My favorite toy is a teddy bear. An essay on the topic My favorite toy. Description

Natalia Zhavoronkova
Summary of the lesson "Story from personal experience" My favorite toy "

Software content:

To teach to select facts from personal experience according to the topic;

Tell coherently;

Completely and expressively, clearly build the composition of the story;

Strengthen the ability to select words to characterize certain qualities and signs;

To systematize knowledge about the methods of word formation;

Educate, the ability to listen carefully to peers and not interrupt.

Preliminary work:

Examination of toys, description, compilation of fairy tales.

Dictionary activation: drumming, alternately, sticking out.

Methodological techniques: sample reading, conversation, listening to children's stories, analysis.

The course of the lesson.

Part I:

Guys, listen to Agnia Barto's poem "Bear".

Agnia Barto, wrote a lot for children. And this poem is familiar to all of you from childhood.

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tear off the bear's paw.

I won’t leave him anyway-

Because he's good.

Guys, why does the child not want to throw the bear, after all, his paw is torn off? And it's not new anymore?

This is the child's favorite toy.

Right. The bear is dear to the baby.

Part II:

Listen, now I’ll read you a story-description of my favorite toy.

I, too, was once little. I had a favorite toy, a clockwork bunny.

She called him affectionately bunny - drummer... When I turned him on, with a small key, he deftly, alternately left and right foot drummed into the drum. At the same time, his ears moved funny. The hare's fur is white and fluffy. I really loved to press him to the cheek.

The ears are long sticking out, as if a hare is listening to something. The eyes are slanted, the tail is small, like a lump of snow, the bunny was always cheerful, smiling.

I really enjoyed playing with him.

Did you guys like this story? (Answers of children)

What was it, bunny?

-Fluffy, white, groovy.

-Fluffy. The eyes are slanted. The tail is small, like a lump of snow. Happy.

Now, who wants to talk about their favorite toy?

-Misha, wishes.

Wonderful! Misha, start your story, and the guys and I will listen carefully.

My favorite toy is Mishutka. It is brown, large, fluffy, soft.

The ears are round, fluffy. The paws are thick, fluffy. The eyes are as black as coals. I really like playing with him, telling him fairy tales, and also falling asleep with Mishutka.

Good. Guys, what is Misha's favorite toy?

-Teddy bear!

And what does Misha affectionately call him?


What Mishutka? How does Misha describe him?

-Brown, big, fluffy

-The eyes are black as coals. The ears are round, fluffy.

Okay, who else will tell you about their favorite toy?


My favorite toy is Katenka doll. She is very beautiful. Long golden hair, big brown eyes. I really like combing her hair, tying big blue bows like cornflowers. Katya's lips are pink as raspberries. The dress is soft green like spring grass. I really love my doll Katya.

What is Dasha's favorite toy?


Describe her

-Beautiful, long golden hair; bows are blue like cornflowers; the dress is green like spring grass.

Guys, you liked the stories of Misha and Dasha.

Well done boys.

Physical minute:

On the lawn, on a daisy, Zhu-zhu-zhu, Zhu-zhu-zhu, I am friends with a camomile. Swaying quietly in the wind. I bend low, low.

Part III:

Pick up the name of objects with the sound [V] and [F].


to consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [B] and [F], the ability to differentiate these sounds by ear and in pronunciation, to select and correctly pronounce words with the sounds [B] and [F].

Part IV. Game "Leg"

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about objects that have legs.

Part V: Reading proverbs.

Target: Working out intonational expressiveness, developing diction.

Part VI:

Musical game "The sea is worried."


Teach children to respond to verbal cues;

Develop auditory attention;

Foster a love of play and respect for peers.

Outcome: The children were attentive and active, carried away by stories about their favorite toys.

It should be noted the individual work with Kolya and David in describing toys and composing stories about them.

Misha and Dasha described their favorite toys well, but did not indicate which games they like to play with.

1. My favorite toy is. It is light brown, it has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. My father gave it to me on my fifth birthday. I like my teddy bear because it is very sweet and cuddly. My soft toy is talented because it can read stories and fairy-tales to me. I like to listen to his stories before going to bed. My bear can sit and sleep with me. When I get upset, it calms me down. My teddy bear is my best friend!


My favorite toy is a teddy bear. It is light brown in color. He has kind eyes and a smiling mouth. Dad gave it to me for my fifth birthday. I love my teddy bear because he is very cute and soft. My plush toy is talented because the bear can read stories and fairy tales to me. I love listening to his stories before bed. My bear can sit and lie with me. When I get upset, he calms me down. The teddy bear is my best friend!

2. My favorite toy is my. It is very beautiful, it is neither big nor small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is slim, she has thick brown hair. Her eyes are blue, her lashes are long. My doll has five fashionable outfits: 4 lovely dresses and a pajamas. I like to dress her up, to do her hair and to play with her after school. Every evening I dress her in a pajamas and put her in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy to have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.


My favorite toy is a Barbie doll. She is very beautiful, she is neither big nor small. Her name is Twinkle. My uncle gave it to me for Christmas. Twinkle is very slim with brown hair. Her eyes are blue and her eyelashes are long. My doll has five trendy outfits: 4 pretty dresses and pajamas. I love dressing her up, doing her hair and playing with her after school. Every night I put her pajamas on and put them in my bed. We always fall asleep together. I am very happy to have my Twinkle doll. She is my princess.

3. My favorite toy is a. It is very fast and it works with a remote control. This car was a present from my father on my seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. It is red and very nice. The doors of the car open and close. When I play with my Ferrari car, I feel like I am driving it. It sounds like a real racing car. My cousins ​​also like to play with my favorite toy.


My favorite toy is a Ferrari car. It is very fast and works on the remote control. This car is a gift from my dad for his seventh birthday. My racing car is made of metal and plastic. She is red and very pretty. The car doors open and close. When I play with my Ferrari, I feel like I drive it myself. It sounds like a real racing car. My cousins ​​also love to play with my favorite typewriter.

4. My favorite toy is my iPad Mini. I like it because of the games, music and videos. It was a great present form my parents for Christmas. I have much fun when I play or watch interesting movies and cartoons. I can also read books there and take pictures. I downloaded a lot of applications for children. The size of my iPad is very convenient, it is very thin and small, so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or my pocket.


My favorite toy is the mini iPad. I love it because of the games, music and videos. It was a great Christmas present from my parents. I have a lot of fun when I play or watch movies and cartoons on it. I can also read books and take photographs on it. I have downloaded many kids apps. The size of my Ipad is very comfortable, it is very thin and small, so I can carry it everywhere in my bag or pocket.

A short essay on the topic "My favorite toy" for girls

All people need rest from time to time, this is especially important for children. I also like to relax and have fun. There are different ways to do this, for example, games. However, board games can only be played with someone, and if there is no company, there are fewer options. But I always know what to do with myself, because I have my favorite toy - a bear.

What does my bear look like? This is a huge white teddy bear, his name is Freddie. He is so tall that he was bigger than me when my dad gave it to me. It happened on my birthday when I was 6 years old. I was very happy. I really liked the gift. For a long time I could not think of a name for my new friend, my mother helped me. She said that was his name in the store. I think that name suits him. I could endlessly talk about my teddy bear, we have a lot of stories connected with him.

Due to the fact that my favorite toy is a teddy bear, I became interested in programs about animals. They show real bears hibernating for the winter. I also put Freddie to bed and take care of him. He is not as fluffy and fat as a real bear, so he needs to live among people. My favorite teddy bear couldn't stand up for itself. Even at home, I have to protect him. Our cat Murzik constantly sticks to him and scratches him. Once a terrible incident happened to him. I returned home from school and saw Murzik biting Freddie's paw. I was very scared that he would spoil it, and my mother would throw out my bear cub. But the wound turned out to be not so strong, my mother repaired Freddie, and I won't let Murzik into the room anymore.

The real relatives of my white bear cannot be found in our forests. Through the programs, I learned that polar bears live only in the north. I would like to go there and take Freddie with me. We could walk and watch the long polar night. Sometimes I dream about this walk, and I will definitely ask my parents to go north with us.

My friend Sasha also has a bear, his name is Teddy. When we see each other, she brings him with her, and we play in the bear family. Her bear is beige, but very similar to the white one, so they are the perfect match. I am sure that if our toys were real bears, they would also become friends.

Why is the bear my favorite toy? Because I love my Freddie very much, and would like to pass him on to my daughter in the future, and not throw him away. My bear is a very devoted friend, I cannot throw him out. When I grow up, I will hide it in the closet to present to my child. I hope he will be as dear to him as it is to me.

Interesting? Keep it on your wall!


1. Where did I get the toy?

3. How I play

All good children receive gifts for the New Year. Santa Claus brought me a new stuffed toy this year. I dreamed of a soft fluffy puppy for a long time.

The new puppy is yellow. He has little black eyes. The ears of the dog are upright. His coat is soft and delicate. I love to press him to my cheek.

I often play with my gift with my little sister. We have a lot of toy animals and we play a farm.

My favorite toy is essay grade 3


1. Where did I get the toy?

2. What does my toy look like?

3. How can you play with my toy?

Most recently, I had a birthday. They gave me a lot of toys.

My favorite toy is the little housewife's set. It includes a variety of kitchen utensils. I have a rolling pin, bowls and cookie cutters. When I play with my set, I feel like the hostess in the kitchen.

I made cookies recently. My mom helped me bake it. We drank tea and ate cookies together. Here is such a useful set for me.

My favorite toy is essay grade 4


1. How did the toy get to me?

2. Description of my favorite toy

3. How do I play and with whom?

I have a lot of toys at home. They take up all the free space in my room. I have a collection of toy soldiers and toy cars. But, the most pleasant surprise for me was that my dad, as a child, also collected soldiers.

When I was ten years old, my father gave me his tin soldiers. My gift was liked not only by me, but also by my friends. Such original toy soldiers cannot be bought in stores, because they are no longer produced. All soldiers are divided into two groups: Russian and French. They are so well painted that they seem to be wearing real uniforms.

In the evenings, my dad comes home from work and we play with soldiers. It is very interesting to reproduce battles that were actually in the distant past.

My favorite toy is essay grade 5


1. Where did I get my toy?

2. Why this particular toy?

3. Who am I playing for?

I'm into music. Since the third grade, I have been attending a music school and learning to play the accordion. My whole family is interested in music. Dad plays the guitar. Mom sings beautifully. And, the little sister loves to listen to songs from cartoons. One day I found a harmonica in the attic. She became my favorite toy.

Mom said that this accordion belonged to her grandfather. He took her with him to the war and played with his fellow soldiers. A handy little tool that you can always carry with you. I would like to know what kind of music my grandfather played, I would definitely learn several melodies. In memory of the ancestor, in memory of all the defenders of our Motherland.

In the meantime, I learned to play my family's favorite melody on the accordion. I think that it unites our whole family and makes us friendly. Dad plays along with me on the guitar, and mom sings.

Cool! 29

School essay on the topic: "My favorite toy" was written from the perspective of a boy who talks about his ball.

Essay on the topic: "My favorite toy"

I, like many other guys, often dream of a new modern and fashionable toy, a new tablet or smartphone, various interactive and radio-controlled models that have many interesting, convenient functions. Sometimes I am given or bought a thing that I have long dreamed of. Such a wonderful toy always makes me very happy. I can not part with a gift for days, trying to go through a new level or trying to overcome the difficulties that arise in controlling a new helicopter model.

After a while, these toys become a little annoying and no longer bring the same joy as before. But I have one toy that always brings great pleasure and real joy. A toy that has been with me for more than one year, and together we have experienced many interesting and funny events.

My favorite toy is a simple soccer ball. And let it seem to someone that this is a simple and too boring toy. I know that if you have a good ball and a playground, then you don't need to dream of anything else.

And how many pluses and positive sides such a toy as a soccer ball has! With it, you can run, jump and jump as much as you like, and not sit in one place, buried in the console of a game console or tablet. This is a lot of movement and, of course, clean air, because, as a rule, I go out to play in the yard of my house or on the field.

Someone will say that ball games are only physical development, while computer games and various constructors develop intelligence and resourcefulness. But this is completely untrue. Ball games require not only strength and dexterity from the player, they make you think about strategy, turn on logic and calculate all your actions several steps ahead.

And the main reason why I love my toy so much is that it is almost impossible to play with the ball alone. You can practice and practice new techniques, but you can't really play. For a good game, you need a large and friendly team.

My ball unites all my friends, and even any dispute can be resolved by arranging a friendly match. Favorite ball, helps me out when I'm sad and lonely. After all, one has only to go out into the yard, holding the ball under his arm, as friends and comrades surround me. The game helps us become even more friendly. We learn to communicate, support and help each other.

And also, my ball allows me not only to become even closer with old friends, but also to find new acquaintances. Coming to the country house or summer vacation, the most important thing is not to forget to take a ball with you for the game. Then, for sure, in the new place there will be good friends who would also like to play with me.

My favorite toy is a great way to communicate and make new friends. What else do you need to never be bored and lonely? Thanks to my soccer ball, I have many true friends, pleasant memories and a lot of plans for new adventures and acquaintances.

More essays on the topic: "My favorite toy"

Probably, many have a favorite toy from childhood, which everyone cherishes as a memory of the most joyful, significant events that once happened to him. Teddy bears, long-eared hares, young lady dolls in magnificent outfits, the first model airplane or a car with a remote control .... You take such a toy in your hands, and touching memories will immediately rush over you, a light sadness will overwhelm you from the understanding that childhood is leaving and will never return. But it leaves us with such a small "piece of joy" in the form of a favorite toy as a keepsake.

I have a lot of toys. I love them all very much and treat them carefully. Each has its own unique story of appearance in my life. But I want to tell you about my favorite toy.

This is a little kitten named Punka. She is originally from the United States of America. Mom and Dad and I came up with this name for her not by chance, because her real, native name is Pounce, which means "claw" in English. This toy was given to me by my dad and his colleagues at work when I was only two years old. Since then we have been inseparable.

Punka is small in size and can easily fit in the palm of your hand. Only the tail will hang down. It is made of soft velor-like fabric. The kitten is bright brown, almost chocolate color. Her muzzle and abdomen are white, and on her paws there are light socks. Her ears are small, sharp, with white triangular inserts. Small black eyes look like beads and look at everyone with interest. Punka's tail is long and thin. Her tummy is full of small rustling balls. They roll all over the body. It is very funny to roll them all over the paws, then the tummy will become thin and empty, as if Punka is very hungry, or you can collect them all in the tummy, then, on the contrary, it seems that the kitten has eaten tightly. Thanks to these balls, Punka is very plastic. She can lie with her legs spread wide, or throw them on top of each other, or she can sit or curl up into a ball.

I really love to play with my kitten, dress her in different outfits, build houses for her, feed and put her to bed. Mom and Dad also love to pluck her. If we are going somewhere, then I take my little girlfriend with me. When I was six years old, I went to the hospital. Punka was with me and helped me to recover. Many children in the ward also liked her, and we played with her all together or in turn. We all liked to squeeze her rustling tummy.

Punka will always be my favorite toy. It is very dear to me because it reminds me of my early childhood. I love her to this day and regret it - because she was left without the antennae, which my younger brother cut off for her.


As a child, I had a lot of toys. Mostly plush, soft bears, hares, mice. I also had simple cars that I liked to carry on the floor. There were various soldiers and dolls. But then I could not even dream that I would have an airplane with a control panel.

For my birthday, my parents gave me a brand new, big, beautiful plane that can fly by itself! He has a special remote control with which you can control the movement of the aircraft, determine the direction.

The plane itself is very beautiful. It is finished in silver lacquer, has pointed fenders, and at the front has an opening cockpit in which the driver can be seated. As such, I use one of my toy soldiers. On the side of the plane there is an inscription in English: "Russia".

I usually launch the plane in the street, in the yard, when we walk with friends. Everyone loves my new toy and everyone wants to control it too. Sometimes I give them a control panel. Also, I almost always take my plane to nature, to barbecue, when we go to the river, to the forest. It's a lot of fun with him! Even my parents sometimes ask me for a plane to play themselves!