Pippa Middleton is getting married. Pippa Middleton got married. Nights full of fire

A significant event for the whole of Great Britain was the long-awaited wedding of the younger sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton: Pippa Middleton and millionaire James Matthews got married. This joyful event was awaited with bated breath not only by the relatives of the newlyweds, but also by fans of the beloved Middleton sisters.

Only the lazy don't know Philippa Middleton. The girl has never been in her shadow older sister. Pippa is famous for her very tough character, stubbornness, beauty and a huge number of whirlwind romances behind her. When her sister tried to lead a quiet and calm life, without attracting too much attention to herself, Pippa managed to combine both study and novels. She didn’t even look at the fabulous wealth of her next boyfriend, James Matthews - as soon as in 2011 the press started talking about them as a couple, Pippa quickly left the businessman who was already in love with her. All these years, the British millionaire, owner of the entire Eden Rock Hotel chain, has been patiently waiting in the wings, in the friend zone.

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Million dollar wedding! Pippa Middleton got married!

The wedding of 33-year-old Pippa and 41-year-old James took place this Saturday, May 20 in Englefield. The couple got married in St. Mark's Church. In addition to relatives, the guest list also included famous friends of the couple: tennis player Roger Federer and his wife Mirka, British news anchor Tom Bradby. Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan Markle were also present - for the couple it was the first official appearance together. Duchess Cambridge Kate and her husband William arrived with their children in their own SUV. Little Prince John and Princess Charlotte had an important role - they carried flowers for the bride, their own Aunt Pippa. The children behaved very obediently and unpretentiously, despite the huge number of guests and ordinary passers-by who had gathered near the walls in order to catch a glimpse of the bride. Present and younger brother James sisters.

Bitterly! There is one more family in the world. In the UK, 33-year-old Pippa Middleton and 41-year-old James Matthews tied the knot on May 20. The wedding of the younger sister of Catherine Middleton (Duchess of Cambridge) and the former racing driver and now financial tycoon has already been dubbed the main social event of the year by the British media. Which is not surprising, considering how many representatives of the royal family and the elite attended this wedding.

The wedding took place in the English county of Berkshire. The couple were married at St Mark's Anglican Church on the private estate of Englefield. About a hundred people were present at the wedding. Afterwards, the guests went to the Middleton residence for a banquet. Photo reporters were no longer allowed there, but it is known that about two hundred more people were waiting for the unofficial part of the holiday.

The church where the wedding took place Photo: REUTERS true_kpru

But let's get back to the wedding, which the couple kindly allowed us to photograph. The main participants in the ceremony were Prince George and Princess Charlotte, who scattered flower petals in front of the bride and groom. And their mother, Kate Middleton, acted as a nanny for all the children present at the celebration. As for the father of Britain's most famous children, Prince William, he watched the wedding next to his brother, Prince Harry. To the surprise of the paparazzi, the latter came without his girlfriend, actress and model Meghan Markle. Probably, the couple decided not to break English rules after all. wedding tradition: no ring - no invitation. That is, the British usually do not invite their guests to the wedding of their beloved ones if they are not officially married. Although it is known that for the sake of Prince Harry’s beloved, Pippa and James were ready to make an exception.

But even without the beauty Markle, there was someone to admire at the wedding. For example, the famous Swiss tennis player Roger Federer and his wife Miroslava. Or Princess Eugenie of York. Or the groom's brother - reality TV star, favorite of millions of British women, Spencer Matthews.

And, of course, the main intrigue of the ceremony was the wedding dress that Pippa would wear. What we saw was worth the wait. The bride chose a laconic outfit from designer Giles Deacon. The dress was strict and elegant. And thus it was reminiscent of the famous dress in which the bride’s older sister, Kate Middleton, got married. Pippa's veil was designed by Stephen Jonze, and her pearl-embroidered shoes were designed by Manolo Blahnik.

It is worth noting that the dress fit the bride perfectly. It is known that Pippa spent several months preparing to wear it - she went on a diet, worked hard... The result is visible on her face and body: the girl looked fragile and graceful, as befits a classic bride.

By the way, Pippa and her father drove to the church in a rare silver 1951 Jaguar convertible, reports the BBC. It looked quite impressive. However, the rest of the ceremony passed without pomp. The media are surprised that the wedding cost the newlyweds only 390 thousand dollars. The paparazzi expected more. After all, it is known that only one wedding ring Pippa cost about 325 thousand in American currency!

Note that the newlyweds have known each other for more than 10 years. In 2012, they had a short romance that did not lead to anything serious. However, Pippa and James managed to remain friends after him.

In 2016, they decided to give their relationship a second chance. And it turned out to be successful! Less than a year later, James Matthews proposed to Pippa Middleton while on holiday in the Lake District in northern England. The girl answered “yes.” And now - Pippa and James are married. Well, advice and love!

The Duchess of Cambridge's sister Pippa Middleton married James Matthews.

Over the past few months, the media has been talking about the upcoming wedding of Pippa Middleton and James Matthews. Everyone remembers how luxurious the sister of the Duchess of Cambridge looked at Kate Middleton's wedding several years ago, and therefore no one doubted that Pippa would be simply gorgeous at her own ceremony. And so it happened.

On May 20, 2017, 33-year-old Pippa Middleton married 41-year-old James Matthews. The ceremony took place in the 12th-century Church of St. Mark and has already become one of the main events of the year. The sister of the Duchess of Cambridge appeared before the guests in a luxurious snow-white dress, decorated with lace and with a small cutout on the back. The name of the designer who created the bride's outfit is still unknown.
Celebrities and, of course, almost all members of the royal family came to Middleton's wedding. Kate, as well as Prince George and Princess Charlotte, who looked incredibly touching, attracted special attention from photographers.
Pippa, as expected, was led to the altar by Father Michael Francis Middleton. And after the ceremony, guests and family members went to continue the celebration at the Middleton family mansion. We have no doubt that the party will be great! Bitterly!

October 16, 2018

The child was born in St. Mary's Hospital, where all the heirs to the British throne were born.

Pippa Middleton / photo: instagram.com

Today it became known that younger sister Duchess of Cambridge Pippa Middleton became a mother for the first time. At the beginning of 2017, Pippa married the heir of a multimillionaire, lord and owner of an ancient castle in Scotland, James Matthews. Their wedding became one of the brightest events in the social life of Britain.

more on the topic

In the spring of this year, rumors began to circulate that Middleton Jr. was pregnant. The woman officially confirmed this information only in the summer, and recently shared with the press details of her well-being in the last month before giving birth. She admitted that due to her greatly enlarged belly, she began to feel awkward, but meditation and moderate physical activity in the form of stretching and walking in the fresh air helped her a lot. The gender of the first-born was known to the parents in advance, but they had no right to disclose this information. Now everything is over, the birth went well, soon the mother and baby (the couple had a boy) will be discharged from the maternity ward and the family will be reunited.

Let's remember that Pippa's older sister Kate Middleton already has three children: George, Charlotte and Louis. And in the spring next year Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will become parents. In mid-October, representatives of the British royal family announced such good news.


It is often thought that people who have brothers and sisters, very lucky. It is believed that in a large family a child will always be among friends who are ready to help Hard time lend a helping hand. In reality, of course, brothers and sisters do not always treat each other well.

Just remember Diana, the most famous of the royal daughters-in-law. Sarah, Lady Di's sister, did not help the beauty much, although she was her maid of honor. And brother Charles Spencer became Diana’s enemy. Fortunately, Kate Middleton is very lucky in this regard. Pippa, sister of the Duchess of Cambridge, is still considered her best friend!

Like twins!

When Kate and Pippa were very young, people often mistook the girls for twins. Even now the beauties are very similar.

In addition, the Duchess of Cambridge and her sister often dress by the same fashion designers, preferring similar styles and colors. Look, for example, what Kate wore during pregnancy and what pregnant Pippa recently walked around!

Middleton Babes

When the girls were very young, their family lived in Jordan for two and a half years. According to friends of the family, very trusting relationships reigned in the Middleton clan even then. People assure: in this regard, nothing has changed over time.

First appearances in public

In 2006, the sisters made their first public appearance together, going to the Cheltenham Horse Racing Festival. By tradition, numerous visitors to the show strive to look as bright and unusual as possible. Here Kate and Pippa did not disappoint. Just look at their hats!

The photo below was also taken in 2006. It captures an early moment in the romance between Kate and Prince William.

Back then, no one could have imagined that the aristocrat’s old friend would eventually become the Duchess of Cambridge and the mother of the heirs to the British crown!

Incredibly similar!

In 2007, Kate and Pippa went to the presentation of a book about Stalin’s youth by British historian Simon Sebag-Montefiore. Many later noted how similar the sisters appeared in this photo. " They're like twins here!“- the journalists were amazed.

Nights full of fire

The Middleton sisters did not forget about more mundane entertainment. The photos below show the girls after a night of dancing until they drop at the famous London cocktail bar. As you can see, Kate and Pippa were definitely not bored!

High style!

Already in 2008, when the photo below was taken, the Middleton sisters were considered style icons. Elegant and graceful, the beauties attracted the gaze of countless gentlemen. Even Prince William had to work hard to attract the attention of one of them!

Kate's wedding

It was 2011, and the sisters were preparing for a feast for the whole world. Kate married the heir to the British throne in order to become queen in the future.

It’s no surprise that the rising star chose her own blood as her bridesmaid! Pippa was only delighted at this development of events.

Best of friends

As you can see, the girl took her responsibilities with absolute seriousness. The ubiquitous journalists later found out: before the ceremony, Kate was very worried, and Pippa supported and reassured her in every possible way.

Friendship continues

After the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding, the sisters continued to keep in touch and often went out together. Here, for example, they are watching the 2012 Wimbledon tournament. Kate and Pippa love tennis!

Pippa's wedding

Here are photos from Pippa's wedding in 2017. When her beloved sister married James Matthews, a representative of the Scottish aristocracy, Kate was nearby.

The older sister took care of the younger one - eyewitnesses say that before going to the altar, the Duchess of Cambridge personally examined Pippa's costume and once again straightened her train.

Quarrel or not?

But just recently, journalists rang all the bells. When Pippa gave birth, Kate Middleton did not come to her. Everyone visited Mrs. Matthews' bedside except her adored sister.

People thought that a black cat ran between the sisters. Fortunately, everything soon became clear: the future queen was literally overwhelmed with matters of national importance that day!

As you can see, Kate and Pippa Middleton managed to carry their friendship through life. I want to believe that the sisters will forever remain best friends!

Let me remind you that we previously wrote about the protracted romance between Kate Middleton and Prince William.

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