Happy Birthday to the CFO. Happy Birthday to the CFO Happy Birthday to the CFO

Our CFO is
This is a mega head.
On your birthday to your address
These are kind words.

We wish you good health
Fragile nerves to protect
And finance all flows
You are always sensitive to watch

To you, CFO,
We wish you a birthday
To cash flow
He did not slow down his course.

Money streams,
So that they merge into one river
Euro, dollars, rubles,
So that they do not stray from the course.

We wish luck
Behind you stood
And in financial matters
Equal to you, so that it does not happen.

Dear CFO, happy birthday. We wish you great hopes and strong faith in your strengths, great luck on the way to goals and prosperity, high financial standing and great happiness, an excellent career and strong love.

Happy birthday to a wonderful person and a great CFO. I wish you health and great happiness, great victories and high career growth, well-being in the family and the world, reliable welfare and wonderful emotions.

Happy Birthday Congratulations
Findirector dear!
We wish you light and happiness
At work and home.

Let the finances not falter
Gains weight by -
The most cherished dreams
All will be fulfilled just about.

Everyday life will be more fun
Just bringing joy:
Do not be bored for a minute
May life be good!

Happy Birthday, CFO. And, since managing finances is not so easy, on your birthday I wish you wisdom, confidence, a rational approach to every business, determination, perseverance, good luck and undoubted benefit from each idea. I wish you good health and strong strength, success in leadership and luck in life.

We congratulate you with respect.
Head of financial flows.
Let your business focus,
Brings you a high income.

Let the work go reliably
May force majeure not come.
We believe - everything is possible for you,
And difficulties are just a sport.

You are the director of finance
It’s not a post, but a dream,
Let all the balances come together
All bills will be normal.

Let the river flow to you
Euro, dollars, rubles,
Be happy and calm
If only profits grew.

I wish you a birthday
Great happiness, earthly blessings,
Good health, luck,
Great workdays!

Let your income grow
So that all dreams come true
So that every day and every year
You are becoming more successful!

Congratulations on your holiday
We are a friendly team,
We honor and respect you,
And we believe in the future.

We wish you success
At every endeavor,
And joy and laughter
Trouble in the distance.

You are brighter than colors
Be wider spectrum
We congratulate you,
Finance Director!

I am a financier today
Happy Birthday,
Your clear work
It is admirable.

You are a finance genius
And your control is strict
You, I say, no doubt -
Financier from God.

I wish you good luck,
And finance - growth,
So a penny to a penny
It developed simply.

To make the profit clean
Revenue increased
And so the percentage of luck
Walked up year after year.

There are many numbers in your work,
Passwords, bank accounts,
But happiness cannot be hidden behind a cipher
And do not hide behind the deadbolt.

And let it find you
In love, at work and in friends
Good only happens
In all moments and deeds!

Happy birthday, connoisseur and ace of finance. I wish the work easy and dustless, an economy sustainable and stable, a beautiful and prosperous life. May the pyramids of personal funds be indestructible, may every day be crowned with professional success and happiness.

Happy Birthday Congratulations
You are our financier!
Best in Finance
You are a specialist.

Let everything be in your affairs
Smooth and easy.
With health, let everything be
Very well.

In life, I wish you
Peace and goodness.
May luck be in your plans
Always waiting for you.

Uneasy path you
Firmly chosen in fate.
The financier is your calling
Serve one star.

On your birthday, your holiday,
From the bottom of my heart I want to say:
In your business, you are an excellent student.
Do not give up, keep it up!

Let dry numbers become
Before you in a slender row.
So that you can this book,
How to read a poem.

In finance, you ate a dog -
In the bills, like a fish you are in the water.
You did everything, you did everything,
Everything is always on top.

We wish you much success
In the auction - and just every day.
Things click everything like nuts
Being solid in life is like flint.

Always love your job
Be awake, courageous, businesslike.
And multiply your income -
With someone like you, we will win!

Happy Birthday! Let it be before you
The path to success will be clear
Dream Driven
And by calculation, the financier!

May everything always succeed,
If there is something for your plan.
Let Fortune smile
Money will be a suitcase!

You can't fool a financier
Congratulate him on time,
Date you will not be mistaken
Time and year too.

We wish it to be considered
Everything worked out for you
And do not know the need for money,
The financier is the best you are!

Happy birthday buddy.
To the financier what to wish?
To pounds, euros, francs
And poured into your pocket.

To ring like a coin
Your life and your success.
And shone with a glitter
And blinded everyone’s eyes.

So that like gold - all friends,
Like a diamond to a wife,
Eternal youth, good luck
To also not leave.

Financier, you are the leader of money,
Creditor, accountant, accumulator,
You can save, increase
Provide a deposit and loan.

On your birthday, energy, happiness,
Connections useful, friends involved,
Love sincere and true
And the salary is certainly invigorating!

Financier, you know the price of money
Savings can be entrusted to your hands
You know how to store and increase,
You can distribute the money correctly.

On the birthday of the desired accomplishments,
A lot of joyful, bright moments
May beginnings, aspirations be blessed,
Love, Fortune and Satisfaction!

The department buzzes like a beehive, alarmed,
The boss on this day is our hero of the day,
You have multiplied happiness to infinity,
In the morning the computer played music!

  •    Today, congratulations to the chef

    In the morning he flies through cabinets,
    Colored wave serpentine,
    Today, congratulations to the chef,
    King he is a glorious name day!

    Patience together wish
    Stay alert, don't get sick,
    Always led so that we
    In work flame burn!

  •    Leader in prose

    It's nice to know that there is a competent coordinator, a specialist in his field and a sensitive person nearby - our leader! Our whole team respects you very much for putting your heart and soul into the business! Let your favorite profession always occupy a special place in your life!

  •    For the manager ...

    For the manager with inspiration,
    We will congratulate you with feeling
    We believe - it is invariable,
    You were born to rule!

    We wish you good health,
    To strengthen your sophisticated mind
    So that you don’t lose the basics,
    Today we have forgiven the noise!

  •    Congratulations to the head of the repair shop on the 55th anniversary

    The administration, the trade union committee of the plant, your friends, colleagues and associates wholeheartedly congratulate you on your 55th birthday.
    55 years is a period of prosperity, creation, self-awareness of oneself as a person - bright, energetic, purposeful and romantic.
    Since 1971, when you graduated from __________________ institute, your career began. Despite the fact that youthful dreams did not come true, when "mountains can only be better than mountains that you haven’t been to before," you have passed a worthy career path in life - at first there was _______________________ institute in ________________, then ____________________ enterprise, and from 19 - of the year - our factory, repair shop. The profile of the repair shop cannot be characterized in one term, it is so multifaceted and extensive, because the team of the shop, which you have been managing for several years now, is repairing the equipment of the whole plant. Your labor path has been appreciated by government and factory awards. Work at the plant has revealed in you the abilities of a manager, organizer of production. You always respect and understand the working person.
    Accept from your friends the most sincere words of congratulations on your birthday. I wish you happiness, goodness and peace, good health and well-being to your family, and to your children a worthy path for your father.

  •    Happy birthday, boss!

    Although there was not enough money for the kettle
      (But only for unsweetened tea ...),
      We praise you, our boss!
      Meet us with the table set!
      Not just moaning - we plow, serve,
      And in labor - black print:
      We are friends with each other (and - with the plan) -
      We celebrate a holiday together !!!

  •    Happy Birthday Director!

    Director! You are a superclass!
      Who else could rule us like that?
      And happy birthday now
      Let me congratulate you!
      The essence of your wishes is old,
      Yes, for that we plow for days:
      Good luck, happiness and kindness
      In any solid business of yours!
      So that there is a house, family and life,
      Any ailment healed in a day
      And everyone was not forgotten by you,
      A - awarded with a large prize !!!

  •    Happy Birthday to the Chef!

    (name) is the royal soul!
    Today we congratulate you,
    And wish happiness joy
    Respectfully and not breathing

    Let only joy be in life
    and may God come with you!
    And grief and bad weather
    Let them go around your doorstep!

  • We declare - to us the leader,
    Other than you, do not need another!

    Manly mean, but from the heart,
    Happy birthday to you, happy birthday!
    Your workers and peasants.

  • *** I wish you health, you can’t buy it, And you can save more money. Let the loot fill the pockets, To ride more often where it is warm in winter, and in summer - to ride a sled. Happy friends on inveterate parties, Reliable partners, career success, Always achieve your goal! *** Happy Birthday! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in ...

    *** I wish you a happy life, Respect and appreciate each other. Love, good understanding and best wishes to you. *** Watch in love, Live peacefully, Appreciate immensely, Love heartily. *** Congratulations on your wedding, I wish happiness to the family, Always live in harmony, to you wealth and goodness! *** Glad so love-wishes are simple! And before that, plus, to make your dreams easy, ...

    *** Today, one who loves to sleep, May celebrate his holiday, Dreaming in the sweet dreams of sleep, As spring comes into life again, The sun will shine - grace! Well, how not to oversleep today, When is it still so lucky? Work? Wait for sure! *** A man really needs As many as eight hours to sleep, And then he will always be Cheerful, Vigorous and healthy, With ...

    *** May your omnipresent lepricon come to your house today. Bring a bag of happiness to you, give Patrick a bow. And green clothes Quickly put on. Foamy beer in mugs. Without hesitation, pour. *** Let Patrick bring a green bouquet, Sing about the summer, don’t miss, friends! Zarnitsa, dawns, melodies of summer So bright colors, like greetings happiness. Leave work and weekdays in winter, ...

    *** For this month that we are together, the Soul seemed to bloom. And the bond between us became stronger, And two wings opened in love. I congratulate you on our first date: Both our relationship and love. Yes, we were once alone, But for a month now we are relatives, we are ours. *** Congratulations on our day, I will send you SMS. AND…

    *** We are all citizens with you, we are called consumers, Merchandise quality and freshness are lovers, On the day of the protection of our rights, I congratulate you, I only wish you excellent goods! Let a bad product never get into your house forever, And if all of a sudden, then let the law strictly protect you, The consumer of the right to learn by heart, And without too much hassle, happily ...

    *** You have an engagement now, congratulations! May the family be strong, I wish you well-being And the best wonderful good. May tenderness illuminate you, May success pursue. May love warm you, Let there be no interference. *** Congratulations on your engagement. A very important step has been taken. May your guys marry beautiful and reliable. Let the wedding be ...

    *** You sailed across the expanses of the ocean, Walked by the sea and guarded the Homeland. Honor and glory shone under the sail. Thousands of roads opened to you. Today is a holiday - the Day of the Navy. You pour and drink a glass of vodka. And you will not go to work today, Today you will drink for lovely ladies. Today you remember the sea, oceans, the space of roads and thousands ...

    *** So the summer flew by, September came again. And solemnly the Day of Knowledge Celebrates the whole world. We wish you guys Only fives in the diary, Strength, health and good luck, The necessary knowledge in your head! *** Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and learn. Ease in the new school year. Friendly atmosphere, interesting events, wonderful marks and constant striving ...

    With your birth in the world
      Congratulations, Director,
      Be always loved
      I wish you great happiness
      Don't get old and don't get sick
      And get younger every year.

    Our director is beautiful and sweet,
      The woman is caring and beautiful,
      The most successful of all
      Where you are the perky female laugh

    Heard by the hour
      Where you are, it's easier to breathe!
      We wish you all the best,
      So that there are no uninvited guests

    Never in your house
      So that trouble runs away
      Allow with impatience,
      Happy birthday to you!

    Director for you, we have chosen these words: they say when a person is born, at the same moment his star lights up in the sky. Which shines on him through life to the last breath. On your birthday, we wish this star to always help you in life. So that with her bright light she inspires good deeds. Let her bright light add energy to overcome difficulties. And when there’s no one to talk to, just go out, look at the sky, and tell her everything that is in your soul. We wish you, if you cry, then only out of joy. If you laugh, then only sincerely. If you love, then with all your heart. If you are disappointed, then only in those people that you do not need nearby. If you jump, then from happiness. If you dream, then achieve what you want, if you believe it, then with your whole soul. Happy Birthday Director!

    Today is your birthday
      Your friends gathered here,
      And, carrying out the errand,
      On behalf of them I congratulate you.

    Lead the team
      You are well not the first year,
      Your decisions are fair
      We bring the company income.

    You are always on a creative flight,
      For us you are like a father.
      We are ready to give to work,
      And evenings and days off.

    I will say directly and without flattery:
      We are behind you, as if behind a wall.
      For a birthday together
      Let's drink one at a time!

    Happy birthday, I want to congratulate the respected director! And to wish that loved ones be faithful and faithful. So that you do not feel the injections of betrayal and envy. Simple human happiness to you: the laughter of children, your beloved home, a loving wife and inspiration at work. May your creativity never run dry!

    Girlfriend! On your birthday, you shine with happiness and reign at the table, graciously accepting heartfelt congratulations and sincere wishes of people close to you. What can we wish for you? You created your life by your labor, your attention and care, you warm your family, your spouse and your children. I want from myself, and together with all those who are now raising a glass high in your honor, to wish you good luck always with you, and the azure sky above your head always be cloudless!

    Let cheers boom in honor of the boss, congratulate her on her birthday now! We wish you together, so that we feel we need everything, that they give us smiles, and, while making a career, we don’t go over the heads! We wish that everyone around you can rely on you, so that you always help! In general, be what you are now!

    The whole team was looking forward to your birthday in order to honestly admit to you that our company began to flourish only thanks to your direct participation in the labor process and we are very glad that we have the honor to gain experience and knowledge from you. I heartily congratulate you.

    To get yourself a boa constrictor,
      So that the robbers creep away instantly
      To always be protected,
      Long, joyful to live.