -

He will be glad to see all guests!

Fairy- The stepmother and daughters began to fuss, running in, afraid of being late.

Stepmother- Daughters. hurry up

Get dressed up quickly1

Cinderella! Help me get dressed quickly!

1st daughter- Hey Cinderella! Quickly comb my hair!

2nd daughter- Cinderella, bring me a mirror immediately!

Stepmother- Hurry up, hurry up, otherwise we'll be late!

Cinderella- Mother, take me with you to the palace, I want it so much

get to the ball!

Stepmother- Who gave you permission?

Maybe the king himself called you?

We need to clean the house, sort out the grain, bring firewood,

Yes, sweep the floors. Get to work quickly, no need to cry!

Hey horses! Take us to the palace!

The horses run out, the Stepmother and Daughters leave.

Cinderella sighs and begins to sweep and clear the table.

Fairy- Having seen such injustice, I, as fair and

the good sorceress simply had to help the poor woman

To Cinderella.

Suitable for Cinderella.

Fairy- Don't cry, don't be upset,

Get ready for the royal ball soon,

For your hard work and kindness,

I will help you get to this ball!

But remember: when it strikes 12 times -

Everything will disappear at the same hour!

She spins Cinderella around, removes the scenery, and takes off her old dress.

Fairy- Well, your dress is ready!

Cinderella looks at her feet.

Cinderella- How can I go without smart shoes?

Fairy- This grief can be helped!

Snowflakes fly from the sky quickly

You will give shoes to Cinderella!


After the dance, the snowflake girls run behind the tree and bring shoes from there. Cinderella changes her shoes.

Fairy- And here are the horses standing at the porch,

They'll get you to the fun ball in no time.

The horses run out and take Cinderella behind the tree.

Fairy- And at this time, the ball in the palace is in full swing. Everyone is having fun and

joyfully, everyone laughs and dances.

Song "BELLS"

After the song, the children sit down, and Cinderella comes out from behind the tree and takes a look.

Cinderella- How beautiful, fun, wonderful it is here!

The Prince approaches Cinderella.

Prince - What kind of beauty appeared here? (takes Cinderella by the hand)

As if the sun had descended from the sky?

The King approaches.

King- Let me introduce myself modestly - KING!

He ruled his kingdom for many years,

I met many different beauties,

But I swear on my crown that the princess is like this

Never seen it anywhere!

Cinderella- I came to you by accident, but I was dreaming about the holiday!

King- Come on, stay, beautiful stranger.

Cinderella passes and sits next to the prince.

King- And now I have prepared a special surprise for the guests,

I compiled the entire concert program strictly myself!

The first herald comes out and unrolls the scroll.

Herald 1 - We're starting the show

The first number surprised everyone:

Snowmen came to visit us,

Be careful not to freeze your nose!


The 2nd herald comes out.

Herald 2 - Well, now the readers are famous

They will read wonderful poems for you!

New Year

Through the dense forest,

Blizzard field

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

It smells like fresh tar again,

We gathered at the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

The lights on it came on.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

Masks flash here and there...

You are a bear and I am a fox.

What miracles!

Let's dance together,

Hello, hello, New Year!

(Dance “Polka” music by Spandakevich)

After the number the clock strikes. Cinderella runs out.

Cinderella- Time flew by quickly, I didn’t have time to look back,

The clock strikes 12 times - it will all end now!

The lights go out, Cinderella runs away and loses her shoe. The light turns on.

The prince picks her up .

Prince- Where is the guest? What's happened?

The shoe fell off my foot,

I'll go around half the world,

I’ll find a sweet guest!

Fairy- Sadness, drive away sadness,

I'm glad to help the Prince!

To continue the holiday,

The sorcerer must be called!

He's so funny, a prankster,

He'll pinch you right on the nose,

There will be no holiday without him...

Who is this?


Ved.- For some reason, Father Frost and Snow Maiden are not coming. Let's call them!

Children- FATHER FROST! Snow Maiden!

Father Frost - We hear, we hear! Let's go, let's go!

The light turns off. D/M enters, the Christmas tree lights up, he walks around

tree, stops. The light turns on .

Santa Claus - Hello, my friends!

I came to you for the holiday!

I visited you a year ago,

Glad to see you again!

They grew up, they became big,

Did you recognize me?

Ved.- Well, guys, the question is: “Who is this?”


Father Frost - I’m still the same gray-haired, but just like young,

I'm ready to start dancing, even now!

So let's have fun and spin around the Christmas tree!

Song and dance with Santa Claus

The children sit down. D/M approaches the Prince.

D/Frost- For some reason, your Prince is not happy,

He hung his head for some reason. (takes the shoe)

What kind of shoe do you have? (children's answer)

Let's play now.

Hey friends, hurry here,

Show your strength and dexterity,

Only the one who wins the game

Who will take the shoe first?

Rules of the game "Burners"

It is important that the number of players is even + Santa Claus.

All players are divided into pairs and stand behind Santa Claus at a distance of 3-4 meters from him.

The players sing:

“Burn, burn clearly,

So that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky:

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing!"

As soon as they finish singing, the last couple unclasps their arms and runs along the column, one on the left, the other on the right.

As soon as the couple ran, the rest of the children shouted:

“One, two, don’t be a crow, run like fire!”

The children grab the shoe, and D.M. trying to catch up with them.

D/Frost- Thank you everyone, and now -

I want to listen to you!

Snow Maiden - Let the poems and songs sound,

Our holiday will be more interesting!


In December, in December

All trees are in silver.

Our river, like in a fairy tale,

The frost paved the way overnight,

Updated skates, sleds,

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first

From home warmth.

In the morning I stopped crying,

She breathed and came to life.

Its needles tremble a little,

The lights lit up on the branches.

Like a ladder, like a Christmas tree

The lights shoot up.

Firecrackers sparkle with gold.

I lit a star with silver

Reached the top of the head

The bravest light.

A year has passed like yesterday.

Above Moscow at this hour

The clock of the Kremlin tower is striking

Fireworks - twelve times.

D/Frost- Oh, thanks! Well done, we had fun. Yes, only Prince

sits, sad. What happened to you?

(children explain).

Ved.- D/Frost, could you help our Prince find


D/Frost - Dear Prince, look how many beauties there are around!

Announce throughout the kingdom that she who will be

The right shoe will be your Princess!

Prince- Heralds, carry out my order,

Try on the shoe for everyone!

The girls line up, the Heralds try on the shoe. Stepmother and Daughters come out.

Daughter 1- Give me the shoe quickly

Yes, stretch it harder.

The shoe fits in, look, (puts it on the finger)

Marry me.

D/Frost- It's too early to announce the wedding

You try to dance!

The daughter dances, the shoe falls off.

Daughter 1- My leg is pinching - I can’t stand it!

(Sits down, rubs his leg)

D/Frost- Your dance was very nice!

Daughter 2- It will definitely suit me

He will marry me!

(Takes the shoe and pulls it on.)

Daughter 2 - Hey Prince, let's go dance!

(Dances with the Prince, falls to the floor.)

Daughter2- Oh, quickly take it off

Free my leg!

Stepmother- Ah, bunglers, ah, turntables,

Take me as an example,

Pull that shoe on! (pulls on his shoe)

Oh, you, gray-haired D/Frost,

Why are you shaking your beard?

Admire your mother

Let's dance together!

The stepmother dances with D/Frost, the shoe falls off.

D/Frost- Where is your third daughter?

I wouldn't mind meeting her!

Let Cinderella try on this shoe soon!

Stepmother- Are you laughing, D/Moroz? After all, she is Zamorashka,

She always walks around in ashes, and her shoes are old.

D/Frost- Call Cinderella quickly, otherwise I’ll freeze you and yours


Stepmother- Good good! Hey Cinderella! Come here quickly!

Cinderella enters in an old dress. The prince puts on her shoe. The fairy takes off her old dress.

Prince- Here she is, my beautiful princess! Finally you


Ved. How well it all ended! How I love it when

fairy tales end well!

D/Frost- Well friends, get up in a merry round dance,

Let adults and children celebrate the New Year!

(Special round dance with parents “THE TREE WAS BORN IN THE FOREST”)

Fairy- It’s time for us to end the New Year’s holiday,

We wish you a lot of happiness and health, children!

D/Frost- Yes, we had great fun! And now it's time

reward all participants in the New Year's competition

crafts and I now invite the Fairy here, who gives me

will help.

Presentation of souvenirs.

D/Frost- On this New Year's holiday, everyone will receive

long-awaited gifts.

Now I’ll look into my magic bag,

I will give gifts to boys and girls!

Distribution of gifts.

Fairy- So the good fairy tale ends,

but let the holiday not end!

D/Frost- Let in every home, and in every family -

Miracles happen more often!

The soundtrack of the song “THE NEW YEAR IS COMING” plays

Everyone leaves the hall.


Song "Fairy tales walk around the world"

The hall is beautifully decorated, with a Christmas tree in the center. Music. The guests are greeted by the Storyteller.

Tale - Hello guys! Today you came to visit a fairy tale, And you know who I am - (Children answer!). Of course, I am a Storyteller!

A song about a fairy tale.

Well, let's begin! Once upon a time in a kingdom

In a mighty and green forest, where there were willows and maples.

There lived a forester's family: a wife and a small daughter.

For the dear girl the sun was shining, and the blackbird was singing, and the bear was dancing,

And the rose bloomed. So it goes!

But trouble unexpectedly came to the house, and laughter disappeared from the forest forever.

This is how everything changed in the forester’s house:

And the feisty stepmother appeared there -

She adores her daughters, and drives the girl out of the house as soon as possible.

Storyteller - Guys, do you know what kind of fairy tale this is?

Children answer Yes, No, we don’t know

For the meek Cinderella: basins, pans, cauldrons and pots, pokes and clicks,

A needle and a broom - such things!

Cinderella comes onto the stage with a large saucepan. He sits down and begins to wash the pan and sing.

They tease me with Cinderella

Because it's by the fire

Sparing no effort,

In the kitchen I work, I work,

I'm fiddling with the stove, fiddling with it,

And I'm always angry.

Because I'm kind

I've been working up since the morning

Until late at night

Anyone can order

And tell me thank you

No one wants to.

I hide my sadness

I don't cry, I sing

I even smile

But will it never

I can't go anywhere

From ash and soot?

Oh guys, hello! How did you end up here?

The children answer, Cinderella comes down to them, introduces herself, goes through the first circle, and greets the Storyteller.

It’s true, New Year is coming soon, and I work so much that I didn’t even notice that it had come. How I love this holiday! And you? (The guys answer.) There will be dancing, songs, fun, Santa Claus will come and give everyone gifts! And of course, all your dreams will come true... Don’t you guys believe in this? And I believe.

Sings a song

Maybe a fairy tale, maybe a dream

Maybe it's a fairy tale

Maybe a dream

But let your wishes happen

Believe me in the world

She's there somewhere

What does the miracle bird bring us happiness?

Mom talked about her when I was a child

Don't be sad and trust fate

You follow the bird of happiness

You will find yours

Her flight is still only a dream

You fly overseas

Find my little happiness where...

I'm following you, giving my heart

Please take away your grief

give me a hug

At least believe me, at least check...

The herald runs in -

Attention! Attention!

Santa Claus ordered to notify everyone in advance:

Soon there will be a big and noisy ball in his palace.

And the one whom Frost called will be happy!

Here are the invitations to all girls without exception!

(Gives the invitation to Cinderella.) Cinderella carefully takes the invitation, begins to unfold it and read it, rejoices, presses the piece of paper to her heart, shows it to the children, to the music, they dance in a round dance, and meanwhile the stepmother comes out,

Stepmother menacingly - Cinderella! You're making noise again, you're rattling pots,

You knock with spoons... you disturb my sleep!

He walks a circle around the Christmas tree, swearing at Cinderella and threatening the children for making noise.

She saw the herald and asked menacingly

Who else is this?

Having looked at him, anger is replaced by mercy

And, invitations to the New Year's ball with Santa Claus?

He rudely takes away his invitations, not just one, but three. The herald jumps away from her in fear and leaves, looking back. The stepmother, not noticing Cinderella, threatens the herald after her.

Stepmother's song. Sings, passing between children and threatening them, showing his fist, etc.

I am a weak woman, a nervous woman

And if sometimes the mood is bad

You shouldn't contradict me about anything,

I might accidentally hurt you.

I am a kind, gentle, sensitive woman

But if you come to me with a stupid joke

It's not hard to guess then.

Who will have the last laugh...

I am a smart and energetic woman

I could be a great queen

Of course I would be loved

And together we walked in line

I'm already wearing a royal crown

looked great on the throne.

She calls her daughters - Anna, Maryana, come here quickly. We're going to Santa Claus's ball! And there I can finally steal his magic staff and become the queen of the New Year. Yes, I will give everyone a glorious New Year!

Daughters run in

Anna - and I want to become the prince’s bride!

Maryana - No, I am!

Anna - Your legs are crooked!

Maryana is with me! Yes, you have a long nose!

(Ready to grab each other's hair).

Stepmother - Daughters, don’t argue, I’ll find you good suitors! The main thing is that we are going to the New Year's ball at the palace!!!

“To the ball, to the ball, hurray, hurray,” all the daughters shout and finally notice Cinderella. Everyone falls silent and you can only hear Cinderella rejoicing and singing “to the ball, to the ball...”. Seeing the invitation in her hands, the stepmother takes it away

What do you have? Oh, an invitation to a ball?

The sisters begin to mock her

1st daughter. Oh, it’s just hilarious - I’ll get dirty at the New Year’s ball!

2nd daughter. Santa Claus didn’t call you, you dirty little thing.

1st daughter. You surprised us, what a desire!

2nd: You made us laugh - empty efforts!

All day long I'm circling tirelessly like a bee,

I couldn’t even drink coffee in the morning.

I completely abandoned my daughters!

I don’t sleep, I don’t rest, I don’t sleep, I don’t drink, I don’t eat.

4 gossip, 5 intrigues, one scandal,

Doing nasty things - I'm a professional here.

I am raising you without sparing life.

And you keep jumping, ungrateful child!

You're sitting idle, you're not tired!

The dresses haven't been ironed and the house is a mess!

And you would sing everything, how dare you!

Ungrateful, I’m not your enemy!

After all, a ball is not a holiday,

Believe me, no it’s not a holiday

Oh, Cinderella, my baby!

After all, the ball is about connections,

Excellent connections

And I will fulfill my plan.

Sisters - Where are our dresses, hairpieces, feather ribbons

Stockings, garter shoes, diamonds of pearls!

Here they are, sisters!

Select text under minus sign

Can I go to the ball too?

Of course you can, but...

You first tidy up the rooms properly,

Wash the dishes, do the laundry, polish the parquet.

And tidy up the garden

And they poured coffee and they poured coffee

and the family got enough coffee for the whole year.

Of course it’s difficult, but you’ll do great

Another reminder for you is the list of urgent tasks. (Gives Cinderella the list, it unfolds into a long roll)

You will know yourself, you will read your prayers

And for today you and for today you

And today you are free from shackles.

The stepmother and daughters leave.

Cinderella - Wow list, guys! I won’t be able to do this in a month. What to do?

Presenter - Guys, we need your help here. Shall we help Cinderella?

Children YAAAAAA

The presenter, together with Cinderella, holds competitions.

Cinderella - so, we have completed almost all the tasks of the evil stepmother, (expands the list, and it still unwinds PHONOGRAPH), No, we will never cope with this! (cries).

Presenter - guys, what should we do? I think I have an idea! After all, New Year is coming soon and who needs to be called - That's right, Snow Maiden. She is the granddaughter of the great wizard - Father Frost, and she certainly knows how to help Cinderella.

Shall we call the Snow Maiden? Yes? Let's get together - Snegurochka, Snegurochka, Snegurochka!

PHONOGRAM ENTRANCE OF THE SNOW Maiden The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow. -Hello guys! What's happened? Hello Cinderella! Why are you crying? Someone offended you.

Cinderella (sobs) - Snow Maiden! Stepmother!!! To me!!! Plant 12 rose bushes!!! And I!!! Baaaallll!!!

Snow. - AHHHH! I think I understand! Your stepmother again didn’t take you to the ball, but filled you up with work!

Presenter - Yes! The guys and I helped - we helped Cinderella, but we couldn’t even complete half of the tasks! Look how huge the list is here! And she herself rushed to the ball, decided to become a queen

Snow Maiden - Yes, familiar handwriting! You know, Cinderella, it seems to me that your stepmother is not a stepmother!

Cinderella - Who?

Snow Maiden - It looks like your stepmother is an evil witch from a magical forest. She decided to become the queen of the New Year and ruin everyone's holiday. You need to act decisively with such witches. (takes the list, consults with the guys and crosses out the remaining tasks from it.)

Cinderella - and roses?

Snow Maiden - and the roses will grow on their own! All! Now you can go to the ball!

Cinderella - Thank you, Snow Maiden! (tries to run away, taking off his apron as he goes).

Presenter - Cinderella - What about the dress, and the shoes?

Snow Maiden - Yes, I forgot! Come on, Cinderella, come here!


Cinderella changes her dress to a beautiful one.

Snow Maiden - and also a gift for you - beautiful shoes! They will bring you happiness! In the meantime, I need to talk to grandpa. (Leaves).

Presenter. Cinderella’s dress is a miracle outfit: Diamonds, diamonds burn so brightly. Everything shines with brilliance, the brocade is silver, the tiara on the head sparkles.

Cinderella rejoices and shows her outfit and shoes to all the children and dances.

Presenter - it’s time for us to go to the ball, guys! But the road is so long. So winding, long... Well, everyone took hands together and went together to the palace of Santa Claus. (They walk like a snake and confuse the formation.) The main thing is not to lose anyone and not to break up our train.

The lighting and music change.

Here we are at the ball!

Pair dance of children at the ball.

Presenter - Who else are we missing next to the beautiful Christmas tree, where is the owner of the New Year himself? Let's call him, guys!

Children - Grandfather Frost! Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Santa Claus - Hello, my dear guests,

Both small and large.

Happy New Year, I congratulate you,

I wish you happiness and joy.

Look, our Christmas tree is amazing!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Presenter - sit down, grandfather. Grandfather sat down and put his staff behind the chair

Game "Fanta"

While the Children are playing, the Stepmother enters and tries to steal DM's staff with her daughters.

Cinderella - be careful, Grandfather Frost! My evil stepmother wants to steal your staff and become the queen of the New Year.

Stepmother - (grabs the staff and points it at Cinderella) - Oh, here you are, you mean girl! Well, I'll turn you into a rat now! (wants to bewitch her).

DM - we figured you out, evil witch! Although you are cunning, you are stupid. After all, the magic staff of Santa Claus obeys only its owner, that is, me. (stepmother tries to wave a staff and cast a spell) Nothing will work out for you, because you are greedy, envious, there is a lot of anger in you. Children, I know how to overcome anger. You have to laugh at her. Let's laugh at the greedy and harmful stepmother.

Stepmother - To the King - I finally got it.

Come on, quickly down the aisle!

(The king tries to escape). The stepmother and daughters are chasing him. There is noise and commotion everywhere. Suddenly the sound of a bell. Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear.

DM. As soon as I found out that there was trouble here, I came here as soon as possible.

Guys, I was in a hurry to get here.

I almost got lost in the dark forest.

I almost fell into a ravine on the way,

But it seems that he came to visit on time!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Congratulations to all the children,

Congratulations to all the guests.

I visited you a year ago.

I'm glad to see everyone again.

Stand up, guys.

Hurry up to the round dance,

Song, dance and fun

Let's celebrate the New Year with you!

Winter has brightened up...

M. Pozharov

Winter has brightened up:

The headdress has fringe

From transparent ice floes,

Snowflake stars.

All covered in diamonds, pearls,

In colorful lights,

The radiance is pouring around,

Whispers a spell:

- Lie down, soft snows,

To the forests and meadows,

Cover the paths

Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,

Scatter crystal roses

Light visions

Tricky gossip.

You, blizzard, are a miracle,

Round dances of the backwaters,

Take off like a white whirlwind

Turning gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,

Keep your magical dreams:

Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,

New dawn!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Characters: Masha Kuzya Dunno Hare Santa Claus Snow Maiden Wolf Robbers Atamansha Ilya...
  • New Year tree scenario for children of junior groups 1 and 2 TEACHER: Wonderful day...


So, attention, attention!

I ask everyone to hold their breath.

To everyone's delight and surprise

We're opening the show!


This is a saying, not a fairy tale,

The fairy tale will be ahead.

A fairy tale will knock on the door -

Let's tell the guest: come in!

(The song “This is a fairy tale coming to us”) plays.


Everyone, sit down comfortably near the New Year tree,

A kind storyteller is coming to visit us for the New Year holiday.

(The Storyteller comes out to fairy-tale music).


Hello, hello, children!

I know all the fairy tales in the world.

And at this New Year's hour I will tell you one for you!

In a certain kingdom, a magical state, there lived a king and his son, the Crown Prince.

(Music sounds. The decorations are put on display.. The king and the prince solemnly walk through the hall and each occupy their own throne.)


His Majesty the King named Louis the Second

He sat on a throne in a palace and ruled a fairyland.

And then one day he called his faithful servants into the throne room...


Let the Minister of Dance appear,

Minister of Fabulous Finance,

And also the chief astrologer,

And let the senior chef come!

(The courtiers enter to the music and bow.)


Courtiers! I called you here

To announce your decision:

Throw a New Year's ball

We need it this Sunday!

After all, the New Year is coming

I want to please the people!

Minister of Dance:

Let's have round dances!

Minister of Finance:

We will have to allocate finances,

Buy garlands and toys,

Balloons, lanterns, firecrackers!


And make a huge cake for lunch

And forty kilograms of sweets!


I promise to disperse the clouds,

So that the stars can shine,

And the New Year's royal ball

Illuminate with magical light!


Let the royal messengers

Hurry up and fly to all ends!

And let them announce: “All the people

The king is waiting for the New Year holiday!”

(The King, Prince and courtiers leave to the accompaniment of solemn music. The royal messenger runs out. Fanfares sound.)


To all residents of the fairy-tale Kingdom!

Decree of King Louis the Second:

“All the people are waiting for the King for the New Year holiday!”

(The messenger leaves. The Storyteller appears.)


Not far from the royal palace there lived a girl named Cinderella with her stepmother and two sisters - Caprisulya and Imaginary.

(Stepmother and Cinderella enter to the music.)


Cinderella! Idle again!

I haven't swept the floor yet

I didn't clear the snow.

And she didn’t start the fire.

For me, a poor woman,

A whole day of worries can’t be counted,

For you, you disgusting lazy girl,

There was something to drink and eat,

So that I have enough outfits,

So that you become even thinner.

Get out of sight

Yes, go and wash the floors.

(Caprisul and Imaginary come in wearing caps. They stretch and yawn.)


My little birds have woken up,

How did you sleep, daughters?


Haven't you invited me for breakfast yet?


I'll give you some pies now!

(Cinderella runs up with a tray. Caprisulya and Imaginary each take a pie, chew it, slurping loudly. There is a knock on the door. Cinderella opens it - the Messenger enters.)


Good afternoon Let me present you with an invitation to the ball!

All the girls must be there - the King himself ordered it!

(The messenger leaves.)


Cinderella! Get your outfits ready!

The three of us are going to the ball!

(Capricula goes to the mirror and preens herself.)


Give me the beads, Capricious!


Oh, leave me alone, Imaginator!


In a good way, sister, I ask, if I’m angry...


So what?


Then I’ll grab your hair like a tigress!

(Sisters fight and scream.)


My daughters, don’t quarrel!

Cinderella, hurry up!

Little time left!

Learn to be more efficient!


We are the sweetest in the world,

All blush and more tender.


Go around the whole world -

And there are no better beauties.


Daughters, hurry up

Get dressed up quickly.

(To the music, the stepmother and daughters open the chest with outfits and try them on.)


Help us get dressed,

Correct it here, make it more magnificent here.


I like frills and pins.


Sew the bow on me quickly.

(Cinderella puts them on)


Now we're all ready

The carriage is waiting for us at the house.


Mother, I pray to you

Please fulfill my request:

Let me go in the evening

Take a look with one eye

Royal Noble Ball

And a fun carnival.


First, remove the deep snow, clean all the paths in the garden,

Then you plant six rose bushes in pots on the window,

Wash the dishes, wipe the dust everywhere and sort out three bags of peas!


She won't be able to cope until the morning!


Let's go, daughters, it's time for the ball!

(The stepmother and daughters leave. Cinderella slowly approaches the Christmas tree, takes a broom. “Cinderella’s Song” from the movie “Cinderella” is performed.)


First I will remove the deep snow,

I'll clean all the paths in the garden,

Well, now six rose bushes

I will plant in pots on the window,

Let them bloom in winter,

And everyone will be delighted with its beauty!

(Cinderella takes the roses and puts them in a vase. She sits on a chair and falls asleep. The rose girls run out, take two flowers from the vase and perform the “Winter Roses” dance. Then they put the flowers in the vase and surround Cinderella):


Look, roses, how cute Cinderella is,

How beautiful she is, how kind she is!

- On this fairytale night, Cinderella needs help.

Get to the New Year's ball, the Royal Carnival!

- The fun has been in full swing there for a long time and the music is playing loudly.

The Prince Charming is waiting for Cinderella, he is bored alone.

- Little rose sisters, what are we waiting for?

- Let's call the Good Fairy to help!

(The Fairy is brought to the music of Rose. A Page Boy comes with her. He carries crystal slippers on a pillow.)


Oh, Cinderella, wake up!

Your time has come to go to the New Year's ball as soon as possible.

But you can’t just have fun until the morning:

As soon as the clock strikes twelve in the palace,

Your beautiful outfit will disappear forever,

And again you will be wearing a simple dress!

Here I will wave my wand

And I’ll call the snowflakes.

Hey snowflakes, hurry up

Whirl in a smooth waltz,

Dress up Cinderella.

(Snowflakes run out)

1st snowflake.

Crystal snowflakes

Like light fluffs,

We're flying in the air

We sparkle and shine.

2nd snowflake:

The wind quietly circles us,

And in the soft moonlight

We lead our dance

A cheerful crowd.

1st snowflake:

Call us to your place,

Take yours for the holiday

Dance by the Christmas tree

It will sparkle in the lights.

(Dress up Cinderella)

Boy - page:

I'm not a wizard, I'm still learning,

I want to give you

Two crystal slippers

They will bring you happiness!

Fairy: Put on your shoes quickly!

(Cinderella puts on her shoes)

Now it's time for the ball,

To a fun carnival.

Remember, dear child,

I'm not saying this jokingly

That magic doesn't last forever

It will end at midnight.


I will remember your order,

I'll be home at this hour.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

And I say “thank you.”

(The clatter of hooves is heard. Cinderella leaves. To the music, the Fairy and the Page Boy leave, Cinderella goes in the other direction.)

1st buffoon:

Meanwhile in the royal hall

The guests sang and danced.

2nd buffoon:

Hello, Christmas tree, we are so glad.


Hello, New Year's holiday!

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

(To the song “Carnival at the Christmas Tree”. After the song, the King and the Prince take their places on the thrones. The Minister of Dance brings out Cinderella.)

Minister of Dance:

Your Majesty! Your Highness!

I would like to introduce to you and all guests:

A mysterious stranger came to our ball!


Good evening, if you'll excuse me,

But let me ask you:

Are you alone at the evening?

Who brought you here?


I came across you by accident.

But I dreamed about the holiday.


Let me ask

Invite you to dance.

(The Prince and Cinderella are dancing).


Son! And you, madam! I'm very, very happy!

Now we will all continue our glorious masquerade!

Prince: (to Cinderella)

I'm so glad you decided

To visit our modest ball,

Sing to us, stranger,

I want to ask you.

(The song “Good Beetle” is played by lead singer Cinderella.)

(The clock strikes.)


Oh, what is this? The clock is striking twelve.

Farewell, dear Prince, I must hurry!


Where are you going, stranger, stay here!

(The lights in the hall go out, Cinderella runs away and loses her shoe. The Prince runs after Cinderella, picks up the shoe. The lights come on.)


Disappeared instantly, what a shame!


Only the glass slipper remained,

Where did the stranger go?

Without this girl, the world is not sweet to me,

How can I find her, who can give me advice?

(Fairy appears)


Dear Prince! Today is New Year,

And don’t be discouraged on New Year’s Day.

We need Santa Claus

Call here for help quickly.

Guys, let's call Santa Claus together!

(The children call Father Frost. Father Frost enters the hall and leads Cinderella by the hand.)

Father Frost:

Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello children,

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy,

Happy life - one hundred years

And a hundred pounds of health.

I'm very happy today

And I'm friends with the guys,

I won't freeze anyone

I won't give anyone a cold.

(sings to the tune of the song “Good Beetle”)

Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!

You are my friend and I am your friend

Old faithful friend!

Santa Claus is coming here,

It's coming to you, it's coming to you,

He takes Cinderella with him,

Leads Cinderella.

(Santa Claus takes Cinderella to the Prince.)

Prince: (hands Cinderella the slipper)

Here is your glass slipper,

Put it on your leg quickly!

(Cinderella puts on her slipper. The King enters.)

Prince: (to father)

Oh, father, what happiness,

(to Cinderella)

I will love you forever,

Let me give you permission right away

Offer your hand with your heart!

(The Prince, Cinderella, Santa Claus and the King join hands and go to the center of the hall.)


On New Year's Eve we are waiting for a miracle,

And now dreams come true,

And again true friends

They meet at the Christmas tree.


Let the minutes of happiness be in the hours

And the years turn

Let joy enter every home

And the fairy tale does not end!


Come on, fairy-tale people,

Join the round dance!

Father Frost:

Thanks everyone, now

I want to listen to you:

Let the poems and songs sound,

Our holiday will become more interesting.

Children perform in front of Santa Claus with poems, songs, and dances.

(The clock strikes.)

Father Frost:

The clock is striking on the old tower,

New Year is coming!

And with the twelfth strike

Let the magical snow fall

It will shine, it will sparkle

Let it turn into lights!

(The lights in the hall go out. The lights on the clock, castle towers, and snowdrifts come on.)


May goodness win in every fairy tale,

Let there be joyful faces everywhere.

And if you are sad, magic

There will be a knock on your door with a new fairy tale.