The desire to feed. The desire to feed How to prepare hot chocolate to seduce a girl

To seduce a girl, you need to treat her to something tasty, alluring and charming; hot chocolate, namely Nutella, is very suitable for this.

Chocolate itself is a sensual, desirable, alluring and seductive product. Hot chocolate even sounds somehow passionate, sexy, mysterious, the association is immediately somehow intimately ecstatic with an admixture of fire. I even read somewhere that the famous womanizer Giacomo Casanova, before seducing a girl, treated her to hot chocolate.

Nutella is a divine, miraculous and cheap product (and this is very important for such idiots as me), capable of turning almost any girl into a purring and pliable cat.

Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, tryptophan and anandamide - these are substances that affect the emotional centers of the brain and create a feeling of love, sensuality and bliss in the human body. Chocolate also helps increase a person’s stamina, which we men, if we’re lucky, need.

Like Nutella
transforms girls?

Once upon a time, my friend and I met two girls named Nastya and Lena. These girls were slightly under the influence, that is, they were so cultured, mannered and a little elevated, but nevertheless they communicated with us like idiots.

And one day the weather was rainy and I invited them to go to my house so as not to get wet in the rain. When I came to my house, I thought that I needed to treat them with something, and fortunately I had Nutella at home. To be honest, I thought that they would sublimely refuse such cheap food. In addition, at that time I did not have clean saucers and had to serve Nutella in ordinary enamel plates.

And so I serve the girls “under the impression” hot chocolate in ordinary enamel plates, and in the third plate there was a sliced ​​loaf, and I think that now it will begin, like why on such plates or are we not hungry, take away your food unworthy of us, but no, they took it spoons and began to eat, slowly at first, and then as they began to chop, they clanked the spoons on the plates and picked out the leftovers.

I see that all the veneer of stiffness and mannerism is stripped from the girls, the girls are slowly turning into heated beauties: their eyes are burning, their cheeks are turning pink, their movements have become passionately smooth.

Then they say, give me more, I went and got more, in short, they ate everything, without pomposity, glamor, etiquette and without bread.

I don’t mind, as long as it’s for my health, I eat Nutella myself, I even lick the plate, but here it’s important what conclusion I made: Nutella or hot chocolate, removes from girls all the touches of stiffness, loftiness and other opinions about themselves, like “I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram.”

We failed to seduce these girls, because we were stupid in our youth, and they did not know how to present themselves, and the difference was felt: we are lame, they are cultured girls. But we still talked for some time and they often asked if there was chocolate.

Then, having already gained experience and made the right conclusions, before seducing a girl, I prepared the ingredients in advance, because hot chocolate is tastier and more effective than Nutella from the refrigerator.

How to cook hot
chocolate to seduce a girl?

Maybe someone will think that everything is so simple - he took him and fed the girl hot chocolate, and she gave herself away, but this is not so. In fact, it’s not so important what you fed her, but how you did it, that is, the process of making hot chocolate should be like a process of seduction, like a dance, like courtship. Romantic music should be playing, you should be a pleasant, interesting and cheerful conversationalist. If a girl laughs while making chocolate, consider it your day and the girl is ready to be seduced.

And I’ll tell you honestly that while you are preparing hot chocolate, the girl is preparing herself. She thinks: “To give or not to give?”; and then intimate music plays; she thinks again: “I would like to give it, but it’s probably too early, what will he think of me?” And you’re so complimentary, courting, she’s poor again: “He’s so courteous, I just want to give in, but I can’t, I’m not a giver.” And then the smell of chocolate and vanilla hits her nose, she can’t stand it anymore and thinks: “God help me, I can’t help myself.” Here you also serve hot chocolate with the words and a bewitching voice:

- Try it, I made this for you!

And then, after tasting hot chocolate and experiencing heavenly pleasure, all the “No” and “What will they think of me” fly away.

Of course, this process of seducing a girl cannot be attributed to the effect of hot chocolate; we must also approach it from a psychological point of view.

Psychological aspects for
seducing a girl

  1. You must create a romantic atmosphere, romantic music must play, you may need to light candles (you need to be careful with candles, some people are constrained by lit candles, since candles immediately imply intimacy, and without candles, it seems like they just decided to eat hot chocolate).
  2. While preparing hot chocolate, try to please her, give her compliments, and look after her.
  3. Since you are busy in the kitchen for her sake, somewhere on a subconscious level she understands that you like her, and perhaps you love her, and the fact that you skillfully manage the stove says that you are a reliable man and you can be used in the future rely.
  4. And of course the chocolate itself, which adds passionate emotions, since chocolate contains joy hormones.
  5. When preparing hot chocolate, you need to ask her: “Do you like the smell of vanilla in chocolate,” (because some people don’t like the smell of vanilla), thereby once again hinting that you treat her with warmth and care.

Naturally, I think there is no need to say that in order to seduce a girl, you must also look appropriate: there should be no holes in socks, smelly T-shirts and bad breath.

Nutella recipe:


  1. milk – 4 glasses;
  2. nuts (any kind you like will do) – 3-4 table. spoons;
  3. granulated sugar – 4 cups;
  4. wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  5. cocoa powder – 6 table. spoon;
  6. butter – 200 gr. (if you don’t have butter, you don’t have to add it, thinking it’s too high in calories; sugar and milk will still make Nutella delicious);
  7. salt – 0.5 teaspoon;
  8. vanilla sugar - 0.5 teaspoon or less;
  9. charm, courtesy and seductive smile.

Preparation of Nutella:

  1. Mix sugar, cocoa, flour, salt in a bowl.
  2. Gradually pour milk (preferably at room temperature) into a bowl in small portions. Stir constantly to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. Pour the resulting “chocolate milk” into a saucepan and put on fire.
  4. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn or stick to the bottom of the pan.
  5. Grind the nuts in a blender or grind in a mortar.
  6. Next, add nuts, butter, vanilla sugar, don’t forget to ask if she likes the smell of vanilla. Mix and add a little of your soul, charm and charm.
  7. Nutella over low heat until thickened. Stir constantly.
  8. To seduce a girl, it is very good to tell her some funny and interesting stories while cooking.

Have a nice evening!

Every woman wants a relationship with a man to be strong and real. The result will be a strong family and loving children. Therefore, I often ask myself the question “How can I understand his attitude towards me?” A large number of Women dream of meeting a man who will love her and appreciate her highly.

But not every man can immediately open his soul and confess his love. How can a woman recognize what is in his heart and what he really wants? How do you know if he is ready for a serious relationship? What are his plans for the future?

  1. It is necessary to focus on how a man listens to you. If he is attentive, focused, interested, then he is not indifferent to you.
  2. A serious man will never cancel meetings.
  3. A loving man will never pay attention to other women.
  4. Spends a lot of time with a woman.

How to understand a man's hints about whether he wants a relationship?

Men often hide their feelings of love in front of a woman. However, by behavior one can understand the true attitude of a man towards a woman.

One of the main hints from a man is an invitation to visit him. In this case, he hints not only about dinner, but also about breakfast in the morning. If a man offers a woman food from his dishes and feeds from his hands, it means that he trusts her and it is pleasant for him to spend time with the woman in this way. It's bad when he doesn't do it. This means that he is not interested in a woman and Serious relationships will not be.

It is also considered a big hint when a man trusts a woman with the keys to the house. In this way, a man expresses that he wants a woman to be the keeper of his family hearth.

A woman does not need to rush to conclusions about a man just from a conversation; she needs to be very wary. After all, they are very silent. The main thing is to judge a man by his actions and hints.

It is very difficult for a woman to behave with a man. Therefore, she needs to know his behavior and behave correctly with him.

  1. Men don't take hints. In this case, you need to clearly communicate to the man what the woman wants, preferably more than once. Then your words will be imprinted in his memory, and he will do many good and pleasant things for the woman.
  2. A woman does not need to show her tears to a man, as the man will be very upset and confused. In such a situation, he will not help with sympathy, but will only get angry.
  3. A woman should always greet a man at home with a smile. If he comes in a bad mood, you just need to feed him a delicious dinner and cuddle him, then all the bad things will go away from him and his mood will be good.
  4. Try to praise the man as much as possible, ask about his affairs. A woman can also give some advice to a man, then he will consider that she is interested in him and really needs him.

By a man's gestures one can also determine his true attitude towards a woman.

  1. If when meeting a man his hands are on his hips, this indicates that he dreams of sexual contact. At the same time, the woman is far from indifferent to him and he expects warmth and affection from her.
  2. When talking to a woman, the man will be very close to her, feeling the smell of her beloved body. If he likes a woman, the man will hold her hand and touch her quietly. When talking, there will be a bright smile and sparkling eyes on his face.
  3. If the toe of his shoe is turned towards the woman, then this fact indicates that he pays great attention to her and will come up to meet her.
  4. Next to a woman, a man shows some excitement. He constantly straightens his hair, taps his fingers on the table, and even smokes often. A man will speak shyly, on stupid simple topics, and ask funny questions.

But there are moments when men’s facial expressions can be used to determine indifference to women. If, during a conversation with a woman, a man tugs at her earlobe, this means that he is not interested in communicating with her and is only interested in sex.

It will also be clear that if a man speaks in direct words about sex and insists on it, it means that he only needs you to satisfy his needs. When he gets his, his interest in you will disappear, and he will start looking for a new passion. As a result of this, a serious relationship between them will not work out. Also, when talking, he will not make eye contact and be distracted by other objects.

It often happens that a man is in love, but he himself cannot make the first attempt. Then the woman needs to help him and support him. You need to listen to him carefully, smile more often and show your interest in him. As a result of such actions, the man will understand everything and take the first steps.

A man's love is very different from a woman's, it is very difficult to recognize, but it will be very strong and real. It is very easy and simple to determine. The most important thing is not to miss it. After all, it is very important that a man loves a woman, then the result will be a strong and happy family.

How to understand men?
Every woman wants a relationship with a man to be strong and real. The result will be a strong family and loving children. Therefore, he often asks himself the question “How to understand his relationship, before sex, how to understand a man’s attitude towards a woman if he already shows care

When a man feeds by hand

Don't you have any dishes?

Did he even wash them?

Don’t you hand feed birds, dogs, and cats? You probably also have a certain interest in them?)))

How naive these women are!)))

oh hilarious, the joke is clear, the evening is about food from hand

in black magic it’s part of a love spell) so don’t get carried away there

at least he washed his hands7

oh hilarious, the joke is clear, the evening is about food from hand

What about culle? We are starving.

Don’t you hand feed birds, dogs, and cats? You probably also have a certain interest in them?))) How naive these women are!)))

What does this have to do with it? Do you hand feed your neighbors and acquaintances? Don't be stupid!)

You're a chick yourself, a normal dude will portray a sushi fight to his lady, straight nude, on the dining table. and the horseradish will be covered with a lettuce leaf, and under the lettuce leaf there will be a surprise.

He put in such a normal one. with kuiy at the ready in a lettuce leaf. Kashshchenko smokes!

It’s much more indicative that she eats from her hands and doesn’t refuse)

why not eat if he is in favor with this hand. didn't you poke around?

No need to stick a head of Chinese lettuce on *****, what are you doing? So I covered it with a little leaf. Place the sushi around it and let Madame play around.

Mmm. damn tired.

Will a guy feed with his own hands a girl whom he treats simply as a friend and has no interest in her as a woman?

In Tunisia, about 7 years ago, we met two men, went to a restaurant, sat and chatted happily until dessert was brought with nuts and fruits. One of the men took an almond with his little hands and held it out to my face across the table. And then I realized that I don’t know any curse words in English, except for *****. I slapped his hands. oh there was a scandal, my friend laughed and dragged me, swearing, to the hotel. I was absolutely sober. Phew, as soon as I remember it makes me want to puke. But immediately after returning from vacation, I learned a couple of strong words, which sometimes come in handy))).

Hand feeding is not a sign of love, but if he starts wiping your butt, then he definitely loves you!!

Will a guy feed with his own hands a girl whom he treats simply as a friend and has no interest in her as a woman?

All sorts of Muslim girls like to hand feed, it’s probably some kind of fetish for them.

In Tunisia, about 7 years ago, we met two men, went to a restaurant, sat and chatted happily until they brought nuts and fruits for dessert. One of the men took an almond with his little hands and held it out to my face across the table. And then I realized that I don’t know any curse words in English except *****. I slapped his hands. oh there was a scandal, my friend laughed and dragged me, swearing, to the hotel. I was absolutely sober. Phew, as soon as I remember it makes me want to puke. But immediately after returning from vacation, I learned a couple of strong words, which sometimes come in handy))). Ahaha.

The men who tried to hand feed me were in love with me. True, I was very squeamish, maybe because I didn’t like them myself.

Anyone can do it with your hands! Let him try to feed you soup without your hands, but with the help of flax? Weak?! And he’ll throw a couple of cutlets into your mouth, then yes, he definitely loves you!

Eat from your hands. ugh. and even from the hands of some simple friend.

Exactly! What if he’s also a gynecologist? Or a pathologist? Where haven’t these hands been in a day, what places?! Yes, he should immediately chop off his hands with a chainsaw!

Well, this doesn’t seem very decent. So he’s either flirting or just a friend, but he’s gone.

You're a chick yourself, a normal dude will portray a sushi fight to his lady, straight nude, on the dining table. and the horseradish will be covered with a lettuce leaf, and under the lettuce leaf there will be a surprise.

For a normal person, ***** won’t fit under a lettuce leaf

What if a man eats from my hands?))

It's better when two men eat from your hands at the same time!

If he does this, then he definitely wants you, 100 percent.

But in my opinion he wants to eat, 100%!!

If he does this, then he definitely wants you, 100 percent.

yes, especially if he feeds from the index finger

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When a man feeds by hand
Will a guy feed with his own hands a girl whom he treats simply as a friend and has no interest in her as a woman?

Man feeding woman

Why I love Russian men is their generosity and tendency to make broad gestures. And I'm not alone. We will certainly talk separately about the difficulties of developing international romantic relationships. Now I want to remember what regularly hurts the tender (or mercantile - depending on who is more accustomed to thinking) souls of domestic beauties on the days of their first dates with imported gentlemen. This is the reluctance of the guys there to single-handedly pay in public catering establishments. “Tutoshka” men, as far as I could see, allow themselves to do this only in extreme cases.

I would like to believe that our social etiquette is really different. Because girls of domestic production (like me) perceive such tricks on the part of gentlemen as a complete fiasco, the collapse of all illusions and a clear realization that it’s definitely time to lose weight. And in general it’s a shame.

Here comes the light_our_sun Kirill Vishnepolsky, who has taken on the task of running the “Men’s Logic” column for the sister magazine Women’s Health, (oh, I love and approve when pressing women’s problems are solved by normal men, and not by bores mired in statistics and clinical research), confirms my fears: “After 20 minutes, the young man thought: “So, what am I doing here, with this girl?” After another half hour, he kept repeating to himself: “Never again with this one!”, and by the end of dinner he fell into such despair that he decided to give a rude signal: “You are not suitable for me, pay for the food and leave.” Bad date, it happens."

It's really not about the money. Well, not always and not for everyone, of course. I also know people who agree to dates with not particularly attractive gentlemen and reason from the position: “Well, at least we’ll eat for free.” I think there is no need to explain that their approach is not particularly close to me, because it smacks of something like that. prostitutes., and in signals. For most women, paying for dinner is no problem. At least partially, at least completely. With one caveat: if this guy has already become her boyfriend or husband. But at the stage of first dates, the moment of settling the bill is always significant. If we had a parity division of expenses, it would be much more difficult to understand how well everything went and what the coming evening has in store for us, if at all.

So. For me and the women I know, the situation has always been something like this. If a man invites you (and doesn’t even try to disguise the date as a business lunch), then how can you imagine that he will pay. For her part, a decent girl on the first date:

  1. will not eat if he is not himself;
  2. at the moment X will reach for his wallet for the sake of formality to hear the magnanimous “Don’t you dare! I myself."

If a guy is in no hurry to persuade you to hide your wallet, this is interpreted as an unambiguous “we won’t see each other again” (yes, keep in mind, guys, this way you can, not too gracefully, but absolutely unambiguously put an end to the relationship, it works flawlessly). On the other hand, if a girl categorically does not concede positions, shoves money and in the end still pays for herself - this in 99% of cases means the same thing, but only now addressed to you (the rule does not work when they are “dating” let's say a student with a banker).

There are a couple more moments that, as practice shows, it is advisable to avoid if everything is magical and your plans do not include unnecessarily annoying your companion.

Point No. 1- sluggishness. If in ordinary life you are in no hurry to reach for the book with the score, then during the first date it is better not to hesitate. Even a two-second hesitation at the payback stage can be interpreted by a girl not in her favor. Like: “Well, of course, you’re so-so. Well, okay, I’ll feed you” (a woman’s consciousness, burdened with complexes, may not give out such a thing).

№2 - when the guy begins to comment on what he sees and thereby turns the process of studying the account into a whole performance. Joking remarks in the spirit of: “It’s okay, it’s fine. You won’t even have to sell a kidney” or even worse: “I love women who love to eat” does not defuse, but, on the contrary, escalates the situation. And in general, this looks like unnecessary posturing.

Okay, so I’m pestering you again with moral teachings. Each of us has our own “dating” experience, our own behavioral doctrines. So share: how do you decide: to pay for a companion or not? Or is the question not worth it at all if this is a date? Have you ever had a situation where you asked a girl to “halve” the bill? For what reasons did you do this?

Man feeding woman
Who should pay the bills - you or her? Or are you together?

Man feeding woman

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The fate of a person’s hands is sometimes encrypted in the lines of the palms.

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If she chose a chair with her back to all the other visitors, then most likely she is ready to fully focus on you. Give her something to look at. After all, women are often more sophisticated in interpreting body language. Express confidence and masculinity with open palms and closed fingertips. And if she sits facing the center of the room, watch her eyes: how easily is she distracted?

She wipes you down

She spilled a drink on her sleeve, dropped her fork, reached for bread - look at her reaction. If she turns away in embarrassment or simply does nothing, it means that she is suppressing her maternal instinct for a reason: the connection between you has not been established. But if she rushes to your aid, there is already attraction between you. Let him look after you.

She tastes your meat

Invite her to try your dish. Slowly extend your fork with food towards her mouth. If she's not ready for you to hand feed her, she'll take the fork from you and put the food on her plate, and then hold your horses, Casanova. But at least you can count on her to offer you a taste of her food.

She praises you

Women crave compliments, but on the first date it is better to limit yourself to comments about her jewelry or clothes. She probably took the time to choose, so she'll love your attention to detail. If she starts telling you a story about the earrings or, better yet, returns a compliment, it means she cares about your opinion. And here you can’t get away with a simple “thank you.”

She's interrogating you

Throw in a random topic - Maoist rebels or prom - and see where it leads. If she develops it, that's a good sign. Women approach dating like a reconnaissance operation, so answer any personal questions wisely and ask your own in return.

She admires the dessert

Pay attention to how she eats dessert: silently and indifferently or with her eyes closed and with visible pleasure? The latter means that she is close to the sensual, hedonistic side of life. You could say she just had a gustatory orgasm. And this may be a clear signal to continue the banquet.

Abstract principles of communication seem to a woman to be something of little significance; she accepts and understands the actions and actions of people primarily through empathy, through identification with her sensory background (which is why, by the way, feminine natures are more artistic, that is, they are better embedded in the “flesh”, into the “skin” of another creature and empathize with his life).

A child is not the meaning and purpose of love, as is formally believed thinking people, this is a living monument to love. If sexual desire does not lead a man to the great creativity of love, to the embodiment of that magical waking dream that both of them dream during the period of falling in love and which absorbs all the beauty and meaning of sexual desire, then it encourages a woman to creativity, and to purely feminine creativity - creation the living flesh of a child, it inclines her towards motherhood.

Femininity is transformed into motherhood, the woman is now turned to her child, she interacts with him mentally, and these internal love currents become a great blessing for him, that great maternal blessing on life, without which there is no joyful childhood, and therefore, no happiness for a person . And therefore the joy of motherhood is not the joy of shared love, it is filled with quiet sadness, tenderness and sadness...

Femininity and masculinity create a gender-appropriate mental frame for instinctual impulses. Let's take feeding and defensive behavior. For a woman, nursing is one of her natural functions. maternal body, a woman is a nourishing creature. Cooking was always not only her responsibility, but to a certain extent also her natural need.

It is not for nothing that at all times a woman has been the keeper of the hearth - a symbol of warmth, satiety, peace. A woman-mother feeds her baby with breast milk, and breast-feeding, if it is not complicated by any depressing circumstances, gives her special satisfaction. Naturally capable of creating a living universal product, which is her breast milk, a woman instinctively senses the taste advantages and disadvantages of food better and more subtly, she combines food components more skillfully, ultimately achieving taste harmony.

There is a fairly common opinion that men are the best and more refined cooks, but the dishes they prepare - gourmet delicacies - are a complete product of taste, that is, they delight the tongue and cripple the stomach. You won’t last long at a man’s holiday table, and how right was L. Tolstoy when he said: “God created food, and the devil created cooks.”

Feeding is a kind of creativity of a woman; it is ultimately aimed not at creating a tasty product, as it may seem at first, but at achieving, with the help of this product, a certain complacent and sociable state in those who eat. A woman with her table gradually creates a good-natured and benevolent background of communication for those around her. She feels satisfaction from the fact that she feeds, saturates, treats and thereby creates physical and mental comfort for those whom she feeds, loves, and cares for.

Eating together between a man and a woman has its own gender symbolism. We can say that a man wants to eat, a woman wants to feed. A woman rarely prepares any special dishes for herself. If a woman does not have a desire to feed a man, this means that he is mentally indifferent to her; if she does not want to eat with him, she will never want to have a child from him. The kitchen occupies no less important place in everyday life than the bedroom.