How to pickle dark circles under the eyes. How to remove dark circles under the eyes? Making up for the lack of vitamins

Eyes are often called the “mirror of the soul,” and each of us wants to see them shine, healthy and beautiful. Dark circles under the eyes often spoil their appearance and create a tired and exhausted image for us. Many women try to deal with this problem with the help of powder and a whole arsenal of other special cosmetics, without thinking that it is important to find the cause and eliminate it.

In our article, we will tell you about the causes and ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Such knowledge will help you not only get rid of tired facial expressions, but also indicate possible health problems.

Why do dark circles appear under my eyes?

The skin around the eyes is very thin, sensitive and delicate. The collagen fibers in it are located reticular, and this contributes to its increased extensibility. Due to mimic activity, this part of the face is constantly in motion and prone to swelling. Immediately under the skin are blood vessels that are translucent due to the small thickness of the skin and the accumulation of blood in them with insufficient oxygen.

As a result, dark circles appear under the eyes. This effect is further enhanced by the fact that the eyes are located in the region of the orbits and the manifestation of such shadows is enhanced.

To get rid of dark circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the reason for their appearance, because the methods for their elimination depend on this.

Not enough time to sleep

Each person needs to sleep 7-8 hours a day. From lack of sleep, the complexion becomes pale and blood vessels against the background of such a contrast are more noticeable.

To eliminate such dark circles, it is necessary to restore normal sleep patterns and use simple folk recipes:

  • raw potatoes: grate the peeled tuber and mix 2 teaspoons of potato gruel with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, apply the mixture to the lower eyelid, rinse with green tea after 20-25 minutes;
  • cosmetic ice: 1 teaspoon of green tea or 1 tablespoon of one of the medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, cornflower, dill or parsley) pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour, pour the infusion into ice molds and freeze, wipe with a piece of ice skin in the eye area after regular washing in the morning and evening.

Constant eye strain, stress and chronic fatigue

A saturated rhythm of life, stressful situations and constant eye fatigue (for example, while working at a computer) leads to the formation of dark circles under the eyes due to stagnation of blood in the capillaries. To eliminate them, you need to normalize your work schedule, often walk in the fresh air and, if necessary, take sedatives or herbal remedies.

To quickly eliminate dark circles under the eyes, such folk recipes are suitable:

  • mask of fresh cucumber and parsley: grate the cucumber, finely chop several parsley branches, mix everything with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, apply the mixture to the area under the eyes for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water;
  • compresses with boiled milk: in warm milk, moisten cotton pads and apply to eyes for 15 minutes, wash with warm water.

Smoking and alcohol

Substances in tobacco smoke and alcohol contribute to chronic intoxication of the body and act destructively on all tissues. The skin of drinkers and smokers ages faster and is more prone to inflammation and swelling.

Over time, it becomes impossible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes caused by constant intoxication. Only quitting smoking and frequent drinking can restore the beauty of the skin and eyes.


Frequent consumption of fried, smoked, spicy and salty dishes, late tea parties, insufficient amount of vitamins and minerals - all this negatively affects the general state of health and appearance of the skin. Toxins that accumulate in the blood and body tissues can cause dark circles under the eyes.

It is possible to get rid of such external manifestations of irrational nutrition by revising the daily menu and replenishing the trace elements and minerals that are missing in the body. To do this, you may need to consult a doctor or nutritionist.

Improper care or poor-quality cosmetics

The skin under the eyes is very sensitive and quickly responds to aggressive external influences that can be caused by hot water, stretching the skin while washing or applying cream, etc. Low-quality cosmetic products for care or makeup can have the same negative effect. The components that make up such products can cause allergic reactions and accumulate in the skin around the eyes.

To prevent the appearance of dark circles under the eyes caused by such reasons, the following rules must be observed;

  • do not forget about the obligatory cleansing of the skin after makeup;
  • apply on the skin under the eyes only those creams and gels that are intended for this area of \u200b\u200bthe face;
  • choose creams, eye makeup or concealers only from reputable manufacturers;
  • during washing and applying, do not stretch the skin, apply creams and gels around the eyes with gentle patting movements with ring fingers in the direction of the massage lines;
  • do not forget about daily facial massage.

To eliminate such circles under the eyes, it is necessary to review the correctness of skin care for this area of \u200b\u200bthe face and use the services of a cosmetologist. If you can’t visit the beauty salon, you can carry out lymphatic drainage facial massage at home. Be sure to learn the methodology for its proper implementation! Remember that during massage in the lower eyelid, light patting movements of the fingertips should be directed in the direction from the temple to the bridge of the nose. After the massage, you can use a quality cream for the area around the eyes, which must be selected taking into account age, or recipes of traditional medicine, which were described above.

Chronic diseases

Dark circles under the eyes can be a symptom of any disease of the internal organs:

  •   : such shadows under the eyes are often accompanied by edema, in some cases, kidney disease can proceed secretly and come to light only after a detailed examination (read);
  •   and: such circles under the eyes have a yellowish tint, the patient feels;
  •   : a concomitant symptom may be, and, or vomiting;
  •   : in the presence of helminths, the patient feels irritability, increased fatigue, abdominal pain, flatulence and problems with stools;
  • endocrine disorders: and lead to hormonal disorders, which may be accompanied by dark circles under the eyes and various other symptoms (thirst, frequent mood swings, etc.);
  • diseases: such shadows under the eyes have a bluish tint and are caused by circulatory disorders;
  •   - such dark circles under the eyes are caused by an insufficient amount of oxygen in the blood due to a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin and iron in the body, accompanied by increased fatigue, frequent dizziness, headaches, etc.

Dark circles under the openings can appear with some infectious inflammatory processes (for example, with), headaches, diseases of the upper teeth and other diseases. It is possible to identify the true cause of their appearance only after consulting a doctor and conducting the examination recommended by him. After diagnosis, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, the elimination of which will also contribute to the elimination of dark circles under the eyes.

Heredity and age

In some people, dark circles under the eyes are observed from birth and their appearance is due to hereditary reasons (they are also present in close relatives). Such shadows are formed due to the excessively close arrangement of blood vessels under the skin of the eyelids and it is impossible to eliminate them with conventional home remedies.

In such cases, various salon procedures can be used to get rid of dark circles under the eyes:

  • acupressure;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • mesotherapy;
  • laser treatment, etc.

Natural aging also causes more pronounced dark circles under the eyes. Over the years, the subcutaneous fat layer and thin skin under the eyes become thinner and the blood vessels become even more noticeable. Salon procedures and proper skin care can help in such situations.

Dark circles under the eyes of children

Particular attention should be paid to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes of a child. If they are not caused by a hereditary predisposition, then their appearance always indicates some kind of disease.

Most often, dark circles in children appear with infectious diseases and helminthiases, but this symptom can also indicate more serious systemic diseases (cardiovascular system, digestive organs, kidneys or endocrine glands). A visit to the doctor and a detailed examination will help to identify the true cause of the dark circles and in time to begin treatment of the main ailment.

Innovative cosmetics

To eliminate the dark circles under the eyes, the cosmetics industry has created a lot of tools. Typically, these products include substances that can improve blood microcirculation and lymph outflow. These include: extracts of brown algae, nettle, horse chestnut, gotu kola, ruscus, pontic needle, calendula, medical leech, vitamins K and A.

In recent years, innovations such as: appeared in the market of cosmetics for the fight against dark circles around the eyes:

  • MDI Complex: it contains shark cartilage that contains marine glycosaminoglycan and helps suppress the activity of metalloproteinase (a substance that destroys collagen and elastin);
  • tÊTе Cosmeceutical preparations: they include the oligopeptide complex and the yeast protein Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Extract, which are able to penetrate deep into the skin, accelerate metabolic processes, enrich tissues with oxygen, reduce capillary permeability and help normalize microcirculation and lymph outflow;
  • Ridulisse C: this solution contains active molecules from the fractions of soybeans, which help to tighten, restore, lighten and protect the skin in the periorbital region by enhancing the metabolism of phytoblasts.

Remember that dark circles under the eyes do not always indicate a wrong lifestyle and can be symptoms of serious illness! If the normalization of sleep, nutrition and labor, the rejection of bad habits and the use of cosmetic and folk remedies have not eliminated these unpleasant manifestations, you must consult a doctor and establish the cause of their appearance. In such cases, only the treatment of the underlying disease will help you get rid of the dark circles under the eyes and will return you health and beauty.

Where do the dark circles under the eyes come from and are there ways to get rid of them at home? Here we find out!

The causes of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are a common phenomenon that few people like. What do they appear for?

In some people, few, this is an innate feature. It is inherited from parents or other relatives. It is more common in people with dry or dark skin.

Everyone knows that bad habits () and an unhealthy lifestyle (lack of sleep, poor nutrition, lack of rest, long sitting at the computer) can lead to health problems and damage the appearance.

Chronic diseases can cause dark circles. Before you buy a variety of creams that only outwardly hide the problem, you should think about your health. Consult your doctor, there may be a problem in your body.

Massage and exercises from dark circles under the eyes

Finger “shower” - with fingertips we gently massage the area around the eyes with tingling movements. We move to the bridge of the nose along the lower eyelid. In the region of   between the bridge of the nose and the inner corner of the eye are the central venous and lymph nodes, where the interstitial fluid tends. We continue the massage for 2-3 minutes. To avoid unnecessary strain on the eyeball, we do not massage the upper eyelid.

After a finger shower, apply a special gel or cream to the skin around the eyes, gently whip it with fingertips for 1-2 minutes. Make sure that the movements did not stretch or move the skin. In order for the interstitial fluid to flow normally, we pay special attention to the central venous and lymph node.

Bags under the eyes, dark circles, swollen eyelids - all this can be symptoms of various diseases. Starting from toxic kidney damage and ending with hypertension. To get rid of this external flaw - it is important to determine the reason why the spots appeared.


A common cause of the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes is fatigue and nervous exhaustion. In this case, they signal a lack of oxygen in the brain and a violation of normal blood circulation. This also includes improper body position during sleep, uncomfortable clothes, and even disproportionate underwear.

Orthopedic pillows fix the head so that it is in line with the body. If you sleep on too low or, conversely, high feather-bed, then the venous and lymphatic outflow of fluids is disturbed. The same thing happens when wearing a small bra or narrow-necked shirts. As a result, a swollen face with "tired", dark eyelids.

Do not forget about the features of the body. Each person is individual. Some people have too thin skin through which capillaries, blood vessels, and veins are visible. Because of this, the impression of dark circles is created.

Other causes of circles under the eyes:

  • Age-related muscle weakness. On the face there is a huge amount of muscle tissue. Most of them, without gymnastics and special massages, relax with age. As a result, “crow's feet”, an overhanging eyelid and dark spots appear.
  • Hormonal changes. Often a similar phenomenon occurs in girls during pregnancy, lactation, as well as with menopause. It is caused by the release of a large number of "unusual" hormones.
  • Weight gain, or sharp weight loss. Here the reason lies in a sharp change in the metabolic rate and deterioration in the removal of lymph.
  • Injury. In this case, red circles appear, burgundy and yellow (in the healing process). Injuries include shock loads, tattooing, eyelash extensions and even lens changes.


Unfortunately, most often circles under the eyes are symptoms of diseases of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system. As a rule, such bruises are accompanied by concomitant signs of an ongoing illness. It can be swelling, cyanosis of the limbs, fever.

How to visually determine the cause of the circles under the eyes:

  • Brownish, purple, and yellow circles indicate liver damage. Pay attention to the shade of the protein of the eyes. If he also became close to yellow - this is an occasion for an urgent visit to the doctor. Most likely, the liver is affected by toxins or the hepatitis virus.
  • Gray bruises are characteristic of kidney failure. Such circles accompany edema of the eyelids, problems with urination and other signs of diseases of the excretory system.
  • The bruises associated with the cardiovascular system are most striking in the eyes.
      These are blue circles and bruises under the eyes, sometimes with a slight greenish tint. If the walls of the capillaries or blood vessels are fragile, they can be slightly cast in red.

Also, allergic reactions can be the cause of dark circles under the eyes. This is an allergy to alcohol, nicotine and some types of antibiotics.

Diseases in which bruises appear under the eyes:

  • Nervous breakdowns, neuroses, psychosomatic diseases.
  • Hernia in the upper spine, neck injury, shoulder girdle.
  • Diabetes mellitus, heart failure, heart disease and other diseases of the circulatory system. This also includes vegetative-vascular dystonia, thrombosis, low blood coagulation.
  • Any thyroid disease. This is a purely female manifestation of thyroid disease. Bruises occur when there is an overabundance and lack of iodine, a malfunction of the butterfly gland, injuries to the front of the neck.
  • Chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. As a result of asthma and other similar diseases, oxygen starvation occurs. It manifests itself in a bluish tint of the skin around the eyes, cyanosis of the lips and shortness of breath.

How to remove eye circles

Before you get rid of dark circles and a bag under the eyes, consult a specialist, otherwise you can "heal" an important symptom of a developing disease. If the therapist and phlebologist have not found any chronic diseases, then you just need to remove the spots under the eyelids. For this, brightening masks, salon procedures aimed at improving the quality of the epidermis, special ointments and preparations for strengthening the vessels are widely used.

We remove circles near the eyes at home

At home, the following tools will help disguise circles and bags under the eyes:

  • Creams and ointments. They have a cooling and regenerative effect, contribute to the compaction of the walls of blood vessels and fight inflammation. The advantages of using ointments are simplicity and affordability.
  • Mesotherapy and massage techniques. These sessions are used in beauty salons to nourish and strengthen the skin, accelerate blood flow in the periorbital region.
  • Lightening masks. Used to obtain a cosmetic effect. Together with it, they can provide a quick lifting effect, remove the swelling under the eyes, and saturate the skin with vitamins.
  • Cooling compresses and lotions. These folk remedies help to effectively hide circles and bags under the eyes, resulting from fatigue and lack of sleep.

In order for the treatment result to be noticeable as soon as possible, you need to provide the body with a decent rest. On average, rehabilitation takes from 3 to 7 days.

Ointments and medications

For the rapid treatment of bruising under the eyes, pharmacy ointments are most often used. They are characterized by a balanced composition, ease of use and speed of action.

  • Tramp forte. This is a sponge algae gel. It has regenerative, firming and anti-inflammatory properties. It can not be applied to permanent makeup (algae "eat" all the beauty) and over thin skin. It is recommended to be used exclusively against bruises resulting from an injury.
  • Heparin ointment promotes the resorption of circles and age spots under the eyes. In addition, the product is characterized by brightening properties. It can only be used after consultation with a specialist.
  • Troxevasin. This is a capillary stabilizing agent. Its action is the resorption of blood clots under the skin and strengthening the walls of the capillaries. Use this ointment can be no longer than 5 days, because it is addictive.
  • Rootless. A popular medical tool for lightening the skin and eliminating dark circles under the eyes. The composition of the product includes succinic acid, plant extracts and natural pearls. The drug is characterized by a quick and lasting effect, provided that it is used twice a day.

Salon treatments

In the salon, in order to remove bruises under the eyes, you will be offered the following procedures:

  • Alginate masks. They help restore turgor and strengthen connective tissue. In addition, they have a strong tightening effect, so they will be very handy with bags under the eyes.
  • Mesotherapy With this procedure, early wrinkles, age spots, and dark circles in the eye area can be treated. The procedure is based on the introduction of the necessary vitamins and mineral complexes under the skin.
  • Lymphatic drainage therapy. This is a special massage of the perobital zone, with the help of which excess moisture is removed from the body. The technique is especially good for eliminating age and hormonal bruises.
  • Photothermolysis. Removing circles under the eyes with a fractional laser is a complete operation. In the process, the upper layer of the epidermis is heated to such a temperature that excess moisture is removed from it. Due to this, blood flow is accelerated, metabolism in the perorbital region is normalized. Rehabilitation after photothermolysis - 2 weeks.
  • Massage. Another effective way to permanently get rid of bruises under the eyes. The most commonly used Japanese anti-aging massage technique or lymphatic drainage. This technique also smoothes wrinkles, improves vision and guarantees a lasting effect.
  • Beauty injections. To solve the problem of circles under the eyes, hyaluronic acid injections with microneedles are used. Penetration is carried out no more than 2 mm. This provides a quick smoothing of wrinkles, lightening bruises, and correction of hollow eye sockets.

Home masks

The simplest corrective remedy for dark circles under the eyes that can be done at home is a mask of potatoes. To prepare the product, you need to grate raw potatoes and mix the mass with one egg yolk. The mixture is applied to the entire face and aged 15 minutes. Repeat every day.

Quickly brightens the skin with a mask of cottage cheese. Sour-milk products normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and lighten the epidermis. To prepare the product, you need to grind the curd to a homogeneous mass and apply it evenly on dark spots. Keep up to 20 minutes.

A strong whitening effect has honey with kaolin. 1 spoon of white clay should be combined with a spoon of milk and half a spoon of honey. Apply mass under eyes and keep for 20 minutes. It is important to strengthen the skin with a cream or a nutritious fluid after such a mask.

A cucumber mask from dark circles under the eyes has a cooling and regenerating effect. Cucumber needs to be washed, peeled and cut into slices. After applying to the face and leave to warm. As soon as one half of the cucumber disk has warmed up - it needs to be turned over.

Vitamins and vegetable oils help to fight circles under the eyes. A mixture of peach butter with Tocopherol (an oil solution of vitamin E) is ideal for brightening bruises. 5 drops of vitamins are taken per spoon of oil.

Clay masks help lighten circles and tighten skin. They have a lifting effect, refresh the epidermis and promote accelerated regeneration. For 1 tablespoon of water, the same amount of any clay is taken. Hold for 10 to 20 minutes.

Folk remedies

First aid for bruising and swelling is ice. Only unlike the advice of healers, it can not be applied to the skin for a long time. It is better to place frozen cubes in a plastic bag and periodically keep bruised.

The “cold spoons” method can also be attributed to this. This method will help to quickly reduce eyelid edema and relieve eye fatigue. Metal spoons need to be cooled in the refrigerator, and then put on the eyes. Keep until heated. Repeat if necessary.

The edema also relieves green tea. This is a good way to tidy yourself up in the morning. First you need to make tea, then cool the bag and put on your eyes. This method helps to remove swelling, relieve redness of the eyes and fatigue, lighten the epidermis.

Almond oil is famous for its nourishing and brightening properties. It is not recommended to use this butter on its own - too heavy for delicate skin near the eyes. For centuries to use, it must be mixed in a 2: 1 ratio with coconut milk. Apply every day before bedtime and do not rinse.

Even simple soda will help to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes and any signs of sleepiness. You need to mix half a teaspoon of powder with the same amount of nourishing cream. Apply only in the morning, keep no more than 15 minutes - the product can overdry the thin epidermis.

Cosmetics and corrective makeup

To quickly get rid of the dark circles under the eyes, they can simply be glossed over. Among the cosmetics, a whole line of products aimed at combating bruises is highlighted. These are correctors, concealers, highlighters or special patches.

Creams and gels from circles and swelling

Quickly and effectively, special creams will hide the circles and swelling under the eyes. Below is a rating of the 11 most popular remedies to combat this aesthetic problem.

Estee Lauder Cooling Eye Illuminator Idealist. It contains magnolia extract, cuspidates and rosemary extract. The tool provides a soft smoothing and moisturizing effect. In addition, the cream visually reduces the size of the circles due to the smallest radiant particles.

Force Vitale De-Puffing Eye Moisturizer. This is a cream from dark circles under the eyes to mask bruises and eliminate bags. The consistency of the product is thick, with a clear greenish tint. Among its ingredients are acids and mineral compounds. The corrector refers to cosmeceuticals.

Dr. Jart The Eye Balm. This is a light cream to mask bruises. It contains arbutin, which provides quick whitening. The effect is noticeable the next day. The product is considered universal: it is used to eliminate wrinkles, bruises and bags under the eyes.

Benefit It’s Potent Eye Cream. A substance with a pleasant aroma and weightless texture provides camouflage of the first signs of aging and dark circles for centuries. On the manufacturer’s official website, it is indicated that if you smear cosmetics twice a day on the face, then there is not only a lifting, but also a drainage effect.

  Benef’s Potent Eye Cream

Clinique Even Better Eyes Dark Circle Corrector. Cosmetics of this brand are professional care products. This product is a fluid for lightening and strengthening the skin. They can smear hollow circles, making them less noticeable, or treat the skin to prevent these problems. The composition includes natural oils, plant extracts and a vitamin cocktail.

Tony Moly Panda’s Dream So Cool Eye Stick is not a medical product, but purely cosmetic. It is necessary for emergency masking of dark spots. This patch is created to get a perfect white skin. Among its components are niacinamide and plant extracts.

  Tony Moly Panda’s Dream So Cool Eye Stick

Nivea Visage Q10. This is a roller with a cooling gel. Such cosmetics can solve the problems of persistent inflammation, bags under the eyes, dark circles and remove the first wrinkles. It can be used twice a day. The list of components contains the patented coenzyme Q10 and vitamins.

Tony Moly patch for bruising under the eyes. This is a modern option to combat unpleasant dark spots. The product belongs to organic cosmetics and contains extracts from the seeds of grapefruit, sunflower, vitamin B3. Recommended as an aid to bruises.

  TONY MOLY Panda’s Dream Eye Patch

Librederm AEVIT with blueberries (Libriderm). This product eliminates dry circles under the eyes and fatigue, relieves swelling, and improves blood circulation in this area of \u200b\u200bthe face. With the help of this product an effective age correction is carried out. The composition includes blueberry extract, tocopherol and retinol.

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution (Dermahil). This is a special cocktail for mesotherapy. Using it, non-invasive procedures can be performed (without a needle roller). It is used to make a “fresh” look in a short time, to get rid of puffiness or sleepy eyes.

Clearwin is a unique Ayurvedic cream for dark bruises. It helps not only after traces of a sleepless night, but also from real hematomas. The product reviews say that the product can be used even if bruises have already formed. Indian herbs and oils in the composition strengthen the skin, accelerate tissue regeneration and help increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

Choosing a concealer to mask circles

By themselves, creams are not able to solve the problem of dark circles. The effect will be obtained only under the condition of prolonged and regular use. If you need a result now - buy a special corrector for dark circles under the eyes.

Fillers are ways to quickly mask the hollow eye sockets, give the look openness and freshness, lighten the skin. First of all, you need to pay attention to the basis of the color corrector.

  • A red pencil overrides pale blue and greenish bruises.
  • Yellow and brown corrector is suitable for owners of dark skin.
  • Green, blue and purple products are needed to hide the pink circles.

There are different ways to apply proofreaders. The most true of them is to draw a triangle under the eye. Its base will have just under the lower eyelid, and the top - approximately, in the middle of the cheek. After you need to carefully blend the lines. To mask large circles, it is important to make a lot of small strokes, as if, layering them. To correct small bruises, you can draw only one, but a dense line.

To make such a makeup from the circles under the eyes look organic and natural, you need to highlight the lower eyelid with a highlighter. This will provide a soft glow to the skin and visually make the eyelid smoother.


To prevent the occurrence of dark circles under the eyes, you need to follow simple rules.

  • Get enough sleep. Do not sleep 8 hours a day, but as much as you need. For some, 6 is enough, but someone feels overwhelmed after 10 hours.
  • Avoid stressful situations.
  • Regularly do a facial drainage massage, use moisturizing cosmetics, do not go out into the scorching sun without glasses.
  • Drink plenty of water. Remember that the main cause of bruising around the eyelids is a lack of moisture.
  • Use moisturizing and protective creams. It could be MaryWay’s TimeWise, Clean Line 45+ and any other suitable product.
  • Make nourishing masks regularly. We recommend fruit or vegetable.
  • Take vitamins, avoid alcohol and walk a lot in the fresh air.

In addition, try not to go out in the sun in extreme heat. Dry air is detrimental to the delicate and thin epidermis of the eyelids. Adhering to all the recommendations, you can not only hide aesthetic problems, but also get rid of them forever.

The causes of the appearance of dark circles under the eyes

It is generally accepted that circles under the eyes appear due to lack of sleep and fatigue, which means that all that is needed to fix the problem is a good sleep and rest. In fact, the nature of the origin of the blue may be different, we consider the possible causes.

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Age changes

After 30 years, collagen production begins to decrease in the body, as a result of which the skin around the eyes, which is initially thinner than in other parts of the face, loses its density. Due to the fact that the skin becomes thinner, dark circles under the eyes appear even in those who have not encountered this problem in their youth.

Lack of sleep and overwork

It is no secret that after sleepless nights, dark circles become more distinct and noticeable. This is due to a violation in the work of blood vessels.


Like it or not, dark circles under the eyes in most cases are a matter of genetics. From mom and grandmother you may get:

    thin transparent skin;

    fragile vessels;

    tendency to hyperpigmentation - for example, in the East, melanin is often synthesized at a faster rate than in Europeans.


Problems with the skin around the eyes can be a reaction of the body to the release of the hormone histamine, a mediator of the nervous system. When interacting with an allergen from a food or cosmetic, it is activated, resulting in irritation and swelling.

What does the color of the circles under the eyes say?

Circles under the eyes are almost all the colors of the rainbow. We figure out what's what.

Blue and purple

Usually the cause of circles of this shade is lack of sleep and / or aging - with age, the vessels become more fragile.

The mechanism of formation of such circles is as follows: the breakdown products of hemoglobin exit through the vascular wall into the surrounding tissues and color them blue.

Caffeine and Vitamin C will help alleviate the situation.

Yellow or brown

The reason for their formation is the active production of melanin in the area around the eyes. In an increased amount, it is produced due to:

    hormonal changes;

    genetic features of the skin;

    love for tanning.

In this case, cosmetics containing vitamin C, retinoids, eperulin and procysteine \u200b\u200bare effective.

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The red color of the circles under the eyes can mean:

    the release of histamine into the general bloodstream;

    increased blood vessels due to stagnation of blood.

In the first case, the cause of the formation of circles will be allergies, in the second - eye strain, for example, from long work at the computer.

As a prevention of red circles under the eyes, remedies with vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) are suitable, and cosmetics with eperulin, allantoin and panthenol will help calm the skin after an allergic reaction.

Bags under the eyes

For a tendency to edema, again, genetics is mainly responsible. But to provoke the appearance of morning bags under the eyes, chips eaten at night or a cup of tea drunk before bedtime can. If puffiness is your problem, try to refrain from drinks, as well as salty and spicy foods a few hours before bedtime.

Caffeine has a pronounced drainage property, so cosmetics with it in the composition should appear in the arsenal of everyone who knows firsthand what swelling and bags under the eyes are.

How to prevent the appearance of dark circles

Get enough sleep

This advice will not help in all cases, but if your “bruises” are caused by lack of sleep, their appearance will be prevented by the same “beauty dream” from 22.00 pm to 4.00 in the morning - at this time the production of the sleep hormone melatonin is maximum. A full night's sleep improves tissue oxygenation, enhances the outflow of dark venous blood. Sleep better in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

Do not drink a lot of tea or coffee at night.

These drinks retain moisture in the body, preventing normal microcirculation, which will necessarily appear the next morning in dark circles and swelling. If you like to drink tea in the evening, it is better to do it two to three hours before bedtime.

Do not snack salty before bedtime

Salt also retains water in the body and impairs blood circulation. As a result, the eyelids swell, and through the thinned, stretched tissues, vessels begin to shine through.

Moisturize your skin

Moisturized skin maintains a high level of renewal longer, which means that all age-related changes slow down. Dark circles under the eyes will also receive a respite.

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Wear glasses and contact lenses

Constant squinting will not only give you an early net of wrinkles around the eyes, but also reward you with red circles under the eyes. And you don’t even need to talk about how dangerous it is for eyesight to neglect glasses or lenses.

Apply eye cream correctly

Do not apply it too close to the mucosa - not all components of the formula can interact well with it, some can cause irritation.

Distribute the cream with your ring finger over the orbital bone, as if drawing a circle from the inner corner, with a little patting motion. With this scheme, the skin around the eyes stretches less and is not injured.

The fewer wrinkles on the skin, the easier the texture of the product should be: at 25 you do not need a dense anti-aging balm.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

And yet, is it possible to permanently get rid of dark circles? The bad news: the blue due to genetic characteristics cannot be completely removed or prevented. The good news is that we have some recommendations to help you.

Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home? Completely - no, but something to do is real.

Properly approach the selection of cosmetics. In the list of ingredients for eye cream look for:

  • dextran;

    extracts with a drainage effect, for example, algae or horse chestnut.

All of these components accelerate blood flow, improving the excretion of dark venous blood from the capillaries. Products with vitamins C and A will help lighten yellow type pigmentation, and proper skin hydration and stimulation of the synthesis of natural proteins (collagen and elastin) are necessary for every skin type.

Protect your skin from the sun. UV rays not only contribute to the appearance of unwanted pigmentation in the area around the eyes, but also release free radicals, which leads to the destruction of collagen and elastin molecules in the skin cells.

To protect your skin and prevent its condition from getting worse, do not forget about sunglasses and creams with SPF.

Salon treatments

Since dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common problems, beauty parlors offer a wide range of services that contribute to its solution.

    Lipofilling   - filling the voids around the eyes with your own fat. First, fat is taken from the patient by lipoaspiration, often from the hips and knees, then it is cleaned, prepared for transplantation and injected into the problem areas with needles. This method is suitable for those whose problem is thin skin under the eyes. But it is worth considering that fat is prone to resorption over time.

    Dermotonia   - massage using a vacuum. This procedure has a draining effect and can reduce swelling of the eyelids, as well as accelerate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, due to the lack of which age-related dark circles around the eyes may appear.

    Mesotherapy   - She uses individually selected cocktails based on hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, which are injected under the skin. So they work much more efficiently than in a cream. This procedure has fairly good tolerance and a short rehabilitation period.

Solving problems with cosmetics

The table below shows several cosmetics recommended for use in the eyelids.

Creams from dark circles under the eyes.

Product Examples


Application rules

Active ingredients

Eye Roller Secret of Excellence, Garnier

Apply in the morning as an eye cream and concealer.

grapefruit extract


Clearly Corrective Dark Eye Corrector, Kiehl’s

Apply in the morning after moisturizing or anti-aging cream for the skin around the eyes.

vitamin C, caffeine, licorice root,

mineral sunscreens

Eye contour cream Idealia, Vichy

Distribute with patting movements on the skin under the eyes, stepping back from the ciliary edge. Use twice daily.

caffeine, vitamin C, vitamin B3

Cream for the correction of superficial wrinkles around the eyes Active C, La Roche-Posay

Distribute with patting movements on the skin under the eyes, stepping back from the ciliary edge. Apply twice daily.

vitamin C, La Roche-Posay Thermal Water

Hello my dear readers! I hope you already read my article on. Today I would like to tell you how to remove dark circles under the eyes. What to do at home, what to choose masks, creams, lotions. Let's talk about the most effective tools.


A simple and very effective mask is potato. Every housewife, I am sure, is sure to find potatoes at home. It contains starch. This substance perfectly whitens the skin and relieves puffiness of the eyelids, which is what we need. In addition, trace elements and vitamins that are in the tuber rejuvenate the skin. Potato from bruising under the eyes is suitable even for allergy sufferers.
  For the mask you will need one small potato. Choose a vegetable without green formations. It can be cut into circles and put on the eyelids. And you can grate, squeeze the juice slightly. Then put gauze on the eyes and put gruel on it. If you spread potatoes only on the lower eyelids, gauze is not needed. With the mask you need to lie down in a relaxed state for 15 minutes.


This is the next effective mask with whitening properties. Vitamin A, which it contains, is a good prevention of wrinkles.

In addition, parsley perfectly tones the skin. A mask of greens is easy to prepare. You will need water and a bunch of greenery. Finely chop the parsley, then pour 150 ml of water. Boil it only a few minutes. Then the pulp is cooled and warm applied on the eyelids. Hold the mask for 10-15 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

Mask of milk and bread

A safer, but no less effective means is milk and white bread. I think everyone knows about the whitening properties of milk. In addition, it tones the skin and moisturizes. As for bread, the yeast contains useful vitamin B. It soothes the skin, neutralizes rashes, and prevents acne. For a mask, mix a slice of white bread and some milk. You should have some gruel. Wipe the skin with lotion or wash with foam. Then apply a mask not too thick. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.

Lotions from bruises under the eyes at home

Lotions are an effective tool that allows you to quickly remove bruises under the eyes. I offer 3 options for compresses.

Thermal water

How to get rid of black circles under the eyes using gymnastics

Now let's figure out how to deal with bruises with the help of gymnastics. I'll tell you about the simplest but most effective exercises.

So, sit in front of the mirror and cover your eyelids. You should look as though through a click. Put your fingers on the outer corners of the eyes. Lock the upper eyelids, but do not stretch the skin. Now try to strain the lower eyelids. Keep them energized for 5 seconds. Then relax. After a couple of seconds, repeat and so on 5 times. Every day, increase the repetition by one. You should go out for 20 reps.

Another effective exercise. Put the tips of your index fingers on the outer corners and begin to smooth wrinkles. Move to the nose, after a few movements tightly squint. After a few seconds, relax your eyelids. Repeat ten times. Gymnastics can be done several times a day. This will help to remove not only bruises, but also improve vision.

Foam and cream from dark circles under the eyes

The skin of the eyelids is very delicate. Therefore, care products must be delicate. You can not use ordinary soap for washing. Also, alcohol lotions will not work. A good tool that I can recommend is a cleanser Purete thermale.

It removes even waterproof mascara, without drying the skin. This foam does not depigment bruises, but it does not exacerbate the situation. And in tandem with the right cream, it will improve the condition of the eyelids.

Dark Circle Medicines

On the Internet, people often ask about the usual means from the pharmacy. And they even advise you to try it at your own peril and risk ... though no one is responsible for these tips 🙂 I decided to make out a couple of the most popular options.


I’m not sure that the badyaga from bruises under the eyes will somehow help you. Why? Spongilla sponge, which lives in fresh water, has needles in its structure. Because of them, allergic reactions often occur. Masks from this sponge are locally irritating. To the place where they were applied, blood flow increases.

The buadyaga has a resolving property and antiseptic. It must be applied in the form of gruel. You can dilute the powder with water, if the skin is prone to dryness - with vegetable oil. Use carefully. First apply on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, you can try on the elbow. If there is severe hyperemia, it is better not to use it. Light redness is considered the norm. Kashitsa recommends that it is laid out under the eyes for 30 minutes. It is very important that the mixture does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye.

Spongilla is also sold in the pharmacy in the form of creams and gels. To apply such a tool is much more convenient than gruel. A mask is also found. In addition to badiaga, it contains polyphenols, vitamin C, and vitamin A. They help reduce pigmentation and swelling. It’s better to use this option than dry powder of a bug. But be extremely careful with him too ❗

I want to tell my experience with the use of badyagi. About 4 years ago I bought it, having read that it perfectly removes acne and inflammation on the face. I ran to the pharmacy and took the gel. She applied the product to her wet face, and she scrubbed it actively in circular movements. Left for 5 minutes, but longer than 2 could not stand it. After I saw the result, I did not want to go out. The face turned the color of a red tomato and everything burned. The next day was the same. I had such a terrible annoyance.

I couldn’t lie on the pillow at night. Hit forever. And they tell you, they burned even more. After such an experience, I had to go surrender to the dermatologist. The first thing that I realized was that you can’t scrub it with a badyagiya; it dries the skin very much. And such experiments lead only to the fact that you invest more money in restoration.

Troxevasin gel

Still advised to try such a tool as troxevasin from bruising under the eyes. In women who have tried different opinions on this subject. According to reviews, supposedly stars and photo models use this tool ... But if you think about it - where did you see the starfish, which will save on its beauty and experiment with funds for other purposes? They will be better off using good creams and cosmetics.

This drug is used as a decongestant. And also venotonic. It helps with varicose veins. The action of the drug is aimed at reducing the permeability and fragility of capillaries. It is logical to assume that by improving the condition of the capillaries under the eyes, you can get rid of bruises.

The cream should be applied morning and evening to cleansed skin of the eyelids. Circular movements without pressure. Troxevasin is contraindicated if you have kidney failure or an ulcer. Also, it is not used for hypersensitivity to the components. It is impossible that it gets on the mucous membrane of the eye and is used for any damage to the skin.

Troxerutin is also advised for bruising under the eyes. This medication is an analogue of troxevasin. They have the same active substance. It is advised to use gel. Apply at night with a thin layer under the eyes. To absorb it faster, you can make light tapping.

No matter where I looked for reviews on these two medications, I didn’t find normal ones. Only recommend - try, and then tell us. Do you want to do tests on your skin? These are irritating agents, after which the skin “bakes” and itches. So the medicine works. And then what will become of the delicate skin of the eyelids?

Personally, I would highly advise you not to experiment with products that are not intended for eye care. Not only can you worsen your skin, but you can also hurt your eyes! Love yourself! Use special good means, and you will conquer everyone with your beauty 🙂

Now you know how to deal with dark circles under the eyes. The main thing when using different products is not to damage the skin of the eyelids. If you are prone to allergies, it is best to start with hypoallergenic masks and creams. Share the article with your friends if you like it. Do not forget, and see you soon!