How to prepare your face for the summer. Expert Advice. How to care for your face on the eve of summer? Non-surgical liposuction with Aqualyx

If in the cold season we can hide skin imperfections and moods under a layer of makeup, then closer to summer we have to give up more and more dense tinting agents, preferring “naked” skin. It’s not even about beauty trends that agitate for natural beauty, but practicality - it’s unlikely that you will be comfortable sunbathing, swimming or languishing in the hot sun with a noticeable layer of makeup on your face. Nevertheless, we always want to look good, so in the summer we put forward special requirements for skin care in order to be able not to hide our faces under the mask of decorative products.

How exactly to prepare your face for the sunny season and what you need to know about the summer cosmetic procedure, we found out from Olga Bazhury, master cosmetologist of the SPA center, located in the hotel.

When preparing your skin for the warm season, the first thing you need is to forget about all kinds of aggressive procedures, such as deep peeling, resurfacing and scrubs. Such a radical approach should be taken in the winter as preventive measures so that by the summer the face looks as clean and fresh as possible. Despite the fact that in spring the skin is more sensitive to various influences on it - both natural and mechanical, this does not mean that in summer it is worth abandoning the services of a specialist and rely only on cosmetics.

“In the spring, we move on to procedures that will help us to make the skin beautiful, clean, shiny and smooth, but gentle. How? It is recommended to do this in five steps, ”says Olga Bazhura, telling more about each stage.

Stage One: Cleansing

You should always start with cleansing the skin. And at this stage, there are several cosmetic methods that will help make the skin cleaner. First of all, these are masks. A cleansing mask is the most non-traumatic way to refresh the skin, as well as drain and narrow the pores. In our salon there is a whole range of cosmetics produced in South Korea, France and Germany, which offer truly effective masks with a visible result.

As a cleansing, we can also use peeling, but only with a low acid content. In summer, almond or glycol peeling is allowed, which is best suited for softening, exfoliating and creating a flawless skin texture.

Of course, speaking about the stage of purification, one cannot fail to mention his most popular procedure - cleaning, which can be ultrasonic (as a grinding) and mechanical. Such cleansing does not differ too aggressive effect on the skin, although we rarely use mechanical cleaning - according to the testimony of the skin condition or, in extreme cases, zonal. If we talk about the frequency of use, cleaning is enough to do no more than once a month - as a nursing procedure.

Stage Two: Skin Saturation

After the stage of cleansing and preparing the face for further procedures, we fill the skin with hyaluronic acid. Also at this stage it is important to saturate the skin with emulsions, essences, serums, masks, collagen or elastin complex.

Stage Three: Massage

Despite the fact that massages do not have serious authority among clients, they should not be written off. Massages are good because they are shown absolutely at any time of the year, not only in summer. All year round they work well to improve blood circulation, even out complexion, and prevent the formation of wrinkles, especially facial expressions. Moreover, massage makes the effect of cosmetic or therapeutic agents applied previously on the skin more effective, helping them to penetrate deeper. Among others, we can offer, for example, Japanese “kobido” massage, after which the result is immediately visible. It is based on a system of massage of biologically active points for any skin type and age.

Stage Four: Masks

During the period when we open the face, it will not be amiss to pamper the skin with masks that have the effect of detox, drainage and lymphatic drainage. However, it is important to choose the right texture, which will be perfect. In spring and summer, gel-like masks or collagen sheets, which are aimed at combating skin aging, work best.

Stage Five: Sun Protection

An important point: sunscreens should be used not only at the height of summer, but starting on March 1, when even in not very gentle climatic conditions of our country, the first rays of the spring sun begin to break through the clouds. In urban environments, universal protection is needed - with levels ranging from 25 to 35 SPF depending on your skin type. If you go to conquer the beaches, even if not yet under the scorching, but quite active sun, do not neglect the protection level of 50 SPF and update it every two hours.

Naturally, modern manufacturers offer a huge range of sunscreens of a completely different texture, which you need to choose according to the type of skin and your own preferences. As experience shows, textures of European brands are usually more dense. The ones that are produced in Japan and Korea are lighter, with a fluid texture. It is also worth paying attention to the composition of the funds. For example, one of the most common ingredients is a mineral filter zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. It has the ability to dry the skin, so many girls complain of a certain “tightness” after applying the product with an increased SPF factor. Therefore, in order to choose the perfect remedy for yourself, it is best to have a few probes with you, and then choose the most comfortable. By the way, the hardest thing is to choose good protection for owners of combination skin. Since their facial areas often require cosmetics with different textures. Those whose skin is prone to pigmentation should only consider the most dense textures. But the most important rule that all girls should remember, regardless of age, type and color of the skin, is that you need to enjoy the sun very moderately. And besides cosmetic sun protection, one should not ignore all available traditional means - a hat, an umbrella, glasses. Because beauty and health are identical concepts!

These 8 beauty tips will help prepare your body for the summer. In this case, you do not need to put a lot of effort and money into the process of improvement for the beach season.

Summer is coming soon, and this means that bathing suits will go, respectively, legs and arms will be opened.

During the winter, we tend to eat more and often skip the sports days of our calendar. British scientists have found that gaining weight in winter is actually part of the survival instinct inherited from our ancestors.

We have collected 8 tips that will help prepare the body for the summer.

1. Face skin


In winter, facial skin is more vulnerable: it is affected by frost, winds and temperature changes. Therefore, before the summer comes, take care of it. Forget too intense exfoliation procedures or any procedure that could damage your tired skin.

Instead, you can use homemade lotions to cleanse your face. In case you have oily skin, use lotions with parsley or rosemary. If it is dry, then chamomile is better.

2. The skin of your body


Low temperatures and heating in the apartment make our skin dry. Make sure you always moisturize your skin so that it looks smooth and healthy when you wear skirts, dresses and shorts. If you still don't have your favorite lotion, coconut oil is a very good natural moisturizer.

3. Bikini line


Wearing a swimsuit means everyone can see your bikini line. The easiest and most economical way to get rid of hair in this area is to shave. Unfortunately, this method can cause irritation and itching. Also, if you have a dark or thick bikini tone, black dots are almost always visible, especially after shaving.

Another option to get the perfect bikini line is to use wax. You can shave once every 1-2 months, depending on the speed of hair growth.

To eliminate dark circles in the bikini line, you should always moisturize this area after a shower. You can use special lotions that will prevent the appearance of ingrown hair, and they will also help in the fight against pigmentation in this area.

4. Armpits


If you want your armpits to look softer and your hair not to grow so fast, you can try this simple home-made organic whitening cream:


2 teaspoons of turmeric powder.
1 teaspoon of baking soda
3 teaspoons of honey
Juice from 1/2 lemon

Mix all the ingredients in a container until you get a thick texture.Before applying this cream, make sure your armpits are clean. ABOUTput the cream on for 20 minutes until it dries and then rinse.

5. Flat stomach


Having a flat stomach is key to looking good in a swimsuit.During training, you should pay attention to this area.

One of the most effective exercises is the "exercise with the ball."Lie on your back straight and put your hands under your head.Start by simply holding the ball over your body.Hold it on your chest and raise your legs, looking for the ball.Place the ball between your ankles and lower it to the floor, keeping your legs straight.

Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Boxing is also a great way to lose inches at your waist.Add it to your schedule.

6. Accumulated fat in the waist


To get rid of the accumulated fat in the waist, you can follow these simple exercises that can be easily done at home.

Dead bug

Repeat the exercise 10 times on each side.


Repeat the exercise 20 times on both sides.

7. Buttocks


Buttocks are the largest muscle group in the body. Working with them, you will not only make your butt great and exciting, but it will help you lose weight faster. Squats are a simple and effective exercise.

8. Diet

In addition to exercise, you must follow a healthy diet to stay fit. Make sure you drink enough water.

Increase your intake of natural diuretics such as cucumbers, lemon, green tea, etc. Try to reduce the amount of processed carbohydrates such as bread and pasta. In addition, you should reduce alcohol consumption because alcoholic beverages have many calories.

Bonus: accept your body


Remember that every person has uncertainty and no one is perfect. Focus on what you have and appreciate the work your body does for you. Learn to accept yourself physically and mentally and stop focusing on your weaknesses. Love yourself for who you are, and only worry about how to keep yourself healthy and happy.

How do you prepare for the summer? Have you ever tried any of these tricks? Or do you know others? Share your opinion with us in the comments below!

Summer is a time of relaxation not only for you, but also for your skin.

And so that in three warm months your face becomes only more beautiful and fresher, spare it all that is superfluous. More precisely, change your “heavy” winter care to a light, summer one.

And how to do it right and easy, dermatologists will tell.

Any cosmetologist will tell you: skin care in winter, in the offseason and in summer should be significantly different. After all, skin needs vary depending on temperature, humidity and other factors. So, as you change your wardrobe, you also need to update your makeup bag. And by the summer, experts recommend preparing in this way.

1. Set aside a dense moisturizer until fall

After all, the dense texture in combination with hot weather and sweating practically guarantees you not moisturization, but clogged pores and acne. Instead of this go to lotions and toners that are now fashionable  - it'll be enough. Especially if the composition appears hylauronic acidcapable of effectively retaining moisture. Well, for owners of oily skin, light matting will help control shine gels.

2.Add Antioxidants

In summer, the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation increases. In order not to enter the autumn with new wrinkles, take care of serum or serum with antioxidants in the composition. For instance, blueberry extract. Use a couple of drops after washing, and be sure to apply after ...

3. ... sunscreen

Yes Yes Yes. Rule number 1, which all dermatologists do not get tired of reminding. Without a layer of light sunscreen on your face, do not even leave the house. Especially if you are (not) a lot over thirty. This simple rule will effectively help delay the appearance of wrinkles. Proven by celebrities like Jennifer Lopez,  which at 47 looks stunning.

4.Less anti-aging products

At least high in content retinol  or fruit acids. And all because they effectively eliminate dead skin cells and trigger skin renewal processes. Which, in itself, is wonderful, but in summer it makes your face defenseless in front of the formidable rays of the sun. So use your favorite means of "age" only at night, and in the morning do not forget about sunscreen.

5. Choose slightly more “acidic” means for washing

Do you want your face to stay fresh longer and not shine treacherously even on a hot day? Then choose   cleansers with a pH slightly lower than 5.5. Look for information about this factor on the packaging or composition label.

6.Lighter, base!

We are sure: after the vacation the skin will be beautiful and rested and without a gram of foundation. But if you can not deny yourself the pleasure of makeup, at least put off the solid foundation until the fall. And in the summer, give preference to light CC creams(which, incidentally, have good sun protection) or mineral powder.

7. Make-up also applies.

Effectively cope with summer make-up and refresh the skin in the heat will help micellar water. A thick milk or butter will wait until the first cold weather.

Although, before the beginning of the calendar summer, formally, there was still a week, in fact the hottest season is already in full swing. We did not even have to wait on June 1 to start walking the main ones (ultrashort, and translucent). I would like to spend as much time as possible outdoors and arrange with friends an audit of all the fashionable terraces in the city. And finally, change “aristocratic pallor” to. Not sure if these are really good ideas for your defenseless skin. What needs to be done right now to enjoy the first rays of the sun, and not then suffer from their consequences?

Even if you tried very hard to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat balanced throughout the year, it's time to make a few changes to the diet. Provided that your goal is to take care of the skin and prepare it for a long stay in the sun. First of all, it is necessary to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamin C), which (apparently it is not by chance that this berry appears on sale first), kiwi, and carrots. But favorite pink tomatoes will have to, on the contrary, be limited - and increase inflammation on the skin.

Make easy peeling

The first thing to start global skin care with is. Thus, you will remove all dirt and dead particles that remain on the surface of the epidermis. Updated skin \u003d even bronze tan. No chemical treatments in the cabin (for them the sun is too active, strong pigmentation may begin)! perfectly cope with this mission and will not leave irritation.

Do not forget about hydration

Of course, you've heard this advice a hundred times! But if all spring from two mandatory liters of fluid per day, they continue to do so now - a crime against youth and health. Do not forget to drink more water, especially in the heat! For example, vitamin C ceases to be absorbed in the body. And by the way, we advise you to regularly refresh your face with thermal water, which instantly evaporates from its surface in summer. Perfectly strengthens the protective properties of the skin!

Prepare your skin for the sun

The skin should get used to the rapidly growing sun exposure gradually. Therefore, the first days in the heat (even if it is about 15 minutes outside in the center of the metropolis) use a special protective spray that strengthens the barrier properties of the epidermis and enhances its resistance to UV rays. I would like to remind you that the use of sunscreen is mandatory at any time of the year and in any street situation, and not just when you are on the beach or by the pool. Just don’t hope that such a tool will replace you with a moisturizer or serum - any skin care products should be applied first to the skin, and then tanning (the right products will not stain!) Into a regular routine, so that a) it is easier to undress on the beach (just remember this is a terrible feeling: everything around is dark-skinned, and you are red); b) get the perfect tan.

In order for the skin to be healthy and look good in the summer, it is necessary to take care of it both from the inside (saturating with water and proper nutrition) and from the outside (creams and lotions used at home, as well as peeling and masks).

   If at home we can do skin care in any free time, it is much more difficult to find a good cosmetologist who offers the services we are interested in at the right time for us.

In winter, our skin is exposed to strong winds and low temperatures, all this leads to the fact that the skin becomes dry, loses its elasticity and attractive color. Given that summer will start soon, it should be concluded that the time that we still have should be used as efficiently as possible to prepare the skin for higher temperatures and intense sunlight.

Where to begin

The care for the deeper layers of the skin consists mainly in saturating our body with moisture, this requires at least 8 glasses of water per day. It should be noted that throughout the year, water consumption should not be lower than this norm, and in summer we should drink even more water!

The next important recommendation is to provide the body with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, and to put it more simply, you need to eat right. As for home procedures, you need to remember to regularly apply creams and lotions, which affect mainly the surface layers of the skin.

Do peeling at home or in a beauty salon?

In order for the skin to better respond to the effects of a cream or mask, it should be cleaned of dead epidermal cells by peeling in a beauty salon. This procedure has therapeutic value, as it improves the functioning of the skin, which is affected by acne or too oily. In addition, the procedure improves the regeneration of aging skin, increases elasticity and firmness, smoothes fine wrinkles.

Beauty salons offer many types of peeling, one of the main is mechanical peeling, for example, microdermabrasion, that is, peeling of the epidermis with a special head with a diamond coating, or peeling using cavitation (which is called painless peeling), it consists in cleansing the skin air bubbles.

The other type is chemical peeling (chemistry with acids) and physical (using a laser). Despite the fact that peeling can be done at home, we recommend visiting a beauty salon, since too intense exposure to the skin, due to inexperience, can lead to discoloration of the skin, its inflammation and redness.

Cleansing and nourishing masks

To take care of the condition of the skin of the face, we must also regularly use masks. To do this, you can contact a cosmetologist or use homemade masks: there are two of their main types, cleansing and nourishing, they should be used in this order. The first type of mask not only removes dirt and excess sebum, but also exfoliate and remove dead cells, smooth the surface of the skin.

In turn, nourishing masks should be used only after you have cleaned your skin. They contain more active substances than face creams, therefore they affect the skin more intensively. It is worth noting that in cosmetic salons, special means are used to help active substances penetrate deeper than with normal rubbing. We are talking about the use of ultrasound (sonophoresis) or weak currents (galvanization method).

In any case, it is up to you to decide whether to give preference to home care methods or professional cosmetic procedures. It is only important to use all forces so that the skin is well prepared for the summer. By the way, the bright spring sun is already very intensively affecting the skin, so urgent measures are needed right now.