New Year's jokes. Funny stories that happened in the new year. Unusual New Year's stories from real life.

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site “Overheard” the most moving New Year’s stories told by truly happy people.

  • We have new Year's tradition. At the end of December, absolutely all the inhabitants of our entrance decorate their landings. Garlands, toys, tinsel, even several Christmas trees happen. A festive mood for the weeks ahead is provided. One day is appointed when the competition will be held for the best design. They appoint Santa Claus and assistants and go through all the apartments. Children recite poems and in the end everybody celebrate right on the stairwellwhere the table is laid and music plays. Bragging!
  • At the age of 6, the nephew stopped believing in Santa Claus. We are standing with him at the window on the eve of the New Year. I told him: "Shout out" Grandfather Frost! "- he will appear." The wife, meanwhile, is hiding gifts under the Christmas tree. The tribe shouted, and - what would you think! - on Ostankino street on a sleigh pulled by a troika, santa Claus raced. His nephew's eyes flashed, his face was as if he had received the most cherished dream. Who would show me my face ...
  • While shooting the wallpaper in the room, we found a wall painting under them: Santa Claus and a Christmas tree with a red star on the top of the head. Judging by the inscription on the cap at Grandfather, the first tenants of this apartment celebrated the new, 1976 with bare walls and global repair plans. Draw in the company of Santa Claus the Snow Maiden and we will sign 2017! After all, with the granddaughter is all the more fun! Maybe in 40-50 years someone will also stumble upon such a greeting from the past and get a New Year mood charge, despite the bad weather outside the window.
  • It was the best New Year in my life! I changed into Santa Claus and congratulated people on the street. Adults and children sang, danced, recited poems, receiving sweets and tangerines as a gift from me. It was very nice give people a little New Year miracle!
  • As a child, every New Year believed my dad that the whole city would salute after a chime, in my honor. She waved her hand out the window and felt like a queen. My dad is well done.
  • On New Year's Eve, when I was 7–8 years old, my mother went out onto the terrace, came back from there with gifts and said that Santa Claus was arriving on a sleigh, and ordered his daughter to give a present. I didn’t hesitate to run there to see him, but I saw only a sleigh with lights turning off, as it seemed to me, and as one of them waved to me. The charge of mood was unreal: after all, Santa Claus at least a little, but she saw. Later, the parents said that they asked the neighbors to play along with them after 2 houses. But thanks anyway for this New Year's mood!

Because they know that the “unpredictable” story about how on the New Year’s four friends decided to go to the bathhouse, tens of millions of people will follow. “The Irony of Fate ...” is for someone a fairy tale, for someone a comedy, for someone a criminal detective with a happy ending. And for someone, come true! Miracles really happen on New Year's Eve, and after going through trials and pain, you can find love, save the doomed, stay alive. Our stories are about real people, our readers, whose lives changed in one night. New Year's.

Fell, woke up and ... got married

This story happened to a chicken girl Galina Sotnikova 10 years ago, on the eve of the New Year, 1999. “I returned by train to Kursk from Vladivostok, where I was staying with relatives,” says Galina.

She got the upper place in the compartment, but her companions were cool: a young married couple and a tall, handsome brunette Sergey. He treated everyone to his mother’s pies, sang songs to the guitar and tirelessly poisoned jokes. And then gallantly offered Galina to occupy its lower shelf, and he himself settled on its upper.

At night, Galina had a wonderful dream: as if she was swimming with dolphins in butterfly style. Then suddenly a shark swam up to her and bit her leg. She screamed from wild pain and woke up ... Sergey stood on her leg and, with a groan, held on to the hand with which the blood was dripping. "What's wrong with you?" - with horror asked Galina. “Yes, it fell off the shelf unsuccessfully. He seems to have broken his arm. ”

“It turned out that it was not only Sergei who suffered: my leg was damaged, which my fellow traveler stepped on, falling,” recalls Galina.

“We’ll write them out in a month,” the hospital doctor encouraged the young people, to which they were both taken from the train. And so it turned out that random fellow travelers had to spend in the hospital not only the New Year, but also Christmas and the old New Year. He and Sergey returned home again. Since Galina’s leg was still in a cast, Sergey carried it in his arms. So it still bears - 8 years after the wedding, which happily ended their New Year's injuries.

Elena Baibakova, AiF-Kursk


I put my beloved New Year a gift under the Christmas tree!

- And what is she?

- And she is still looking for him: the taiga is big!

Fireworks against prudence

There was nothing unusual in the meeting of my mother and stepfather now - a short conversation at the grocery supermarket did not portend a continuation.

Although Uncle Yura (that’s my stepfather’s name) found an excuse to bring mom to the house. It was then that it turned out that they live “window to window”, put the cars in the same parking lot, even there are common friends. And from the very next day, flowers appeared on my mother’s car every morning, gifts under the door ... Romantic, but impractical, my mother thought, and I chose the second one of the two options for marriage - by love or by calculation. After some time, a package from Uncle Jura appeared at the door of our apartment - an album with romantic personal photographs, as if the story of their short but vivid relationship. It was already something more, not just a gift. But there was no one to nostalgia - mom moved.

The next day, December 31, on a dark morning, at six o'clock, Uncle Yura called. I immediately admitted that there is no mom. And Uncle Yura, in a doomed, sad, sad voice, asked me to come to the window. In the snow in huge neat letters was drawn "Be with me." An instant later, a salute began, which I will never forget. I looked at the flickering lights of a miracle salute fading before my eyes and cried. My hysteria forced my mother to agree at least to a conversation with Uncle Yura. This is not to say that he convinced his mother that he inspired her with his words and gifts. He just helped a little to free his mother’s heart from the effects of the mind. And she made the right choice - she chose option No. 1.

Ekaterina S and vk about in a, Perm

Well, Vanya, I got it!

It happened 30 years ago precisely on New Year's. Vanya served as an officer in a military unit among the deaf Yaroslavl forests, I was a student at a Moscow university. We were friends with Ivan for two years, and I waited for the marriage proposal. But he was restrained in feelings. December 31, I was going to come to his unit. Early in the morning on the day of departure, a telegram arrived: "Do not come." All day, finding no place for myself, I thought, but still I went. I barely reached the gates of the unit. Since no one met me, I walked from the bus for four kilometers through the forest, shaking with fear. The sentry at the gate shocked me with the very first sentence: "But there is no lieutenant in the unit, he is fired." I roared in a voice. I was given tea and gazed to the bus station, but I could leave only in the morning. In a hat on one side, with makeup smeared from tears on my face, I fell asleep on a bench. Woke me up ... Vanya.

"What are you doing here?! he exclaimed. - I lost a whole day searching for you in Moscow! He returned to the unit, and you left from there! ”

It turned out that Vanya decided to surprise me with his visit. He succeeded! We celebrated New Year at the station. But it was the brightest holiday in my life. And soon after that we got married.

Valentina E gorova, Moscow Region


Announcement at the Christmas tree market: “Buyer, remember: whoever has an artificial Christmas tree at home will receive a fake Santa Claus with fake gifts!”

The elevator made enemies spouses

Entrance neighbors Maxim and Marina from Barnaul hated each other for a long time. Either Maxim’s dog, not waiting for the owner to finish digging in the mailbox, will do the troubles under Marina’s door, then the guy will have his bag full of garbage burst and fly right onto his neighbor’s new suede boots ... But one New Year’s night changed everything.

It happened five years ago, on December 31, half an hour before the chimes. Maxim and Marina, returning (individually, naturally) home with full packages of festive food, stepped into the elevator. Somewhere between the 4th and 5th floors it suddenly shook, the light blinked, and then completely went out ... Panic "stuck!" escaped in both at the same time.

Girlfriends were about to descend to Marina, and the table had not yet been laid; friends were supposed to come for Maxim from any minute to go to celebrate a holiday in a nightclub. But while it was possible to shout to someone, contact the elevator, achieve release, it took ... four and a half hours. Someone from the neighbors even tried to escape to the elevators in the neighboring house, but those were not there. So the enemies had to meet the most vile New Year in a cold elevator.

During this time, they managed: first, to find out the relationship and express accumulated claims to each other, then to get to know each other and, finally, to fall in love with each other without memory. They got out of the elevator under the grumbling master “How are you all tired of me” and the applause of the audience.

Two months after the New Year’s night in the elevator, young people applied to the registry office and have been happily married for almost 5 years, although they now live in St. Petersburg. And each New Year is a double holiday for them!

Tatyana Furs, AiF-Altai

Send us your New Year story!

New Year in every family is the most important holiday. Share the stories that happened to you the day before or during the celebration itself, and we will publish them on our website!

Story from the star

“Mom, this is my bride!”

Nadezhda Babkina, singer:

Usually every New Year I, like most of my colleagues, meet at work. But a couple of years ago, she finally decided to spend New Year's Eve humanly - at home. The fact that I could have fun in the circle of family and friends, that I could eat plenty of home-made olivier salad and watch TV, was already something incredible to me. But the main surprise that New Year's Eve was waiting for me ahead. Half an hour after the chiming clock, my son Danil called me with the words: “Mom, urgently go outside, I have to tell you something important.” Being incredibly intrigued and excited, I instantly ran out to my son's street. “Mom, get acquainted, this is my bride Tanya!” he blurted out. I did not expect such a turn. In general, I remembered that New Year for my whole life.

Where are you going to celebrate the New Year (in%)?

  • Houses - 77
  • Away - 13
  • In a restaurant, club - 2
  • At the cottage - 2
  • Rest at home - 1
  • I will not celebrate - 2
  • Difficult to answer - 5

The VTsIOM survey was conducted on December 6-7, 2008, 1,600 people were interviewed in 140 settlements in 42 regions, territories and republics of Russia

] [85-90 ] [91-96 ] [97-100 ]

The New Year is coming soon. All that you do not wish for everything will always happen, everything always comes true.
New Year's story of fifteen years ago. Previously, it was quite problematic for young people to get a drink, and it wasn’t for sale at every corner in front of NG there were huge lines and there was current in the orders, as well as the rest of the deficit. And we were about seventeen to eighteen years old, and we wanted to drink horror. And not a glass of shampoo offered by parents, but something more specific. And now, having escaped from our ancestors, at about one in the morning we were a company, not so big, but there were seven people, we walked around the neighborhood, had fun, drank a bottle of champagne seized by someone and at home, I felt terribly frightened to drink, but no one treats, alcohol diphcitis. We went up the hill that we were riding in the schoolyard, and suddenly two men came up and said:
"Guys want a drink, otherwise we have a lot". Who doesn’t want to. And what do you think they had. In the hands of the second man was a huge enormous (20l) bottle from under some reagent or kerosene, almost full of moonshine. And the first three-liter jar with the same boundary with huge cucumbers. But we had some fun in that NG company, a man grew up to forty, then there were other drinks, there were two homoni and five guitars. It was a pity then with fireworks it was bad, and then, in addition to songs and dances, they also blew up. BUT THE MAIN THIS IS A BOTTLE all who saw made round eyes and how they followed us under hypnosis. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE.

New Year. New Year. What just does not happen to people on New Year's Eve. For example, I lost the engine in the car and found it again. It was like this: Having met the New Year at home after drinking a little, I went to visit by car along the way, stopping by for my friends. And after the next race, when they began to forget where they were going, leaving the entrance and getting into the car, he began to turn on. But the starter did not breathe, the battery did not show signs of life. "But everyone has arrived, the battery is dead." - I thought and opened the hood to make sure that I was right. You would see my face and hear my words when I opened the hood. There was absolutely nothing under the hood, only snow was visible on the ground. All my life is over, I thought (it was in those days when the blue dream of a Soviet person was a car) I can’t put together for a new one, and who needs a car without an engine. With screams, I ran back to the apartment, they poured me a glass of vodka to calm down. They all went out into the street, opened the hood, began to sympathize, count how quickly they put it down. And suddenly a voice: "What is your car number?". "g33 19MM" I answered. "So here she is, standing at the neighboring entrance" - said my friend. Exactly, just like in "Mimino" my dark brown six stood at the next entrance, and this one stood exactly the same. In the heat of celebration, I forgot where I set. And I continued the celebration with joy and didn’t go anywhere. Like this.
P.S. Immediately for unbelievers I will explain the locks there and there were gouged and the keys came up and the small parts in the cabin at night did not rush into the drunken eye.

I work in one of the valiant law enforcement agencies, namely the Tax Police. We have such a unit as "Physical Protection", well, there guys with pumped-up ears work. Here, on the eve of the New Year festivities, at a meeting of personnel who work (l) he will understand this tyagomotin, our boss amused the people. It was like that. As usual, on New Year's Eve, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden should come to the children. Well, since the budget does not allow to order professionals, it was decided to limit ourselves on my own (and staff, I want to note). Our boss issued the next pearl. "Dear employees, tonight OUR Santa Claus and Snegurochka will come to your children with congratulations, so prepare your children so that they don’t get scared!" The phrase sounded at the meeting was greeted by a friendly neighing - you can't say otherwise.

New Year's shopping. Dialog in the store. I heard yesterday.
We have one store here, in which there are always chocolate cakes. Two kinds. "Caprice" (this is Moscow), and "Fad" (this is Kharkov). With different additives and different sizes. Yesterday I go to this store and hear:
- Girl, tell me: do you have any vagaries?
- There are no vagaries today. But I have a big quirk. Show you?
Happy New Year to all - and may not only all your whims come true, but even all your quirks! Be all happy!

New Year inspired. When my son was 3-3.5 years old, he decided to surprise him on New Year's Eve with Santa Claus. The role of Santa Claus was performed by my mother. And now dressed up as it should: a hat, glasses, a beard, a sheepskin coat, etc. went to the landing and began to ring the apartment. My wife and I led him to the door and asked him to open. On the threshold of Santa Claus. My son’s eyes were fifty dollars, the jaw dropped. Mother in an unrecognizable voice: "Hello, Zhenya, did you recognize me?" Eugene with a sagging jaw: "Learned, learned, Zina's grandmother."

Anecdote told (a) Yrik

Half an hour ago we celebrated the new year, spent the old one - everything is like normal people. Without stopping at home for a long time, I gathered for my friend's apartment, where quite a few people were to gather. I went out into the street - there was a celebration in the form of launching all kinds of rockets and explosions of firecrackers. A man sits on a four-wheel drive near the road and tries to set fire to the wick of another rocket (the previous one started literally 10 seconds ago). A small yard dog jumps around the corner and begins to bark furiously at it. A man reluctantly turns his head in her direction (the drunk alcohol makes itself felt;) and with a braided tongue, at the same time full of enthusiasm for the conqueror of cosmos, he gives out:
- Ltd! Arrow!!! Right now, and let you run !!!

For 30 years I carried this secret in myself, such a heavy stone. I decided to tell about my secret now.
In the distant 1980s, before serving in the army, my mother, brother and sister went to visit the Rostov Region on New Year's Eve.
December 31, good mood, our parents went to the cottage to celebrate the New Year. We, the young ones stayed to celebrate at home in the apartment, I, my sister, she was then 16 years old, a cousin of the same age, younger brother and friends and girlfriends of my cousin.

For a couple of hours but the New Year, having drunk beer and Pepsi Cola was very elated, we laughed, joked and danced. The leader of the whole company was my cousin Helen, she was cheerful, playful and a big inventor. After the next toast, Helen suggested creatively preparing for the meeting of Santa Claus, and dressed up to everyone in the most ridiculous outfits. One girl was dressed up as Santa Claus, a boy as Baba Yaga, and when it came to me ... ... they decided to change into a snow maiden.

At first I denied, but Helen took my hand and dragged me into the bedroom, pulled out a mass of her clothes from the closet and began to try on me. At first, all this seemed to me a joke. Lenka smiled, her eyes were cunning and playful. I obeyed her, put on nylon tights, a bra filled with moistened cotton wool, a dress, high-heeled shoes, a wig. A curious girlfriend helped Lenka to make-up my face with makeup.

That's it, Lena said after thirty minutes, you're ready. I got up, went to the mirror and was stupefied, in front of me stood a young, long-legged beauty, a brunette, I did not even recognize myself in this guise. Cool, I said. After taking a few steps around the room, I felt like a capron and a silk dress gently hugs my body, once again looking in the mirror at my reflection. Class, I thought, cool, I already started to like it.

To applause, I went into the common room, where all the guys were sitting. Everyone liked me in their new guise.

Having met the New Year, we drank champagne and danced. The guys began to gather on the street, on a hill, to breathe fresh air. The girls began to insist that I did not change clothes, but went into the street in a girl's outfit. Put it on, said Helen, and handed me her coat and boots of her mother. Having played the girl, I did not argue for a long time. And here we are on the street, thank God that the night was not frosty, children, drunken passers-by ran around. We reached the central slide, a couple of times the guys rode. I was embarrassed, ashamed, suddenly everyone will understand that I'm a guy. But I quickly entered my role, and champagne played positively.

Having rolled on a hill, we were returning home with a fun company. On the way, we met a man, he turned out to be a neighbor of my cousin, from the fifth floor, his name was Andrei, he looked about 35 years old. This Andrei asked to visit us.

We sat down at the table, Andrei became acquainted with the rest of the guys, when the turn came to me, Lenka said, “And this, my cousin Katya,” I lowered my eyes ... After champagne and a small meal, the girls jumped up and began to dance. Andrew came up to me took my hand and dragged me to dance. I was silent, I was scared to give myself away. But, to dance in this guise and with a man much older than himself was even interesting.

After another dance, we sat down at the table tired, but the trouble, all the champagne and beer was over.

Andrei offered to go up to him and take alcohol. - Guys, who will go with me for the company and help bring bottles and fruits? He said, in response, Lenka looked at me with a playful look: "Katya, go with Andrei, help him." ... I agreed. Andrei took my hand and led me to the fifth floor, telling me a joke. From the sound of my heels on the stairs, my heart was beating violently, from the sensation of lingerie, shame, and from Andrey's strong, healthy hand. When he opened the door of his apartment, and said, “Come in, Katya, my heart nearly jumped out.”

I went in, examined his apartment, a sparkling Christmas tree, a laid table, a TV on. He invited me to sit in a chair, I sat down. I looked at my knees in a capronchik, and out of shame, I pulled my skirt up to my knees, Andrey smiled, poured a glass of vodka and handed it to me, Happy New Year! he said. Then he lit a cigarette, - wait, I'll collect everything I need, and left the room. On TV was the traditional Blue Light.

After a while, he entered the room. What I saw was a shock for me, Andrey was completely naked, he quickly came up to me, sat next to me and hugged me on the shoulders. I tried to escape, threw his hand off my shoulder, but he seated me by force and kissed me on the lips. I screamed. - I’m NOT a girl, I shouted, I’m a guy, this is my New Year’s costume! .. he answered, mumbling that he doesn’t care who I am and that he wants me. I was very scared then, I was defenseless, in women's clothing.

At that moment I was still a boy, I had no sex with girls, I did not know what to do in such a situation. I cried. Then he got up, came so close to me that it made me even worse, his cock stood, was so big and hairy. - Touch him with your hand, do not be afraid, he said. He took my hand insolently, and stuck his cock into it. I felt his cock, he was so hot, hard. I thought it was a dream. - Caress him, commanded Andrei, - gentler, even more affectionate, did not stop Andrei.

I held his organ with my hand, in fear of not understanding what to do, either squeezing or unclenching my fingers, I looked at his huge cock, and tears rolled down my cheeks. At some point, he still approached me, touched my head with his hand and said, “kiss him.” Nooo, I shouted and twitched. Everything happened very quickly, holding my head, his cock was in my mouth. - Suck it, Katya, suck ... he groaned ... Andrey began to move quickly, breathe loudly and sniff. And, suddenly my mouth was filled with something hot, tasteless, the gag reflex worked.

With one hand he held my head, with the other hand he held his dick, shooting one after another his sperm charges on my face, in my mouth and smearing them on my lips. When he finished, Andrei lit a cigarette, gently hugged me, looking into my eyes he says, “- you are a cool girl, you did everything, you are good, but you are just beautiful”. I had such a mess in my head, I did not know what to do and what to tell me. I really wanted to run home quickly and not see anyone. Andrei got up, went to the table to pour vodka, I examined his body, chest, stomach, and everything below was hairy, not like mine, a solid sausage hung between his legs, and his ass was so white. Then I examined myself, am I really a girl?

I myself asked this question. I drank the second glass of vodka without a snack, I wanted to get drunk. I asked him for a cigarette to kill the bad taste of his sperm. When I smoked, he grabbed my hand, lifted me to my feet and asked for a dance. During the dance, he tried to put my hand on his organ, from which he strained and increased in size. After the dance, he picked me up and dragged me into another room. Again I was terribly scared.

We fell onto the bed, he began to kiss me again, to touch my sides and legs. I resisted. When my strength and strength were exhausted, we lay motionless for a while, then his hand lay on my chest, he began to squeeze it, and then through the neckline of the dress I reached my nipple, and began to tickle him tenderly. I let him do this, but after a while, I began to feel some sensations, to be honest, I was pleased when he gently caressed my nipple. When he took off his pantyhose with panties, I did not care. When he entered me, my feelings and sensations were full, I did not understand what was happening to me. I realized this a little later, when I first found out what an orgasm is.

I left him the next day. I was very ashamed to look into the eyes of all the guys, my sisters. Only Lenka smiled alone and maliciously said, “Well, Katyushka, you lost your virginity, now you are our full-fledged sister, how great it was, did you like it?”

All those present laughed.

And in the evening Andrey came and returned my tights. I was sitting in another room and I was very ashamed to go out, they were talking loudly about something and laughing.

Very soon we will see off the year of the Rabbit and meet the Dragon. This time it will be a black water Dragon. Dragon is a mythical, noble, strong creature. Astrologers advise to celebrate this New Year in motion, brightly, not hackneyed. On this night, you must definitely shine and no matter what - with humor, precious jewelry or bright dresses and make-up.

The main thing is that the meeting is memorable, and that you are in a good mood to spend all our traditional New Year holidays, which last almost December 25 (Catholic Christmas for the European part of the former USSR is mostly a dress rehearsal for the main events) and only slightly reduce their intensity after January 13th.

But then the series of festivities does not stop - Epiphany, Chinese New Year (which begins on January 23), Tatyana’s Day, Valentine’s Day, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9 ... .. And we will give some interesting facts about the New Year, which let you shine in the New Year's company even brighter.

1. The time of the New Year for different nations is very different. So in Ancient Babylon, the holiday fell in the spring. And during the holidays, the king left the city with his whole retinue, and the townspeople had the opportunity to freely walk and have fun.
2. In Micronesia, the New Year is traditionally January 1. But on this day, all the inhabitants of the islands receive new names and whisper to inform their closest. And trusted relatives at the same time beat the drums with terrible force so that their evil spirits would not overhear.
3. In Italy, it is customary on New Year's Eve to get rid of old things that are thrown right out of the windows. Moreover, the more things will be thrown away - the more wealth and good luck will bring the new year.

4. In Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 1 — in the 10th – 15th centuries, on September 1 — from 1348 after the Cathedral in Moscow, and from 1699, by decree of Peter the Great, was transferred to January 1. As a result, to date, the New Year has become a dense mixture of traditions of Old Slavic, Christian, West European and Eastern.
5. The tradition of Christmas logs brought the Vikings in England. At Christmas they sawed a large tree that matured and dried all year. And next Christmas this tree was brought into the house and laid in the hearth. If the tree burned for a long time and burned out completely - then the house was waiting for luck, but if it died out before it burned to ashes - wait for trouble.

6. Living trees are one of the Christian traditions of Christmas and New Year festivals. But it turns out that they can carry not only the joy and spirit of the holiday. Scientists have found that there are fungi on the spruce trees, which in warm domestic conditions easily reproduce and secrete a huge amount of spores. Disputes in turn cause coughing, shortness of breath, insomnia, lethargy, even bronchitis and pneumonia. To protect yourself you need to either wash and dry the spruce before entering the house, or use an artificial tree.

7. Before becoming famous, James Belushi moonlighted as Santa Claus. It was during this work that he was left without rights, but the actor still decided to continue delivering gifts to children. In such a “lawless” state he was detained by the police and started, and the officers began the arrest procedure, handcuffed and searched. The children passing by wept and screamed in horror that their beloved Santa Claus had been arrested.

8. Both children and adults turn to Santa Claus or Santa Claus. Children usually want a computer, and employees ask their boss to freeze.
9. One of the most popular traditional spices for Christmas baking is ginger.

10. It is believed that if you write your most cherished desire on a piece of paper in the last hour of the old year, and then set fire to this piece of paper with the start of the watch, you can determine whether the wish will come true. If the note burns out while the watch strikes, then everything will be sure to come true.
11. The unforgettable “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath” has been shown on television for more than 35 years on the last day of the year.

12. On New Year's Eve in Tibet, they bake cakes and distribute them to passers-by. The wealth in the new year depends on the number of pies distributed.
13. The source of the popularity of fireworks in the ancient faith in the power of noise and fire in the fight against evil spirits.

14. In Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), a 76-meter artificial Christmas tree is installed, the largest in the world.
15. In Orthodoxy for the period between Christmas and the Epiphany are Christmas time. This time is filled not only with Christian traditions, but also with many pagan images, which include traditional fortune telling. An example of it can be found in chapter 5, stanza 8 of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin."

16. The main dish in Brazil is lentil soup, which symbolizes well-being and wealth.
17. On the Christmas tree in front of the White House in the USA in 1895, the first electric garland was lit.
18. In Austria, among the New Year characters, there is also the Bird of Happiness, and therefore they do not have game on the festive table.
19. Japanese New Year sounds like “Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu”.

20. The day off on January 1 in the USSR was only by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of December 23, 1947
21. In Germany, Santa Claus brings gifts to the windowsill, and in Sweden to the stove.

22. You can find out the answer to the question on New Year's Eve by throwing boiled rice rymen. If there is an even pure risen in it, then the answer is yes, otherwise it is no.
23. Greenland is almost always cold and there is no problem with the availability of ice. Therefore, the local Eskimos have a tradition of giving each other carved from ice polar bears and walruses that do not melt for a long time.

24. In southern countries, where there is neither frost nor snow, you have to use other characters, for example, in Cambodia there is Santa Claus.
25. In Vietnam, on New Year's Eve, a carp is released into a pond near the house, on the back of which, according to popular beliefs, a brownie is rolling. The carp lives in the pond for a whole year, and the brownie looks after the family.

26. A turkey, cheese, goose liver pate and oysters are served at a festive table in France.
27. On the border of Finland and Russia in 2001, a meeting of New Year's characters Yolupukki and Santa Claus was held.

28. It is believed that money can not be given before the New Year, otherwise the whole year will have to give out then debts.
29. Rice porridge with one almond nut is put on the New Year's table in Scandinavia. Whoever finds him will be happy all year.

30. With the start of the New Year’s watch battle in England, I open the back door of the house for the outgoing year, and with the last blow of the clock we meet at the front door of the New Year
31. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” was first published in 1903 in the children's magazine “Baby”. After 2 years, the poems of Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva were put to music by the composer Leonid Karlovich Bekman.

32. In Australia, Santa Claus has to wear full swimming trunks and ride a water bike in the New Year heat.
33. In the old days it was customary to give gifts to Santa Claus, and not wait for gifts from him.

34. In Italy, lentils, nuts and grapes are symbols of health, longevity and well-being on the festive table.
35. Interesting fact - Santa Claus has a spouse who usually personifies winter.

36. Mistletoe has long been credited with mystical properties. In some countries, for example, there is a tradition that allows a man to kiss any girl walking under the mistletoe branch for Christmas.
37. In Cuba, in the New Year, all the dishes in the house are filled with water, which is then poured out onto the street on New Year's Eve in order to wash away all sins.

38. For the Bulgarians, all the best in the new year is represented by cornel sticks. They are presented for the New Year.
39. Mikulas with a beaming smile and a high hat delights Czech and Slovak children with gifts.

40. The snowman began to be sculpted in the 19th century with indispensable attributes - a bucket on the head, a broom and a carrot nose.
41. There is a belief that the New Year’s dream (from December 30 to December 31) predicts the next year.

42. In China, the Dragon is especially loved - it symbolizes well-being. Because there it is customary to do his personification - paper kites. In addition, many bright flashlights are lit on the streets.
43. In Ecuador, it is customary to describe all troubles on a piece of paper before the New Year, and then burn them together with a straw scarecrow.

44. In nineteenth-century England, there were even charitable societies that handed out to the poor for flour, sugar and raisins to prepare Christmas pudding.
45. In the Southern Hemisphere, eucalyptus usually dress up, as the New Year is at the height of summer.

46. \u200b\u200bFor the New Year in Holland, a traditional dish is donuts, symbolizing the full cycle, completeness.
47. In the mid-50s of the last century, the snow maiden was invented by children's writers Lev Kassil and Sergey Mikhalkov, introducing Santa Claus’s granddaughter into children's performances.

48. Per Noel (French Frost) rides a donkey and leaves gifts for children in shoes. And the children prepare their gifts for him - straw for a sled.
49. In Greece, the head of the family on New Year's Eve on the street smashes the fruit of a pomegranate against the wall of the house. Good luck promise grain scattered in different directions.

50. The first glass Christmas tree toys were produced in the middle of the 19th century in Scandinavia.
51. Mexicans find New Year presents in a boot, and the Irish and the British find in socks.

52. In Ancient Egypt, the New Year began on the day of the Nile flood, in early summer.
53. It is customary to celebrate the New Year in new clothes, so that you can have new things all year long.

54. In Cuba, New Year is called Kings Day
55. The largest number of Christmas trees in Europe is sold in Denmark.

56. A lot of surprises are hidden in the Romanian New Year's cakes. In frequency, a coin means happiness in the coming year.
57. The French usually give souvenirs and postcards for the New Year.

58. Since ancient times, the Slavs have decorated the Christmas tree with treat toys.
59. In Scotland, on the first day of the new year, they do not offer hands and hearts and cannot take out the garbage.

60. Santa Claus began to be called into the house in the USSR in the 1970s.
61. The United States has traditionally been the record holder for Christmas gifts and New Year's greeting cards.

62. In Japan, for the New Year, an interesting fact, traditionally served cabbage, roasted chestnuts, beans and caviar, which respectively symbolize joy, success, health and many children.
63. Veliky Ustyug is considered the homeland of Santa Claus, and Snegurochki is the village of Shchelykovo, not far from Kostroma, where the estate of A.N. Ostrovsky is located. it was he who wrote “The Snow Maiden” based on Russian folk tales

64. On New Year's Eve, exactly at midnight in Bulgaria, the lights are off. within three minutes, anyone can kiss anyone, and only the night will know about it.
65. In Slavic myths, Santa Claus personified the winter cold, he chained water.

66. The birthplace of Yolupukki is the city of Rovaniemi in Lapland, at the very polar circle.
67. On New Year's Eve, in Scotland they set fire to tar barrels and roll them through the streets, driving away the Old Year and inviting the New.

68. On the festive table in Poland put "paczki" - donuts with jelly.
69. The first New Year's card was printed in London in 1843.
70. Santa Claus was awarded the title of Veteran of Fairytale Labor by Santa Claus. No wonder, of course. He has enough work. And to distribute gifts, and to amuse children with the Snow Maiden.

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