How to find out what symptoms are pregnant. How to understand that you are pregnant, without a test in the early stages. When you can determine the origin of a new life

          The most common way to find out if a woman is in an interesting position is to do a test. You can purchase different tests at the pharmacy. They differ from each other in the technology for detecting the hCG hormone, which accumulates in a woman's body if she is waiting.

The simplest test is a strip on which a reagent is applied. This reagent reacts chemically with urine. If a hormone is found in the urine, a test. This result indicates that the woman is expecting a baby. The test will give reliable information only if the conditions for its storage and use have not been violated. In addition to test strips, there are still inkjet tests. They are considered more accurate and show a positive result even in early pregnancy. But their price is much higher than ordinary test strips. The blast test does not require prior collection of urine. It is enough to substitute one end of it under the stream of urine, and in a couple of minutes the result will be known.

Only a doctor can say for sure whether a woman is expecting a baby or not. For this, it will be necessary to conduct an examination and pass a series of tests.

Definition of pregnancy at home

If it is not possible to get a pregnancy test, then you can use the long-known method. It was still used in the distant past. It is necessary to dip a paper strip in morning urine, then drop 2 drops of iodine on it. If the strip has acquired a purple or lilac color, then the woman is expecting a baby. If the color of the iodine remains the same brown or blue, then there is no pregnancy. The veracity of this method of determining pregnancy should not be vouched. When using test strips or using other methods for determining pregnancy, it is important to use fresh, morning urine. It will contain a high level of hCG hormone.
It is recommended to conduct a test to determine pregnancy only after 10 days of delayed menstruation. Doing a test earlier is simply pointless.

Soda is an indispensable tool in the household. It can be used to determine if a woman is pregnant or not. You should collect some urine in clean dishes. Then pour a teaspoon of soda there. If there is noise and hissing, then the test gave a negative result, if the soda fell to the bottom silently, then there is a chance that the addition will happen soon in the family.

Pregnancy - planned or unexpected, sudden or long-awaited - in any case, I always want to quickly find out if it has occurred. A few days delay ...

The body sends weak and not entirely clear signals. But how to find out, is it really the birth of a new life or just a physiological failure, is there any reason to rejoice or worry. To understand this, find out:

  • when pregnancy can be determined after conception;
  • in what ways can this be done.

The Sacrament of Conception

The favorable period for conception is 12-15 days from the beginning of menstruation,   about the middle of the cycle, when the egg matures, moves into the fallopian tube and expects there a “date” with the sperm.

This period is called ovulation, it lasts only 24 hours. Ovulation can be determined by symptoms such as discharge, minor pain in the lower abdomen, chest tenderness.

The meeting of the male and female cells occurs a few hours after intercourse. Sperm cells are actively moving forward, not stopping for a second.

Most of them die, overcoming a long way and encountering natural barriers, but   the strongest and most hardy meet the egg.

They attack her, simultaneously striking with ponytails on her surface, but only one makes its way inside - conception has occurred.

The egg and sperm become one. After a day, the cell begins to divide and move to the uterus. Once inside, the cell attaches to its wall. Now we can say for sure that the pregnancy has come.

When can you determine the origin of a new life?

Delayed menstruation is the most famous sign of pregnancy.   If a female event did not occur on the appointed day, this immediately becomes a cause for excitement.

  When it is possible to determine pregnancy after conception is a matter of concern to any girl who dreams of motherhood

However, there are other methods for determining fertilization, some of which can be used before the delay, while others are effective only after it.

You can check for pregnancy in the following ways:

  • using a test strip;
  • having hCG analysis;
  • measuring basal body temperature;
  • by doing an ultrasound scan.

Of course, you can immediately plan a visit to a doctor who will examine the cervix and say whether there is a pregnancy or not. But if the answer is needed "here and now", then you can use the specified methods.

First symptoms

When pregnancy can be determined after conception, the female body will tell you.   After a week, hormonal changes begin to occur in it, and at this time the first signals of the onset of pregnancy are felt.

Its initial stage can manifest itself in the form of:

  • morning sickness;
  • irritability and drowsiness;
  • strange taste preferences;
  • unexpected reaction to odors;
  • breast sensitivity;
  • slight severity in the lower abdomen.

All these signs are similar to manifestations of premenstrual syndrome   and it’s not always possible to pay attention to them, therefore, when specific symptoms appear, it is worth taking an analysis for hCG.

We give an analysis of hCG

The hCG hormone (human choreonic gonadotropin) produces the outer shell of the fetus from the moment it is fixed in the uterus. Thus, it can be determined shortly after conception.

Therefore, the presence of hCG in urine or blood is one of the options to find out about pregnancy before the delay.

HCG tests are taken on an empty stomach, usually in the morning, excluding physical activity and taking medications (especially hormonal ones) the day before.

You can donate blood for a test 7-10 days after conception, but for reliability it is better to repeat it a week later. A urinalysis is usually given no earlier than 14 days after conception.

“Pregnancy hormone” doubles every few days. Therefore, if an increase in the concentration of the hormone is observed upon repeated testing, this will be a guaranteed indicator of pregnancy.

It's important to know!   Zero or close to this result of the hCG hormone indicates the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

Do the test

The most easily accessible way to diagnose pregnancy is a pharmacy analysis.   It is used even during a slight delay in menstruation.

The test strip should be held briefly in the urine and look at the number of marks that appeared: 1 mark - no pregnancy, 2 marks indicate the birth of a new life.

Tests vary in sensitivity. Conventional tests determine pregnancy from the first days of a delay, i.e. when the embryo is about 15 days old. But there are hypersensitives that can show this already a week after conception.

Note! “Two strips” are not always a 100% indicator of pregnancy. For reliability, it is better to repeat the test the next day.

A test error is possible in cases when:

  • a large amount of liquid was drunk the day before, and the concentration of the hormone in the urine was significantly reduced;
  • the test was done incorrectly or too early;
  • there are violations of the ovaries;
  • there was a pathology of pregnancy.

If the test is carried out correctly and in a timely manner, in most cases it will show the correct result.

Measure basal temperature

Another well-known, but not the easiest method for determining pregnancy is to measure basal temperature.   Most often it is monitored to determine ovulation, but it will help to indicate at the time of fertilization.

It is measured in the rectum with a conventional thermometer, constantly the same. Indications are recorded in a notebook or build a schedule.

It's important to know!   Basal temperature will help determine when conception occurred, and whether pregnancy occurred after that, but it is a fairly sensitive indicator and can respond to stress, digestive upsets, alcohol, so its data is not 100% result.

Measure basal temperature on the first day of menstruation. This is done in the morning, immediately after waking up, without making sudden movements.

With regular measurements, it will be seen that in the first two weeks of the cycle, the temperature will stay within 36.3-36.8 degrees, then fall by 2-3 divisions, after which there will be a sharp jump of about half a degree, to 37-37.3, which means ovulation.

At this mark, she will remain until menstruation, and a day before it will fall slightly. If, before menstruation, the temperature does not drop, but remains the same or rises another 0.1-0.2 degrees, this indicates pregnancy.

Thus, the emergence of a new life can be found already in 1-2 days of delay.

We go to the ultrasound

The most reliable diagnostic method is ultrasound,   it will help determine exactly if there is a pregnancy and when the conception occurred.

But you should not run to the clinic immediately after the test showed 2 strips. You need to wait at least a week. By this time, the fetus will be about 3-4 weeks old and an ultrasound scan will be able to accurately ascertain the fact of pregnancy.

However, doctors warn that it is best to undergo ultrasound diagnostics no earlier than 10 days delay. During this period, you can already see if the pregnancy is uterine or ectopic, and also get information about the development of the fetus.

Ultrasound investigation is carried out in two ways:

  • abdominal - through the abdominal wall, the same one when a woman needs to drink liquid before the procedure;
  • transvaginal - the introduction of the sensor through the vagina, the proximity of the sensor to the uterus allows you to get more reliable information.

How soon can you determine the conception of folk recipes

"To see live fish in a dream - to the birth of a child." Our grandmothers unconditionally believed this sign. And even now, their proven diagnostic methods are not inferior to modern methods. The most famous - with the help of soda and iodine, they are made with a delay in menstruation.

Another interesting way is to hang the engagement ring on your own hair or light thread over the woman’s belly. If the ring moves slightly, it is considered pregnant, and if it hangs motionless, it means no.

You can find out about pregnancy at least 7 days after conception, but this will only be a preliminary result that needs additional confirmation, and more reliable information can be obtained no earlier than 14 days after fertilization.

When can pregnancy be determined after conception:

The first signs of pregnancy after conception:

To determine the presence of pregnancy, home pregnancy tests are used, which are easy to obtain at any pharmacy. But often a woman wants to know if she is pregnant, even before the test is able to show two strips.

Definition of pregnancy by its condition

Before the onset of menstruation, indirect signs of pregnancy may appear (soreness and enlargement of the breast, change of mood and taste preferences, etc.). It is impossible to rely on them with absolute certainty, since the same symptoms can occur before menstruation.

And the delay itself will talk about the probable onset of pregnancy only on condition that the woman is completely healthy and before that her body worked without the slightest malfunction, and the cycle was always stable.

But still, we will analyze the symptoms that the interviewed girls noted in their position a few days before the alleged menstruation.   So, with the onset of pregnancy, many observed the following changes:

  • concerned about weakness in the body;
  • pulls the lower abdomen, pricks in the ovary;
  • swelling and tenderness of the chest;
  • urination becomes more frequent (in the presence of this symptom, the development of cystitis must be excluded).

Some of the respondents did not have chest pains at all, although there was a pregnancy. Mostly women complained of weakness, drowsiness, rapid fatigue. This is directly related to a change in hormonal levels. But even with chronic lack of sleep, frequent stress, lack of rest, too, such well-being outside of pregnancy can also be observed. Therefore, you can not take this condition as a sure sign of pregnancy.

It is also necessary to say about body temperature. Many pregnant women thought they had a cold because they had a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius. In general, this is normal body temperature during pregnancy. Therefore, if a constant elevated temperature (37.0-37.4 degrees) is observed within 2 weeks after the proposed conception, then this phenomenon is often considered as the first symptom of a successful conception. Doctors explain this condition by the fact that during pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the body of a woman rises, which causes an increase in body temperature.

Methods for determining pregnancy without a test

Home pregnancy tests are very convenient, but they are not always at hand. Consider folk methods for determining pregnancy a few days before the expected menstrual period or during the delay period.

Iodine application

Iodine was often used by our grandmothers to detect pregnancy. There are several ways to use this tool:

  1. You need to collect urine in a clean bowl and add a drop of iodine.
  2. Pregnancy did not occur if a drop of iodine dissolved.
  3. If iodine lingers on the surface in the form of a floating spot - there is a high probability of having a pregnancy.

In order for this method to be the most accurate, several important rules must be observed. The test is carried out only on the first morning urine. Before collecting material, hygiene procedures are mandatory, but without the use of soap. Iodine is added using a pipette, which should be brought closer to the surface of the urine as close as possible.

You can use the second diagnostic method at home:

  1. A small strip of paper is taken and wetted in the first morning urine. The strip should be completely saturated.
  2. A drop of iodine is applied to the paper.
  3. The paper has changed color to a blue or purple hue - there is a high probability of pregnancy.

These methods are considered popular, since science refutes their reliability. Iodine changes color to blue / violet with a high starch content in the paper. And whether iodine dissolves or not depends on the acidity (pH) of the urine. In an alkaline environment, iodine will dissolve.

Baking soda

Connoisseurs on the Internet recommend using baking soda, which is in almost every home, to determine whether a woman is in an interesting position or not. This method is based on the following statement - if fertilization of the egg has occurred, the acid-base indicator (pH) of urine changes to alkaline. That is why soda does not give a reaction.

So, it is advised to carry out the following procedure:

  1. Morning urine is poured into the container and a spoonful of baking soda is added, and now watch for the reaction of soda.
  2. If intense hissing begins and bubbles form, as during the preparation of pops, pregnancy is not confirmed.
  3. In the case when there is no reaction, and the soda powder just settled on the bottom, then there is pregnancy.

It is worth considering the fact that a “pregnant” phenomenon can occur with the predominance of plant foods and milk in the diet, as well as with kidney diseases. With regular consumption of meat, or, on the contrary, with starvation and dehydration, urine becomes acidic (ie, “not pregnant”). So this method is also doubtful, because the pH of urine depends on our menu and health status.

Basal temperature measurement

According to experts, this method allows you to establish the presence of pregnancy with the greatest accuracy and can be used at home. It is necessary to take measurements several days before menstruation should occur.

After ovulation, there is a slight increase in basal temperature (BT), which stays in the region of 37 degrees. If this temperature lasts all two to three weeks after ovulation, then it is most likely that pregnancy has occurred.

To get the most accurate information, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • basal temperature measurements should be taken in the morning, immediately after sleep, at about the same time, and be sure to get out of bed (keep the thermometer under the pillow);
  • for measurements, the simplest mercury thermometer is used, which is inserted into the vagina and held for at least 3 minutes;
  • sharp and jerky movements cannot be made, otherwise the result will be distorted;
  • during testing it is important to exclude the possible influence of pathological factors such as influenza or SARS;
  • such measurements should be carried out over several cycles and a special schedule should be maintained.

Indeed, during pregnancy, the basal temperature lasts about 37 degrees from the moment of conception and the entire first trimester. In this case, menstruation is absent. But in obstetric practice there were a lot of examples of how pregnancy also occurred with irregularities in the menstrual cycle (but with the presence of ovulation and open sex life). And in such patients, the basal temperature was unstable or did not reach 37 degrees at all. So, if a girl has a delay in menstruation and BT lasts about 37 degrees, then there is a chance that there is a pregnancy. But if BT does not reach 37 degrees, then pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

By allocation

In the early stages of pregnancy, a change in vaginal discharge may occur - they may become more abundant due to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood or become brown or pink due to the fact that the egg, when attached to the uterine wall, damages the small blood vessels of the endometrium, then an admixture of blood appears in the discharge (this is called "implantation bleeding"). Usually it bleeds poorly during implantation (a couple of drops are observed or smears slightly) and this phenomenon lasts a couple of hours (a few days at most), and there is no pain.

In case of heavy bleeding, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible (he will prescribe a hemostatic if necessary and send for blood test for hCG, which will make it possible to find out if the woman is actually pregnant or not). If there is a pregnancy, then this is a threat of miscarriage, and if there is no pregnancy, then it just went on your period or bleeding started (if such heavy menstruation is not peculiar to you).

"Grandma's" methods

To date, a large number of various long-standing methods that previously helped our ancestors to establish whether a woman is pregnant or not are being retold.

In urine

In early pregnancy, if there is suspicion, you need to take urine, heat and pour into a glass vessel. If the woman is in an interesting position, flakes and a cloudy precipitate should appear in the urine. Of course, an unpleasant and pungent odor will appear during the test, but this method is one of the most popular among our grandmothers.

By pulse

Among the folk methods include measuring the pulse in the abdomen:

  • you need to lie on your back and completely relax;
  • just below the navel (5-6 cm) feel for a pulse;
  • if pulsation is felt, then pregnancy is;
  • provided that there is no pulse in this area, the woman is not pregnant.

Smack of metal

According to folk signs, the expectant mother has a persistent metallic taste in her mouth. This phenomenon is characteristic of the first weeks after fertilization, due to which it is possible to determine the fact of conception.

All these methods are very entertaining, but they will not help in any way to confirm the pregnancy or to refute it.

Test Pregnancy

In order for the rapid pregnancy test to give the most accurate result, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • inspect the packaging for damage;
  • use only the test whose expiration date has not expired;
  • prepare a clean and sterile container;
  • it is best to examine the first morning urine;
  • before the study, hands must be washed and wiped dry;
  • the test strip is lowered into the urine to a specified level;
  • then the test is laid out on a flat, dry surface (preferably on the bag in which the test was lying);
  • after a few minutes, the result will be visible.

Evaluate the result after 3-5 minutes. On some tests, it is indicated that after 5 minutes it is impossible to reliably evaluate the result. And on the contrary, it is said on others that the result should be looked after 10 minutes, but no later than 30 minutes after the test. So read the instructions before you test.

In any case, if the second strip is weakly visible, then repeat the test after 2-3 days. If the second strip has not become brighter, then there is no pregnancy, and this is just a reagent. During pregnancy, the second strip becomes brighter each time, until it is equal in intensity in the control.

Learn more about using a pregnancy test.

How do you know that you are pregnant? (video)

The above methods are almost all unreliable, so they will not help to determine at home whether a conception has occurred or not. And to get more accurate information, you will have to additionally pass tests.

The most reliable way to determine pregnancy before the delay is blood donation for hCG. This is described in more detail in the following video:

Modern private laboratories can determine pregnancy a few days before the alleged menstruation. You just need to donate venous blood and pay for the analysis.

Almost every woman at least once in her life tried to determine the presence of pregnancy. Moreover, both in the case of a desired planned pregnancy, and in the case of unprotected intercourse in the absence of a desire to have a baby, I want to know about pregnancy as soon as possible. A woman begins to listen to her body, pay attention to some things that she had not noticed before.

Quite often, it happens that if you want to get pregnant, a woman begins to convince herself that something has changed, probably it’s already ... And another, for which pregnancy is not long-awaited happiness, but a very big problem, on the contrary, convinces herself to the last that she it’s just that she ate something and got nervous. Unfortunately, the earliest signs of pregnancy are doubtful, reliable come later (and this is logical, since the longer the gestation period, the more accurately you can make a diagnosis). But nevertheless, by the totality of these signs, in most cases a woman can find out about her pregnancy early enough.

All signs of pregnancy are divided into 3 groups:

  • hypothetical   (doubtful, separately completely not informative);
  • probable   (in most cases indicate pregnancy, but can still be due to other reasons;
  • reliable   (100% of cases are signs of pregnancy).

With an ectopic pregnancy, there may be the same symptoms as with a normal pregnancy. With a frozen pregnancy, some symptoms of pregnancy can persist for several days, then disappear.

Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy

These signs are subjective in most cases, often have nothing to do with pregnancy, but they are the earliest, some can be found even before the delay of menstruation. But in some women they are completely absent, she may not notice any changes in her condition for a long time. None of them, even if it is observed for the first time, can accurately indicate the presence of pregnancy.

The most famous symptom is nauseawhich usually occurs in the morning. However, most often, nausea occurs somewhere from 4-6 weeks of pregnancy, that is, after a delay of menstruation has occurred, you should not try to find it in yourself a couple of days after intercourse.

Irritability, quick mood swings. One of the first signs (pregnancy affects the nervous system from the first days), but it is extremely subjective. Agree, a woman can be nervous and irritable due to the very expectation and suspense. In many women, emotional instability is observed before each menstruation, then this symptom does not matter at all.

Another sign that can indicate both pregnancy and the onset of menstruation is small aching pains in the lower abdomen or in the region of the sacrum and lower back. If the pain is intense, you should consult a doctor.

Taste Changes. This includes, for example, the notorious craving for salty.

Odor intolerance, including those that I liked before. This symptom is observed even more often than the previous one.

Fatigue and drowsiness. One of the earliest symptoms of pregnancy and quite frequent. It can be missed by women who previously often felt tired and tired at work and did not get enough sleep. In addition, such signs can be with vitamin deficiency.

May increase to about 37 0 body temperature. Such an increase in temperature can be accompanied by cough and runny nose, that is, there is condition similar to ARI.

Intuition   women, too, can only be attributed to presumptive signs, because if the pregnancy is desired, a woman can simply convince herself that she already feels it. Although sometimes women say that they almost immediately felt that they were pregnant, there were some suggestive dreams.

Possible signs of pregnancy

Cessation of menstruation. First of all, with a delay in the next menstruation, pregnancy is suspected. However, even with a regular cycle, occasionally ovulation can occur late, therefore, the cycle will be longer. This can lead to stress, weather changes, chronic lack of sleep, a woman's disease, a rigid diet with weight loss. Therefore, as a relatively accurate sign of pregnancy, a menstruation delay of at least 10 days can be considered (unless of course a pregnancy test or an ultrasound scan has been previously performed). With an irregular cycle, this symptom is less reliable. You can not rely on him when breastfeeding.

There is such a situation that there is a pregnancy, and there are menstrual-like spotting during the expected menstruation, or a little earlier or later (spotting in the first trimester is observed in about 25% of women). These discharge can be either just a sign that the fetal egg is implanting in the uterus (implantation bleeding), or a symptom of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Breast engorgement. A woman feels that her breast has become swollen, very sensitive (some women feel this a week before the alleged menstruation), some even at an early date notice breast enlargement   (although a fairly noticeable increase usually does not occur earlier than at 7-8 weeks). Again, do not forget that in some women, engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands is one of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Colostrum nipple discharge   (wanting to check this symptom, do not press hard on the nipple, trying to squeeze something, squeeze it slightly enough, otherwise the nipple can be injured). If there is no pregnancy, colostrum can be a symptom of an increase in the prolactin hormone.

Pigmentation   nipples and paranasal circles, midline of the abdomen, labia majora, inner thighs, age spots on the face and body. To a greater or lesser extent, this symptom is expressed in all pregnant women (it is not necessary that you have age spots, most are limited to pigmentation by the midline of the abdomen and darkening of the nipples), but noticeable pigmentation usually appears in the 2-3 trimester.

Increased urination, especially noticeable at night (starts from 5-6 weeks of pregnancy). This symptom is most pronounced in the first trimester of pregnancy, then decreases slightly and returns already in the later stages.

You can establish the presence of pregnancy and using basal temperature graph. Usually, it decreases before menstruation, but when pregnancy occurs, the temperature continues to remain at the level of 37 about more than 18 days. Some conclusions can be made only if the temperature is measured throughout the cycle; temperature measurement from time to time has no diagnostic value.

Belly enlargement. The uterus is palpated above the symphysis usually around the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, however, the abdomen may begin to grow earlier due to increased deposition of adipose tissue on the abdomen. During pregnancy, a woman's body fat increases by about 1-2 kg.

At inspection   The obstetrician-gynecologist may notice an increase in the uterus, a slight asymmetry of the uterus (the sign is expressed at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy), cyanosis of the vaginal mucosa, softening of the uterine isthmus (the area between the cervix and the uterus itself). Usually, such changes the doctor can notice no earlier than 5-6 weeks, before that he will be able to diagnose pregnancy only using laboratory (determination of hCG in the blood) and instrumental (ultrasound) research methods.

Signs of Pregnancy

Reliable signs of pregnancy are considered only determination of the parts of the fetus during palpation   (probing) the abdomen, listening to the fetal heartbeat   and definition of his movements   (it is considered reliable to determine the movements of the fetus by a doctor during examination, since some women at a fairly early date take gas formation in the intestine as movements of the fetus). If you do not resort to help Ultrasound scan, these signs appear no earlier than 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

As you can see, reliable signs of pregnancy appear late enough, therefore it is better not to guess, trying to find more and more symptoms, but to do a pregnancy test, and then consult a doctor.

Approximately every third woman has implantation bleeding. This phenomenon occurs when a fertilized egg is introduced into the uterine wall. During implantation, small uterine vessels can be damaged, which is why bloody discharge of various intensities appears. In some women, it may be just a couple of droplets of blood, in others profuse bloody discharge. Implantation bleeding lasts a couple of days. Sometimes such bleeding women are mistakenly perceived as menstruation.

Change in overall well-being

In the early stages of pregnancy, the level substantially increases. This hormone has a significant effect on the nervous system. A woman may feel weak, she wants to lie down. During the day, she can feel that she will be manifested by a feeling of overwhelming. May even occur,.

Another early symptom of pregnancy can be considered mood swings. And hormones are to blame for this. A woman herself can notice an unusual irritability that people, smells, sounds annoy her. Excessive sentimentality, tearfulness may be noted.

Digestive tract changes

Already in the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman can be disturbed, and even. Such troubles, as a rule, happen in the morning. Gustatory preferences change, and a woman may want something salty, sour. At the same time, habitual food and its smell can cause a pregnant woman to disgust and urge to vomit. Another interesting symptom of pregnancy is increased salivation, which is why a woman sometimes even has to bring a napkin to her mouth to wipe off excess saliva.

Progesterone has a relaxing effect on the muscles. Due to this, intestinal motility decreases, and arise. Therefore, constipation can also be considered a symptom of pregnancy.

Mammary gland changes

An early symptom of pregnancy can be considered excessive sensitivity of the mammary glands.. The bra irritates the chest, and when you touch it, discomfort can occur. Swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands, as a rule, develops already in the long term of pregnancy.

Also, women may notice a darkening of the areola of the nipples. During pregnancy, Montgomery tubercles become more pronounced. These are the glands that are located on the areola. Moreover, Montgomery tubercles in some women swell literally in the first weeks of pregnancy, and therefore this symptom can be considered an early symptom. The maximum development of tubercles is reached in late pregnancy.

High basal temperature

For a woman, you need to measure basal temperature (resting temperature) rectally. This indicator changes throughout the menstrual cycle under the influence of progesterone.

Before ovulation, the basal temperature ranges from 35.5-36.5 degrees. During ovulation, the temperature rises above 37 degrees. And with the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature drops to 36.0-36.5 degrees.

During pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. Therefore, the temperature does not decrease, but remains in the range of 37.0-37.4 degrees. AND if there is no menstruation, but the basal temperature is still high, then the woman is most likely pregnant.

Significant Pregnancy Symptoms

Reliable include all those symptoms that come from the fetus, and which can be confirmed by diagnostic methods. Perhaps the easiest diagnostic method is a pregnancy test.. After the implantation of the embryo, the chorionic hormone (hCG) begins to be produced in the female body. On the surface of the test strips, a substance is applied that exhibits a reaction upon contact with hCG. Thus, when a pregnant woman urinates for a test, an additional strip soon appears on the diagnostic tool. Pregnancy tests should be used after a delay of menstruation, earlier - the result will be unreliable.