Perfume application technique. Secrets of fragrances: how to smell sweet all day How to apply perfume to smell longer

Men's guide: how to use perfume correctly

Let's not hide the fact that most men are pleased to hear compliments from others, especially if it is praise from a woman. And very often this is a compliment about an accessory that is an integral part of your personal style.

We have already written that men should pay more attention to perfumes. Do not forget that when choosing a partner, women are very often guided by smell. This happens because women have a better developed sense of smell than the stronger half of humanity. A woman’s sense of smell is specially tuned to detect masculine substances, including in good perfumery, which can provide its wearer with a significant advantage over others. This includes increasing male attractiveness and increasing resistance to stress, self-confidence and much more.

The human nose is capable of distinguishing about a trillion different shades, and each scent provokes a strong emotional connection. For example, one of my strongest memories of my father is how, when he came home from work, he would take me in his arms, enveloping me in the smell of cologne. Now, when I catch that distant, familiar scent somewhere, I immediately remember those moments from childhood. By the way, in adulthood, many men continue to use the same, or, as their father.

A good perfume gives your image a sense of integrity. We know that dressing well improves self-esteem. A well-chosen aroma creates a similar effect. By choosing a decent perfume, a man can be sure that he not only looks, but also smells like at least a million dollars.

By the way, two thirds of men use cologne or only occasionally. Why is this happening? I think the main reason is the lack of sufficient information, because it is controlled by women and the stronger sex simply does not receive information about it in full.

How to choose the right eau de toilette or cologne?

Remember that when choosing a purchase, you make the final decision, guided by your taste! But if several close people or a specialist who really understands fragrances, for example, an employee of a perfume store, recommend something to you, be sure to try it!

So, you bought cologne or eau de toilette. Once you start using perfume, you will understand that buying eau de toilette is a process, not an end goal. Many men end up with dozens of scents in their collection.

What container should I buy for eau de toilette?

Here, as they say, size is not important, the main thing is that you like the smell. In addition, colognes are inexpensive and tend to run out. Over time, the molecules of a perfume composition begin to disintegrate due to exposure to heat and light. Therefore, you should avoid radiators and direct light. A regular wardrobe is perfect for storage.

How to use eau de toilette?

Apply a small amount of perfume to damp skin, for example after a shower. Gradually start experimenting. When you get used to the process, you can start applying eau de toilette to other places besides the ones you are already used to. Suitable areas include chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow, shoulder, chest, neck, lower jaw, wrist, forearm, inner elbow.

Do not spray perfume on all these points at the same time. Pick a few that you like best.

Do not apply to feet.

Repeated application of the spray to the same point throughout the day is not recommended.

Do not spray perfume into the air and then stand in the middle. In this case, you will achieve nothing and most of the toilet water will simply settle on the floor.

Try not to put perfume on your clothes. In this case, the perfume composition will not combine with the natural oils secreted by the body, the smell will be unnatural and can spoil the material from which the clothes are made.

Do not pour into your palm. If you have a classic bottle, place one finger on the neck, almost blocking it, and carefully turn the container over.

Don't overdo it - people nearby should smell the scent without being knocked off their feet by it.

In conclusion, I would like to say once again that with the help of fragrances you express yourself - do not forget about it!

It is important to understand that perfume comes in different forms. It differs not only in brands, but also in the degree of concentration of perfume oils. Depending on the intensity and persistence of the aroma, perfumes, eau de parfum, eau de toilette, cologne and other perfumes are distinguished.

Perfume- the most concentrated, persistent and expensive type of perfume. The content of fragrant substances is from 20 to 30%. The perfume has very pronounced base notes. Recommended for use in winter and evening.

Eau de Parfum- a lighter perfume with pronounced middle notes, but in terms of durability it is almost as good as perfume. Eau de parfum is sometimes even called day perfume; it is ideal for use during the day. The content of fragrant substances is 12–20%.

Eau de Toilette- a light type of perfume in which the top notes are well felt. Fragrant substances from 8 to 10%. Eau de toilette is less persistent: to feel the aroma, you need to use it several times a day.

Cologne (Eau de Cologne)- This is the weakest aroma. The content of fragrant substances in it is from 3 to 8%. This perfume is mainly used by men.

The concentration of fragrant substances in other perfumes (deodorants, lotions and the like) is less than 3%. Their aroma is barely perceptible.

The bouquet of the perfume also affects the longevity of the scent. Nutmeg, chypre and woody scents are more lasting than floral, citrus or sea scents.

When choosing a perfume, consider its type and ingredients.

Application rules

The durability of the aroma also depends on the method of using the perfume, or rather on where and how to apply it.

Where to apply perfume

When the inimitable Coco Chanel was asked where perfume should be applied, she answered: “Where you want to be kissed.”

In fact, perfume should be applied to the wrist, behind the earlobe, on the bend of the elbow, on the neck in the area of ​​the interclavicular cavity and under the knee.

These are the so-called pulse points. In these places, the blood vessels are close to the skin, the temperature of these areas is slightly higher. All this contributes to the opening and distribution of aroma.

Please note: we are talking about spirits. They are usually produced in bottles with a glass rod and a stopper. By the way, it is she who needs to pick up the perfume, and not the pad of her finger. To smell fragrant, you only need a drop of perfume on each point.

Perfumery and eau de toilette are usually sold in the form of aerosols. If you use them, spray the perfume in front of you and simply stand under the cloud of aroma. Water is less concentrated, so the procedure can be repeated several times.

Most people apply perfume at the very end, when they are already dressed, or even before leaving the house. Unfortunately, the scent won't last long. Clothes absorb odors well, but do not release odors well. And not only perfume, but all the aromas around. In addition, if you apply perfume to, especially light, there is a risk that stains and stains will remain.

Apply perfume immediately after a shower or bath. Clean, steamed skin absorbs the aroma like a sponge absorbs water. In this case, skin hydration is of great importance. If you have an oily skin type, there is nothing to worry about, but if you have dry or normal skin, then in order for the perfume to last long, the skin must be moisturized.

For these purposes, it is best to use body lotion from the same line as the perfume. Many manufacturers, in addition to perfumes, produce a whole series of care products with the same fragrance. In this case, your perfume will not conflict with the smell of lotion or antiperspirant. If your perfumes do not have “companions,” use neutral, unscented products.

Didn't have time to take a shower before leaving? Apply to your pulse points and then apply perfume to them. This base will fix the aroma: it will last longer.

Spray perfume on your wrists and rub them together - you do this, admit it? This is mistake. Any aroma is multi-layered: first the top notes reveal themselves (literally in the first 5–15 minutes), then the middle notes begin to “sound” and at the end the base notes break through. If you rub the perfume, this process is disrupted and the aroma loses its individuality. So just let the perfume dry.

A few more tricks

In conclusion, here are a few more that will allow you to feel and give your favorite scent for as long as possible.

  • Apply a drop of perfume to your comb or sprinkle it with eau de parfum. Comb your hair. Hair retains odors perfectly: every time you turn your head, a pleasant trail will remain behind you.
  • Soak a cotton pad in your favorite perfume and place it in your purse or pocket. This will enhance the aroma and create a fragrant aura not only around you, but also around your things.
  • Store your perfume correctly. Keep an eye on the expiration date and don't leave it in the bathroom. It's too hot and humid there. It is better to keep the perfume in the box in which it was sold: this way it will be protected from sunlight.

Perfume, like the flickering of a candle, can envelop you and add magic to your image. But aromas are insidious. If you use the same perfume for a long time, your nose can become so accustomed to it that it begins to seem as if the scent is less and less lasting with each new bottle. Also remember that if a perfume suits you, you don't smell it. If you “hear” perfume, it means it’s not for you or you’ve poured too much of it on yourself. In this case, it will be uncomfortable not only for you, but also for those around you.

How to make the fragrant trail stay with you all day? You can, of course, carry eau de toilette or perfume in your purse, but is there another way out? Eat! You just need to consider when, where and how to apply your favorite scent.

If you really want to prolong the effect of a perfume, choose scents with sensual sweet notes such as chypre, bergamot (Mitsouko, Femme, Miss Dior), or with oriental elements, vanilla (Shalimar, Samsara, Spellbound, Angel, Coco).

In addition, there are little secrets that will extend the life of your favorite perfume:

It is better to apply the fragrance before you put on jewelry - some perfumes leave indelible stains on clothes and accessories, especially on synthetic fabrics and pearls. Apply the scent in layers: first soap or shower gel, then milk or cream, powder and only then eau de toilette.

If you have dry skin or are an excitable, sensitive person, you will have to apply the fragrance to your skin more often (it evaporates too quickly). On oily skin the scent lasts longer - the sebaceous glands retain it for a long time.

Change the scents from time to time. Try something new, experiment, enjoy! Otherwise, you will experience “olfactory fatigue” - a condition when your nose does not perceive the aroma you are wearing.

If you are going to buy a new eau de toilette, go to the store in the morning and “try” no more than three scents at a time.

Where you apply your perfume is almost as important as what scent you choose.

To smell longer, remember the following:

Apply the aroma to your pulse points - on your wrists, behind your ears, on the bend of your elbows, in the area. The skin in these places is warmer, so the smell dissipates faster in the air. And if the temperature is high, don't forget to apply the scent to your ankles, the inside of your knees, and the inside of your thighs.

Apply your favorite scent to your comb and brush your hair with it. As Coco Chanel said, “put perfume where you want to be kissed.” Don't neglect this great advice! Madame Chanel even applied perfume to the hems of the clothes she designed, so that models would leave a fragrant trail behind them as they walked down the catwalk.

How should you apply the scent for maximum results?

Here are a few secrets you should know:

Spray eau de toilette at a distance of 30 cm from you. Or take Estee Lauder's advice: Spritz in front of you, then walk into the fragrant cloud you've created.

Fixing notes, or base notes, help bind scents together. They prolong the aroma because they slow down evaporation. They contain natural sensual aromas: spicy, woody, pine scents such as musk, amber, vanilla, sandalwood, patchouli.

Proper storage of perfume can extend its life. Store them in a cool, dry, dark place. In a bottle of perfume, like in a bottle of good wine, the process of oxidation begins, so protect your scents from heat, light and humidity.

And the last thing you need to know:

Perfume – contains 20-30%, lasts from 4 to 6 hours.

Eau de parfum – contains 10-20% aromatic oils, lasts about 4 hours.

Eau de cologne – contains 5% aromatic oils and lasts from 2 to 3 hours.

Eau fraiche – contains 3% aromatic oils and lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

Lotions contain from 3 to 5% aromatic oils.

Valeria Belenkaya [email protected]
based on materials from

Imagine a picture based on real events. A girl enters a room, a bus, an elevator, a minibus (it must be emphasized), and everyone suddenly begins to turn away from her, hide their noses in a scarf, and clutch their heads. Suddenly the young man can’t stand it anymore and says: “Girl, your perfume can poison insects.” People around do not intervene or even argue...

By the way, the girl smells not like cheap perfume from the transition, but expensive French perfume. But any, even luxury, scent. We present you with instructions on how to choose a scent for the day and apply it so that it becomes the highlight of your look.

Give preference to perfumes with daytime notes

It would be foolish to deny (only marketers can do this) that fragrances are divided by gender, season, and also by time of day. The last criterion should be especially taken into account if you work in an office. No matter how much you would like to envelop everyone in a flair of oud, woody and spicy notes, and transport those around you into an Eastern fairy tale, you shouldn’t do this. , during the day it is better to prefer an unobtrusive perfume, in which notes of delicate flowers and citrus fruits are the main notes.

This plate will help you navigate the compositions, which scents are considered daytime and which are considered evening. Look at the top and middle notes listed in the information about the scent you choose. They play a decisive role.

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Choose a scent in a specific concentration

Perfume can be presented in different concentrations. Perfume is considered the most persistent and fragrant. They usually contain 20-35% perfume dissolved in 90% alcohol plus a fixative. The aroma of perfume can last on the skin for up to 6–8 hours. Yes, thanks to this, the perfume is persistent, but it is also the most dangerous, since it is easy to overdo it. It is enough to apply an extra drop - and everything is gone.

Daytime perfumes are considered to be fragrances in several formats. Eau de parfum contains 12–15% concentrate dissolved in 90% alcohol. The smell lasts for 4 hours. An even lighter option is eau de toilette, which contains 6–10% concentrate in 85% alcohol. Its aroma lasts on the skin for 2-3 hours. You can enjoy the smell of cologne for no more than 2 hours, since it contains 6% perfume composition in 70–80% alcohol.

Apply Fragrance Correctly

But even in the lightest concentration with aroma you can ruin the image. For example, if you have been using perfume for a long time, then the olfactory receptors quickly adapt to the aromas and can seem to turn off if they mark a particular smell as safe - this phenomenon has been called olfactory blindness. Therefore, we often do not feel the aroma of our own perfume, we want to apply it again and again.

To make the aroma sound brighter and last longer, it is not the quantity that is important, but what areas you apply it to. The optimal places to apply perfume are the front of the neck, the back of the hand, the outer side of the forearm, and the back of the knees. It is at these points that the aroma will gradually unfold and remain much more persistent than on other parts of the body. Hair also holds the scent quite well. Only it is better to spray them with a special perfume mist that does not contain alcohol (it can dry out your hair).

If you wear bracelets or watches, it is better not to apply perfume to your wrists. The composition of the perfume may change, mixing with the smell of the material from which your accessory is made. After application, do not rub the perfume - this way you will deprive it of its initial notes.

And most importantly: apply perfume to moisturized skin. It is known that perfumes contain oils, and if the skin is dehydrated, it will simply “drink them” and the aroma will quickly disappear. Therefore, before using perfume, it is better to apply an unscented moisturizer to your skin.

For assistance in preparing the material, we thank our expert:

Ekaterina Matantseva, aroma diagnostician, founder of the natural cosmetics brand Mi&Ko

Perfumery and eau de toilette: male height

The simplest parameter for determining the point of applying perfume is your man’s height, or how taller he is than you. If he is much taller than you, you should apply the perfume to the upper parts of your body so that the scent has time to reach his sense of smell.

Perfumery and eau de toilette: when to apply

The best time to apply your favorite scent to yourself is when you have just gotten out of the shower or bath. Moist skin absorbs fragrances much more readily than dry skin. Also, spray the scent before you get dressed, as the scent should be absorbed into the skin, not into the clothes. Getting perfume on clothes can damage the fabric, discolor it, etc. If you are getting ready for an evening out and want to reapply perfume, try to pre-moisturize your skin with lotion or cream - this is necessary for better absorption of the aroma.

The type of fragrance you usually wear will tell you how much to apply. Some women prefer a light, subtle aroma, a haze, because they use delicate feminine scents with fruity notes. Such perfumes are usually inexpensive, but also unstable, so they require more to apply and, accordingly, run out quickly. The smell seems strong immediately after application, but after a few minutes it is barely noticeable. If you prefer subtle, unobtrusive, shy scents, try fruity notes or vanilla.

Perfume and eau de toilette: where to apply

A guarantee that your lover will notice and appreciate the aroma that you are enveloped in is precisely the correctly selected points for applying perfume. Let's list them:

Wrists. They should be perfumed last, and without rubbing the perfume between two wrists, but applying it to each separately. This way the aroma will not fade away longer.

Upper chest. You need to apply perfume or eau de toilette to this part of the body carefully, do not overdo it! A light, delicate aromatic haze is enough. It is precisely for this area that it is better to use perfume or eau de toilette for women.

Behind the ears. First, spray the perfume on your fingers, and with your fingers, lightly massage the scent into your earlobes and behind your ears. If you spray perfume directly behind your ears, you will get it on your clothes and hair, wasting a lot of perfume.

Chin – just one touch is enough.

Between the mammary glands. Apply a small amount of eau de toilette to provide a light, unobtrusive aroma. Applying perfume to this area of ​​the body will create fullness and integrity to your scent.

Under the knees. Fragrances work best when body temperature rises. The area under the knees, where large blood vessels run, responds most quickly to heat and is therefore the best area to apply fragrance.

Perfumery and eau de toilette: skin type

Another important point that you should consider is what skin type do you have? Oily and darker skin tends to absorb fragrances better than dry and light skin. Remember this, since perfume and eau de toilette tend to fade faster than perfume, so if you have dark or oily skin, then it makes sense to take eau de toilette with you and, if necessary, add a little of your favorite scent.

Perfumery and eau de toilette It can be completely different, so choose your scent - this is also very important. A scent that suits you and suits you will give you confidence. Also remember that it is better to apply too little perfume than too much. Nobody likes it when a person literally reeks of perfume, even a very expensive one - any scent is good in moderation. What to choose - perfume and eau de toilette or perfume - it's only your decision. Perfume and eau de toilette are much cheaper, but their aroma is less persistent, and therefore they run out faster, whereas a small bottle of expensive perfume will last you a long time. But you can change perfume and eau de toilette more often, choosing according to your taste and matching your mood.