Batman mask making ideas. How to make a Batman mask from colored paper with your own hands in stages Step by step drawing of a Batman mask from paper

The eve of the New Year's matinees is almost always a headache for parents. Especially if the child wants to adopt some special image, for example, a superhero costume. The hero of the films and the animated series - Batman, enjoys great love among the guys. Of course, such a suit can be purchased at the store. But since such "fashionable" carnival outfits are not cheap, we suggest you just put on your child in black trousers and golf, sew him a black and a raincoat. However, Batman's easily recognizable black mask is undoubtedly considered the fundamental part of his costume.

How to sew a Batman mask?

The most realistic version of the Batman mask with your own hands is obtained if it is sewn. You will need the following materials:

  • a piece of felt or an old felt hat;
  • scissors;

So, let's start making the Batman mask:

How to make a batman mask?

If the previous method seems too complicated for you, we suggest you sew a very simple Batman mask. To make it, you again need a small piece of black felt. In addition, prepare the following:

  • wide elastic;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • safety pins;
  • threads of black and contrasting colors.

Batman is one of the most popular superheroes, along with Superman and Spider-Man. The number of his fans is huge and covers representatives of different ages - from small to large. It is not surprising that many craftsmen make Batman's costume with their own hands for various events - from children's mornings to theme parties and gatherings of fans. After all, this is a fairly simple outfit to manufacture, the costs of which can be minimal. Not sure how to do it yourself? Ideas that will help you awaken a creative streak await you later in the article.

Image canons

The first Batman comics came out in 1939. For more than 70 years, this character has been painted by various artists, each of whom introduced corrections into his image. Initially, the hero was in gray tight clothing, then she became darker, at times versions appeared in blue-violet shades. The shape and size of the cloak also changed, but it, like the mask, was most often black. The logo also underwent changes, as did the color of the belt. There are no strict canons of the character’s appearance - therefore, when you make a Batman costume with your own hands, you have a lot of options for how to beat him. And all of them will be correct. The main thing is for the child to like the result.

Batman mask: do it yourself accessory

This required attribute can be bought ready-made, or you can make it yourself. The easiest way is to take a thick felt, cardboard or foam for creativity and use the template below.

Cut out a black mask, a yellow bat and make cuts for the eyes. After that, the work process is intuitive. Just glue the bat to the mask, and glue or sew black elastic to its edges.

From old daddy's pants

Children like to copy their favorite characters, especially if you can get dressed, as they are. But they grow quickly, and it’s not always possible to spend extra money on things that are useful only for the duration of the game. This DIY Batman costume is made with minimal cost and will last a child for several years.

It is based on the usual wardrobe items that every boy has - black and dark sweatpants. In addition to them, you will need:

  • unnecessary men's trousers;
  • fabric glue;
  • felt (black and yellow);
  • tape (black and yellow);
  • pins
  • sewing machine and necessary accessories.

The manufacturing process includes several stages:

  1. Cut one leg and spacing the inner seam. This will be Batman's cloak. Sew the edges of the fabric and stitch the ribbon to tie a wrap around the neck.
  2. Then print the Batman logo and cut an oval of yellow felt and a bat of black. Repeat the operation to get 4 parts. Glue them in pairs. Attach one emblem to the cloak, one to the t-shirt with pins. So, you can easily wash things by removing the logo. In this case, the felt will not deteriorate in the washing machine.
  3. Use the yellow ribbon as a superhero belt.

To complete the image

But what about Batman’s mask? You can make it yourself in different ways with your own hands, but how it is made in this kit is one of the simplest and most economical:

  1. Take the remaining leg and attach it to the child’s head. You will be able to determine the place where its width most closely matches the circumference of the head. Cut off the leg with a good margin. Try again and mark with small chalk the nose of the child. Fold the fabric in half, draw an arc and make a cutout on the front of the mask. Then cut holes for the eyes.
  2. Draw an arc along the upper edge of the leg to make pointy ears. Cut and sew the upper seam.
  3. Any shoe can be used, and so that it does not stand out from the general style, it can be covered with thick black socks with non-slip rubber dots on the sole.

Beautiful Batman costume for kids

It’s more difficult to make a New Year’s outfit with your own hands, because it should not be inferior to store options. The superhero is recognized not only by the costume, but also by the impressive muscles, so the boys really like the suits with the muscles. Thinking of making them incredibly hard? Not at all. Let's look at how to make a “muscular” New Year’s Batman costume with your own hands.

For the top of the outfit you will need:

  • 2 black T-shirts that are well suited to the size of the child;
  • dark felt;
  • felt or other dense yellow and black fabric for the emblem;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • hot glue;
  • sewing machine and other sewing accessories.

Then get to work:

  1. Take the felt and cut out the outlines of the muscles of the arms, chest and abs.
  2. Then stick it on a black t-shirt, leaving small holes.
  3. Type syntepon into the resulting pockets. When the "muscles" get the right volume, glue them. Do not be alarmed that at this stage the work looks extremely untidy.
  4. Prepare the Batman logo, as in the previous suit.

Take the second t-shirt, put it on top of the first. Using pins, carefully chop them. Remember to place the superhero emblem. Sew all the elements.

Beautiful cloak

To make a full-fledged Batman costume with your own hands, you must sew a beautiful wrap. For its manufacture were used:

  • black satin (1 m);
  • black felt (1 m);
  • dense black ribbon;
  • velcro (3 pcs.);
  • yellow and black fabric for the emblem.

To make beautiful pointed festoons on a cloak, fold the fabric in half and use a plate. Then cut the same part out of felt and sew them together. Dense fabric will give the cloak an expressive shape, and the beautiful sheen of satin will make it festive and elegant. Make a velcro closure around your neck. And so that the cloak flutters beautifully, sew to its ends the ribbons with which it will be attached to the hands. Make Velcro fasteners too, so putting on a suit is easy and simple.

Finish the work by attaching the emblem to the cloak. Find the black ones, tie the yellow ribbon as a belt - you'll get a ready-made Batman costume. With your own hands, the outfit made will come out original and beautiful.

The classic and beloved by all boys character of the super hero Batman. Why don't your baby transform into such a beloved image? If the child decided to become Batman on New Year's Eve, make a costume for him from black robes, a super hero’s cloak and a Batman mask from paper. Do not know how? We will be happy to help you!

How to make a Batman mask for a child with their own hands

To make such a paper mask you will need:

  • Black paper
  • Cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Stapler
  • PVA glue

First you need to cut 3 strips of cardboard:

1 - equal to the length of the girth of the child’s head,

2 and 3 - equal to half the circumference of the head.

Fasten cardboard strips in the form of a mask frame.

Crumple 2 sheets of black paper to make it easier to form a mask.

Now spread the sheet.

And wrap the mask frame with black sheet.

It turns out the basis of the mask.

Print a template of the necessary mask elements or draw it yourself.

Cut out the missing mask elements and glue if necessary.

Glue the ears on the sides of the base mask.

Put the resulting part on the child’s head, attach a mask and mark with a pencil the place for the eye slit.

Make cuts for the eyes, cut off the excess paper on top of the mask and glue the parts.

The mask is ready.

Here is the mask and ready!

A master class on the manufacture of a Batman mask-cap prepared by E. Khorolskaya.

Batman is considered one of the most beloved superheroes among both American and Russian children. Even many adults are fans of this famous comic book character. If you have to prepare for some kind of masquerade, then you need to know how to properly make a Batman mask, which can perfectly complement the outfit. If you want to make a simple children's mask or a real helmet, then you need to study all the useful information that will be presented in the article. With its help, you can find out what materials will be needed to create the image of the Gotem bat.

Batman mask made of paper and foamiran

If a small child is a fan of the Dark Knightthen parents will sooner or later begin to wonder how to make a Batman mask out of paper. It is worth noting that such a mask is the simplest option and is more suitable for use on a children's matinee than for some kind of event for adult cosplayers.

If you don’t want to bother with drawings, you can always go online and find Batman’s baby mask there. You can print it anywhere, and then attach the elastic bands. In the vastness of the network there are many pattern options and then you don’t have to draw anything.

Instead of faomiran, black fabric can also be used. You can sew a mask from it according to the above principle.

Cardboard helmet mask

  1. To make the cardboard mask last as long as possible, use high-quality materials for the manufacture.
  2. When creating a mask, always use it in front of the mirror so that the shape is exactly what you want.
  3. All fixation points are very securely fastened with glue and tape so that the mask does not tear when put on.

Create a quality mask

Two of the above methods are more suitable for children, so that they can show off at a children's matinee or similar event. But in our time there are various cosplay gatherings where adults create very beautiful and detailed masks and costumes.

To make more quality option yourself, you need to make a lot more effort and spend more money on materials. But all this will pay off at a time when visitors to the event will be delighted to see how a person in Batman’s stunning mask majestically passes through the hall.

Necessary materials

  1. Plaster bandage, which is purchased at any pharmacy.
  2. Good scissors.
  3. A few plastic bags.
  4. Scotch.
  5. Building and automobile gypsum.
  6. Ballpoint Pen or Marker.
  7. Ruler.
  8. Sandpaper.

Mask making

Helmet ready. This mask will be unique in that, firstly, it is made with your own hands, and secondly, it will fit exactly under your head and no one will be able to try on the helmet of the Dark Knight, except for you.

Using the same technology, you can create other elements of the costume. Having studied the method, all questions about how to make a Batman costume with your own hands should disappear, because you just need to follow the instructions for other parts of the body and create any detail.

Attention, only TODAY!

The plastic man in the black mask of Batman again saved everyone.

The editors of the site have visited the pre-premiere screening of the cartoon, and have already shared. In short: go definitely. Both parents will appreciate and the children will be delighted.

Even if your child somehow miraculously avoided falling in love with lego superheroes, after the movie he will have a new idol. We invite you to meet this love fully armed, and tell you how to make a Lego Batman mask from cardboard with your own hands.

And you can do everything in advance, and go watch the cartoon already in a cool Lego Batman mask.

Get the child involved. And have a great time, and you yourself will become in his eyes a little superhero. Making a Batman mask out of paper is almost a feat.

How to make a Lego Batman mask out of cardboard

For Lego Batman masks you need:

  • Printed stencils
  • Cardboard box
  • Thick glossy black paper
  • Pencil, ruler and eraser
  • Falzbane
  • Stationery knife and scissors
  • Insulating tape, black duct tape
  • Hot glue gun (optional)
  • Cutting mat

Batman mask patterns made of paper

How to make a batman lego mask: step by step instructions

Cut a strip of glossy black paper 30 * 80 cm. Draw a line in the center of the strip. Place the mouthpiece stencil on the wrong side of the black paper 3 cm from the bottom edge, circle and cut it out.

Fold the paper strip into the tube and glue it on the back with tape. Make sure that the child’s head fits comfortably into the “pipe”.

Take thick cardboard from the box, circle stencils A and B on it, and cut two pieces of each copy.

Stencil cardboard parts A fold in a dashed line. Glue the parts on stencil B to the bottom of each of them with tape, as shown in the figure.

Stencil D over the remaining black paper and cut along the outline. Using the Falzbane and the ruler, draw several vertical lines down the center of the part so that the bend turns out to be non-sharp, as in the picture - this will be the nose of your Lego Batman mask.

The eyes from the stencils A and B are symmetrically placed on the main "tube" of black paper. Attach them directly above the mouth hole using electrical tape or a hot glue gun.

Cut two parts from the cardboard into stencil C and attach them above the eyes. This is an eyebrow lego batman mask.

Temporarily attach the nose between the eyes. If necessary, trim it around the edges. Then cut a hole at the base of the Lego-Batman mask along the contour of the nose so that the baby's nose does not rest against a layer of paper.

Make a cut in the black base right from the eyebrow line and up. Cover one half with the other to get a sloping forehead. Make several such cuts symmetrically around the entire circumference of the head. Temporarily leave the incision in the center back untouched; you will return to it later.

Make two more diagonal cuts in the middle of each eyebrow, again for a sloping forehead, as in the picture.

Then, next to each such incision, make two curved ones (like devil’s horns). Cut a strip of black paper about 3 cm and attach it securely to your forehead with electrical tape.

Pull back a little and glue the other end to the “nape” of the mask - you should get something like a handle over a bucket. Cut off excess and set aside.

Cut two copies of the stencil E of black paper, insert them into a curved notch on the "forehead" of the lego mask. Tape and align the ears with tape.

Now go back to the notches around the entire circumference of the mask. Cover them with tape to make a neat and smooth room.

Cut two copies out of black paper on a stencil F. Using Falzbane and a ruler, mark and bend along the marked line. Glue to the back to add volume.

Cut two copies of the stencil G and glue them next to the front of the ear as shown. Pieces of black paper close the gaps.

To add volume mask, you can cut two triangles (23 cm along the bottom edge, and 20 cm along the edges). Fold each of them in the center and stick to the mask on the sides. But first try on the mask for the child, perhaps you do not need any extra volume.

Now that the base is ready, you need to make the mask completely black. For this, it is best to use black tape. Cut the ribbon along the contours of the Lego Batman mask.

First seal the eyes and nose completely, then cut out the holes and bend the edges inward. You can even make cilia by cutting the ribbon with a fringe.

Now that your entire Batman mask is black, you can glue your nose with a drop of hot glue.

Let Batman’s mask dry out with his own hands, and you can arrange a masquerade. Do not forget about the cloak for the superhero. And if you go to this cartoon outfit, get ready to sign autographs and answer questions about how to make such a cool Batman mask.