What is femininity and its importance for a girl’s full life? Is femininity necessary in the modern world? What adds femininity

Good day to you, incomparable readers! I used to write a lot. Actually, this is where my development began. But now my view has changed significantly.


Society believes that true femininity is a beautiful, sophisticated lady. In a long dress, with perfect makeup and amazing hair. Soft, smooth, graceful. Perhaps a little flirtatious and naive...

At best, this word means chaste beauty. Such a woman is a fragile flower, a weak and defenseless creature. Charming, gentle, smiling.

For a long time I myself was guided by such ideas about femininity. And only now I began to understand that these images are too superficial. That this is just a cheap counterfeit of the deep feminine nature.

What really matters?

When a woman begins to truly serve her family, she begins to learn how to cook well, keep the house in order, and decorate her body. But she will decorate herself a little differently. Not for the sake of approval and the views of strangers... But for the sake of pleasing your loved one.

An important point: a self-sufficient woman is determined to give. And you can only give when you have something. When you have so much love. When you don't need anything else.

If there is no love inside a woman, all her good deeds will carry with them unconscious self-interest. She will do them in order to be praised. To be loved. To give something in return... She is not in the mood to give, she wants to take. And all her gifts are just a bribe, not a sincere gift.

Why do I think this?

At some point, I began to notice that there were many beautiful girls, smooth and soft, with a gentle, pleasant voice. That they could be called feminine, but it is very difficult to see a mentor in them.

And one day I started meeting completely different girls. Perhaps their appearance is not so impressive. But their energy is so soft, so loving and feminine... That you want to constantly be close to them, you want to be imbued with them and be like them.

Studying Vedic knowledge, I found confirmation of my guesses. That the essence of femininity is much deeper than it seems. That feminine nature is revealed in love and service. That skirts, hairstyles and pies are just a tiny part of the iceberg. And if we focus only on the external, we will not be able to experience true femininity.

Femininity is a combination of a large number of qualities that should be present in a representative of the fair sex. Such characteristics may include fragility, tenderness, emotionality, sincerity, loyalty, etc. It is believed that all these qualities induce in a man a strong desire to care for and protect his soul mate. Beauty and femininity are interconnected. A woman must take care of herself in order to be able to charm her companion. Not only appearance is important, but also behavior, speech, and the ability to hold a face. All this together gives the fair sex a certain charm.

In past centuries, the secrets of femininity and its maintenance were passed on from mother to daughter, but nowadays the connection between generations is broken. Some representatives of the fair sex only strive to improve their appearance, while their spiritual qualities are completely ignored. Femininity is perceived differently: the strong half of humanity wants to be close to the keeper of the hearth, although they pay attention to external data, and modern girls strive for independence and independence.

What is femininity?

Currently, many girls deliberately ignore their nature for the sake of a career or far-reaching plans, thereby equating them with men. Femininity is a special feminine energy that a girl who wants to be complete needs to feel and understand.

A certain set of qualities and characteristics significantly brings the fair sex closer to nature. Sometimes girls don't feel happy because they don't understand what femininity means. This concept is very multifaceted and includes the following number of characteristics:

  • integrity;
  • subsequence;
  • curiosity;
  • immediacy;
  • attentiveness to others;
  • openness to the world;
  • ability to accept circumstances.

What femininity is, men and women understand differently. For men, this term is more associated with family, home and motherhood. Representatives of the fair half of humanity include many personal characteristics and external data.

It is difficult to meet a person who has not met the embodiment of femininity in his life. Such a representative of the fairer sex is not always distinguished by unsurpassed external data, but at the same time a special energy emanates from her. In this case, the woman is always elegant, beautiful and desirable. She knows how to behave in any situation, winning not because she can stand up for herself with rude shouting or physical assault. A woman should not defend herself, then no one will attack her. She is well aware of her true essence and chooses a manner of behavior that is characteristic of her.

True femininity is observed in every gesture, word, ability to support and sympathize. It manifests itself as softness, grace, smoothness, relaxation and sensuality. It is easy and pleasant to communicate with such a person, because even reproaches or disagreement are expressed not harshly, but persistently, and this is perceived differently. A girl who is aware of her essence will never emphasize her superiority over a guy. A feminine woman is able to gently support and guide a man, making his life calm and harmonious.

A girl's true nature can easily coexist with a successful career. All women who strive to live in Russia have special wisdom and skillfully use the charm inherent in the fair sex. Many do not fully realize that they were born to love, to be taken care of and to take responsibility for them, so they try to prove themselves as a leader with a partner. In fact, a woman who is in harmony with herself is a reliable moral support for a man.

Why is femininity becoming unfashionable?

Currently, some girls do not feel their unity with nature, which gives rise to the appearance of masculine images. At the same time, young representatives of the fair sex try to highlight their sexuality as much as possible, often looking vulgar at the same time. All these options highlight the lack of awareness of femininity and the inability to use it correctly.

Some ladies believe that they are endowed with this attitude only because they belong to this gender. This is only partly true. Due to the influence of various external factors, femininity can change or be completely lost. There are many social and cultural aspects that contribute to this. In many ways, the loss of femininity was a result of the Soviet past.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution of 1917, the state did not need a feminine woman. Women workers were welcomed who were able to stand in production from dawn to dusk, fulfilling the five-year plan in just 4 years. In those years, the image of a decent woman was reduced to a tired face, a lack of variety in clothing, and the secret of happiness was to be as similar to others as possible. Because of this, some representatives of the fair sex were forced to become equal to men, adopting their character, behavior and clothing. The depersonalization of the female gender has occurred. The ladies were dressed in leather jackets and sweatshirts to eradicate the feminine essence. Since the connection between generations is too strong, much of the psychology of the past era is successfully adopted now.

If we consider what femininity is through the eyes of men, we can find that their ideas about this aspect are closer to nature. They almost identify this concept with the family hearth and the things that must be done while raising children. For many modern girls, the concept is greatly impaired, and emancipation played a big role in this. Quite often, modern women promote equality with men in everything, which is fundamentally wrong.

This ends with the fair sex beginning to behave as the Soviet era required of her. It is because of the misunderstanding of emancipation that some women work until they sweat, smoke, and always wear trousers and formal shirts. The man's function is lost, so he becomes a useless appendage in the family. Husbands next to such a lady of their heart quickly weaken and feel worthless. Sons develop the wrong idea about their relationship with their mother, and then with their significant other. They cannot create a full-fledged family because they are not able to perceive true feminine qualities.

Another common reason for the eradication of femininity is everyday life. If a representative of the fair sex is forced to spend all her time keeping the house clean and taking care of children, she simply does not have enough time for herself. At the same time, the man loses interest in his girlfriend, which aggravates the situation. If a lady harmoniously combines femininity and tenderness, her husband or life partner, with the right approach, can become a happy assistant in building a home. However, girls often try to carry everything on their fragile shoulders, not to mention their experiences and adversities that they accumulate within themselves.

The benefits of revealed femininity

Ignoring the psychological aspects of behavior inherent in nature cannot lead to anything good. Only the owner of femininity can be truly happy. She feels like a harmonious person. Such a girl radiates love, so she receives its maximum return. The revival of femininity promises a girl significant popularity among the opposite sex. It is she who makes any guy be a gentleman, even if in reality he is not one. If the nature of femininity is fully revealed, the surrounding men try to please without additional prodding, help carry bags, give up a seat in transport, offer a hand and open doors.

Where does femininity begin? Girls who are aware of their nature are rarely competitors in the eyes of other representatives of the sex. They are able to quickly win strangers over, which often results in significant benefits. Glamorous beauties often cause irritation, so they rarely have faithful friends.

When considering the question of how to develop femininity in yourself, it is necessary to take into account that this is a kind of tool for attracting a worthy man. Strong representatives of the fair sex themselves create conditions under which their partner becomes too pampered and soft-bodied, because they take on too much responsibility. A feminine woman, by definition, cannot be close to a weak man. She attracts a strong, successful partner, while others simply pass her by, not wasting their time and hers. at the same time, they will develop harmoniously, which will create ideal conditions for the formation of a happy and strong family, and femininity through the eyes of men is fidelity, kindness and calmness.

Does femininity have disadvantages?

Like everything in this world, a certain stereotype of behavior has its downsides. Studies have shown that feminine women and muscular men have a much harder time performing tasks that differ from their gender. It is difficult for girls to master even simple construction equipment, for example, a screwdriver, and for guys it is simply impossible to properly clean the house.

Feminine behavior does not contribute to career growth. Gentleness plays a cruel joke on the fair sex. In order to realize yourself professionally, it is very important to begin to clearly distinguish between the work and home spheres. Only in this case can a woman achieve a certain level of harmony with herself.

In addition, it is often the living conditions that make it impossible for the fair sex to feel more feminine. The problem may lie in existing relationships with others and the character traits of these people. In teams where rudeness is encouraged, different behavior is a reason for ridicule, so it is not possible to fit harmoniously into such conditions.

Ways to reveal femininity

Everyone has their own concept of femininity. Modern representatives of the fair sex rarely feel unity with nature, so they often feel like individuals. In fact, the education of femininity should begin from an early age, when the girl, observing the behavior of her mother and experiencing the admiration of her father, gradually learns her charm. Starting with innocent coquetry, the baby understands what her behavior should be and how to take care of herself and the people around her, thereby learning her femininity. But often modern representatives of the fair sex are sure that they need to fulfill a number of requirements and become better in order to be loved. Improper upbringing brings discord into a girl’s soul, which leads to the appearance of a mass of complexes and an understanding of her own inadequacy in adulthood.

In this case, it is quite difficult for a girl to independently understand how to gain femininity, since this will require a rethinking of her entire life, known truths and her purpose. However, nothing is impossible, therefore, if desired, even a girl who has been a “tomboy” for many years can radically change, getting rid of many complexes and prejudices.

The development of femininity begins with emotional cleansing. It is very important to free yourself from tension in the body and negativity in the soul. This will launch the processes of internal rejuvenation and will help the girl be filled with feminine energy, beginning to experience a feeling of happiness, joy and unconditional love. It is very important to regain your inner balance, relax and calm down. It will help to rethink life and understand that the destiny of the fair sex does not include the eternal struggle for survival.

You need to change your external image. This will allow you to become more self-confident. You need to clearly imagine your new image and, if possible, consolidate it on a subconscious level. When a girl is faced with the question of how to develop femininity in herself, she simply needs to try to become seductive and sexy, but not provocative and vulgar. It is very important to reveal and greatly enhance your sensuality. Personal growth deserves special attention. Full awareness of femininity does not always come. In order to bring your soul and body to harmony, it often takes some time. Haste in this case is not justified.

How can a woman stop acting like a man?

The path to understanding her nature for any girl who is not fully aware of it is very difficult. Some modern representatives of the fair sex really behave like men, completely adopting their manner of behavior and communication. Solving the problem of how to regain femininity is not easy. Often girls begin to be afraid to express themselves as women in a given situation. This phenomenon is associated with the influence of various traumatic events or painful experiences of the past.

Feminine girls should feel like they are. To achieve a sense of integrity and harmony, it is necessary to get rid of all male habits. A girl should take care of her health, only in this case will she have strong children. It is worth giving up all bad habits. The next stage will be the abandonment of all men's affairs. In order to increase her sensitivity and experience femininity, a girl needs to acquire new hobbies.

Dancing classes would be an ideal option. This will allow you to gain grace and smooth movements. It is necessary to realize that a feminine girl should love her body and take care of it. Various cosmetic procedures should not be replenished with the motivation “that’s how it should be.” You need to learn to love them and notice even the slightest positive effect of their use. Discovering femininity and gaining self-confidence is impossible without acquiring the habit of taking care of your beauty. The wardrobe must be completely changed, since maintaining a masculine image does not help eradicate the same thinking.

It is definitely worth paying attention to the performance of purely female work. Taking care of the home and children are a priority. Learning new ways of cooking, embroidery, landscape design or decoration allows you to quickly realize feminine nature. You need to change your attitude towards men. You should not perceive them as hostile or as potential rivals. It is very important to acquire new communication skills with members of the opposite sex. Getting rid of male habits is a long process. At this time, a woman who wants to fully understand her nature needs to carefully evaluate the correctness of her behavior, actions and words. Objectivity in this case will be an excellent help for transformation.

Physical body and femininity

It is not without reason that they say that in a healthy body there is a healthy mind. This statement directly applies to femininity. It is difficult to accept yourself and understand your nature if all the muscles of the body are largely weakened due to an inactive lifestyle, and a thick layer of fat makes the figure unattractive. Poor nutrition and excess weight also affect a woman’s general well-being; they greatly affect hormonal levels, dulling sensitivity and sexual desire.

Realizing the imperfection of her own body, a girl cannot feel feminine. Such an image assumes the presence of well-groomed skin and beautiful reliefs. If a woman previously neglected physical activity and did not make sure that her body had beautiful shapes, this situation can be easily corrected. It is advisable to start with a worldview. This will allow you to achieve harmony faster.

In order for the awakening of femininity to take place faster, it is necessary. It is best to buy a nice suit for classes. You don't have to limit yourself to just going to the gym. Swimming in the pool can greatly benefit your figure. Exercises in water can also improve the condition of the skin, so the effect will be double. After the muscles become at least a little toned, it is advisable to start practicing sports dancing. This will allow you to quickly eliminate existing excess fat deposits and acquire grace and lightness, which are an integral part of femininity.

You need to start eating right. The predominance of vegetables and fruits in the diet has a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and complexion. This gives a woman lightness and freshness. The tendency to overeat not only has a bad effect on your figure, but also on your ability to communicate normally with others. This condition is accompanied by drowsiness and laziness, so it is extremely difficult to establish contact with another person, since there is such a distracting factor as heaviness in the stomach.

A good figure and appetizing curves that attract the attention of men are a great way to increase a woman's self-esteem. In addition, this will help you rethink your behavior and purpose, because along with your physical body, the attitudes of others will begin to change.

How to maintain a feminine image?

In order for a girl to begin to feel and behave according to nature, she must look neat and attractive. Femininity and elegance are in direct relationship. To begin to feel her nature, a girl needs to radically reconsider her wardrobe. The lion's share should be dresses and skirts. There is no need to give preference to models that are too open and provocative. It is necessary to select those styles and colors that will hide existing flaws and emphasize the advantages of the figure.

Femininity in the understanding of men implies an attractive and well-groomed appearance, since it is thanks to this that the fair sex attracts attention. It is advisable to grow long hair, in this case there will be a greater chance of attracting a man's interest. Beautiful, healthy hair and well-groomed nails are perceived by representatives of the stronger sex on a subconscious level as signs of general health, which makes a girl more desirable. Do not neglect the achievements of modern cosmetology. Proper makeup can greatly emphasize natural beauty and make a woman more attractive in the eyes of men.

Even the most ideal image can be ruined by the wrong gait, so you need to pay special attention to this point. It is best to immediately choose comfortable shoes for every day with low heels. At home, in front of a mirror, you can hone your ability to walk, planting your feet beautifully from the hip. You need to move slowly and smoothly. Every step should be graceful. Such girls immediately attract attention with their ability to move beautifully in any situation. It is necessary to practice squatting skills, for example, if you need to later pick up a fallen object. Even this needs to be done beautifully. A proud, straight posture is also important, not only while walking, but also when sitting. Gestures must be constantly monitored, since a girl who constantly makes sudden movements looks defiant.

Lady in communication

During a conversation, you can easily determine that a representative of the fair sex is not in harmony with herself and is reconciling herself to the role of a man. Suppressed femininity almost always manifests itself in a raised tone, rude expressions, obscene language, sarcasticness, etc. In order to understand her nature and accept it, a girl needs to radically rethink her communication skills with different people.

It is no coincidence that femininity through the eyes of men is represented by tenderness and softness of temperament. This does not mean that a girl should not defend her rights, express her wishes or point of view. What adds femininity to a representative of the fair sex is the ability to find a common language with different types of people without being aggressive. It is necessary to have the talent of a diplomat and the ability to lead your opponent to the idea that his thoughts on this or that matter are not entirely correct, and the decisions made may not lead to the expected consequences.

When observing a girl who is aware of her nature, one can immediately notice that she has some kind of worldly wisdom and even knows how to eloquently remain silent when necessary. Such a representative of the fair sex will never interfere in the discussion of topics that are not entirely feminine. She can diligently avoid sharp corners in conversations, even if someone is trying to piss her off or put her in an unfavorable light. Next to a man, such a representative of the fair sex is always weak and does not hesitate to show that she needs support. Thanks to this, he can feel his value and necessity.

The voice of a real woman is soft and quiet, so it caresses the ear. There is no rudeness or harsh intonation, as well as obscene language. A real woman is distinguished by tenderness and kindness. The lady is always ready to listen, sympathize and support if necessary. It is impossible to hear sarcastic words about someone else’s even insignificant misfortune. In communication, the lady behaves very tactfully, delicately, without trying to offend or offend anyone. If you want to figure out how to reveal your femininity, you need to learn to interact with people around you from a soft position, and not loud coercion. This will allow you to further shape your image and bring your inner world to harmony.

When is femininity lost?

Often, representatives of the fair sex, in their desire to unite with their essence, are prone to excesses and breakdowns. A feminine girl stops looking like one if she starts smoking or drinking large quantities of alcohol in the presence of other people who know her. In the future, those who surround her begin to consider her a hypocrite who portrays what she does not have inside.

A girl who has not realized femininity can easily destroy her image of being sweet and kind if she begins to judge others, thereby becoming like a gossip or a bitch. You can lose attractiveness in the eyes of men if you use a lot of cosmetics. An overly provocative and demonstratively sexual style does not fit in with inner spiritual beauty and tenderness. Femininity is lost if a girl begins to openly display her promiscuity. Details of your personal life are not a good topic for discussion.

Often representatives of the fair sex create for themselves the image of a mother. This leads to the fact that such a girl allows him to interrupt a man in a conversation, shows that she knows the answers to all questions and takes the initiative into her own hands in all areas of family life. Such behavior deprives one of femininity.

Any girl realizes that modesty and courtesy add to femininity, but she cannot always restrain herself when necessary. Rude words or manners, even manifested in a moment of grief, completely deprive a person of his natural charm. In addition, the magic of femininity can weaken when talking on any topic if there are intonations of fearlessness or efficiency. Categorical and commanding tone do not go well with the image of a sweet and kind girl, so they should be avoided when communicating with people.

Are femininity and sexuality synonymous?

Some girls try to understand and accept their nature because what they really want is to have a strong partner and children in the future. Femininity and sexuality are close concepts, but not synonymous. It is the first that allows a girl to create the conditions for attracting an ideal partner.

A representative of the fair sex who understands what it means to be feminine will never behave frivolously or flirt with a man too openly. At the same time, she attracts attention to herself like a magnet. Such a woman attracts not with the openness of her outfits, but with her softness, openness and tenderness. With such a girl, any man feels comfortable and cozy. It is worth remembering that any attempt at self-assertion can scare away the prospective partner and reduce the chance of seducing him.

It is femininity that makes the fair sex desirable and sexy. A feminine woman is always a mystery that a man strives to comprehend. This attractiveness does not dry out even with time. Inner femininity manifests itself in everything: in light coquetry, warmth and unobtrusive desire. Every minute spent with such a girl is a real holiday and relaxation for a man’s soul. I want to come back to such a woman again and start a family.

How to fulfill your feminine destiny?

Often representatives of the fair sex think about the meaning of life and achieving harmony in everything. In reality, the best qualities of femininity can only be demonstrated in marriage. It is in the family that true purpose lies. Often, modern girls fully comprehend the science of femininity only when they become mothers.

It is during this period that the revealed true feminine nature will prevent the descent to the level of everyday life. This will require the ability to show gentleness and delicacy towards a husband who is tired at work, and to be his support, to surround the baby, who is beginning to explore the world, with care and warmth.

Signs of femininity should appear in everything, as this is the most beautiful period. The birth of a child requires maximum activation of mental strength from the mother. Women who understand what femininity is and are in harmony with themselves overcome any obstacle with ease and a certain joy of new discoveries.

Femininity as a springboard for building a strong family

It often happens that after marriage, a wife who has not fully realized what the meaning of femininity is, stops monitoring the failure, trying to take the initiative. This develops into scandals and quarrels. The true masculine nature, seasoned with hypocrisy, emerges. As a result, the man lives with someone other than the one he married. In this case, the matter usually ends in divorce or in the fact that the spouses simply tolerate each other for the rest of their lives. Such a marriage will not bring happiness to anyone, and the children will not be able to create a strong and friendly family in the future, because there will be no positive example of their parents.

Only a woman who is ready to start a family and has fully realized her role as a homemaker can understand her partner without words, being nearby and giving a feeling of peace and comfort in any situation. Often, modern women whose marriage is gradually collapsing misinterpret the reasons for this process, so they try to restore youth to a fading body and radically change their lifestyle. However, this does not help, since the problems do not lie in natural processes. Often they are far-fetched; for example, a woman herself can push her partner to divorce with unreasonable jealousy or reproaches that he is not able to feed his family.

Instead of gentle support, the partner experiences pressure at home, so he tries to leave where he feels bad. True femininity has no age. Typically, men stay for the rest of their lives with precisely those companions who can create comfort and coziness for them, as well as give them the necessary warmth and support. A feminine girl always remains attractive and desirable to her partner. With age, relationships can undergo various metamorphoses, flowing from ardent passion into the warm, balanced love of older people. But even in this case, nothing can replace the happiness of meeting an old person with a loved one.

Chapter 16

Ugh, shame on you! Do not frown sternly, and do not try to wound your husband and master with an evil glance. Anger destroys your beauty, like cold destroys green meadows; carries away glory like the wind buds. Never, anywhere, or to anyone will your anger be pleasant. After all, in irritation a woman is like a source when it is agitated and deprived of purity and beauty; The traveler will not drink a drop from it, no matter how thirsty he may be.

Your husband is your ruler, your protector, your life, your head. Taking care of you, he works on land and at sea, does not sleep at night in storms, endures the cold, while you bask in the warmth at home, knowing no dangers or deprivations. And from you he only wants love, a friendly look, obedience - an insignificant payment for his labors. Just as a subject is obliged to the sovereign, so a woman is obliged to her husband.

When she is obstinate, angry, stubborn and not submissive to the honest will of her husband, why is she not an insolent rebel, a traitor to her master? I am ashamed of your feminine stupidity! You are waging a war there, where you should bend your knees and beg for peace; And you want to rule arrogantly where you should serve humbly. Is it not for this reason that we are so tender and weak, not adapted to the hardships of life, so that thoughts and actions merge with our body in a harmonious combination.

You insignificant, powerless worms! And I was arrogant, like you, obstinate in both mind and heart. I responded with harshness to harshness, to a word with a word; but now I see that we fight not with a spear, but with a straw, we are only strong in our weakness. We should not play someone else's role. Curb your anger! What's the use of absurd arrogance? You will obediently bow at your husbands feet; And let my husband say only the word, I am ready to fulfill my duty to him.

(c) Shakespeare

Men and women have very different innate behavior patterns. Many people do not feel or understand their natural essence, their animal origin. But there are rules of Nature, or rather its Laws, which must be observed.
Innate patterns of behavior are human instincts on which his entire life is built. Some qualities correspond to male instincts, and others to female instincts.

A man (hereinafter referred to as “M”) strives for superiority, for dominance. Status is important to him. “M” does not talk about this, but the wise “F” knows and takes it into account. A woman who does not make “M” strong, who does not recognize his dominance, loses interest very quickly. The consciousness of superiority over a woman - this is the unconscious “M” - is so inherent in Nature. There is nothing wrong with a man realizing his superiority over a woman. Women by nature are weaker throughout their entire evolution.

Therefore, the relationship between partners must be fully consistent with the Laws of Nature, including innate patterns of human behavior. Otherwise, the relationships that will be built will be unreliable. And if we do not strengthen these qualities, then our Innate needs will be unsatisfied. Without satisfying them, we will not be able to get the maximum possible satisfaction from life.

The need for male dominance is the same need of the Feminine Woman as the need for one’s own Femininity. Feminine Woman who accepts her Nature, her Innate needs, easily recognizes the dominant position in the relationship for the “M” she has chosen.

In a properly developing relationship, the dominance of “M” occurs naturally, “M” dominates the woman, perhaps not as a person over a person, but certainly as a man over a Feminine Woman. For Feminine “F”s, a subordinate position means an important, responsible activity that one must be able to perform well. For immature women, a subordinate position means only a humiliated position.

In fact, submission does not reduce the value and role of the Feminine Woman, but on the contrary does her honor. A woman is humiliated not by her subordinate position in relation to her “M”, but on the contrary by her inability to occupy it. The resistance of an immature woman to the dominance of “M” only speaks of her dysfunction and unfulfillment.

Femininity through the eyes of men- does not mean helplessness and irresponsibility. A woman can be strong as a woman, as a bearer of Feminine Values, Feminine Qualities. Just like a real man strives for Masculinity.

“F” has an Innate need for security. But in order for “M” to want to protect “W” and take care of her, the woman’s psychological subjugation is necessary. For “M” Femininity is the best bait, and then the reward. “M” is always delighted with the truly Feminine Woman. A feminine woman accepts the Nature of men, thereby inspiring, understanding, and supporting them.

Now life has become freer and safer, and “F” have ceased to obey. It became difficult for them to feel and realize their weakness. Women, contrary to what Nature has given them, develop masculine qualities in themselves. They engage in activities that are unusual for them psychologically. Many “F” are increasingly reaching for “M”, not feeling much difference between themselves and men. Instead of accepting their Nature, they increasingly adopt masculine behavior. But only a woman who lives in harmony with her Nature and acts based on it can be truly happy.

The scenario of Nature is the type of scenario from which we cannot escape, it cannot be circumvented or outwitted! It consists of innate needs, many of which are better to be satisfied than to be confronted with. The more armor a person has that protects against the influence of instincts, the more life tests this armor for strength. Remember, if you infringe on Nature, then it will definitely infringe on you!

Women often forget their Nature, they do not so much become masculine as “NONE”. Just like you can’t make friends with men, you won’t get satisfaction in relationships with women.

Femininity is a woman’s MEANINGFUL satisfaction of her Innate needs, which is expressed in her behavior and qualities. Women's qualities include: delicacy, politeness, tact, tolerance, compliance, fidelity, softness, tenderness, poise, calmness, regularity, predictability, charm, charm and many others. Human qualities are a kind of building blocks from which a person’s personality is formed. From the Masculine Qualities of “M” Masculinity is formed, from the Feminine Qualities of a woman - Femininity.

Unlike “M”, it is impossible to admire the masculine qualities of courageous women, since these qualities are a defective semblance of the Masculine Qualities that are characteristic of “M”, to which they are predisposed. “M” has protection from his own qualities, he knows how to manage and dispose of them. His Masculine Qualities are strong and varied, as they are nourished by his Innate needs, his masculine Nature.

The Masculine Qualities of courageous women destroy themselves, their feminine inner world and behavior, and prevent a favorable environment from forming around her. Nature does not supply a courageous woman with energy for qualities that are not inherent, alien to her. Eventually courageous woman is left without energy, exhausted and frustrated. The masculine woman is the most destructive and repulsive type of immature woman.

Courageous women judge the well-being of their lives through the eyes of men, according to men’s criteria of success. They believe that they are striving for victory, happiness, and prosperity, but this is their biggest misconception. Without creating their own large and bright inner Feminine world and corresponding behavior, they will be completely disappointed. A woman needs to evaluate herself in terms of what Mother Nature has given her.

Some women consider this behavior to be forced, some consider it “businesslike,” but in fact, the true reason for the masculine behavior of women is the lack of Femininity.

Immature women constantly try to justify their passivity in Femininity, in the realization of Feminine Qualities, by the fact that there are no men next to them that they need. They want to become Feminine when a super hero appears in their life, for the sake of whom they will be the most Feminine in the world. But this never happens to immature women, because normal, full-fledged “M”s appear in the lives of ALREADY feminine women.

Femininity, first of all, is needed by the woman herself and there is no point in shifting responsibility for her own Femininity to men. If a woman is not Feminine, then there is no Masculine “M” nearby in her life. And this is her fault, her OWN main problem, her decision and choice. This means that she herself is not mature for Femininity.

A woman’s feeling, understanding, and acceptance of her Femininity is primary. It must be formed even before the actual construction of relationships. Only after this can you count on a worthy partner. Feminine Women remain Feminine no matter the circumstances. Femininity cannot be used at will from time to time. Either a woman has feminine qualities, which are deeply formed and always appear, or they are not there. There is no need to mislead anyone, including yourself.

A feminine woman is the keeper of relationships; for her, relationships are her main concern and area of ​​responsibility. A feminine woman perceives relationships as territory that “M” trusts her with. She understands that if she does not improve this territory properly and is not responsible for what is happening on it, then SELF-CONFIDENT “M” will free her from this responsibility.

Taking care of relationships and their arrangement is characteristic of Feminine Women; this gives them great pleasure; their activities, thoughts and words are aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere in relationships. The interests of Feminine women strongly coincide with what a man expects from them, with what is required of her to build a good, reliable relationship with a man. Mature Feminine Women value relationships very much, since in them they satisfy their Innate needs and realize their Feminine Qualities.


It is impossible to deceive the existing Laws of Nature. Only a Feminine woman can build a Successful Relationship with a man. A feminine woman attracts a worthy “M”, with her he builds a Harmonious System of Relationships.

Choose someone with whom you feel the difference between the sexes! Acceptance and constant feeling of the Nature of the opposite sex is necessary. This is one of the most important conditions for a healthy, successful life. If your partner does not accept many innate behavior patterns and internally protests, then beware. You will never be fulfilled with this person as a representative of the gender. You will be a sexless creature thinking about food, sleep, career...

The Laws of Nature have no morals. Nature doesn’t care about “highly spiritual”, unadapted people. All of us, both men and women, need to live in accordance with our Nature and accept its Laws.

Dear Beautiful and Successful! We are starting a series of articles on such a difficult topic as. At the moment this topic is not very popular. And you know what – it plays into our hands! Because there is an opportunity to stand out against the background of the general dominance of pseudo-sexuality and pseudo-femininity!

We remember that the hypostasis of the Mistress carries masculine energy. A woman, fixated on her, keeps the house in order, but forgets about herself. A man immediately feels this and treats a woman accordingly: with respect, reverence, but... without love (after all, even a woman becomes “not in the mood for herself”). And femininity without love begins to wither - with all that it entails.

No less dangerous stuck in the role of the Queen- this happens when a woman moves her work environment home and becomes a “general in a skirt” for her household.

“We’re not like that, life is like that,” many of us will sigh. But do we want such a life?
It’s better to make your existence a little easier, because femininity in most cases can be skillfully combined with what you already have!

Why be feminine? The benefits of femininity

  • Feminine woman happy, because he feels like a harmonious creature. She is loved, because she herself exudes love.
  • Men love feminine women and treat them like real men, even if they are not. This is because gentleness and kindness give birth to the best qualities in the male soul. They give such a woman a seat in transport, help her carry her bags, offer her a hand, open doors... and also make discounts, give bonuses, and so on :)
  • Other women often do not feel a rival in a feminine woman and behave friendly with her, for example, help her with something. While an emphatically sexy and glamorous person, with each of her mistakes, gives rise to a reaction like “serves you right!”
  • A feminine woman attracts a Courageous and Successful man for a relationship, for they were made for each other. Weak men simply do not stick to her.
  • Relationships with a Feminine woman automatically turn out better than with others, because everything is in its place. Moreover, she does not put as much effort into this as an unfeminine one.

Disadvantages of femininity

Yes, there are some. In our male world, a feminine woman sometimes has a hard time, especially in leadership positions, where power = authority, and a significant person in society necessarily has masculine traits. However, there is a way out in this situation, because no one requires you to be 100% man or 100% feminine. You can skillfully combine everything, playing with what you do best! For example, it’s better to look at great women.

So, how to develop femininity? The following articles on the topic of femininity will be devoted to this!

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If a woman does not believe that she can be loved for nothing, if she thinks that love must be earned, then how will she believe that a man can take care of her and take responsibility for her?

Naturally, we don’t give ourselves the opportunity to relax and just be. We drive ourselves into constant action and activity. You need to be strong, you need to do everything yourself, be responsible. Then we reproach men for being childish, we get angry with them, we scold them.

A woman cannot live without support and care; she cannot do everything herself. “Pay the mortgage, help parents and treat children.” Such a woman becomes very aggressive, angry and sick.

Women sometimes ask: If I do everything in life myself, does that mean I’m living wrong? So what, now I can’t pay the mortgage and live in a rented apartment, not carry everything on myself and vegetate in poverty?!

I will say, perhaps not very popular things, but a woman who does everything in her life herself is living wrong. Because she doesn’t live like a woman, she lives like a man.

“A man’s self-confidence is expressed in the fact that he knows for sure that he is capable of achieving his goals. A woman’s self-confidence is the confidence that there will always be a man nearby who will take care of her.” Ruslan Narushevich.

I can imagine the resistance these words might cause in some women. Take care? And where can I find someone who will take care of him? You will believe, you will trust, then you will perish for nothing.

If there is no trust in men, no respect, no love for men, then there is no love for yourself! A woman who does everything herself does not love herself, and most importantly, loses her feminine dignity.

It turns out to be a vicious circle. A woman who does not trust and respect men is not able to let them into her life. There is no man, again you need to rely on yourself, do everything yourself and rely on your own strength.

How to love yourself, how to love men, these questions are not at all idle and require very careful consideration. And often a woman is not able to cope with them on her own. All lessons are imbued with knowledge and understanding of how to regain self-love and revive love for men in your heart.

“Learning to love men is the highest manifestation of self-love!” And Nekrasov.

Naturally, a woman who needs to prove something all the time and bear responsibility experiences eternal anxiety. This feeling of anxiety becomes like a pulse, like physiology, it is no longer noticed. But at the same time, anxiety and tension destroy the mind, body and soul of a woman. A woman is not created for responsibility.

Femininity– this is a state of trust in people, in life, in men. Opportunity and ability to count on others. And then the woman begins to feel protected and relaxed.

But how do you learn to trust? How to allow yourself to receive male support and help?

And again we return to self-love, awareness of our value and uniqueness and, as a result, respect and trust in men. Not only to the man you love, but to all men.

Even if you are alone now, there are a lot of men around who will gladly help and take care of you if you allow yourself and them to do so. It is very natural for a woman to be the one a man wants to take care of, help and support. If you allow yourself to accept this help and support. Acceptance is also a feminine state. An entire lesson at the Women's School is dedicated to this.

A woman should not perceive this world as hostile; there is no need to prepare fortifications and build defenses. You need to open up, and sometimes you need to ask for help!

On the same train that I told you about above, I decided to change the SIM card in my phone. I remove the battery and realize that I don’t understand anything. My husband bought the phone, he inserted the SIM card, I didn’t even look inside. I feel panic emerging, I even begin to reproach myself for not tracking, monitoring and preparing. But then I look up, and the man simply offers his help, he sensed that I couldn’t cope. Men are always ready to help, you just have to be the one who needs help.

The world is not cruel and life is not difficult and men are not at all childish. You just need to stop defending yourself, being offended by men and relying only on yourself. And it is important to learn to ask for help correctly, from a female state. So that the request is natural for you, and acceptance is comfortable.

We women, lacking the knowledge and skills of female behavior, have picked up male models and schemes like a virus that destroy us and make us unhappy.

And we must develop and improve women's skills: how to ask for help and how to accept, how to trust and how to respect. And we must also know with all our body and soul what this state of femininity is.

I suggest doing one exercise from the lessons that will help you feel the true feminine state of calm, security, trust and your uniqueness. If you manage to grasp this state even a little, then this is already very good. You just need to strengthen and train this feeling. And if you don’t want to do this alone, come to the Women’s School, we’ll do it together!

All the details of studying at the Women's School

Tatiana Dzutseva.

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