Physical therapy for pregnant women for every trimester. A set of exercises for pregnant women in the first trimester Exercises for pregnant women 1st trimester at home

Exercises for pregnant women vary by trimester in their intensity and nature of the load. If you want to maintain good shape and well-being throughout the entire 9 months and easily survive childbirth, do not forget about simple gymnastics. Let's look at the exercises recommended by gynecologists and sports trainers for a particular stage of pregnancy.

1st trimester

The first 12-14 weeks of embryo development are the most dangerous for it. That is why it is recommended to limit physical activity during this period. Do not put stress on your abs under any circumstances, as this may cause spontaneous miscarriage. But you can train your hips and perform breathing exercises that are very useful and necessary for expectant mothers.

So, exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester are simple and effective.

1. To perform this you will need a chair with a backrest. Leaning your hands on the back of the chair, perform not very deep squats with your legs spread to the sides. It is recommended to alternate this exercise with raising on your toes.

2. Strengthen the chest muscles and improve its shape. It's no secret that during pregnancy and after childbirth, many women's breasts lose their shape. This is unlikely to happen if you perform this simple exercise. Bring your arms together at chest level, clasp your palms. The exercise consists of trying to close your palms as tightly as possible; while doing this, you can feel the pectoral muscles working perfectly.

3. Exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles. Leaning on the back of the chair, cross your leg forward, then sideways and back. This serves as a prevention of stretch marks and good preparation for childbirth.

4. Pelvic rotation. It's very simple - perform circular movements with your pelvis in one direction and the other. Feet are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees.

5. And this exercise can be performed in any quantity, at any time and almost anywhere. Perform circular rotations with your feet. Rise on your toes, you can even sit. This helps to avoid varicose veins and leg cramps. Especially recommended for women who spend a lot of time sitting.

2nd trimester

Let's continue our brief review and look at recommended exercises for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester. This period is the safest during pregnancy and favorable for physical activity. The risk of a threatened miscarriage is quite low, and women feel good - the symptoms of early toxicosis have already disappeared, and their psychological state has improved due to the awareness of their situation and all the joy that lies ahead.

Exercises for the second trimester are aimed primarily at the pelvic area. Regular implementation of them helps to avoid such troubles as urinary incontinence, which often occurs in women over 30-35 years of age who give birth repeatedly. The result will be most effective if, along with the ones below, you perform Kegel exercises.

It is recommended to exclude exercises where the load falls on one leg and exercise in a brace, starting from 16-18 weeks, when the uterus has already grown significantly and the expectant mother becomes less agile. It is also not recommended to do exercises lying on your back, only on your side, so that the uterus does not compress the vena cava and does not provoke a lack of oxygen in the fetus.

1. We start with a warm-up. Sit on a hard surface and cross your legs in front of you. Turn your head in one direction and the other. The next exercise is smooth turns of the body with arms spread to the sides.

2. The next exercise is to sit in the little mermaid pose and stretch your arm up as you inhale, and as you exhale, bring it behind your head.

3. For the oblique abdominal muscles in the second trimester, the exercise is slightly different. It is performed lying on your side, arms lying on top of each other and extended forward. You need to rotate your upper arm 180 degrees by moving your body, then return it to its original position.

4. Exercise for the chest muscles (see first trimester).

5. Sit so that your buttocks are on your heels. Extend your arms forward and touch your forehead to the floor. This has a great relaxing effect. You can spread your knees a little so that your tummy lies between them.

3rd trimester

Childbirth is approaching, weight is growing, and doing even the simplest exercises becomes boring and difficult. But here exercises for pregnant women on a fitball - on a special gymnastic ball - come to the rescue. You can do them yourself at home (you just have to buy a ball first), or at a pregnancy center. Why fitball and not regular exercises? It can also be done, but exercises on a fitball are more effective and interesting. In addition, exercises on a gymnastic ball are very convenient and comfortable for expectant mothers during advanced pregnancy. The recommended exercises can be figuratively divided into three categories: for the buttocks and thighs, for the arms, for the chest.

1. You will need light dumbbells weighing no more than 1 kilogram. While sitting on the ball, you need to bend your arms alternately.

2. While sitting cross-legged on the floor, squeeze the ball lightly and rhythmically with your hands - this is a great simple exercise for the pectoral muscles.

3. If you are not too uncomfortable lying on your back, then you can try doing this exercise for 1-2 minutes, this is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. Lying on your back, you need to put your foot on the ball and roll it back and forth or make circular movements.

Do not forget that exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester very often cause uterine tone, such is physiology. If you feel pain or your heart rate increases, stop warming up immediately. In this case, it is better to do breathing exercises, which we will discuss below. There are also medical contraindications to any type of physical activity; you should always remember them.

1. Some chronic diseases (so you should talk to your doctor before starting exercise).

2. With pronounced early toxicosis.

3. For bloody vaginal discharge.

4. For late toxicosis (gestosis).

5. With polyhydramnios.

And finally, breathing exercises. They serve as a kind of relaxation. If you breathe correctly at all stages of childbirth, you can significantly reduce the pain effect. But without regular training and concentration, this is practically impossible.

1. Diaphragmatic breathing. Place one palm on your stomach, the other on your chest and take deep breaths. Make sure that when you inhale, only your stomach rises and your chest remains motionless. Breathe through your nose.

2. Chest breathing.

a) Place your palms on your ribs, spread your elbows to the sides. When breathing, your elbows should slide to the sides, and your stomach and chest should remain in the same position.

b) Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. When inhaling, the chest rises, the stomach is motionless.

It is very important not to hold your breath when performing breathing exercises, otherwise the child may experience hypoxia. Duration of classes is 30-40 minutes.

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Pregnancy is not a disease. But, nevertheless, many forget about this, trying to avoid physical activity. But all doctors and special literature strongly advise performing light but very important exercises for expectant mothers. Their importance is difficult to overestimate, since they contribute to the proper development of the child and the improvement of the well-being of the woman herself. Just 10–20 minutes of exercise daily will increase tone and prepare the body for future childbirth.

Basic rules of training

There are some rules for doing physical activity:

  1. Never overdo it. What is important in training is not the achievement of any sports performance. The main goal of a pregnant woman is to improve her mood and maintain muscle tone.
  2. Don't exercise with a full stomach. At least 2 hours must pass after eating.
  3. Choose suitable clothing that does not restrict movement, made from natural fabrics.
  4. Be sure to consult your doctor! In case of some pathologies of fetal development or diseases of the mother (threat of miscarriage, uterine tone), complete rest is needed.

The main methods of physical activity will be breathing exercises, exercise for the hips, as well as those aimed at preventing varicose veins. From your workout routine, exclude exercises that involve the abdominals in one way or another. In the early stages, this can lead to spontaneous abortion. And now you still won’t be able to achieve a flat stomach. Do not make sharp bends. Don't lift heavy objects. All movements should be aimed at making the woman feel the muscles working.

The entire complex of gymnastics should be performed slowly, without causing fatigue. It would be good to organize them in the fresh air, except when the temperature outside is below zero. Even if classes take place in a room, be sure to ventilate before starting. Always rely on how you feel at the beginning of your workout. If a woman is worried about toxicosis or headache, it is better to postpone the lesson.


Before starting the workout itself, do some simple preparation:

  • walk in a circle for 2-3 minutes, making circular movements with your shoulders;
  • next, swing your arms up and down;
  • placing your hands on your waist, roll from heel to toe and back;
  • take a deep breath, raise your crossed arms up, and as you exhale, slowly bend down and lower them.

It would be good to take a contrast shower before class and rub your body skin with a rough washcloth. This procedure will increase blood flow to the surface of the skin and open the pores. Drink enough fluids. For pregnant women, exercise can be difficult. Even in the absence of power loads, you can sweat. To prevent dehydration, drink one glass of water before your workout and continue as needed. Always take breaks if you are tired. When doing exercises for pregnant women in the 1st trimester, you need to gain strength before bearing a child and giving birth, and not get completely tired.

Fitness for expectant mothers

Classic elements of fitness - jumping, active walking - are of no use to pregnant women. Therefore, it is necessary to use its most gentle and accessible forms. Here are the most effective and simple elements:

  1. Breathing exercises. To perform it, stand level on a hard surface, lower your arms down, and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Repeat deep inhalation and exhalation 10–15 times according to the Pilates principle: while inhaling, imagine that there is a balloon between the ribs. When you take air into your lungs, you need to inflate it; when you release the air, the balloon deflates.
  2. Stretching exercises will help childbirth go quickly and painlessly. They are very relevant for pregnant women. Sit with your buttocks resting on your heels. Then, extend your palms forward and try to touch the surface with your forehead. Perform 10–15 times. You can perform it as a warm-up, and in between other exercises.
  3. Strengthening the pelvic muscles. In a vertical position, bend your knees with your feet shoulder-width apart. Make five rotations with your pelvis in one direction, then in the other. The palms should rest on the hips.
  4. Strengthening your breasts will prevent deterioration in its appearance and reduce the number of stretch marks. Standing, straighten your shoulders, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend your elbows, holding them in front of you. Clasp your palms and press firmly on them as you inhale. As you exhale, relax your arms and turn your palms towards you. Repeat 10 times.

Gymnastics in the first trimester

Devote just 15–20 minutes every day to light physical activity at home. You can do gymnastics at home, after sleep or in the evening. Start when you have the strength and desire. But regularity must be observed in any case. The complex is quite simple; it can be performed without prior preparation.

We train the pelvic muscles

Squats are considered an excellent workout for the pelvis. Spread your legs hip-width apart and lean on a stable object. The back of a chair, armchair, high table or wall will do for this purpose. Taking a deep breath, slowly squat down, bending your knees and turning them slightly outward. The heels should remain firmly pressed to the floor. The back remains straight, the head is raised. Always look straight ahead and try to feel the tension in your inner thigh muscles. As you squat, lift the weight with your heels, trying to lift them off the floor. Even if you fail to do this, the attempt itself is already good training. Perform at least 5-6 times.

Strengthening the lower back

If you have a fitball at home - a large rubber ball - you can greatly strengthen your lower back and improve blood supply to this area. Lie on the floor and place your feet on a fitball. Straighten your arms and place them on the floor along your body. Holding the fitball with your feet, lift your pelvis off the floor. You need to hold this position for 2-3 seconds, then slowly lower it to the starting position. Repeat at least 10 times.

Maintaining abdominal elasticity

The oblique abdominal muscles play the role of a prenatal bandage. They support the ever-growing fetus. Let the stomach practically not increase in volume in the first three months. But after 2-3 months, trained muscles will help avoid stretch marks in this area and reduce the increased load on the back. Standing, move your legs together, spread your arms to the sides. Shift your body weight to one leg and bring the other forward. Then return to the starting position. Do the same with the second leg. Perform 5 approaches.

Prevention of varicose veins

Circular rotations of the feet will help to effectively drain blood and lymph from the legs. This prevention of varicose veins is very important when carrying a child. As a woman’s weight increases, the entire load will fall on her legs, which will lead to increased pressure in the blood vessels. To prevent the development of the disease, regularly exercise your legs:

  • while sitting or standing, rotate your feet alternately for 5 minutes with each leg;
  • walk on your toes and heels alternately for 2–3 minutes;
  • walk on the outside of your foot.

You can increase efficiency if you walk not on a flat floor, but on special rugs that you can even make yourself. The main thing is to make the surface uneven. To do this, you can even scatter pebbles, beads or other small, non-sharp objects on the floor.

From the first day of pregnancy, a woman begins to take a more responsible attitude towards her health. One of the methods to improve the condition is to do gymnastics. There are specially designed complexes for pregnant women, suitable for each trimester separately.

Gymnastics is useful for every person, and especially for pregnant women. In the first trimester, a woman’s hormonal levels change and her weight begins to increase. The correct formation of the fetus depends on the conditions during this period. If there are no medical contraindications or complications, then you need to start doing gymnastics.

Benefits of exerciseDescription
Physical education should not be difficult or carried out at a high paceAll exercises are smooth and calm. You can do them in the morning or at any time during the day, at home or in the gym with a trainer. Some people do water aerobics in the pool
During sports, the body is saturated with oxygenThis is very important for the development of the child: he will receive a sufficient amount of it from his mother’s blood
Active movements improve the functioning of the digestive tract and increase the level of metabolismThis will help avoid constipation, which women in an “interesting position” suffer from, and improve the functioning of internal organs
Exercise helps you lose weightA trained body will quickly get into shape after childbirth
Sports activities strengthen the heart and lungsThis will help the pregnant woman feel good when her weight increases greatly in the last months and the load on the body increases.
Strengthens the abdominal and leg muscles, relaxes the spineYour back will stop hurting, it will be easier for your legs to withstand the load, and after childbirth there will be no stretch marks left on your stomach
During gymnastics, vitality increasesImproves mood and internal state. This has a very positive effect on a person and his well-being. Pregnant women simply need a good mood: the favorable development of the fetus largely depends on this
Physical education will help a woman prepare for childbirthThe muscles will be stretched, breathing will be full and the birth will be successful.

Contraindications to gymnastics

A pregnant woman may experience some health problems in the 1st trimester, in which case gymnastics should be suspended or not performed at all. These include:

  • toxicosis, which worsens the general condition and is accompanied by vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • bleeding;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • cold viral diseases.

If during exercise your stomach hurts, discharge appears, your breathing and heart rate increase excessively, then you should stop immediately and report the symptoms to your gynecologist.

In any case, you should not start classes on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor leading the pregnancy and identify possible contraindications. Consult your doctor and select exercises that are appropriate for your pregnancy.

At a moderate pace you can do:

  • tennis;
  • swimming;
  • walking;
  • running;
  • badminton

You can’t run fast, jump intensely, or pump up your abs.

Gymnastics for 1st trimester

Before starting the exercises, you need to prepare the muscles by warming them up a little. Warm-up may vary. For example, walk around the room, raising your knees high and rotating your arms back and forth. We must remember that the intensity should be low, and the exercises should be such that they will prevent blows to the stomach or any injuries.

Exercise 1

As pregnancy progresses, breast weight increases. It is necessary to strengthen her muscles. The following exercise will help you do this.

Stand straight, bring both palms at the same level with your chest. 1-2: Inhale deeply and forcefully press your palms against each other, creating tension in the muscles. 3-4: exhale and turn your palms with your fingers towards you. 5-6: inhale and turn your palms back. 7-8: exhale and relax your arms.

You can do the exercise up to ten times. Be sure to watch your breathing.

Exercise 2

Place your legs slightly apart. Bend your knees slightly so that your body position is stable, place your hands on your hips. Make circular movements with your pelvis alternately clockwise and counterclockwise. The thigh and pelvic muscles should be tense. Perform 5 rotations in each direction, while breathing should be even.

This exercise stretches and tones the thigh muscles.

Exercise 3

Stand straight, put your feet together, stretch your arms to the sides. Shift your entire body weight onto your right leg, making a forward semicircle with your left. Return your left leg to the starting position. In the same way, concentrate your weight on your left leg, making a semicircle forward with your right. Repeat this 4 times with each leg.

Thanks to this exercise, the load on the back is reduced and the abdominal muscles are strengthened. If it is difficult to do it without support, place a chair nearby and lean one hand on its back.

Exercise 4

In order to improve blood circulation in the vessels of the legs, you need to perform various manipulations with the feet. Sitting on a chair or on the floor, twist your feet in different directions. Walk on your heels and toes. Stand on your tiptoes, on the outside and inside of your feet.

Such movements will help prevent the appearance of varicose veins and strengthen blood vessels.

Exercise 5

Place some support in front of you, such as a chair. With your palms resting on the back of the chair, slowly squat down, spreading your knees to the sides. The squat should not be too deep. Then straighten your legs and rise on your tiptoes as high as possible. When squatting, you need to inhale, when straightening your legs, you need to exhale. When lifting up, inhale. When lowering, exhale.

The exercise will strengthen the leg muscles and stretch them.

Exercise 6

Stand straight, place your hands on your waist. Tilt your torso first to the right and then to the left. The hands should show the direction of the body. Pull them to the right when tilting to the right, and to the left when tilting to the left. Stretch behind your arms as you bend, stretching your side muscles and spine. When bending over, inhale. When you take the starting position, exhale.

Exercise 7

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. Inhaling, slowly raise your arms up, bending them at the elbows, and touch your fingers to your shoulders. Then bring your hands back, exhaling just as slowly.

Such breathing exercises will help strengthen the lungs and prepare the expectant mother for childbirth.

Video - Gymnastics for pregnant women 1st trimester

Pregnancy is an important period in a woman’s life. Treat yourself and your future child very responsibly. Don't neglect sporting events. This will help you spend 9 months safely and successfully give birth to a healthy baby.

Many pregnant women are frightened by the prospect of gaining a lot of weight while carrying a child.Extra pounds sometimes frighten expectant mothers so much that they begin to go to extremes: go on a strict diet or exercise very actively. However, such actions can negatively affect the health of the mother and the well-being of the baby. So what to do?

First, exercise, but in moderation. Physical activity during pregnancy is not only not contraindicated (except in special cases), but is also necessary for the well-being and mood of the expectant mother. In addition, it will help you not gain excess weight, feel normal during childbirth and recover faster after it.

Secondly, you need to choose exercises that will not harm the fetus. Therefore, before starting any physical activity, it is necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist in charge of pregnancy. Only he will tell you whether you can exercise and what level of load is optimal.

If everything is fine and there are no contraindications, you can safely start training. To help you navigate the best exercises to choose depending on the trimester, we asked our friends from the Ideal Body School to create a clear guide for expectant mothers who do not have sports ranks or Olympic medals.

I trimester

At this time, all the baby’s organs and the placenta are formed. Often, it is during this period that the pregnancy is not yet completely stable, and unusual excessive physical activity can create a threat of interruption. Therefore, the need for exercise during this period is determined strictly individually and only together with the doctor managing the pregnancy.

Physical activity during pregnancy is a good prevention of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities, edema, shortness of breath and even depression. Studies have shown that physically active mothers are less likely to experience toxicosis, fetal growth retardation, and complications during childbirth. Good blood supply throughout pregnancy will help the baby more easily endure the difficult process of childbirth and quickly adapt to his new environment.

Some doctors are against any physical activity before 13 weeks, considering the 13-15th week of pregnancy to be the optimal time to start exercising. Most often, such a limitation of the load is recommended for women who did not exercise before pregnancy. For those who previously trained actively, it is recommended to reduce the load by 70-80 percent of the usual.

It is important to note that the first trimester of pregnancy is not the best time to start something completely new for yourself. If you have not done strength training, cardio training, yoga or Pilates before, you should not include these activities in your training plan during this period.

If you feel well, and the doctor leading the pregnancy sees no reason to limit your activity, you can walk, swim, perform special exercises for breathing and strengthening the pelvic floor muscles - this is the type of exercise recommended in the first trimester.


Walk at a calm pace in the fresh air, try to choose a smooth road surface. Before your walk, be sure to warm up a little, wear comfortable sports shoes and loose clothing that does not restrict movement, and take a bottle of water with you. If you have the opportunity, use a fitness bracelet to monitor your heart rate: it should not exceed 120 - 130 beats per minute. Walk for at least 30 minutes.


Experts from the American Pregnancy Association call swimming the safest sport during pregnancy. This type of physical activity involves almost all muscle groups, and the load on the spine and joints remains minimal.

In the first trimester, the duration of your swimming or water aerobics classes should not exceed 40-50 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.

Special exercises

Special exercises help you feel better during pregnancy and make it easier to cope with childbirth.

Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

It is these muscles that support the pelvic organs in the correct position and prevent the prolapse of the internal organs. Like any other muscles, they need training. The exercise system developed by American gynecologist and MD Arnold Kegel is perhaps the most popular today. The technique involves alternately tensing and relaxing the pelvic floor muscles.

Breathing exercises

Proper breathing is important throughout pregnancy and is simply vital during childbirth. The sooner you start working with breathing, the easier it will be for you in the later stages and at the most crucial moment.

Exercises for proper breathing - start doing in the first trimester:

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing- These are deep inhalations and exhalations through the nose, during which only the stomach should move. To do this, you need to place one palm on your chest and the other on your stomach. Make sure that your chest does not rise and remain motionless as you inhale.
  2. Chest breathing- performed by analogy with the previous one, but now the chest should “breathe” and the stomach should remain motionless. When breathing through your chest, try to open your ribs to the sides and back, as if expanding your chest by increasing the space between the ribs.

In the second trimester, you can add to the already mastered breathing exercisesadd two more:

Breathing training “doggy style” during contractions.You need to breathe through your mouth, imitating the rapid breathing of a dog on a hot day. Keep it quick and superficial. And then switch to deep breaths and exhalations.

Push breathing training.You will need to inhale slowly and as deeply as possible, then hold your breath for a few seconds and exhale smoothly. Then try alternating one deep exhalation and two or three short inhalations. Learn to relax and unwind so that later you can rest between contractions, gaining strength for the most crucial moment.

II trimester

The second trimester is the safest period for playing sports: the condition of the expectant mother stabilizes, toxicosis passes, and the placenta begins to function. However, at the same time, due to the active enlargement of the uterus and a shift in the center of gravity, the load on the spine increases significantly. Therefore, special attention should be paid to exercises to strengthen the back muscles and unload the legs, which also experience increased tension.

Even if you decide not to exercise, do not neglect such exercise asknee-elbow pose. In this position, the lower back is actively unloaded, the pressure of the uterus on neighboring organs is reduced, and the flow of oxygen to the fetus is improved. Stand in the knee-elbow position every day for three minutes in the morning and evening throughout your pregnancy.

In the second trimester, light cardio and exercises in an upright position are allowed. However, do not neglect your well-being and the recommendations of your doctor: if you feel unwell, stop training.

Below you will find a set of exercises from doctors and trainers of the Ideal Body School for Moms, which can be performed 2 to 4 times a week.

Complex for the second trimester:

1) Steps in place – 30 sec

2) Steps with arms at sides – 1 min.

3) Step + Kick forward – 1 min.

4) Step + Knee to the side – 1 min.

5) Dynamic squat – 1 min.

6) Overwhelm squat – 1 min.

7) Squat side step – 1 min.

8) Steps in place with breathing – 30 sec

Rest, water

9) Bent-over rows (dumbbells/bottles) – 15 times

10) On 4 support points - cat - 10 times

11) At 4 points of support - pushing the heel up, leg bent at 90 degrees (buttocks) - 15 times

12) Child’s pose, knees wide apart – 30 sec

From the 26th week, the period of maximum stress on the cardiovascular system begins, so if you decide to continue performing the recommended complex, halve the time you perform each exercise.

III trimester

(strength complex from Olga Marquez #3)

In the third trimester, the fetus is actively developing and growing, which in itself limits the physical activity of the expectant mother and increases the body's fatigue. During this period, you need to reduce the load, eliminate or significantly limit exercises that are performed standing and lying on your back.

Despite the fact that a large belly, possible swelling, shortness of breath, lower back pain and other discomfort may limit your movements, you should not completely give up physical activity. After all, it is she who, even in a minimal amount, can normalize blood pressure, help cope with back pain, avoid serious complications and avoid gaining excess weight.

If you feel well, perform the exercises at a slow pace, sitting or lying on your side. Exercises should not bring discomfort or pain. During this period, it is especially important to train various types of breathing, pelvic floor muscles, and perform relaxation exercises, which will be useful during labor during the rest period between contractions.

In the third trimester, the level of the hormone relaxin increases, and, as a result, ligaments and tendons actively soften - this is how our body prepares the pelvic bones for expansion during childbirth. For this reason, it is not recommended to overuse lower body stretching exercises to avoid the risk of injury and tearing. Due to the increased load on the heart, cardio exercises are not recommended; the pulse during exercise should not exceed 110 - 120 beats per minute.

If during exercises you feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, dizziness, or have spotting, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should absolutely not exercise if you have placenta previa and the threat of premature birth.

Complex for the third trimester “Strength” 1-2 circles, 9-18 min:

1) Plie squat with support – 1.5 min.

2) Rotation with a straight leg with support in both directions – 1 min.

3) Squeezing your palms in front of you dynamically in a half-squat – 1 min

4) Reduction of the shoulder blades while sitting on the heels, arms 90 degrees – 1.5 min

5) Sitting with your legs crossed in scissors with your hands in front of you – 1 min.

6) Knee push-ups – 1 min.

7) Work on the inner thigh while lying on your side – 1 min each

8) Triceps push-ups lying on your side (needs a pillow) – 1 minute each

So, we recommend that during pregnancy you treat your health consciously and wisely, adequately perceive the changes occurring in your body and not worry if you can no longer snowboard, ski jump, or simply stand on your head. Pay attention to special activities for pregnant women: yoga, Pilates or water aerobics. Perform Kegel exercises as often as possible, do not deny yourself squats - do them with support against the wall, actively use a fitball - it perfectly relieves your back and gently engages the whole body, learn to breathe correctly - such breathing will help you feel good during pregnancy and will preserve your health. strength during childbirth. Take regular walks in the fresh air, exercise in a comfortable environment, and don’t forget about your good health and mood.And the last piece of advice: do not hold your breath while performing the exercise; neither you nor the child need oxygen starvation at all.

Pregnancy is a time of change. The rhythm of life of the expectant mother changes, the environment changes. You have to prepare for the birth of a baby both mentally and physically. Moreover, experts advise preparing the body for childbirth almost from the first day of waiting for replenishment.

One of the most popular ways to tone yourself, strengthen muscles and learn to relax is gymnastics for pregnant women. The first trimester is a rather risky time for pregnant women - there is still a high probability of miscarriage in the early stages, the body is under stress from a sharp change in hormonal status, the expectant mother does not feel very well due to toxicosis and drowsiness.

Therefore, you should start gymnastics in the first three months only under the strict supervision of a gynecologist. Yes, and you need to select special exercises, included in the special “Gymnastics complexes for pregnant women by trimester.” For complete peace of mind, it is better to consult an experienced fitness trainer or discuss a self-selected set of exercises with your doctor. Then you will know for sure that your gymnastics will not harm either you or the unborn baby, but, on the contrary, will only bring benefits.

Squats - yes, jumping - no!

In general, it is almost impossible to overestimate the benefits of physical activity during pregnancy. Exercise not only helps you stay fit and tone your muscles and skin, but also lifts your spirits and relieves the feeling of fatigue that can plague an expectant mother at first.

Gymnastics also helps prepare the body for childbirth - strengthen the muscles and spine, teach the expectant mother to control her own body. The main thing is not to perform exercises that are not recommended for pregnant women. For example, jumping and doing press exercises is strictly contraindicated.
But squats are an excellent gymnastics exercise for pregnant women; the 1st trimester, as well as subsequent ones, are perfect for this simple but extremely useful physical activity. It is necessary to train your hips, because during childbirth these muscles will have to experience stress.

Correct Breathing for Miss Round Tummy

Another type of exercise that will not hurt the expectant mother to master is breathing exercises. It is proper breathing that helps maintain a good mood, teaches you to relax, and also helps saturate the blood with oxygen.

So, before you start performing a set of exercises called “Gymnastics for pregnant women 1st trimester,” learn to slowly perform breathing exercises. Having mastered chest, diaphragmatic, full breathing, you will feel much better and more confident.

Mom tries, baby gets stronger

A mother and her unborn child during pregnancy are one whole. Therefore, what is good for the mother is also good for her baby. Physical exercise, for example, not only helps strengthen the body of the expectant mother, but also has a beneficial effect on the health of the unborn child.
After all, gymnastics is a way to speed up blood circulation and ensure oxygen saturation of organs and tissues. And if the expectant mother regularly gives herself physical activity, she will protect her baby from the risk of hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

To love yourself is to love the whole world!

Gymnastics for pregnant women (1st trimester) is also very useful for a woman’s self-esteem. After all, by accustoming herself to regular physical activity from the very beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother will be able to prevent the risk of such unpleasant companions of an “interesting situation” as excess weight, cellulite and stretch marks.

So, you decided to do gymnastics for pregnant women. The first trimester has just begun and today is the first day of classes. To begin, wear comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement.