Presentation class hour day of a machine builder. How to hold a corporate holiday on the day of the machine builder Scenario of the holiday of the day of the machine builder at the factory

Scenario of the holiday "Day of the machine builder".

responsible for pre-profile training at the MOU secondary school No. 59 in Togliatti

The holiday is held for students in grades 5-11 and parents of students.

The time of the holiday is the last Sunday of September.

Venue - the assembly hall of the school number 59 of the city of Togliatti.

Decoration - festive balloons and posters

Guests are invited to the holiday: labor veterans of the Volga Automobile Plant, representatives of the administration and employees of VAZ, students.


Tolyatti is a city of machine builders. Since 1970, the automobile plant has been producing small cars of the VAZ, Lada, Priora families, which are known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad. Honored veterans of mechanical engineering and novice specialists live in our city. In every family there is a person whose fate is connected with the Volga Automobile Plant.

this is a solemn and festive day for all workers and engineers of the engineering industry of the economy. This is a professional holiday for all who work at enterprises and complexes manufacturing machine tools, machinery and equipment for other sectors of the economy; for automakers, those who manufacture for us cars, motorcycles, etc., as well as consumer goods and defense products. On this day they organize festive events at factories, feasts, honoring veterans, concerts, competitions, performances, etc., etc.

Where did this one come from, you ask? wonderful holiday??? Let's tell - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.80 "On festive and memorable days", (as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 "On Amending the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days"), it was established that the last Sunday of September is the Machine Builder's Day. With the publication of this Decree, the history of this holiday began.

On the last Sunday of September, our country celebrates Machine Builder's Day.

Machine builder!

Your day has come -

Your holiday

A holiday is always good.

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

thinker, guardian,

machine maker,

Skilled in life

Practical everything.

And may you have joy

And the light will bring

And our thanks

And our love.

Be happy,

And healthy in spirit!

For you, dear guests, a 9th grade student …………. sings the song “……………”.


One of the most important achievements modern civilization are cars. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become an employee. road transport.

Today a labor veteran came to us …………. . His grandson is in our school in the 5th grade. We solemnly invite ………….. to our stage and ask you to tell the students of our school about your work.

(a guest rises to the stage, he is given the floor).


For you, dear ……………, students of the 8th grade will perform a dance ……….. .

A student of the 10th grade appears on the stage (he is in special clothes, in his hands is a wrench). Next to him is a 5th grade student. There is a dialogue between them:

10th grader:

My son asked me:

5th grader: "Tell me about the machine!"

10th grader:

"Stator, housing, axle, spring,
Nut, bushing, chain, frame.
Coupling, shaft, reducer, tire -
It turns out a car."

5th grader:

"And who makes the machine?"

10th grader: "Hands, human mind, son."
Hurray for the villagers, vivat!
They have a holiday today, brother!


You see, guys, how the 5th grade students are interested in working specialties at the Volga Automobile Plant. Let's take a look at some specialties. And our guests will tell us about them - our former students, and today students of the Togliatti Engineering College.

Students rise to the stage, they have posters, TMT paraphernalia in their hands. They talk about the working specialties of the VAZ.:

Machine operator;






This is how we are arranged: we are always in a hurry -
And they help us to succeed everywhere
And do everything, and comprehend the machines,
Managed to become necessary for everyone.
Cars are everywhere. Cars are not miracles
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are built and built not at all by heroes,
But just creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And hot souls, and accurate eyes -
For the fact that machines, undeniably and wisely,
Our helpers also entered our lives.
Machine builder! Your day has come -
Your holiday, and the holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, guardian, machine maker,
Knowing how to do almost everything in life.
And may it bring you joy and light
And our thanks, and our love.
Be happy, lucky, and healthy in spirit!

Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. Cars are one of the most important achievements of modern civilization. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. The fastest drivers at the VAZ are test drivers. For a 11th grade student ………. dad is testing the reliability of cars. We asked him to tell us about interesting and curious cases of his biography.

On the stage rises ………………….


Dear,……………….., for you and all motorists, students of the 10th grade will perform the song ……….


All the years kept alignment
to our engineering.
There is no industry in life more important -
Everything in the world rests on it.
The industry has always been held in high esteem,
You will find products everywhere:
On the field is visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At the stations - in powerful turbines,
On rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look,
You will see a row of cars.
How much work has been put into
In the trains running far away,
In wagons, boilers and appliances,
And in engines, and in motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We express our admiration for them.
Thank you for your hard work
In industry - oh, heavy!
Your work is highly appreciated by us.
So be strong machines!

Continued success in this!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

Machine Builder's Day The holiday - Machine Builder's Day - was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X "On holidays and memorable days", as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of November 1, 1988 N 9724-XI "On Amendments to the Legislation of the USSR on Holidays and Memorable Days". Engineer's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September and falls on the 30th in 2012.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The value of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering in Russia Mechanical engineering as an industry has existed for more than two hundred years. In terms of the number of employees and the value of its products, it ranks first among all branches of world industry. The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the important indicators of the level of development of the country. Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of the world's industry, provides machinery and equipment for all sectors of the economy, and produces a variety of consumer goods. In addition to machines and equipment, devices and tools for industrial purposes, it produces all kinds of household and cultural products. Depending on the products manufactured, mechanical engineering is divided into energy, transport, agricultural, production of technological equipment for many industries, machine tool building, etc.

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The value of mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineering in Russia Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment that are used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, at home, and in transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy materializes through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority sectors as machine tool building, the electrical and electronic industry, instrument making, and the production of electronic computers. Mechanical engineering, therefore, is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress, on the basis of which the technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy is carried out.

4 slide

Description of the slide:

The main economic purpose of engineering products is to facilitate labor and increase its productivity by saturating all branches of the national economy with fixed assets of a high technical level.

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Machine Builder's Day All the years kept alignment On our mechanical engineering. There is no more important industry in life - Everything in the world rests on it.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day The industry has always been held in high esteem, You will find products everywhere: On the field it is visible in tractors, On the sea - in beautiful ships,

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day At stations - in powerful turbines, On rails - in locomotives. No matter where you look, there are cars everywhere.

8 slide

Description of the slide:

Day of the machine builder And a lot of work has been invested In trains running into the distance, In cars, boilers and devices And in various kinds of motors

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day And all this was created by people! We will not forget to congratulate them, And on the holiday of mechanical engineering We will express our admiration for them.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day Thank you for your hard work In our heavy industry! We really appreciate your work, So be stronger than machines!

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day Life without cars is impossible today, We feel safe with them, And we congratulate you, involved in the creation of technology, on the full realization of What hard, long work Was invested to create comfort for us. And with pleasure we would like to wish you to work, build, think and dare! And work for you to be only pleasure, Your work is a relief to all of us!

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Machine Builder's Day The Machine Builder's Day is solemn professional holiday all those who work in the engineering industry. These are both workers and engineers who manufacture various vehicles, as well as tools that are indispensable in the national economy. The holiday is celebrated brightly and solemnly. On this day, solemn events dedicated to mechanical engineering and all those who work in this industry are held. For the heroes of the occasion, wonderful concerts are held, as well as congratulations to labor veterans. Mechanical engineering is an honorable and respectable profession. After all, these people work so that everyone has the opportunity to live better, live brighter. Mechanical engineering today is one of the most important branches of industry, without which one cannot do in any area. Vehicles are needed anytime, anywhere. And in the national economy, it is simply impossible to do without tools made in mechanical engineering.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

Machine Builder's Day This holiday is dedicated to machine building workers. This is the day when engineers and ordinary workers in the engineering industry receive congratulations and promotions, bonuses and pleasant salary increases.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

Engineer's Day The mechanics are the lord, Who can do everything - My friend the engineer! I want to congratulate you! On your wonderful holiday I wish you from the bottom of my heart: May your life be beautiful For the glory of people and machines!

15 slide

Description of the slide:

OAO "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" OAO "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" is a part of OAO "SOLLERS". The date of formation of ZMZ is April 17, 1958. The main purpose of the plant: Production of internal combustion engines with a working volume of 2.2 liters to 4.67 liters. The enterprise produces over 80 modifications of engines for cars and buses of three automobile companies in Russia - UAZ OJSC, GAZ OJSC, Pavlovsky Bus OJSC. JSC "ZMZ" also produces spare parts for manufactured engines. The geography of deliveries of JSC "ZMZ" products - Russia, Germany, CIS countries, Southeast Asia and Latin America. The trade mark of OAO "ZMZ" is included in the Customs Register of Intellectual Property Objects. Over its history, the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant has produced more than 14,000,000 engines of all modifications.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

JSC "Zavolzhsky motor plant" Since January 2008, ZMZ has been mass-producing 4-cylinder gasoline engines of the ZMZ-406 family with a working volume of 2.5 and 2.7 liters for light commercial vehicles and minibuses that meet the requirements of the Euro-3 environmental class JSC "GAZ" and off-road vehicles of JSC "UAZ", diesel ZMZ-5143 with a working volume of 2.2 liters for off-road vehicles "UAZ-Hunter" of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and gasoline 8-cylinder V-engines for medium-duty trucks of JSC "GAZ" and buses of the PAZ-3207 type manufactured by Pavlovsky Bus OJSC.

17 slide

Description of the slide:

OAO "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" Since November 2005, the enterprise has been commercially producing a small-capacity diesel engine ZMZ-5143 (2.2l) for cars "UAZ-Hunter" of OAO "UAZ" and selling it on the secondary market by orders of third-party organizations.

18 slide

Description of the slide:

OAO "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" In 2009, OAO "ZMZ" together with UAZ and the Ministry of Defense carried out type tests of a military modification of the "Hunter" car with a diesel engine ZMZ-5143. The ZMZ-5143 diesel engine was adopted for completing military off-road vehicles. Deliveries of ZMZ diesel engines for the Ministry of Defense began in 2009.

19 slide

Description of the slide:

OJSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" OJSC "ZMZ" has its own design and experimental base.

20 slide

Description of the slide:

Zavolzhsky Motor Plant: Laureate of the contest "1000 Best Enterprises and Organizations of Russia of the 21st Century" in the nomination "For High Business Activity and Efficient Performance" Awarded with the international prize "Golden Mercury" for an active marketing policy and high sales volumes Included in the Greenpeace "white list" of enterprises promoting openness in the field of environmental protection.

On the last Sunday of September (in 2019 - September 29) we will celebrate Machine Builder's Day. This is one of the most famous and popular professional holidays in our country, which is not surprising, because about 4 million people work in this area.

There are more than 2,000 large and medium-sized machine-building enterprises (including metalworking) in Russia. Many of them host corporate parties on the eve of the Machine Builder Day. At such evenings sound dedicated to employees poetry and songs in this branch, individual and team competitions are held.

How to hold a corporate party on Machine Builder Day?

You can start a corporate holiday on the Day of the machine builder with a speech by the presenters:
- Dear friends! The economy of our country is unthinkable without mechanical engineering - the most important branch of the manufacturing industry. Is it possible to imagine modern life without spaceships, various machine tools, cars and washing machines?

– However, there are many more branches of mechanical engineering: it is also the production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communications, the production of ships, aircraft and spacecraft, office equipment and computer technology.

- The creators of these devices - machine builders - celebrate their professional holiday today, and we want to wish them success in their difficult work, new inventions, as well as well-being and good health!

The verses will sound:
- There is a reason to congratulate you today
You build great cars.
And even if you decide to rest
That all the same from us you accept honors.

- Thank you for the contribution that you have made,
Work so that the machines can all.
We sincerely want to wish you
Move forward and don't back down!

Then, at the corporate party for the Machine Builder's Day, the floor will be given to the heads of the enterprise, who will award the best employees with certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

Leaders continue:
- This is how we are arranged: we are always in a hurry,
And they help us to succeed everywhere
And do everything, and comprehend the machines,
Managed to become necessary for everyone.
Cars are everywhere, cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.

- They are built, believe me, not heroes at all,
But just creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And hot souls, and accurate eyes
For the fact that machines are undeniably and wisely
Our helpers also entered our lives.

Contests at the corporate party for the Day of the machine builder

The holiday will continue interesting contests for Engineer's Day. Take care of the prizes for the winners (purchase small toys, sweets, souvenirs, etc.), which will serve as an additional incentive for the activity of guests.

First, you can conduct a quiz among those who wish:

  • In which city are VAZ cars produced? a) Moscow; c) Tolyatti is the correct answer; b) Nizhny Novgorod; d) Samara.
  • Where are KamAZ vehicles produced? a) Kazan; c) Kirov; b) Naberezhnye Chelny - the correct answer; Moscow city.
  • In which city is the trolley bus factory located? a) Moscow, b) Ufa, c) Volgograd, d) Engels (all answers are correct).
  • Where are mainline electric locomotives manufactured? a) Kolomna - the correct answer; c) Miass; b) Izhevsk; d) Kirov.
  • Which city produces armored personnel carriers? a) Istra; c) Tula; b) Norilsk; d) Arzamas is the correct answer.

Corporate holiday dedicated to the day the machine builder will continue the game "I believe - I do not believe" according to the scenario. Participants will be divided into teams, one of which must bring some interesting fact about technology, and the other is to admit that such a thing really took place or to refute this statement.

  • First project sewing machine at the end of the 15th century proposed by Leonardo da Vinci? (Yes, it is true).
  • The first vending machine appeared in the 1st century AD in Alexandria. (Yes it's true). A coin dropped into the slot hit a lever that displaced the valve and allowed some liquid to flow out. The machine was designed by the engineer Heron, and this machine was designed to distribute holy water in the temple.
  • The first mechanical calculator (arithmometer) appeared at the end of the 19th century (No, it was made in the first half of the 17th century).
  • First electric washing machine was released in the 1950s. (No, earlier; it happened in 1908).
  • The very first car was filled with wood instead of gasoline (Yes, that's right). Etc.

- Cars accompany us constantly - this is personal transport, and public, and agricultural. And there are so many brands of cars and other cars that it is impossible to list! All of them exist thanks to the work of machine builders.

After that, at the corporate party for the Day of the machine builder, you can hold a quiz about cars:

  • How is the word car translated from Latin? (Managed, moving, self-propelled - the third answer is correct).
  • In what year did the first Soviet car appear and what was its name? (In 1924; AMO-F-1 - Moscow Automobile Society)
  • What, according to The Driver's Song, is a real driver not afraid of? (No rain, no sleet).
  • What truck did the characters drive in the movie "Night Watch"? (ZIL is the correct answer, URALAZ, KAMAZ).
  • Where did the word "headlight" come from? (From the words "lantern", "fanfare", the name of the island of Pharos; last option correct).
  • What car did Uncle Fyodor's dad from the cartoons about Prostokvashino have? (“Zaporozhets” is the correct answer; “Volga”, “Lada”).
  • What brand of car did James Bond drive in the films Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace? (Mercedes-Benz, Ford, Aston Martin is the correct answer).
  • In which country did Formula 1 originate? (In Italy, France, Great Britain - the last option is correct).
  • Under what name was the Zaporozhets sold in Finland? (Massandra, Yalta is the correct answer, Livadia).
  • What wheels do not exist? (Bald, spiked, hairy - the last option).

For the next competition at the celebration of the Machine Builder's Day, several people are selected who must build a car from designer parts or from matchboxes to speed.

Participants of another competition should write on sheets of drawing paper in 5-7 minutes as many names of machines and various mechanisms as possible.

The scenario of the corporate party timed to coincide with the Day of the Machine Builder will be completed by the presentation of the presenters:
- Dear friends! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We appreciate your work and love you! May there be only white stripes in the life of each of you, may your friends and relatives not upset you. We wish you professional growth, financial well-being, good health, personal happiness and success in all your endeavors!

- There are many necessary professions in the world,
Only there is no more honorable and more important.
You are the basis of our progress,
With you, life becomes faster!

- We wish you well and happiness,
So that work is not a burden,
So that the heat, and in the snow, and in the slush
Success accompanied you in business!

Mechanical engineering is the basis of the industry of any country in the world, its intellectual potential. The life of all mankind is closely connected with this branch of industry. This is all that is connected with the technical side of human life, for example, personal and public transport, refrigerators and televisions. And the products on which industry is based, that is, machine tools and other equipment for the production of new goods, and products that ensure the country's defense, that is, missiles and aircraft, space satellites and sea ships .... There is no such area that would not be associated with mechanical engineering. On the last Sunday of September, all engineers and workers associated with mechanical engineering celebrate their professional holiday in accordance with the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 1, 1980.

Show congratulations

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What is our life today without cars? If you take away technology from a person, he will be left practically without hands. So let everyone who is related to this holiday be gifted on Machine Builder's Day sincere words gratitude for their work and congratulations in honor of their professional day. Be happy, because this is the most important thing.


Happy Engineer's Day! Just as complex machines are built from details, so let your destiny be built from luck, prosperity and happiness. And health will be a reliable mechanism that ensures the long operation of this machine of life.


Congratulations on the Day of the Mechanical Engineer to everyone to whom this applies. We wish you successful work, new models in production and development of your industry. Let your work be interesting, highly paid and still benefit people and households.


Congratulations to all machine builders on their professional holiday! Without this noble, hard work, life is unthinkable. modern man. May your work always benefit society, and you - pleasure. Accomplishments in all endeavors, bold ideas and good prospects.


Machine builder today
Cars are humming, trains...
Let success be screwed
Fate will always be tight!

Health shines with ebb,
Like the strongest steel!
Love is a fast flying plane
Dash away into a happy distance!


Glory to the machine builder!
Our bow is deep. Honor.
Let happiness from the best alloy
Love and good luck is growing!

And also let the salary grow,
Success and comfort in everyday life,
And the dimensions of a rich life -
Length, width, height!


They say some day
The man became lazy.
And he invented the device,
Inserting a motor inside it.

This miracle unit
Replaces seven guys.
Is it bad or great?
I will tell you personally then.

For hard workers this is a godsend
And I'm lazy - if only vodka.
He doesn't like work either.
And with the car - a troublemaker.


Reliable machines
They work for a century.
Their deadline has expired, but there is no reason
Forget that the person

Who once created them
He created for the joy of people,
He didn't work for a paycheck.
And he didn't miss work.

And today, whose abode -
Workshops, conveyors, factory,
All the same hard machine builder,
Will not give out marriage, will not let you down.

He knows that lives depend
From his hard work
And like a lazy person, he won't hang
Never in place.

Praise the proud builder
which was the basis of everything
And he has not lost to this day
Because of their positions.

We wish you good health
And happiness in life and love,
Let luck accompany
Its on the path of life!


Submissively folded details
Let's talk about them today
For you, for the masters of steel
Let's not upset them!
Your work is business
And the rest is nonsense
You create so skillfully
Excellent result of work!
How hard it is to be able to
... give a lot of strength to cars!
Work is not like play
Hard work to become a pro!


Your whole life is devoted to metal,
You have been building cars for many years,
And if you start all over again,
There is simply no other way for you!

I wish you vigor and strength,
So that the body does not fail for many years,
So that the disease does not knock you down,
Soul and heart would be warm!

Let you be appreciated, loved, understood,
The salary increases again and again,
And at home they are joyfully, warmly welcomed,
And give happiness, tenderness and love.


Opens with a rumble, dust,
The ringing that gives the metal
The core of the industry
Your main potential.

That industry,
Important for the whole country
The economy of all pride,
Let's celebrate too!

Let the highest standard
Life is moving process!
Happiness card falls out
Awaiting great progress in love!

Manufacturing Excellence
Let your family shine:
Dominant in offspring
Builder machine gene!


It's time, guys, to overtake the Chinese,
Various Indians and other Japanese,
After all, soon, brothers, it may very well happen,
We will fight for a handful of licenses.

It's time to raise our own Archimedes,
To repel the wave of the Eastern Romans,
When we celebrate the victory
The Chinese dream that we will die.

We are the level of the Soviet nineties
It's time to reach in production,
Jumps happened up, very randomly,
We want progressive growth!

Russian cars in factories
They must issue a Russian product,
So that more on Chinese devices
Do not rivet signs "Maid in Russia"!

Wake up, Russian machinery structure,
Kulibins, get in the mood,
That Gutenberg, because Fedorov was ours,
Of the brands, we remember only Uralmash.

Let's point our feet into the future
Builders of machines - congratulations on their day,
We believe that they will squeeze in the vice of the top
Heavenly - Russian cars!


Let your working hour be easy!
Let your working day be a holiday!
And may you not be lazy to work!

We wish you to keep up with good luck!
We wish you not to go astray!
We wish you patience! So have a good time!
Machine builders, happy holiday to you!