Script for sasha for 16 years. Scenario of the anniversary of the girl (young woman) "Star by name ....". Dance with a mop

Contrary to popular belief, a birthday is not a sad holiday. This is a great occasion to meet friends and have a good time. Moreover, if you turn sixteen, because sixteen happens only once in a lifetime (as, however, seventeen and eighteen - but it doesn’t matter). The question is where the 16th anniversary in Moscow can be marked. Everything will depend on personal preferences: cafes, restaurants, paintball, rollerblading, going to the cinema, water park. No matter where the scale of your choice swings, be sure to bring along a cake and sixteen candles.

"A pineapple"

Pineapple is not only a plant from tropical countries, but also a popular metropolitan entertainment center. In it you can order a birthday banquet for any number of guests. You can rent several halls as well as the entire club. The menu includes European (pasta, pizza, delicious desserts, etc.) and Asian cuisine (for example, sushi, rolls, rice dishes). The main entertainment at your holiday can be karaoke. At your service are two professional karaoke installations and an excellent repertoire.


You can have a fun and active holiday at the ROLL HALL entertainment center. In one place you will find: billiards, bowling, Q-ZAR laser game, slot machines. Special attention should be paid to a large rollerdrome with a unique coating, which will be appreciated even by picky professionals, not to mention amateurs. There are several banquet rooms in the center; restaurant "GRILL HALL", where they successfully combine European cuisine with Japanese; fast food, where you can taste delicious Russian pancakes with all kinds of fillings.

Kinostar New York

When a real movie fan celebrates his birthday, he will surely call his friends to the cinema. We advise you to go to the cinema of the new generation "Kinostar New York". Here, not only world hits and premieres, but also comfortable rooms, modern reproduction technologies. Note that the design of the premises will not leave indifferent young movie connoisseurs: the high-tech style is intertwined with the style of the streets of New York.

For the friends of our daughter Angelica, we decided to hold a birthday celebration, during which we all transport together to the world of Ancient China. Modern girls of 12 years old are very interested in secrets and riddles, magic and sorcery. They read Witch magazines about sorcerers and adventure books of the Talisman series. And on Birthday I really want something unusual. Using and summarizing the materials of entertaining leisure for children and various scenarios, I decided to come up with my own. The scenario is very simple, it does not take a lot of time in preliminary preparation, it does not require special material costs.

Traditional Chinese dishes were cooked: Peking duck (chicken legs), fried rice with vegetables, Guandonian meat assortment (sausage, ham), salad shrimp with celery in ginger sauce, seaweed and soy shoot salad, fried Beijing cabbage with tree mushrooms, green tea ice cream, pineapple fruit salad.

  Dear guests, you know that today we gathered in this house for a reason. Today is a holiday here - the birthday of a wonderful, young, beautiful Angelica. I want to congratulate the birthday girl - my beloved daughter happy birthday
  Dear daughter, the sun is red,
  Fresh sea naughty breeze!
  You are all wonderful, bright, clear,
  Delicate and young beautiful flower!
  Be pretty, healthy, outgoing,
  Generous in feelings and sincere laughter!
  Be cheerful and delightful
  Waiting for you happiness, love and success!

  The word is passed on to my beloved grandmother (dad, brother, etc.).

  Birthday is the most joyful and happy holiday that you, Anzhelichka, have been waiting for many days, a whole year. You are twelve - the whole world lies at your feet.
  Find the best way among all the roads.
  Confidently and boldly look into the eyes of fate,
  And choose the thing that happiness will give you.
  Find reliable friends, find your love.
  Do not be afraid of difficult roads, always go ahead!

  Congratulations in verses, applause of the guests and sincere gratitude of the hero of the occasion for the wishes added sun to the atmosphere of our holiday. What is a birthday? I will answer without a doubt: Boxing Day, Pies, Day of smiles and flowers!
  So let's all together congratulate our birthday girl on her birthday and raise our glasses!

A meal break.

Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you on my birthday! Thank you for giving me my dream - these are gifts and warm wishes. Today I’m a birthday girl, which means I can do anything. Would you like me to give you a real holiday. Birthday is a wonderful and fun event. And we will see this today.
  And so the holiday begins. First, I invite everyone to sign the "Dedication to the Birthday of the Guest." I read the contents of this manuscript. The text of the oath: “From now on, until the moment when my eyes stick together with fatigue, I become an honored guest at Lika’s birthday and solemnly swear:

  • have fun to the fullest;
  • eat everything on the festive table;
  • to drink everything that is allowed to my tender age;
  • joke and say nice words about the birthday girl;
  • dance, sing songs, participate in practical jokes and contests. "

Guests read the oath and each sign it near his name.

  Modern girls of 12 years old are very interested in secrets and riddles, magic and sorcery. They read The Witch magazine about sorcerers and adventure books of the Talisman series. And on my birthday I really want something unusual! Today we decided to hold a virtual journey in search of the Scroll of Fortune's birthday. Together we will be transported to the world of Ancient China and set off on an exciting journey in search of the mysterious Scroll and Talisman of Good Luck.
  You all know Mulan Hua - the national heroine of China (the cartoon "Mulan" everyone knows), such a girl really existed (she lived in 589 - 618). Her grave and crypt are also standing in the Dajou village of Yucheng County. She became famous for the fact that instead of her elderly father she went to fight herself and became a vivid example of courage and stamina. The young girl was able to endure all the suffering and hardships of the war and bring victory to her homeland. But today, together with Mulan, we will look for the Scroll and Talisman of Good Luck. According to ancient Chinese tradition, each person has his own scroll and talisman, which brings good luck in everything. You are invited to go through all the stages of competitions and puzzles to find your Scroll of Fortune.

  • Learn courtesy and goodwill (compliment competition).
  • Recall the story in fairy tales and legends ("Riddles about fairy-tale heroes").
  • Be charming (contest "Geisha Smile").
  • To be able to amuse friends (skits).
  • To be quick-witted (contest "Questions for quick-wittedness").
  • Try yourself in cooking (competition "Cook").
  • Learn to navigate in different settings (contest "I believe - I do not believe").
  • Be direct (the game "Fanta").
  • To be able to sing and dance (the competition "We all sang songs" and the game "Dance with Fans").
  • Find out your flower of happiness (the game "Search for the flower of happiness").
  • To know the future on tea leaves ("Fortune-telling on tea").
  • Find out the meaning of your name from the ABC of Fate (ABC of Fate, Mystery of a Name).
  • The prediction of the "Chinese Book of Changes" (fortune telling of the "Book of Changes").

Compliment contest

  And now we are starting our holiday program. I invite you to actively participate in it. Because for each correct answer a token is presented - 1 Chinese yuan. At the end of our evening, yuan will be calculated and prizes will be awarded in accordance with their number.
  China is a country of ancient traditions and customs. It is known that Mulan was taught behaviors at school. On a visit it is customary to be polite and good interlocutors, it is customary for the hero of the occasion to say compliments. And so the first competition:
  "Sitting at the table, each in turn speaks tender and pleasant words - adjectives to the birthday man, the one on whom the vocabulary runs out, says a voluminous toast - a wish."

  Let's join and raise glasses for such an unusual birthday girl. And the winner of the first competition is handed over to the yuan. It seems to me that everyone passed this stage of politeness test with dignity.

Riddles about fairy-tale heroes

  Each nation has its own epic tales, legends, tales. We will hardly guess what they will offer a girl named Mulan when she searches for her scroll. Let's remember our childhood and try to solve riddles. The one who answers first is given 1 Chinese yuan.

He got leeches,
  Selling to Karabas,
  It smelled like swamp mud
  His name was ... (Pinocchio - Duremar).
Poor dolls beat and torment,
  He is looking for a magic key.
  He has a terrible look
  This is the doctor ... (Aibolit - Karabas).
In Prostokvashino he lived
  And he was friends with Matroskin.
  He was a little rustic
  The name was a doggie ... (Toto - Ball).
He was on the road for many days,
  To find your wife,
  And a ball helped him,
  His name was ... (Kolobok - Ivan Tsarevich).
He walked through the forest boldly,
  But the fox of the hero ate.
  The poor thing sang goodbye.
  His name was ... (Cheburashka - Kolobok).
He will know everything, peep,
  All interferes and harms.
  She’s only a rat road,
  And her name is ... (Yaga - Shapoklyak).

Presenter:  And in this test, we have advanced a bit in search of our Scroll of Fortune. We know the history of our fairy tales and cartoons.

Geisha Smile Competition

Be charming. Close your eyes and imagine that you opened them in the mysterious, bewitching atmosphere of the East. You have heard of geisha - these are women who can show the beauty of the world through their tenderness, tact, courtesy, through their knowledge. No geisha will scream to be heard, she speaks quietly, insinuatingly, softly, but everyone listens to her. And she always smiles.
  There are cards on the table. Girls themselves choose a card with the task. Contestants must take turns smiling at how

  • Mona Lisa
  • a girl to an unfamiliar boy;
  • girl with tights advertising;
  • teacher to student;
  • baby - to parents;
  • a double, who received ten points;
  • Leopold - to the mice;
  • the dog is to the owner.

Presenter:  Everyone coped with this contest superbly. Everyone can be handed 1 yuan.

Cheer Friends Scenes

  There is an ancient Chinese legend of the evil beast Gongyan. According to ancient legend, “chase” was a wild beast that brought people many troubles. From its fierce appearance, the trees dumped their foliage, and the land became barren. But the wise old man told people what Gonyan was afraid of: laughter and fun. Let us drive away the evil beast so that eternal spring will always blossom in the life of our birthday girl and in her soul. Let's play the skits.

The presenter lays out cards on the table. Girls are divided into pairs and choose a task card themselves. Contestants must take turns to play the scene.

Parent:  "Hello, I’m the mother of Sidorov Vova."

The teacher:  "Hello, dear Olga Petrovna, have a seat, please."

Parent:  "Did you call me?"

The teacher:  "Your son has lately, as it were to be more exact, some shaggy one has become inhibited. In the lessons he doesn’t answer for the bazaar, chases something, does it sometimes, and sometimes nothing at all, you will excuse me for God's sake!"

The parent, not understanding anything, looks around and shrugs, not finding words on the monologue of the teacher.

Telephone operator:  "Your phone is not responding."

Subscriber:  "What, really?"

Telephone operator:  "No, the first two numbers answered, the rest are silent."

Subscriber:  "And you listen, if the dog barks, then there is nobody at home."

Telephone operator:  "And you still do not see whether the light is on or not?"

The phone rings.

Mistress (picks up the phone): "Hello!"

Mistress:  "No, on TV!"

One incorrigible prankster and merry fellow came to school with a thoroughly black eye.

Classmates (interested): "What happened?"

Joker: "You see, I suffer from insomnia and therefore at three o'clock in the morning I have nothing to do because I usually dial some number on the phone and ask the person I woke up:" Guess who's calling? "

Classmates:  "So what?"

Joker:  "Last night, some type guessed!"

  All the scenes were great. You managed to convey the atmosphere and characters of our heroes. I think, and we passed this test and became even closer to our scrolls and talismans. And everyone needs to give 1 yuan.

Clever Questions Competition

  In Chinese mythology, the Dragon is one of the sacred creatures, a symbol of spring and the East. The dragon is depicted in different ways: in the form of a large snake, an animal that resembles both a tiger and a horse. Or a creature with a camel head and a neck of a lizard. And all because no one had ever seen him. One of the legends of the Chinese people tells that the dragon king Da Wang fell ill at sea. And he had to turn to the doctor who lived in the village of fishermen, on the condition that he would never describe his patient. After asking the healer questions, the Dragon King was convinced that he was a competent and intelligent person. And he can be trusted with his health. Now I’m also asking you questions, but don’t worry, not medical ... So we’ll check which of us is quicker. The first one who correctly named the answer is given 1 Chinese yuan.

  • A person has one, a crow has two, a bear has none. What is it? (The letter "o").
  • Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, since he cannot speak).
  • In what year do people eat more than usual? (In leap).
  • What belongs to you, but others use it more often than you? (Name).
  • What disease on earth has no one been sick? (Nautical).
  • What can be prepared but not eaten? (Lessons).
  • Which hand is better to stir the tea? (Tea is better to stir with a spoon).
  • What gets bigger if you put it upside down? (Number 6).
  • What ends day and night? (Soft sign).
  • What stones are not in the sea? (Dry).
  • What comb can you comb your head? (Petushin).
  • What is easy to lift from the earth, but far from throwing? (Pooh).
  • Why, when you want to sleep, do you go to bed? (By gender).
  • What utensils cannot be eaten from? (From empty).
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Sleep).
  • When is a man a tree? (When he is “pine” from sleep).

  It seems to me that we have overcome with honor this step to our Scrolls of Fortune.

"Culinary Competition"

In China, during the wedding, the bride is transferred in a palanquin from her father’s house to the groom’s house. And in order to avoid all kinds of misfortunes, all the spirits caught in their way to feed, you need to feed dishes, the names of which begin with the letter of the name of the bride. Now, each in turn says the names of dishes that begin with the letter of the name of the person responsible for the celebration of Lika - “L”: (langet (cutlet), noodles, noodles, flat cake, liver, liquor, lemon, lemonade, laurel, kebab, lard (lard) ), bow, lagman, etc.). The one on whom the vocabulary is running out says a voluminous toast - a wish.

If necessary, take a break for a meal.

Competition "I believe - I do not believe"

  Hard times have come for the Chinese people: a warlike Hun tribe has attacked the country. Dressed in men's clothes, Mulan joins the other warriors and sets off on a dangerous campaign to the foot of the snow-capped mountains. But one more test has to be passed, answering the questions as quickly as possible with just one word - yes or no. But can we quickly and correctly answer almost the same questions? The first person to correctly answer the question is awarded the yuan.

  • In China, do students write on a blackboard with a color ink brush? (Yes)
  • Was the ballpoint pen used only by military pilots at first? (Yes)
  • In China, fortified pencils are produced for children who are used to chewing on anything. (Yes)
  • In one Chinese circus, two crocodiles were taught to dance a waltz. (Not)
  • In the morning, is the Chinese taller than in the evening? (Yes, and not only Chinese, but any person)
  • In some places, people still wash with olive oil? (Yes, in some hot provinces of China where there is not enough water)
  • The first place among the causes of death from accidents in China in 1995 was occupied by high-heeled shoes? (Yes, almost 200 Chinese women died from falling from high heels)
  • Do you use disposable blackboards in China? (Not)
  • A fountain pen was invented in ancient Egypt? (Yes)
  • If you put a flounder on a chessboard, it will also become checkered. (Yes)
  • Can bats receive radio signals? (Not)
  • Owls can't turn their eyes? (Yes)
  • Are dolphins little whales? (Yes)
  • Was gunpowder invented in China? (Yes)
  • If a bee stings anyone, will it die? (Yes)
  • Is it true that spiders feed on their own web? (Yes)
  • For winter, penguins fly north? (No, penguins can't fly)
  • Spartan warriors before the battle sprayed their hair with perfume. (Yes, this is the only luxury they allowed themselves)
  • Can children hear higher sounds than adults? (Yes)
  • The first crackers in China were made from scraps of bamboo (Yes, it was believed that the crack of burning bamboo drives away evil spirits)
  • Are Eskimos capelin dried and eaten instead of bread? (Yes)

Presenter:  You are all just smart women - you tried so hard to guess the right answer. This stage of the test - to learn how to navigate in a different environment - all passed with dignity.

The game "Fanta"

  All of you have heard of the wonderful Chinese lanterns. There is a Lantern Festival in China. When such lights are lit, laughter sounds in every house. Our holiday was also not without a lantern. This lantern is not easy; cards with tasks that are completely uncomplicated are attached to it on a string. With your eyes closed, cut off the quest card.

  • to depict without words that you want to go to school, but cannot find a satchel;
  • tell the tale "Turnip" on behalf of Turnip;
  • recall three films that take place on a birthday;
  • tell a poem about a birthday (sing a song);
  • to name five signs by which we can recognize the Snow Maiden;
  • to depict without words that you want to buy three birds with one stone as a gift to a friend;
  • show a cat who is afraid of something but curious;
  • to depict a car that cannot start at all;
  • look at yourself in the mirror and praise yourself, but do not smile;
  • portray an adult afraid to ski downhill.

It seems to me that everyone deserves a reward. Everyone gets the renminbi.

Competition "We all quail songs"

  All people strive for happiness. How to reach it? The Chinese offer a very simple and Chinese-wise answer: happy is the one who has the opportunity to hug three people every day and have fun singing a song.
  So, the competition "We all sang songs." I read the definition for a children's song. Whoever first guesses her gets a winner token, and then everyone sings her.

  • a song about a piece of land surrounded by water, whose inhabitants are happy from the constant eating of tropical fruits ("Chunga-changa");
  • song about a vehicle of heavenly color ("Blue Car");
  • a song about how a shaggy creature performs a musical composition and at the same time takes sunbaths ("I am in the sun");
  • a song about a plant grown in the wild and cut down by a peasant ("A Christmas tree was born in the forest");
  • a song about how fun it’s to march with the band (“Fun to walk together”);
  • a song about a small insect, reminiscent of a certain vegetable in color ("A grasshopper sat in the grass");
  • a song saying that bad weather conditions cannot spoil the holiday ("We will survive this trouble").

Game "Fan Dance"

Fan Dance is the hallmark of Chinese dance art. They also use a fan in oriental dances, for example, in Tai Chi Chuan (or "purple butterfly dance"). Skilled dancers sometimes dashing fans so famously that you wonder. You are given a unique opportunity to feel like real Chinese dancers.

The participant in the dance should keep the feather in the air with the help of a fan, and everyone believes that the dance will last longer.

  In this competition, everyone excelled. But you need not only to hold the feather in the air longer, but also to dance.

Game "Search for the flower of happiness"

  All of you are already a little tired, so I offer an interesting and informative history of flowers.
  In the poem, the heroine is called simply Mulan. "Mulan" means "magnolia." (“Mu” means a tree, and “Lan” means “orchid.”) The name Hua, which means “flower,” is often added to the name Mulan. In China, there is a legend about the mysterious Flower of Happiness. The tulip symbolizes success, love and protection. It is worn on itself to protect life from poverty and all sorts of failures. Tulip is an elven house. If tulips are blooming in your garden or a vase with tulips is standing in an apartment, know that little people flutter between the flowers. And the elves will definitely visit you. But as sometimes happens at the moment of misfortune and trouble, there is no saving flower of happiness at hand. Today you are given a unique opportunity to find the Flower of Happiness right here. I think that each of you will find exactly what she lacks ...

On the table are paper flowers laid out text down. Each guest selects her flower and read out loud what flower of happiness she needs at this stage of life.

  White tulips can clean the ethereal fields.
  In order to set yourself up for work, place seven buds in the center of the room. Every day, turn the vase a quarter of a turn. After a week, take the flowers out of the house and leave it on the street. Your performance will increase.
  The color of tulips is red - the color of love.
  Ask unobtrusively at the guy to whom you are partial, whether he likes red tulips. After this, put a bunch of these flowers in a vase at home and every time you look at the tulips, think about your young man. And you will see that he will become much better treat you.
  The orange color of tulips is the color of protest.
If you do not find anything in common with all the people around you, let the tulips stand at night at your head. All feelings of protest, misunderstanding will go away. And the next day there will be mutual understanding around you, and your relationship with those around you will become harmonious.
  Yellow tulips attract money.
  Decorate your home with bouquets of yellow tulips. Use fresh flowers or their image for this, because it also has the property of attracting money. Hang a picture of yellow tulips in a prominent place or make a screensaver on your computer, this will help you gain wealth.
  Variegated tulips are responsible for diversity in life.
  Put a bunch of colorful tulips in your room in a conspicuous place. Passing the vases, feel the aroma of a flower. After some time, drastic changes will occur in your life.
  The burgundy color of tulips symbolizes power.
  Presenting a bouquet of burgundy tulips as a gift, you will attract a person. You can hope for his piety, generosity and good attitude towards you.
  Marble tulips are responsible for the good attitude of people. They tortured conflicts at school and at home - put flowers in the center of the room. Enjoy their beauty. After some time, you will get rid of irritation, anger and goodwill and mutual understanding will reign around you.
  Pink tulips cheer up.
  If you're bored, you're tired of it - buy a bunch of pink tulips. Put them in a vase and pay attention to them more often. This will not only cheer you up, but also save the room from viruses of irritation, anger.

  Let's raise the bowls for happiness. For the happiness of the birthday girl and each of you. After all, we all know that, contrary to legend, happiness is not in the flower, but in those who are near us - in our near and dear ones.

Comic lottery

  Are you tired of outdoor activities - contests and games? Let's calculate the amount of RMB earned. There are prizes in one box and collapsed notes with prize names in the other. Each of you takes a note and reads what prize he got. And he takes it himself. The one with the most tokens starts.

In life, you have to hope for the best
  Take glue, if it is not glued in life. (Glue)
You won not a penny,
  but a real line.
You’ll be beautiful with your hair
  Captivating everyone with a thick, fluffy mane. (Comb)
Why have you a wallet?
  put the money in the bag. (Package)
Get it, hurry, you have a notebook
  write poems. (Notebook)
To save you money,
We hand you the wallet. (Wallet)
To keep my hair fine
  Useful "tack". (Scrunchy).
Yes, your ticket is happy,
  so hold the pencil.
Do you understand the meaning of the gift?
  Life will be joyful and vibrant. (Marker)
A big love awaits you
  And kisses all year round. (Handkerchief)
This book is not important
  Only you are a writer in it. (Notebook)
Have to live by learning grief
  Do not forget about the days of the calendar. (Clock)

A meal break. Then a dance break, during which the table prepares for tea.

Fortune telling at tea

  Let's drink tea, but not plain tea, but Chinese green. The Chinese tea ceremony is not just a tea party, it is a sacred act. Recall Chinese fortune telling on tea. For fortunetelling, Chinese green tea without additives is suitable.

The basic rules of Chinese fortune telling on tea:

  • sugar is not put in fortune-telling tea;
  • you make a teaspoon of tea right in the cup;
  • cover it with a saucer or a lid;
  • you wait no more than ten minutes before you take a sip, think about the question that you want to clarify;
  • take a cup of tea with your left hand, the one that is closer to the heart;
  • if you saw a floating tea - wait for an expensive gift;
  • a tea stalk floating on the surface is a sign to guests from afar;
  • drink all the tea to the bottom;
  • turn the cup three times clockwise;
  • turn it upside down, place it on a saucer, leave it in this position for a while;
  • look into the cup: the picture of the tea leaves on the walls of the cup is the answer to your question.

When we unravel the pattern of the tea leaves, the handle of the cup should be on the left side. Pay attention to the picture as a whole. Does the picture make up a lot of disconnected, unconnected tea leaves? If the picture is completely chaotic and the gulls are not communicated in any way - this means that Providence so far leaves your question unanswered. But in no case is this a negative answer! It’s just that the time for an exact answer has not yet arrived. The shape of the tea leaves says a lot: if there are round tea leaves in the cup, the made desire will certainly come true.

If you see light streaks of streaks passing along the edges of the cup, a road awaits you. The strip on the outside of the cup predicts that the road will be far. The time of the forthcoming action is determined by the location of the figure in the cup:

  • if it is on the edge of the cup or near the edge - the present;
  • if closer to the bottom, the further the upcoming event in time is removed;
  • if there are symbols on the bottom - to the distant future;
  • if the character is closer to the handle, the sooner the prediction will come true.

Consider the numbers and letters formed from the tea leaves, which you must take into account when collecting the result of fortune-telling in a single whole. If the gulls have formed some kind of figure, we begin to unravel!

We look at a detailed interpretation.

A detailed interpretation of the shapes formed in the cup can be seen

"The ABC of Fate", "The Secret of the Name"

  All of you have heard that there are many kinds of Chinese predictions: Chinese horoscope, horoscope of the Druids, palmistry (fortune telling by the hand) ... Even in the person’s face and gait, the soothsayer could predict his future. There is a prediction by the name of a person ... It's all about a few letters that are components of your name. Let's look at this strange relationship: fate and name. Each letter has its own semantic and emotional connotation. The meaning of the name can be solved by summing up the meaning of each letter. The influence of each letter in the name is not equal in strength. The letter, beginning with the name, is most pronounced, then the most audible and repeated more than once. For example, take the name "Anna". It has two letters "a". In all languages, this is a symbol of the beginning. "N" is a symbol of inner strength, the desire not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately. So, "Anna" is a "sensible initiative."

Fortune telling in the Chinese Book of Changes

  Fortune telling in the Book of Changes has become traditional for Chinese culture. We will continue this tradition.

You can get acquainted with this book and download it here:

Game "Scroll"

  Dear guests, now you have to plunge headlong into Chinese painting. There is a peculiar form of paintings in the Chinese painting tradition - a scroll. You have to create such paintings, but not alone. To do this, the guests will take turns writing a few lines of congratulations to the birthday girl and wrap it up so that the next participant sees only the end of the phrase. After each guest writes something, we will unfold the sheet and read what happened. The task is to write an original congratulation without repetition.

Summing up (presentation of the Scrolls and Talismans of Fortune).

  To summarize. At the beginning of our holiday, you signed the “Dedication to the Guests” and everyone fulfilled their oath: had fun to the fullest, ate everything that was on the holiday table, joked and said nice words to the birthday girl, danced, sang songs, participated in rallies and contests .
Our holiday was held in the Chinese style. Following Mulan Hua, we had to pass all the trials that she had to pass on her life's journey. You all worthily went through the stages of contests and riddles to find your Scroll of Fortune:
  Now we solemnly hand you the Scrolls and Talismans of Fortune.
  Scrolls made in advance. On one side is a hieroglyph, on the back - its decoding and a talisman. (Information can be found on the Internet).
  China is considered to be the birthplace of the fan. The fan attracts and holds positive energy. He will protect you from adversity.
  Each girl is awarded a Chinese fan. 12/15/2018 03:14:47, Kristinn

Thanks for the idea, tips and advice. Every year I spend my daughter's birthday. But on the 12th birthday there was doubt (at home or a cafe?). Children are as if already grown up !? After reading your script "caught fire". Holiday BE !!! The topic is interesting, unheeded. Simplicity in the organization is captivating. Educational contests and riddles. Everything is described in detail. In two days we will celebrate. The script is super! Thank you so much for your work.

04/25/2017 13:33:01, Lizaveta.

Interesting, original, funny and fun. I liked it very much. Thanks. The whole script is saturated with the spirit of magic and mystery. Thanks to you and your script, your daughter’s birthday was on top. SUPER.

The script is great !!! Sister celebrated the 13th anniversary of your scenario. It turned out super cool !!! The girls were pleased and pleasantly surprised by a lot of interesting information !!! thanks

08/22/2008 11:04:01, Alla

Wonderful scenario, thought out and "with soul"! Thanks!

14.08.2008 20:44:46

Interesting, wonderful, and most importantly informative! The holiday turned out SUPER! Active participation was not only our children, but also parents (even dads). The script is just class !!! Thank you for such a tip to the author.

07/23/2008 1:20:34 p.m., Ekaterina

Sixteen is a kind of Rubicon for a teenager, when the feeling of growing up comes, new prospects open up, and he already feels less parental care. Naturally, the question of how to celebrate a birthday of 16 years, a girl or a guy cares with particular force. Many young people certainly want to turn this event into some kind of fantastic day of fun and intensity of passions so that it does not flash imperceptibly, without leaving behind memories.

What is the best birthday for 16 years?

  1. The most common option for celebrating such special name days is a traditional family feast. Of course, many will say that this is unoriginal, old and already out of fashion. But not everyone has funds for bars and restaurants, and not everyone is a fan of crowded events. There are couch potatoes who wish to celebrate this event in the country or in an apartment exclusively in their own circle. For them, they should beautifully clean the living room, prepare a grand cake with candles, balls, caps, pick up interesting board games. There are many ways to celebrate 16 years at home, and they are sometimes no less original than a party in an expensive restaurant.
  2. If your family can afford to order a room in an expensive luxurious establishment, then there is the opportunity to celebrate the sixtieth birthday in full and elegant. You do not need to stand in the kitchen yourself, helping parents prepare delicious dishes. Waiters and cooks will do everything themselves, musicians and presenters will create the right atmosphere, and birthday people will only play the role of king and queen of a magnificent ball.
  3. Some absolutely do not like to meet the age of majority in the circle of parents and other adults, they want the most open and informal atmosphere at such celebrations. Let's look at options for how to celebrate a birthday of 16 years with friends, discarding all the rules and restrictions. Why not order a sauna, get together in the pool, then go somewhere far away from relatives to the club or go on an overnight outing to a picnic. It is very fashionable to celebrate sixteen years or other anniversaries, both in special institutions and in the open. Agree that the meeting of the 16th anniversary in the Mexican, pirate, Japanese or gangster style can be a very memorable event.

16 years old is a great age - it seems to be not quite an adult, but no longer a child. And how to spend such a birthday for a girl? The girl’s birthday scenario for 16 years will help you to arrange a stunning holiday, and your girlfriends will bite your elbows from the fact that they did not have such a bright and colorful birthday.

We propose to conduct the entire scenario for a girl's birthday for 16 years in this format - games and contests. And you yourself will decide when you should dance, and when to sit down at a table to refresh yourself. So, let's begin.

At age 16, many already held people, personalities and celebrities. Do you want your daughter to feel like a real celebrity? Then we offer this: in a day or two, call your daughter’s girlfriends, but in secret from the birthday girl, and tell them what they need to do everything. And they need to do this: they should all collect slowly near the birthday girl’s apartment and each should have a postcard. When everyone has gathered, they start knocking and banging on the door and screaming: open, we want to see you, we love you and so on. Screaming is what fans usually scream. When the birthday girl opens the door, then everyone reaches out for her hands with cards and shout: this is for you, take it from me. Congratulations! Etc. After all the guests go into the room, where they already congratulate howling girlfriend on the holiday.
First, you need to make sure that the guests get accustomed to the holiday and become “their own”. Therefore, we propose to conduct a game in the style of a question and answer. First one takes out the question - reads it, and then the answer - and also reads it.

Examples of questions:

1. What do you think of the birthday girl?
2. Do you think the birthday girl guessed with a hairstyle?
3. Are you very upset to learn that you are older than the birthday girl?
4. Do you consider the birthday girl to be your girlfriend?
5. Have you come to eat and drink?
6. So that they do not think about you that you are a glutton, you will eat a little, and then in secret will collect the leftovers of food home?
7. If everything is perfect, will you ruin the cake?
8. Will you pour alcohol into everyone’s juice so that adults don’t notice?
9. When choosing a gift for a birthday girl, did you think about your money spent or about how she liked it?
10. Are you glad for the happiness of the birthday girl?

Examples of answers:

1. Do you have to say it out loud?
2. Not really, but it's a matter of taste.
3. I laugh in your face!
4. Wow, well, the question!
5. If there was my will, I would not have done that!
6. I always do that!
7. Yes, yes, this is my most cherished dream!
8. The exact opposite.
9. Do I look like this?
10. A little bit.

After all, young girlfriends are invited to guess the modern and not so songs. But it will not be so easy to do this, because these are song changeling. That is, the line of the song in the form of a changeling is read out, and guests guess the name of the song. Examples further.

Examples of Changeling songs:
Everything is always the same, no different from each other!
Girls are different, black, white, red!

One more example:
Summer, heat, houses, apparently, not visible.
Winter, cold, lonely houses.

And another example:
Forever forget this winter.
Do not forget this summer.

And let's give one more example:
It is such a happiness that a sad holiday happens many, many times.
Unfortunately, a birthday, only once a year!

So you can make any song a song changeling, and let them guess.
For the next contest, all the girls need to wash off the lipstick on their lips. Girls are divided into pairs, and the light turns off to make it dark. The task of the girls to make up lips to each other in pairs. And so that everything is serious, whoever can color evenly and beautifully, he receives a prize.
Game with a ball, in the believe-not-believe style. Only here the birthday girl throws the ball in turn to the guests and says the name of the decoration or object for decoration, and the one who caught the ball should throw it back within three seconds, while naming that part of the body for which it is intended.

Mubus - mouth
Ring - Finger
Earrings - Ears
Shampoo - Hair
Mascara - eyelashes
Nail Polish - Nails
Hair Dye - Hair
Etc. Until the words get tired or run out.

At the end of the holiday, a birthday cake is served. You can do this like this:
All girls are given a piece of paper on which is written an oath called "no diet"! The girls read the oath together, loudly and clearly.

I swear solemnly to all those present
Have a cake until I choke!
I’ll eat my piece quickly
And cut off the second myself!
No diet today I will say
And if I break the oath, then I will punish myself.
My punishment will be severe
I’ll eat three kilograms of cake!

After the oath, everyone without exception eats a cake.

Here you are sixteen
It’s time for a bright youth.
We wish you happiness
Strength, good luck and good.

Evolve, smile
Be healthy and not be sad
Charge positive
Waiting for luck ahead!

You got older today
Became smarter, stronger.
May your dreams come true
And all the bridges will come together!

I wish you bright days
The most sincere people
More true friends
Many plans and ideas!

Let everythnig will be alright,
Only upward movement.
Bright, joyful, fresh
Happy Birthday!

On the day of your 16th birthday, I wish you to remain the same fun and wonderful guy. I wish you to find your calling, to be strong in spirit and physically strong. Strive to achieve more and better. I wish you health, reliable friends, self-confidence, a great mood and millions of opportunities! Today is your day, have fun!

Congratulations on an important date!
Bright days, good luck in fate.
Live deeply without adversity
Be strong, believe yourself.

Adult guy, be reliable
Brave like a superman.
After all, 16 is a difficult age,
The wind of change is blowing.

You will succeed in life
Lucky in all things
And success is the first sign -
This is the light in your eyes.

I wish you
Your whole family was proud.
So that everything turns out well,
And they were faithful friends.

At sixteen your path
The beginning of the adult path.
Dreams may turn into reality
And may fortune be along the way.

Sixteen years old is a wonderful age
I hasten to congratulate you on this,
Let it be a cool day today
I want to wish a lot for everything.

Let everything be in life, as in a fairy tale,
So that he can reach heights in all,
And the world shines in bright colors
And so let it be every year.

Your desires so that they do not know the barriers
Everything that you want came true
Friends only faithful in sadness supported
And helped in the fulfillment of dreams.

You are 16 years old
It is not much and not little.
Of course, an adult, no doubt,
But still, life is only the beginning.

And on your birthday
We wish you happiness on the way
To protect yourself from adversity
And he managed to find his goal!

At 16, everything is just beginning
And billions of stars in the night burn.
Everything impossible now comes true
And thoughts into the future are in a hurry.

You're on the verge of a vast life
Full of hope, your eyes burn.
I wish you a blessed fate
Love, health, happiness forever!

At 16 I want to wish
Never lose heart
And to achieve heights,
Try to manage everything.

You grow up mind and body
Do not forget about your relatives.
Set an example only in deed
Be a man to the end.

Life is long, bright, bright,
Be as fun as it is now.
To develop, smile, make dreams come true,
And love is pure, without embellishment.

Here you are already 16,
He’s become a guy, even where!
You already know how to kiss
Oh, how the years fly.

My darling, I wish you
Just one thing:
Stay cool guy
And love easily.

Do not know the problems, more happiness
And wisdom in the eyes.
With friends sincerely laugh
For any years!

That's 16 years already!
Excitement and positive in the soul.
You succeeded in pride to us
And you already decide everything yourself.

So quickly matured in a year
And there is so much to come.
You’re so used to always trying.
Let everything be easy!