Masks for deep facial skin tightening at home

Firming face masks are necessary in many cases - our homemade recipes will help with age-related changes, sudden weight loss, homemade tightening masks will make the skin smoother, firmer and more elastic. We have selected 7 of the most effective tightening face masks, which have the most positive reviews from readers of our magazine.

Firming face masks - rules of use.

  • Firstly, homemade tightening face masks should be applied strictly to cleansed skin, because pollution retains up to 80 percent of all beneficial substances. You can cleanse your facial skin with tonic, milk or scrub.
  • Secondly, in order for tightening face masks to have a lifting effect, they should be applied to both the face and neck. But do not touch the area around the eyes, the skin there is very thin.
  • Thirdly, after using a homemade tightening mask, a nourishing or anti-wrinkle cream is required to consolidate the result and give the facial skin the necessary hydration.
  • Fourthly, a tightening face mask should be applied in a course. For prevention, once a week. To eliminate problems - 2 times a week, alternating different masks, course 1 month.

Recipes for tightening face masks that are effective at home. Gelatin mask

Gelatin tightening face masks have received the most numerous positive reviews, therefore we present them first. This is because ordinary food gelatin contains collagen, the absence of which leads to age-related skin changes. Plus, gelatin tightening masks create a microfilm on the skin of the face, which tightens the oval of the face, providing a rejuvenating effect. To prepare a gelatin tightening face mask, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. edible gelatin 4 tbsp. l. boiled water, wait until the gelatin swells, then put it in a water bath and, with continuous stirring, until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Then apply the mask to your face and neck. If you have dry or sensitive skin, you can take the same amount of milk instead of water. Please note that the gelatin tightening mask should be at body temperature to avoid burns. You need to keep the mask until it dries completely, then soak it with warm water so that the gelatin comes off gently. Do not peel off the gelatin under any circumstances; you can seriously damage your facial skin. We talked in more detail about how to work with gelatin in a special materialgelatin face masks , there you will find all the nuances of working with this product.

Firming mask with paraffin

Pharmacies and cosmetics stores sell special solid cosmetic paraffin, which we will need to prepare a tightening and smoothing mask. Judging by the feedback from our readers, the tightening effect of the mask is simply wonderful, but there is a problem- someone should help you apply this mask, so look for a pair))). So, one tablespoon of solid paraffin is melted in a water bath, one teaspoon of honey is added to it. This will be the first layer of the mask. For the second layer, melt another tablespoon of paraffin wax. Lubricate your face with nourishing cream and apply cotton pads to your eyes. Apply melted honey with paraffin to the face in an even layer, cover this layer with gauze, onto which we apply four more layers of paraffin. While you hold the mask, which is 15-20 minutes, the paraffin hardens; talking during this time or working with facial muscles is strictly prohibited. But the result will be stunning. Remove the gauze cloth and the remaining paraffin with honey, wash with warm water and apply a layer of moisturizer.

Honey tightening face mask.

Honey masks, judging by reviews, also have a significant tightening effect. Moreover, honey masks additionally nourish the skin, giving it elasticity and smoothness, increasing its tone. To prepare a honey tightening mask, melt 1 tbsp. l. honey in a water bath, then apply the mask to your face and neck. For greater results, you can massage with light patting movements. Leave the honey tightening face mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding additional components to it - see them in a special reviewhoney face masks , everything for working at home.

Firming face masks made from eggs.

Face masks made from eggs perfectly tighten and add tone and elasticity to flabby, mature facial skin. Protein has a particularly strong tightening effect. Therefore, to prepare a tightening face mask, you first need to separate the white from the yolk, then beat the white with a whisk or fork until foam forms. Then simply apply to the face and neck (it is most convenient to apply the mask with a special brush or an ordinary household brush). When the mask dries, wash it off with warm water. Of course, this is the simplest tightening mask, so we recommend that you pay attention to othersrecipes for face masks with egg .

Clay firming face mask.

Clay is an excellent base for an effective tightening face mask. The fact is that clay contains a huge amount of minerals that help the skin restore natural metabolic processes and, thus, remove wrinkles and tighten the oval of the face. For a clay mask, you can use any clay (green or blue), 2 tbsp. l. you need to dilute with warm water to a thick sour cream, then apply to the face and neck. For dry skin, we recommend using heavy cream or milk instead of water. Leave the mask until completely dry, and then rinse with warm water. We discussed which clay will work better than others in the blockclay face masks and their effectiveness.

Firming express face mask

If you don't have much time, we recommend that you use a recipe for an express mask that will quickly tidy up the skin of your face. It is built on the basis of quail eggs. So, you need: three quail eggs, one teaspoon of finely grated lemon peel, one teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of finely ground almonds. All components must be mixed very thoroughly and applied in a thin layer to the face. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with water at room temperature.

Oatmeal tightening face masks.

Oatmeal tightening masks complete our review of the most effective tightening face masks. Oatmeal softens the skin, increasing its elasticity and firmness, which will help get rid of wrinkles, sagging and tighten the skin of the face. Homemade oatmeal mask is simple: 2 tbsp. l. pour oatmeal with half a glass of hot milk or water and let the flakes soften. Then apply an oatmeal tightening mask to the face and neck, and after 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. What to apply, milk or water, depends on the oiliness of the skin - all the details are in the chapteroat face masks , recipes and subtleties of homemade masks.

To get a noticeable effect of skin rejuvenation, a tightening face mask must be properly prepared, applied, supplemented with massage and rinsed off. I will personally show you all these subtleties in a specially filmed video.

Firming face masks - step-by-step video instructions

Alexandra Ryzhkova All rights reserved

Reviews and comments (18)

In this section, everyone can leave their review and comment on the topic of tightening face masks. Preferably recipes that can be used at home.


If you look at the composition of store-bought tightening face masks, almost everywhere you can now see AHA acids, which are similar to fruit ones. And I thought, are natural fruits worse? I made a clay mask according to the recipe that is in the article, and then I spread a piece of lemon on my skin, it stung right away, which means that the clay opened the pores, the acid immediately penetrated there and is working. I liked the tightening effect of this union, only I change the citrus fruits, take either lemon, orange, or grapefruit.

The best thing among the presented tightening face masks is gelatin, because it contains collagen. I advise everyone to try this mask first; many will not need others. At least that's how it was for me.

Gelatin tightens the skin well, I tried lemon on myself too. Just awesome! Facial gymnastics and massage are also good, they contribute to good results.

I really love masks with clay, gelatin and eggs. They really renew the skin!


I advise anyone who wants to tighten their skin to add a small head of mumiyo to their mask recipes - no matter whether homemade or purchased. It perfectly stimulates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous zone and masks work much better.

Do you want to tighten your facial skin? No masks needed. Do this - take two shallow basins, pour water a little warmer than body temperature into one, and a little cool into the other. Cleanse your face with a scrub, rinse it off and put your face in warm water for 10 seconds, then in cool water for 10, and so on three times. All! Now take a slice of lemon and wipe your face with it. The method works great, after 5 days you will see the result, the tightening masks rest.

Sudden weight loss, skin dehydration, stress or a previous cold - all these factors instantly leave a mark on the face. The skin loses its elasticity, and the oval of the face loses clear contours. Will help restore natural beauty face mask for oval, prepared from simple improvised ingredients at home.

Features of care for skin elasticity

The skin loses its elasticity for various reasons, including:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • stress;
  • negative impact of weather conditions;
  • decreased immunity during a cold;
  • dehydration of the body.

In addition, the skin loses elasticity with age and this is an absolutely normal process. You can maintain skin elasticity with the right home care. It is especially recommended to use such face masks after 40.

The following methods will help restore skin elasticity and a clear oval face:

  • regular use of masks;
  • self-massage of the skin;
  • wiping your face with ice cubes;
  • proper nutrition.

Masks that tighten the oval of the face at home can be prepared from cosmetic clay, gelatin, as well as vegetables and fruits. When choosing ready-made products in a cosmetic store, it is recommended to give preference to products from pharmacy brands.

In order for a facelift mask to truly bring effective results, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. Collagen, seaweed and hyaluronic acid in the cosmetic product will help you form a beautiful oval.

Rubbing your face with ice cubes every day will help restore skin tone. This procedure perfectly invigorates in the morning and is an excellent workout for blood vessels. You can make ice from a decoction of chamomile, parsley, lavender or any freshly squeezed fruit juice. The success of such a care procedure lies in regularity. If you do a light one-minute facial skin massage with ice daily, the result will be noticeable within a week.

How to use masks for skin tightening

A mask for facial contours is not a panacea and will not help delay the aging process. However, regular use of homemade masks will make the skin more elastic and emphasize the oval of the face.

Before preparing the product, it is important to remember a few rules for the effective use of masks:

  • masks are applied to thoroughly cleansed skin;
  • after applying the product, you need to lie down and relax;
  • During the procedure, you should relax your facial muscles and not talk;
  • After using any mask, the skin needs to be moisturized.

The composition of the mask weighs down the skin and stretches it if you frown, talk or stand in an upright position when applying the product.

You should not use the same composition to care for the face and skin around the eyes. The skin of the eyelids is very delicate and thin, so it needs special delicate care.

Masks for tightening dry skin

To tighten dry skin, it needs to be provided with nourishing and moisturizing support. At home, the following products cope with this function:

  • olive oil;
  • heavy natural cream;
  • natural honey;
  • white clay (kaolin).

    The simplest face mask for an oval face at home for dry skin type is a mixture of a large spoon of olive oil with the same amount of kaolin. The clay must be mixed with slightly heated oil, and then carefully apply the mask to the face for 20 minutes.

    Kaolin will saturate the skin with essential microelements, and the oil will soften and nourish it. To prepare such a mask for tightening the oval face, you can replace kaolin with blue clay.

    Another simple and effective way to restore elasticity to your skin is to mix a teaspoon of ground oatmeal with the same amount of heavy cream. If the mixture is very thick, you can add half a small spoon of olive oil to the ingredients.

    This mask should be left on the skin for at least twenty minutes.

    During the cold season, a honey mask for dry skin is recommended. To prepare it, you should mix a large spoon of natural liquid honey with the same amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a quarter spoon of any cosmetic clay.

    The mask is left for 15-20 minutes, but the mixture should not be allowed to dry on the face. Lemon juice has a slight whitening effect, and honey and clay effectively form a beautiful oval face.

Masks that tighten oily skin

Oily facial skin retains its elasticity for a long time and does not age. Happy owners of this skin type are the last to experience wrinkles. However, with a lack of hydration or due to stress, oily skin types can lose elasticity. In this case, the following mask recipes will help restore the oval of the face.

    Mix beaten egg white with half a teaspoon of oatmeal. Separately, mash half a small persimmon into a paste and combine all the ingredients in a convenient container.

    The mask is applied to the skin for 15 minutes.

    Mash half a large kiwi with a fork and mix the resulting pulp with a teaspoon of any cosmetic clay. If the mixture is too thick (depending on the ripeness of the kiwi), you can add a little grape seed oil to achieve the desired consistency.

    The mixture is kept on the skin for 20 minutes.

    Mix the whipped egg white with a teaspoon of liquid honey, then add a large spoonful of lemon or grapefruit juice.

    Apply the mixture to the skin and rinse with cool water after 15 minutes.

Oily skin needs nutrition and hydration during the cold season (we have already talked in detail about caring for this skin type). To ensure that your skin always enjoys its elasticity, it is recommended to add a teaspoon of grape seed oil to your favorite cream. Unlike other cosmetic base oils, it is perfectly absorbed and does not make the skin greasy.

Universal masks for tightening all skin types

The following three recipes can be used to care for any skin type, but no more than once a week. You need to supplement your care with creams and masks for your skin type.

    Mix a packet of gelatin (5 g) with a large spoon of water and melt in a water bath. Add half a small spoon of glycerin to the resulting cooled mixture, which can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. To make the mixture thick enough, add a quarter of a small spoon of honey and half a small spoon of rye flour.

    The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

    Grate a small carrot, squeeze thoroughly and pour out the juice. The remaining gruel (one small spoon) is mixed in equal proportions with heavy cream.

    The mask is applied to the skin for half an hour.

    A white clay mask is considered universal. It can be prepared in several ways - using plain water, any cosmetic oil or herbal decoction.

    For oily skin, you need to mix a small spoon of kaolin with the same amount of chamomile or calendula decoction. For dry skin, clay is mixed in equal proportions with olive oil, and for normal skin it is recommended to prepare a mask using still mineral water.

A mask for tightening the oval face at home should be used no more than twice a week. It is important to provide the skin with sufficient hydration and nutrition after the procedures.

Exercises and massage to tighten facial skin

You can improve the condition of your skin and tighten your face shape with exercises (face building) or self-massage. Massage should be done daily before bed, performing light strokes with your fingertips along the massage lines (we have already written about how to properly massage your face).

Face building is a simple set of exercises that helps strengthen the facial muscles and, thereby, tighten the skin. A set of exercises should be done daily. All exercises are done through resistance with your own hands.

  1. The hands are above the eyebrows, the ring finger touches the brow ridge. From this position, you should raise your eyebrows, making a “surprised” facial expression.
  2. Smile widely, placing your palms on your cheeks so that your little fingers touch the corners of your mouth.
  3. Putting your fingertips in the corners of your eyes, open your eyes wide, as if protruding them. In this case, you should feel resistance to your fingers.

Each exercise must be repeated at least 5 times. Such exercises train the facial muscles, thereby making the oval toned and the skin elastic. The gymnastics for the face should be completed by lightly patting the fingertips along the massage lines.

Regular use of face masks for the oval, proper care, gymnastics and facial massage will quickly bring the long-awaited result. To keep your skin elastic and youthful longer, you should walk more in the fresh air and give up bad habits.

To preserve the beauty and youth of your face for a long time, you need to work hard! At the same time, it is not at all necessary to visit expensive beauty salons! You can use the available ingredients and prepare your own tightening face masks. With proper and regular use, the skin will remain healthy and well-groomed for a long time.

How lifting masks work

By the age of thirty, every self-respecting woman should learn to care for her skin and treat it with care. The main task is to prevent its premature withering. It is very important to know the subtleties of how to make facial skin elastic and toned. In the absence of proper attention, with improper care or lifestyle, the color becomes dull over time, the oval loses its expressiveness and clarity, and at first a barely noticeable network of wrinkles appears, which will deepen more and more every year.

To prevent this, it is necessary to start anti-aging care in a timely manner by adopting a list of tightening face masks at home.

At the same time, there is no need to wait until the age of fifty is reached and it will be almost impossible to correct the situation. You should take care of youth in advance and start using masks for face lifting and skin elasticity at the age of thirty.

The tightening and rejuvenating effect of such products is due to the fact that they contain active components that can affect capillary blood flow. As a result, the epidermis at the cellular level is enriched with nutrients and oxygen, which, as is known, is the main fighter against free radicals - the culprits of skin aging.

Regularly using the capabilities of homemade tightening face masks, you can give clarity to contours, reduce the depth of facial wrinkles, making them almost invisible, and increase skin elasticity.

How to use masks correctly

To ensure that the result does not disappoint, it is a good idea to know how to make and apply face masks at home according to all the rules. If you are negligent in performing a cosmetic procedure, you should not expect too much from it.

So, in order for masks for the oval face to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary:

  • thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities: if the pores are clogged, the active components of the mask simply will not be able to fulfill their task;
  • apply the mask to the face, moving along the massage lines and not touching the delicate skin in the eye area - this way it will stretch even more under the weight of the cosmetic product;
  • lie on the surface, abandoning the high pillow, and try to relax as much as possible;
  • During a facelift at home, you should not talk or express any emotions - the facial muscles should be completely relaxed;
  • After 15 minutes, the product must be carefully rinsed off with lukewarm water and a suitable cream must be applied.

Masks with a tightening effect for dry skin

The dry type of epidermis, due to its characteristics, is more prone to premature withering. That is why great attention should be paid to such skin, not only tightening it, but also nourishing it.

  • Oatmeal face mask

Oatmeal flakes nourish, tighten and soften facial skin. You will need to pour a couple of tablespoons of the product with hot (not boiling) milk (0.5 cups) and let it stand for a while to soften. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add one teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and sour cream, mix all the ingredients and apply to the skin.

A mask with rolled oatmeal is ideal for skin with extreme dryness, but it can also be done for oily epidermis if instead of milk you pour oatmeal with regular hot water and do not use butter and sour cream.

  • Honey tightening mask

Mix equal amounts of honey and white clay (1⁄2 teaspoon each), add 15 drops of fresh lemon or lime juice. Apply to skin. After half an hour, rinse off first with warm and then cool water.

Honey is so versatile and rich in beneficial components that it is recommended to use it in its pure form. A tablespoon of melted natural product is evenly distributed over the skin, making light patting and stroking movements. This massage will further enhance the effect of the cosmetic product. After half an hour, the remnants of the mask are washed off.

A honey-based skin tightening mask restores silkiness and elasticity to the skin, increases its turgor, and nourishes it.

Anti-aging masks for oily skin

Oily skin type is characterized by elasticity and density, and the first signs of aging appear later on it than on dry skin. However, as a result of increased secretion of sebum, pores become clogged every day, resulting in cells experiencing oxygen starvation. In this case, skin-tightening masks should also eliminate oily shine and slightly dry out the skin.

  • Clay tightening mask

Clay is a unique natural component that combines high adsorbing and tightening properties. Thanks to the concentration of minerals, you can speed up the metabolic reactions of the skin at home, and thereby make the oval of the face more toned and fine wrinkles invisible.

The face lift mask is very simple to prepare: just stir a couple of tablespoons of green or blue clay with warm water until creamy and apply to steamed skin, when the pores can fully absorb all the beneficial substances. After complete drying, it is washed off with warm water.

  • Egg white face mask

Masks based on egg whites not only tighten sagging, aging skin, but also tighten pores and even out complexion.

The egg white should be whipped until a high foam forms, and then spread with a wide brush onto a clean face. When the tightening mask dries, wash it off with warm water and apply a suitable cream.

Universal masks with a lifting effect

  • Gelatin face mask

Firming masks based on gelatin are very popular. They are suitable for absolutely any skin type and are highly effective.

The secret is that gelatin contains elastin and collagen - components that have much in common with the epidermis. It is thanks to them that wrinkles become less noticeable, and the oval of the face acquires the lost clarity of lines.

A couple of tablespoons of edible gelatin must be diluted in four tablespoons of water, wait until it swells. Then heat the product in a water bath, remembering to stir all the time. If your skin is dry, it is recommended to replace water with milk.

An important point: to avoid burns, you should wait until the face mask has cooled to a comfortable temperature, and only then apply it to the skin. After complete drying, the products are washed with warm water.

  • Firming mask with paraffin

Cosmetic paraffin serves as an excellent basis for preparing masks with pronounced smoothing and tightening properties. You can purchase it without any problems at any pharmacy.

Perhaps the only inconvenient point is the impossibility of applying the product to the skin on your own - outside help will be required.

  1. Melt 1-2 tablespoons of paraffin in a water bath, add a teaspoon of honey and mix everything thoroughly until smooth. This layer will be the very first one.
  2. The second is also prepared from one tablespoon of melted paraffin, but without adding honey.

Cleansed skin should be lubricated with a nourishing cream, and cotton pads soaked in chilled tea leaves should be placed on the eyes. The first layer of paraffin with honey is applied on top of the cream, covered with thick gauze, and then evenly covered in several layers with pure paraffin.

This mask is kept for about 20 minutes, during which you should never talk or even smile. After the specified time, the gauze with paraffin residues must be removed, washed with warm water and applied a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

The result after using such a cosmetic procedure will be simply stunning!

Despite all the effectiveness of tightening masks at home, mature women (over 55 years old) who have not previously taken anti-aging care for their skin should not expect a miracle from them. In these cases, more radical measures will be required for rejuvenation.

Thanks to advertising, many ladies believe that only cosmetics from well-known brands, the cost of which is very high, can make their facial skin more elastic and smooth. In pursuit of newfangled creams, they completely forget about home remedies that have been tried and tested over the years, which can literally transform the skin, making it taut and elastic.

In contact with

Masks that tighten the oval of the face

Tightening the oval of the face, restoring its clarity, is especially important for those who have decided to lose excess weight, because with sudden weight loss the skin can simply sag. Of course, in such a situation you cannot expect a miracle, and you need to act urgently, because without proper care, the skin will quickly lose tone and become flabby. Masks that tighten the oval of the face will help restore facial features and skin elasticity at home.

Recipe 1

To make a lifting mask using this time-tested recipe, you will need the following products:

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and distributed in an even layer on cleansed facial skin. After about 20-25 minutes, you need to wash off the mask and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect. This tightening face mask made from oatmeal has a comprehensive effect. The dill contained in its composition will enrich the skin with vitamins, and oatmeal will help give it a toned appearance. It is recommended to apply the mask to the face at least 2 times a week, only in this case it will lead to the expected results - the skin will take on a fresh and radiant appearance, and its tone will become more even.

Recipe 2

To prepare such a mask that tightens the oval of the face, you will need:

  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 small fresh cucumber;
  • 1 tsp olive oil.

From the cucumber (it is better to take the vegetable from the garden), you need to remove all the seeds and peel it, then grind the pulp in a blender. Combine the resulting mass with the remaining ingredients, mix and apply to clean facial skin, spreading it in an even and not too thick layer. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off.

Cucumber pulp will give the skin a fresh look, whiten and tone it, and vitamin E contained in the mask will make the skin elastic. The unique properties of cucumber have been known for a long time, and in combination with olive oil they are only enhanced.

Moisturizing and tightening face masks

If mature skin needs not only lifting, but also hydration (which happens quite often), special masks will help restore it to a radiant and healthy appearance:

It is recommended to make face masks that moisturize and tighten the skin once every three days, following the exact recipe when preparing them. This is the only way to achieve a positive result and restore the skin’s natural radiance.

Gelatin face masks with a firming effect

It has long been noted that gelatin has a pronounced tightening effect, This is why homemade masks based on it are very popular. They are quite simple to prepare, but the results from their use will not take long to arrive.

Any tightening face mask with gelatin is, first of all, an excellent alternative to expensive collagen-based products that have a rejuvenating effect, because gelatin is split collagen in its pure form.

Recipe 1

To prepare this gelatin mask you will need the following ingredients:

Gelatin must be diluted in warm milk, after which the resulting solution is mixed with other products. The result should be a mixture resembling thick cream or sour cream. The mask should be applied to a cleansed, or preferably steamed, face and wait until it dries. It is best to wash off the mask with cool water to tighten the pores. During the procedure, a feeling of tightness may occur - this is quite normal, since gelatin forms a thin film on the skin when it dries.

This mask not only perfectly tightens the skin, but also cleanses the pores, making the face smooth and beautiful.

Recipe 2

To prepare this mask you will need:

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and applied to clean skin. After this, you need to leave the mask on your face until it dries until it turns into a film, then rinse off.

These tightening face masks after 45 years will be especially effective, because they contain all the substances necessary for nourishing and lifting the skin.

Firming face mask with starch

Starch has a truly unique effect - it not only perfectly tones and tightens the skin, it also cleanses it, so homemade masks based on starch are sometimes not inferior
expensive branded products.
Starch contains a whole storehouse of substances beneficial to the skin, so you should not neglect masks based on it. This is especially true for women over 40 years of age.

  1. A basic face mask, refreshing and tightening the skin, is prepared extremely simply: 1-2 tablespoons of starch should be mixed with milk and water, taking the liquid in such a proportion that the result is a homogeneous, lump-free mixture resembling a paste. The mask is applied for 15-20 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed off. The choline contained in starch normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, so the complexion is evened out and the skin becomes fresh and toned.
  2. To prepare a tightening mask with a whitening effect, you will need 1 tsp. potato starch and 0.5 tsp. lime or lemon juice. The ingredients need to be mixed well and applied for about 10 minutes, then rinsed off and be sure to use a skin-soothing cream. It is not recommended to keep this product on the skin for a long time, as it has a drying effect.

In order for homemade tightening masks to have the most effective effect on the skin, immediately after applying them you need to take a horizontal position and relax as much as possible. You should not bother with housework after an anti-aging product has been applied to your face, as it will not only not bring the desired result, but can also have the opposite effect, stretching the skin. That is why experts recommend making masks in a calm environment, distracted from everyday problems and worries, and completely relaxed.

In contact with

Sooner or later, every woman, unfortunately, faces the process of skin aging. In order for the skin on the face to always remain elastic, healthy, young, and have a clear and beautiful contour, it needs regular care. Sometimes certain processes, such as rapid weight loss, poor nutrition or improper regimen, lead to the fact that even young skin begins to look tired and sagging. To do this, it is necessary to restore its elasticity, tone, and tighten the skin.

How to tighten your facial skin at home without surgery?

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the phrase “skin tightening” is surgery. This is a good and effective way to quickly tighten the skin of the face, but it is not acceptable for everyone for various reasons. Therefore, I offer you recipes for home skin tightening without surgery or home lifting. The result of this, of course, is not immediately noticeable, but with regular use, your skin will noticeably tighten, gain tone, elasticity, a healthy glow and youth.

Products that have the property of tightening the skin

Before doing a facelift at home, I want to tell you which products contain active substances that have a tightening effect: honey, egg, white, oatmeal or rolled oats. The most important thing when applying a mask is the freshness of the products; sometimes stale products can cause allergies and other unwanted reactions.

Scrub for tightening facial skin at home

Before making a skin tightening mask at home, make a special tightening scrub. To do this, mix: 20 g brewer's yeast, 1 tsp. honey, 2 tsp. plain yogurt, 2 tsp. chopped almonds. Rub this scrub onto cleansed face, avoiding the eye area. Use this scrub at home, before each mask, 2 times a week. After it, apply a mask to tighten the skin.


Take an egg white and beat it until foamy. If your skin is dry, add a little honey; if there are a lot of blackheads on your skin, add steamed oatmeal. Apply the mask until the protein dries completely, you will see how the protein tightens the skin. With regular use, the skin will noticeably tighten and become healthier.


Recipe No. 1. Take the juice of one lemon and 1 tsp. honey, add enough white clay to make a paste. Apply this paste to your face and hold until the clay dries completely. Rinse with cool water and apply cream. Clay has a good tightening effect, also relieves inflammation, irritation and removes small skin defects.

Recipe No. 2. Take 2 tbsp. white clay, 1 tbsp. corn flour, white from one egg, 2 drops of rosemary or chamomile oil. Mix everything well and apply to a clean face. After the clay has completely dried, wash off the mask with warm water.


Take the white of one egg and beat until foamy, add 1 tsp. lemon juice, 2 tsp. bran and grate some lemon zest. Apply the mask to a clean face and rinse with cool water after the protein has completely dried. After the mask, wipe your face with an ice cube. This mask perfectly tightens the skin of the face, making it fresh and young.


Skin tightening mask with honey and oatmeal

If you are not allergic to honey, you can use the following recipe. Take an egg white and add 1 tsp to it. honey, 1 tbsp. ground oatmeal. Apply to face and rinse off after a few minutes. The mask tightens the skin well, rejuvenates and nourishes it.

As you can see, it is quite possible to tighten your skin at home without surgery, without spending a lot of time, effort and money on it. The most important thing when taking care of your skin at home is regularity of procedures. Do any face masks 2-3 times a week and the results will not keep you waiting long.