Why didn't the wife cook dinner for her husband? In pursuit of a good figure

Some questions in family life put spouses at a dead end. It seems awkward to ask your significant other about them, but it’s also unclear what to do with them. So, quite often men are perplexed why their spouse reacts to their words or actions in some unexpected way. Of course, most often such questions arise from people who have only recently lived together, but even experienced couples sometimes face outright bewilderment. A fairly common topic of debate can be the question: why doesn’t the wife feed her husband dinner?

Why didn't my wife cook dinner??

Habit of not cooking

If you recently got married and are faced with a problem such as the lack of daily dinner on the table, try just talking to your wife. Perhaps she simply does not know that her cooking for you plays such an important role. It may well be that in the girl’s family it was not customary to cook complex dishes, and everyone subsisted on simple and light food - fruit, milk, sandwiches, scrambled eggs. This happens quite often if a girl has lived for a long time on her own, with other girls or with her mother. After all, many representatives of the fair sex refuse late meals in order to maintain their figure.

So, if having dinner with your loved one in the evening is so important to you, tell her about it. Of course, it’s not a fact that she will be delighted with your request, but if the girl really loves you, she will try to please you with tasty and satisfying food. But don’t forget to tell her about your taste preferences, otherwise you may be in for a “pleasant” surprise in the form of spinach or asparagus puree with something else very healthy, but not too edible.

Criticism in the past

By the way, quite often girls do not cook dinner for their loved ones, since they have already faced criticism of their cooking. Of course, after outright dissatisfaction, they simply don’t want to experiment in the kitchen. If you have ever made such a mistake and criticized the dishes prepared by your loved one, correct yourself. Remember her some successful culinary experiment and say that you would like to eat such a dish again. Try cooking in the kitchen together - it can be a lot of fun. Or, as a last resort, apologize from the bottom of your heart and again remind you of your taste preferences.

Can't cook?

It is worth noting that now many girls getting married feel completely insecure in the kitchen. Simply put, they just don't know how to cook. And you shouldn’t be surprised by this, the rhythm of life of many of us is such that it is much easier to have a snack while running to a cafe than to try to build something from different products. Therefore, you can invite the girl to cook together, but do not emphasize her inability, because she may be offended. You can offer her to go to a master class, give her an interesting collection of recipes, or periodically send her links to some very simple dishes with offers to try cooking them together.

Resentment and manipulation

Some girls completely refuse to cook dinner for their husband after they are very offended by him. Of course, the method of manipulating food and sex could be very effective, but not in this world. If you feel guilty, apologize, but if you are sure that your wife was offended for no reason and is simply manipulating you, prepare yourself something amazingly tasty to show that in this area of ​​​​life you are completely independent of her. Or, as a last resort, order your own food at home.

Maybe I just couldn't?

Another possible reason why a wife does not cook dinner for her husband, and it is quite banal. Maybe she just doesn't have time. If the spouse runs off to work at the crack of dawn, and returns in the dark, keeping an eye on a newborn baby or a couple of fidgety weather, then she definitely has neither the time, nor the energy, nor the desire to cook dinner. And the wife doesn’t always have time to eat herself. Therefore, try to relieve her a little and take on some of the worries (in particular, organizing dinner) yourself. Over time, your spouse will be able to appreciate your efforts, and life will improve.

Illness also falls into this group of causes. Of course, if the spouse doesn’t feel very well, she doesn’t have the strength to cook. It is clear that in such a situation, readers of Popular About Health should take on the organization of food themselves.

In pursuit of a good figure

Sometimes women who are struggling with excess weight completely refuse to cook at home. They prefer not to cook anything serious, so as not to break down, and not to eat something high in calories, fatty, smoked, etc. Here you have several options:

Take a closer look at yourself, maybe you also need to lose weight by limiting your food intake;

Cook for yourself, order food at home or eat in a cafe;

Persuade your wife to give up bad ideas if she actually looks very, very good.

If you haven’t found a single explanation for the lack of dinner among all the above points, perhaps your wife doesn’t want to cook simply because she doesn’t care. It doesn’t matter to her whether you are full after a hard day of work, and she doesn’t want to please you. Or maybe your spouse just doesn’t realize that a delicious home-cooked dinner is so important to you? Be open with your wife, talk to her and tell her about your understanding of family. At the same time, you will find out what family means to her. When you can understand each other, you will have a chance to build a truly open, strong and honest relationship.

Author Brunette in Marmalade asked a question in the section Other household chores

Why is it believed that a wife MUST cook breakfast/lunch/dinner for her husband (if they both work equally).? and got the best answer

Answer from Lyuba Ivanova[guru]
In my opinion, cooking and feeding your beloved husband is a pleasure; in general, you should marry someone who wants to cook and wash and do much more.
Lyuba Ivanova
Unfortunately, you are right (((but harmony is rarely achievable and sometimes we love them too much and spoil them.

Answer from Valik kurudimov[guru]
read the 10 commandments...

Answer from Yovoya Game[guru]
Because the husband does other things around the house.

Answer from Anna Khan[guru]
And we feed men!!

Answer from Summer[guru]
where is this considered? In our country, it is not considered that someone who has time or takes turns cooks.

Answer from Alena Kovyeva[newbie]
because you are a woman

Answer from Alf@[active]
No one owes nothing to nobody! You need to agree on cooking and other housekeeping on the shore, then there will be fewer quarrels.

Answer from Lara[guru]
Well, of course, the wife doesn’t owe anything)

Answer from Ђ_Т[guru]
I don't understand. In fact, the question is probably remnants of old times when a man caught animals and his wife cooked them because he didn’t have the strength). But in fact, I don’t know who forces you to cook, there is no such thing as it being accepted, if I come early I always cook the food myself, or if I get up earlier)

Answer from David Kalandadze[guru]
What's the problem, tell him to cook for himself..))

Answer from Bogdashka[active]
Don't know. My husband and I share everything. Kitchen of May. And everything else is his (cleaning, washing)

Answer from Tatyana Kostina[guru]
the same way or just both work, of course no one owes anyone anything, only then why do you need a woman in the house at all, you can get by like that - well, otherwise they ask the reason for divorces - this is the first

Answer from Irishka Kirdyaeva[guru]
Wife is the keeper of the hearth! she washes, cleans, cooks, etc., but she cannot hammer a nail or do any other work, so the wife thanks her husband with her work for his work, and the husband thanks her for her work, a pattern....

Answer from Helen Chaton[guru]
The wife shouldn't. She simply takes care of her husband so that he doesn’t go hungry. That's all.
It’s not difficult for me to get up half an hour before my husband in order to be able to do everything, including feed him and give him food to take with me, and it’s also easy to cook in the evening for the next day. These are all natural things for a woman to do.
I work in a management position. At home the leader is the husband. Everything is very simple.

Answer from Be yourself[guru]
because there are many who want to cook breakfast for him, and you are the lucky one))