Obstinate woman meaning. An obstinate character is a path to nowhere. The secret ingredient to taming girls

When in society, you can often hear the common phrase: “He has an obstinate character!” Meanwhile, few know what this concept actually means. This article is intended to explain the essence of obstinacy, interprets the reasons for its formation in an individual and gives simple recommendations on how to overcome this quality of character. If there is such a person in your family, then now you will know how to behave with him so as not to get into awkward and unpleasant situations.

What is obstinacy?

If you turn to the explanatory dictionary, then this concept is synonymous with stubbornness and self-will. However, an obstinate person is not always someone who knows how to insist on his own; rather, he is characterized by increased aggressiveness towards the people around him. Such a person wants his family and friends to notice his individuality, take into account his needs and fulfill all his wishes.

In fact, an obstinate person is always an egoist, since he strives, first of all, to satisfy his own needs. Perhaps at some moments in his life he is able to think about others, but only when his interests come into contact with the desires of others.

Obstinacy is not simple stubbornness. What is it expressed in? A person can defend his point of view, even if he sees the fallacy of his own conclusions. It is extremely difficult for him to admit that he is wrong. Sometimes a comical situation is created: a person continues to put forward new arguments against someone else’s opinion and becomes entangled in judgments. However, for such a person it is not so important what to say, but to whom and in what terms. This is a weak person for whom showing his human qualities is completely unacceptable. Almost always this person is inclined to subjugate others to his will. If he becomes a leader, he imposes his vision of life on his subordinates and mercilessly exploits them.

Reasons for formation

An obstinate character is necessarily the result of improper upbringing. If in childhood a child is allowed everything, dreams come true immediately, as soon as he has time to voice them, then soon parents should expect their child to develop such qualities as negativity towards everything that contradicts his desires, extreme stubbornness, arrogance, boasting , the desire to demonstrate superiority over others. Such a child subsequently does not know how to adequately communicate with other children and begins to offend them. It is hardly worth proving that he has few or no friends. Obstinate means focused on one’s ego, noticing only oneself.

Sometimes a child's character deteriorates as a result of the fact that his wishes are not noticed by his parents. So the child unsuccessfully tries to attract attention to himself with various kinds of antics: out of spite, he spills milk on the table, refuses to go to bed at the appointed hour, calls him bad names and says nasty things to adults and peers.

Inability to interact with others

Have you ever thought about why an obstinate person is in most cases a problem for others? After all, no one sees themselves from the outside. The reaction of those nearby gives the person the opposite effect. It turns out that an overly stubborn person really needs “spectators”, a public that would appreciate his complex individuality.

Thus, the person asks for help, but in what way? She clearly lacks communication, real recognition of her abilities and talents, but she does this by deliberately pushing people away from her. It turns out to be a very confusing and painful chain of actions.

Obstinate man

He always wants to have exclusive power. It is almost impossible to come to an agreement with him. Sometimes in a conversation you feel how he wants to crush you with his imaginary rightness; it is useless to argue with him. Such people look down on others and do not recognize anyone's position. When they feel emotionally unwell, they take their anger out on those who are nearby at the moment.

Why is a wayward woman almost always doomed to loneliness?

You can often hear that this or that lady is obstinate. Which one is this? Is she necessarily a bitchy person? Not at all. An obstinate woman is, first of all, her own “saboteur”: she does not understand that through her actions and deeds she is destroying relationships with people near and dear to her heart.

In addition, she almost always strives for authoritarian leadership. This applies to both the family budget and relationships with men. And a representative of the stronger sex can rarely like such treatment. Finding no understanding in marital relations, such a woman risks being left alone.

How to learn to be more tolerant?

An obstinate person is always a hidden trouble. If you look into the situation, it turns out that he himself needs the help and attention of loved ones. The following tips will be useful both to those in whose environment there is an overly stubborn person, and to individuals who, to one degree or another, suffer from a difficult character.

1. Do not try to forcefully resolve the situation. There is no need to demonstratively turn away or answer your opponent’s question with rudeness. Show tact and delicacy. Just imagine how difficult it is for your interlocutor.

2. Work on improving your own character. No matter how you are treated, you can always influence the current situation. Analyze your motives and actions: perhaps you also do not always act correctly and honestly.

It should be noted that an obstinate person is a slave of his own emotions; he causes pain to himself and others. To overcome extreme selfishness in yourself, you need to be sincere.

Bratty, stubborn, opposite, unruly, disobedient, in no mood, unheard, disobedient, disobedient, disobedient Dictionary of Russian synonyms. obstinate see rebellious Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russians... Synonym dictionary

obstinate, oh, oh; Iv. Stubborn, loving to act contrary to anyone, rebellious. S. old man. C. character. | noun obstinacy, and, female Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

obstinate- oh, oh; ti/v; ti/va 1) About a person, an animal: inclined to behave, to act contrary to someone else. or whatever, self-willed. A stubborn horse. An obstinate student. [Yashenka] came to his senses: as obstinate as he was before, he is now so submissive (Saltykov... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

obstinate- extremely obstinate unusually obstinate... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

- @font face (font family: ChurchArial; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px;font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   (σκολιός) curved, tortuous; evil one, (δύσβατος)… … Dictionary of Church Slavonic language

Obstinate (Deut. 32:5; Phil. 2:15) stubborn, disobedient, self-willed, deviating from the truth... Bible. Dilapidated and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

I m. One who is stubborn, self-willed, who likes to act contrary to someone or anything. II adj. 1. Stubborn, self-willed, rebellious, loving to act contrary to someone or anything. 2. Full of stubbornness and self-will. Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate,... ... Forms of words

obstinate- Original. Suf. derived from str'pt "perseverance, obstinacy, difficulty, hindrance", formed through suf. come from the same base (with a change in vocalization) as the string, scab... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Shrew and Indomitable, Jordan Sophie. Portia Derring, the heiress of a noble impoverished family, arrived at the estate of Earl Morton, only to refuse another contender for her hand. She values ​​her own freedom most dearly...
  • Shrew and Indomitable, Sophie Jordan. Portia Derring, the heiress of a noble impoverished family, arrived at the estate of Earl Morton, only to refuse another contender for her hand. She values ​​her own freedom most dearly...

Bratty, stubborn, opposite, unruly, disobedient, in no mood, unheard, disobedient, disobedient, disobedient Dictionary of Russian synonyms. obstinate see rebellious Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russians... Synonym dictionary

obstinate, obstinate, obstinate; obstinate, obstinate, obstinate (colloquial). Stubborn and capricious, loving to argue and act contrary to anyone or anything. An obstinate person. Obstinate behavior. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935… Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

obstinate- oh, oh; ti/v; ti/va 1) About a person, an animal: inclined to behave, to act contrary to someone else. or whatever, self-willed. A stubborn horse. An obstinate student. [Yashenka] came to his senses: as obstinate as he was before, he is now so submissive (Saltykov... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

obstinate- extremely obstinate unusually obstinate... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

- @font face (font family: ChurchArial; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px;font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   (σκολιός) curved, tortuous; evil one, (δύσβατος)… … Dictionary of Church Slavonic language

Obstinate (Deut. 32:5; Phil. 2:15) stubborn, disobedient, self-willed, deviating from the truth... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Biblical encyclopedia arch. Nikifor.

I m. One who is stubborn, self-willed, who likes to act contrary to someone or anything. II adj. 1. Stubborn, self-willed, rebellious, loving to act contrary to someone or anything. 2. Full of stubbornness and self-will. Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate, obstinate,... ... Forms of words

obstinate- Original. Suf. derived from str'pt "perseverance, obstinacy, difficulty, hindrance", formed through suf. come from the same base (with a change in vocalization) as the string, scab... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Shrew and Indomitable, Jordan Sophie. Portia Derring, the heiress of a noble impoverished family, arrived at the estate of Earl Morton, only to refuse another contender for her hand. She values ​​her own freedom most dearly...
  • Shrew and Indomitable, Sophie Jordan. Portia Derring, the heiress of a noble impoverished family, arrived at the estate of Earl Morton, only to refuse another contender for her hand. She values ​​her own freedom most dearly...

We are accustomed to the fact that an obstinate person is a person who has some negative quality. But it's actually not that bad. The owner of such a character will always be able to stand up for himself and does not allow anyone to control him. After all, how often we cannot simply refuse a person. But others quickly notice this and begin to use it for their own purposes. And then they shift the entire burden of problems onto us, and we silently drag them along with us.

Is the obstinate a person or not?

The owner of this quality never depends on anyone and owes nothing to anyone. He has his own opinion about everything, and he always defends it. An obstinate person is a person who can easily refuse someone. Colleagues will not call him and ask him to help with something at work. Yes, he himself will not stay there until late to help out his employee. “What about kindness and mutual assistance?” - you ask. There must be a limit to everything. You shouldn’t run headlong when the phone just rings. And you don’t need to start a friendly conversation with a stranger. We must learn to say “no.” If you've done something, don't expect to get anything in return. Give only when you really want to. After all, it is much easier to live for a person who has such qualities. You shouldn’t think about how to tame an obstinate colleague. Better take an example from him and be a little tougher.

Shrew Girl: Taming

There are many ways of such manipulations. One of them is physical. Practice proves that it is completely ineffective. Moral and intellectual ones are also unlikely to be effective. If you use financial, the woman will most likely submit to you, but will think that you are very greedy. But think about the opposite. After all, all of the above actions are just ordinary manipulation that no one likes. From childhood, every woman is taught by her mother how to behave in the family and how to treat her husband. Men do not receive such training. As a result, we see that many young families are controlled by their mother.

We are reprehensible towards a mother's son, but it is completely normal to treat a mother's daughter. This humiliates men, because they want them to be the masters of the house, and their opinion is the main thing. And such ladies do not even strive to save the family. After all, the “married” status is already in their pocket, and the rest is not so important. So they get divorced quite easily, and they try to do it so that everyone knows about it. And then they begin to talk about how she never managed to create a normal family due to the fact that her husband turned out to be a goat and a scoundrel. So she will have to raise her children alone. And it’s also quite difficult for those men who have always been under the strict control of their mother. After all, they are accustomed to the fact that she is the boss of the house, and only she knows how everything should be. So he starts a family and strictly follows all his wife’s instructions. He yields to her in everything, demonstrating his behavior to his own children. And they, in turn, adopt this family model and carry it into their own adult life. It turns out that the obstinate is, first of all, an independent and self-confident person. Whether it’s worth taming it is up to you to decide. One thing is certain: women's independence can seriously affect family life.

Hello dear readers. In this article we will talk about what human obstinacy means, what are the main manifestations of such a condition. You will find out why such a character trait arises. You will know how to behave around an obstinate person.

Characteristic manifestations

An obstinate person is a rather selfish person who tries to satisfy his needs, sometimes acting at the expense of his values.

  1. For such a person, the main thing is to go against other people, not to listen to their opinions.
  2. He may even refuse offers that interest him just because someone insists on it.
  3. An obstinate person wants to follow his decisions to the last, even if at some point he realizes that they are wrong.
  4. Often an obstinate person gets confused in his statements when he tries to prove something or argue with his interlocutor.
  5. Such a person does not care about evidence; he is interested in the conflict itself with the people around him.
  6. An obstinate person often becomes a manipulator when he is ready to do anything to achieve his goal.
  7. It may seem to other people that the person in front of them is pliable, however, this will be his trick.
  8. An obstinate person will not allow someone to control him.
  9. He will always have his own opinion.
  10. He will not succumb to the influence of others.
  11. An obstinate person tries to impose his opinion on everyone around him. If he becomes a manager, he often leads his company to degradation and is unable to improve the work process. In addition, such a boss will not hesitate to use his subordinates for his own selfish purposes and will impose on them his vision of work processes.

An obstinate baby will typically:

  • abnormal behavior accompanied by frequent bouts of crying, anger and screaming;
  • he can easily fall to the floor, will fight in hysterics only in order to achieve what he dreams of;
  • By his actions, the child is trying to show his parents that he will still achieve what he wants and will force them to give in.


In psychology, there is an opinion that obstinacy, as a character trait, takes its origins from childhood. Developmental psychology points to a crisis at the age of three. It is during this period that the baby develops obstinacy, stubbornness and negativism. The baby easily tests his parents’ strength and sets the boundaries of his personal space. The toddler becomes disobedient, capricious, easily throws tantrums, refuses to carry out usual assignments, and protests against the daily routine. How correctly the parents will behave during this period depends on what the child’s character will be in the future. If they allow the child to follow whatever he wants, then obstinacy, as a character trait, will remain with him for many years and will remain in adulthood. However, you need to understand that categorical prohibitions will lead to childish stubbornness, and in the future to self-will.

Parents should understand that obstinacy at the age of three is normal. However, they must control this process, help the little one, and teach them how to reconcile their needs with the desires of the people around them.

During adolescence, children try to free themselves from parental care and declare their independence with all their might. If parents keep a tight rein and do not allow him to take a single step to the side, then the child will begin to develop obstinacy, which will manifest itself in non-participation in the life of his family. The teenager will begin to reproach his parents, try to protest everything around him, for example, get an incomprehensible hairstyle, piercing, and start dressing strangely. Hysterics with tears and screams are possible.

Other reasons include:

  • innate qualities that are inherited;
  • psychological trauma suffered in childhood;
  • cases of failure at the time of career growth;
  • inflated self-esteem and pride.

How to behave with such a person

  1. If you come across an obstinate person, then you do not need to try to convey to him that you are right by shouting or swearing. Arguing with such a person is absolutely useless. Moreover, it is unlikely that you will be able to convince him.
  2. If stubbornness and obstinacy are characteristic traits of your friend, try to find the true reasons for their occurrence. Perhaps you will be able to find your own approach to this person.
  3. If obstinacy is inherent in a work colleague, then you need to try to avoid him and minimize possible conflicts.
  4. If your chosen one is obstinate, then you need to treat this as a woman’s whims and try to choose your own approach to proper communication with her. You must understand that somewhere in the depths there is a tender and vulnerable girl who needs your protection.
  5. When an obstinate person appears next to you, you need to be patient. Of course, it is very difficult to communicate with such a person, but you need to understand that your help and support is extremely important to him, and not protest and ignoring.
  6. Learn to behave delicately, do not even think of responding with aggression to the behavior of such a person. Don't try to forcefully convince him that he is wrong. Be tactful.
  7. Parents who forbid their child to do something should always justify their prohibitions, try to explain to the child why exactly this is happening, but in no case insult him or punish him.