Warm wishes to the teacher. Wishes to teachers. Poem wishes to teachers from graduates

We wish you good health
And joy in work,
Among colleagues to be
Always in high esteem

To be seen in children
Passion and zeal for knowledge,
To always be with you
And humor and patience.

Let there be enough time
To be loved with your family.
What was impossible
Let it become achievable.

Always let him inspire
You are a wind of inspiration.
And we congratulate you
Heartily happy birthday!

You are the best teacher
May there be success ahead,
Happy birthday
And with all my heart I wish
Continue to be the best.

Let adversity and bad weather
You won't be met on the way,
May there always be health, happiness,
And everyone's participation
He will lead you forward.

I wish you a happy birthday! First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude. You do a lot of work every day, investing in those around you a large amount of knowledge and skills that will guide you through life and help you in difficult moments. You are a true professional. I would like to wish you patience and health, so that no troubles interfere with your joy and enjoyment of life. Let a smile always shine on your beautiful and kind face, and let your eyes glow with happiness and joy.

Happy birthday, heartfelt congratulations
I want to wish you health and goodness!
May luck not leave you,
Always remaining a faithful companion.

Let everything be in order at work,
Let the students bring joy.
Peace in your family, love, prosperity.
Let your cherished dreams come true!

You are a second mother for us,
You are a mentor to children.
You are proud of all of us,
You are the cutest in the world.

We congratulate you together
On this brightest day.
We wish you happiness and love,
Faithful, devoted friends.

Let the salary rise
And your career will go up.
Let the rent decrease
Let success call you to fly.

We wish you good luck,
There is peace and goodness in the house,
Infinite patience
And home warmth.

May every day be a joy
Every year will be successful
And let them always be there
Close, dear people.

We want to say thank you
For endless patience,
We wish you to be happy!
Happy birthday!

Today I have the great honor
Happy birthday to the teacher!
And you can’t count everyone’s wishes,
But the main thing is probably patience.

Still a lot of health, for years,
Confessions from all managers.
Do not lose heart anywhere and never,
And kind, respectful parents.

May your students always make you happy,
Understanding and peace await the family.
Do not be upset by everyday trifles,
The salary will be fabulously high.

Thank you for your hard work,
For sharing your heart with children.
May everyone love you, appreciate you, and take care of you.
Who is the best teacher? Of course, you!

Being a teacher is not easy
You need strong nerves.
Understanding and patience
They are so important in your business.

But the teacher is also strict
Must also have
With naughty children so that
He could handle it well.

Lots of the best qualities
You were able to absorb it.
Only good health to them
I want to wish you!

We wish you on this birthday
Many happy days to you,
Every success, good luck,
Capable students for you!

Let there be prosperity at home,
Comfort and peace always reign!
Let happiness be an axiom,
May you shine like a star!

Let me congratulate you
Happy birthday from us,
Respects and loves you
Very much our entire class.

We wish you prosperity,
And reach great heights.
The title is “Teacher of the Year”
It was yours every year!

Sometimes we can be naughty
We disrupt the lesson and shake our nerves,
And every time we congratulate you like the first
Happy wonderful birthday to you.

We certainly wish you optimism
And we also wish you inspiration,
Yes, it’s difficult with us, we’re still capricious,
And sometimes we don't understand you.

Let worries and sorrows pass,
Don't get nervous over trifles
We will try our best, we promise.
After all, you have become completely dear to us.

We want the notebooks to be checked
“One time”, so as not to sit for a long night.
To be happy, just smile
And so that you want to sing out of happiness.

Wishes for a teacher from students are a wonderful gift that will inspire the teacher with gratitude and warmth. Simple words will become a source of enthusiasm, because this is what is so often missing for a fruitful educational process! Give your teacher kind words.

In verse

  • Teaching is a sacred profession!
  • Don't let depression bother you,
  • Let apathy not visit you,
  • The student brethren do not offend!
  • So that you can deal with them,
  • May you teach them with patience!
  • And I also wish you to be healthy
  • And from colleagues - great respect!
  • My dear teacher!
  • Have a joyful and bright life!
  • May you never meet
  • Naughty and harmful children!
  • Children's radiant smiles to you,
  • So that the notebooks are without errors,
  • To make the lessons calm,
  • Useful and fruitful!
  • Teacher! I wish you happy moments
  • So that you know that you are loved and waited for,
  • That they believed sacredly in love
  • And you went to class, smiling again!
  • I wish you beautiful essays,
  • I wish you sincere revelations,
  • From children of gratitude and trust. Let
  • The school will always have its doors open to you!
  • Let the school bell ring
  • Calls you again and again to class.
  • And let the school's spacious classroom
  • Welcomes you again and again!
  • Teacher, always be young!
  • Walk in the garden on a moonlit night,
  • Count the stars in the sky
  • Dream about fiction!
  • And then come true that fable,
  • Make it a reality
  • You are not sad about the past,
  • Love your students!
  • May your home be joyful
  • And your dream will be sweet.
  • And so that we get up again cheerfully,
  • And they entered the school class proudly!
  • For the teacher, I don’t regret the warm words:
  • Let your students give you love!
  • Let them study diligently, and they read poetry,
  • They don’t struggle with studying, they multiply easily!
  • So that you succeed in everything in your family,
  • So that they can fly on two wings, and not on one wing!
  • Joy to you, dear teacher,
  • And may your abode always be cozy!
  • Teacher! How much is in this word
  • Sounds to our hearts!
  • I wish you summer in your soul
  • And don’t let your soul be bitter!
  • Let your students call you
  • And they remember your knowledge,
  • Let your roads be easy
  • And dreams will come true!
  • Teacher, you are the light and you are the sun,
  • Warm the children with you!
  • Let happiness fly into your window
  • And will settle in life for many days.
  • So as not to be sad in the evenings,
  • So that loneliness does not torment you,
  • May you always be warm
  • And so that fate does not prophesy for you -
  • Live with faith in yourself!
  • Live, you love school!
  • And let the children thank you,
  • For your kindness more than once!
  • Everyone is grateful to the teacher!
  • He reveals our talents!
  • And even poor students are not mediocre,
  • And they can learn the theory of Quantum!
  • I wish you, teacher, to find an approach
  • And discover the gifts in every child.
  • And so that children can be angels.
  • So that their voices are loud in class,
  • All your questions answered
  • And so that they get excellent grades!
  • And to greet you with greetings,
  • May you be an amber light for them!

In prose

Dear (I O)! I would like to thank you sincerely for being our class teacher. You have given us a lot of important knowledge that will help us realize ourselves in life. They taught us to distinguish good from evil and helped to fairly resolve any school problems. On this day, I wish you unlimited patience so that you always remain the same bright and wise mentor. More sunny days free from work, and, of course, so that you receive more than one award for the best teacher!

After finishing school, there will be many more teachers in life. Someone will be forgotten, someone will be offended that he was too strict and picky, someone will be included in the list of favorites. But the first teacher for a first-grader is almost like a mother, just as kind and beautiful! I will never forget my (full name). A wonderful woman, a wonderful teacher and friend! How many students do you remember, how many surnames and multi-colored trusting eyes, but you recognize each one and call each one by name when you meet. Dear teacher! Always be the first in everything!

I would like to say a special thank you to my physical education teacher. He is a true professional and from each of us, from some with affection and participation, from others with severity, he patiently achieved high results. Our school, thanks to the merits of this man, has repeatedly won honorary and main prizes in competitions. I wish our coach and friend to always be in excellent physical shape and continue to prepare his students to conquer new heights!

In your own words

At school, such a serious subject as chemistry was very difficult for me. I didn’t understand anything about the formulas, I couldn’t learn the periodic table. I would like to thank my teacher, who was able to find an approach to such a difficult student like me. Thanks (IO) and additional classes, I mastered this science that was beyond me and passed the exams no worse than others. Patience and strength to you, my dear teacher! I would like to wish teachers to see children as independent individuals and not to break children’s fragile self-esteem. I met teachers who called us “stumps with eyes,” parasites or stupid people, but there were also those who called us “you” and, without raising their voices, explained our mistakes. If only there were more such personnel in educational institutions and in the next generation there would be a significant increase in professors, brilliant physicists and talented writers! A teacher should be the best example for students. Does a teacher who has just put out a cigarette before entering the school have the right to scold a fifth-grader who has been caught in the act? Or, after using obscene language, scold a student for swearing? A teacher is someone who will explain, help and understand in any situation and guide little man on the big road!


First grade teacher

We're still just getting started:

Both sadness and joy are ahead...

And of course, we don’t know yet

What awaits us on the path of life.

There will be other teachers,

But now hopes and worries

Our children trust you.

We will still ruin your nerves,

There will be other things for us.

Teacher's Day is not your first.

We congratulate you for the first time.

(N. Filippova )

First teacher

The autumn leaf flies around,
and there is no trace of warmth,
but, as before, it warms
kind eyes radiant light.

I'll be an adult someday
I will mature, grow up,
but I won’t forget the smile
I won't forget the kindness.

Today is a holiday, congratulations!
Let the years fly by -
I wish you with all my heart,
always be the same!

( E. Lisacheva)

First teacher

The kindest and most beautiful
You come to our class,
Whatever we ask
You did everything for us.

You collected books for us,
They tied bows for us.
Even noisy boys
Flowers are brought to the classroom for you.

We fell in love with you immediately
Although strict at times,
Let them forget to water the flowers,
The board was washed five times.

We always give you anxiety,
Look through a hundred notebooks,
Be patient for a little while
After all, there are three years left.

Thank you very much
Let's say together on any day,
The kindest and most beautiful,
The very first, dear.

(E. Shalamonova )

Happy Teacher's Day!
(From second graders)

Without moms and dads, without kindergarten toys
You and I stepped onto the school threshold,
And everyone was happy and a little scared,
When the first bell rang for us.

And after - notebooks with oblique rulers
And the first letters are oblique at first,
And you gave us candies and stickers
And the warmest words in the world.

For moms and dads you saved moments
Of our pranks - funny, funny,
And they adjusted our fasteners and ribbons,
They loved the healthy, they loved the sick.

We have become older, we have become smarter -
You taught us to read and write,
We love you a year more now
And we want to tell you this today!
(S. Chernyavskaya )

Poems for teachers

Strict and affectionate,

Wise and sensitive,

For those who have gray hair at the temples,

For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Those who are considered middle-aged.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,

Teaches you to achieve victories in work,

To everyone whose proud name is teacher,

Low bow and warm greetings!

Teacher's Day

On an autumn day, when at the threshold

The cold has already begun to breathe,

School celebrates teacher's day

A holiday of wisdom and knowledge of labor.

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us

Everything related to youth, childhood,

We owe it to the teachers!

The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,

The sweetness of the first difficult victories

Let everything be reflected in a smile,

Radiating wisdom and light.

You are always young at heart,

Sharing work and joys with us,

Our strict ones, our relatives,

Patient teachers!

It's the fifth of October again

It's the fifth of October again.

The foliage of the trees turns golden.

We didn't live another year in vain,

We became better, smarter, kinder.

Who could teach us everything?

Our ordinary Russian resident,

Our mentor and teacher,

In general, just a dear Teacher!

(M. Shilov)

For Teacher's Day

Autumn holiday - Teachers' Day,

So good, bright, kind, bright!

Thank you from adults and children

For opening up the treasured world to us!

For rigor, kindness, optimism,

For giving us so much with your heart.

For friendship, for warmth, love and life,

And in the temple of knowledge there is an open road.

(T. Lavrova )

An important event

Golden autumn, learned autumn -
Still new in class every day,
And the sun is still shining playfully through the windows,
That’s why we’re a little too lazy to learn...
But today, we promise, we will learn our lessons
We will come to the bright classroom in festive clothes,
Because this is an important event for all of us...
Hush, our teacher will enter the classroom now!
Dear teacher, we congratulate you,
And we give you a bouquet of autumn flowers!
We promise to always be diligent,
We wish you good health and many, many years to come!
(Ilona Grosheva)

Thank you for your knowledge

Let the sun shine brightly on an autumn day,
Let the foliage glow like bouquets,
A bright beam will enter the classroom through the window -
He congratulates you today too!

“Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, a kind word,
For your work, for your love and for your patience!” –
We say thank you again.

May there be a lot of joy in your life
And happiness, may your health not fail you,
And never know anxiety, fatigue
We sincerely wish you and with love!
(I. Aseeva)

Teachers, simple teachers!

Teachers, simple educators,
Sometimes invisible and modest.
You open the paths to life for us,
Forge the country's gold reserves.

You have the future of power in your hands,
Her diamond fund, or more simply, her children.
You are called teachers by right,
And this title is higher than anyone else in the world.

You give yourself without reserve,
Bringing grains of knowledge into the world again and again.
We wish you happiness and prosperity.
From us flowers, smiles and love!
(N. Vedenyapina)

To our Teacher

Good luck and health to you, our Teacher!
Your work is a daily feat.
School life is not “Jumble” at all,
And difficult walking “on nerves”!

(A. Vikhryan)

To the class teacher

You are our coolest leader:
After all, your leadership is “top class”!
Attentive and thoughtful Teacher,
You teach us the science of Life!

(A. Vikhryan)

Beautiful at heart and very kind

Beautiful at heart and very kind,
You are strong in talent and generous in heart.
All your ideas, dreams of beauty,
The lessons and undertakings will not be in vain!
You managed to find your way to the children,
May success await you on this path!

Wishes to your favorite teacher

Don't let failures break you,
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in your work
All the children want to wish you
May you have many successful years
Together with the birds of happiness they fly!

We love you

We love you because you are cordial,
Always ready to help
And about our endless pranks
You know how to forget so quickly.

We don’t want to upset you, believe me,
But somehow suddenly it happens by itself,
That we behave like devils
We don't even know how this happens.

We love you and wish you happiness
So big that they could swim in it,
And joy, health, gratitude,
So that you want to stay in school.

(G. Stanislavskaya )

Gratitude to the teacher

We know you are very tired of us,
We are a challenging, but such a fun class!
And we grow up quickly, by the way,
And soon we will become the best for you.

Forgive us for our mischief,
For pranks, sometimes immeasurable,
You are for your great patience,
For their work they deserve the title of Hero!

(G. Stanislavskaya )

You have chosen a wonderful profession

You have chosen a wonderful profession:
Dignified, humane, useful.
And they made it their calling,
Overcoming all difficulties with diligence!

For work, diligence and inspiration
Thank you, congratulations!
May all your dreams and wishes come true,
They applaud you and admire you!

Today even the sun shines brighter

Today even the sun shines brighter,
And the wind rustles, barely breathing.
Today everyone, both adults and children
They rush to greet the teachers.

The school will drown in a multi-colored sea,
And they will float on the waves of smiles
Advice, wishes, greetings
And thanks for their hard work.

Let this holiday shine with joy,
Let him be noisy among friends.
Congratulations to him today with all our hearts
Mentors, native teachers.

(N. Vnukova )

Congratulations to you warmly

Congratulations to you warmly
On the holiday - Teacher's Day!
May the weather be clear
The sun is amazing!

We promise not to be lazy
To complete tasks,
Returning from recess
On time, without delay!


Accept on Teacher's Day
Flowers and congratulations!
You are very helpful
Learn with passion!

Thank you for your responsiveness,
Great patience!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck and good luck!


Who helps people
When choosing roads,
Loves them and scolds them,
The teacher is called.

At least the children all say "hello"
They do everything wrong
You didn’t
Old woman Shapoklyak.

(E. Grudanov)

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Our dear teachers!
We would like to congratulate you today.
Don't be strict with us today,
We are burning with excitement.

We, the noisy gang of schoolchildren,
We give you hearts and flowers.
It takes courage to teach us,
The tasks are oh so difficult!

You burn with the candle of knowledge,
Bringing us their deep light.
You only want one thing from us:
So that we become wiser in return.

You give us all a start in life,
Giving only affection and love,
You give up every bit of yourself
In the name of knowledge again and again.

We are at today's lesson
We listen, as if for the first time, to you,
In a notebook, writing down lines
Love and happiness in half.

Our dear teachers!
We wish you good health,
And may your souls not be touched,
Frosts of life's winter.

(A. Gavryushkin)


On Teacher's Day to all of you
Congratulations now!
For lessons and attention -
My deepest gratitude to you.

For science and patience -
You have honor and respect,
And for the generosity of your souls -
There will be a toss today.

The carcass thunders in honor of the winner,
In honor of the teaching profession.
In honor of big-hearted people
What live among children!
(A. Voight)

Teacher is a heroic profession!

Teacher is a heroic profession!
Don't believe me? Do you think this is fun?
Yes, it’s more difficult than plowing and fighting
And build! How to blow up a bridge or rails!
How to deal with a mad lion in Africa!
How to deal with cracked ice in the Arctic!
We wish you, teacher, a lot of patience!
And we will test it, without a doubt.

There is no better teacher!

How much is important, how much is significant
They told us, they told us.
Let's say boldly - there is no better teacher,
We will always be grateful to you.
How many books have you already read?
How many problems were solved?
We are sure - better teachers
Never find it anyway!

Our guardian angel

Our cool leader,
You are like our guardian angel,
Always protect
And scold sometimes -
Exclusively for the cause!
You teach us skillfully!
Congratulations now,
This is your favorite class!

May you have enough feminine strength

May you have enough feminine strength
Continue the good work
The rain did not extinguish the mistakes
Your fire that shines boldly.
Enlighten, teach,
Raise a young tribe
It's given to you, we won't lie,
This is not an easy burden.

Thank you!

The day will come when we grow up
And, like birds, we will fly into the sky...
Thank you for what we can do
For those heights that we will still take,
For generously giving us all
With intelligence and knowledge, they spared no effort...
We sincerely congratulate you today!
May every day bring you joy!

Baby shower head

Baby shower leader,
The winner of our laziness,
And of course he should
See the class from all sides.
Moms and dads are substitutes for everyone,
“Cool” our leader,
Congratulations, hello,
Many winters to you, many years.

Thank you for your wisdom, attention, care

Thank you for your wisdom, attention, care,
That you put your soul into this work.
For guiding me on the true path.
We know that they only wished us well.

And you spent the night over notebooks,
They worried when we were naughty.
Thank you for your sincerity and patience.
Please accept the bouquet and congratulations from us!
(E. Potapova)

There is no more important profession on Earth

The autumn rain is pouring outside the threshold,
And we have fun at school, laughter.
We congratulate all teachers!
Let success be your companion.

We wish you good health,
Happiness at work and in the family.
We glorify and appreciate your work.
There is no more important profession on Earth.
(E. Potapova)

We say thank you!

For yours, for the work of the teacher,
Part tamer
Class teacher
We say thank you!

Thank you for participating,
Verbs and participles,
For Pushkin and Chekhov
We thank you!

Thanks for the botany
Valence and organics,
For current and for mechanics
Thanks again!

We hope you forgive
For taking the Bastille,
Much easier than investing
Any knowledge is within us!

Praise the teacher!

Praise! Praise the teacher!
To the teacher-thinker,
Thank you very much
And knowledge to the discoverer!

Praise! Praise the teacher!
To the teacher-creator,
Ideological educator
And us to the educator!

Praise! Praise the teacher!
To the tormenting teacher,
Parent to caller
And a deuce to the distributor!

And wisdom to the omniscient!
And pranks forgive me!
And noise to the tamer!
Vivat! Praise the teacher!
(T. Varlamova)

On Teacher's Day

There is such a day autumn,

More like spring -

Because of the specks of flowers,

What is in the hands of the students.

The whole country is in a hurry to congratulate

On this teachers day,

The sun is in the sky, like in spring,

Smiles brighter!

Congratulations and wishes

Believe me, from the heart,

And they assure you of love

Adults and kids.

On behalf of all the children - thank you,

Hello from my parents,

Let all the time in your life

There will be a correct "answer".

Let the teacher's business

Thrives on Earth

And "Teacher" with a capital T

He will be the leader in the country.

(A. Voight)

Teacher's Day

On this day we solemnly congratulate
Those people who give us knowledge!
After all, a TEACHER is not just a profession,
This is a mission, this is a calling!

We are reading these lines now,
Because we can read.
But sometimes we completely forget
Who taught us to count and write.

Those who tinkered with us in kindergarten,
Who tolerated our petty pranks.
Those who generously shared their experience
Year after year, without knowing fatigue.

May we achieve something in life
Only at the cost of your efforts,
Let's remember those from whom we learned,
It is unlikely that we could have managed without them.

We studied all our lives and managed
Accumulate a lot of knowledge in yourself,
But at the same time we didn’t have time at all
Teach no one anything.

But it's not so simple -
Share your valuable knowledge
After all, TEACHER is not only a profession,
This is a mission, this is a calling!

(Silver Shield)

I sing Glory to the teachers today!

I sing Glory to the teacher today!
All the people are unanimous with me.
There are so many students every year,
You were rightfully called a mentor.

Teacher is the main calling!
Take a low bow from us,
I wish that the fire in the soul does not go out,
So that the ocean gives children knowledge.

Your work is necessary and so great!
But we appreciate it only over the years,
I remember everyone who was once with us,
But, it’s a pity, it’s hard to remember their faces.

Always be loved by everyone!
Let sadness not cool your souls,
Let people lift you to the pedestal,
You and I will be happy then!

(I. Zuenkova)

Kind words to teachers

How much maternal warmth
And you give away your tenderness
To boys and girls, in the morning
They will come to your class and sit opposite you.

Who learned their lessons and who didn't,
This one is diligent, but this one is as if in captivity.
They need an answer to a hundred questions.
Class is like theater: everyone has roles

And you, as a director among children,
Here you will find monologues and reprises,
Each of them is full of ideas,
Love and passion, your dreams, your whims.

Your world is both sonorous and great,
Talented, bright and not at all boring,
It’s impossible to convey all the words, but among them
A TEACHER is always in tune with KINDNESS.

(V. Isaeva)

Funny telegrams of congratulations to teachers

Russian language teachers

Were you able to teach children this way?
What, how long will they be alive?
They will be able to dedicate to the Fatherland
Souls have wonderful impulses.
Your work, like our century, is golden!
Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy.

History teachers

You taught without boredom
History, your science.
I'm not the only one convinced of this,
The historian Karamzin himself.

For teachers of English and Spanish languages

Children were able to be taught this way,
So that they can read
Not only comics in the magazine,
But also us in the original
Without difficulties or problems.
Cervantes, Burns, O. Henry, Twain.

For math teachers

This is how the children taught your subject,
They forgot the TV!
Everything is still being calculated.
I am delighted!

Physics teachers

The children loved physics
My laws have been studied.
I am simply delighted with you!
Isaac Newton.

Biology teachers

You told the children that
That people are created by labor.
So that they can study your subject,
A carload of labor had to be invested.
Three carriages, to be more precise.
Vavilov, Darwin and Linnaeus.

Geography teachers

You taught geography
Visited in absentia with children
Many cities and countries.
I am delighted!

Chemistry teachers

The subject was well studied,
They didn't forget my table.
Loved chemistry-science
Which means the dream was in hand!
I don't regret it at all.
Father of the table

For physical education teachers

There is no better lesson
What is our favorite subject?
You, dear physical trainers,
All the graduates love it!

To the director and deputy directors of the school

Everyone knows: glory to our school
Created by your efforts.
Ushinsky himself congratulates you,
Janusz Korczak and Sukhomlinski.

(G. Kapetskaya)

Happy Teacher's Day, colleagues!

A teacher is like a trainer,
He enters class with a smile in the morning,
Like a traffic controller on duty
Sometimes he's on recess,

In the dining room there is a clever cook,
Obliged to feed the children
The eyes do not sleep, the brain and the ear,
So as not to miss anything,

Like a detective looking for Vasya’s slippers,
Like a doctor he will heal bruises,
Then he runs and washes the rags,
So that the class has a decent appearance,

Flies with cardiac arrest
To where you can hear a child's cry,
And it helps, since it’s awkward
The student scattered the briefcase.

Horizontally vertically,
A kilometer behind a kilometer,
Note that not virtually,
Teacher racer looking for a trail

Suddenly a lost class,
Where everyone is a little cunning
And there will be a lot of excuses,
But a special teacher catches them!

Calls the parents of the rake,
I decided to skip class
And in the evening from all stress
Almost loses his soul!

The soul wants to part with the body,
The body has no strength at all,
But he's fussing over his notebooks
Teacher, asking God

Give him a reprieve for now:
Grades must be given
And the whole evening and even the night
He draws either “three” or “five”.

All this is as if in between,
After all, his main work is to teach,
Use a computer and chalk
Explore programs with children

And be the child’s elder friend,
Always beam with kindness...
So from September to May - in a circle!!!
Teacher, dear, wait,

Today is your holiday, teacher,
Stop and catch your breath.
A prankster is running towards you with a flower!
You dedicated your life to the guys!

(G. Stanislavskaya )

Congratulations, we love,
And dear teachers,
On this holiday we wish you,
More bright - bright days.

With gratitude we wish,
Good luck and love to you,
Both health and finances,
Well, happiness is ahead.

So that loved ones - relatives,
Were there every day
And the worries are not easy,
Disappeared like a shadow!

On this bright important holiday
I want to congratulate you,
Wish you respect
In children's eyes to watch.

For success and achievements
We will be grateful to you
And we will say “thank you” more than once
To all my teachers.

Teachers are the same angels
They just hid the wings behind the board.
They are harsh teachers for children,
But with open, loving kindness.

All secrets are revealed to them,
They know the souls of their students by heart.
And that's why they get angry
And sometimes sadness stirs their hearts.

And on Teacher's Day we sincerely wish you
Lots of health, don’t grow old in your soul.
Happiness, good luck, love of course
And there are so many heavenly blessings to count.

Teacher is very important in our life,
He teaches us and gives us knowledge,
He is strict, smart, handsome, impeccable,
And it leads us into a world of enormous knowledge.

Happy World Teacher's Day,
And we wish you creative victories,
We praise teachers in all ages,
There are no more worthy professions than these!

A teacher is a difficult profession.
Your work is very important to us.
You put your own soul into us.
Thank you, teachers!

The teacher will teach not only
How to write and count.
The teacher will teach you manners,
Teach others to help.

It is important and dear to everyone.
Everyone has a favorite teacher.
Thank you for your love,
Thanks for so much effort!

Happy World Teachers Day
Congratulates you -
Guardian experts -
Our whole friendly class.

Let life boil and give light,
And the children love you.
After all, there are no such people in life,
Creating everything for us.

Teacher - there is no calling more difficult!
You have a special task -
Educate and enlighten people.
May good luck accompany you in this.

There are times when you want to leave,
Everyone has moments of weakness.
But you have no other way -
Success awaits you at the finish line.

This holiday is very important
Everyone and everything knows about him,
After all, everyone went to school,
Everyone had teachers.

Dear teachers!
May we wish you
So that you don't know the worries,
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged.

Let the sun shine brightly
And you don’t know troubles
We are forever your children,
There is simply no one more dear to you.

World Teachers Day! We you
We hasten to congratulate you and wish you good health!
Congratulations now
With great gratitude, with love!

Happy paths only to you in your destiny,
Students who would happily study,
So that everyone can reach the top,
And so that you are always proud of them!

To you, the sowers of eternal reason,
Let me say thank you
And peaceful, clear skies
Over your destiny to wish.

Let the lessons bring joy,
And may each of your students
Passes all tests on time.
And to get used to discipline!

Congratulations for teachers, poems

Let failures not break you,
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.
Long years and success in your work
All the children want to wish you
May you have many successful years
Together with the birds of happiness they fly!

Teacher's Day. Congratulations

On days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
God knows in what year, in what region -
We kind words let's not forget to remember
Your first teacher!
That she carefully counted us like chickens,
When I took you under my wing,
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And she solemnly led into the school walls.
Thank you for your word, for your science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart!..

Congratulations to the teacher on Teacher's Day

Teachers, thank you for everything.
Let's all go to first grade
And we forgot about everything.
We looked at you.
Smiling at the board.
You gave good grades.
We all loved you
And it is true!
Why did you come here then?
Why do we come and go,
Are we saying hello, goodbye?
Why did they give songs and poems?
Stories, fairy tales, and poems?
Yes, because we love you forever!
You remain in our hearts.

Wishes for a teacher on Teacher's Day

Each of us is ready to convey to you
A thousand kind and affectionate words!
From your yesterdays, from yours today,
From your tomorrow's students!
Today we are on behalf of every heart,
On behalf of our happy youth.
On behalf of our sonorous childhood
We tell you - thank you!
You will always remain next to us,
Because we always need you.
This means you will never grow old.
Never! Never! Never!

Once very small
They took us to school
Our bows turned white,
The bouquets were blooming.
And awkward fingers
You taught me to write,
And what is Motherland?
You and I felt it!
If anyone gets into trouble,
Or what else will happen,
We run to you like to a spring,
Drink living water...
You were an affectionate mother,
With goodness, warmth and light,
We were happy in class
Well, how can I forget all this?
And the years are gray horses
Faster - faster they rushed,
Teacher first,
How we missed you!

Wishes for the teacher

We were all students.
We grew up with teachers.
And everyone could choose for themselves
Liked among teachers!
And the image carried through the years,
Never forgetting.
Over the years, getting older,
I felt a deeper connection.
It is not immediately possible for us to understand:
What was sown in us has come up,
And only thanks to them
We do not live in vain.
Teacher, the years will pass,
But the memory will not be completely erased.
You are my forever ideal,
I've been following you all my life.
I'm in a hurry on Teacher's Day
One of the first in the morning
Bring you a bouquet of flowers,
Who will say more words.

Wishes for the teacher

You are needed, needed forever
Both the young man and the old man,
To enrich them persistently.
This is how ore is mined.
So the light of spring is always awaited,
And this is how grains are grown.
Your work... Like a jeweler sometimes
Polishes a tiny diamond
This is how they impart shine to damask steel.
Yes, the main thing in the current fate
The earth owes you.
Teacher! May you be a hundred times
They will praise, thank
And they will ascend to the throne of songs,
So that with every generation from now on
It's magical for you to look younger
In work that is so wonderful!

Wishes for the teacher

Our wishes are endless
Joy, excellent health,
Happiness and warmth
Let your smiles glow with love!

Wishes for the teacher

You are a teacher with a capital letter,
With a young and beautiful soul!
How many long years, how many winters
You give your soul to the young!
And so the soul for many years
Stays young - that's the secret
Of your life. Let her continue
You will be full of happiness and health!

Birthday wishes for teachers

Teacher, the days of your life are like one,
You dedicate to the school family,
You are everyone who came to you to study,
You call them your children.
But children grow up, from school
Walking the roads of life
And your lessons are remembered,
And they keep you in their hearts.
Favorite teacher, dear person,
Be the happiest in the world
Even though sometimes it’s hard for you
Your naughty children.
You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
Accept our gratitude!
We remember how you brought us into the public eye
From timid, funny first-graders.
M. Sadovsky

Birthday greetings to teachers

Teacher! Congratulations on your holiday
We want a pure heart today!
You were able to direct the path to the Kingdom of Knowledge -
Everyone knows how important knowledge is!
Even more important is that with all my soul
You cared about your students!
Dear teacher! We will not hide from you:
Sometimes we had our head in the clouds!
But time passed, our wings grew stronger,
And your noble work is not lost!
Let everything you dreamed about become reality;
May every day be successful for us!

Wishes for the teacher

The teacher generously teaches us that
What you really need in life:
Patience, reading, counting and writing,
And loyalty to the native Fatherland.

Wishes for the teacher

Stand above life young
Keeping the beautiful unity,
Age-old honor, holy duty -
Teaching and motherhood.
First awaken your souls
Let the thirst for knowledge awaken in them,
Then take the pets
To a transparent, clean well.
Living water from the depths
Teach me to scoop with my hand,
To love your people and land,
To become more mature and prettier in soul.

Congratulations and toasts on Teacher's Day

Thank you, teachers,
For your good deeds.
Thank you all, dears,
For our young souls!
Thank you from all of us
For your spacious bright classroom,
For that long-awaited call,
What brought us to class...
We will remember you, dear ones,
Storming gave blue,
On the farm, in the field, at the machine
We will never forget you.
May the sun give us smiles,
And let there be plenty of happiness!