Anderson Hans Christians swineherd. Swineherd - Hans Christian Andersen. Briefly about the plot of an instructive tale

Once upon a time there was a poor prince. His kingdom was small, rather small, but still it was possible to get married, but the prince wanted to get married.

Of course, on his part, it was somewhat bold to ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” However, he bore a glorious name and knew that hundreds of princesses would gratefully respond to his proposal with consent. Come on, know that it will come to the head of the imperial daughter! Let’s listen how it was.

On the grave of the father of the prince rose a bush of indescribable beauty; it bloomed only once every five years, and only one single rose blossomed on it. But she poured such a sweet aroma that, digging it, you could forget all your sorrows and worries. The prince also had a nightingale, who sang so wonderfully, as if in his neck all the most wonderful melodies that he had in the world were collected.   Both the rose and the nightingale were intended as a gift to the princess; they were put in large silver caskets and sent to her.

The emperor ordered the caskets to be brought directly to the large hall, where the princess played with her maids of honor; she had no other occupations. Seeing the big caskets with gifts, the princess clapped her hands in joy.

Ah, if there was a little pussy! - she said. But a lovely rose was taken out of the casket.

Ah, how cute it is done! - said all maids of honor.

More than cute! - said the emperor. “It's really not bad!”

But the princess touched the rose and almost burst into tears.

Fi, dad! - she said. “She's not artificial, but real!”

Phi! - repeated all the courtiers. - The real one!

Let’s wait angry! Let's see what’s in the other casket first! - objected the emperor.

And then a nightingale appeared from the casket and sang so wonderfully that it was impossible to find any flaw right now.

Superbe! Charmant! - said the maids of honor; they all chatted in French, one worse than the other.

How this bird reminds me of the organ of the late Empress! - said one old courtier. “Yes, the same tone, the same manner!”

Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

Hope the bird is not real? the princess asked. - The real one! - the ambassadors who delivered the gifts answered her.

So let her fly! - said the princess and never let the prince come to her himself.

But the prince was not discouraged: he smeared his whole face with black and brown paint, jammed his hat and knocked on the palace.

Hello emperor! - he said. “Will you find a place for me?”

A lot of you walk here! - answered the emperor. “But wait, I need a swineherd!” We have an abyss of pigs!

And so the prince was approved by the court swineherd and they took him a miserable, tiny closet next to the pork corners. He sat at work day and day and by the evening he made a wonderful pot. The pot was hung with bells, and when something was being cooked in it, the bells called an old song:

  The most interesting thing was that, holding his hand above the steam rising from the pot, you could find out what kind of food was being prepared in someone in the city. Yeah, the pot was not like any rose!

Here the princess went for a walk with her maids of honor and suddenly heard the melodic ringing of bells. She immediately stopped and beamed: she, too, knew how to play the piano "Ah, my dear Augustine." She played this melody only, but with one finger.

Ah, because I play it! - she said. - So the swineherd is educated here! Listen, let one of you go and ask him what this tool is worth.

One of the maids of honor had to put on wooden shoes and go to the back yard. - What do you take for a pot? she asked.

Ten Princess Kisses! - answered swineherd.

How can you! said the maid of honor.

And you can’t cheaper! - answered swineherd.

Well, what did he say? the princess asked.

Right, and you can’t pass! - answered the maid of honor. - This is terrible!

So whisper in my ear!

And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

That ignoramus! - said the princess and went was, but ... the bells rang so sweetly:

Ah, my dear Augustine, Everything passed, passed, passed!

Listen! - said the princess to the maid of honor. “Go ask if he will take ten kisses of my maids of honor?”

No thanks! answered the swineherd. “Ten princess kisses, or the pot will remain with me.”

How boring is that! - said the princess. “Well, you have to stand around so that no one sees us!”

The maids of honor surrounded her and spread their skirts; the swineherd got ten princess kisses, and the princess got a potty.

There was joy! The whole evening and the whole next day the pot did not leave the hearth, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, from the chamberlain's room to the shoemaker's, about which they would not know what was cooked in it. The maids of honor jumped and clapped their hands.

We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

Still would! - confirmed Ober-Hofmeisterina.

Yes, but keep your mouth shut, I'm an imperial daughter!

Have mercy! - they said everything.

But the swineherd (that is, the prince, but for them he was a swineherder after all) did not waste time and made a rattle; when it began to twirl, the sounds of all the waltzes and poles, which only exist in the world, were heard. - But it's a superbe! - said the princess, passing by. - That's the potpourri! I heard nothing better than that! Listen, ask what he wants for this tool. But I won’t kiss anymore!

It requires a hundred princess kisses! - reported the maid of honor, having visited the swineherd.

What is he in the mind? - said the princess and went her way, but took two steps and stopped.

Art must be encouraged! - she said. “I'm the imperial daughter!” Tell him that I will give him ten kisses yesterday, and let him receive the rest from my maids of honor!

Well, we don’t like it at all! - said the maids of honor.

Nonsense! - said the princess. “Well, if I can kiss him, then you are all the more!” Do not forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

And the maid of honor once again had to go to the swineherd.

One Hundred Princess Kisses! he repeated. - But no, everyone will remain with his own. - Get around! - the princess commanded, and the maids of honor surrounded her, and the swineherd began to kiss her.

What is this bunch of pork corners? - the emperor asked, going out onto the balcony, rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. - Uh, yes these maids of honor again started something! We must go see.

And he straightened the backs of his slippers. Shoes used to be his worn shoes. You would only have watched how he quickly slapped them!

Arriving at the back yard, he slowly crept up to the maids of honor, and they were all terribly busy counting kisses - it was necessary to make sure that the reckoning was honest and that the swineherd got neither more nor less than he should. No one therefore noticed the emperor, and he stood on tiptoe.

What a thing! he said, having seen the kissers, and threw his shoes at them just at that moment when the swineherd received an eighty-sixth kiss from the princess. - Out! shouted the angry emperor and drove the princess and swineherd out of his state.

The princess stood and cried, the swineherd swore, and the rain poured on them.

Ah, I'm miserable! - the princess cried. - What would I marry a handsome prince! Ah, how miserable I am!

And the swineherd went behind the tree, wiped black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes and appeared before her in all his royal grandeur and beauty, and he was so handsome that the princess curtsied.

Now I only despise you! - he said. “You didn’t want to marry an honest prince!” You did not appreciate the nightingale and the rose, and the swineherd kissed for toys! Let’s share it with you!

And he went to his kingdom, slamming the door shut behind him. And she could only stand and sing:

Ah, my dear Augustine, Everything passed, passed, passed!

Once upon a time there was a poor prince. His kingdom was small, rather small, but still it was possible to get married, but the prince wanted to get married.

Of course, on his part, it was somewhat bold to ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” However, he bore a glorious name and knew that hundreds of princesses would gratefully respond to his proposal with consent. Well, wait for this from the imperial daughter! Let’s listen how it was.

On the grave of the father of the prince rose a bush of indescribable beauty; it bloomed only once every five years, and only one single rose blossomed on it. But she poured such a sweet aroma that, digging it, you could forget all your sorrows and worries.

The prince also had a nightingale, who sang so wonderfully, as if in his neck all the most wonderful melodies that he had in the world were collected. Both the rose and the nightingale were intended as a gift to the princess; they were put in large silver caskets and sent to her.

The emperor ordered the caskets to be brought directly to the large hall, where the princess played with her maids of honor; she had no other occupations. Seeing the big caskets with gifts, the princess clapped her hands in joy.

Ah, if there was a little pussy! - she said.

But a lovely rose appeared.

Ah, how cute it is done! - said all maids of honor.

More than cute! - said the emperor, - It's just not bad!

But the princess touched the rose and almost burst into tears.

Fi, dad! - she said. “She's not artificial, but real!”

Phi! - repeated all the courtiers. - The real one!

Let’s wait angry! Let's see what’s in the other casket first! - objected the emperor.

And then a nightingale appeared from the casket and sang so wonderfully that it was impossible to find any flaw right now.

Superbe! Charmant! - said the maids of honor; they all chatted in French, one worse than the other.

How this bird reminds me of the organ of the late Empress! - said one old courtier. - Yes, the same tone, the same manner of giving a sound!

Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

Hope the bird is not real? the princess asked.

The real one! - the ambassadors who delivered the gifts answered her.

So let her fly! - said the princess and never let the prince come to her himself.

But the prince did not lose heart, smeared his entire face with black and brown paint, jammed his hat and knocked.

Hello emperor! - he said. “Could you find a place for me in the palace?”

A lot of you walk here and seek! - answered the emperor. “But wait, I need a swineherd!” We have an abyss of pigs!

And so the prince was approved by the court swineherd and they took him a miserable, tiny closet next to the pork corners. He sat at work all day and by the evening he made a wonderful pot. The pot was all hung with bells, and when they cooked something in it, the bells called an old song:

Ah my dear Augustine
Everything passed, passed, passed!

The most interesting thing was that, holding a hand above the steam rising from the pot, you could find out what kind of food was being prepared in the city. Yeah, the pot was not like any rose!

Here the princess went for a walk with her maids of honor and suddenly heard the melodic ringing of bells. She immediately stopped and beamed: she, too, knew how to play the piano "Ah, my dear Augustine." She played just this one tune, but with one finger.

Ah, because I play it! - she said. - So the swineherd is educated here!

Listen, let one of you go and ask him what this tool is worth.

One of the maids of honor had to put on wooden shoes and go to the back yard.

What do you take for a pot? she asked.

Ten Princess Kisses! - answered swineherd.

How can you! said the maid of honor.

And you can’t cheaper! - answered swineherd.

Well, what did he say? the princess asked.

Right, and you can’t pass! - answered the maid of honor. - This is terrible!

So whisper in my ear!

And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

That ignoramus! - said the princess and went was, but ... the bells rang so sweetly:

Ah my dear Augustine
Everything passed, passed, passed!

Listen! - said the princess to the maid of honor. “Go ask if he will take ten kisses of my maids of honor?”

No thanks! - answered swineherd. “Ten princess kisses, or the pot will remain with me.”

How boring is that! - said the princess, - Well, you have to stand around so that no one sees us!

The maids of honor surrounded her and spread their skirts; the swineherd received ten princess kisses, and the princess received a pot.

There was joy! The whole evening and the whole next day the pot did not leave the hearth, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, from the chamberlain's room to the shoemaker's, about which they would not know what was cooked in it. The maids of honor jumped and clapped their hands.

We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

Still would! - confirmed Ober-Hofmeisterina.

Yes, but keep your mouth shut, I'm an imperial daughter!

Have mercy! - they said everything.

But the swineherd (that is, the prince, but for them he was a swineherder after all) did not waste time and made a rattle; when it began to spin through the air, the sounds of all the waltzes and poles that could only be found in the white world were heard.

But this is superbe! - said the princess, passing by. - That's the potpourri! I heard nothing better than that! Listen, ask what he wants for this tool. But I won’t kiss anymore!

It requires a hundred princess kisses! - reported the maid of honor, having visited the swineherd.

What is he in the mind? - said the princess and went her way, but took two steps and stopped.

Art must be encouraged! - she said. “I'm the imperial daughter!” Tell him that I will give him ten kisses yesterday, and let him get the rest from my maids of honor!

Well, we don’t like it at all! - said the maids of honor.

Nonsense! - said the princess. “Well, if I can kiss him, then even more so!”

Do not forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

And the maid of honor again had to go to the swineherd.

One Hundred Princess Kisses! he repeated. - But no - everyone will remain at his own.

Get around! - the princess commanded, and the maids of honor surrounded her, and the swineherd began to kiss her.

What is this bunch of pork corners? - Asked, going to the balcony, the emperor rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. - Uh, yes these maids of honor again started something! We must go see.

And he straightened the backs of his slippers. Shoes used to be his worn shoes. Oh you, how quickly he spanked them!

Arriving at the back yard, he slowly crept up to the maids of honor, and they were all terribly busy counting kisses - it was necessary to make sure that the reckoning was honest and that the swineherd got neither more nor less than he should. No one therefore noticed the emperor, and he stood on tiptoe.

What a thing! he said, having seen the kissers, and threw his shoes at them just at that moment when the swineherd received an eighty-sixth kiss from the princess. - Out! cried the angry emperor and drove out of his state the princess and swineherd.

The princess stood and cried, the swineherd swore, and the rain poured on them.

Ah, I'm miserable! - the princess cried. - What would I marry a handsome prince! Ah, how miserable I am!

And the swineherd went behind the tree, wiped black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes and appeared before her in all his royal grandeur and beauty, and he was so handsome that the princess curtsied.

Now I only despise you! - he said. “You didn’t want to marry an honest prince!” You did not understand the point in the nightingale and the rose, and you kissed the swineherd for toys! Let’s share it with you!

And he went to his kingdom, slamming the door shut behind him. And she had to stand and sing:

Ah my dear Augustine
Everything passed, passed, passed!

Once upon a time there was a poor prince. His kingdom was very small, but no, and yet the kingdom — even marry, and he just wanted to get married.

It, of course, was impudent to take and ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” But he dared. His name was known all over the world, and hundreds of princesses would say thanks to him, but what will the imperial daughter say?

But listen.

On the grave of the father of the prince grew a rose bush, but how beautiful! It bloomed only once every five years, and a single rose blossomed on it. But its aroma was sweet, you smell it - and all your sorrows and worries will be immediately forgotten. And the prince had a nightingale, and he sang as if in his neck all the most wonderful tunes in the world were collected. So the prince decided to give the princess a rose and a nightingale. They put them in large silver caskets and sent them to her.

The emperor ordered to bring the caskets to his large hall - the princess played there with her maids of honor there, because she had no other business. The princess saw the caskets with gifts, clapped her hands with joy.

- Ah, if there was a little pussy! - she said.

But a wonderful rose appeared.

“It’s not enough to say sweet,” the emperor answered, “it’s not bad at all!”

Only the princess touched the rose and almost burst into tears.

- Fi, dad! She is not artificial, she is real.

- Wait, get angry! Let's see what’s in the other casket first! - said the emperor.

And then the nightingale fluttered out of the casket and sang so wonderfully that at first there was nothing to complain about.

- Great! Sumptuously! - said the maids of honor.

- This bird so reminds me of the organ of the late Empress! - said one old courtier. “Yes, yes, and the sound is the same, and manner!”

- Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

- I hope the bird is not real? The princess asked.

- The real one! - answered the messengers who delivered the gifts.

“Well then, let him fly,” said the princess and flatly refused to accept the prince.

Only the prince was not discouraged; smeared his face with black and brown paint, jammed a hat over his eyes and knocked on the door.

- Hello, Emperor! - he said. “Will you find a place for me in the palace?”

- A lot of you walk here and seek! - answered the emperor. “But wait, I need a swineherd!” We have an abyss of pigs!

So they identified the prince as a swineherd of his majesty and took away the wretched closet next to the pigsty, and he was supposed to live there. Well, he sat all day at work and in the evening made a wonderful little pot. The whole pot is hung with bells, and when something is cooked in it, bells cause an old song:

“Ah, my dear Augustine ...”

But only the funniest thing in the pot is that if you hold a finger over it a couple of times, you can now find out who is preparing in the city. No words, it was cleaner than a rose.

Once the princess walks with all the maids of honor and suddenly he hears the melody that the bells called. She became in place, and so she all shines, because she also knew how to play. “Ah, my dear Augustine,” - only this melody and only with one finger.

“Ah, I can do it too!” - she said. “We must have an educated pig farm.” Listen, let someone go and ask what this tool is worth.

And one of the maids of honor had to go to the swineherd, only she put on wooden shoes for this.

- What do you take for a pot? She asked.

- Ten princess kisses! - answered swineherd.

- Lord have mercy!

- Yes, no less! - answered swineherd.

“Well, what did he say?” The princess asked.

- This is impossible to pronounce! - answered the maid of honor. - This is terrible!

- So whisper in your ear!

And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

- What an ignoramus! - said the princess and went on, but did not even have time to take a few steps, as the bells again rang so gloriously:

- Ah, my dear Augustine,

Everything passed, passed, passed!

“Listen,” said the princess, “go and ask, maybe he will agree to ten kisses of my maids of honor?”

- No thanks! - answered swineherd. “Ten princess kisses, or the pot will remain with me.”

- What a bore! - said the princess. “Well, stand around me so no one sees!”

The maids of honor cluttered the princess, the skirts were spread wide, and the swineherd got ten kisses of the princess, and the princess got a pot.

There was joy! All evening and the next day, a pot stood on fire, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, be it the house of the chamberlain or the shoemaker, about whom the princess would not know what they were cooking there. The maids of honor danced with joy and clapped their hands.

“We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today!” We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

“Extremely interesting!” - confirmed Obergofmeisterin.

“But just keep your mouth shut, for I am the daughter of the emperor!”

- Have mercy! - they said everything.

And the swineherd - that is, the prince, but for them he was still the swineherd - did not lose time and made a rattle. It is worth turning it in the air - and now it sprinkles with all the waltzes and polkas that exist in the world.

“But this is incomparable!” - said the princess, passing by. “I just didn't hear anything better!” Listen, ask what he wants for this tool. I just won’t kiss anymore!

“He requires a hundred princess kisses!” - reported the maid of honor, leaving the swineherd.

- Yes, he is, really, crazy! - said the princess and went on, but, taking two steps, she stopped. - Art must be encouraged! She said. “I am the daughter of the emperor. Tell him, I agree to ten kisses, as yesterday, and let him receive the rest from my maids of honor!

- Ah, we don’t feel like that! - said the maids of honor.

- What nonsense! - said the princess. “Well, if I can kiss him, then even more so!” Do not forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

The maid of honor once again went to the swineherd.

“One hundred princess kisses!” - he said. - But no, everyone will remain at his own.

- Get around! Said the princess, and the maids of honor surrounded her and the swineherd.

“What kind of a pigsty bunch is this?” The emperor asked, going out onto the balcony. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. - Not otherwise than the maids of honor again started something! We must go see.

And he straightened the backs of his shoes - the shoes he used were the worn shoes. Eh, how fast he walked!

The emperor descended into the courtyard, sneaking up on the maids of honor slowly, and they were only busy doing kisses, because it was necessary for the matter to be honored with honor and to receive swineherd exactly as much as it should, no more, no less. That is why no one noticed the emperor, and he stood on tiptoe and looked.

“What is this?” - he said, figuring out that the princess kisses the swineherd, but how enough of their shoes on the head!

This happened at the moment when the swineherd received his eighty-sixth kiss.

- Out! - the emperor said in anger and pushed the princess with the swineherd from the borders of his state.

The princess stands and cries, the swineherd swears, and the rain watered.

- Oh, I'm miserable! - the princess laments. - What would I marry a handsome prince! Oh, I'm unhappy! ..

And the swineherd went behind a tree, wiped black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes - and now in front of her was a prince in royal attire, so handsome that the princess unwittingly curtsied.

“Now I despise you!” - he said. “You didn't want to marry an honest prince.” You didn’t understand anything either in the nightingale or in the rose, but you could kiss for swineherd’s trinkets. Share it with you!

He went to his kingdom and closed the door to the bolt. And the princess could only stand and sing:

- Ah, my dear Augustine,

Everything passed, passed, passed!

About a fairy tale

Swineherd - a tale of the good prince and the stupid princess

The simple, but very instructive tale "Svinedrengen" refers to the most famous literary works of Hans Christian Andersen. The great storyteller presented the story of the good prince who wanted to get the hands of the princess, and the stupid girl preferred the grim swineherd.

The tale was first introduced to society at the end of 1841 by the famous Danish publisher Karl Reitzel. The story quickly gained popularity and was included in the famous collection "Tales told to children."

Researchers of fairy-tale literature believe that history is an original invention of the author, despite the fact that similar stories have already been found in the works of other famous writers.

Note to readers!  Here are tales similar to Andersen's Swineherd:

- In the Pentameron, Janbattista has a story about the proud Chinziella. A prince, dressed as a modest gardener, turned to her. The girl fell in love with a simple guy for the kindness of his soul and only then found out about his royal origin.

- In the collected works of the Brothers Grimm there is a fairy tale "King Thrushbeard." And there, the knight of noble blood cleverly disguises himself to embrace a proud and very beautiful princess.

Andersen's fairy tale Swineherd ends differently from other traditional stories. The author decides to punish the arrogant stupid princess and leave her all alone. The reader likes when in the finale of the tale the main characters fall in love and get married. However, Andersen departs from the fairy canons and shows the children that because of his unreasonable actions, you can stay with nothing.

Briefly about the plot of an instructive tale

In one small kingdom there lived a poor prince. His parents did not leave him chests of gold and a huge palace, but he still had two jewels. The guy was very dear to the rose bush, which bloomed once every 5 years and loved his sweet-haired nightingale, singing beautiful delicate songs in the morning.

Once the prince decided to marry and chose the emperor’s daughter as his bride. Any girl would be happy to become the wife of a good noble guy, but the prince wanted to conquer the highest peak. As gifts, he sent the girl everything he had, a nightingale and a rose. But the spoiled girl did not accept the prince’s simple gifts; she loved overseas curiosities with complex mechanisms.

A smart guy decides to teach an arrogant princess a lesson! He disguises himself as a vagabond and enters the service of a swineherd. Wanting to attract the attention of the chosen one, the boy masters a musical pot with magical properties. The princess, having heard a cheerful melody, makes her way through the mud to the swineherd and pays him 10 kisses for an outlandish little thing.

The fish caught the bait! The next time, the cunning prince makes a musical rattle and lures the princess with maids of honor to the backyard. This time, he demands a fee of 100 kisses, and a stupid girl will fall into the network, placed by a vengeful prince.

The emperor suddenly finds his daughter in shameful occupation. In anger, he drives out the gate and the naughty princess, and the guilty swineherd. In the wild, the prince throws off rags and washes his face, and then confesses to the saddened girl his royal origin. The princess thinks that now they will be happy together, but the prince decides that he does not need such a stupid spoiled bride.

A bit sad story, isn't it? But true and very modern!

Read fairy tales with your children, look at pictures and let the instructive plot from the good grandfather Andersen remain forever in children's memory.

Once upon a time there was a poor prince. His kingdom was very small, but no, and yet the kingdom — even marry, and he just wanted to get married.

It, of course, was impudent to take and ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” But he dared. His name was known all over the world, and hundreds of princesses would say thanks to him, but what will the imperial daughter say?

But listen.

On the grave of the father of the prince grew a rose bush, but how beautiful! It bloomed only once every five years, and a single rose blossomed on it. But its aroma was sweet, you smell it - and all your sorrows and worries will be immediately forgotten. And the prince had a nightingale, and he sang as if in his neck all the most wonderful tunes in the world were collected. So the prince decided to give the princess a rose and a nightingale. They put them in large silver caskets and sent them to her.

The emperor ordered to bring the caskets to his large hall - the princess played there with her maids of honor there, because she had no other business. The princess saw the caskets with gifts, clapped her hands with joy.

Ah, if there was a little pussy! - she said.

But a wonderful rose appeared.

It’s not enough to say sweet, ”the emperor answered,“ it’s not bad at all!

Only the princess touched the rose and almost burst into tears.

Fi, dad! She is not artificial, she is real.

Let’s wait angry! Let's see what’s in the other casket first! - said the emperor.

And then the nightingale fluttered out of the casket and sang so wonderfully that at first there was nothing to complain about.

Great! Sumptuously! - said the maids of honor.

This bird reminds me so much of the organ of the late Empress! - said one old courtier. “Yes, yes, and the sound is the same, and manner!”

Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

I hope the bird is not real? the princess asked.

The real one! - answered the messengers who delivered the gifts.

Well, let him fly, ”said the princess and flatly refused to accept the prince.

Only the prince was not discouraged; smeared his face with black and brown paint, jammed a hat over his eyes and knocked on the door.

Hello emperor! - he said. “Will you find a place for me in the palace?”

A lot of you walk here and seek! - answered the emperor. “But wait, I need a swineherd!” We have an abyss of pigs!

So they identified the prince as a swineherd of his majesty and took away the wretched closet next to the pigsty, and he was supposed to live there. Well, he sat all day at work and in the evening made a wonderful little pot. The whole pot is hung with bells, and when something is cooked in it, bells cause an old song:

Ah my dear Augustine ...

But only the funniest thing in the pot is that if you hold a finger over it a couple of times, you can now find out who is preparing in the city. No words, it was cleaner than a rose.

Once the princess walks with all the maids of honor and suddenly he hears the melody that the bells called. She became in place, and so she all shines, because she also knew how to play. “Ah, my dear Augustine,” - only this melody and only with one finger.

Ah, I can do it too! - she said. “We must have an educated pig farm.” Listen, let someone go and ask what this tool is worth.

And one of the maids of honor had to go to the swineherd, only she put on wooden shoes for this.

What do you take for a pot? she asked.

Ten Princess Kisses! - answered swineherd.

Lord have mercy!

No less! - answered swineherd.

Well, what did he say? the princess asked.

This is impossible to pronounce! - answered the maid of honor. - This is terrible!

So whisper in your ear!

And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

What an ignoramus! - said the princess and went on, but did not even have time to take a few steps, as the bells again rang so gloriously:

Ah my dear Augustine

Everything passed, passed, passed!

Listen, ”said the princess,“ go and ask, maybe he will agree to ten kisses of my maids of honor? ”

No thanks! - answered swineherd. “Ten princess kisses, or the pot will remain with me.”

What a bore! - said the princess. “Well, stand around me so no one sees!”

The maids of honor blocked the princess, the skirts were spread wide, and the swineherd got ten kisses of the princess, and the princess got a pot.

There was joy! All evening and the next day, a pot stood on fire, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, be it the house of the chamberlain or the shoemaker, about whom the princess would not know what they were cooking there. The maids of honor danced with joy and clapped their hands.

We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today! We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

Extremely interesting! - confirmed Obergofmeisterin.

But just keep your mouth shut, for I am the daughter of the emperor!

Have mercy! - they said everything.

And the swineherd - that is, the prince, but for them he was still the swineherd - did not lose time and made a rattle. It is worth turning it in the air - and now it sprinkles with all the waltzes and polkas that exist in the world.

But this is incomparable! - said the princess, passing by. “I just didn't hear anything better!” Listen, ask what he wants for this tool. I just won’t kiss anymore!

It requires a hundred princess kisses! - reported the maid of honor, leaving the swineherd.

Yes, he really is crazy! - said the princess and went on, but, taking two steps, she stopped. - Art must be encouraged! she said. “I am the daughter of the emperor. Tell him, I agree to ten kisses, as yesterday, and let him receive the rest from my maids of honor!

Ah, we don’t feel like that! - said the maids of honor.

What nonsense! - said the princess. “Well, if I can kiss him, then even more so!” Do not forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

The maid of honor once again went to the swineherd.

One hundred princess kisses! - he said. - But no, everyone will remain at his own.

Get around! said the princess, and the maids of honor surrounded her and the swineherd.

What kind of a pigsty's bunch is this? the emperor asked, going out onto the balcony. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. - Not otherwise than the maids of honor again started something! We must go see.

And he straightened the backs of his shoes - the shoes he used were the worn shoes. Eh, how fast he walked!

The emperor descended into the courtyard, sneaking up on the maids of honor slowly, and they were only busy doing the kisses, because it was necessary for the matter to be honored with honor and the swineherd to receive exactly as much as it should, no more, no less. That is why no one noticed the emperor, and he stood on tiptoe and looked.

What is this? - he said, figuring out that the princess kisses the swineherd, but how enough of their shoes on the head!

This happened at the moment when the swineherd received his eighty-sixth kiss.

Out! - the emperor said in anger and pushed the princess with the swineherd from the borders of his state.

The princess stands and cries, the swineherd swears, and the rain watered.

Oh, I'm miserable! - the princess laments. - What would I marry a handsome prince! Oh, I'm unhappy! ..

And the swineherd went behind a tree, wiped black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes - and now in front of her was a prince in royal attire, so handsome that the princess unwittingly curtsied.

Now I despise you! - he said. “You didn't want to marry an honest prince.” You didn’t understand anything either in the nightingale or in the rose, but you could kiss for swineherd’s trinkets. Share it with you!

He went to his kingdom and closed the door to the bolt. And the princess could only stand and sing:

Ah my dear Augustine

Everything passed, passed, passed!

  • Artist: Oleg Martyanov
  • Swineherd
  • Type: mp3
  • Size: 11.8 MB
  • Duration: 00:12:58
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  • Once upon a time there was a poor prince. His kingdom was very small, but no, and yet the kingdom - even marry, and he just wanted to get married.

    It, of course, was impudent to take and ask the emperor’s daughter: “Will you marry me?” But he dared. His name was known all over the world, and hundreds of princesses would say thanks to him, but what will the imperial daughter say?

    But listen.

    On the grave of the father of the prince grew a rose bush, but how beautiful! It bloomed only once every five years, and a single rose blossomed on it. But its aroma was sweet, you smell it - and all your sorrows and worries will be immediately forgotten. And the prince had a nightingale, and he sang as if in his neck all the most wonderful tunes in the world were collected. So the prince decided to give the princess a rose and a nightingale. They put them in large silver caskets and sent them to her.

    The emperor ordered to bring the caskets to his large hall - the princess played there with her maids of honor there, because she had no other business. The princess saw the caskets with gifts, clapped her hands with joy.

    - Ah, if there was a little pussy! - she said.

    But a wonderful rose appeared.

    “It’s not enough to say sweet,” the emperor answered, “it’s not bad at all!”

    Only the princess touched the rose and almost burst into tears.

    - Fi, dad! She is not artificial, she is real.

    - Wait, get angry! Let's see what’s in the other casket first! - said the emperor.

    And then the nightingale fluttered out of the casket and sang so marvelously that at first there was nothing to complain about.

    - Great! Sumptuously! - said the maids of honor; they all chatted in French, one worse than the other.

    - This bird so reminds me of the organ of the late Empress! - said one old courtier. “Yes, yes, and the sound is the same, and manner!”

    - Yes! - said the emperor and cried like a child.

    - I hope the bird is not real? The princess asked.

    - The real one! - answered the messengers who delivered the gifts.

    “Well then, let him fly,” said the princess and flatly refused to accept the prince.

    Only the prince was not discouraged; smeared his face with black and brown paint, jammed a hat over his eyes and knocked on the door.

    - Hello, Emperor! - he said. “Will you find a place for me in the palace?”

    - A lot of you walk here and seek! - answered the emperor. “But wait, I need a swineherd!” We have an abyss of pigs!

    So they identified the prince as a swineherd of his majesty and took away the wretched closet next to the pigsty, and he was supposed to live there. Well, he sat all day at work and in the evening made a wonderful little pot. The whole pot is hung with bells, and when something is cooked in it, bells cause an old song:

    But only the funniest thing in the pot is that if you hold a finger over it a couple of times, you can now find out who is preparing in the city. No words, it was cleaner than a rose.

    Once the princess walks with all the maids of honor and suddenly he hears the melody that the bells called. She became in place, and so she shines, because she, too, knew how to play “Ah, my dear Augustine,” only this melody and only with one finger.

    “Ah, I can do it too!” - she said. “We must have an educated pig farm.” Listen, let someone go and ask what this tool is worth.

    And one of the maids of honor had to go to the swineherd, only she put on wooden shoes for this.

    - What do you take for a pot? She asked.

    - Ten princess kisses! - answered swineherd.

    - Lord have mercy!

    - Yes, no less! - answered swineherd.

    “Well, what did he say?” The princess asked.

    - This is impossible to pronounce! - answered the maid of honor. - This is terrible!

    - So whisper in your ear!

    And the maid of honor whispered to the princess.

    - What an ignoramus! - said the princess and went on, but did not even have time to take a few steps, as the bells again rang so gloriously:

    “Ah, my dear Augustine, Everything passed, passed, passed!”

    “Listen,” said the princess, “go and ask, maybe he will agree to ten kisses of my maids of honor?”

    - No thanks! - answered swineherd. “Ten princess kisses or a pot will remain with me.”

    - What a bore! - said the princess. “Well, stand around me so no one sees!”

    The maids of honor cluttered the princess, the skirts were spread wide, and the swineherd got ten kisses of the princess, and the princess got a pot.

    There was joy! All evening and the next day, a pot stood on fire, and there was not a single kitchen left in the city, be it the house of the chamberlain or the shoemaker, about whom the princess would not know what they were cooking there. The maids of honor danced with joy and clapped their hands.

    “We know who has sweet soup and pancakes today!” We know who has porridge and pork cutlets! How interesting!

    “Extremely interesting!” - confirmed the Obergofmeister.

    “But just keep your mouth shut, for I am the daughter of the emperor!”

    - Have mercy! - they said everything.

    And the swineherd - that is, the prince, but for them he was still the swineherd - did not lose time and made a rattle. It is worth turning it in the air - and now it sprinkles with all the waltzes and polkas that exist in the world.

    “But this is incomparable!” - said the princess, passing by. “I just didn't hear anything better!” Listen, ask what he wants for this tool. I just won’t kiss anymore!

    “He requires a hundred princess kisses!” - reported the maid of honor, leaving the swineherd.

    - Yes, he is, really, crazy! - said the princess and went on, but, taking two steps, she stopped.

    - Art must be encouraged! - she said. “I am the emperor’s daughter.” Tell him, I agree to ten kisses, as yesterday, and let him receive the rest from my maids of honor!

    - Ah, we don’t feel like that! - said the maids of honor.

    - What nonsense! - said the princess. “Well, if I can kiss him, then even more so!” Do not forget that I feed you and pay you a salary!

    The maid of honor once again went to the swineherd.

    “One hundred princess kisses!” - he said. - But no - everyone will remain his own.

    - Get around! - said the princess, and the maids of honor surrounded her, and the swineherd began to kiss.

    “What kind of a pigsty bunch is this?” The emperor asked, going out onto the balcony. He rubbed his eyes and put on his glasses. - Not otherwise than the maids of honor again started something! We must go see.

    And he straightened the backs of his shoes - the shoes he used were the worn shoes. Eh, how fast he walked!

    The emperor descended into the courtyard, sneaking up on the maids of honor slowly, and they were only busy doing kisses: they needed the honor to honor the matter and the swineherd got exactly as much as it should, no more, no less. That is why no one noticed the emperor, and he stood on tiptoe and looked.

    “What is this?” - he said, figuring out that the princess kisses the swineherd, but how enough of their shoes on the head!

    This happened at the moment when the swineherd received his eighty-sixth kiss.

    - Out! - the emperor said in anger and pushed the princess with the swineherd from the borders of his state.

    The princess stands and cries, the swineherd swears, and the rain watered.

    - Oh, I'm miserable! - the princess laments. - What would I marry a handsome prince! Oh, I'm unhappy! ..

    And the swineherd went behind a tree, wiped black and brown paint from his face, threw off his dirty clothes - and now in front of her was a prince in royal attire, so handsome that the princess unwittingly curtsied.

    “Now I despise you!” - he said. “You didn't want to marry an honest prince.” You didn’t understand anything either in the nightingale or in the rose, but you could kiss for swineherd’s trinkets. Share it with you!

    He went to his kingdom and closed the door to the bolt. And the princess could only stand and sing:

    “Ah, my dear Augustine, Everything passed, passed, passed!”